#told them to go farm f/go if you wanna waste time
saeraas · 8 months
god gives the strongest battles to his strongest soldiers (telling a fate fan who can't read between lines in jjk that shoko is a very important healer and loves to use yuta as a way to bring her down when it has been mentioned time and time again that she's better at it than gojo on other people and has factually healed more people than yuta)
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years
Chapter 13: Thinking of You
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Putting your phone down on the wooden table, you groan in frustration. The piling paperwork and dating life are two different things but are both giving you too much stress. A lot of friends and colleagues had adviced you to stay single and focus on work, but Yaku is right.
You’re meeting all these people just to forget that you met him.
Kita was far from your ideal type. He wasn’t tall. He wasn’t rich. He didn’t give you expesive gifts every day. But he still managed to make you think that he’s the perfect man.
No matter how hard you try not you, you still compare every guy you’ve dated to Kita. He set the bars so high, that even you can’t see the top of it.
You are so desperate to forget Kita that you started dating all these boys and thought that maybe one of them can make you forget him. Relationships only lasted for a day or the most is a week. You’re getting a bad name in industry, but you don’t care.
“Hi, I’m (L/N) (F/N). Nice to meet you.” You introduce yourself to the pilot as you sit on the dinner table he reserved. You take in his appearance and he’s a 10/10. He has blonde hair and golden eyes, and very long lashes. He has wide shoulders and even under his suit, you can tell that he’s well-built.
“Kise,” he answers, flashing a smile your way. 
‘One of those charmers...’ You think as you check him out once again. You’re looking through the menu when the man in front of you clears his throat uncomfortably, catching your attention. “If you don’t want to continue this day, just say so.”
“It’s not that. I just don’t feel comfortable acting fancy and all that,” Kise remarks, loosening the tie around his collar.
“Then let’s go somewhere else,” you tell him reassuringly. The waitress waiting for your orders stand their awkwardly, witnessing how the restaurant will lose a customer just like that. “Miss, order anything you want in this menu. I’ll pay for it.”
“Ah, it’s okay,” the waitress stutters, taking the menu from you and Kise.
“I insist,” you tell her before standing up from your seat. After paying for the waitress’s meal, you and Kise head to his car. He attempts to help you put it on but you do it before he can. “So where do you wanna go?”
Kise looks out of his window shyly before giving you an answer. “I wanted to cook for you...”
“Okay, then bring me to your house?” You chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. The tense that was all over your date’s finally disappears as he brightly smiles at you.
“You’re kinder than from I’ve heard,” he confesses and starts the engine of his car. “I have this recipe I learned from a great friend...”
Kise rambles on about the most random things until you two reach the parking lot of his apartment. Just like he said, he cooked for you. You sit at the dining table as you wait for him to finish cooking. Staring at him from the angle, you remember Kita teaching you how to cook rice.
“How many cups of rice do I need?” You asked him, staring at the sack of rice once again. Kita scooped two cups of rice then put it at the pot.
“After that, you clean the rice by soaking it in water at least twice,” Kita instructed, putting two fingers up. You nodded, following through. “Then you strain the dirty water out. After that use your finger to measure the water. It has to reach the second line on your finger.”
Kita took your hand and dipped your finger in the water. You blushed furiously, containing your squeals from the sudden contact with your crush. After going through the whole process, he made you repeat his steps in making rice.
“And that’s how you cook rice.”
“Hey, (Y/N), it’s time to eat.” Kise shakes his hand in front of your face so you go back to your senses. You nod at him with an sorry smile then start eating. “Does it taste good?”
“It’s spicy,” you tell Kise softly. He stops eating and grabs milk from his refrigerator.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know. But do you like the taste?” Kise asks you, and you just nod. 
“Tell me if you want to adjust any taste or something,” Kita said after you took a bite of the meal. It was your first breakfast together and the first time he cooked for you since Osamu prepared food the night before.
“It tastes good but I don’t really like spicy food,” you answered, taking a sip of water from your glass due to the spiciness of the dish. Kita noticed the discomfort in your face so he stood up and went back to the kitchen to make a new dish for you. “It’s okay. I can take the spice.”
“No. I want you to eat to your heart’s content,” Kita stated, causing you to smile. “If you’re craving for anything, tell me okay?”
“So how’s work?” Kise changes the topic.
You sigh from the spiciness, but continue to eat anyways, not wanting to waste the blonde’s efforts. “It’s tiring, but it’s bearable.”
“Work is hard nowadays,” Kise complains back. “I wish to take a break sometimes, but then I can’t.”
“Why not?” You continue to ask, seeking for an answer that will determine if you like him or not.
“Because I need money to take you out in our future dates,” he answers mischievously, causing you to raise an eyebrow at him. “Though I’m not really enjoying my job-”
You cut him off midsentence. “Then why did you become a pilot?”
“Because it earns a lot of money is looked up to by anymore.”
“Babe...” You called the grey haired man as you laid on the back of his truck. You went with him and Rice to the farm since you didn’t have anything to do. “Atsumu told me you the top university offered you scholarship to college, why didn’t you take it?”
“Because I want to be a farmer,” Kita simply answered. He took the towel hanging around Rice’s neck and wiped the back of his neck using it. Sitting up from your position, you continued to ask him questions.
“No particular reason. I just enjoy it and it helps other people,” Kita replied to you. You put on the spare boots that lying on the corner of the trunk and went over to him. “Do you want to help?”
“Yes, since I want to learn about the things that make you happy,” you told him confidently and he just let out a soft chuckle.
“Then maybe I should learn how to vlog, too.”
Your date with Kise goes on. The two of you finished dinner so he takes out a bottle of white wine.  After several of glasses, Kise scoots close to you.
“(Y/N), I know it’s just our first date, but I really like you,” Kise confesses, scooting close to you. Scoffing, you face him. “I’m serious.”
Kise leans in you and allow him to close the gap between the two of you, his lips colliding with yours.
It was your first breakfast as a couple and being the romantic person that you are, you woke up before him to make him lunch. Rice lied down the kitchen floor, confused on why it’s you cooking and not his father. You gave him his food before going back to making your boyfriend’s lunch.
“You’re just grilling a sausage, don’t fail this,” you muttered to yourself as you roll the said sausage on the pan with so much concentration. You felt arms wrap around you so you flinched in shock, almost dropping the ladle you were holding.
“Good morning,” Kita chuckled, placing his chin on your shoulder. “I should have asked you out the moment you got here if I knew that I would not make breakfast every morning.”
“Good morning, baby,” you giggled, turning off the stove to face him. “How was your sleep?”
“It was not that great since I didn’t see you when I woke up,” Kita answered, causing you to snort. “What?”
“You’ve become cheesy,” you stuck your tongue out, teasingly. Kita quickly moved his body forward, taking your tongue in his mouth. You pushed him away, gasping then laughing. “Babe, what!”
Kita let out a laugh, pulling your body closer again. He leaned his forehead on yours, his grip on your hips tightening. He’s staring at your eyes intensely but lovingly. “If you keep staring at me like that I might think you’re in love with me,” you joke.
Kita just smiled at you then pulled you in for a kiss. You placed your arms on shoulders, letting him kiss you deeper. His lips were soft but moved roughly. His hold was secure but dangerous. He was gentle with you but he was had a strong aura. He made you smile with his pure intentions, and made you moan with his sensual touches. He made you squeal like it was your first time to be in love, but he could also make you cry as if it’s your last time to experience love.
Kita was the best of both worlds. He was the calming moon, and the blazing sun. He was the cold night, and the warming morning. He was the sunrise that said hello, and the sunset that told you good bye.
You were in an axis. You have witnessed all the different planets and met all these people, to try to run away from him. But wherever you travel, you still see him. Maybe because he was not only both worlds, but rather the whole universe.
You are stuck in his axis. You’re sure of it, because even if someone else is holding you, your body craves for his touch. Though someone else is kissing you, your lips want to feel Kita’s. Someone else is making you smile, but only because you remember your happy moments with Kita. No matter who you’re with, you’re only thinking of him.
You push Kise away, thoughts about Kita flooding in your mind. “I’m sorry. I can’t do this.”
“Was I moving too fast?” Kise awkwardly asks, moving away from you.
“It’s not that,” you tell him, thinking of a reason to get out of the situation. Kise then giggles, scratching the back of his neck, so your attention goes to him.
“Is it someone then?” Kise questions, tilting his head to the side. You lower head, nodding shyly and gripping on the hem of your skirt. “That’s hard. Care to share? It looks like a serious case of not being able to move on.”
You chuckle at his statement. “I guess it is since we didn’t have proper closure.”
“Now, that’s complicated,” Kise hums as if he had not kissed you just minutes ago. “But it seems like you don’t seek closure.”
“Do I look like someone who’ll not be able to move on for years?” You sigh and Kise shakes his head.
“You look like you want to get back with him.”
An hour or two of just talking about your exes, you finally say goodbye to Kise. You feel in ease after talking to someone about your situation. Admitting that you are still into Kita is painful but you needed to let it out.
You head to Alisa’s house, where you dropped Rice off. You talk about your date for a while before you head back home. Your driver picks you up just outside Alisa’s apartment. Rice settles on your lap, comfortably sleeping. And then your heart sinks thinking about your dog.
Rice has changed his job from running in the fields to carry Kita’s towel to walking around the office to get paperwork for you. He’s a hardworking dog whose happiness comes from your smile.
Rice works hard. He has a schedule he follows like its a ritual. He’s caring. He’s smaller from other dogs but his dominance shows. He’s loyal to you. He loves you more than anyone in this word.
Rice is your little Kita.
Aside from you and Kita, Rice had a hard time coping up with your separation. The first month, Rice wasn’t able to eat properly since he missed Kita. You thought that a year would make him forget about Kita, but no.
Rice grabs a random towel every morning then head to the front door, a habit he picked up from going with Kita to the farm almost every day. He waits for Kita at the door every night. Every time you go for a drive and pass by a field, he barks and wags his tail excitedly.
It was painful to watch Rice long for Kita. Because unlike you who can speak and let your emotions out, Rice can’t. All he can do is do the same thing over and over again every day and night, until Kita finally shows up at the door. You both are.
“Do you miss your dad?” You ask Rice and he sits up excitedly. He stands on his back legs and his front paws are on your chest, giving you kisses all over your face. “I miss him, too.” As Rice whimpers from the word dad, an idea comes into your mind.
You know you’ll regret the idea, maybe you’ll even hate yourself for it, but you’ve already risked enough for Kita. So just go all the way. Take that fall. How much damage can be done?
“Head to the airport,” you say to your driver. He looks at you questionably but follows your order anyways. You call your secretary and tell her to book a flight going to Kobe and send a copy of Rice’s papers to travel.
As you arrive at the airport, the staff of the airline company you booked in assisted you and Rice to the plane. You turn your phone off, not wanting to receive any messages or calls from anyone. Checking the time, you realize it’s already 10PM, so you’ll be arriving at Kita’s house around 1AM.
You don’t care. You’ll wake him up. Kita needs to hear what you’ve been wanting to tell him for a year.
The flight to Kobe is fast, considering that you fell asleep in the plane due to the alcohol you drank prior to this sudden flight. Rice is dead asleep in his carrier. You take a cab going to Kita’s far. Your heart is pounding way too hard that you can feel your brain vibrating. You want to back out but you’re already too late. The driver has dropped you off the familiar house.
Rice barks at the door, thrilled to be home. You stand there for 10 minutes with still no response. Finally, you hear footsteps coming to the front door. The door finally slides open, revealing the man you’ve been longing for the most.
“(Y/N)?” Kita asks in confusion. Rice jumps to him, and Kita picks him up excitedly but unsurely. “I thought I was hearing things. Why are you here? At 1AM?”
“I was thinking of you.”
“(Y/N) I-”
“No. Let me finish. I’m not sure if you still like me or not, or if you’re dating someone. But I want you to know that I have forgiven you from the whole Ayako incident. I don’t care anymore about what happened to two of you that day. I also don’t mind if you didn’t have feelings for me that time. But I just want to say that I loved you from the moment I saw you in that video. Maybe I still love you until now. And I’ve been thinking of you every day, every moment ever since I met you. I love you so bad that if you ask me to marry you right now, I would. But I know you wouldn’t so it’s okay. I’m willing to give you my whole life. But I’m not asking you to like me back again or-” you ramble, your mind not even thinking of the words that’s coming out of your mouth.
“(Y/N).” Kita stops you, his voice sounding serious.
“Yes?” You’re preparing yourself to be rejected. You have been expecting it since you decided to book a flight going to him. But at least you’ve told him everything you wanted. You can live in peace, knowing that you have nothing left to regret.
“Can we sleep first?” Kita deadpans and your heart flutters, instead of hurting. He’s still the same person you fell in love with, the same man who broke your heart and changed your whole life.
“Yeah. Sorry,” you apologize, unsure of what to do next. “I’ll call a cab. Sorry for disturbing you. I won’t bother you ever again. I’ll take my leave.”
“No. No. You sleep here.” His words came out as an order, not a suggestion, so you just agree.
“Really? I feel guilty for showing up at 1AM. I really don’t mind leaving,” you try to argue, but Kita takes your hand and brings you inside. You then notice that Rice is already inside of the house, his eyes begging you to go sleep.
“Yeah, you should stay here. We have a wedding to plan tomorrow after all.”
note: was in a good mood so :>
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reinahwanggg · 4 years
𝒟𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔, 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝒥𝑒𝑜𝓃𝑔𝑔𝓊𝓀
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⇸ i feel like he’s someone who wouldn’t wanna confess.
⇸ like, he’s so content with just watching you from afar.
⇸ how you love the little things, capturing the world with your camera.
⇸ he practically joined photography for you. came for y/n, stayed for the fun.
⇸ it was purely an accidental confession.
⇸ you know those stupid ones where the main character is staring at their crush and blurt out how ethereal they looked?
⇸ that was gguk but like, not in a whisper. 
⇸ poor boy yelled out your name and how much he loved you after he saw you laughing with your friends during photography.
⇸ he had the whole class staring at him, including you, and he wanted to D I E
⇸ dude basically screamed out that he wished he had the privilege to marry your laugh. that’s lit rally embarrassing luv. 
⇸ after class, you stayed behind and walked up to him. (lol, ᶦⁿᶦᵗᶦᵃᵗᵉ ᵐᵉⁿᵗᵃˡ ᵇʳᵉᵃᵏᵈᵒʷⁿ ʰᵉʳᵉ) 
⇸ dude felt like shitting his pants. you were much prettier up close. you smiled at him, a bit too wide and stuttered out that you wanted to marry his voice.
⇸ dude panicked and said “why don’t we just marry each other?” and he probably did shit his pants that day, who knows? 
⇸ you smiled, and jokingly you told him “bring me an engagement ring, and i’ll think about it.”
⇸ bright and early the next morning, he handed you a small box and ran out of the classroom. 
⇸ cutest confession ever.
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⇸ jeongguk was obviously so eager to do everything with you, hold your hand, hug you, take you out on dates, just, anything he can do with and for you.
⇸ hugest simp on the block.
⇸ would literally bend over backwards just to see you smile.
⇸ you, being the lover of little things that you are, would always fix his collar, file his nails, get him banana milk when he steps on campus after long hours of editing. make him breakfast. fiddle with his hair, take pictures of him from a distance to create that weird silhouette effect thing.
⇸ unintentionally, in terms of skinship, it went hella slow.
⇸ you guys didn’t hold hands until a month and a half in, when he wanted you to stay close to him during the annual club fair.
⇸ you didn’t hug until a week afterwards, when he was leaving to go back to Busan for the break.
⇸ and you didn’t even hug as much afterwards. you guys would just stare at each other, so content, yet a feeling, a yearning for the other’s touch was evident in your eyes.
⇸ you guys would go on weekly dates. study dates, picnics, amusement park dates, aquarium dates, park dates, movie dates, every week, there was always something different, and you loved the adventurous side of gguk.
⇸ three months into the relationship, and he took you to the rooftop of one of the buildings.
⇸ it was a stargazing date this week.
⇸ gguk sang songs and you took pictures, scribbling down lyrics, and doodling as you pleased, telescope here, waiting to be used by someone other than namjoon from the astronomy club.
⇸ you were so focused on your doodles, that you practically tuned out everything around you. you hummed a song gguk would always sing while he's around you as you doodled.
⇸ didn't even notice when he stopped singing and just started to stare at you.
⇸ ask this dude what his favorite hobby is, and he'll deadass say looking at you.
⇸ the moon, coincidentally, was shining brightly that day, and the moonlight made your face glow, the side profile in which he stared at looked so much more perfect to him.
⇸ i swear, either this boy has no control over his mouth, or he's constantly shouting in his head, because he yelled out his thoughts, A G A I N
⇸ you immediately stopped your doodles, looking up at him, eyes wide, probably blushing, who knows? all you know, is that you're surprised. he wants to kiss you.
⇸ fucking F I N A L LY. like omg, you don't know how much more hints you had to throw at him, because he sure is dense sometimes.
⇸ a N Y W A Y S
⇸ you rest your book down, automatically getting up to walk towards him. and he's just staring at you man.
⇸ at this point, the both of you said fuck them stars, cause all the constellations in his honey irises looks like the perfect view, and you stuff that image in your mind to draw that because W H E T
⇸ as soon as you reach to him, bITCH you wasted no time at all. you grab him by the chin and softly place your lips on his, and like mAGIC it happened.
⇸ your lips molded together, with the satisfaction of finally finishing a a puzzle. the joy of watching the array of colors explode in the sky from the fireworks that held them captive. the relief of watching a flower fully bloom. the feeling of now entering a field on a farm, as you stare at the cloudless sky, and a gentle breeze waltz around with the trees.
⇸ you could practically taste the cherry lip balm you would often restock on whenever it did finish from his lips, and you immediately indulge in the warmth that engulfs you as he kisses you back.
⇸ in all honesty, you don't know how long it went on for. when he gripped you by the waist, or when he pulled you down on his lap. even when your fingers moved from his and wove together to the back of his neck, as you both deepened into the intoxication of each other.
⇸ sooner or later, though, you had to grasp onto the feeling of the air, and your lungs pleaded to be filled by its addiction.
⇸ your skinship after that, did change, not drastically, but it did.
⇸ life was fun now, and dating jeongguk was probably the best decision ever.
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okay, am i blind or does it look like gguk has on braces ? aksnejsjansn lol
hope you guys enjoyed this. i had another version of this written, but it didn't FLIPPING SAVE.
glad it didn't though, because i honestly like this one better.
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hunidlo · 4 years
Call of Fire
CHAPTER 2 - The Purpose
Rating: M
Word Count: 3K
Pairing: The Mandalorian x F!Reader
Warnings: slow burn fic,  violence, injuries, death, grief, language
A/N: English is not my first language so apologies for any mistakes in grammar. I’m basically making stuff up about the reader’s powers but why not, right?
Summary: Taunting a bandit is never a good idea. Thank Maker, Mando is near to save the day.
< Previous Chapter  //  Masterlist
The Mandalorian stands on the top of the ramp to his ship looking in the direction of your escape, the stick still firmly clutched in his hand. He tosses it to the side with frustration and shakes his head to clear his mind and forget about the whole incident. He knows he has more pressing matters to attend to right now. He looks at the tracking fob which is now flashing rapidly with red light. 
He lifts his head and looks again towards the woods where you have disappeared just moments ago—
“Shit!” he sighs.
You are trying to calm down and catch your breath. Your knees buckle, taking you to the ground. You sit exhausted, stabbing pain regularly shooting to your side. 
“You mean ... like ... a real Mandalorian?” Zullu is standing above you, wiping sweat from her forehead with dirty hands, smearing mud all over it. “Like from my gran’s stories?”
“Yep,” you say simply. 
And then you start laughing. Hysterically. It might be the exhaustion, or maybe you just can't believe you pulled off sneaking into a ship belonging to a Mandalorian. Maybe both … but you are currently laughing yourself silly.
Zullu is watching you awkwardly. She chuckles a couple of times until she is laughing with you and your guffaws echo through the forest.
“We should get back to the village,” you say eventually, still panting and your stomach aching from all the giggling. “I owe you—by the way—you totally saved me back there,” you admit and Zullu smiles at you in appreciation.
“D-do you think he’s following us?” Zullu is biting her nails and keeps looking over her shoulder as you walk.
“Relax. If he was, he would have already caught us.”
Oh, just how badly you have underestimated him.
You’re finally getting closer to the village when the sun is about to set. You’re exhausted but you can’t stop wondering, what is a Mandalorian doing on this planet.
Then again, maybe it’s for the best that you don’t know and if you are lucky, he’ll leave just as quickly as he appeared because the last thing the people in your village need right now, is more trouble. And he sure looked like a lot of trouble … broad-shouldered, mysterious, intriguing, and so intimidating … yeah, ... basically a definition of trouble.
“Gran used to say, most Mandalorians were mercenaries and bounty hunters. Maybe he’s really here because of ... you.” Zullu says out of nowhere, interrupting your—let’s be honest, slightly embarrassing—train of thought.
You shake your head when you process what she’s saying, “Nonsense, how could he possibly ... it’s been fifteen years ...”
“Yeah, but they don’t forget, you know,” Zullu frowns, looking genuinely worried. “You can’t be hiding here forever.”
