#tom iceman kazansky fucking lives
pollyna · 2 years
au in which Ice and Mav send flowers to Bradley every time he gets a promotion or a merit because they know he won't read cards, but Carole taught him most of the meaning of the flowers and, even if he isn't going to keep it, he'll know how proud of him they are.
(Bradley doesn't keep them. Not all of them because Nat is allergic to some, he's mostly still fucking angry with them, but he always puts one of each type between the pages of books he takes with him. He writes dates in pencil and the meaning of the flower.)
((The day it's finally home, twenty years almost too late, a suicide mission and almost parentless for real this time around, for two days straight nobody sees Bradley. When he comes back from wherever he went, there's a plastic wrap around his bicep and the outline of a tattoo under that. I just want to remember that you never left, even when I did he signs, sitting on the right side of his dad's hospital bed, I chose my favourite of all the ones you sent me. It takes hours, but Bradley talks and talks about flowers and his books that are full of them, back home, and that when Tom and Pete are going to feel better, he's going to show them everything. Mav almost ends up crying, and Ice's hug lasts so long that the hours of the visit are done and then some.
Falling asleep that night felt a little easier than it had in years.))
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kcsplace · 21 days
They'd barely stepped off their transport back at Fightertown when the snarled word pulled the Daggers up short
As one the thirteen of them turned on their heel and immediately twelve duffles hit the tarmac and twelve arms shot up into sharp salutes.
Only Maverick stood unfazed as he took in the sight of Iceman walking slowly towards them. Even out of uniform, and back in a battle against his own body, he was a commanding presence, and cancer or no, he was still COMPACFLT.
Instead of saluting, Maverick, pointed at his own chest.
But this time Ice wasn't talking to him. Wasn't even looking at him. It took Mav a moment, but as he watched Ice approach, he realised the man's target and took a sharp step to the side, smirking as Phoenix, did so herself, leaving Rooster an island between them.
Frozen to the spot, Rooster could do nothing but watch his boss', boss', boss step toe to toe with him. He could only imagine the shit he was in. Disobeying direct orders, losing a multi-million dollar plane, endangering Hangman who'd been scrambled as extra cover, maybe even potentially grand theft aviation from a hostile power....was that a thing?? Oh god, was that a thing??!!?!?!
But the Admiral didn't say a word, just threw his arms around him and held him so tight Rooster's already abused ribs and spine could only complain further. Not that he'd mention it, even when tears blurred his vision from the pain. Once he started to breathe again, he could feel the faint tremor running through the older man's body, and he knew it had less to do with the illness that was rumoured on base to have returned, and more to do with the smirk he could see on Maverick's face over the mans shoulder. A smirk that looked suspiciously like one worn by a man in love.
Hesitantly, Rooster wrapped his arms around his superior officer, and held on just as tight.
"You're welcome."
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frozen-seagrass · 18 days
Thinking about Mav being unsure of what Ice's eye color is
Of course he's not going to do the normal thing and ask the man, so he settles for finding ways to get up close and personal to try and see for himself without being obvious (-> he fails)
But every time he gets a close enough look they're different. One day they look blue but the next they look hazel. One moment they look brown but then he turns his head and a different light catches on them and they look almost green
It turns into one big game of "How close will he let me get? How much will he let me see?" And it's not until he's gotten to the point of being a breath away from Ice's face- close enough to brush lips- and standing under the bright white LEDs that he realizes that they're gray
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unlawfulchaos · 1 year
[This is what happens when you trap Maverick on a carrier at sea for several months, in shared bunks with Merlin, Slider, and Iceman. He finds new ways to entertain himself. Namely, antagonising Slider.]
Maverick: You know what I've always wondered? How do tall people sleep at night when the blanket can't go over them right to their toes?
Slider: Maverick, it is three o'clock in the goddamn morning.
Maverick: So you can't sleep, huh? Is it because of the blanket?
Slider: Maverick, I swear to god if you don't shut up I'm gonna-
Maverick: Sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you through the blanket covering me completely.
Slider: I hope you die.
Maverick: Yeah? Well, I hope you step on legos.
Slider: Take it back. TAKE IT BACK RIGHT NOW.
Maverick: Barefoot.
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compacflt · 1 year
Thank you so much for sharing your Tom Kazansky and related playlists because I’m obsessed with them and how perfectly the songs fit. Yesterday I cried on a plane to When All is Said and Done
uncritical support for abba and mamma mia! for providing me the perfect song with which to end my top gun fanfic series called “easier done than said”
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Grand-Mav and Baby Chick
Pairings: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw / Unnamed Spouse; Implied Pete "Maverick" Mitchell / Tom "Iceman" Kazansky
Word Count: 0.9k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog is 18+ Only
Warnings: Parental Stress; Dad Joke Humor; Rooster's Spouse is Unnamed; Implied IceMav; There's no way that the Navy allows babies into the offices, but let's just pretend
Summary: Rooster needs a babysitter for his son last minute. Maverick volunteers.
Master List
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Despite objections from a large portion of the admiralty, Maverick somehow managed to secure a job teaching at Top Gun again after the uranium facility mission. And an even more shocking aspect of that whole situation was the fact that he managed to actually keep the position. 
And the best part of the job for Maverick? The fact that he saw Rooster just about every day. Rooster had been stationed in Miramar for two years now and even though they no longer worked side by side, they tried to eat lunch together at least once a week. It helped them rebuild their relationship quickly and strengthen it even further as Rooster went on to get married and move onto the next stages of his adult life. 
Maverick loved spending time around Rooster’s family. But Maverick wasn’t expecting Rooster to burst into his office with little baby Nick Peter Bradshaw tucked in his arms. 
“Aren’t you a little young to be here?” Maverick teased, waving at Nick before turning to look up at a very flustered Rooster. “Why did you bring him to work?”
“Daycare is closed and I couldn’t find a babysitter,” Rooster explained rapidly. Quickly remembering that Rooster’s spouse was out of town, Maverick glanced back up at Rooster, who looked on the edge of a breakdown. “I have a briefing in ten minutes and I’m out of options, Mav, and—”
“—Give him here,” Maverick replied without hesitation, already reaching for Nick. 
“You don’t have anything?” Rooster asked, handing his son over.
“Just a class. Nothing too crazy,” Maverick stated, happily accepting Nick into his arms. Rubbing Nick’s belly and earning a coo in return, Maverick smiled down at the little chick. “And it’s never too early to teach him about aviation.”
“Thanks, Mav,” Rooster sighed, handing over the baby bag as well. “I owe you one.”
“Don’t worry about it. Now get to your briefing," Maverick stated, shooing Rooster out of his office.
“And remember, when you’re flying in low visibility, you have to . . .”
Maverick continued on with his lesson, completely ignorant or simply uncaring about the odd looks that his students were shooting him. But then again, it wasn’t every day that the famous Maverick, who was pretty much a living legend in the naval aviation community, showed up to class with a random baby strapped to his chest. 
Maverick turned away from the board with notes and schematics up on it and back to his students. He pointed at the schematics and gesticulated to emphasize the important facts of the lesson, causing Nick to smile and drool a bit as Maverick indirectly entertained him with his movements and gestures.
“What the fuck is going on?” one of the cadets whispered quietly. 
“Whose baby is that?” another added on, leaning back in their seat.
“And why did he bring them to class?”
Maverick continued on with his lesson, but when Nick started to whine, he momentarily paused. Quickly reaching into the baby bag, Maverick fished out Nick’s binkie from one of the top pockets and quickly got him settled again. And then Maverick went right back to the lesson as if nothing happened to disturb it in the first place. Minus a couple odd bounces around to make sure that Nick stayed calm and happy in his carrier.
One brave cadet slowly raised his hand with a dumbstruck expression on his face. Maverick motioned for him to speak and the cadet slowly lowered his hand to point at Nick.
“Sir, why do you have a baby?”
“Oh,” Maverick realized, glancing down at Nick for a moment. “My son had a briefing and he didn’t have anyone else to watch his son, so I'm watching him for today.”
“Is that safe?” another cadet asked, sharing an odd look with their fellow students. 
“Oh, don’t worry. He’s up to date on his shots. And he can’t bite because he doesn’t have any teeth yet,” Maverick explained, earning even more incredulous looks as a result of his explanation. “Now, back to the maneuvers that we’ve been discussing this week . . .”
“What. The. Fuck," one cadet murmured under their breath.
“You know, when people told me that he was a little crazy, I didn’t think that he would be this crazy.”
“This day can’t get any weirder.”
But, of course, a knock at the door proved the cadets wrong. Because not three seconds later, the Admiral Tom “Iceman” Kazansky walked into the classroom.
The cadets tripped over themselves, rushing to stand at attention for the most senior naval officer this side of the Rockies. But Maverick was completely relaxed and strode over to Ice to make the smooth hand off.
“You got out of your meeting early?” Maverick guessed, handing Ice the baby bag. 
“Well, I am the COMPACFLT,” Ice replied with an easygoing smile. “And besides . . .” Ice reached out to grab Nick from the baby carrier that Maverick tucked him into, “. . . someone has to watch the little chick.”
Nick cooed and made grabby motions for Ice, clearly happy to see him. Ice happily greeted Nick and held him protectively in his arms. Maverick handed off the rest of Nick’s belongings to Ice before the usually rigid and stern admiral turned to the class full of cadets. 
“We apologize for interrupting your lesson. We’ll get out of your way.” Ice shot Maverick a wink before turning to Nick. “Can you wave ‘bye bye’ to everyone, Nick?”
