gumiwaka · 3 years
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Chapter 1 - Encounter
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Pairing: Imaushi Wakasa x f!reader
WC: 1.7k
Summary: Despite your very involved past with some of Tokyo’s well known gangs you managed to fade out of that picture and become the head Emergency Room Trauma Charge Nurse for one of Tokyo’s top trauma centers. One particular shift, fate decides to deliver your past right at your doorstep with a very reawakening encounter with none other than your high school sweetheart/ex boyfriend in a very critical state.
Tw/Cw: mentions of hospitals, blood, needles, physical injuries, gang violence, cussing, angsty past arguments/breakup, Wakasa having a personality break during a flashback
Notes: there will be NSFW chapters in the future so just a heads up also I just had to drag the suspense out a bit, just wait until you see the shit y/n used to partake back in the day
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“How’s your day going?” Your dark bagged framed eyes peered over your now cold coffee at the new emergency room technician. His warm cheerful attitude stuck out like a sore thumb in comparison to the rest of the current ER environment. Working at one of Tokyo’s top trauma centers never failed to produce a short staffed yet heavy flow workplace.
“Well, no one died.” You replied while placing the cheap styrofoam cup down on your desk. Just as you began walking away from the nurse’s station, you couldn’t help but let a small amused smirk escape your lips at the rookie’s response.
“Those are your standards?”
Unfortunately, with your history of being a paramedic, now nurse, human deaths slowly became somewhat meaningless to you. It became routine to see people slip away from this world. Maybe all the endless hours of exhaustion from constant overtime has finally dulled your brain into a somewhat state of numbness.
Just as you were about to slip into a patient’s room, a booming voice called out over the ER intercom. “Trauma alert, bay 2, eta 5 minutes…. Level 1 activation…” You immediately turned on your heel then made your way to the bay to prepare for the shit show that was about to be dropped off at your doorstep.
As you stepped in, your fellow coworkers were already frantically pulling out IV kits, trauma dressings, intubation supplies, the whole nine yards. Everyone was ready to swiftly intervene, stabilize, then move onto the next emergency.
“Charge Nurse L/N, EMS reports that we have a 29 year old male in critical condition incoming, critical injuries secondary to gang altercation.” One of the other nurses report aloud as you slip on nitrile gloves.
An irritated sigh left your lips while you assisted one of the technicians preparing the cardiac monitor. “These idiots need to chill the fuck out, that makes incident number eleven in the last eight hours.”
Before anymore side chat could begin, the ambulance bay doors burst open followed by two medics pushing in a very battered and bloodied body. The gears instantly started turning in your head, assessing the mess you had before you. Two apparent stab wounds to the upper abdomen, a handful of superficial gashes along both arms, countless bruises, and one very deformed right clavicle.
“Put pressure on those stab wounds, get X-ray in here, and page the trauma surgeon now.” You ordered as the team moved the unconscious male to the gurney. Without hesitation, you immediately kneeled down and began working on getting venous access. As you brushed his long matted lilac and blonde strands away your eyes widened at the sight of a very familiar three balled dangle earring. Before you could continue to process this rediscovery anymore, the privacy curtains swung open followed by a very authoritative deep voice.
“You guys better not kill him!”
That demanding voice was all it took to pull those deep buried memories back up to the surface. Akashi Takeomi was not only now in your ER being the asshole he is, but trying to intimidate your staff which are elbows deep in stabilizing the man before you.
Your head whipped around just after you secured the IV you established and bore an ever dark glare into the famous “god of war’s” eyes.
“Don’t you know who I am?” He immediately caught your intense glare and snapped.
“Yup, I just don’t care. Now get the hell out of my ER bay.” The words lashed out, gaze never faltering.
He froze on the spot, like a deer in headlights when he realized just who you were and without another word of protest he backed out and slid the curtain shut.
“Dang Charge Nurse L/N you’re really scary when you want to be.” One of the technicians chuckled as you gently removed the jewelry from the patient’s ear and placed in your scrub pocket.
“All that guy is good for is talking up a big game, just ignore him. Once you start running fluids on our patient here, take him straight to Dr. Tsubomi’s OR.” The young male nodded in response to your orders and resumed taping down one of the many gauze dressings.