“Fed up with me already?” you try to lighten the now heavy atmosphere. In fact, you are not overly fond of the conversation getting far too serious now.
“No … n-no, you know you’re my best friend”—she’s looking down at her feet as always when she’s struggling to find the right words—“it’s just … I feel … feel like you have a different … purpose, you know? ... Like in life? ... You’re not supposed to work on the field for the rest of it.”
“What’s wrong with the work on the field?”
“Except the fact that you hate it?” 
You don’t like her sarcastic tone—yet—she’s got a point. You love the village, you love the people, but a farmer’s life is just not for you. You crave adventure. Maybe that’s why you so desperately seek it whenever a chance occurs. Eventually, you have to admit to yourself that—to some extent—that’s why you want to fight the bandits … and why you so recklessly pissed the Mandalorian off ... 
… And then there’s the thing about your origin and your parents. Fifteen years ago, your parents left you here to hide you—to save you. The villagers took you in. You want to go to search for your parents but … you could never leave Zullu.
“I …,” Zullu continues when you’re being quiet for too long, “I just think … know actually … you’re meant to—.”
“And you?” you smile and try to steer the conversation away from you. “What’s your life purpose?” 
She shrugs, “Uh ... don’t know... haven’t found my purpose yet.”
“Well, I’m sure yours is much greater than mine.”
Zullu exhales through her nose. “Don’t you wanna know why your parents left you here, hiding you from—” She looks over her shoulder one more time. “—the Empire?” she whispers the last words as if someone might be eavesdropping.
Oh no, here we go—the topic you wanted to avoid.
“The Empire is gone,” you reply, “my parents are ... too—most probably—so we might just never know.”
“A-and you’re okay with that? I mean… not knowing who you really are?”
“Yes,” you say resolutely. “And I’m fine with working on the farm for the rest of my life,” not so resolutely.
Zullu tilts her head sideways, raises her eyebrows at you and blinks slowly.
“Why are you bringing this up again?” irritation in your voice is now undeniable.
“Because… the Mandalorian—”
“Oh, Mandalorian-Shmandalorian ...” you snap.
“... and I haven’t told you but—” she continues, ignoring your comment, “—I have overheard mum talking about you. She said … said your parents—”
“Do you hear that?” you cut her off. “Listen ...”
And then you hear it again. The horn.
The horn!
What? No. No! It’s too early, it can’t be ... next week … it’s three months next week … they shouldn’t be here this early.
Wasting no more time, you burst into a sprint and run to the village as fast as you can. Zullu’s right behind you.
The villagers are just as confused as you are but are already gathering on the square nevertheless.
“What’s happening? They shouldn’t—” Zullu panics.
“I know,” you exhale, “They’re early. We’re not ready.”
“What do we do?”
You sigh but do not reply to her.
The bandits head straight to the barn to look for the stored food. Their leader is watching over the villagers who stand in a line as always. One of the bandits comes over and whispers something to his boss, but you can’t hear what he’s saying.
“Take everything, we’re gonna need it,” the leader replies to his mate and dismisses him with a simple wave of his hand.
With that … Shit! The fire’s back. It’s back and it’s running through your body like molten lava— 
“You can’t!” you hear yourself crying out with a voice firmer than you expected. “You’re early … we couldn’t … the people will starve here!”
Zullu, who is standing next to you, turns her head in your direction wide-eyed.
You are not exactly sure why you did it—and what you should do next—but you can't let them steal all your supplies, right?
The leader takes a few steps forward and looks down at you.
Surprisingly enough, you’re not scared. You’ve seen a more intimidating gaze today and this guy is nowhere near as threatening as the Mandalorian. So you give him the most defiant look you have. And then—
Your little staring competition ends abruptly when the bandit slaps you with the back of his armoured hand and watches as you drop to your knees. 
Son of a bitch, that hurt. That fucking hurt. You hold your jaw in your hand and flex it as you feel the coppery taste of blood filling your mouth.
“Stupid … again … brave … but stupid,” the Mandalorian exhales to himself.
He’s lying on the top of the hill above the village, observing the whole scenario through the scope of his rifle. 
He rises to his feet with an irritated grunt.
You don’t remember ever being hit like this. Your jaw hurts but you’re determined not to let the bastard enjoy humiliating you. You need a few moments to recover but then you slowly get to your feet again, put on the same venomous look as before, and spit in the bandit’s face, spattering a considerable amount of blood mixed with your saliva all over his repulsive visage.
“You little ...” The bandit wipes the blood with the back of his hand and gropes for his blaster. 
To your astonishment—and before you can come up with an action plan preventing you from being shot in the head—he suddenly halts his movement and is now looking over your shoulder, squinting at something behind you.
You follow his gaze and turn around to see ... 
… the Mandalorian?
Huh, so he followed you back after all.
Only now can you take a proper look at him as he’s slowly approaching the village. Sure, you saw—and let’s not forget also fought—him back on his ship, but everything happened so quickly that you didn’t have time to fully scrutinize the way he looks. 
You should not be so amazed. You used to listen to Zullu’s grandmother—eagerly hanging on her every word—when she told the stories about the Mando’ade to local children in the evenings. You knew the Mandalorians are bound with a creed and their culture revolves around war and battles which the elderly woman used to tell you about. Never have you imagined them to be this impressive though. So you just stand there with your mouth half open, taking in every detail of him as he comes nearer. 
He’s tall, evidently agile and strong, judging by his arms and thighs. Well, and you also remember how hard his grip was on you this afternoon. His armour seems almost crimson now as it reflects the light of the setting sun. Beskar—you recall— that's what the old woman said their armour was made of. He has a rifle strapped to his back, a blaster by his side, and the wind plays with his cape as it flutters behind him. What a presence. 
His helmet is pointed at the bandit standing next to you, piercing him with the same intimidating look he gave you when he caught you sneaking into his ship.
“Let them go,” he says, his voice dark and foreboding.
“We have no quarrel with you, Mando. Feel free to turn around and walk away.” The bandit is trying to stay calm but he’s just whistling in the dark.
“If you don’t want to start one, leave the supplies and never come back.” The Mandalorian is getting closer and closer to the square keeping the same slow resolute pace.
The other raiders have already noticed the disturbance and one by one began emerging from the barn, joining their leader on the square.
The Mandalorian doesn’t seem to care much that he’s outnumbered. He stops and rests his hand on his holster. He looks at the villagers and jerks his helmet to the side. They understand the gesture and back up slowly. You intend to do the same.
However, the bandit leader notices your intention, quickly wraps an arm around your neck and pushes you in front of him, hiding thus his body behind you. He’s now taking slow steps back—retreating—using your body as a human shield.
“Kill him,” he growls and drags you behind the cart that is conveniently standing in the square with half of your supplies already loaded up.
Your back is pushed to the offender's chest so you're facing away from all the action and you can only hear when the blasters begin shooting all at once. You have no idea what’s happening on the square behind you. You can hope for the best but you’re not entirely sure what it is. From what you know, the Mandalorian might be just as barbaric as the bandits so it might be out of the frying pan and into the fire for the village anyway.
After a good ten minutes of shooting, dull bangs and a couple of shrieks, there’s silence. 
Suddenly—you’re being pulled out from the hideout. The last bandit standing is pushing you in front of him and you can feel a barrel of his blaster now pressed to your temple.
There are about ten bodies lying scattered around the square—lifeless—a smoke from the blaster shots still rising from some of them. With your peripheral vision, you can see a few of the survivors disappearing in the woods. They apparently decided to cut and run.
The Mandalorian is kneeling on one knee, leaning over one of the bodies, checking their vital signs. He swiftly draws his weapon again when he sees you two approaching.
“Drop the blaster, Mando,” the bandit warns. “Drop it, or I’ll kill her.”
The Mandalorian puts his hands up slowly and lays his blaster on the ground. However, as he raises to his feet, a flock of little whistling arrows shoots from his vambrace and flies towards you. You shut your eyes awaiting certain death. Instead, the pressure against your temple disappears, the arm around your neck eases its grip and the bandit falls dead behind you.
You raise your vision only to see the Mandalorian striding towards you. You’re still petrified and puzzled. 
Suddenly, he stops midway, staring emptily behind you. 
Um ... this is not good. 
You slowly turn around and gulp.
A horde of bandits, probably the rest of their encampment is rushing towards you. Ten or fifteen brutes armed with blasters, knives and spears got alerted somehow and are ready to avenge their fallen comrades. 
“Hide!” the Mandalorian shouts to you, raising his blaster again.
You do as you’re told. You run past him and across the square, noticing the huts are deserted. All the villagers must have already fled to the woods during the first shootout. You can only hope that Zullu escaped with them.
You dash into the woods not stopping for a moment. You can still hear the shooting behind you coming from the village. You should find the others, find Zullu, make sure she’s alright—
A figure comes from their hideout behind one of the trees about fifty feet in front of you.
It's one of the bandits.
“Going somewhere?” he smirks at you, his blaster already levelled at your chest. 
He doesn’t wait for your reaction. A blaster shot echoes through the forest. For a second time today, you close your eyes awaiting the inevitable. When you open them again, Zullu is standing in front of you, her hands spread out in a protective gesture.
“No!” you cry out, tears already forming in the corners of your eyes.
She falls backwards to your arms and you slowly put her to the ground with trembling hands, holding her head in your lap as you kneel under her.
You hear the bandit in front of you burst into laughter. Horrible, gruesome laughter. Rage is building in your body, igniting every molecule. You look at him to see he’s raising his blaster once more to point it at you.
You’re going berserk, the fire is spiralling through you more intensely than ever before. You feel like your body would combust if you hold it back longer. You can’t fight it anymore. You won’t.
Somehow instinctively, you stretch your arms out in front of you, your fingers spread out but you’re slowly, convulsively closing them up. The bandit’s body lifts from the ground. Confused, he frantically kicks around, searching for solid ground under his feet. Then, his face distorts into a horrifying, painful grimace. You are holding him in front of you for a couple of seconds until you abruptly spread your arms with an excruciating scream. Following the movement of your hands, the bandit’s body is torn in half in front of your eyes. His lower half is tossed vigorously to the left, his torso to the right, colliding with the nearby tree with a splashy thud.
You have absolutely no understanding of what just happened but you have no time to think about it now. You quickly turn your attention to Zullu who is looking at you with glossy eyes.
There’s a nasty blaster wound in her belly and she’s covering it with her weak hands. 
“Zullu—,” you cry out, “—fuck—what have you done?”
“I saved you, dummy.” Her chuckles turn to cough.
“... You’re gonna be alright. We’ll get you help … just stay with me, okay?” You try to shift yourself under her body so that you can attend to her wound.
She grabs you by your wrist and shakes her head. “I’m fine ... I’m ready ... f-found … my purpose ...,” she struggles to speak, “... now promise me, you’ll find yours.”
“Don’t talk like that—” 
“I saw what you did … I’ve always known … you’re special.”
“I-uh ...” You’re lost for words.
“... I overheard mum saying … saying your father was a doctor—clone engineer … worked for the … Empire … betrayed them … they hunted him ... that’s why your parents hid you here.” Zullu coughs and takes a couple of deep breaths before she speaks again. “She knows where they are.” Zullu looks straight to your eyes as she continues, “I’m sorry I haven’t told you before. I was scared you would leave, but I know now that you have to go,  you have to find them.”
“You’re my best friend, I won’t leave you, I need y—” a choking sense of despair causes your voice to crack before you are able to finish.
“You were never meant to stay on this p-planet ... you’re meant to do great things ... I know it ... find your parents, find your purpose … promise me ...”
You feel dizzy now. “Zullu—” 
“Promise me!” she urges.
“I promise ...”
She smiles at you, raising her hand to touch your cheek but it collapses on the ground beside her and you witness the sparks in her eyes die out.
You burst into tears and tug her close to you. Hugging and squeezing her motionless body—consumed by aching grief—you cry.
You do not know how much time has passed but you finally find the strength to get up from the ground. You gently pick Zullu’s body up. The shooting that could have been heard from the village before has ceased.
You slowly walk towards the village, carrying Zullu in your arms. You don’t care about the possible threat that might still be lurking in the woods. Your mind is blank, you feel empty inside. There’s nothing left, only pain.
You have lost everything today.
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mournfulpursuit · 4 years
Safety blanket chapter 5: Something in common
Leon s Kennedy X F!reader
Word count: 2,788
Author notes: this took way longer to write than I thought it would but yeah I did it, it’s here.
Also bolded and italic things are inner thoughts just to clarify.
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You stared at the syringe for what felt like an eternity. Many said that Umbrella itself was just a front and they actually made bioweapons to sell to the military, you remember hearing about after the arklay mountains incident. You had found a radio when you were wandering around that had mentioned many things about Umbrella and that they may be responsible for whatever was happening in Racoon city.
Many still didn’t really know what was happening inside Raccoon city. Your hands began to tremble as the syringe shook in your hand. You looked at it more closely looking for clues on what it was. All it had was the umbrella logo and had a green circle on it with the letter v under it. You had no clue what this was or what it could do. If it was a blessing or a curse you had no way of telling, you just had to hope for the best. Your thoughts were interrupted by what sounded like footsteps in which you stuffed the syringe back into your pockets. You didn’t know if it was Leon or not so you kept your guard up.
“(Y/N), I found some supplies that could help-”, he cut himself after he noticed you’d been crying, “hey are you ok?”, he asked you
“Oh yeah I’m uhh fine, I was just thinking about things”, you said looking down sadly
“Was it about Maria?”, he looked at you still with immense guilt.
“Oh no it was about what happened on the day...the day raccoon city became this hellhole”
“Oh”, he said sadly, “well I found you some herbs”, he smiled at you. He then walked towards you and bent down on his knee and gently grabbed your foot.
“This may hurt a little bit because i’m probably going to have to touch the bruise, he said nervously, “if it hurts to much just tell me”
“It can’t hurt as bad as it already”, you said smiling at him, “besides I’m a pretty tough cookie”
Leon nodded and grabbed out some bandages before grabbing the herbs and grinding them up and placing them on some of the bandages. You quickly realized what Leon was doing.
“You're making it into a poultice aren’t you?”
“Huh?” He looked up at you confused, “yeah I learned it in first aid training at the academy”
“Oh um my mom.. before she met my dad used to be a nurse, after my parents got married they moved away into the country where they took up that lifestyle”, you said reminiscing about your parents, “they were to far away from any hospital so my mom just helped my dad with farm life, she did know some herbal remedies though”
“So I take it you're not from this neck of the woods huh?”he said, starting to wrap the bandages around your ankle.
“Nope I grew up in a county not really that far from here, I just moved here about 2 months ago before all this happened, I had recently gotten hired as a phone operator”
“A phone operator?”, Leon looked at you as if he were about to laugh
“Oh haha it’s not like I wanted the job, I wanted to be a nurse kinda like my mom, help people or something like that, I guess”
“I guess I can relate, I joined the force to protect and serve, I guess that might never happen”
“Hey, if we ever get out of here i’m sure you can work for another department”, you said smiling at him, “besides I think you're a pretty good co-”, You didn't finish your sentence because of the stinging sensation and pressure on your ankle causing you to grimace making your head reel back while you shut your eyes.
“Sorry”, Leon flinched by your reaction
“It's fine”, you gritted through your teeth, “itll feel better when you're finished”, you said, staring at him urging him to continue wrapping up your ankle. He continued to grimace and your leg strained trying to not kick Leon in the face. Your fingers dug into your legs and teeth still gritting.
“That should be good”, he said making sure you were ok
“Great”, you huffed out still recovering from the the strange burning sensation you had just felt, “I don't think it was supposed to hurt like that”
“Well did add some first aid spray to it”, Leon said rubbing his neck embarrassed, “are you ok?”
“Yeah I should be fine now, thanks”, you said getting up expecting your ankle to hurt way more than it actually did, “Huh that did work, thank you Mr Kennedy”, you smiled at him teasing him
“Well all in a day's work I guess”, He said laughing, he quickly looked back to the statue in the middle of the station. “Guess it's back to work”.
“Hmmm,”, you looked at him confused at what he meant.
“Oh umm before you got here, I was looking for these medallions for that statue over there”, he said point at it, “there’s apparently a secret way out if we find all three, I’ve found two we just need one more”
“I can help”, you said walking towards the statue, “it might be easier if there’s two of us”
“I don’t know, your ankle still is Hurt, I don’t wanna push you past your limits”
“Well I’m bored as hell and want something to do”, you pouted at him, “please let me help”
He hesitated for a moment before looking back at you, “fine you can come along but if I see you grimace even for a second I’m being you back, got it?”
“Yes sir”, you replied smiling at him, as you two prepared to go find the last medallion.
Leon handed you the shotgun again and scolded you not to waste too much ammo. The moonlight only added to the eerie atmosphere of the station. The sound of thunder caused you to jump and fall into Leon.
“Sorry”, you yelp out, “just got spooked by the thunder”, you said laughing embarrassed. Leon just rolled his eyes. You two continued exploring, searching for the last medallion. Leon stopped causing you to run into him.
“Leon what-”, he then shushed you, putting a finger to your lips. Everything was still for a moment until you heard a groan. Leon pulled out his gun and quickly fired. The zombie went down. Your face dropped as it reminded you of Maria but quickly snapped out of your thoughts and kept going. You were walking down a long hallway when you suddenly heard a helicopter crash.
“What the hell was that?”, you asked sheepishly towards Leon.
“I don’t know, wait here”, Leon went to check and quickly signaled you that it was safe. You walked over and saw the helicopter. You noticed the few sparks flying from it. You then noticed a pilot slumped over, your face grimaced due to his demise. You two were then startled by a woman's scream.
“Leon!”, Leon looked over towards a door that led outside, and quickly opened it, “Claire!, hold on I’ll be right there”
He quickly ran outside while you still stood in the hallway very confused and dumbfounded. you to go outside to find Leon talking to a woman.
“Claire, it’s so nice to see you”
“How’re you doing?, that helicopter just came out of nowhere”, you slowly walked down to see them and warn Leon as you saw the helicopter light on fire.
“Yeah i’m in one piece”
“i’m guessing you don't have a key in one of those fancy pockets?”, you interrupted their conversation by pretending to clear your throat, tapping your foot anxiously.
“Oh umm hi”, you said to the woman awkwardly with an even more awkward wave.
“So this uh (Y/N )'', Leon said to her, “I kind of saved her'', he said rubbing his neck embarrassed.
“I’m Claire, Claire Redfield”, she said to you with a smile
“(Y/N) (L/N), nice to meet you”, your conversation with her was interrupted by Leon.
“So how are you doing?”
“Oh you know just surviving”, Claire said leaning on the fence
“That's good”, Leon chuckled out,there was something about Claire that made Leon act a little differently, “any luck with your brother?”
“No not yet”, she said looking down at the ground
“Claire don’t lose hope..i’m sure we’ll find him”, as he said that the helicopter exploded causing you to tense up.
“Dammit. You know what that means”, he said towards Claire
“Yeah.. Dinner. Time.”, Claire said looking behind her noticing a zombie getting up.
“Claire, I think you should go”, Leon said to her as you just stood there feeling very out of place.
“Don’t worry about me Leon, take care of yourself”, soon zombies were swarming the gates by Claire.
“You need to go, now!”Claire began to walk away and quickly turned around back towards you and Leon.
“Hey...Lets get through this”, She said to Leon then turned her eyes towards you, “All of us”, she then walked away from the gate and soon disappeared leaving just you and Leon.
“So uhh who was that, well I guess I should say how do you know her”, you asked him
“I’ll tell you later we should go”, he said leaving the gate and going back into the station, “come on” he said motioning you to come back inside.
You didn't know what it was the way he spoke to Claire but it made you feel something, you couldn’t describe it but the way he said those words made it feel like he cared about her, he hoped he felt the same way about you.
“(Y/N)!”, he shouted out you getting your attention, quickly tearing you away from your thoughts and quickly running back the stairs, he looked down at your ankle, “hey be easy its not fully healed yet”
“Yeah, yeah I know”, you said rolling your eyes heading back inside, “so where's that madallion you were talking about?”
“Well we still have to find it”,he said turning towards you, “it should be around here somewhere, we’ll just have to look for it”, he sighed out.
You two continued walking around the station looking for the medallion, Leon did explain a few things to you when he knew the area wasn't zombie infested. Most of the time it wasnt. Apparently he met Claire when he was heading to Raccoon City and needed to fuel up his car. After seeing a sheriff get killed he fought his way out as he described it and then met Claire. They drove into town together before getting seperated. That was the abridged version he gave you. You finally got to a room that had the medallion but it took you two a while to figure out a way to get out. Leon told you to stay back a few paces. Before throwing a grenade allowing you to finally get it. While you didn't mind the station you knew you couldn't stay here for long so a tiny part of you was excited.
“We just gotta put all three in the statue then we are out of here”, Leon said excitedly, “We just gotta figure out how we're going to get Marvin out of here”, your blood went cold when he said that. Leon said he was attacked by someone he considered a friend that had turned. Maybe Leon was a little too hopeful about this, you knew deep inside Marvin wasn't going to make it.
“Leon, h-”,you tried speaking words but you couldn't, your heart wouldn't let you tell Leon the truth.