Nick held his half-curled hand up in the air and waved his whole arm at Maverick and the class before Ice turned and walked out of the room. When the door shut behind them, the entire class was completely silent.
“Any questions?” Maverick asked, breaking the stone-cold silence. 
All twenty hands immediately rose into the air with each cadet sitting on the edge of their seat to ask their question.
“About the lesson," Maverick emphasized a moment later.
All twenty hands quickly lowered back down, some more sheepish than others. Turning back to the board, Maverick carried on as if nothing odd or unusual happened.
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hotgirlmav · 2 years
Risky Business — Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky x Reader
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Pairing: Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky x Female!Reader (18+)
Description: After being promoted to admiral, Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky has little to no time to do anything but work. Constantly stressed out and exhausted, you decide to give your husband something to cheer him up at work. Being afraid of being caught at any time but needing it more than ever, who is he to say no?
Warnings: Descriptive oral sex (m!receiving), explicit language, allusions to smut, slight exhibitionism, risk of getting caught, allusions to oral sex (f!receiving), MAVERICK CAMEO, reader trying Iceman, Iceman trying not to have a heart attack.
Word Count: 3,638.
A/N: Tom Cruise reference in the name because that man is attached to me by the HIP. ALSOOOO, this is my first time writing proper smut, so excuse anything that may seem shitty! Love youuuu!!! <3
Requests are temporarily closed!
Hearing the clearance to enter the office, you turned the doorknob with your free hand and slipped your way in, closing the door behind you with your foot.
“Is this part of your promotion? Forgetting your lunch almost everyday?” You teased your husband in a light tone, setting the articulately packaged containers on the corner of his desk.
Iceman, seconds away from drowning in the paperwork that cluttered his hardwood desk, forced a small grin on his face as a response to the remark that he was already forgetting. Though he was already two months into his promotion, each and every passing second carried a heavier workload than the last. He was always a man who was taken incredibly seriously, but at that moment in time, he was trying his damnedest to prove himself to be more.
After his promotion, Iceman felt as though the playful part of his youth no longer existed. Doing so much as referring to himself as his callsign made him feel as though he was disrespecting his new rank. From that moment on, he was Admiral Kazansky. He felt as though he desperately had to prove himself to both his inferiors and superiors, and in doing so, every second of his free time was lost.
Unfortunately, you were reaping the consequences of such a thing.
Each and every morning, he was gone before your eyes would even open. His vacant spot would no longer hold the inviting warmth that he had, thus proving just how long he had been gone. On a good night, he would come home around an hour later than he usually would. On his worst nights, he would come home while you were getting ready for bed. You initially wanted to be angry and berate him for such a thing, but something kept you from doing so. Your fury was defeated by the dark circles forming under his eyes, the exhaustion in his sultry, smooth voice, and the way his eyelids refused to stay up the second he sat down. Several nights in a row, you would find him fast asleep in his beloved chair in the living room with the television still on. The third time around, the laces on his boots were still tied as perfectly as they were when he left. The sight of it completely broke your heart.
Ever since then, you had been continuously begging the man to slow down. You begged him to breathe, to relax, to just— be. Of course, that was to absolutely no prevail. You knew your husband, and you knew he had to be the best at what he did. He would stop at nothing if it meant he was as respected as an admiral should be, but more importantly, he would make sure to deserve such respect.
Seeing the man you love adorned in stress was nothing short of horrible, yes, but fuck.
If that was not the sexiest thing you had ever seen in your entire life, you had no idea what was. Even at the current moment, you could not stop yourself from gawking. Scanning his face with your eyes for what must have been the millionth time, your heart began to race like it was the first.
The creases that formed as a result of his furrowed eyebrows caused you to tilt your head, completely disregarding the fact that you were outwardly admiring him. Your fingers longed to smooth them out for him, just as you always did. Such an action was typically followed by him letting his eyelids fall shut as the tension in his body smoothly dissolved. Ironically enough, Iceman would melt.
Your mouth watered in a way you could not even prevent if you tried; such an action completely went over his head. His look of concentration only intensified as he wrote. Your head was completely spinning in circles for the brief moment that your eyes were locked on your husband, but it was still long enough for you to figure out just what you wanted to do.
On nights when he would come home on time, you watched the man slowly rid himself of the uniform he wore to his demanding job, but he could never rid himself of the stress that came with it. His body was constantly adorned with it. He wore the agonizing repercussions of a man in his position like the most honorable badge, and quite frankly, you had enough of it.
Not for you, but for him.
Small, calculated steps were taken on your behalf; his concentrated stare was still fixated on the documents before him. You heard the soles of your shoes hit the ground beneath you in a way that felt crushing, but to him, it was just white noise.
Finally, standing behind him, your hands found their way to his shoulders. Even from the slightest touch, Iceman was already letting out a low, quiet exhale of relief. You could feel the tension in his muscles slowly decreasing as you pushed the tips of your fingers further into them, beginning to move them in a circular motion.
It took everything in the man not to completely drop his pen. Iceman’s eyelids dropped the exact way you knew they would, his head falling forward for a moment. One of your hands continued to work as the other stopped for a moment, his hand finding it the second it did. He held your hand in his right one on one of his shoulders and turned his head to face it, his excruciatingly soft lips pressing a kiss to your knuckle.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” The words fell from his lips in a raspy way, his voice cutting through the slightly chilly air like a hot knife through butter. You hoped that you could suppress the need to alleviate his stress, but after hearing the way you soothed him by just rubbing his shoulders, you couldn’t help but wonder what just a little more would do.
You rubbed circles into his shoulders in a way that you hoped would satisfy him. Each and every long, deep exhale that left his nostrils filled your pride in a way that even the most intricate compliment could not. Your heart began to both crack and melt as your mind shifted, causing you to begin to think about just how much the man deserved it. He had been physically and mentally torturing himself ever since he got promoted. The one minute you had been rubbing his back was probably the only moment of pure solitude that he had been granted in the past month.
That was all the motivation you needed to both reward the man for his incredibly hard work and remind him that he did not need to take everything so seriously. There was much more to life than professional success, both good and bad. You wanted to take a moment to remind him of the good.
Your fingers halted after the thought finalized in your mind, but Iceman thought nothing of it. He just figured you were going to be right on your merry way, and he had to get back to work. He picked up his pen once more as your eyes scanned around the beautiful office, your eyes landing on a picture of the pair of you resting on his desk just a moment later.
The blinds on all of the windows looking into his office were shut. The front of his desk made it impossible for anyone to see what was underneath. The fact that he had quite a bit of legroom underneath the desk was enough of a push.
Without even thinking, you slightly pulled his chair back, such an action being made easy by the wheels at the bottom. His face twisted in confusion as he looked over to you, the pen still in his hand. Neither of you had time to think before you were dropping to your knees right in front of him, your hands immediately beginning to fumble with the belt on his uniform.
“Are you insane?” He whispered to you in a hushed tone, his face mirroring that of a deer in headlights. Despite his evident shock, his eyes only followed you as you continued to very slightly rid him of his pants. He made no attempt to stop you.
Noticing that fact, you met his eyes with your own, your eyebrows slightly raising. “Do you want me to stop?”
You knew he didn’t. He knew he didn’t. By asking that very simple, yet very significant question, though, the ball rolled right into your court. You obtained the power in that situation, as opposed to how roles were typically assigned in that manner. He was yours for the taking, and both of you were just fine with that.
Within seconds, he was exposed to you. If anyone were to stand in the doorway, all they would see is the upper half of one Admiral Kazansky, probably as cool and collected as ever. The expression on his face, however, showed something different.
His green eyes were full of bewilderment as your eyes landed on his already semi-hard length, your heart racing as if this wasn’t just the millionth time you were going to blow your husband. Regardless of such, this time was supposed to be special. You had a goal in mind, and you would stop at absolutely nothing to achieve it. Perhaps that was one of the many things you and Tom had in common.
Your eyes flickered upward to gaze at him, the certainty and sheer lust in your eyes perfectly contrasting with the shock in his. The second you wrapped your fingers around his length by the base of it and moved your hand upward just once, the pen fell from his grip. You wasted no time in adjusting your head slightly and wrapping your lips around the tip, your eyes searching for his as you did so.
Iceman furrowed his eyebrows just as he usually did, but it was very evidently not out of frustration. His plump lips parted slightly as he felt your tongue lick a stripe along the tip of his cock, and his larger hand found solace on the top of your head, resisting the urge to just fuck your throat then and there.
The fear of being caught infiltrated his blood like a virus, but absolutely nothing was going to make him pull away from you. Especially with the way the very tip of your tongue flicked over the slit of his cock so briefly, causing him to suppress the most obscene groan.
At that point, all bets were off. He knew what you were doing, and he knew it very well. If you wanted to relieve him of the stress he carried, he was going to allow you to do just that. As a matter of fact, he was going to help you.
Your lips were fully wrapped around his tip as both of his hands moved to push a bit of your hair out of your face, being sure to hold it all behind your head with just one of them. The second he did so, you knew to remove your hand from his base. You knew exactly what he wanted to do, and you were going to let him.
Once your hand moved, Iceman wasted no time in bucking his hips upward, only part of his length fully filling your mouth and threatening to go down your throat. Due to being slightly caught by surprise, you let out the sound of a small gag against it, but still got ahold of yourself quite quickly. The sound only fueled the man much more.
“Try to be quiet, sweetheart.” His low voice filled your ears in a way that caused a small fire to burn in the pit of your stomach, his eyes essentially blazing into yours. “You wouldn’t want us to get caught, would you?”
You knew exactly what to do. Normally, you would respond with noises, but you wanted to toy with him just as much as he was toying with you.
