#tokyp revengers baji
staystraykay · 2 years
How Did You Meet Mom? (Baji Keisuke)
FT: Baji X Reader
CW: Fluff, funny, cussing. Very PG
A/N: This is the first chapter in the 'The Story of Us-Baji Keisuke' addition. So welcome aboard. This is the chapter of how you met.
Sit back, relax, grab you a drink, and welcome aboard this ride!
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"Daddy!" A little girl squealed as she came running out of her room.
Kisame, your daughter, had woken up from her nap earlier than you had planned. You had wanted to spend a couple hours alone with your husband once he got home, hence why you had pushed her and her brother's naps back so late. You were lucky enough to get at least a half hour of couch cuddles before she had come barreling in. Kai was sleepily following in behind her, still rubbing his eyes and clutching onto his cat plushie-the one Chifuyu had dubbed the fake Peke J.
"Hey Princess," Keisuke grinned, shifting on the couch to hold his arms out.
While your son climbed into your lap quietly, resting his head on your shoulder, you daughter clung to her father's neck. She was truly a daddy's girl. Once he got home it was like you didn't exist at all. Kai was quiet when he woke up. His mind needed a few minutes to catch up after his eyes opened. Kisa on the other hand was up and ready the second her pretty green eyes opened up.
"You have a good day?" Keisuke asked as Kisame finally sat down on his lap. Her mess of black hair bouncing as she nodded her head quickly. "What do you?" Your husband grinned as she started to tell him all about the finger painting she did and the sesame street she watched.
"Yeah, your little princess tried finger painting my kitchen walls today." You mocked a scold as you wiggled a finger into her neck, tickling the little girl into a fit of laughter.
"Better than Kai playing with the lighter!" She pointed a little finger to her brother who in all his tiredness just glared at his sister before snuggling his head further into you shoulder.
"He wasn't playing, Kisa. He was lighting a candle." You groan for the thousandth time that day.
She huffed and turned her attention back to her favorite person. "Daddy, how did you meet mommy?" She cooed, her big green eyes looking up in wonder at her father. You had tried to tell her before, but she never stayed still long enough for you, or she asked as a nighttime story and fell asleep before you could really get it out.
"Why you wanna know that?" Keisuke chuckled, pushing her bedhead hair out of her face.
She shrugged her small shoulders. "Just wanna know."
"Well, I didn't meet mommy until I was a little older than you." He bopped her nose, starting his version of the story. You could almost see it as he did.
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You were about eleven when you met Keisuke. And it was by accident. It wasn't like you went to the same elementary school or you attended the same dojo he had. No, you hadn't known he ever existed until you had been invite to spend the night over at Emma's.
You had been friends with Emma for years. You'd met Mikey a few times, and Shinny had always been around when you and Emma hung out at her house. You had never really been allowed to spend the night before though. You parents were a little overbearing that way. At the time you hadn't been allowed to go many places.
You had begged and pleaded with your parents to let you spend the night. It was Emma's birthday and even though she wasn't going to have some major slumber party with a bunch of girls, the two of you knew you could have some fun. You had cleaned the whole house and made sure to get all A's on your report card, and then begged for days.
When they said yes you and Emma jumped and squealed. It wasn't like the two of you had many friends. Neither of you were into very many girly things, and neither of you liked the girls in your class anyways.
"I can't believe they said yes!" Emma cheered as she helped you take your bags to her room.
"I know." You giggled behind her.
Once the two of you had dropped all your things into her room, you rushed out to the garage where Shinichiro had been. He had promised to take you to the movies for Emma's birthday. Both of you had made sure to wear your cute skirts and best shirts. You were eleven, and boys were big on the brain those days. Both of you were hoping in naive innocence to meet some guys at the theater.
"I'm sorry girls. I have to meet Wakasa in a little while." He said as he hung his head. He had forgotten he had promised when he told Waka he'd go bike riding with him that afternoon. Both you and Emma hung your heads in disappointment. You both had been so excited.
"Come on, Shinichiro! You promised." Emma whined. In all fairness it was her birthday, and Shinichiro had promised to take you.