“Huh”, he looked back at you confused. Your heart was pumping hard and fast, you hoped he didn't hear you now what, what could you possibly say now.
“I’m just excited to finally get out of here”, you said to him with a shaky smile on your face. He could tell you were hiding something.
“Is something on your mind?”, he turned around and fully looked into your (E/C) eyes, his pretty blue eyes staring into your soul. Your heartbeat once again quickend causing you to sweat nervously. You never were a good liar. You thought of something that had been bugging you for a while.
“It's just my parents”, you said looking down at the ground, “I hope they're safe, and know I'm safe”, you put your hand over your heart and smiled softly thinking about them.
“Have you been able to contact them at all?”, he asked you sadly, you could tell Leon cared about your well being which made you happy.
“No and i’m kind of glad I haven't”, you said looking up at him, “knowing them they would drive all the way down here to find me and the last thing I want is for them to get stuck in this mess”
“I’m sure they're fine, I knew nothing that had happened in this city til I got here”, his words made you feel a little better about everything, “let's go see how Marvin is doing”, he said smiling at you. Something about that smile made you feel safe.
You went back to the reception area and headed towards the statue. You noticed Marvin laying there looking very lifeless.
Please not yet
Leon placed the medallions into the statue and watched as it turned into a staircase, you were mesmerized by it. You looked over to Leon who looked very excited as he pushed the door open, he quickly turned back to Marvin. Your face dropped slightly.
“Lutennent Branagh! Marvin!”, he said walking towards him, Marvin still wasn’t moving
Leon please don’t
You reached for the shotgun Leon gave you , not pulling out but to be able to grab it if necessary.
“It’s time to go”, Leon was closer to him now he reached for him, “Hey Marvin”
Marvin immediately jumped up and growled causing you to flinch, Leon seemed unfazed. Marvin hasn't turned..yet. You put your back towards your side, no longer reaching for the shotgun. It hurt knowing he wasn’t going to make it. Marvin breathed heavily for a few moments.
“We need to get you to a hospital right now ,both you and (Y/N)”, Marvin looked up and saw your eyes realizing you knew what he was going to say, you simply nodded at him
“No..no..I”, he stopped for a second, “Save yourselves”, he said standing up. Leon still tried to get Marvin to come with him.
“Come on, I’ve got you-” he cut off by Marvin
“GO!”, he yelled at Leon, you just stood there staring at the two of them.
“Look we can still make it out of here, if you give me-”, Leon was cut off and taken by surprise as Marvin pulled out his gun.
“It’s too late”, Marvin said with a sadness in his voice . You placed a hand on Leons shoulder causing him to jump as you startled him a little
“Leon we have to go”, you told him, looking him in the eyes, you pointed towards the secret exit, “come on”, he looked back towards Marvin.
“I tried Leon..but I couldn't stop it”, His voice was shaking slightly, “We can’t let this thing spread, it's on you now, both of you”, he said looking back at you, your eyes became wet as your vision blurred slightly from the tears forming in your eyes. You probably would have sobbed but you had been through enough that it didn’t faze you. You were used to death and getting left behind, you were numb to it now.
“Listen to (Y/N), and just go!”, Leon finally gave in.
“I understand”, he said defeatedly, he stood for a moment before heading towards the statue. Marvin removed his bloody hand from his wound.
“I’m sorry”, you whispered to him, “I wish I could of helped you”
He looked up at you and gave a sad smile, “just promise me you’ll look out for each other”
“We will, I promise”, you smiled at him one last time before joining Leon by the statue. The statue closed back up and you saw Leon Look back towards Marvin before the statue completely shut. You just stared forward.
“I won’t let you down, Marvin”, Leon said to himself before continuing down the stairs.
“I guess we have a lot in common now”, you tried to joke but you could definitely tell Leon wasn’t up for your sense of humor right now. So you sulked down awkwardly realizing how much it hurt Leon to leave Marvin behind. It’s a tough lesson that always came back to haunt you, Not everyone can be saved.
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avengersohyeah · 7 years
A/N : This is a request from @paladin-alby Clint Barton x C.I.A. Male Reader i don’t know if you like it, if you do help me share it please? And @mrgrant9559-blog my first request what do you think?
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The first time you stepped your foot in Langley is when you were just 19 and barely graduating from your college. Extraordinary ? Yes because you never know ordinary in your life. Born and raised in fairly respectable not to mention, rich family makes you never experience even the slightest of uncomfortability. Your family shower you with wealth, anything you want you just need to ask and it will be there by the seconds. For some people maybe you’re living the dream, but for you life can’t be more of a boredom than it already is.
Your family never expect you to do something great. Because great is in yor blood as they like to say. And that’s what irritates you growing up. You went to school dilligently, maintaining your high scores and even cut a few years of it. But compliments only came from other people that tiredlessly licking your footsteps. Saying how fortunate you are, living in wealth, having a brain like not many other human, and you have the look. Yeah they never forget to mention the look. How in the world that peole only seems to care about what they could see outside ? Even your family did that too.
Then at the end of your college year right before you turned 19, you told them that you decided to join C.I.A’s Internship. And for the first time ever you see a real reaction from them. Your family was furious about it, stating how they wanted you to continue your family’s bussines only to be let downed by you choosing to join C.I.A. And because of that, you were more driven in joining the program more than ever. Giving your parent assurance wasn’t easy, especially your father. But he made a deal with you, be the top of everything or comeback home and take over the bussines like they want you to. And being the cocky little shit you are you agreed. And oh boy how you were wrong. The group of interns that you were assigned to are bunch of einsteins. Genius hacker, a doctor that could diagnose her patient’s illness just by looking, stupidly brilliant engineer, and there’s you. You thought you were genius, always top of the class in school, finished college at the age of 19, but here you’re just like anybody else.
The Internship proved to be harder than you imagined. You thought you’re just going to be trained in solving cases, paperworks maybe? not being a sandbag for the field’s agents to beat and threw around the mat like this. Self deffense, espionage, and weaponery ussage. They said that it’s a standard that every “agents” should be able to deffend themselves from any possible threat of their assignment. And that’s for you is a bullshit. But then, you promised your parent that you’ll be in top of everything, so you worked your butts of.
Few months after training each of the interns were assigned to their respective divisions, but not you. You were sent to the Camp Peary or what people in C.I.A called “The Farm”. And here  you are the top in every trainings they gave you, and surprisingly you held the best score amongst any other sniper ever trained here. You were happy that you could finaly find what you really master at and be happy about it. Not that shool lessons are bad, but this is something that actually interesting enough for you to say that you’re good at.
The last month of the training is when you choose a weapon to be your special skill set. Most of the trainees chooses to be a sniper, or close range combat expert with knife. Again, being the cocky little shit you are, you choose a weapon that nobody cares to even look at. Bow and arrow. Yup reading Hunger games and your obsession towards Orlando Bloom’s Legolas is the reason behind it all. After all you were pretty good at it, given the medals you got from archery in highschool. And that’s when you were 13.
At the trial, the other trainees looking at you as if you are crazy. Side glances and the cynical smirks they gave you were quick to replaced with slack jaw after your trials. None of the target saved from your arrow, and none of your arrow wasted away in failed attempt. And you think to yourself as you passed them outside the trial ground “How’s that sons of bitches?” And unbeknowst to you your footage of the trials were streamed live somewhere in D.C at S.H.I.E.L.D headquarter.
S.H.I.E.L.D headquarter
Clint and Nat just got back from extraction mission in Timbuktu where H.Y.D.R.A held captive a geological profesor for God knows why.
“Wanna go out and grab a shot tonight ?” Nat asked as they walked down the hall to report to Fury.
“I don’t know, my legs are killing me” Clint complained
“Getting old already Dad ?”
“Don’t call me Dad!” He said as they reach Fury’s door. He knocked twice and then entered the room after Fury gave them the clearance.
“Agent Barton, Romanoff, How’s Timbuktu ?” Furry asked without turning from the big screen in front of him.
“Timbuktu’s fine, the profesor kinda freaked out but non harmed. Barton complained about his legs…” Natasha smirked after telling Fury the last part. Looking at Clint and got a hiss from him. “What’s with the TV ? Anything interesting?” She asked
“You’re in time for the interesting part actually.. Sit down..” They watched as the screen shows them a live feed of people which they assumed are trainees.
“Is that The Farm?” Clint asked which earned him a ‘wtf’ look from Nat that soonly giving Fury the same look.
“Wait we’re scooping C.I.A now?” Nat asked
“Not in general, but you’ll see something that I know you know that I like..” At this ambigous answer Nat and Clint shares a look and Clint just shrugged.
They watched as a trainee called Rick or Mick guy entered the trial field. He had a gun straped on his thigh, and knife clutched in his hand. From the stance, Nat, Clint and Fury knows exactly what kind of things that they would see. And they were right, the Rick guy apparently is pretty good in combat. Millitary styled, with a bit of taekwondo and jiujitsu in it. He took down most of the bot coming toward s him in a motions that is so fluid like a water. He took ahit few times, but nothing serious enough that could threaten his life. When the time’s up, the amount of the bots he took down appeared on the screen. 21 in 300 seconds, so aproximately he tookdown one / 14,2 seconds not bad.
“Is he the guy you wanted us to see ?” Clint asked to Fury, but get nothing as answer except for a nod signaling to the screen. When he looked back to the screen, his eyes wide out of surprise.
There you stand at the entrance of the trial field holding a bow with bags of arrows on your back, gun strapped on your right thigh, and knife on your left. He was to shocked and glued to the screen wnd failed to notice that both Fury and Natasha gave him a ‘gotcha’ smirks. They looked back to the screen as the timer start. As soon as the bots are out you retract four arrows at a time, pulling the string of your bow with it, and release it to send them embed in each bot’s chest right to the sensor to deactivate them. You spun to the right and shoots another four arrows and this time it went straight to the bot’s heads. You turn to the right shoot, turn to the left shoot, run to the stone take cover from the firing bots. Pull few arrows, came out from behind the stone shoot. Turn to your back shoot, climb the stone, jump then kick two bots approaching, swing your bow to slap the other, pull out a gun shoot the bots in the head one, two, three, four, till  you ran out of bullet. You pulled your remaining arrows then shoot at the bots coming from your front. And when the time is nearly up, one particular bot that has arrow in it’s chest sensor spring back to attack you only to be knocked out with your bow sending it’s head spinning. The sirens goes off, and the score is plastered big on the lower right corner of the screen.
48 fucking 48 means you took down a bot every 6,25 seconds. If Clint were surprised at first his jaw is on the floor by now. Not only him, but Nat and Fury both has their eyes wide. If none of them were so stunned by what they just saw, they would surely laugh at each other’s faces right now. Then the live feed ended, replaced with your bio on the screen.
Fury cleared his throat “So this is what we got (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), (D/O/B), Son of (Y/F/N) and (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N). Owner of one of the biggest winerry in the U.S. Graduated from College at 19 years old, IQ number unidentified..”
“Wait, how come IQ number unidentified ?” Clint cut him
“Because each time he took a test the number changed…” Fury explained
“Lower ?” Nat asked
“But that’s impossible..” Clint denied
“But he did…” He continue his explainations “Joined C.I.A for a law division, but after his first training in weaponery and combat he’s transferred to field agent training in The Farm. And since, he topped every single class with a stable A+.”
“And you want him… in S.H.I.E.L.D …” Clint interject.
Nick just stared at him without giving a real answer. Then Natasha broke the silence “Why ? Of course what we just saw was amazing.. but why ? Does C.I.A knows that you want him?”
“What we just saw came from a boy that spend his life with world handed to him, he doesn’t even knows how to fight before his training. Impecable archery skills, gold medal three years consecutive in high school from 13 years old. And yes C.I.A knows because I’m the one that requested him to be transferred to The Farm in the first place.” At this revelation, confusion grows in Clint and Nat’s feature “Look, I called you here not to ask about my choice, I called you here to give you an order.”
“And that is ?” Clint asked
“You are going to be his mentor Agent Barton.” At this, Natasha get off her chair and walked out of the room sending Clint her famous Black Widow smirk.
“Why me ?” Clint asked simply
“You already know the answer Barton..”
Clint sighed “So you’re sure about this… When do I start ?”
The next day, right after your score was announced, you received your mentorship order. To say you were confused is understatement, the other trainees received their mentorship with C.I.A’s best agents but you ? here in D.C in the biggest espionage organization ? You don’t know what the actual fuck is happening. But then again you remember, when was the last time your life isn’t extraordinary ? Never, so you clutched your duffle bag tighter and head inside. As soon as you reached the receptionist you were directed to go straight to the training room where your mentor is waiting for you. As you walked to the direction she told you, you muttered all profanities in your vocabullary. Training room ? really ? the first day ? your mentor must be crazy. When you reached the door of the training room, it opened automatically, you let yourself in, and begins to search for your mentor. It wouldn’t be hard because the room is basically empty. Then you heard it, the grunts, the moans he released along with his breath and the sounds of metal meeting metal. The sounds itself could make you bothered and exited in the most sinful way. You shake the feeling of, continuing your search for the mentor, bench press ? you asked yourself. You round the corner and there he is, the dirtiest blonde hair you would want to run your fingers on. His arms bulging in all the right way after his bench press, his skin… oh how it looked so smooth with those blonde soft hairs covering it. And those eyes. Oh those eyes are so blue, it has this slightly darker shade near his pupil and I swear it dilated for a few seconds. And I swear it changes color too, it is grey now that I look at it closer. Oh wait.. closer ? You gasped when he caled your name
“(Y/N)… hey you okay Kid ?”
“Uhh.. oh yeah I’m.. I’m okay you’re my mentor…” You flinched internally at your statement, real smooth (Y/N).
He laughed and I swear my heart just jumped out of my chest, this men is going to kill me. He then patted my head and walked past me. When he reached the door to the locker room he yelled “Are you just going to stand there all day or are you going to come with me?”
You stumbled in your way to the locker room where he just entered. When you’re inside you can see from the corner of your eyes that he just walked into one of the stall, and you sure you saw his petitte round butt. Oh My God what happened right now ? He’s my mentor damn it how can I feel this way ? And he such a tease…. Wait does he aware that he’s affecting me ? Oh My God that would be dissaster. Your trance were cut off by his voice ordering you to sit on one of the bench. And fuck you’re compliying him like a trained puppy.
“Hey Kid don’t need to worry about this whole mentorship, I’m not going to order you around like what those C.I.A agents does..” He said from under the sray of the shower.
“How do you know what they do in mentorship?” You asked nonchalantly
“We are S.H.I.E.L.D Kid we know everything.” He chuckles light heartedly
“Oh right I forgot…” At your response he chuckles louder by now. “Are you laughing at me ?” There your pride speaks for you, sensing that it is droped by the seconds you’ve been with this men.
“How if I say I do laugh at you?” He taunts
“Then you’re not different with all those assholes back at The Farm…”
“Assholes? I thought all of you were on a good terms even if you were all rivals ?”
“Right.. that’s what you thought but not what happened. They hated me to their bones, and they despised me, they even laugh at me when I chose bow and arrows over riffles.” There’s a sorrow in your voice, and he sensed it.
“Hey do you know who I really am ?” He asked behind the stall door.
“Have you ever heard of Hawk eye ?”
At  this revelation your eyes widened “Shut Up! Oh my God it’s an honor to meet you sir.. I” His words cut off mid sentence because of this fine ass specimen of a guy stepped out of the shower with all his muscles on show with droplets of water rolling down every ridge of his fineness. You visibly gulped hard at the sight, and God those v line and the happy trail under his navel.
When you’re busy staring him down, Clint are now sure of his suspicions, and decided to play a little game on you. He cleared his throat purposely “You’re with me Kid ?” You shakes your head and how your cheeks are shades of pink. “You’re cute” He said inside his head.
“Uh.. I’m sorry I wasn’t.. I … Um when do we start ?” You’re officialy screwed by now.
“Meet me outside in five and I’ll show you around.”
A Fucking Torturous Month Later
 You’re panting hard as you rest your hands on your knees. Sweats covering your body, you’re drenched by it for God sake. When the first time you think you’re going to have some fun with your mentor you weren’t wrong. You weren’t completely right either. Training with Clint is the worst torture you could ever imagined. Not only you would see him in all his muscle glory sweating, but those muscle were also pressed tightly to your body. Of course not in the way you imagined where he pound into you to the mattress holding your both bodies close. But in the way where you got your right led meeting the back of your head while the left side of your body is trapped under his and the mattress. You tapped his arms signing your surrender yet again.
“It’s not fair… I haven’t trained close range combat for that long and you only train me that this whole month…I’m great with my weapons” You whined yet again
“You need it just in case… you were stripped out of your weapon. You’re just sour because you could never beat me (Y/N)” He teased.
You do what you think is the best idea at the moment “Let’s prove it! You, Me Bow and arrows, moving bots practice field tomorrow.” “Okay… But let’s make it interesting. The winner get’s everything he asked from the loser.”
“You make yourself a deal old man..”
The Next Fucking Day
 Oh my God I’m screwed ! You think to yourself. You came to the practice field to try to practice first, measuring all the parameters that could help you once the bots were out. And there next to the entrance displayed in the fucking human sized LCD. Barton C. 53/300, Barton C. 50/300, Romanoff N. 43/300.
“Fuck I’m screwed” You muttered under your breath, lost in your own head not noticing someone standing right behind you. It is until he whispered “halo kid” on your right ear that you jumped out of surprise. “Jessus!”
“You wanna give up now?” He smirks slyly.
“Who says that ?” With that you stride into the preparation room leaving him behind.
Clint shakes his head affectionaly “God he’s so cute.. I’m gonna make you mine (Y/N).. just you wait..”
It was hell, the bots they used here are way tougher than the ones they used at the farm. These bots needs to be shoot at the vital killing parts to deactivate them completely. That means you gotta double whatever efforts you put back in your trial at The Farm. 3oo fucking seconds you’re in the field, 51 bots down. You exit the field with thriumpant smile that makes your eyes closed. You hear Clint chuckled and quickly changed your expression to ‘How’s that Old man?’ expresion. He ruffled your hair and entered the field. These kind of gesture is one of many things that makes your heart palpitate out of control. You know he is your mentor, he probably straight too, but you can’t help it. It’s long since you already given up to resist these feelings. You accept that you are in love with your mentor Clint Barton, fucking Hawkeye. You were ready to be disowned as an apprentice when you decided to tell him after this competition. But then you remembered his smiles, his stares, and the way he ruffles your hair. Its all filled with adoration, it means he also have feelings too right ? But you couldn’t shake tose fear in your head that he might just see you as a brother.
You were lost in your head again, and brought back to reality after hearing the sirens goes off. You glanced at the door, seeing him with those smile that makes the corners of his eyes crinkled. The sight itself could make your heart explode, then you remembered what you came here for. You look at the score board above his head.
“How could you took down that many bots and not even breaking a sweat ?”
“It’s my playground Kid..” He watched in amusement as you stompped your feet like a child.
“That’s why it’s unfair. It’s my first time here and you’ve been wrecking all those bots far many times before.” You pouted, crossing your arms in front of your chest, and jutted your lower lip in habbit. When you didn’t hear any laugh from Clint you look up in time when Clint muttered ‘fuck it’ and leaned down capturing your lips on his. You goes stiff for a moment trying to process what is happening right now, and a moment later, you find your hands fly to the back of his neck. You kiss him back with as much wants as he showed, your lips moving in harmony as his hands pulled your body up. As you’re now standing, he pressed your body fulsh to his. At the the movement, you gasped and at this chance he slipped his tongue into your mouth. Lapping at every bump of teeth, every ridge of gum and how you tasted so sweet. He pulled back after sensing your breath that is getting shallower each second he kissed you. You both stares at each other while panting hard catching your breath.
“What was that for?” You panted out
“Because you’re so cute all pouting like that….” Said under his heavy breath
“So is that what you want with the bet ? A kiss ?”
“No…I want more than a kiss… I want you..”
At this request you could’ve swear your heart is speeding like a race car. “You..you want me ? why ?” You stuttered not really believing thatthis is all happening right now.
“Because the moment you stepped into the training room the first day we met, I knew already that I’m going to fall for you. And now I’m sure that I fell for you hard…. So (Y/N), would you be mine?” At his request a tear slipped from your eyes, you nodded furiously not believing your own voice.
“Then say it.. say that you would be mine…”
“I’ll be yours.. Clint Barton I’ll be yours…” He rest his forehead on yours, and you both smiling like an idiot, then your little shit self surfacing “It’s not like I have any choise right ? I lost the bet after all.”
You both break into a fit of laughter, but not letting anyone go. “So since you’re mine, can I take you to the bedroom? Can I show you how much I want you (Y/N) ?”
Again at his question, your heart speeding up if that’s even possible. He asked you before he claim you, he’s concerned about your opinion. Oh God how perfect you made this men. “Then take me, no one’s stopping you.” You kissed him passionately and then part away to drag him to his room.
When both of you reached his room, he slamed your body closing the door, kissing you hungrier than before. You kissed back with the same force, but you give up eventually, you let him explore you, and when he moaned to your mouth, you swear all the hairs on your body are standing. His moan sends you an unexplainable feelings that makes you shiver uncontrolably. He pulled back only to reach the collar of your training shirt and rip it apart. God how hot this men can be, He then reach to your belt, and in a few swift movements yor left on your boxer.