Seeing that the brunt of the chaos has been controlled, you slid your dirtied gloves into the trash and allowed one last glance back at the unconscious man before stepping out of the trauma bay.
Small squeaks echoed off of the walls as your crocs scuffed across the tiled floor. Now that he was stabilized for the most part, your mind began to suddenly process just who was laying before you moments ago. The line of spherical beads sitting on your bare chest beneath your scrub top suddenly began to feel as if it were burning painful blisters into your flesh.
After looking around to make sure no one was watching, your hand snaked behind your waist and pushed down on the supply room door knob allowing your body to tumble into the empty space alone. As the door clicked shut, there was no hesitation as you pushed in the lock.
No call lights beeping, no cardiac monitors screaming, no crying voices…
Just pure silence…
With that, your hand reached down your top and yanked the beads clean from your neck allowing instant relief to come to your flushed skin.
Your body went limp and slid to the cold tile below while clutching the now broken necklace tight in your grasp followed by a small sniffle. The earring you had stashed in your pant pocket moments ago rolled out beside you.
“You just never will learn will you… Waka…”
A single tear trickled down your cheek as you picked up the earring and admired the smooth crimson finish. Then it hit you. When was the last time you actually cried and felt genuinely worried? It had to have been a few years at least… right?
Yeah… that’s right.. back when you both ended things for good that one night.
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“If I knew… If someone had told me the plan… You know I would have done things differently right?” Warm hands cupped your tear stained face bringing your infuriated conscious back to reality.
“This is real life! You don’t get to restart things when you make a mistake like that Imaushi!” Venomous words shot out in fury while you shoved his arm away refusing any last ditch comfort from him.
“Do you not feel any remorse for what you did to them? To me?”
If you didn’t think it was anymore possible to be even more pissed off, him standing there with a crazed grin was all it took to push you past that point. You couldn’t even fathom being the slightest bit scared of his old twisted personality slipping out. Knowing if he picked up on the smallest bit of fear leaking from you, it would be game over, simple as that.
“Is this a game to you?”
He remained silent, features never faltering as his blood stained body sunk down into the plush chair behind, and you watched as he leaned down to cradle his head fighting back an amused cackle.
“I don’t have a choice— I never had.” Lifeless lilac irises flickered up to your bloodshot scowl. For a second you could have sworn that a small plea for help etched his expression, but was instantly concealed by his hands coming up to rub his exhausted eyes. That alone brought you back down on your rollercoaster of emotions for the night and once again, painful tears rimmed your eyes and began to fall down your flushed cheeks.
Silence filled your shared apartment as tears continued to quietly drip off your chin onto the laminate floor below.
“I still believe there is a good person in you.”
With those final words spoken, you walked out of the home you both built together and never looked back, leaving all the worry you had for the man you loved at the front door.
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The loud ringing of your pager yanked you out of your running thoughts and caused you to shoot up straight to your feet. Looking down, you read the incoming message rolling across the screen.
‘Trauma bay 2 out of surgery, stable, in recovery room 456’
A wave of relief coursed through your veins after reading the news. Wiping your face with one of your sleeves, you pocketed the reunited pair of charms and made your way out of the supply room and towards the room where Wakasa was now resting peacefully.
Thankfully he can’t have visitors just yet since he’s still coming off of anesthesia so it wouldn’t hurt to check in on him right?
Just a quick in and out before he wakes up will be enough.
Hesitantly you stood in front of the door dividing you both. This wasn’t like you, being weary about entering a patient’s room. Letting out a sigh and relaxing your mind the best you could, quietly you slipped inside and shut the door.
There he was… sleeping soundly not aware of a single thing going on. Earlier when he came in, he was hardly recognizable. Now that he has been cleaned and fixed up for the most part, it was hard to not just admire the man. Despite the deep purple bruises covering an array of his gentle face, he was still absolutely breathtaking.
Mesmerized by his beauty, you thoughtlessly reached for his face and gently brushed back his blonde locks. In reaction to your touch, long elegant eyelashes slowly fluttered open without you noticing. It took a familiar raspy voice calling out to pull you from your trance.
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Please do not repost my work, that’s stealing mmkay~
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