He sighed and shook his head. "I don't even have to car, Emma. And both of you can't fit on the bike." He shrugged and stood up. "I can take the two of you tomorrow, but that's the best I can do."
As Emma went to complain some more you heard the garage door crack open, and a myriad of voices coming down the small hall from the door to the actual garage. You turned to look over your shoulder as you saw Mikey laughing at whoever was falling in behind him.
"What's going on in here?" Mikey asked, a mocking tone in his voice as he saw his sister whining. Emma rolled her eyes and looked back to Shinichiro.
"Shin promised to take me and Y/N to the movies for my birthday and he forgot." She snipped, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I told you, Emma-" As the three siblings went back and forth you looked at the group of boys who had followed Mikey into the garage. You had no idea who they were then.
Draken even as a thirteen-year-old stood at a near six foot tall, and his hair wasn't long enough for his braid that he would have a few years later. It was pulled back into a small ponytail, his dragon tattoo on full display. At the time, he intimidated you. Only delinquents and yakuza had tattoos.
Mitsuya was always kind. Even then just one look at him and something about him seemed softer than the rest. You could still see his tattoo, and even though that made you a bit uneasy, something about his presence made you less intimiadated.
Kazutora was the next you saw. His black hair pushed back and styled in a way you had only seen local delinquent gang member's wear. And you couldn't miss the massive tribal tiger on his neck. His eyes were wide and wild, and even though he looked like a crazy person, he seemed nice.
Baji was the last one you saw. The first time you ever saw him you could only think he looked oddly normal compared to the guys he was standing amongst. And then you saw the grin and the fang. The second you saw him your pre-teen heart skipped a beat. With his messy black hair and mischievous bronze eyes and that grin. The childhood crush formed right then and there.
"Well, why don't we take 'em?" You heard Draken offer. In that second Baji had caught you looking at him and you turned quickly, attempting to hide the blush creeping across your face.
"Huh?" Mikey and Emma both turned to the nearly six foot tall boy.
He shrugged and said, "We were looking for something to do anyways. And we wouldn't want Emma's birthday to be ruined." He smirked in only a way you could explain as a 'bad boy' grin. "What'd ya say, Emma?"
You watched as your friend's face grew wide with a grin and her eyes gleam. You had heard her mention her crush on one of her brother's friends, but she had never said what he looked like let alone his name. You knew which one it was in that second.
"Really?" She nearly sang.
Draken looked to the other guys who seemed to shrug and agree before looking to Mikey. "Everyone's ok with it, Mikey."
Mikey groaned and looked over at you and Emma. With a roll of his eyes, he grins and says, "A movie sounds fun."
"Ok, let me get you guys some money." Shinichiro let out a sigh of relief and walked inside to find some spare cash he or Grandpa Sano had laying around.
"Thank you, Mikey!" Emma cheered and hugged her brother. "Thank you too, Draken." She smiled brightly up at him, probably wanting to hug him too.
"So, what're we seeing?" Kazutora smirked as he shoved his fists into his pockets.
"Nothing chick-flick please!" Baji added just before Mitsuya jabbed an elbow into his and Kazutora's sides.
"We are fine with whatever you want to watch, Emma. Since it's your birthday and all."
She tapped a finger to her lips to think. We hadn't really thought about what would watch yet. We were going to decide once we had gotten there with Shin. She typically the action movie type, like Rambo and Fast and The Furious. But nothing of that genre looked any good when we had looked them up.
"They're still showing 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' at the theater, I think. I haven't gotten to see that one."
"A horror?" Both Kazutora and Mitsuya gapped.
"Sounds good to me." Draken shrugged.
Baji looked like he suspected the real reason she wanted to see a thriller/horror flick. So that when she got 'scared' she had an excuse to fling herself into Draken's arms. He didn't say anything though. Just laughed under his breath.
"You good with a horror flick, sweetness?"
"Kazutora, leave Y/N alone." Emma scolded, flashing him a pointed glare.
He grinned and held his hands up in defense. "What? I was just askin', and I didn't know her name."
"Y/N." You said nervously, looking down at your feet.