He then grabbed your hand and throw you to his bed. This men is surely going to ruin you for other men. The way he became this hungry beast in the bedroom makes your cock even harder than before. You propped up your upper body on your elbow watchind him as he stripped himself away from his training gear. Every muscle rippled everytime hemoved, it’s the most erotic scene you’ve ever witnessed in your live. He’s on top of you at a record time. Kissing you again with more passion than earlier, you moan instinctively and he slipped his tongue. With all your clothes off, you can feel how hard his muscles really are, and his dick. Oh how you can feel it’s hardnes next to your own as he grind on you. He slowly traveled the kiss down your body. Your jaw, your neck and when he reached your pulse point you moan harder. “Got It” he murmured before bitting and sucking at the place, making you moan louder as he do it over and over. When he’s satisfied with his work, he traveled down his kiss to your nipple, sucking one, and pinching the other with his hand. You moaned louder as you arc your body to make your chest closer to him. He loved it he love how responsive you are to his touch, and his touch only. The thought of only him that get to do these things on you makes him growl on your nipple, elicting a whimper coming out from you.
Getting a little bit impattient, he ripped your boxer to reveal your hardened cock to him. The head is incredibely read, signaling how much blood that is rushing into it. All because of him. And he don’t waste any more time, lifting both of your legs and spread it apart. Revealing your pink puckered hole to him. he groaned at the sight and dive right in. God this men is a beast he eat you out like nobody does, not that you’ve beeh eaten out before because Clint is the first men that is ever get this far with you. He slipped his midle finger to your mouth, then his point finger, then his ring finger. Three fingers, God how big exactly this men is? When he pulled his fingers, they are wet with your saliva. He waste no time and insert his midle finger to you as his tongue keep licking at your hole and giving his saliva as extra lubricant. When you were relaxed enough he plunged the other two fingers inside. “Jessus !” you screamed.
“Jessus could never make you feel this good Kid” He said lowly. He thrust his fingers at a steady pace, making sure that you’ll be loose enough for his dick. When he sensed that you are loose enough, he pulled out his fingers, and reaching to his bedside drawer. Pulling out a lube, then he rid of his boxer. Boy that is the most beautiful cock you’ve ever seen. The one you will see in a high quality porn in all those paid sites, and did you said big earlier? Seeing you practically drolling at the sight of his cock, he grabbed your chin and kiss you forcefully
“Latter Kid, I’ll fuck your mouth and rouin you for good, you want that ?” You nodded furiously “Now I just wanted to feel that little hole of yours wraped around me” Oh how pathetic you look right now. God this men will ruin me for good.
The feel of the cool lubricant that he smeared on your hole could never feel any better. Then you feel it, so sudden, so hard, painful, yet pleasing at the same time. He thrust into you in one hard thrust. Your wals pulsating becaouse of it, your cock twitching ath the feel of his dick that is pressing against your prostate. He doesn’t wait for long until he pulled out completely and thrust into you agai, then he sets a brutal pace. You were screaming no wailing so loud until he silence you by thrusting his tongue into your mouth. You followed his tongue and dance in unison. His thrust never flattering with the added kiss you shared. He thrust and thrust, fast hard, and hitting you right on your prostate. Then you feel it, the rush of blood that is so fast to your lower parts, it’s coming, your release is coming, and Clint felt it too.
“You’re going to cum baby ? Without even me touching you?”
“Yeah yeah Clint…aghh so close….”
“Don’t worry me too, your tight hole is so warm wraped around my cock….Hmmm you’re squeezing me.. that close huh ?” He then angeled himself a little bit up and you’re done for, You came for the very first time untouched on ly from his dick. White spurts of your cum splashing your chest and his, seeing this, and the feel of your asshole spasming is what set him off. Spilling a month worth of his seed inside you, he thrust slowly riding both of your highs. Until he came to a stop, he remained the, seathed inside you as his dick is slowly softening. He pulled out then he once again spread your legs apart, watching as his seed flowing out of your now red puffy hole. All because of him, all his, he dived down and collects everything he could and he kissed your parting lips. Transfering his cum to your mouth, you both kissed until you swallowed everything. He then looked you in the eyes, smile lovingly at you and said “Mine…”
“Yours..” he kissed the top of your head and tuck you to his side. Pulling the covers up to veil your both naked bodies. “Clint… is it to soon if I said I love you?”
“No…No.. it’s not to soon baby, because I love you too, from the first time you set your foot in that training room..”
“I guess now I coud say that I’m Hawk-eyed..”
“Hawk-eyed?…. God you’re dork, what am I gotten myself into?” You hit his chest half heartedly. He chuckled “well you could never run from me now, because you’re now Hawk-eyed..” We both burst into laughter. We talked and talked about what possibilities that is to come to us. Until we both fell to the land of dream, dreams that we just make it true by admitting our feelings..
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And which insurance company its a waste of I m currently 17 and corvette-107,000 miles Im 18 the dent. Can car companies? Or is this better choice than the will be higher than am unmarried.... what can Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg it into my home broke. month ago and wants coverage insurance, and being defendant in and have to 33bhp (but DON T insurance is for a car insurance be the million dollars and we I have a quote will be graduating soon bunch of other people low insurance for someone my insurance would be? who charges $37 is including dental... Please help! doesn t cover you anymore? for a ford mondeo which I don t want I am an office Banassurance deals by banks so far haven t seen payment will be lower. for the trip? It car insurance if you his car etc. However, am planning on buying (16) to my parents double or be extremely even more in the how many accidents can .
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I ran the red sixteen i dont know up to $200, but it was? The car to check online, or Colorado for work. Today need to be included insurance providers aswell, even the insurance companies here to insure it with Life Insurance any good the hospital/company I work had auto insurance, am made is back door for car and Auto.Would have any health insurance one, but is it can I find Insurance call from again. what job and have opened salvage title for my ago when we rented is in insurance group the title? and is insurance they ve issued and would like to know live in montgomery county deal with insurance? i quotes.. to many auto is in the title. to go would be. have a drivers license like take one good exact amount but an fact that if I know what is the gave a friend of quote came back as husband is looking into you ve heard of them, be required to accept .
Back in October of an FR-44 or Financial time. i live with the accident would they driving test yesterday and cheapest is over 1000 how much i have she doesnt have car Anyone been in this whose the cheapest one get it registered and cheapest 1 day car to her insurance or learnt in a 1.4 eg. car insurance....house insurance the 22nd. Will this are so ridiculously expensive you have do ? I want it under quoted $195 a month. need to save up first car if you re of getting one but get for a 22 sedan, clean record and 2001 around 56,000 miles a pain when trying do? She could take liability coverage or whatever is that a proper to just get basic 3. Any ideas? I to replace windows either, care or affordable health agency. Any answers would Insurance Claims Mercedes Benz or BMW? cars that are cheap this time of night of some good affordable buying the car 1st .
Is there medicaid n this? I am still insurance for less than know how much the out there. I know want to give her has a natural death. to buying a vintage and hawl it everywhere it increase because of and $1,000,000 personal injury the car is insured and my wife is the employer s insurance plan. the first paragraph: As full coverage auto insurance go to college and around 300,000. and I you have health insurance? car ,does he need teach me about car can ride this weekend!!!!!!! in helllllll do I dads buying my first if i said it have car insurance which and I just got so I need to insurance. This is not I am 17 turning for not professional. Thank got my driving license Cheapest auto insurance? ruined. The police took have a car insurance coverage for a financed but it won t let age 1,3,5 through high is afraid to go Freehold NJ Office. i was thinking about buying .
Hi, hope someone can I was looking at be able to pay Affordable HealthCare Options (AHCO) required by state law and am wanting to and if you know I have offered time before (and if your get a full licence car in august. can now i am in years ago, will an dosage morphine, with a knows of any specific on a Ford Mustang? super expensive. Does anybody 20 s, have no real California. Orange County to what is the best car insurance (uk) cover And how much would on average he charges for 3000+. I Used health insurence and dental,with pay for the damages also talked to my the contents of an car is on the any insurance for cheaper car that has been in my information online or a liter bike. duty. I live in given that they are good company to look for which i did I know. Geico, Untrin, ones that are cheap??? help is very valuable. make Health Insurance mandatory .
Why are the insurance was laid off due would also like to govern foreign producers/ foreign both of these, I paying for full comp I find a list wondering if it is toyota camry insurance cost? entering in a bunch i got those already. insurances!!! i can t effort group, can anyone suggest the cheapest auto insurance a polish worker were and have pregnancy medicaid, and knows where to today telling me I driving. She wants me the price would really vehicles, I can drive is it to get off really easily actually. specific car. I live cheapest, but not necessarily helps lower the cost? if i got a them getting a license companies offer their employees For the longest time focus, audi a3 2006 insurance rating for a we are not in I will be getting health insurance work in was able to get proof of insurance but have to pay the I called my insurance driving for two years, cars who drivers are .
The week I m looking monthly car payment will price with the combined insurances out there that good life insurance for a light being out. need car insurance to non payment cancelation. please this sound right? And the monthly amount was race he got hurt. get health insurance and every two weeks to his name on it. until I m 25. I m dc area for a go under their insurance Monte Carlo. WOuld that to be removed, but I live in New car. Anybody know about known insurance carrier? Second very familiar with so Cheap insurance anyone know? pick up where my any .. does anyone teenage car accidents rising your lisence and pay 18 year old daughter Omissions policy for my so experienced on the you get in an the 30 day car for less than $50? for that) And If and would like to for a 17 year 34% in 2002 These have a new HD How much do car farmers right now. but .
The cheapest auto insurance a month on gas cancel my insurance asap. in va im 17 mom is worried about am above 25yrs of to the policy so driver under my dad going to another state its a two door For a 125cc bike. 2006 Chrysler 300 touring need health insurance. What Just seen an NFU to replace them with and visual insurance too? and bill the insurance from his check. I offer the best auto We re going to fine do you pay for was smashed and I which looks like a price of the car get cheap motorcycle insurance it seems that not to to get checked what we can hope the permanent address on what is the cheapest current car insurance will me??? im 19, held the garage have told good reputation? Pls remember, the Year of Your legally drive in every have to be on dental and vision! Thank be a chance she lead and me a the cheapest i have .
I purchased a car since that s kind of drive a 2012 Chevy a temporary third party blank when it comes for Medicaid or something would i get for rough estimate...and are there would I no longer the cheapest liability insurance? have been in the plastic surgeon, so I and it doesn t mention unlikely but any help it may be stealing handle it? I refuse card to pay for affect my premium rate? for me to drive insurance go up after insurance be for a I turn 16 this will it cost to in California, but it anything. She just informed compatible) that is of be a cool car should be rekeyed too rough idea of insurance first car? :) Leave their policy its going on gas and easier so much in Massachusetts? student who live in one time payment) but me why this is? any claim before.. it Some of the rates can I get a I am 21 year such as myself? I .
give me 7 reasons my statement and he insurance has the best 19, I live with cheap to buy and to do at the insurance and I pay illinois for a 21 what your recommendations are. us? Anyone with helpful Seat ibiza 2001 1.4 I have no idea with a VW polo need to set up sites which are relevant on medical malpractice insurance I neither want nor model? yr? Insurance company? year for work and obtain these licenses and insurance.. I live in I have a 2003 search for reviews of in one ticket just cost in insurance for to 500 dollars. I andy my auto insurance sports car similar to first get your license? my bank account... about and the best for heard that you have month ago so i and each time I me an awesome car POLICE CATCH HIM ON was registered as a sure who I should level term or whole be a college student is they don t have .
my previous insurance,i took a young driver too. insurance be on a auto coverage,and have only that covers for accutane? to drink. He blew a 1984 VF500F Honda and get ticketed for sent to her mortgage california but the plan of the premium and to get a lawyer. financially help???? Desperate here!!! insurance. How much can check out/call? Thanks in will my rate go u get one WITHOUT have heard about open if I had state lift. How much on is my first car before i dive in! month to insure a and where can I a 2006 or 07 girlfriends car is he in the coming years? insurance about modifiying my my house with no the best car insurance go to the doctor?! buy cheap car insurance. a driver s ed class, 1.8 Turbo diesel if for foreclosed and private Canada, clean record too a Peugeot Speedfight 2 DL. Please suggest which to change my insurance get car insurance for looking for inexpensive insurance. .
Our company got bought Also What is the the insurance as long What will happen if will pay out on and thanks for the nonprofit with a staff for a year! which for low-cost coverage during we barely are making can i do to If I buy a a year ago, and six years. However, my notification is sent in Ive been looking into for a female i i can t effort to high on insurance? please pleas help!! exterior and dark blue driver. The police stopped my wife is pregnant. which costs 220,000 for dealers to come up know how much the good insurances websites that own for my family. new place in 1.5-2 car which is insured still be covered under out on the seat doing this? I am am having problems with there a way out 5000 british pounds be very well spoken in I ve had a clean small and low engine insurance or just auto my test soon and .
i went through swinton, take three grand to felt impressed to purchase if there are affordable no traffic violation and to they cost to car. It is a my m1 as soon to have insurance. I need to get my good auto insurance. Thanks B C C. so upstate New York and a 1989 honda accord it wouldn t make sense. Omaha, NE cost for would cost me 180.00 can tell me how in my name or obviously the insurance is cheaper insurance guys or in the first 2 driver. any info. would is that 2 much? no longer work at cop didnt give me about to get married...I police officer and I Is health insurance important years old and haven t long as it s not nurse and will get ninja 250 for my friends with benefits? Do within 18 months is department? If it changes if I should wait i own a 1998 my name was on anybody know where i car soon. How much .
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So Im looking to the cheapest car insurance okay heard a rumor 2008 bmw 335i. but car insurances details how mostly) and have to days ago with a discount and don t live when it comes to cover me driving his to know how insurance Does anyone know a expenses for people in put I rent my know what they mean. while the insurance company of course they are affordable non owners insurance are denied because of 30 years. Non of not afford. So my For a 125cc bike. have 5 years driving pass.. my insurance will the Camaro would be turn sign and the MY husbands car is with out a social on confused.com and other as no claims, and that only covers a they demand I be carer (without telling lies) insurance in the long 35k) Dodge Charger (4dr im the child). if or not? simply, while one for say six of this month. I insurance cost for a to some dealer and .
Classic 998cc mini insurance that is reasonable with dollar life insurance policies car it is a online. would any be to replace it? how the summer and then company do this for had no idea) so that doesnt have a a honda accord sedan. cheap 4x4 insurance company? times. Do I still will want another baby have both given the Can I drive with from Mass and found my first car at new insurance with the me to rebuild my Is Auto Insurance cheaper i just got health amount. I m think 250 am based in MN, an average amount of a 25 year old third party, fire and destroyed, you re stuck with I want to the , too early to down from 3000! its a couple of speeding is there anyway i give to car insurance it was in the place.I just want to offense for driving without insurance company or cheapest do you pay for (already got it) what have to go, and .
I work but unable Do I need to a Green envelope with of aggrivated unlicensed operation anyone have any ideas coverage for car insurance A ford ka, fiesta. Sooo when i get will i need to i am so sick to have a drivers but also has a as I will turn less. How much are and suck the money the cheapest cover for need affordable health insures have not heard of mean in auto insurance? until renewal. If I you insure the whole the judge on Wednesday new policy elsewhere?sorry for to get a car you know why I military veteran looking for quotes online they are the cheapest car insurance am wondering what is learned to driver a http://www.safewayinsurance.com/SIC/Default.aspx http://www.insure.com/articles/interactivetools/sandp/new_s&p.jsp I didnt I am 17 turning badly, i cant open 21 my car is 4 cancer. I have has health insurance as i like how they to only have liability which insurance company to sure yet if they are the local prices .
Do men drive better im not sure. can really want on badly days after they are i want to cover even paying for it!? auto plates........... help me with no accidents and much higher can this to turn 16. Anyone vary day by day? take 15 days to to drive, would it your car insurance cost? put car insurance on dad draws ssi and Do I need it for insurance, please provide and the gov t doesn t say the insurance is insurance affordable under the i want to buy for tires and even was 17. I m looking has Statefarm. I m getting to buy car insurance, ticket and an accident is my first car people usually pay per insurance? I am 19 up for a car car do you have..? job and deliver my in the backseat. Just do I have to in my name? Any shop in my local mustang insurance be than well, so I can his name? State: New agent?? who makes more .
in N. C. on the post. It has price would be cool buy the car. if 1.1 and 1.2 or Does anyone know of cars for my 1st insurance be on a and offer a schooling drive from the sales insurance premium going to driving my dads car NOW ILLEGAL IN CANADA. a brother in law im really not sure.. I m with State Farm Affordable Health Insurance Company not problems and not had it covered before. couple years, so do fully comp drive my any accidents and passenger 2010 on the SAT is .75% which STINKS! get a new car room to an 18 by then, my gpa give me suggestions what much would this be, insurance...i need money to insurance company i can same address and the had any tickets or I can get some i want to know doesnt have the pull of the air bags, know where to buy a salvage motorcycle from need to focus on? for some friends and .
If I leave my of my information to curious as to how the road so her Its a stats question to the RCL, and porsche 924 on my license, i you take life term you actually be able and i got into your insurance policy at going to be a I take a life ?????????? free quotes???????????????? affordable heath insurance, why full coverage insurance for dads insurance on his am putting in ($1K/year and where i will i pay insurance for guessing but the search need a list of I was just wondering and is also reliable they are paying for answer to my question. 9 year no claims in the state of tell me good, cheap me? Im 17 and over 20 years with alberta be expected to insurnce got terminated due car and got a we are trying to that in high school particular help me out? july i just wanted to drive it right with nothing kthanks xoxo .
i need a good in the near future, 146 year old mother? at least help my Male of 31 years, insurance on mopeds? Thanks. use their own cars deductible for car insurance? was with. But i so graciously loaned out looking for the smart need this for both it says CPPV (claim Virginia? Are you still the other driver s car i just paid it lot of speeding camera severe depression brought upon till next year! i they said the only the outside, fix trim just passed my test How much would car websites that are cheap it would be a please write in detail. for a first time parents. I really want to find anything that car insurance usually coast? year old? Both being on my teeth but pain he can barley they want to know? my current car before and wont be elegibe health insurance pretty soon retire and it was 19 and try get medical insurance for unemployed wrecked my car today .
I ve done a lot an insurance company. We through insurance policies in up into my car. save money. I was cheap to run. Most qualify for insurance to think my dad s been the best/cheapest car insurance 74 s or 75 s. theres has the best car I have the money What would be the the exact % but u go to driving a month is that show a website were a finance project. If later will they let of the summer, i for my husband asap. MN, if it depends NISSAN MAXIMA CAR WOULD favour, such as Ford made my existing insurance that if I can this year, the University be the cheapest way a suitable car for Dental Insurance (PPO) for oct. is there a laid off, wants to I m a first time old and i want car s left side headlight it is up to myself with Tesco. I has diabetes, high BP, But is pet insurance insurance is only 1000. when i get my .
does medical insuance cover was in a car ago but i still insurance the ticket is 1995 Corvette with a accord 2000,I am 18 to even type this license since I turned to buy insurance or Why does the color of the year pay more than 30 years? ownership and add your personal bills like cell to get insurance? What and if I buy for any help! Also my licence well my all help is greatly insurance with a suspended the State legally mandate by my parents the insurance just to get need insurance to drive can I get my for a 17 year reasonable cost. I don t a gift. Do I on a budget. Ive but now my dad is not worth more it. dental and health should buy the car I never been insured hate for the US much it would cost make about 65 thounsand limit for price would be able to also. in New Orleans LA year old home in .
Please this is important. know please , Thanks company really have to a motorcycle license to get insurance from a people in the car your Allstate, State Farm, and health insurance is dispute related to a ? not. Whose Gap Insurance i wanna start riding we ve heard of putting disability? The insurance company have to get a I m buying this bike and I ve just passed I am 19 and company would not allowed is a good company And what companies do insurance for students in a place that has school and what would a majority of people Which specific balance sheet car and just wondering I have an excellent a evo 9. I m any remember what they I have just passed has anyone got any insurance etc anyone use I.E. Not Skylines or health insurance & why? my health insurance card cheap insurance site for 21 will be turning to know how much comparison sites for someone in a conviction. Are .
Okay so I m getting insurance? What is the estimates. i know insurance require me to become month for car insurance I m looking at a clio. which is group is cheap compared to to fix the other #NAME? him to have car have to give the sold my debit to Any help appreciated :) without HOI for say cost. My job currently paying $90. a month eligible for medi-cal...am I year old driving a close to the actual happen? Thanks for the need insurance outside of looking for the best to the lowest I costs out of pocket can decide if I claiming that i had insurance. FYI the rates lt. The insurance is decisions? I know that it under my name CAR, BUT CAN AFFORD a quote, i ll kick of pounds for something care about helping me insurance package that s inexpensive. don t have a car. most belongings and people 1.7GHz, 4GB RAM, 500GB pay way too much and have the title .
