Rec: “i thank my wicked dreams” by frankie_31. It just updated and it’s 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Stiles Stilinski didn’t ever dream of working in the basement of an online adult film agency. But it pays the bills (and then some) and it keeps him from sitting alone in the same apartment he’s had since freshman year at Beacon Community. He’s resigned to slugging away at data reports and payroll for the rest of his life.
Then change comes in the form of a nosy, bespectacled kid. By returning the child to his boss, Peter Hale, Stiles is drawn into the complicated and secretive lives of the Hale family. All of the Hales keep secrets but none so much as the black sheep of the family, Peter. Stiles can’t help but begin unraveling the gilded threads that keep the Hales suspended in the upper echelons — if not to understand them, then to understand Peter.
Peter makes Stiles feel alive for the first time in a long time. The Hales make Stiles feel wanted. How could Stiles ever resist?
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Another fic by frankie_31 that I would like to rec is “bending back.” It’s actually the fic that got me into Steter so it holds a very special place in my heart 🥺
Stiles is coasting through his life now that Beacon Hills no longer has a monster infestation problem. Bored and exhausted by normal life, Stiles goes to bed one night and wakes up the morning before Scott was bitten by a rabid Peter Hale.
With a second shot at happy, Stiles fully embraces rigging the past to work in his favor. He starts with saving Laura Hale’s life. This change throws everything in the air and leaves Stiles with more moving parts than he expected. Pair that with a Peter who is still grappling with his sanity and the fact that Stiles’ ex-boyfriend is now a 19 year old emo kid and one wonders if fate really can be changed.
**As of 10/16/21, this story has been edited and cleaned up. There have also been some minor additions to older chapters.**
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What about people who don't post on AO3?
Any source is welcome! Wattpad/tumblr/ffn/dreamwidth all can be submitted :)
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Teen Wolf is coming back for a movie! Let's hope that we get some good Peter and Stiles interactions.
In celebration, share some of your favorite post-canon Steter fics!!
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Teen Wolf is coming back for a movie! Let's hope that we get some good Peter and Stiles interactions.
In celebration, share some of your favorite post-canon Steter fics!!
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I know this is a recent fic from the Steter Bang but it was an instant favorite and re read for me. It’s got pirates, high sea chases, and non human Stiles done so well! Plus there is gorgeous artwork!
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Rec: the “What Light Cannot Repair” series by FicBaal (ArtisticEntropy) (current part being written is called “Stirring Shadows”). Part one and the first part of part two don’t really have a ton of slash but they’re worth reading still! The series is currently on part three and it’s a WIP but it’s one of the top three fics I’m currently most stoked to get an update notification on!
mod note: this fic has been recced previously but not by this submitter and because the blog is meant to share appreciation to creators, we will allow "duplicate" recs when they include the submitter sharing details about how they enjoy the fanwork, though it's encouraged for submitters to check to see if a fanwork they want to submit has already been submitted or not already
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This fic is short but sweet (with a WIP sequel). Peter is smitten, kid!Stiles is adorable!
What Does It Mean? (it means that you're mine) by IWantYouInMyLife
Stiles is lost. Peter has cookies.
mod note: I am going to give a CW that this fic because it has elements in it that are akin to grooming and are untagged. I don’t think that was the intention of the author, but I don’t want anyone to unexpectedly get triggered.
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I’d like to rec: Panties in a Pinch by lostwithoutmyanchor (mysourwolf) 😊
Panties in a Pinch
Prompt: Dopplegangers at a reststop and panty kink --- “Babe,” the guy says and woah. Stiles’ mouth drops open as he stumbles, being pulled against the man’s chest. Usually Stiles would kick a guy in the balls for that sort of thing but the man in front of him looks like a walking wet dream. It’s been forever since he had any kind of action and he’s wearing his best pair of panties so who can blame him for giving a cocky grin and replying “Hey there, hot-guy."
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I’d like to rec: A Merry War by vMures 😊
A Merry War
After his dad suffers an injury at work, Stiles decides to take his step-dad up on the offer to co-run his training gym. It’s weird to be back in Beacon Hills after all this time, but one thing is for sure--the Hales are every bit as gorgeous and weird as he remembers. He’d been content to ponder their weirdness from afar, just as he’d done as a kid. But then he meets Peter and he can’t decide if he’d rather climb the man like a tree or strangle him with one of his outrageously expensive neck-ties.
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I would like to rec “Returning Home” by @darkjediqueen
One of my fav girl!Stiles fics!
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Hey! I adore this idea 😄 can I submit my favorite comfort fic? Babcia by cathcer1984 🥰🥰
Somehow Peter becomes friends with a old lady who visits the courts for entertainment. Then her grandson arrives and Peter is just as smitten. Not that he'd admit it.
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Another rec! “The Striking Complication” by aurevell. The premise of this fic is like 🤯🤯🤯. It’s amazing!!
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I would like to rec “Life Expectancy” by thatsahottake. I’ve never read a fic that’s made me feel so firmly on Peter’s side and like all of his actions were 100% justified lol
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"If Control is Not Enough" by @rinzi​ https://archiveofourown.org/works/16831393/chapters/40136783 
Stiles doesn't talk about the darkness around his heart. He doesn't talk about the nogitsune that possessed him or the young man he killed. He doesn't talk about the night he said he didn't want to be a monster like Peter Hale. He doesn't talk about how Peter said he was lying.
Or, at least, he didn't when he was human.
“It's an excellent "Peter helps Stiles after he's bitten" story set post nogitsune, which is a fun take on it, and the struggle he has finding an anchor while dealing with the trauma from his possession is really interesting.”
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Submitting Like an Arrow By Wynnebat
Like an Arrow by @wynnefic
After the war, Stiles means to return to the countryside and never see an alpha again if he doesn't have to. But when his freedoms as an omega are in peril, along comes his former commanding officer with a proposal better than any Stiles has heard, except that it doesn't include words of love.
Stiles hardly trusts himself not to reveal his feelings to a man who doesn't feel the same way. After all, if Peter were interested, surely he would have made his move years ago...
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Will you be sharing all recs you receive? Or will you be filtering/choosing what you accept?
We'll do a check to make sure that they're from smaller creators but we're not planning on filtering by content or anything. As long as the fic is focused on Steter and fits the criteria of being from a small creator, it'll be posted!
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