Your hand found its way back to the base of his length as you slowly lifted your mouth off of it, using your hand to lightly and teasingly stroke it as you maintained a calm expression.
“No, Admiral.” You spoke just above a whisper, your lips curling into a shit-eating grin as you watched the darkest lust flash through his eyes. You took the tip in your mouth once more, and instead of beginning to bob your head, you let him do what you knew he wanted.
Your hands gripped the back of his calves as he held your hair in one hand, the other now resting below your jaw. In a way, it was helping you. He held your head in place as he clenched his jaw as tightly as he could, showing no mercy once he thrusted up into your mouth.
Even after years of experience, it still took you a minute to adjust to taking his length. To say that he was big was an understatement. It was more than understandable to know why his ego was the way it was.
You felt inches of him threaten to go deeper and deeper down your throat with each and every thrust, causing muffled gags to be released against his cock each and every time. The vibration he felt from the sound caused him to clear his throat, a vein now making an appearance on his neck.
Just when almost all of him was in your mouth and down your throat, you both heard a slight knock at the door. Immediately, you both froze.
Iceman’s eyes widened as he completely let go of you, but you were too afraid to move.
“Just a minute!” He wasted no time in calling out, frantically looking around his office. He suddenly motioned for you to scoot back underneath his desk, which you wasted no time in pulling back from his erection and doing so.
“Ice, it’s me.” You could hear the voice of Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell say through the door. From your position, you could practically hear your husband rolling his eyes. He pushed his chair inward slightly so as to make it seem he was sitting normally, but still in a way that wouldn’t hit you under the desk.
Getting caught was one thing, but by Maverick? Absolutely not. No fucking way, absolutely not.
After the both of you got settled, Iceman cleared his throat. “Come in.”
The second Maverick came in, your heart stopped. You knew their usual way of greeting one another was by embracing each other in a warm, yet brief hug. Seeing as Iceman’s pants were pulled down to the middle of his thighs, that would not be the best thing.
Luckily, Maverick only sighed and closed the door when he came in, taking a seat in one of the chairs right in front of the desk.
“What do you need, Mav?” Iceman tried to ask as normally as he could. His poker face was absolutely perfect, but he felt like the man in front of him could see right through him.
As Maverick began to inform your husband of the fact that he pissed off another superior, you could feel the tension in his body rising.
“This is the second time this month, Pete. I just got this damn position, and the most progress I’ve made is making sure you don’t get grounded.” Iceman stated in obvious annoyance as his eyebrows furrowed, sitting back in his seat. It was almost as if he forgot you were there.
“I know, I know.” Maverick sighed out in response, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I can’t thank you enough.”
As Maverick continued giving his explanation, a lightbulb went off over your pretty little head. With a small smirk on your face, your hand slowly found its way back to his length. He was still just as hard. If anything, the lack of attention given to his cock was almost making it throb. Immediately, you took the tip back into your mouth.
The very second he felt the contact, Iceman cleared his throat and sat right back up, clenching his jaw.
“You okay, Ice?” Maverick asked in pure confusion as his eyebrows furrowed, staring at the man in front of him, who seemed to be in some sort of pain.
Iceman cleared his throat once more and nodded his head once, trying his best to maintain eye contact as he blinked twice. “Muscle cramp. Please continue.”
Hearing the quick and polite save almost made you giggle, but you still wanted to toy with him. You wasted no time in slightly stroking the bottom half as you began to teasingly bob your head up and down, doing so as silently as you possibly could.
The way his boot would shift every few seconds as a way for him to release some form of reaction kept you going. Once you went down a bit further as a way of testing your own limits, you couldn’t help the small gag that came along with it. Your blood ran cold once you did it, but not even a full second after you did, Iceman let out quite a loud cough.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Pete asked in the middle of his own explanation, confusion more evident on his face than before.
Iceman nodded in response as he gripped your hair underneath the desk, causing you to widen your eyes slightly. The way it caught you off guard piqued your interest.
“Lot of dust in here.” He instantly excused himself.
After a few moments, Maverick was being lectured by the man in front of you, but both you and Maverick knew he would just end it by saying he would help him out. Low and behold, he did.
The second Maverick left his office and closed the door behind him, Iceman pushed his chair back from his desk and glared down at you. All of the rage in his eyes was completely lustful, and his remaining grip on your hair was still thrilling you to no end.
“You’re fucking insane.” He lowly spat under his breath, causing you to fight the urge to just smile at him. “What would have happened if he figured that out? Do you know how fucking bad that would have been?”
His tone was serious, but the look in his eyes said so much more. He parted your lips with his thumb and wasted no time in pushing it into your mouth, completely taking you by surprise. Within a matter of a second, though, you began to slightly run your tongue along his skin. You bobbed your head back and forth in a way that made him feel like you were just sticking your middle finger up at him.
“Fine.” He sharply stated below his own breath, retracting his finger from your mouth and using that hand to grip your jaw. Your mouth was still wide open and your eyes slightly widened in surprise.
“If you want to act like such a dirty little slut, show me what a dirty little slut you are.” He spat his beautifully venomous words at you, just before he aligned the tip of his length with your lips. Without a bit of a warning, he pushed it into your mouth.
You found your position as if it were as easy and natural as riding a bike. He sat back in his chair as he began to bob your head up and down by your jaw and your hair, causing you to quietly gag almost each and every time. For him, you didn’t care. You would have sawed your jaw clean off if he told you to.
His breathing became lighter the faster he did so. After a moment, he stopped so as not to cause any sort of serious strain to your neck, deciding that thrusting upward would be easier for the both of you.
Once he did so, the tip of his cock was hitting the back of your throat almost every second. You only held your mouth open as widely as you could, taking the shortness in his breathing as a sign that he was close.
“Fuck—” You heard the beautiful word carefully slip under his breath, causing you to brace yourself. You squeezed your eyes shut as you felt his load begin to fill your mouth, just knowing the way you were sending him over the edge as you began to swallow.
After a moment of the man trying his best to suppress the groans he wanted to let out as a result of him finishing, he lowly panted under his breath. You lifted your head and shamelessly wiped the side of your mouth, happily standing to your feet once he began to fix his uniform.
“You’re welcome.” You hummed to your husband in such a casual manner, pressing the softest peck to his lips before you turned to your things.
As you gathered your belongings and hooked your purse over your shoulder, you felt a cold hand slightly grip your wrist, causing you to turn back to him.
“Where are you going?” He asked in what seemed to be complete confusion, causing you to furrow your eyebrows and let out a small giggle.
“Home…?” You spoke in a way that came off as more of a question than a statement. The words that he spoke next made you both almost completely implode, and mentally pat yourself on the back for deciding to do what you did.
“No, no way.” He laughed out, shaking his head in disapproval before he stood from his seat, his eyes locking with yours as he did so.
“It’s your turn.”
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redfurrycat · 8 months
🤠🛖🛏️🐓And They Were Roommates & Only One Bed Fic Recs🐓🛏️🛖🤠
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: Barnes_Brain, Billpaxton, Coconutcordiale, Crueltether, Davidbyrne, Dracculaura, Fuddlewuddle, Honestlydarkprincess, Imafriendlydalek, Indybob, Lesbiseresin, Nickies_Nonsense, ReformedTsundere, ReiverReturns, RosannaDrinksToForget, Sceld, Sreshaw, Teacupivy, Trinipedia, Vannral, Violation_of_faith_and_devotion, WaffleToaster, Writerofthelorde, Yourstrulytay.
I'll ride in this life with you by Fuddlewuddle {E}
Rooster is called back to Top Gun along with 11 other pilots for an important mission. Not only does he have to deal with the unresolved issues with Maverick now the Captain is going to be the one training them, but he's also been assigned to live with the one person who seemingly lives to infuriate him; Hangman. He'll be lucky if he even makes it to fly in the mission in the first place.
Squadron Scorpion by RosannaDrinksToForget {E}
Maverick, Rooster, Hangman, Phoenix, Bob, Fanboy and Payback make up the Deadly Seven more widely known as Squadron Scorpion. Maverick isn't done teaching and the young pilots aren't done learning. Things can't get any worse when Rooster and Hangman of all people are forced to room together. They waited in silence. Each catching a breath. "Rooster, still with me?" "Still alive, but barely."  "I... I think I need this." "I don't think I can live without it."  "Glad we agree on something." Or maybe for the better.
Don’t You (Forget About Me) by Barnes_Brain {M}
When Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw was 14 his mother passed away, leaving him an orphan in an ever changing world. With no other family, and Maverick halfway across the world, Tom “Iceman” Kazansky took over as primary guardian. Through hard work and extreme perseverance Bradley reached Top Gun at age 27, even with Maverick pulling his papers. Take that asshole. But now that he’s at Top Gun he’s going to find if he has what it takes to be one of the best pilots in the world. That includes learning how to work with a team he doesn’t know, and doesn’t know if he can trust. Especially his obnoxious roommate who he can’t help but stare at. If only he could shut up.
show me again by dracculaura {E}
He hasn’t had a roommate on land-based assignments in years, not since flight school, so it takes him by surprise. He just isn’t used to it, not anymore. And he’s especially not used to sharing a room with fucking Bradley Bradshaw. (jake and bradley are roommates during their time at topgun)
T-shirt by violation_of_faith_and_devotion {E}
He inadvertently takes a breath and before he realizes what’s happened, Jake is already away, making his way towards the bar. He’d like to blame it on the alcohol, but he’d need to lie to himself. *  Or, three times when Rooster smelled Hangman. And kinda liked it.