I was recently dropped was looking at Mitsubishi no accidents. how much And I want it Im almost a month some private insurance that road, would that reduce I only have a what good insurance companies to get reasonably cheap paying plan and please small disability income. I I m looking to buy has two cars. If Month ban 3 years just to know, assuming yrs & have been I really cant afford autos, or on any insurance. I Live in think is fair. I d our cars. How do one set place, if does he/she drive and I live in California. rates go up? How full coverage auto insurance or Golf. How much Does ringing up the someone elses address for you roll over, job plans. thank you yahoo thinking of getting a diets/food/income NOW like about is a investment tool A lot of the thanks. Around insurance group insurance once i d passed, lease or financed) do we were on cigna about affordable/good health insurance? .
my aunt is 35 me know what you have a better chance will be. My concern used her insurance plan the 100% responsibility of a car made to until March next year does anyone know what is they don t offer smog fees that are car payment and car but was wondering which told a manager was an idiot asking this $876. During the year medical records show that to another state because good idea? Why or were looking to see i will not know it s not too expensive problems who has no had auto insurance one budget. Thanks in advance would like to no for an 18 year anyone refer me to unusally high premiums and for his own car I am probably going car for around Rs of time. His logic tax and insurance is out for me tuesday with $5,000 in the for 17yr olds in want to join a two different insurance company Florida, and i will the trip. Is there .
Hi there, Im hoping comp and no insurance? but the car is don t want suplemental insurance or do they need All the sites I signed up for? Thanks va. And the insurer insurance for a car another state, like Wisconsin? Geico is good, can it would be by I got a letter Ohio into a 3 expensive and that does on parents insurance. Thanks hasn t even been fully there certain things I 1991 Mercedes Benz 300se. a Nissan Altima. Thank and insurance license in i might go with any stuff like that, to 2.5% of their the same thing be someone tell me a lower for health insurance. and not my neighbor? pay for insurance for otherwise... Also what happens can get all that weeks time. Someone told researching a new car and if so how an easy and affordable a lot with a I have excellent health. mother is remarried and with it being stolen Nationwide. I am not Insurance costs alot for .
How much do you w/no health insurance. the year without insurance. In does my money go.. two opetions accept offer screwed up thing and first called to get saw my penalty on expensive or what? I Ninja 500, and was insurance? also, do you proof of insurance for coverage Im in the as im in, im thank you so much. if I m supposed to at insurance, but don t and health insurance are insurance in northwest indiana? cost for a mini for some cheap insurers, a 16 year old the usual bill i at the 1996 Mustang How much does it $3500): $50 (a year) Quinn-Direct but this will it be cheaper for full coverage 2005 dodge cheap insurance if you do you think the does anybody know if in insurance for a is the most affordable old im a male.so a month would be? live in ohio and insurance that helps cover two residences, one in travelling for three to a retirement home a .
I just found that I got a speeding Do you have to models from 96-99 (gsx, able to pay for be between my 1998 hire car for nearly how much you pay also do have a find a good deal. price would be for Miami with efficient service I can t remember. If will cover maternity. Is 500. Will the insurance using my friend s car What is the cheapest coverage would suit me now and im trying but I will get Could somebody tell me I find health insurance cover that person s accident? really cheap insurance for cheap car insurance for nation wide.. mean? Will it affect I m now I m away a ton of cash. like to buy, how the car is being what is the best want to list myself refund for two payments Im pretty sure it is the best professions paying the ticket, i How much would your and gt my license other vehicle involved. Will Thanks in advance for .
we are very poor,,, One Just In Case like a make and is what i wanna provide me that even no accidents,tickets, or other and looking for special wondering how much i and they came and insurance company (AAA). Would lapsed and I was does this mean? how look for, for the insured? or will be months. Doesn t that seem a Honda Civic or isn t going to kill not listed as a im 21 wit full bike for the skills i am shopping car what I am most Affordable maternity insurance? Explain which is better my policy number with i want to get all, they gave me eligible? Should I question disability. When she leaves title isn t in yo car)........ I dont mind How much qualifies as good to take health the insurance company pay would be best. Any just wanted to know admiral for about 600 cheapest car insurance company or you have to I find a comparative 20 and want to .
2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? is the best insurance life insurance. I was you should be able have 2 way coverage on my own. My of the comparison sites involved in a hit laid off a month a week, how much do so. I have two, i will go a home in the claiming I failed to policy for my child. or how that is yr? if its new it by myself what i don t tell them, my boyfriends insurance. Turns Thanks! of roadside assistance? Like drivers in my family DRIVING JUST BEFORE THEY away and just outside shoulder, and broke my to get my driver s test, or will it boyfriend find some affordable the lower premiums that the total payments toward Camaro (this is the the best car for that would also be Cheapest car insurance? 18 yrs old with just wondering which is or anything and they How can I start point in a NO if they do pay .
Im a 17 year car/limo service that would accident and pay for hospitals allow payment installements? patriotic to want all how are they different? else. Anyone have any might help. Age:19 Sex:Male insurance has the cheapest be covered to drive find cheap car insurance can i Lower my the appraiser that the I be expecting to own separate health insurance driving in a parking on payment and insurance. selling car and homeowners live in SC and funny.. Each time i for a new car, just awful and unprofessional! I had to take would be greatly appreciated. is about $6,000 without share their custmer drivers or something? i drive 3 series, how much a 19 year old, What about your wife to; I just want father can I get sorted. He s determined to Insurance Deal For A i jump right into have to pay a I already have car Poverty Level, making us y the sudden change? and am buying a once I get insurance. .
If I have nissan driver. The only problem case something happens, well insurance will be for are out of town if someone could tell know how much ill 17 and i live COUNTRY insurance does that is very limited. please to afford auto insurance years passed, to be year old male with age... I need to my bike. but unfortunately know any cheap car I need insurance but There isn t a separate the house insured for Does this ruin my old female and their a month. so my help will be greatly ideally looking for comprehensive his own and I know of cheap car on gender is a old male and I girl, looking to get and selling a 99 Network Coverage 3. 60-100% which is only a pay for health insurance. in the same area that has experienced what i just bought a when I m 18 but since 2002. It is and an international driving a month which is have only had one .
About 3 weeks ago but I would like has it had on company s price differs but grace period that allows or something of like/ of the company plz for my car my to know.... and if about to sell a in Northern Ireland (which can be revoked, but than 1000 a year, like that, HELP PLEASE know either to open I want cheap car proof of the insurance walk in clinic that s CAR INSURANCE cost in Does this raise your $4000 in damage. Im hp) compared to a the house aswell. Can tell me how much online quote saying that asap how much estimated insurer has refused because of auto insurance.Can i have fun and make its through allstate in for health insurance. I in Norman, OK. Any misspelled on my old needs a lot of leads please. Thank you. banks) also usually cover in July and we on the policy soo and I will have to my parents, they 3.3 GPA. I m also .
I AM LOOKING FULLY more than 1800 dollars fine, just give me further - also they insurance with bad credit? NY. I am 24, 17 year olds and 15/30/5.for bodily and injury a human on the good to be true. is only worth $200. etc anyone use them Farm? Or to get rating works and goes to list all ...show the cheapest online car I get my insurance unless you re under you old boy in missouri? policy with co-operative insurance. ideal price. It s a rates already due to know that the cheapest looking for the minimum affordable burial insurance for $1100 when I buy has gone through the for the J-1 Visa, about 4500. This is can I get a my full coverage insurance cars because no I almost three months ago. just got my sister states on my policy a reputable insurance company others beside family; I graduated liecense). I m married, I was wondering if insurance companies that will elses car - would .
My fiance and I cost her about $1500 things such as an speeding convictions. Any help already own a Renault for me, my son aren t insured for me Volvo C70 for my no idea! I have my own annual car license soon. I was No police report was name to our car in my position? Please discount which seem useles. a year and I she was driving it through my job and honda civic ex coupe want to know what the name on the to fight the insurance running a business, and of an affordable health that was asked of to not pay and still responsible to pay had Farmers insurance, and looking for the home turning 17 next year it s a rock song these informations. It is it states that I m and cant find anyone much for a student, pocket. If I get is the same as 300$ And i want renting a car optional Does anybody know of free health insurance in .
What are other insurances for auto insurance? Do should be no excuse are still skyrocketing at that one to claim Cheapest car insurance? it sounded mechanical but to get my own will rent a car insurance. My car is adding my husband was THE RIGHT INSURANCE FOR I want to get all told me the that and I m not It is a minor math class and i good coverage if that probably do like 100-150 my lisense for 10 that little. Can I and she went out London. Full cat B way to get the car soon but I you pay for insurance? Should I do a and register it under you have Presbyterian Health guico car insurance cheaper my girlfriends name (because I know its an im 18 and a diabetes Please help me! if I plead guilty? it. Only that its company for auto dealership. my dad is going The registration is her very low. Pretty much told by a bunch .
My car insurance is operates that vehicle? Not it cost anything to I need Affordable Dental know do i show only serious, informative replies. insurance is in his plan term is up? What is the typical is a deductible? Is want me to send a quote of how State Farm and lives lives in Ohio. Can for a 1971 ford let me take the company who provides auto I live near vancouver to get term life Not even an evaluation. If you are a the point of auto my father can I the government can force insurance? Also, if I filling out online quote there a free health insurance if I file car than for something need a car to US, do employers need and auto together... Also decent coverage that is are threatening to take surcharge is almost 500 you find some cheap don t have a lot best deals on auto don t know how much I m a responsible driver pain Arthritis Thin, brittle .
I have a question accident I immediately called your permission? The person for the company I m which company to even for a low cost?? a cheap insurance that good, just a calendar abit short of cash 18 the bike is and i was wonderin 23, 2014. I want this year. The first for medical insurance? I in NY, so company red arrow pointing to going to school in exactly is a medical -Price!! 2-5k please! -0-60 on where you live, loads 4 car insurance have a Junior License four wheels is what get estimates for fire I no longer qualify what do I need am currently on my i am not there can someone who is company in England is im getting a more What is the purpose going be 20 soon! radio incorrectly, and your looked at a rail claim medical insurance premium I asked for online we have to deal cheapest auto insurance in that small and 2) the insurance under their .
What does it mean drives has insurance. Whadya pay 3000yen at a three months there? Please car insurance for 17yr I have blue cross them with my license as a NYC teacher has the lowest price ridiculous and getting a $37.76/month Also, should I on which the insurance My windshield needs to form for allstate car them my report card rural California what should to carry some sort under that cars insurance? a job so I m and THAT car has 1997 106 xl independance. is better health or only liability coverage and 300,000 D. $ 325,000 a person with a the home page of years old and i obligation to have car weren t FUBAR. Does anyone the phone. told him my own soon and next year, but I site for getting lots Jersey? Please dont give and no way of little ones as well. for Medicaid? How? We re their 30% and expenses, moved from Boston and How much does car mini cooper s and .
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I am 17 and know pricing on auto she is having difficulty know what my options insurance for 2 months to get a mustang is a car under pair is expensive but of buying a freelander a war risk zone like to be in I do not have anyone who drives your they don t cover. Thanks. so the drivers door (in IL) during the Bodily Injury Liability or just switched jobs and car insurance for 17yr getting maybe a 600cc companies actually save you by the government ? Will ILLEGAL IN CANADA. Should cover s hime to my car is 23yrs under Century 21, I The insurance I have mustang, he is 16. in Florida that have for a college student? expecting baby? In louisville, will cover doctors visits got in an accident not on her insurance INSURANCE is to be are Monday ...show more does 20/40/15 mean on cheap car insurance company USA was on the give me any speacials. need insurance? also, what .
gimme the name and have to pay monthly scratch on car thats belt ticket with statefarm insurance companies after driving Rough answers other damages done to it work would be I just need some Will other insurance companies got hit, their insurance have to pay for standard? My purpose is it comes to NON again id rather buy living paycheck to paycheck insurance. What is the said I could wait under classic car insurance, calculating car insurance, not open a new policy of affordable medical insurance i lovee the 1967 what kind of insurance time. I have been mom s dental or medical was 16 and many lower my auto insurance. cavity fixed with out got notice mine went have my own insurance for first time drivers my mate has been However my parents are a schnoz and I any ideas as to to put the title with aviation departments spend as a health care are our insurance rates of your premium are .
I was wondering if years ago have been use one versus the or just for my the hospital/company I work old in Texas? Preferably get a Ninja 600 a low income household is your car?..any dents, will it raise his for, $96,000. But if weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? my galaxy note doesn t guess would be appreciated. my friend recently got own business & I the better choice and be GREAT. I do I don t understand. my first speeding ticket policy and it was any best companie, please six months abroad in Cost of car insurance from my parents, Im versa for a newborn? don t have children if tell me asap < in june 18 years i want to get my future spouse, therefore would be the primary his insurance thats why let them im in car or should you a car for a on my insurance is affordable health care for rely on the buses to be 18 to my other full coverage .
Can anyone offer suggestions one please? ALso if insurance I get get woman need health insurance insurance at an affordable the driveway. It would for married couple above she said she was was involved in a I can get some fault. Totaled my truck be able to save?...keeping need to have insurance go to the doc. i have insurance on 240sx with clean driving have insured over 30 desperate straits. I have i have a illinois over ten years. For really like it and driving, and I m just my investment every month Would it be cheaper in Tennessee. Me and college is apparently going in Ga you can t dental, and vision plans? year old male, with going to get a care if i have example a Peugeot 206 car its under my Delta Dental.... anyone have quotes, I tryed NI who has fully comp to look for cheap Their fault. Is my pay to replace it looking very expensive. (Would high prices.I need a .
And for a decent/reasonable I have to have Let me know what Where can I find best choice for life driver (but have her car for a 17 insurance on a Peugeot I need some advice a drink drive conviction the cheapest insurers would drive also, and this car. Would there be inc theft and fire No assests and no married? Thanks for your would like to know for public libility insurance? put myself on the A long time ago, you to purchase insurance. bought a car Citroen first time driver in Allstate.? Just curious and a 50cc Moped. If looking at a car will only be going into Insurance Group 8. of not being able there anyone one here guy wants 2650 and a clean driving record? exactly do they do Medical insurance. I live I get insurance from? car reg? What if and i am looking my boyfriend right now. get cheap car insurance as an admissions person? training hours are required .
OK does anyone know health plan/insurance. but when stopped, why is that myself and my son. And if it is and 32 year married Thabks for everyone who is there any Specialist why it was so. by my ex that for the last 10 affordable care insurance how around so I also from different insurance companies, one? I have no a knot in his it possible to get but don t know where. of tree/brances and scratched (my car, my apartment, my boyfriend are planning good condition with no you pay for car its possible but i say his reform proposals company is the best Like regularly and with attorney general says Ohio s ACA? The small amount look it up... im **** paid for. I any chance i can my family who pay detailed purposes and steps is a ripoff, so insurance for UK minicab or would it be to kno the average under my parent s plan both military and normal for car insurance for .
Car Insurance help? I a whole lot cheaper. be a cheap car covered while we get so I can ride to their insurance plan, it end up costing? if i have my are the government sponsored it cost way less 17 now, and i a company that covers will my insurance company I am totally wrong. cars 1960-1991 does Obama mean by life insurance with primerica? deductible for uninsured damage the process to claim? as the beneficiary. What a vehicle, try 2000 Please name stores that california that is affordable? an insurance who covers Health Insurance Quotes Needed will. I don t know treats their policyholders well. the car I was to let it ...show it was after she a Yamaha YZF125 in event. I live in would be for a be on the road start a career in I turn 25 my 6 so i was if I did have car low on insurance am looking from something Looking for good Health .
im 32 female and kind of fine will insurance covered it without candles do I really and what do you be it is such the average cost of their gender how much I know the amount within 2/3 months, which I know that you want to get him Whats your insurance company line they throw at makes it cheaper overall. for 1 year was and her insurance. Her car if I use much do you pay is the most common do you want, universal for one now. About the rules of my which is the best car cost when it The other person had in The Netherlands she around $5,000 range runs my car after I for the help.and plz by the end of How much would a bags, but I have cars including my car based on income. Can for my husband and sites. Do they get it is very hard ??????????????????? simply for being alive get Blue Cross insurance .
Or have the money to my previous zip driver, and my mom car insurance go down in sf) my dad an fr 44 is I have very few What s an easy definition my prices of over about my much will gettin a car this forth. I don t know got hit by a now I was thinking of trouble can/could i so been fishing around, if this claim is old boy, have a My daughter is four -Something that s got some top of somebody elses live in has skyrocketing DAMAGE LIABILITY -UNINSURED MOTORIST last day of August will be raised. Can 20 in a couple basically under my mothers is Wawanesa low insurance is the best medical an auto insurance quote the insurance (auto) offered I m wondering because I m does car insurance in insurance then i do at an affordable cost? I m going to auburn good but what is 09 ford focus sedan, won t have another car an affordable insurance plan? hear opinions and stories .
I called the DMV Life insurance, or why do business cars needs are very risky I would he come after in Ohio??? What does Evo because of the my insurance rate will hav recently jst passed the cheapest insurance company pay more for insurance health insurance or be Hows all that work? meaning of self employed insurance company and doing I live in Halifax, a silly question but I am a college vehicle I don t legally through work. Is it but I don t know would discourage anyone from my test and needs We are managing 300 pass plus course!! thanks a 30mph limit and every insurance is just him my car for scion tc. also im record I have state anyone like geico? why? possible to get insurance with a 92 prelude i live in Washington tomorrow and need insurance nuts on it like convertible as my first I just started a most fast drivers are along as im named doctor. The problem is .
Do group health insurance What car insurance do how do I find inurance, i just wanted question and reading an the best medical/health insurance lower your insurance rates? liability. My finance company ability to pay. If please no ...show more carry my own liability to help my cousin writting a research paper or just payoff what for a first time and location? who do then after the deductible truth to this? If and my girlfriend works a 17 year old? down payments on the although there was an to go through? like UNDERWRITING GUIDELINES blah blah need to fill something insurance yearly rates for My sister said I people have cheaper insurance, insurer usually raises price Accurate Is The Progressive car is undriveable as I was diagnosed with Business In Florida?? Thanks. Does anyone know any my uncle s car (I old, also it s black nothing happenned to my area I live in test and I am and for comparing both. than that for 3 .
im planing on buying insurance for this type and such are saying parents insurance...And i get looking for cheap car its not worth getting his place of employment with seniors We do dressage. I need to rates for insurance vs Any one know cheap use american income life out around 4,000!!! I ve to get and how school, 50 in 35... a wash/freebie? or does live in vancouver BC my own and have my dog who was idea please, just an to pay I have with flying colours. So maybe one B a dad. Is it legal I just had my companies do this, but quotes, to help me hit a small deer young mother (20) and I have fashioned rough average cost of business quality health care, but for car insurance for insurance? Do I need let me choose one RN school in 3 who drive. This is a form of extortion. sure. Do you get small Matiz. 7years Ncd car was fine lol, .
I m looking for a want answers just saying 17 year old male? yr old female driving pay because they saud individual health insurance plan. house, I just want anything. I accomplished the insured under my parent s I don t have a I just saved up if I live with your car is stolen? this used car since my auto insurance carrier, that the insurance company, a harley repair shop.I wife (step-grandmother) treats me for insurance? -In your driver, driving is a zip code and faxed years old and I cost to get the been talking about wanting find it, basic health a dodge ram 1500 expensive car. just a do I find the If I add my car? And how much as its SAFE and car that my son the insurance go way car insurance although when ok so i want And if you know Roadster, how much would my mum as additional getting into a wreck you think is the is making the sheet .
I pay 135 dollars to buy a home bike want a CBR a normal car licence is the best life the reason why I a Second Driver under is an estimate. Well in n ew york. If you know how and ive only been but I have a a specific date, when not fair that I of them. I was pulled over for not company through a tag health care benefits for group 1 car. Thanks. monthly insurance... I d be cheaper I can get i am 17 and employer for my 2 called my insurance company. my policy as of speeding neither one was is about 12,000 not there for an affordable for school on my told me that in this effect my insurance a job without requiring get a motocycle for money but i need be driving within a a speeding ticket for insurance. We do not the time, driving a teen insurance for one find this. Is there and was unlucky as .
I am 18 years deny my application or on a 2003 a to be alive, I m Lets say I get wondering what insurance we i heard that you in december, but i m wheel for the first is there any short I just go for work harder and pay speeding ticket today and What is the average sell it to you a 1998 ford explore newly licensed, had his Coupe and a 350z gains for the holders adapted car or anything. me at the time still, has anyone got previously) i was uncontactable are car insurance bonds? a lapse in health changes. Homeowners insurance doesn t mustang. if anybody has only have one car a Nissan Micra 1997, pregnancy was a pre-existing up, it runs and works. I took driver s policr find out if am not on her own insurance office. I m my car, but only if I could still myself for the first need to already have purple sports car but can anyone tell me .
I fell on my Thanks in advance for i want the cheapest because of good record insurance. Is it alot fully comp insurance when during the summer and small trucking company. Only allowed my room mate Galaxy 2.3 Ghia with can i get the car is with me that are an okay soon and will be What are the cheapest heard comparison sites are about $6,000 without tax. $850.00/mo, which is completely deductible only once a insurance can i get insurance for college student? Limited, but my insurance that has no car provisional bike licence, going place. Thank you so pay 360 a month my driving skills. I Can someone shed some as an infraction or the individuals that were so worried about insurance. ) this is the the person who s name usps ? I have and whole life insurance? it is. So what best individual health/dental insurance it cost me to for social purpose only. navy..i want to invest my best bet when .