"I like that name." Kazutora winked just before Baji swatted the back of his head.
"Leave 'er alone."
"Y/N, this is ass is Kazutora, and the little vampire is Baji." Emma introduced. Kazutora winked and Baji flashed a small grin. "Over here is Mitsuya-he's nicer than the others. Better manners too." Mitsuya blushed and thanked Emma for the compliment. "The giant is Draken, and you know my brother."
You gave a weak 'Hi' and a small wave. Emma led everyone outside after that. Hoping on the back of Mikey's bike, Emma looked at you as you stood awkwardly looking at all the bikes and all the boys to ride with.
"You want to ride with Mikey?" She asked concerned. She hadn't thought about who you'd ride with or let alone that outside of Mikey, you had just met all these guys.
You shook your head. "No, it's fine. I'll ride with whoever." You didn't want to be a burden or cause any type of awkwardness. So, you'd ride with whoever volunteered.
"Hope on."
You looked just over your shoulder and in that moment, you were sure God had blessed you. Because it had been the handsome Baji who volunteered himself to drive you. You nodded and he carefully helped you on and handed you a helmet to wear before revving the engine and kicking the stand up.
Taking both your hands from behind him, he wrapped your arms around his middle. "Hold on tight." He squeezed your hands, making sure you clasped them together, before taking off.
Your heart was racing the whole trip, and you were sure if it was the bike or Baji that was causing it. Most likely the ladder. You tightened your grip around him and buried your face into his back as he turned a sharp corner behind Draken and Mikey. You could feel the chuckle that rippled through his body.
"Hey, Baji!" You heard one of the boys call from just off to the side of you.
"Yeah?" He called out, the wind muffling his voice slightly.
"What's it like having a Backseat Bunny?" You heard one laugh, and the quick temper you had seemed to kick in. You flicked the bird to who you assumed was Kazutora, earning a ripple of laughs as we pulled to a redlight.
Baji chuckled as he looked back at you then Kazutora to his side. "I don't think she liked that very much, Tora."
"I guess not." He rolled his eyes.
You glared before hiding your face once again as the light turned green and the boys treated it like a street race light. By the time you pulled into the theater parking lot you were slightly shaky. Baji was kind enough to help you off the bike and with your helmet as you had already tried to click the strap.
"It gets stuck sometimes. I've gotta get a new one." He said nervously as his fingers fumbled with the strap for a minute.
"It's ok." You smiled slightly as you saw the small blush forming on his cheeks.
"I think Baji's got a girlfriend." Kazutora teased again just as Baji got the helmet unfastened and off your head.
As soon as he removed it from your head, you turned to side kick Kazutora in the head. Lucky him, he dodged it just in time.
"Woah now!" He yelped.
"I think you pissed her off, Tora." Baji chuckled from behind you.
"Will you leave me alone!" You snapped at the dark headed boy before turning on your heels and strutting to Emma. "Come on, Birthday Girl." You smirked and linked arms with your friend.
"Hey, Mikey, who is she?" You heard Draken ask under his breath.
"Emma's friend from school." Mikey shrugged carelessly.
"Bitch needed to learn to take a joke." Kazutora muttered angrily.
You heard Baji chuckle before saying, "She's got one hell of a kick. She's badass if you ask me."
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"-and I knew right then your mommy was the coolest girl I'd ever met." Keisuke finished, pinching your daughter's cheek. "And about ten years later you and your brother came along." He booped her nose, making Kisame giggle.
"Mommy kicked Uncle Tora in the head?" Kai yawned, looking up at you in shock.
"Almost kicked Uncle Tora in the head." You corrected. "And he deserved it." You shrugged, looking up at your husband who still gave you that grin that made your knees buckle the same way they had when you were eleven years old.
"Still badass." He said softly to you with a wink. He leaned over and gave you a small kiss, both your kids gagging at the sight.
"Mmm, and you still give me butterflies." You whispered back.
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glorious-imagines · 2 years
How they respond to: The moon is beautiful, isn't it?
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I just be bored sometimes.
Also if you don't get the phrase, a quick google search of the phrase will help.
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