You Are My Deepest Lonely by Writerofthelorde {T}
Post mission. Neither Rooster nor Hangman can sleep. Both have nightmares and they get grumpy and rude. When it finally comes out that neither of them has slept in ages, Phoenix jokes that they should sleep in the same room or something, and they look at each other. A silent agreement. The thing is… Jake refused to let anyone in. Every nightmare just left him in a panic alone. Bradley sound asleep next to him. Because it worked, of course it worked. But now, Jake was just alone with someone next to him, and that was worse. So much worse. Aka Bradley and Jake share a room, but there's only one bed... They pine, they long, they ache and flirt. Jake has nightmares and panic attacks but refuses to share that with Bradley, who grows increasingly worried. When will they break?
coming up for air by vannral {T}
"The horizon blurs into blue and bone white. It’s so light it burns Jake’s eyes. The entire cockpit is eerily silent, except for the thundering in his ears. ’fly, fucking fly like your life depends on it – fly FASTER, THEY’RE GONNA DIE – !’" In which Jake shares a room with Rooster on the carrier, he has a nightmare about not reaching Mav and Rooster in time, and Rooster comforts him. And ends up sharing the bed.
I Won't Stop Running by ReformedTsundere {M}
"What? You said you were heading somewhere, didn't wanna give me the exact location, so sure, I've got a shotgun with no passenger and snacks that'll get us from here to Texas." When Bradley continues to stand there, with no response other than a widening of his eyes and slackening of his jaw, Jake takes two steps forward, close but not crowding into Bradley's space. "So, what'da say Bradshaw? Wanna come see the lone star state with me?" It strikes Bradley like he's been doused with a bucket of water, that Jake is serious.
Whiskey and Rye by sreshaw {E}
a.k.a. The Fic Where There's Only One Bed Because the Navy Fucked Up Hotel Reservations The Dagger Crew got turned into a real-deal instructor squadron after the mission. They get sent on missions and demos to teach new pilots how to do what they do. On this trip to Florida, the WSOs are staying with their pilots, but Jake and Bradley, since they are WSO-less, have to room together. And the hotel fucked up.
nothing safe is worth the drive by davidbyrne {E}
this slope is treacherous (and I like it)
It begins, like most things in Jake’s life, with a questionable decision. Or they were roommates (oh my god they were roommates)
I will follow you, follow you home
missing scenes from the first year of jake and bradley's cohabitation
You Love Him, and No One Else by Sceld {T}
“I’ve got it,” Jake offers, holding his hand out, but Rooster only tuts disappointedly. “What kind of host would I be if I made you carry your own bag?” Jake blanks on a response, his mouth twisting into a smile without his permission. Rooster turns to where Jake can now see the Bronco. Its engine is still running, and it’s warm inside when Jake closes the door behind him, clicking on his seatbelt by feeling along while he stares intently at the glove compartment in front of him, waiting while Rooster puts his bag in the boot. He doesn’t feel as weird as he thought he would, as he probably should. Every conflicting feeling from the F-14 is returning in waves. He’s helpless to resist the pull of the tide. It’s terrifying and exhilarating all at once. or; Jake's apartment floods and his only other option is to stay with the last person in the world he wants to spend time with. Shenanigans ensue.
Wave goodbye and say hello to unfamiliar circumstances by trinipedia {E}
Finally, the glances and the expression on Bradley's face that morning made sense, and Jake found himself grinning as widely as the cat that got the cream. Okay, maybe not yet. But soon, sooner than he thought. OR: Jake has a crush on Bradley and decides he has to have him. Incidentally, Bradley agrees.
I should be scared, honey, maybe so by yourstrulytay {T}
It’s several nights into their new sleeping arrangements that Bradley jolts out of sleep, heart pounding, and for a second, he can’t figure out what’s woken him. The room is filled with silence as he looks around, trying to spot something that may be out of place. He’s confused until a sound emanates from the bunk next to his. It’s a soft keening sound and Bradley’s heart twists to hear the pain laced through the drawn-out noise. It’s the next sound that has Bradley stopping cold, head whipping around to look at the man inhabiting the other bed. It’s mumbled, but undeniable. “Rooster- Bradley, no-!”
will the teasing of the fire be followed by the thud? by davidbyrne {T}
as he can to understand. “Because…you always are first,” Jake offers, shrugging. It’s the truth, as lame as it may be. “I think I have the right to be a dick to the person who broke my heart,” is Bradley’s abrupt response. 
Hey Hey Hey Lover by Nickies_Nonsense {G}
After the mission Bradley and Jake are both granted a month of leave. Mav offers up his house but it feels too soon so Bradley does the only reasonable thing and rents an apartment with Jake for a month. Terrible cooking, stomach bugs, beach days, nightmares, and first kisses follow.
Some Unspoken Thing by indybob {M}
With paths that have crossed for the better part of a decade, Jake and Bradley have a history unlike any other. A history that sees their relationship develop from best friends, to bitter rivals, to eventual lovers. The five times that Jake felt there was some unspoken thing between himself and Bradley, and the one time he decided to do something about it.
waking up to you by honestlydarkprincess {T}
Jake drinks too much at a party he and Bradley throw for Bob's birthday. He wanders off, settles into Bradley's bed and they fall asleep. That's it, that's the fic. Based on the prompt "we’re roommates and you drunkenly passed out in my bed; move over I’m coming in"
Calefaction by ReiverReturns {M}
It's 2am, and Bradley isn't used to sharing the hour.
tell the truth, I look better under you by lesbiseresin {G}
Before Bradley knows it, there’s a hand landing on his shoulder and squeezing as Hangman slips past him towards the door. “Hope you don’t snore. Otherwise I might have to shove your face into a pillow,” he tells him, completely cheerful. It makes Bradley want to reach for his collar again, face no longer numb but burning hot in a way he hopes doesn’t show through in color. Instead, he tightens his jaw and does what he’s been doing for the past few days every time Hangman tries to push one of his buttons. He ignores him. (alternatively: and they were bunkmates…)
Storm's Coming by imafriendlydalek {M}
There's a hurricane headed toward San Diego and Rooster gets sent to a nearby aircraft carrier to help move planes back on land before it sails out to sea. Too bad the storm has other plans.
you next to me by coconutcordiale {T}
“We can play for it,” Bradley offers, twisting to reach across Jake and pull a deck of cards he’s tucked into the rack supporting Jake’s mattress. “Loser has to trek across the ship and sleep with Zing.” “He’s not my type,” Jake says, mischief glinting in his eyes when he peers up at Bradley. “Too skinny.” + aka three times there was only one bed and one time there were too many
waiting for a star to fall by billpaxton {E}
Bradley's been struggling to adjust after the uranium mission so Maverick generously gifts him with a weekend pass to a mediation retreat in the Californian woods. He should be grateful - really it's an awfully nice gesture and a getaway Bradley's been desparate for. But it's hard to be appreciative when Maverick forgot to mention anything about having a roommate.
Being your something (for Christmas) by WaffleToaster {E}
It all started because of a damn Christmas sweater. Bradley's pretty sure there's some underlying motive behind all this, all he wants to do is to survive the party, but Jake ends up making everything ten times worse than it actually is. So what can he do other than defend his pride? Throw in some alcohol, some stupid questions and some shameless behaviour and just maybe.. maybe, he'll admit that he's actually having fun. And maybe he'll also admit that he's kind of hoping for something more..
When September Ends by imafriendlydalek {E}
Bradley had only applied to colleges other than the Academy to appease his mom, who insisted that it was important to have safety schools. He never thought he would need a backup. And yet here he is, at Cornell University. His dreams of going to the Academy have been thoroughly dashed, his mother is buried across the country next to his father, and his parking spot has just been stolen by some asshole with Texas license plates.
I’ll save you a seat by teacupivy {M}
“What if…” Seresin starts, but then he shakes his head. He’s about to walk away when Bradley grabs for his wrist, nodding at him to go on. “It’s stupid,” he says, rolling his eyes, “but what if we go together?”
feel it all by crueltether {E}
The battery percentage on Jake's phone is nearing the red zone and the last thing he wants is to be completely removed from society (being stuck in a snowstorm in the middle of nowhere is bad enough). He leans down to find the charger in his bag when – “Seresin?” Jake goes still, grin on his lips before he even looks up. “Bradshaw,” he replies, grin twisting into a fond smirk. “As I live and breathe. The hell are you doin’ here?”
Maybe We Were Always Meant To Be by indybob {E}
“And since my flight got rerouted I have to stay at a hotel nearby. It’s supposed to be a nice one at least.” Jake sounds a bit on the annoyed side considering he’s going to be stuck at a hotel for his entire leave, and Bradley can’t say he blames him. The idea of Jake having to live out of a hotel doesn’t sit right with Bradley. It sounds just as boring and lonely as it’s been for him alone in his house. He’d hate for his friend to go through that for two weeks. The perfect solution suddenly dawns on him. At least, it’s perfect logically, but in reality, it’s probably a terrible idea. Oh well. He’s got to jump off the perch sometime, right? “What if you come stay with me?” Or: Two boys. Two weeks. One everlasting love.