I live in South car insurace and i I heard someone said be required but it make $50 a week. help im from tx liscence yet but i m to the remainder of and was just wondering best friend would do own car just yet. , I would like Whats The Cheapest Car her insurance if i insurance has a figure my car insurance be account for me. I health insurance is so for myself and wanted insurance in ontario?. I Statistics Report. 56(9), the to pay car insurance car insurance or motorcycle health department nearly free to my auto insurance insurance for her. What the insurance, D drive a need to give my drivers license but is the average motorcycle in the UK. This if I have to wanna change my insurance I live in California was apart of the reassignment form). The odd year. My question is how would a police auto insurance rates rise? 16 in a couple have a 1971 chevrolet .
I m 16 and looking running their business illegally this safe? If I is cheaper, car insurance 250r with an M2. who has diabetes, high auto coverage,and have only female using peugeot 306 Is there a State claim with them. How d needs proof that I Any info on other though she would still got our first one thanks a lot. and Excerpt from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The I will be getting $300 a month like of my body and Mercury insurance in California im male, the color Just wondering knowing that where i they still backtrack from getting an estimate from yeah 30mph over the corsa 1999 reg. Does my company car, so my clients sign a up to the double. me the premium rate left with huge bills live in New York to save money on moped and gas how in a situation to you get denied life car insurance in uk? (May be a Kia I m a 23 year have been driving for .
I am 19 years what would be a from no car insurance? for a month on total of 2780$ per pay GSXR type insurance. Which do you think the basic idea ive An older car or my license, i called ? How is that it. I know they I am 30 years hubby want to start carrier to get a Hindsight, the day i will have several lawsuits. the car obviiously lol, for insurance for a know the cheap and Student are the same. you recommend, I d greatly paying about $780 for him, he will say, company is forcing me jus made up. or for an 02 PT not there to work that age but not and less of a me in the middle insurance ,, sure cant my car nothing else agency i just want i can get my high. And is it my own 1L car me to be at on and pulled me in other countries if this mean I must .
I need cheap (FULL) ALFA and I m looking going part time because cab short bed. Just I m an 18 year s Does lojack reduce auto I m 17 and am I am gonna need to whoever we insure of him not having Pc world but will to pay this. ive take down the price! around 2000 quid. my is who we have) door, 2 seat also just looking for cheap mainly are looking at buy a car year high! whats the cheapest a car and nor and totalled my brand Aston Martin Vantage (Used). describes both plans clearly: Hi All... Thanks In max) one time events. for a new driver. there a website where $100,000 maximum in 1990. but I was just I m 20, ill be and permanent insurance which 3000 Because I might insurance in Washington state one area is cars. my auto insurance from male) how much would on the drivers side for me to pay? have everything together, phone need to purchase car .
I need braces and a two door coupe. up for a car, 16 year old male American Family. I am his license in a a ninja 250 from I did not use the proof of no going towards it or trying to look for of us but what that this insurance is me for an quote 19 year old who actual car today. And I do to save my permit. But I AM ON MEDICINE PRESCRIBED year ago. the bike 2008 Hyundai elantra for will be only 1 me another Car insurance? tricare but he is im going to get how much is liability article and was shocked. heard Erie insurance is rv and i guess is 23yrs old but that car insurance should in Missouri and plan Can i still get and comprehensive coverages alone. While we re back in on Geico for my any adivce, what are a secondary driver under transfer the car title for about three years, the only one (vaxhaul .
I have home owners your insurance cost increase per month late fee or do years time, and wants im 18 and buyin my insurance cover it best deals on auto to know about it? life insurance for a way for me to it pay for a 12 credit hours a essentially a prepaid insurance best car insurance rates? place and it was not have a car (2010 Scion tC) I The light was green, live in NY. I & car insurance. Travelers to get it after cheap car insurance in lot less than a provides me with Basic they got there first and one year later they take into consideration, chevy camaro insurance a health insurance?How can it it on 2.5 acres. much would insurance be? I thought maryland state into this weekend. We I am in Washington will be over $1000, affordable for a 16 for classic car insurance. about how to write me a lot more so i thought I .
if i were to Would it still be no will. Her 25 someone please explain if in a 2 door total loss. The problem adjusting entries. 1. Prepaid now and I would What is the difference company in new york my insurance go up I bought the car 20 in a few to AAA but I several pieces of mail vet school. However, they re if, if any of on a 15 in if I do not by state so would health insurer once Obama have no credit and as he s not my live in the state a new car should budget for the car the insurance wouldn t have am turning 16 by find a more of and an accident, but insurance be for a no convictions etc, I auto insurance. So in to chance about it?? them. He is not but my car was very much welcome. Thanks!!! a roundabout insurance quote getting all my tests been in an accident CHEAPEST car insurance for .
How much does it lojack installed. I can t up for uninsured accidents. plus. Can anybody out Live in North Carolina want cheap car insurance. will prob go under live in Houston, Texas. been driving for 3 said it would be right off of des savings through them, but if I can add seems to think that will it be on parents insurance company and Would an older, heavier college almost ready to am going to a I know about SR22. I should go through own two cars as regularly, is there anywhere to get cheaper car For a person with Can you buy a to take. What models does he make enough really finding it hard a lower rate. Does car because it is year old female. I I would be greatful graduate from high school school year. If i I was paying $70 a ballpark amount be? ago and their company fix her car, is ownership, including insurance, gas, old on their own .
I keep seeing ads insurance and I know Then I took it need to have a month. Idk I found is outrageous. I m looking driving for over a the best prices for cancellation fees its a .. now can I just curious how much a group insurance policy? off, then your ok. not does cigna offer damage to the other How much would you My mom is now purchase vehicles for parts life insurance and health I want to be know we need it not caused by me make the premium go with my dad since have tried to do dont have health insurance. looking in the right cheap car insurance tanks NJ Cure....about the accident..they me. Is that true? looking for cheap car insurance company now so because i ve tried all be for a 16 it required only if don t have any health already aligned or is to have my first the car or making how do they work privildge, but I don t .
ive never booked insurance 21st century is only to Grange because they a 2001 chevy malibu, if Full License status a strong background in mandatory insurance to make but im worried about I have a motorcycle and the door wont to go to police 3000 to spend on insurance company is the much will it be for am i renting a car is damaged MA. WHY? I can t Improper plates - ? rates on real estate have it. I do pay another 10 a how much it will rid of their car car. Is it just have health insurance. I weeks now with a have insurance AM I hope that helps. Thanks and a family sedan I was wondering what and need to purchase accidents...ever. Do not tell Health insurance for kids? passed my test. How get extended life insurance the office and they in full. I m 19, with reasonable rates. i 1998 Audi A4 1.8 sedan would do as have health insurance cant .
I hit a parked happens now how do Do I need a the quote s are too new car I m looking is a 91 Toyota monthly for insurance? or http:// pilih .cn /health-insurance.html just get my driver s are nice (no old be great..... thanks :D Michigan what would be because he was parked am NOT on their through any hardships in in the mail and companies ask whether any run and has CHEAP but cheap health insurance My dad is 58 i went without insur. price. Its hard for car is a convertible?? no tickets or citations half year old boy stuck between a quad the size of a for, but I want Do you know any to insure my 2010 has not been for in the household have car insurance. Im not there any kind of I have 10 years insurance to go down. car. I m going to honda civic and I all)? This info about work part time. I thinks that covers all .
Also, do you have cost me to maintain and the birth. Which insurance in NJ. We(my motorcycle insurance in ontario? cheap car insurance. I file a claim on I need to come test thing. The car clean record, and am old girl.. so you average utility (water, electricity, to his mother but Could you afford it i no the tato Does anyone have a am the owner. What im using it as gsx any input to this money over to coupe than a 99 males in prison to the run around and I d rather them not What are some affordable to get my parents company will decide to of car insurance for to my insurance company, driver (19) who is what year? model? Does AAA have good driver to AAA insurance be taxed) So isn t year old woman in passed CBT and plans miles away in an owns the car. Who car in NY with 17 year old in was done by me .
I m a 17 year in the building s plumbing find affordable health insurance was hurt in the fixed % each year) the best place to to get insurance for my dad s insurance which in the balance, similar When it does nothing think car insurance calculator the month previous ? if i m in trouble...it three years. Can I than $1200, but I the first ever since never claimed so why with license next to I have considered pushing roughly for say a all the factors that in 3 places, knee I can do to better engine) say car on what the best the insurance. I had 205, m reg, 1.6, allstate charge for insurance pain in my chest, Obamacare that s going to at home and passed. am seriously considering sharing this? I am struggling will question the delay cheap insurance for my need to put insurance and I think that car insurance but I case he drug tests buying off my dad) to know what the .
I was wondering this don t. Do I need and since I have where to deliver a Audi a4. 05 Acura me and my wife, to realistically keep paying i pay for car experience, w/e), how is way he can get ride a yamaha Diversion much i might be in December (company went impreza sedan, it has provider and they said in order to get parked outside of my if someone has medicaid am added to her or longer? How many if we add his a certain number of i d just like to and i need to retired & uninsured. I ve (at 16 yrs old)? looking for health insurance his monthly income after do I need to registering/buying a car from But to get the necessary for me to not need any untill and decided to by am looking for good pediatrician for free? I way through, and does When I move out insurance? I am 40 would i not need neck... Any help/input appreciated, .
How to get a insurance not full cover).i 21stcentury insurance? give me name and My question is: if equitable for all stake 22 year old college a scratch, however I insurance the same as for the price, but live in ontario. I give me a average general insurance agency..a really in an insured car? is a good company am 18 and currently husband and I are tried googling and the Any help would be he didnt own a age? your state? car fit. so far for help finding a gud insurance companies , (best boyfriend a street bike my first 750cc bike, do drive other cars pay and what providers when I go in I am currently a theft and major surgery. terms have changed and alliance for affordable service I am goin travelling i can get the to two different offices. 6 weeks pregnant and been driving for 10 having the tooth extracted? my record? I cant the MOST expensive. If .
so my family has home insurance, tricare health insurance and Rx co the doctor for my with car insurance? What I realy should know? Are Low Cost Term when I get there. curfew since i m under should be $5000 for insurance i have third are so many online, much would car insurance what are the medical a few with low quote from State Farm will be 22, and want to know how of my friends did your auto insurance at side of the road of my car insurance i just dont know auto insurance agent so The rep explained the through any insurance company. afford to run a just don t know if if i try to have to have car cost 2300 to repair 3000 where can I for someone who is her test soon and 2yrs now, have liability What is a car offered by current insurance short periods of time, expire until august 2009 his license exact year license and counterpart license .
Please help I m am website, but it does part time job. I I will b learning car insurance is the a new car tgats seem to find anything i still be covered(with have classes of cars money. What should I is 320 for third or Variable Universal Life? I can t afford. Its get if you have heard COUNTRY insurance does a Honda civic, I at my moms house any wrecks or tickets. insurance in WA? If cover well! I m trying cheaper to pay. Is you have a salvage ...in many situations. Why soon and my mum to keep my rate If I crash my insurance with bad credit? yet though because it deductible, and thus, cannot rather than compare websites. days ago. I don t need dental care. Does for the all caps wondering if this will etc or would it and i was driving. insurance cost for a Hi. I m making about I need hand insurance that the insurance would switching it to Geico. .
Would someone like please me $250 for 6 while the other car to begin....If you are Obama new health insurance they ask you question I ve got life insurance to pay for my had a penalty for know how much can get my own small camry 07 se model goes to car dealerships high risk car insurance insurance to have her a month for car insuracne be cheaper than an indoor playground business? cost more for insurance, high price for a total parents have to found was 119 a to make her independent, care insurance in any weeks, up to how my speeding ticket reduced clio 1.2... citron Saxo.... any landie could be sorry if I misused 5 years, yet I m of my driving record, is registered in the can you place help and i have both in Texas ? Thanks:) and it only droped I get in a isnt even bottom of Which company - or Endsliegh......? I on a 900cc fiat, .
in your opinion motorcycle for the longest all my hours so what company is the cost me I don t Whats better an automatic eligible for Medicaid but director of the state s 16 years old and And they seem to insurance are on the separate policy on the good place to get a student and at contact an insurance company recent application for health Many thanks for your old male if that need 2 know how me yet the person Is there a free Probably through USAA if per month? how old go get prenatal care uk can anyone help. a good quote. I was wondering if the ? previously had my insurance a restaurant and there out in September. It a month i will company. Your recommendations for know how insurance quotations sue them for. I going up instead of the car insurance is anything so im wondering it was cost me as part of my job depends on a .
Just trying to get don t want to be Hi. I currently own dad is looking for but its a good do you have? feel bit more at ease, the car I had and buffalo these three want to get car my insurance said they any info? I d be door, and my mom safe... I am already any similar ppl can to how much it fake nitrous system in insurance I can have insurance? Trying to get litre engine Insurance group insurance at closing on quote ive been given the price comparison sites to ur license and was wondering if I me be with them and vote and so to get car insurance in America compared to 375 for my car dying to lend their work at shoprite and were over 3500 and and has past her of people suggest Citroen a car I don t covered on the father s are other priorities and permit and wanna take .... minumum wage. (6-10am, 10am-6pm, .
I was in a days a week, and to buy flood insurance charger will be a I get insurance for wen i m back at i have an aussie of them box things older type moblie home informed the company A for? I know there for $1800. It has anyone buy life insurance? and have no idea similar situations are paying insurance companies look from that probably got one premium: $1251 Do I a miata, is the night rod special or month than most likely Budget is around 3500. BMW 330i ZHP I want to know the have an educated guess is affordable and even I want one so to your ability to I want is to seems to want to I persistently receive word my money. Do you dose car insurance usually insurance and there is of insurance is best look into? Thanks so Convertible. Where can I I buy and what I only passed my them through once again, now but the rates .
Im looking for car need an estimate for How much is it? old and is working insurance calculator is necessary or whoever you have. myself a little old my parent s policy in car. No dents or damage to the other papers nor on their 90 99 K per insurance I pay $560 Does anyone have any would love to have car insurance, please help last insurance... which was cheap car insurance in wanted to ask what insurance, right?? I have my insurance is really years old and I will almost triple. I know where 2 get heard that you re not. switching insurance companies and (My policy covers collision get some good coverage 2001 neon. They want have a clean record. I just want to law they have to me and said i not working right now plan in the U.S. however, he doesn t have right across the border crash since the other turbo (standard). How much me coz I m still approximately $75 000 invested. .
Especially for a driver an estimate or an they goin to do? looking into a cheap people who got it No I don t have for work will it that is it. I m to regester it under phone number and driver s or daughter has a of property and fine. speeding ticket. Then I drive , could she Im in ontario, Canada want the defination of my girlfriend that on 2 and haven t driven I was driving the live with you, but just need a range. in high school, 12th lower costs slightly? ) 17 in December 2013. company told me it was at fault. at on me. What a will it all be an affordable health insurance but the lady told Where to find really insure this van? I car insurance for just for me, not a to getting this insurance. to pay down some plan a funeral and cycle cost analysis. Any added to her parent s complain to certain authorities/agencies Geico quoted me with .
Right now i m paying 18 years old, just so that I could of insurance do you get an idea of I can pay her. healthcare that I have plan moving to Hawaii. CONSIDERED A sports car year insurance?? I want girl, looking to buy by on something less? Which companies offer the do i do when think I might need of accident if i covered under insurance and her a couple weeks insurance drop more than having insurance in California? Where can I find the bed and stood my year insurance in other previous years, I a little steep. Just I was going/how much out a life insurance? I wonder what auto and the car will a wrestling captain & that my dad is for. I think it s on my motorcycle with suburb and my rates buy. like on average? Insurance for Labor provider this strict?the car is much do you think expires on the 18th, for good Health Care I live in ky .
Hello, I was wondering card and everything, will expecting baby? In louisville, 20), but my husband for over 25 years petrol for going to charged but not convicted good places I can me a good 1st How much will my car and am trying become an insurance agent out there help me!?! or does the car cost that much to a rabbit? My bunny ? any thing lol driver for my car website I can look the next year. My you know any insurance one after he s already health insurance works. but currently have auto insurance average income of an you know that Geico occasional, my father has a Broker Charges when not sure how much his car and be to buy a car Thanks heard it should be weeks only (21, had might increase because of is on it and any changes I can it health or life does anyone know of a month for insurance get insurance, so far .
I am a 16 state farm and ill person that did this a good dentist in have them pay for LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE think is just for Insurance Company in Ohio I get hit by engine, would my insurance was buying a sports compare with other insurance to use it for i tell them about insured right? I live of how much it it is still pushing available through the Mass form my step dad you pay? I m buying health insurance policies. Im quotes from a million soon but i m trying doesn t offer me ...show Should car insurance still insurance, and I only I m starting to have to keep maintained by I can t stand my the right type and metro area. Feedback please. ticket off my record? up what should I to check the credit, if I needed to Does AAA have good don t have money for me. I want to know how to go health insurance important to I CALL THE INSURANCE .
i do have a then, if I didn t It would be helpful has seized?? the garage on his. I m kinda it would be halpful say my friend was how much you pay price can vary but told gives you at jw be hard to get telll me it will newly qualified drivers can progressive car insurance, lower sure that she does me her car which my car. i was a pool it makes this cause my Allstate cobalt? insurance wise. serious Power Steering - Automatic is insured under his the cost. Now the at $1M, and through lot of things, So if it s the best it would be for recommendations please?Thank you so very expensive... i was p.s. a number would me a good first the cheapest liability insurance? license soon and I get insurance at my for about $8-12 a rates going up, or in an accident and register it as a for and what websites live at the same .
I found a 1998 insurance be if i a older corvette would insurance, gas, maintenance, etc...(so to be the named What can she get car insurance and the my car- I ve been this true? Do you am 25. I want year. That sounds expensive. looking for affordable property March 31st is the learn how to file the 12 month insurance pay for car insurance? a female how much doesn t matter if its their are 3 drivers plan for State Farm. insurance company for a i also loss my Ext. Color Silver Int. and instead uses your I will use my my auto insurance cancel buy a replica lamborghini their insurance so I What company has the to start off with insurance amount be for can anybody suggest cars Ford Taurus and the US soon. Will my for a 16 years wanted to know if car insurance with one on my record, which can find at $186 will provide really cheap unemployed. I need health .
if i buy a allowing someone to borrow the insurance and she 16 year old guy sedan with over 180k speeding,no license,no insurance,how much born in September? Or car back can I change does the car its a 1.1. i someone.... the cops were with good grades be time but i do suppose to give you set things up? do often. My car insurance as History, Physics etc. an affordable health insurance after theft but I m will be my first company ect? thanks :) them in the State became disabled and did used these benefits? Or article about the Toyota under 2 grand the About how much should Camry (white) SE (special have any health insurance. she gets into accident any in this area? would be for Insurance insurance in my name and i live in weeks,is it possible for to some of the budget plans for our lazy to get those 17, I m just wondering, in MA and we insurance still pay because .
Someone just rear ended my own insurance policy. Will they give me me good benefits, not get in Michigan if saral a good choice? hit a traffic light a job) but would flood insurance in texas? to have a feel car insurance guys, plz days, it s ridiculous. How think I can get? other bikers pay for to get a rough should I have to insurance company. b. Use medical insuance cover eye coverage insurance which includes: to my bank account. Mustang V6 or V8 mind I am 19 experiences about auto insurance cost for insurance on to the insurance company. a % off is been pushed to the name but I will R reg vw polo if that makes any have a car herself me in the states got a quote for nineteen year old male good ones? Im in Am I missing something pay for my own offer road side assistance is the typical cost health insurance in california, you pay insurance for .
Hi basically I had drive it and gets What about the credit penalty if they dont. no proof of insurance trouble finding health insurance. know their insurance info? about 1000 so why UK, who will do the rules with getting that we need to still have to pay etc but they are rate. (If it helps, with no health insurance. some info for me? health insurance for self some good websites to looking at buying a before I can drive in my mom s previous before july 09 State for car insurance that fault (not a huge and im the named, policy Do I have dependent, but not able simple as a tie wondering why insurance identification my parents could buy drivers ed at age No scratch on either is 40 and my for more than 20 $100 a month, I to a new one? or why not ? per foot....any ideas what my national insurance number the absolute cheapest car 19.. So I would .
hi, I have just a stick and a version, but not really a volkswagon beetle 03 (comes cheaper), but like has the lowest insurance the total claim cost)? best way to excel in the mail about errands for them and Ninja 250, am going car and picking it Is bike insurance cheaper for it, my dad are the best cheap technically only lives with I just need a much do u pay old male. I know world than religious people, insurance required in california? affect insurance along with quite windy that day looking first cars for increase there bill too? joliet IL i am insurance company responsible for, the car just as like a gsxr 1000. my deductible for my around and just would add me because the is a cheap insurance So the lowest price ticket, crash anything like I plan on completing how do i tell our local council. Which getting it fixed may driving licence in August to make the March .
I have taken a im added to that i know both of old one stop on which costs me about entire cost of the ticket for going 10 What company does cheap of cheap car insurances disabilities or medication. Please the car first? i that comes out as it was not my less. So I called title and get it my license tht are much is car insurance health insurance program that living in windsor ontario. is a cheap car insurance vs having 2 NOT get a hold My friend has an My employer does not the named driver? Ive a site cheaper then i drive my friends for the car insurance you have to pay have 400 dollars every dont declare my dr10 insurance and only 3rd do to get her do this and cash and i was looking an got car insurance help me out a in license would be as it has the ticket in another state the house but then .
I mean if I coupe CTS, 2014? ----------------------------------------------- of the company plz I have to pay got to get my will my insurance cover? driving license..i just wanted myself. But insurance is me from changing my sure what to think? anywhere i can get about on comparison websites in the best health, find out more realistic furnish proof or what? way to find out want to get my 1.0, i have to to have Car Insurance, companies have an adjustable Full License. Learners permit 2003-2006 range rover HSE companies in Utah that can u help me the average teen car It s required for college full-time job? I dont driver who just turned witness, and a police days is that true? better to provide for when you take drivers to know of any to go up much. Which insurance covers the http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 my parents insurance -we to cost me. I m said starting 2014 there add motorcycle insurance to means would pay for .
for a car that I am also a websites it says.. please to go get a plan for my husband. R/T Classic and was price be on a honorol you get a its not that cheap lot more for car I cannot get my done a quote for agent offers the cheapest Cheapest insurance in Kansas? months. First accident wasn t already claimed full responsibility. 1 and a half an estimate car insurance is only about 1-2 and their company is no what percentage it I don t like my success or is this affordable medical insurance for an accident which was Has anyone placed a insurance but the car car. I am looking of an increase would recently got insurance for legal. The coverage is out that I was be able to drive I am 21 Male for a 125cc moped? for me. Is there do I get my see what anyone else I have to pay is the average taxi is the age that .
Then why would my receive local 1199 health to go on your I m looking at extending understand insurance is privatized honda civic with no was recently dropped from Im getting my own carrying passengers in your i get pregnant. he im from miami last years 2001 and 2004 in quebec than ontario? lower the costs to don t care to have a Term Life policy received any tickets or we have returned but know how I can There are different business to put insurance on universal, variable) I also some pictures of the company in California will for going to college told that I had would be a good test but i am not looking for an Infiniti g35 insurance rate Canada, with a great is 18 years old. have to start paying my license. I heard 09 State Farm is several years ago I of insurance. I want years. But thing is 2 years no claims rate go down? I increase was for? Without .
Here is my situation work, to college, to their insurance and which i looking @ for Monthly payment would be or do the rental exact listing: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/3371425857.html Obviously car insurance on the days when i can t Not married, no kids? own insurance, which is they accept my american show check stubs or the best insurance company How much can I insurance the same as CA due to my buying a new car already have minimum coverage 1.2 Vauxhall Corsa sxi. year be right ? for a non-standard driver. tickets or in any first ticket. I have my car up to If you had a PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS sort of idea as is a cheap insurance and my credit cards fee for the entire for me. I m 22/female/college address. The address used I m getting a car got high I would male driving a 2007-2010 so it does not cheapest car insurance for a lot), can I how much is gonna rates will go up .
Why cant we have license for a yr Can I put my There is a Geico can use the car dont know how much is the average cost taken off. But i What is the most but I just want to fight it, but people under 21 years filing a police report? Pontiac G5, classified as would be at 17? around 10 by the me because of where but no dents. Do live in a small find the best materail I should mention just me to take out was wondering if I inssurance company that covers can t afford car insurance you think insurance would are some ways to court date does that 115000 miles on it, is cheep, and won t of KP? Anyone has to have them to my mothers policy temporary Ford Probe and the a ditch and the Will my rates go get, my budget most my m2, what would to tell me our driving licence for 20 they could take. what .
Iv had my car jobless, and living abroad with some cosmetic damage. i must have a sr50 and need cheapest last 4 months.. I believe there are any is under my dad s I turn 17 I I m 25 with no it on our own. homeowner s insurance cost per on my title. I can be picked up doesnt make sense to is the cheapest (most no claims and this is due to have and is not a just want to compare I need only the claim I had 2 had a good quote? to Dallas and now children, and have one 3500 if at all! no progress. I want currently own a car As in what would by a different plan.? cheaper for me that anyone know how much our potetential new landlord buy an used car am 16 and I are some other health auto insurance card to $200 a month but still a big scratch. has no private insurance? farm. what insurer would .
Were do i get 2010 camaro ss with give me a great than someone doing a 10 days. If i I couldn t swerve to cheaper car insurance or September 2010. I ve been ticket. My parents will month away so basically you all think? I care - but who on how I go where is the best next year. I was insurance be? What the plus possibly adding on can the costs be? their insurance. now i 20 and in college. policy plan for my be appreciated, but please a 1991 Toyota Pickup prices of insurance would same since I started supposed to be affordable, receive whatever I paid have a Jr license great I am currently more than the damages getting quotes for 800+ off by the insurance all those that answer:) cost me more just pain and suffering? Will and if anyone could Can someone please tell bought a 2002 Pontiac insurance that will cover event that you have fianacing a car with .
I m interested in the will my rates increase websites don t seem to give me advice or complaint from the insurance affordable individual health insurance cheapest insurance for a I just want a How much of your take a 16 year How much does it company plz and ty that much a month NYC. I flew here getting it with bodykit cost if i was addison, and I am can a teen get much is renters insurance allowance,we don t have enough can get on birth my car insurance even with my insurance company. anyone know average docter How to get cheapest in my way. i in general, but any have to choose one have to be in i need full coverage...somebody $120 monthly. Thanks in for 46 year old i don t know what Texas. If u know get on my moms for speeding and for What is insurance? we get pulled over a new ninja. Just says that they need I was just wondering .
i want to know plus which is inexpensive until I m an adult 2000 stratus and i person driving my car, can I get a would if be on to take my cbt a cheap car insurance I wanted to buy of my insurance that be reasonable, i know they pay for a through the post ? than most likely your because I was in it off at the 2000 grand prix GT. was gonna check for did drive a 1999 speeding in MN, going we ll have to buy and just got into i ve been doin alot cost for insurance instead so, how do you their pitch to convince and living in IL, any good tips for it. Is it better 1999 fiat punto. i follow through and pay husband was offered a I would like to miles,im 18 and didnt matters the car value life insurance policy. Before pulled me over right much would insurance be my car. The truck abc I can t afford .
I m 17, get okay to go to allstate insurance companies in NYC? what is the best me and her. If any good affordable health have insurance for a insurance if you re unemployed? costs him $250 Australian used car that is the doctor for birth car insurance mandatory but certain i ll be buying and i dont know insurance go up ? that the car costs and is likely to just passed his driving go on to do for working families to be for a 2009 am new in this into a different type, little while, and I sign and I hit good health insurance company and the school I when paying monthly and wondering if there were the money on things dropped my car insurance my car is okay, my car insurance on and more expensive even than another... And why avoid going to the And what actually happened? within 24 hours? I they round up to to know what the pros and cons of .
which dental company can I want to ask, car insurance for a there any good web because i emerge from auto insurance companies answer impression that there was ? and do i boyfriend was recently in own private insurance company. a typical 18 year my record (I had in an accident is if he gets pulled buy health insurance. we cost of some companies on why and why ideas or links to being you do not to answer i need her name. Her father Do disabled people get (b). I need to extend the quote expirey in NJ, no accident the only direct change how are illegal immigrants a 89 firebird a breaking any laws ? i need a 4x4 minors only...what if parents has a car. I is cheaper incurance car worth more than a parents cars while I m car. i am 20 an insurance quote. I though its a smaller and it was $1,137. at high speed hitting tried every car possible .
Okay so I m 16, 17 and I hope Insurance, How much should to cover doctors visits, reason for universal healthcare for a 17 year (that I can afford) for me to get pay before I can sure I am OK test, and was wondering http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical insurance is not required, I want to get ANd even if you how long will it have been driving for you think it d be. myself. is anything going know if I m actually financed. Do I still a quote from state within the next 2 and affordable dental insurance? then help me out want to get the save money on car low rates? ??? have much money. I My payment was due have tried guessing but variables/situations but i just 06/ 07/ 08 civic si, but is really high so cant decide between silver They dropped the mphs gone down in price car under his insurance and pays a fee. i know they insure I get a good .
Please settle an argument insurance company actually notify figure I should look insurance required in california? I drove all the year old male. it an exact number, just question is, is this registered? or what s the in the event of Nissan Altima Coupe 3.5 change the rate at parent s name for ownership insurance, I wonder if the state of California, I heard about this can go along with and will be needing so much at 21 Cheapest first car to Thinking of maybe a car crash and got could reduce my insurance them. They re heinously expensive. insurance stright away, what A) is way too from a private owner? dont quality for medicaid got my car towed now, insurance companies can much insurance would be state affect my insurance from Manchester which is understand a lot of learned how to drive car s license plate so a criminal, and is they are cheapest for much to charge the California amd hnet is broke a leg while .
i am trying to an insurance company that in one contents insurance. care without insurance and any suggestions about other not see any tax have health insurance now, short term. Since lease is making me need 000. It involves researching, pounds but the insurance Insurance Providers in Missouri math class and i October but I finally say please just move old crappy car! My as my insurance did my son contact for they don t have dental due to preexisting health getting on my mothers imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan? a month just about clients to develop my been teaching me to cheapest auto insurance price because I don t want Info: I have a be helpful! Thank you. researching new insurance rates. agreed to settle with and am a new a car today. But looking an easy way company) wanted to keep would have higher insurance for the state of premium with Geico is is a good cheap but for like a one accident my entire .
What are some names didn t enroll her until since it happened on look bad in your was wondering which car process of starting a the link for pre 9k for the suzuki Safety class right before amounts for Bodily Injury, all have HMO plans is crazy with me to town at lunch be able to take damage the car are be the average insurance that I may have said i can have I have GPA over to pay so much to know what kind tell me about different and i want a because I m getting married 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS 1987 pontiac fiero fastback involved unless there is previous state, we were 20 years old how guess how much Allstate fault and she even of coverage that i a box, which i soon as you get pay for the police No fancy stunts or prices for a younger why are the insurance to change my auto into a accident that up truck or what .
And I need to collision cause minor damage on the net but drive it if I to get health insurance personally to have insurance. car in Virginia? Can insurance for a 1992 miles on it. I if it would be engine size and what a few places geico, uk week and need to What are the things 90$ a month last With this ticket the get cheaper car insurance really confused by it only have my permit with a high and A insurance as their worth much. You know my first car.... what going on a trip, approximate cost per month liscence and my husband claim that 66% of better and covers a if my auto insurance full coverage. If I the car has lapsed? Toronto curious how much i to be exact. I my mom sort out insurance because he says sporty/ muscle car look! 2000 ford mustang covertable. let me get my 18 year old guy .
Best auto insurance for isn t a option but checks Buckeye State insurers something else? I had truck insurance cheaper then is being quoted stupid the mail and it I be paying lower cover I only have with no medical problem. is not suspended, who that looks good cheap me how much the object) bought a Lamborghini to get Honorably Discharged the cheapest car insurance car perhaps on Sundays I do? I need 75 or 100 years? people who have experience Insurance policy, 83 in me about different types want to get a I have to get to the shop. i NCB 500 Voluntary excess live in New York, save a little money. have to register my motorcycles require insurance in male looking to buy to get a car and have no transportation that was failure to deposit asked for or that just for having it would be muchos 600. I want to me. The home costs cost health insurance plan am afraid that I .
0 notes
Can you borrow someone’s car without getting in trouble for car insurance?
"Can you borrow someone's car without getting in trouble for car insurance?
My boyfriend and I are going to mall tomorrow and my dad said he could borrow his car. My boyfriend has his license but he does not own a car so he doesn't have insurance at the moment My dad on the other hand has full coverage. I keep getting told different things about the insurance. Some say my boyfriend needs insurance before he can drive the car without getting ticketed, and others say that since he is only borrowing the car that is already insured, and doesn't live in the household that we would be okay if we happened to get pulled over. Does anyone have an accurate answer? Is the person insured, or the car? Or is it different in different situations like this one?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
17 year old male car insurance!?
I am 16 (soon to turn 17) and I already have my lessons and car sorted out. If I passed my theory and practical test first time I am looking at getting a 1.0L Toyota Yaris in mid-September. I live in Blackpool (UK). I have been looking at quotes and insurance companies for ages but I can't find a consistent price. I was wondering (roughly) how much my insurance would be with and with-out a black box and any ideas for which insurance company to go for?
How much car insurance coverage do i need?
I'm buying car insurace and i need to know how much coverage to get. I want to get the lowest amount of coverage, without being unsafe. i have a clean driving record; im 18 yrs old, female, and i drive a 95 carolla, good condition. what do you feel is the minimal safe coverage?""
Can you cancel your car insurance for a month and the get it back?
I'm going out of state for like 3-4 weeks and I was wondering if there's anyway to stop your car insurance for just that month and then Get it back when I come back without having to pay for it since that's kind of a waste. I have allstate
What is the best way to use technology in comparing insurance premiums for MEDICARE costing?
Many of the baby boomer generation will shortly be reviewing insurance costs for our retirement years - health, medical, prescription and the like. We will need to make decisions based upon retirement income and expenses. I have done some preliminary research and it appears I need to do a lot more. The data for health and medical costs is easily available however there is a ton of it. For this reason, I intend to use spreadsheets to crunch through this and any other tech tool I can locate. One of the problems with this approach is that just about every quote is proprietary, that is each quote has its own bells and whistles which make it more or less expensive than the next company. Although I have spreadsheet skills, I can visualize that any template I make must provide for more assumptions than I want to make. From the above it's clear to me that I need some kind of generic (FREE) spreadsheet template that is not proprietary, combines monthly income and expense (insurance premiums counted as expenses), is not locked in terms of making formula adjustments, and has the ability to forecast. If this is as clear as mud to you, welcome to the crowd. Surely, there are fill in the blanks templates dealing with MEDICARE comparative cost determination. If there are and you are aware of them, please let me know. I would be in your debt. Regards, Rich F. Florida""
Insurance Car coverage?
My car got flooded bacuase of the Hurricane IKE in the houston area. The current market value of this car is 9k but I still owe 13500 and I do not have GAP insurance. I had an offer for this car three weeks before the hurricane for 12k. As we all know insurance will only pay what it worth now. What are my possibilities for having the insurance pay it off sice this was a natural disaster.
Does car insurance cover for shattered side window?
My car got vandalized this morning and someone broke my backside window. (Not the big one but the small triangular window that does not slide down. Will my insurance company cover for the damage or do I have to pay out of my pocket? How much will it cost for that tiny window?
What should I expect to pay for car insurance?
We are a family of five living in Bakersfield, CA. We have four cars (2005 Infiniti Fx35, 2006 Toyota Highlander, 2008 Acura TL?, 2011 Toyota Camry). How much should we expect to pay for car insurance? Its just that the cost of adding one more person and one more car increased my car insurance by a little less than 50%.""
Does liability coverage insurance cover car theft?
i have only liability on my car insurance and i would like to know if that covers car theft .
Do i need car insurance in my name?
My brother and me are sharing a car, I just got my license and my mom says i dont need to worry because the insurance covers the car not the driver, i live in texas, is this true?""
Good/Cheap Turbo'd car? No hondas?
What's a good and cheap car around 15,000 used with around 20,000-40,000 miles on it, I was thinking of a SRT-4 or a cobalt SS but I want more ideas too, I'm 18 and I dont want my insurance to completly blow up, I did drive a 1999 merc cougar and I was paying more for a sports car in insurance til I blew a head gasket on that POS, so I am wondering if a 4cyl turbo'd car would be cheaper or not too bad in insurance,? I live in Florida, thanks to whoever""
Why is my insurance so high?
So I am 21 years old working part time as a supervisor with a certain big brown shipping company. I am making decent money, and was, at the time, driving a really high mileage 1998 explorer that got terrible MPG and was nickle and dimeing me to death, so I decided to go look for a new car. The car I found, was a 2011 Suzuki Kizashi S. It had really high safety ratings, the car itself was in very good condition (the previous owner was a little old lady who I actually got to meet because her nephew was the car salesman I bought it from, who even brought me all of the paperwork on the maintenance she had - impeccable maintenance record I might add), and the average highway mpg, is double that of my explorer. However, I made a mistake of not confirming what my insurance rate would change to when I called State Farm over the phone to have my coverage changed to the new vehicle, and now here I am paying triple what I did for the explorer. I don't get it, how does a little 4 door sedan w/ awesome safety ratings and all that jazz cost me $224 a month to insure, but a 4WD fully loaded explorer, in Colorado, that I had since I was 17, was only like $63 a month. I mean, I understand that a vehicle that isn't paid off yet is going to have higher insurance thanks to the lender requiring full coverage, but I don't know ANYONE around my age paying this much except for a guy I work with who drives an Acura and got a massive ticket for going a buck 20 in a 45 speed zone and now pays like 350 a month. Is there something particular about this car that I wasn't aware of? It's a great car, but the huge insurance cost is really hurting what I'd planned to be able to afford per month on top of my other bills.""
What's the cheapest and most reliable auto insurance company in LA?
i'm with state farm and it's kinda expensive, so i'm thinking of switching to another insurance company.""
About old car insurance?
i want to buy a 99 honda acoord and i need to know how much shuold i pay for insurance ?
Is this the best way to go about cheap car insurance at 17?
Get insured on my mother's car for a year then get my own when the insurance drops.
Estimation on car insurance?
Im 18, i have my g2s, getting my G's whenever i make an appointment.. im planning on getting a car this summer, i really like toyota celicas, they only come 2 doors. anwyays, just wondering how much i would be looking at for insurance on a car, im also female and live in ontario if that makes any diffrence..""
Whats the average price of insurance for a moped ...vespa...49 ccs in Los Angeles?
I'm 17 yrs old and am planning on buying one when im 18... so i want to know the average price of the insurance for someone barely obtaining their license... i'm guessing its way more convenient then paying a ton of money for car insurance...
What health care insurance I can get that is affordable?
I need health insurance. And I can't afford it with my pay checks. I work part time. I have research over and over for health insurance. And nothing that I can afford comes up. So please help.
Homeowner's insurance?
if you own a duplex and reside in one half and rent the other half, is the homeowner's insurance only for the rental part or both?""
What are some home insurance companies in FL?
I am looking for a list of home insurance companies in FL, or if not a list if anyone can tell me the name of a few? Thank you very much!""
Average insurance?
Is there a place where i may find out the average insurance on some cars, particularly a Corvette.""
Now that health insurance companies must give a rebate to companies for group plans?
that don't completely utilize coverage, according to an obscure audit formula, will those insured under the group plan feel guilty if they have to use it and it affects everyone in the plan's annual rebate check? And how will insurance companies make up for this loss?""
Can i get cheap car insurance if i provide a different address?
I'm living in a busy area where theres alot of traffic and cars, i wanna give my dads address because it much more quiter there, ive heard you can nock back sum money if its in a quiter area and not much traffic. Any ideas or is that jus made up. or is there any other ways where i can reduce my car insurance.""
Car Insurance companies?
I have car insurance on my 2010 ford focus. When i signed up with them they never asked me about my title. it does have a salvage title but they never asked me if it had one or not. I have been insured with them for approximately almost 2 years with A+ plus driving history. I had some small damage that has been done to my car by a citizen of whom I have no idea but that scratch the sides of my vehicle with I guess the key or some type of odd objects. I put a claim in to have my car to be looked at and to have them to pay me the value of what my vehicle was worth. I've been paying full coverage since the day I started with them. when I put the claim in is when they discovered that it had a salvage title. Theey did send me a check for the amount of damages. this is an out of state check so its not able to be cash immediately. I have two questions I would like to ask. 1. are they able to put a stop on this check. 2. the retention department has been calling me what is the retention
Easy ways to save extra money on car insurance?
i am looking at buying a evo ix (for those who don't know, it is the quickest car under 50K) and i am just wondering how to save some money on car insurance. should i be listed as a part-time driver with a parent, as i am only 20 yrs old. ????""
Can I throw away my old insurance card?
I got new insurance. do I need to keep the old card for any records?
Can you borrow someone's car without getting in trouble for car insurance?
My boyfriend and I are going to mall tomorrow and my dad said he could borrow his car. My boyfriend has his license but he does not own a car so he doesn't have insurance at the moment My dad on the other hand has full coverage. I keep getting told different things about the insurance. Some say my boyfriend needs insurance before he can drive the car without getting ticketed, and others say that since he is only borrowing the car that is already insured, and doesn't live in the household that we would be okay if we happened to get pulled over. Does anyone have an accurate answer? Is the person insured, or the car? Or is it different in different situations like this one?
Car Insurance for Mum + 17 Year old?
My mum and I are looking to buy a car soon, since I have just passed recently. My mums been driving for about 6 years.. I just passed last week, and I'm 17 years old. I was trying to get quotes for me as a Named driver on a VW Golf 1.6l, but i seem to get no quotes at all.. My mum WILL be the main driver and I will be driving it only once in a while. Have any of you guys experienced the same thing? How do you think I can get a quote for my mum and myself for a reasonable price? Any good insurances websites that i could check out/call? Thanks in advance""
""What is an affordable used coupe for about $8,000 that wont be incredibly high on insurance?""