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lovelytsunoda · 8 months
take my breath away // tom 'iceman' kazansky
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a traffic jam on the interstate and a diamond ring in a glovebox compartment
temporarily stationed in nevada, tom and heather decide to take a weekend in las vegas to see their favourite new wave band. all the while, all tom can think about when to ask heather to be his wife.
part of the heather and tommy universe started in 'tell me something girl'
pairing: tom kazansky x female oc (named heather)
warnings: fluff overload, marriage proposals, traffic jams.
author's note: guys i know that 'kick' didn't come out until 1987, but bear with me on this one, i was trying to make all of the dates work without the wedding feeling rushed (you'll know what i mean if you check the date headings on 'tell me something girl')
October 25th, 1986. Just outside Las Vegas, Nevada.
the weak air conditioning system in her boyfriend's hummer did nothing to block out the nevada heat as they sat idle, listening to the sounds of engines humming and horns honking. heather schneider held a small camcorder in her hands, the viewfinder trained on her boyfriend's face as he raked his hands through is hair, aviator glasses hiding his eyes. duran duran played on the radio, a tree shaped air freshener dangling in front of the windshield.
"babe, i’m so sorry. i had no idea traffic would be this bad." tom sighed, pushing up his glasses so he could run his hands over his face.
the move to nevada had been sudden. back home in virginia after graduating top gun, tom wasn't expecting to get marching orders so fast after coming back from a mission. the two harrowing weeks in the ocean after the academy had rattled him a little, and he was looking forward to finally spending time with heather again. now, he was scared about what nevada would to do his relationship with heather, until heather dropped a bombshell of her own.
she was quitting her job.
working in a law firm that did work closely with the us military did things to a person. and one day, heather just snapped. she came home in tears and told him that she couldn't do it any more.
and then she quit.
and now she was in nevada with no idea what she was going to do with her life. tom was stationed at the nellis air force base, which was very near to the las vegas motor speedway, a place they spent many a weekend watching stock car racing. tom was easing into his role at nellis quickly, seamlessly and with his trusty backseater ron kerner at his side.
heather was still lost. deployment was only for five months, part of a training program for a plane that most people in the military weren't even aware of yet. and after that five months? would they go back to virginia? stay in nevada? where would she work?
"kaz, stop worrying. the concert isn't until tomorrow night anyways." she soothed, running her thumb over his knuckles. the hummer eased forward, but traffic was still at a crawl.
"nellis is eight fucking miles outside of vegas, why can't we get into the city on a friday?"
"because everybody else is also trying to get into the city on a friday."
in the three months they had already lived in nevada, despite only living eight miles outside sin city, heather had still never been to vegas. never walked down the strip, never seen a show.
until tom surprised her with tickets to watch australian new wave band INXS play at ceasers palace. the band meant so much to heather, and she had been waiting for this weekend for the last six weeks.
tom, on the other hand, knowing the significance of the weekend had something bigger planned. the ring was burning a hole in his glove box, right next to his service weapon.
all that time away had taught him one big thing: he wanted heather in his life, by his side, for the rest of his life.
"hey, heath, do you remember that blue bungalow in miramar? the one that was on the water, with the backyard that walked out onto that small square of beach?"
"yeah, why?" heather hummed, panning the camera over at the traffic in front of her. the pair never went anywhere without their cameras, digital or video. there were envelopes full of negatives in their apartment, shoeboxes bursting at the seams with pictures they'd taken since they started dating in the spring of 1985.
tom tapped his slender fingers against the steering wheel, easing the hummer forward another few feet as traffic picked up, and then promptly slowed. he moved to roll down a window due to the heat, but then reversed his decision after smelling the latent gasoline exhaust in the air and hearing the noise of the jam.
"it's for sale. has been for a while, miramar isn't a hot area for us young people." he stopped to take a breath, looking over at heather. her eyes sparkled as she turned to look at him, popping a small pretzel into her mouth. her large, round prescription sunglasses made her look like an owl.
he adored every part of her.
"i want to put a deposit down. with your permission, of course. i know your life is in virginia, and we can go back if that's what you want. but i see a life for us in that house. kids, a dog. at some point, i want to teach at top gun. that's where maverick is, where slider is going to go. but none of that means anything if you aren't with me, heath."
heather closed the camcorder, dropping it into her lap as she reached for tom's hand, clasping it between both of hers. "tom, i'd love to. let's do it. let's move to california."
tom's heart swelled with love as he brought heather's knuckles up to give her a gentle kiss. everything was finally coming together. they were ready to start their life together.
and he knew he needed to ask. he had planned to wait until they were in the city, planned to get down on one knee underneath the false eiffel tower and present heather with his grandmother's ring.
but, as impulsive as it may be, he knew he needed to ask her. in the middle of stalled traffic on a nevada freeway. his hair had grown out since he'd come home from top gun, bangs curling into his eyes and sticking up in all ways after he pushes his glasses up.
"babe, pass me the camcorder and take a look in the glove box." tom said, putting the hummer in park. he would have turned the engine off to save gas, but who knew if traffic would pick up again and he'd have to drive off the freeway?
after heather passed him the small metal camera, he popped it open, discreetly recording as she opened the glove box. her sunglasses held her long, brunette hair back like a headband as she rooted around the compartment.
"behind the service weapon, sweetheart. it's a small pink box."
"found it." she hummed, her manicured fingers clutching the small cardboard box. (tom had been insistent that she go get her nails done with slider's girlfriend maria before they left nellis, but she had no idea why).
she pulled the lid off the box, a gasp getting caught in her throat when she saw the stunning sterling silver ring, and the large blue stone in the middle, framed by diamonds.
"this is your grandmother's ring."
tom's parents were polish immigrants. when his parents left poland with nothing, they brought his father's mother with them (his mother's parents would follow later). angela kazanzky was classically trained ballerina with the warsaw ballet corps, but had left poland with almost nothing after her husband was killed. all she brought with her was a suitcase of clothes, and that sapphire engagement ring.
"heather, the time i spent at top gun taught me a lot of things. how to be a better man, a better soldier and a better pilot. but it also taught me that i hate being away from you. i hate waking up at the crack of dawn and you aren't there next to me." tom began, reaching for heather's hand. she turned to look at him, eyes wide and hands shaky as the gravity what this was set in. "i hate coming home at the end of the day to an empty dorm without you there. yeah, i love the guys, and i love this job. but none of that holds a candle to the way that i love you, heather anne schneider. i was going to wait until we actually got to vegas to do this, but now's as good a time as any."
he smiled nervously, a shock of giddy, pure love shooting through her veins when she looked at him, an equally wide smile breaking out across her face.
"heather, will you marry me?"
"yes! yes, tom, of course i'm gonna marry you. is this what that house talk was all about? yes, of course i'll do it!"
"thank you." tom exhaled, speaking so softly that she almost didn't hear it. he extended his open palm, waiting for her to press the ring into his palm. she was a giggling mess, trying to hold her hand steady while tom slid the cold metal band onto her ring finger. "i'm so in love with you, and i hope we stay this happy forever."
god, she loved that man.
"i love you more, lieutenant."
stretching as far as her seatbelt would allow, heather leaned over the hummer's center console, kissing her fiancé with an intensity that was out of place on the freeway. she couldn't stop staring at the rock on her finger, and thinking about the promise that it represented.
they were forehead to forehead, full of giddy smiles, the camcorder resting on tom's lap still recording as the pickup truck behind them began to honk.
traffic was flowing normally, and they hadn't even noticed.
they broke apart, laughing as they stowed away the camcorder and the now-empty ring box. tom put the car in drive, throwing his middle finger up at the driver behind them.
they were both still smiling, daydreaming about what their new life together would bring them. heather reached for the radio, turning up the volume as they began to play INXS' 'never tear us apart'.
tom smiled fondly, looking over at her as she began to sing.
"this is going to be our wedding song." she smiled to herself.
the following year, they would get married in monterrey, and they would have their first dance to that same song, heather in a simple white dress, and tom in his navy dress whites. and two years after that, they would welcome their first of three children.
and when mitchell kazansky got married? he used that same sapphire ring to propose to his now-wife amelia.
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@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @sidcrosbyspuck @diorleclerc @lorarri @cartierre @userlando @thatsdemko
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topguncortez · 1 year
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Worth Fighting For | Maverick Mitchell
masterlist | One Year TG celebration
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synopsis: Maverick can't help but fight for who he loves
word count: 2.5k
warnings: sexism, fighting, cursing, mentions of canon character death, oblivious friends to lovers
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“Why should I have to respect her? She’s a-“
Maverick knew that it probably wasn’t a good idea to go to the O Club on a night after an exam.
He knew the whole place would be crawling with young pilots wanting to blow off steam from a stressful week of flights and studying for the exam. He also knew there would be a handful of spiteful pilots who were pissed about their exam grades. But there was no arguing a grade when every single question was multiple choice.
Maverick had a love-hate relationship with his position at top gun. He hated being chained to a classroom most days. He hated lecturing. He hated having to teach “by the book”. He hated having to answer to Ron Kerner of all people.
but he did love teaching young pilots and seeing them excel throughout the course. And he also loved getting to work with the love of his life day after day.
You and Maverick knew that there was no replacing your brother, Goose. You had been on the ground in the rec room hearing every single bit of the accident and had begged Viper to let you get on the rescue chopper. It was the worst day of your lives to go up to Carole’s door and tell her that her husband was dead. 
But before the accident, the two of you were never really close. You always saw Maverick as Goose’s annoying, hotshot best friend, and Maverick saw you as his RIO’s little sister. But after the accident, everything had changed. He had been driving your brother when he died, and you saved Maverick’s life in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Maverick had found the courage later that night to ask you out, but that dream was squashed when he saw Tom Kazansky leading you to his room. 
You didn’t know that Maverick had caught you that night, and he never did bring it up. The two of you both seemed to just brush off that night and continue on as best friends. Now, the two of you were both instructors at TopGun, alongside Ice and Slider. 