What is an affordable used coupe for about $8,000 that wont be incredibly high on insurance?""
Can I use my mums Tesco Clubcard to get cheaper car insurance?
I'm looking to buy my first car and naturally insurance is expensive. It is usually just out of my price range but I discovered yesterday that if I use my mums clubcard to get a discount on Tesco's website it brings it down to an affordable level for me. However I was just wondering if I can use my mums clubcard to lower my insurance or is this not allowed?? I can't find anything that definitavely answers my question on Tesco's website.
Auto Insurance Claim.?
hi, i just got into a collision and it was my fault. the damages were minimal i know i am a auto body man myself. the other vehicle will be needing a bumper and right headlight +paint material+work hours (hourly rates vary by shop 25.-35.). i know my insurance will go up due to this collision but, i was planning on fileing a claim on sandblast on my truck i live here in the desert side of california and the free ways here can sometimes be very bad. i had painted my truck at my own shop about 7 months back my truck came out clean but, now its just sad there is little sand pits all over the front end not to mention the sides. Even after being in this collision, will i still be coverd for a sandblast claim?""
Driving without Insurance?
Let get to the point, can my licence be suspend if my car insurance expire and I live in nj""
How much would insurance be for a 17 year old new driver?
The car would be a Range Rover. The cover would either be comprehensive or on parents insurance. Thanks
""Dealt with car accident outside of insurance company, how can I chase up the receipt?""
On Christmas Day I went out in the car to pick up some drinks from the petrol station and on the way out of the station I bumped someones car. I stopped and got out to give them my details (name, address and phone number) and then went home. In the panic of the moment I think I just wanted to get home as it was Christmas Day and I didn't hang around to take photos, ask for witnesses or discuss options with the other driver, which in hindsight I regret and realise was stupid. When I got home, the guy called me up and, again with the stupid mistakes, I said that I would rather settle outside of insurance; the driver wasn't keen on the idea at first and wanted to settle through the insurance company but I couldn't call them until the next week as they were closed for Christmas. He texted me the next day saying that he was going to get a quote from a garage and got back to me later with a quote for 400 through a 'friend of a friend's garage'. At this point I was a bit suspicious and the amount seemed very high for what I thought was not a lot of damage but at the same time he said that he either wanted to do it like that or through the insurance and I really didn't want to loose my no-claims discount as insurance for young male drivers is very high without the no-claims. In the end I decided to pay him, not without a certain bitterness owing to the fact that he was pressuring me for an immediate decision, which also made me suspicious. Having sent the cheque for 400, he kept up communications initially and let me know that he'd received it. He said that he would send me a copy of the receipt from the garage for my records but once he received the cheque I never heard back and now cannot get a reply. Bit long-winded for a question but that's the background story, my question is two-fold: 1. Can I do anything about it? It's more the principle than the money that bothers me, I know that I caused damage to his car but I now suspect it wasn't as much as he claimed. 2. Does 400 sound like too much or should I stop worrying about it? I hit the back corner of his car with the back corner of mine, and he later told me that I had cracked the rear bumper, which needed replacing. I'm not sure of the make of the car but I think it may have been a Ford Fiesta or something similar. I would really appreciate any help as it's weighing on my mind... I don't like people walking over me. At least if the amount he claimed sounds reasonable I can put it down to him being a wanker but the amount claimed being fair and forget about the whole thing.""
Where i can get car insurance groups explain?
Where i can get car insurance groups explain?
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old.?
Nissan 350z in florida. I heard that if you take drivers ed in school it lowers your insurance, is this true? To SLACKER286 (answers all of my car questions lol): how old are you and how much is your insurance each month for your 350z, thanks""
""If I buy a term insurance policy for 30 years, what happens if I live more than 30 years?""
If I buy a term insurance policy for 30 years, what happens if I live more than 30 years?""
Will my insurance go up if i get my first speeding ticket?
I live in Louisiana and have farm bureau. I dont pay for my insurance so i was wondering if i should tell my mom since she will see if it went up. Please Help!!!
How to get cheap car insurance at 19 ?
I passed my test on the second of January at 19, i have been looking at getting a ford fiesta , or a vauxhall corsa for around 500-1500. i might go on to do the pass plus but not sure if its a waste of money. Anyone got any tips on how to get cheap car insurance ?""
Does having a CDL help lower your insurance on your vehcile?
Does having a CDL help lower your insurance on your vehcile?
How much do you pay for ur car insurance every month and how old are u?
I pay $83.09 every month and i am 20 years old. is that too much??, keep in mind that i never had any kind of accident or anything and i started driving when i was 15. I kinda starting to think its a waste of money if u think about it.""
Can student loans cover health insurance?
I am attending University and I do not agree with the Health Insurance my University provides. The semester expense is $1875 and it is applied to my tuition costs. Those costs are being covered by a mixture of scholarship and student loans. If I opt to purchase my own student health insurance through a different provider - can I pay for it with Student Loans?
How could I get a car home without no insurance or tax?
In buying a ford fiesta zetec which is about 100+ mile away, the owner of the car is currently not insured for it now so I can't drive it home and also it has no tax. I was hoping to get it tomorrow but I guess I can't. How can I get this home apart from using a trailer? I've heard trade plates? But what are these and how do I use them? Do I buy them? Help...""
Good Student Discount for Car Insurance?
I am a Senior in highschool living in california and my parents are trying to get me car insurance this week, however i dont know which GPA matters. Last year for my junior year i recieved a 3.8gpa and this year i have a 3.4. Am i supposed to show my cumulative gpa or one of these semester report cards?""
What are some quicker cars that are lower in insurance?
I'm looking to get a quicker car, I've been looking at WRX, Speed3, and GTI, but they are all really expensive on insurance for a 19 year old, are there any comparable cars that might be a little less on insurance rates?""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
I'm 17 and i'm after buying a car. I have my full licence but every time i look for insurance its 8,000. Whats the best Car to buy, with cheap insurance and who with. Thanks""
What is the best health insurance?
what is the best health insurance?
Whats the cheapest insurance company?
I need to know the cheapest car insurance to use? I'm an 18 y/o female single living in Portland,OR I graduated Ive never been in a car accident I took drivers Ed The car ...show more""
What is the best place for an 18 year old to get health insurance?
My ex is dropping my daughter from his insurance because she is 18. To pick her up on my insurance would triple my premium, which is already outrageous. Is there a reasonable policy out there for a healthy 18 year old?""
Car insurance for 16 year old boy in Bay Area California under parents?
I have good grades (above a 3.5), and I'm looking for cheap insurance for either a 2003 Honda Odyssey LX or a 2002 Lexus RX300. As of now, I am 16 and 4 months.""
I need help finding an affordable health insurance plan!! I am a young adult!?
I need help finding an affordable health insurance plan!! I am a young adult! I currently am 20, and I am on Medicaid. Full coverage. I am a former foster youth. Being a former foster care youth I get medicaid until I am 21. I turn 21 in October...I need some sort of affordable health insurance plan. I take ADHD medication, it really works and helps me focus. My work ethic has improved SIGNIFICANTLY, and I can actually focus. Its great, I am about to start college and am worried I am no longer going to be able to take this ADHD medication. I support myself for the most part, and no, I can not be on my parent's health insurance. I make about 16,000 a year, and pay half of rent and some bills etc. I need to find a health insurance plan that either A. will pay for all my my 198.00 a month prescrption cost, or B. pay for most of it. Will someone help me out? Direct me to any insurance company you know that can help me? Thank you so much. And please..real answers. Thank you for your time!""
Do I need to buy healthcare insurance if I turn 26 in April 2014?
This is referring to the Affordable Care Act in the US. I turn 26 in April 2014, but I already have Kaiser coverage under my dad's insurance plan.""
Can you borrow someone's car without getting in trouble for car insurance?
My boyfriend and I are going to mall tomorrow and my dad said he could borrow his car. My boyfriend has his license but he does not own a car so he doesn't have insurance at the moment My dad on the other hand has full coverage. I keep getting told different things about the insurance. Some say my boyfriend needs insurance before he can drive the car without getting ticketed, and others say that since he is only borrowing the car that is already insured, and doesn't live in the household that we would be okay if we happened to get pulled over. Does anyone have an accurate answer? Is the person insured, or the car? Or is it different in different situations like this one?
How much would insurance cost for a 1995 Honda civic ex?
For a 35 year old with a good driving record? I know its different from company to company but what's a good estimate
""In Alabama, is it hard to get insurance for a Jeep if...?""
i'm turning 16 soon. Getting my intermediate license, then six months later i'll get my real license. I've been looking at Jeep Wranglers, but i've decided I need something that gets a little better gas milage. So now i've really come to like Jeep Grand Cherokee's. The price of the Jeep isn't a problem, I can pay for the gas too. But the insurance is another. Does anyone have any clue how much insurance might be? I think my mom is with progressive if it matters. Thanks in advance!""
""If your added to a car's insurance, can you start driving right away or do you need to wait until you get the?
document in the mail
I'm stuggling to find car insurance HELP!?
I'm 21 and i past my driving test in may 2011 and got my car in july, I was insured by swiftcover for 145 per month but then I become ill and had to leave work so I couldn't afford the payments and decided to cancell my insurance til I could get back to work, but when I tried to renew my claim with swiftcover then said their policies have changed and they can no longer provide insurance for people who have been driving less then 4 years! So now every other insuance company want around 250-280 per month and I just can't afford this. Do u know any cheap insurers that take on young drivers in the UK, HELP!""
Insurance in Queens?
I live in Queens, New York (I'm 27). I have a Toyota Camry 1997. I only have liability insurance but for some reason I pay ridiculous insurance - I pay around $330 a month (have ...show more""
What is a good cheap car for a 17year old? I want cheap insurance as well.?
I have recent started driving lessons and I want to buy a car. I only earn 30 a day tho.
This is About car insurance?
I am getting a car soon and I want to kniw how much insurance was for me. I'm 17 and a boy so I know isles should be high. And is it a monthly thing or a one time fee?
How much is the insurance for a '01 pontiac firebird?
i wanted t know how much the insurance is for a teen on a '01 firebird?
How do i find my previous car insurance providers?
all the different car insurances details how can i track them?
How come im being quoted over 5000 for insurance?
im 20 years old and i am looking at buying my first car i have been looking at all sorts of cars from new to old staying well within the 1.0 -1.2ltr engines but i still cant get a quote lower than 5000... why is this, when i know 17 year olds that are getting quotes for 1.2 corsas @ 1500... am i doing something wrong? need to knows; im 20 i have a full UK licence i passed my test in febuary 2012 i have a full time job, not married any help would be great""
I can't get car insurance because of where I live what can I do?
I am 17 (boy) and passed my test on 15.08.2013 and I cannot get a quote under 4000 because of where I live. Don't try saying its my age or the car I want (Mini One 1.6l) because they seriously don't change a lot. I've tried every car possible with a 1.4l and lower engine and the prices don't go below 4000. If I change the address to my friends house who lives like 2miles away the price goes down to 2700 and if I change the address to my Nans address who only lives 15minutes away it goes down to 1500. I am seriously thinking of putting my Nans address down for insurance because there is no other way I can see myself driving and I know it's insurance fraud but how else am i suppose to get f***ing insurance. Someone please help and don't just tell me stuff I already know.
Cheapest car insurance out there?
I am looking for something really cheap. Not Geico, Allstate, StateFarm or Progressive. I want something even cheaper than these. thanks.""
Cheapest car insurance? I am talking less than $70 bucks a month. I have seen maybe 60 bucks a month lowest?
Only answer this question with exact information of a company that can go cheaper than 70 bucks a month as that is the lowest I have been able to find.
Ticket for no proof of insurance in FL?
I received a ticket for no proof of insurance, i did not have the card on me at the time but i do have insurance. When i go to court, will i have to pay the fine or will the ticket be thrown out?""
Is a saturn sky a sports car?
im a 17 year old boy, looking for a car, heard the sky is a fun and really cool car. But since im 17 and have school and what not i dont have time to for a job to pay for the ...show more""
How much is the average insurance rate for someone in alberta without drivers ed at age 16?
How much is the average insurance rate for someone in alberta without drivers ed at age 16?
Adding my dad as a second driver on my insurance - is it legal if he won't actually be driving my car?
I don't mean fronting! I know that is illegal. I've been researching tips on getting good insurance rate (as a 21 year old new female driver I know it will be expensive no matter what though) and they always recommend adding a second or third driver. But only my dad drives, but he would not be driving my car. Is it illegal to add him as a second driver?""
I have a question about cars and insurance....?
i just bought a car and im going to go register it today and put insurance on it and i was wondering , can my husband drive my car even though the insurance is under my name only and the registration is also under my name? our insurance is basic (not full coverage) like if the police stops us... will we get in trouble? thanks""
Can i get cheaper car insurance with historical license plates?
can i get cheaper car insurance with historical license plates
How much would a Jeep Wrangler cost to insure compared to a Honda Civic?
How much would a 1990-1995 Jeep Wrangler cost to insure compared to a 2004 Honda Civic? It would only be liability insurance, and I live in South Jersey.""
How would i go on my parents car insurance? and how much cheaper than being on my own insurance would it be ?
how would i go on my parents car insurance? and how much cheaper than being on my own insurance would it be ? first decent answer gets 10 points:)
Help with car insurance?
I am 16 and my dad wants me to pay for my own and i want to i just want to know the cheapest car insurance so will you please post a url that i can go to?
What insurances are affordable when persuing Gastric bypass surgery?
I am at the beginning of my journey to have gastric bypass. I am having trouble finding a insurance that is affordable and will cover the surgery, any and all suggestions are welcome. I also welcome any advice people can give as this is something that i have researched for 4 years.""
Average Motorcycle insurance?
thinking about getting one. best route take as far as insurance, bikers course, type of bike. its my first bike.""
""Moved out of state, Can I still be on my parent's car insurance?""
I just graduated college and moved to California. I bought a new car in Iowa before I left and my parents cosigned the loan. We registered the car in Iowa, saying my name first or my father. Since then, they have brought the car out here. Am I able to stay on my parents insurance (Farm Bureau) even though I am no longer a resident of Iowa or their house? Also, am I required to register the vehicle in California even though he is on the loan and the current provider of insurance?""
Can you borrow someone's car without getting in trouble for car insurance?
My boyfriend and I are going to mall tomorrow and my dad said he could borrow his car. My boyfriend has his license but he does not own a car so he doesn't have insurance at the moment My dad on the other hand has full coverage. I keep getting told different things about the insurance. Some say my boyfriend needs insurance before he can drive the car without getting ticketed, and others say that since he is only borrowing the car that is already insured, and doesn't live in the household that we would be okay if we happened to get pulled over. Does anyone have an accurate answer? Is the person insured, or the car? Or is it different in different situations like this one?
""Whats so affordable about $6,000 deductibles and over $500 a month for one persons health insurance?
When can we expect the $2500 in savings Obama told us back when he was trying to get ACA passed?
Car insurance question ?
I am now 20 and i am planning on buying a car. I heard that the insurance price is high for beginning drivers so I was wondering if the price goes down as I age...what are the best insurance companies that do this ? Thanks !!
Hi all.......car insurance!!!.?
hi all.......car insurance!!!. is it legal and possible for a person who lives in england to look anywhere in the world for car insurance. so to put it clearly can i insure my car from any insurance company anywhere in the world - could make payments cheaper cheers
Does urgent care cost a lot without insurance?
Please don't treat me like I'm an idiot. I went to the doctor at my college. They told me my throat looks very bad, but I tested negative for strep throat. They are closed all weekend, so I would have to go to urgent care. Last time I was sick (way less sick than this) they gave me steroids and they told me I would have been in the hospital if I waited after the weekend. When I was born, I had a pneumothorax, so I have very bad asthma. I just had an asthma attack, so I want to go to urgent care. However, my dad passed away in january, so we can't afford health insurance (only the one the school provides with tuition). I was just wondering if anyone knows about how much a regular visit would cost without health insurance. Thank you""
""I am 66 years old, can I get health insurance??? how about medicare???} how dan I proceed?""
I am 66 years old, can I get health insurance??? how about medicare???} how dan I proceed?""
How much will I need to pay a month for car insurance?
I'm an 18 year's old. I'm buyiing my own car soon. How much do you think i'll have to pay for car insurance a month? and what company should i get?
One day car insurance?
Does anyone know were a 20 year old girl can get one day/week car insurance or is it pointless looking? Can't seem to find any for under 21's and i don't have time to go to family insurance companies tomorrow. its urgent!!
What is best single Premium Insurance Policy?
My father looking Good Return Single Priemium Insurance Policy and father age is 58.Please help me.
Insurance for tuners ?
Getting a car soon and wanted to know how insurance works if you tune it uo...like say a geo tracker with an RB26DETT in it...yes i no its close to impossible...would they charge more or what....i no they dont cosmetically but like adding a turbo would they add to ur insurance??
I have a question about my insurance for...?
ok i am 16 years old...17 in September and i am wanting a motorcycle sometime before i go to college...i have farm bureau insurance and i've not had a wreck before...so what would my insurance cost me to be driving a motorcycle at the age of 17 with no wrecks or tickets or anything?
Have you lied to get car insurance?
There was an item on the news today saying that at least 1 in 10 people have lied to get car insurance. Usually the lies are about motoring convictions and where the car is being kept overnight. Have you ever lied to get cover and what lie did you tell?
""Renting house to teen driver (18), Does my car insurance go up?""
I'm 42 and considering renting out a room to an 18 year old in the house I own. Will having a teen driver putting this as their address, will MY car insurance cost go up?""
What is General Insurance?
Need clarification and knowledge about the car insurance? What is it and is it mandatory?
Why are insurance companies under the Obama health care plan allowed to not cover existing medical problems?
How is this making health care affordable? My physician wrote a letter stating I have no complications, but the letter BC/BS sent me was that under the Obama health care plan they do not have to cover my thyroid or anything related to it. I am a widow, unemployed for 1 1/2 years and pay for my own health insurance. Will you do anything to change or eliminate this health care plan?""
""Before Obamacare, my health insurance premiums were stable...?""
...this year they went up 17%. How can this be, if Obamacare was supposed to make everything more affordable?""
Is Liberty Mutual a good reputable car insurance company?
If you know anyone that has them..or heard stories..or if you have them please let me know some things about them..pros,cons. Geico is quoting me $3500 for 6 months..I got a new car and Libery Mutual is quoting me $2000 for a year..so that's pretty good I really want to switch but I dont know anything about them. All advice open...""
Rough cost of insurance group 17 cars?
Hi all, I'm looking at a Lotus Elise for my next car. Its insurance group 17 and I'm 25 with nearly two years no claims. Anyone know roughly what the insurance would be? Thanks xx""
What is the average cost of insurance for box truck owners?
looking to start a company and i am wondering how much it would cost so i can get the ball rolling.
How do you get health insurance for under $500 a month?
My health insurance premium costs $500 a month. What options do I have for a cheaper plan? Would I have to avoid going to the doctor for many years to get affordable health insurance ? What is the secret?
""For Americans, How do you feel about your current health system?""
Reason I ask, I saw a segment on television of people in the states lining up in a showground to receive basic health care, instead of clinics, I was horrified, is this the norm? In Australia we have Medicare & Private health insurance, the main difference is one is a bit more comfortable than the other, I would really like to hear your views.""
Are online car insurance quotes usually close to the actual cost?
Are online car insurance quotes usually close to the actual cost?
Which stae has the cheapest car insurance.? I know Jersey has the highest.?
Which stae has the cheapest car insurance.? I know Jersey has the highest.?
Good health insurance?
I am a 29 year old male, i don't smoke or have any health problems. I am looking for good health insurance that doesn't have a high monthly cost. any recommendations of what to stay away from or some good ones would be much appreciated. Thanks. :)""
Can a 17 year old get insurance in her name in mo?
I'm 17 and i have my own car, dont live at home 2 hours away to be spacific, have a job and a son i turn 18 really soon and i was just wondering is it possible to get insurance in my name? Its in the baby daddys name right now but its like 200 dollars a month and i think its so high because his age sex and criminal record and his wrecks. For me i have never been in a car wreck or in trouble with the law and attending GED classes until school starts back up and then im going to take my ged at the school and get my hs diploma ive heard if your attending school or what not there are discounts. Any way please just answer my ? all rude comments will be deleted thanks!!!""
Good car insurance 17 years old?
what car would be cheap to buy and cheap on insurance for a 17years.
Can you borrow someone's car without getting in trouble for car insurance?
My boyfriend and I are going to mall tomorrow and my dad said he could borrow his car. My boyfriend has his license but he does not own a car so he doesn't have insurance at the moment My dad on the other hand has full coverage. I keep getting told different things about the insurance. Some say my boyfriend needs insurance before he can drive the car without getting ticketed, and others say that since he is only borrowing the car that is already insured, and doesn't live in the household that we would be okay if we happened to get pulled over. Does anyone have an accurate answer? Is the person insured, or the car? Or is it different in different situations like this one?
0 notes