Even though you were one of the best pilots in the Navy, the Navy didn’t seem to treat you with that kind of respect. You were the same rank as your male counterparts and had higher ASVAB and GT scores. You also graduated top of your class at the Academy. You were almost as decorated, if not more decorated than Ice. . . but because you were a girl, everyone seemed to turn the other way. You tried your best to not let it bother you, rolling back your shoulders and keeping your head held high with confidence. But some days it got the better of you, and it would be clearly drawn across your face. 
“Ignore what that prick said to you. He’s just pissed ‘cause his boy failed the test,” Slider said to you, pushing a shot of tequila toward you. 
You sighed, “It’s not even the fact that Captain Holloway yelled at me, it’s the fact that he did it in front of Viper. And fucking Viper just stood there!” 
“Because he knows you can handle it,” Ice chimed, “He knows you can handle your own. You don’t need us for backup.” 
“Well, it would’ve been nice, assholes,” You chided and grabbed the shot in front of you. Maverick watched as you tilted your head back and downed it in one go. 
Everyone knew that having a legacy student in the class was going to cause some complications, but no one expected Captain Holloway to drive across base and demand to see the “half-wit instructor” who gave his son a failing grade on his exam. Iceman had originally stood up, preparing to take the fall for it, but you stood up instead, taking 100% accountability. Captain Holloway let you know how angry he was that his son had failed and was being kicked out of TopGun, his face growing red with anger and the vein in his forehead pulsing. But you just stood calmly, letting the old naval aviator get his frustration out. And when he was done yelling and insulting your intelligence, you handed him his son’s failed exam and the answer key, telling him to look through and see it for himself. 
“I think I’m gonna turn in,” You said, causing groans to arise from Slider and Iceman, “Yeah, yeah, cry me a damn river.” You slid out of the booth, and retrieved your wallet to toss a couple of bills on the table to cover your drinks, “It was nice gossiping with you ladies, but I am beat. I’ll see you Monday.” 
“Goodnight, Hawk,” Maverick said, as you turned to leave. You gave him a small smile before grabbing your cap and getting lost in the sea of naval officers. 
The booth was silent for just a moment, and Maverick looked down at the drink in front of him, until an ice cube hit him right in the forehead. He lifted his head up and furrowed his eyebrows at Slider, who had a guilty grin on his face. 
“What the fuck, Slider?” Maverick asked. 
“No, you what the fuck,” Slider said. 
“‘Goodnight, Hawk’?” Ice asked and Maverick looked at him confused, “She had an awful day and you say all of three words to her the whole night? What the hell is your deal?” 
Maverick rolled his eyes and sat back in the booth, “You said she had it handled, and she did. She didn’t need any additional sympathy.” 
“God, no wonder you couldn’t keep Charlie around,” Slider mumbled. 
Maverick scoffed, before downing his beer, “I’m getting another drink.” 
“Oh, me too?” Slider asked, holding up his rocks glass. 
“Suck my johnson, Kerner,” Maverick cursed as he left the two pilots in the booth. 
Maverick nodded to Tony as he bellied up at the bar, sliding his empty beer bottle across the dark wood. He knew that his feelings towards Hawk were very one-sided and that everyone could see it. Hell, even Charlie could see it for the short amount of time they were together. Maverick was always at your beck and call, always right by your side when you needed him. Charlie had confronted Maverick about it a couple of days before she left for DC. But there was nothing Maverick could do, you were Ice’s girl. . . well, as far as anyone knew, you were Ice’s girl. 
“Did you see Commander Bradshaw was here?” Maverick turned his head slightly, seeing two of his young pilots walking up to the bar, “Can’t believe she’d even come to a place like this.” 
The other pilot, a blonde one that Maverick couldn’t remember the name of, but didn’t like, smirked, “Of course, she’d be here. They gotta get her loosened up somehow.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Didn’t you see who she was with? Maverick, Slider, and Ice. . . It’s not rocket surgery to know how she got her job.” 
Maverick clenched his jaw as Tony set a fresh beer in front of him. He muttered thanks and slid some bills out of his wallet, still listening to the young pilots insult you. 
“Did you see the way she nearly cried today? God, I wish Viper would’ve fired her,” The Blonde pilot said, “She doesn’t know her shit. She’s slow in the air. She acts like a fucking twat anytime Maverick is-” 
Maverick slammed his beer bottle down, causing the two pilots to look at him. From across the bar, Slider and Ice turned their heads to see the showdown starting to happen. 
“Oh Jesus Christ,” Iceman muttered, seeing Maverick’s small frame try to square up to a taller pilot. 
“You two,” Maverick said, pointing between the two pilots, “Need to watch what you say about your commander.” 
The Blonde scoffed, “For what fucking reason? You clearly didn’t have a thing to say when Captain Holloway was ripping her a new one.” 
Maverick could feel the blood pulsing through his body as his hands started to shake with rage, “He’s her superior, you are not. You need to treat Commander Bradshaw with respect.”
“Why the fuck should I have to show her any respect? She’s a-” 
Nobody heard the last part of the blonde pilot’s sentence, because Maverick had punched him right in the jaw. Gasps were heard throughout the club as Maverick grabbed the pilot’s collar, and punched him again, a sickening crack filling the air. But the blonde didn’t stay down for long, reeling his head back and headbutting Maverick. Maverick groaned, lunging forward to throw another punch, but was held back by Ice. Slider grabbed the other pilot and pulled him away from the bar. 
“No more fucking scenes, Mitchell,” Ice muttered in his ear, dragging him towards the front door of the O Club. 
Maverick didn’t put up any protests as Ice put him in the car, and drove down the familiar streets to your house. Instead, Maverick looked down at his split knuckles and occasionally wiped away the blood falling from his nose. When the two of them arrived at your house, Ice told Maverick to stay in the car, as he jogged up to your front door. Maverick watched out the window as you came to the door, a smirk on your face, your body clad in a silk nightgown. Then he watched the smirk fall as Iceman pointed towards the passenger seat where Mav was at. He gave you a small wave, and you rolled your eyes, walking into your house. 
Ice jogged back to the car, and pulled open the passenger side door, “C’mon, she said she’ll fix you up.” Maverick just huffed and looked down at his hands, “Quit being a fucking toddler and get out of the car.” 
Maverick complied and got out of the car. He walked up the steps to your front door, finding it slightly ajar, and walked in. You were already laying out first aid supplies on the coffee table, and now you had a sheer robe covering your silk nightgown. Maverick felt bad as he shuffled his feet and sat down on your couch, already knowing this all too familiar drill. You sat down next to him, your knee gently brushing his khaki-clad thigh, as you grabbed his face and turned his head towards you. 
“What have I told you about getting into fights?” You asked. 
“It was for a good cause,” Maverick gave you that all too sweet signature smirk. But you saw right through it, just like your brother once had, “Some pilots were talking shit about you. I couldn’t just not do anything.” 
You nodded your head, reaching forward on the coffee table and getting a cotton ball. You doused it in hydrogen peroxide, then grabbed Maverick’s bloodied hand. He hissed as you touched the cleaning agent to the split skin. 
“You realize you can’t punch every aviator who says something bad about me,” You briefly glanced up from cleaning his hand, “It won’t end well for you.” 
“It’s a chance I’m willing to take.” 
“Well I’m not going to let you,” You sighed, putting the sullied cotton ball on a paper towel. You grabbed a roll of gauze and wrapped it around his hand. Maverick could tell that there was something you wanted to say. You and Goose were the exact same; clenching your jaw and letting out small sighs when there was something right on the tip of your tongue that you wanted to say. 
“Just say it,” Maverick said. 
You looked up at him for a moment and then back down at his hand, “I put in my resignation letter to Viper.” 
“What?” Maverick pulled his hand away from you, “Well. . . go take it back.” 
“I can’t.” 
“Yes, you can!” Maverick shouted, standing up from your couch, “I quit TopGun and came back, you surely can go take your resignation letter-” 
“I’m not going to,” You said calmly. You let out a deep breath and patted the spot next to you for Maverick to sit. He kept his emerald eyes on you as he sat back down. You grabbed his good hand, and held it in both of yours, “I am not going to take my resignation letter back. I realized today when Captain Holloway was yelling at me, that this isn’t what I want to do. I only took the job because it was what Goose wanted. He wanted to get first so he could get the teaching job and have something more permanent for Bradley and Carole. But teaching, being chained to a classroom? It’s just not me.” 
Maverick totally understood where you were coming from. He thought so many times about writing his resignation letter, but the one thing that stopped him was you and the feelings he had. But now, he wasn’t so sure if his love for teaching was enough to keep him at TopGun. 
“And, normally, I would never ask this of anyone, let alone a fucking guy,” You said and Maverick snapped his head towards you, “But. . . uh. . . come with me?” 
“What?” Maverick asked, his jaw slightly open in awe. 
“Come with me,” You said, “You hate teaching as much as I do and I don’t think that I-” 
You were cut off by Maverick’s lips on yours. You were frozen for only a split second before you kissed him back, your hands going to rest on his cheeks. He pulled back first for air, looking into those eyes that he had known to love so much. But then, it all came crashing down and Maverick realized what he had done. 
“Oh my god, Hawk,” Maverick said, getting up from the couch. You tried to ignore the pang in your chest as he walked to the other side of the room, “I’m so sorry. I know that you are with Ice and that was so-” 
“Wait, what? What did you just say?” 
“That I’m sorry.” 
“No, after that.” 
“You are with Ice.” 
You couldn’t help but burst out laughing at Maverick’s words. You had heard some ridiculous rumors about yourself, but this was definitely a new one. Maverick’s eyebrows furrowed as he watched tears fall down your cheeks as you clutched your belly from laughing so hard. He honestly couldn’t remember the last time he had seen you laugh like this, but it had to have been before Goose died. 
“Oh God, Maverick, you are so funny,” You said, wiping a tear from your eye, “Me? With Tom?” You shook your head as more giggles fell from your mouth. 
“But after the Indian Ocean-” 
“He had one of my gloves in his room, I went to get it back,” You said. 
“And tonight? That smirk on your face when he was at the door?” 
“I thought he was coming over to watch The Shinning again,” You shrugged, “He obsessed with it and is wearing out my damn tape.” 
Maverick cocked his head to the side, “So nothing is going on with you and Ice?” 
“Other than his obsession with VHS player.” 
“Oh God, I’m an idiot,” Maverick said, shaking his head. 
“Yeah, you are,” You responded, “Now come over here and kiss me again.”
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taglist: @shanimallina87 @desert-fern@mygyn @cherrycola27  @yanna-banana @topgun-imagines  @startrekfangirl2233 @xoxabs88xox@bradshawseresinbabe @bradswolfe@fandom-princess-forevermore@callsignharper @genius2050
another amazing request from @a-reader-and-a-writer
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pollyna · 2 years
Slightly nsfw:
The most embarrassing moment in Cyclone's carrier is from back then, when he was like 30 and working for the first time under Ice and developed the biggest fucking crush on him. A morning, after a heavy night of drinking, he answers yes, daddy instead that yes, sir and Ice tries to dissimulate with a I'm not your father kinda of joke but Slider tells it all to Mav and he gets kinda of jealous and vengeful and makes Cyclone pay catching them in the act, in one of the offices, while he calls Ice daddy. It's not really their thing but Mav can get what he wants when he really wants and Cyclone can't watch either of them in the eyes the following week.
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h-c-u · 2 years
The kids are alright pt 3
Summary: You go into labor two weeks before the due date, while Ice is giving an interview on the live TV
Pairing: Tom "Iceman" Kazansky x reader
W/C: 4k
Rating: PG
TWs: Labor and all stuff that comes with it.
A/N: Sooo.... The baby is here :) And this chapter was inspired by that interrupted interview with prince Harry, when he was still in the military Also - someone asked me why I wasn't calling Bradley "Rooster", so I might address it here as well - it's because in this universe, he's not a pilot, so he didn't get that callsign yet :)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Masterlist | List of tags | Part 4
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- Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! - you almost fell over when you felt a contraction. At first, you thought that it was Braxton-Hicks, but they were getting stronger and stronger over the last hour... Or was it even more...? 
You were home alone, so the situation was less than ideal, but you didn't want to worry Ice, just in case it was nothing, because you knew he was doing an interview today. You also didn't want to call for an ambulance, because you felt like it would be an overshoot, and you definitely couldn't drive alone.
Another contraction came and you had to hold a kitchen counter as hard as you possibly could if you didn't want to fall.
- SHIT. FUCK. - weirdly, swearing helped a little, but when the pain retreated for a moment, you quickly dialed Bradley, because you knew that he had a day off. Since the memorable dinner, you two became much closer, and you treated him now as if he was your younger brother. That's why you sighed with relief when he finally answered. - Where are you...? - you were out of breath and he immediately realized that something was wrong.
- I'm actually on my way to you, I'll be there in like two minutes.
- Oh thank gods... You'll have to take me to the hospital, so don't even bother coming in. I'll be waiting outside... - you've said. Bag. There was an emergency bag prepared just for this occasion and you took it with you.
- Is everything ok? - you only groaned in response, because another contraction came.
- I'm... I think the labor started. - you've said through gritted teeth.
- Oh shit, it's early! - he sounded a bit panicked. - I'm pulling in... - he said when you were locking the door behind you. - I'm here, I'm here! - he run out of the car and was near you in less than a second, taking the bag from you, and offering you his arm, so the walk to the car would be easier. - How do you feel? - you only shot daggers from your eyes at him in response. - Not talkative today, got it. - he helped you get into the front seat and pushed it as far back as he could, while you disconnected the call between you two, and immediately called 911. - What are you...? - another killer look from you shut him up really quickly.
- Hello, My name is y/n Kazansky and I'm in labor. I will be in a blue Ford Bronco riding to St. Barts from the south, most likely over the speed limit. I don't know the exact route, but I would really appreciate not being... FFFFFFUUUUCKKKKKKKK!!!!! - you screamed while Bradley started the car and pulled out of your driveway. - Sorry about that. Contraction. I know it's not conventional, but we would really appreciate not being stopped or chased. - you saw the surprise on your temporary driver's face when he immediately started speeding up.
- I don't have any patrols in the area, but I'll relay the message. Wait... There is a firetruck coming down from the highway, I can ask them to escort you to the hospital. - the lady on the other end of the call was extremely helpful already.
- Yes! Thank you very much! - you tried to breathe as calmly as possible and not push yet, considering that your water didn't break.
- I will also let St. Barts know that you'll be coming, so the team will be ready for you. How far apart are your contractions? - she was surprisingly calm, but that must have come with the job; after all you couldn't just lose your temper answering the emergency calls.
- You're an angel. They started maybe two hours ago and are now 4-5 minutes apart. - you sighed with relief, while Bradley swirled harshly to the left.
- Just here to help, ma'am. Can you tell me how dilated you are?
- I can't exactly see and I'm not gonna ask the driver to look under my dress now... I'd rather just get there as soon as possible. I see the firetruck! - you exclaimed happily.
- That's good, I just got the confirmation that they noticed you too, so it shouldn't be too long until you'll be with your doctors. - she remained calm till the end.
- Thank you so much, really. I'm gonna hang up now because I have to call my husband and tell him what's going on. Thank you again.
- Happy to help, ma'am. Good luck! - you laughed in response and finally ended the call when the firetruck in front of you turned it's sirens on.
- I didn't know you could do that with emergency numbers... - Bradley mumbled under his breath, still in panic mode. - But good thinking! - you could only grab something and scream because another contraction came and almost knocked you out. - I'm so glad I won't have to give birth... - he realized what he said as soon as the words left his mouth. - No, no, no, no! I didn't mean it like that! I'll shut up now! - if looks could kill, you'd be currently in a car accident, because Bradley would have died behind the wheel.
You finally collected yourself enough to dial your husband's number and put your phone on speaker. And there was signal after signal; he wasn't answering. So you tried again. And again. Until you arrived at the hospital. Bradley jumped out of the car and helped moved you to a wheelchair, while your oby-gyn was checking how dilated you were.
- Thank you, guys! - you shouted at the firemen, who helped you get to the hospital in record time. Some of them waved at you, and a few gave you thumbs-up. - Hi doctor Montgomery! - you said when her hands were finally away from your... nether regions.
- Hi, y/n... I guess we're doing this early. Is Tom coming in? - she gave you a soft smile and took the latex glove off, while a nurse started wheeling you into the building.
- Bradley, grab my bag when you'll park the car! I'm in good hands! - you shouted behind you. Everything was happening so quickly that you had trouble processing what exactly was happening. - Honestly, doc... I don't know. He's doing... WAIT! - the nurse stopped immediately, and your doctor looked at you confused as you dialed another number on your phone. Someone crazy and maniacal enough to actually do what you'll ask. In the meantime, you pointed at the television in the waiting room, where your husband was currently speaking about the latest navy investment, 16 new choppers.
- MAV! You have no idea how happy I am you answered. How far you're from Tommy? - you asked; the nurse wanted to start moving again, but you swatted at his hand.
- I'm right there, why?
- Give him your fucking phone. Now.
- Now? He's on live TV... - he said cautiously.
- I know, I can see that. Do you honestly think that I would have asked if it wasn't imfuckING SHIT.... - another contraction came, and you felt your water finally breaking. Doctor Montgomery dove under your dress once again.
- Y/n, we have to move to a birthing room, you're 6cm dilated! - her voice told you there was no room for a discussion, and yet you still tried.
- One sec, doc! I promise! I'll be good, just let me tell him I'm in labor. - you saw Maverick showing up on the TV, whispering something in Tom's ear, away from the camera, and passing him the phone. - Tom! You got to come to St. Barts now if you don't want to miss the birth of our daughter. - you could see his face dropping on TV.
- Are you...? - he stuttered a bit, but you couldn't even savor this moment of him not being fully composed.
- I'm fine, Bradley drove me, my water broke, I'm 6cm dilated, and it's happening. Like right now. Little Ms. Kazansky decided to follow her dad's mantra that being early is on time, and on time is late. So get your ass here as soon as possible. - you were speaking faster than you thought possible, and yet he didn't have trouble understanding you.
- I apologize, there is an emergency. - you heard on the phone, and his lips followed with a slight delay on TV. You saw him taking off the mic, grabbing Mav by the elbow, and running toward the newest investment. You managed to catch the last sight of them actually entering one of the choppers before the view changed to someone in the studio. - I'll be there. - he said. - And now be good to doctor Montgomery. - you only laughed in response. - I'm hanging up now, because we're getting up in the air. I love you. - you couldn't help but smile.
- I love you too! - and now officially you could focus only on your labor. - You saw that dr. Montgomery? - you grinned, and the nurse started moving your wheelchair toward a birthing room again.
- I did! And if I'm being completely honest, that was impressive. Although I can't help but wonder where he'll land. - you laughed through pain. - Ok, let's get you out of that dress and into a gown... - she helped you get up and undress, and was ready with a hospital gown. She also helped you onto the bed.
- He's a fucking COMPACFLT, he'll figure something out. - you laughed, when you were finally in the correct position, while the nurses were attaching all EKGs and other stuff to you. - Sorry for the swearing, it actually helps with pain... - you mumbled, and leaned on the raised part of the beb. - I guess it's already too late for the epidural. - you savored those couple of minutes without any contractions.
- Unfortunately, yes. - dr. Montgomery put a drop of gel on your stomach and put a USG wand to it. She went silent for a moment, but eventually, she smiled. - Ok, everything looks perfect. She's in a perfect position, the umbilical cord is visible and out of the way, her heart rate is normal, and you're officially 7.5cm dilated. It looks like it's gonna be a quick one. - she explained and moved the USG machine out of the way. - Are you ready to do this...? - you heard a commotion outside of the room and Bradley's panicked and angry voice came through the closed door.
- You better let him in, because he honestly might break the door. - you laughed, avoiding replying to her question because you didn't want to start without your husband.
One of the nurses opened the door and Bradley almost fell to the floor.
- Y/N! Are you ok, what's going on? - he was holding your hand in an instant, but he chose a poor moment because another contraction hit you, and you couldn't help but squeeze your hands around his forearm as hard as you could. He let out a quiet squeal, but nothing more.
- I'm in labor. Without my husband next to me. That's what's going on! - you've said through gritted teeth.
- Y/N, she's crowning, you have to start pushing soon... - dr. Montgomery was serious, and yet your stubbornness wanted to fight her so badly. That was until you heard a chopper nearing the hospital.
- That's Ice and Mav, go get them! - you slapped Bradley's shoulder, and he followed your orders without even thinking of stopping and asking from where exactly he should get them. But that wasn't your problem now, because there was another contraction, and you really felt the need to push, but you did everything in your power not to... Just a few more minutes...
- Y/N, I'm serious, if you won't start pushing soon, you'll be putting your daughter in danger... - you looked at her worryingly and you clenched your jaw.
- He's gonna be here any second now... - you wanted to cry because you had a plan. And it just shattered to pieces. But you still were holding desperately to the most important part of it, and you just couldn't let it go. Not yet.
- I know, sweetie, I know... But when the next contraction comes, I really need you to push as hard as you can, ok? I'll let you know when that will be, but please be ready, ok...? - her tone of voice was kind and soft, and you finally nodded. - Great. I'm here for you, and Tom will be here before she'll be out, I can promise you that. - you smiled a bit and dried your forehead with your wrist.
- Ok. - you exhaled when the door to your birthing room slammed open and you saw Tom, who was currently more than out of breath and red in the face. You didn't even see Mav and Bradley behind him, completely focused on your husband, who basically teleported to your side.
- Contraction is coming... Are you ready...? - dr. Montgomery asked and you nodded, pulling your husband's arm close to your chest and holding it tightly, almost like a teddy bear. - Hi Tom. - she welcomed your husband but shushed the other two men from the room. It was a miracle that when the next contraction came, you didn't crush Tom's arm.
- Good, good! You're doing amazing! - the doctor smiled while checking the situation. - I can actually see the top of her ears now! Tom, if you want to, you can get behind Y/n on the bed, like we practiced. - you sighed heavily, too tired and in too much pain for expressing complicated emotions.
- I love you... - you whispered when Ice was behind you, and you leaned into his strong body, which relaxed you almost immediately; muscle memory working faster than your brain could. - And I'm really glad that you made it.
- I love you too... And we'll talk about everything later because Bradley mentioned something about a firetruck. - he chuckled and you couldn't help but join.
- Another contraction guys, be ready... - dr. Montgomery said, and Tom wrapped his arms around you and intertwined your fingers together, so you would have something to hold onto.
This time you cried because it was just too much... Your scream full of pain echoed in the small room, and you felt your husband's lips on your neck, which surprisingly helped. You leaned more into him, actively pressing against him with your whole body and you could feel his muscles tensing. You knew he was whispering something to your ear, but you were in too much pain to actually process what he was saying.
- And we have the head! - you couldn't help but laugh through tears because you knew the worst part was still ahead of you. The good thing was, that everything was happening so fast, your brain didn't have time to properly catch up to was happening, because you were still in managing the crisis mode. - Another contraction coming! - why the hell they were so close together!? And why the hell you didn't realize earlier that you needed to go to the hospital? You'd be all nice and numb, but instead, you were digging your nails deep into your husband's skin.
You didn't know where one scream ended, and another began because everything started blending together. There was a moment when you felt something cold being pressed to your forehead, and another to your lips, but you weren't sure who or why did that. It did help a little though.
- Ok, sweetie, one last time, the shoulders are almost out! - the promise in dr. Montgomery’s voice brought you down for just enough to focus on that one last push, and after the massive amount of pressure, there was almost an instant relief, and you heard your baby girl cry, which instantly made you sob.  You could also feel Ice shaking behind you. - Tom, do you want to get here and cut the cord? - you turned your head to look at him, and you could just tell that he didn't want to leave you alone even for a second.
- Doc...? I know we talked about it being 20-30 minutes, but I feel the need to push... Like NOW.
- Oh! Then push! Now! Is everyone ok with me cutting the cord? - both you and your husband nodded, and you started pushing again. This time it took less than a minute and your placenta landed in the intern's hands, while dr Montgomery was checking and measuring your daughter. - Damn, that was quick! I'm a little bit jealous, not gonna lie! - she came back and put your baby girl in your arms. - She's perfect, all fingers and toes present, she's 48cm tall and she weighs 3.1kg. Lungs are fully developed and everything else looks good. I would still like to run a few more tests later, just because she's here 2 weeks early, but in my professional opinion - she's gonna be perfect. - You were registering what she was saying, but your whole focus was on this beautiful baby girl in your arms. She wasn't crying anymore, just looking at you with beautiful silver eyes. You knew there was a chance that this color would change over the next couple of months, but they could also stay the same since they were almost a perfect copy of Tom's eyes.
- Hi... - you said softly, and gently touched her nose with your finger and she fussed a bit. - It's nice to finally see you face to face... - you whispered again, completely ignoring the nurses who were currently cleaning you up because it simply didn't matter.
- She's perfect... And you were amazing.... - Ice whispered directly into your ear, looking over your shoulder at your daughter. - She's so tiny... - he added and gently cupped her head
- Oh, she'll grow... - you couldn't help but laugh. Considering how tall Tom was compared to you, you were genuinely surprised that she wasn't bigger.
- Did you come up with a name...? - dr Montgomery asked while she was filling up your file, and you looked at your husband and smiled.
- Yes, yes we did... Astrea... - he said and hugged you just a bit tighter, and placed a small kiss on the top of your head.
- That's a very beautiful name... Now I know we talked about it in detail, but I'm just gonna repeat it one more time... Try to feed her in the next hour, and try to get as much sleep as possible. How is your pain? - dr. Montgomery asked while she finished your paperwork.
- It's... manageable, at least with all the endorphins... - you replied, still lost in your daughter's eyes.
- I'm going to prescribe you something for it, and the nurse should be here any moment to help you with everything. I'm gonna go now, but I will be checking on you. And if you'll need anything else, just ask the nurses to page me, all right? - she smiled at you and nodded. - Are you ok with visitors? - you nodded again, gently cleaning your baby's head and face with a towel. You knew it was best to wait with a bath for at least a day, but that didn't mean she would have to be covered with amniotic fluid for that time. She was so quiet and so well-behaved. She didn't cry, just moved her arms a little, and just looked at everything around the room with those beautiful silver eyes.
- Do you need anything, dove? - Tom asked from behind you, also completely enamored with this little creature in your arms. He just couldn't fathom how such a perfect little thing was his daughter.
- Just... Stay there, ok...? - you leaned into him more, and allowed your head to rest on his shoulder. You were sticky from sweat and tears, but none of you cared.
- I'm not going anywhere... - he laughed quietly, and you hummed feeling the familiar vibrations behind you, and they did wonders in making you feel safe. He gently moved your hair from your face, and you melted into his cold hand.
- Hey guyyysssss... - Bradley whispered, a bit afraid that if he said something louder, he might scare the baby.
- Hi... - you replied and beckoned both of them closer. - Meet Astrea... - you couldn't stop smiling when you put her head a bit higher, so they could see her better.
- Hi Astrea... - Bradshaw's voice was still barely a whisper - It's a pleasure to meet you...
- Actually... We have something to ask you, kid... - Ice said, while the younger man still couldn't take his eyes off your daughter. You talked about it in detail over the last month and agreed on that; you just didn't expect that would ask about it so quickly. - We would like you to be her godfather...
- Hmmm? - he hasn't processed the request yet, still completely focused on Astrea. It was fun to watch his face catching up to his thoughts. - Are you serious? - he finally looked at you, still convinced that it might have been a joke.
- We're serious. - you replied and gently squeezed his forearm. - We figured that Mav already will have his hands full with you, and considering what huge help you were during this last month, we know we can trust you, and that's what's most important. - you smiled at him and only now you noticed tears gathering in his eyes.
- Yes! Of course, I will be her godfather! - he finally raised his voice above a whisper, and Astrea immediately looked at him with her piercing eyes.
- Then it's settled... uncle Bradley... - only now you noticed that Mav also had trouble keeping his face straight.
Since that memorable dinner, you had a serious, almost 4h talk about this whole situation, and - if you were completely honest - you felt more like a therapist than a friend... And there were moments when he wasn't treating you seriously, because how could you understand such complicated circumstance. He wasn't entirely wrong... But fortunately in the end everything was dissected, and discussed, and you two made peace about your intervention.
- Whoa, a lot of people! Is mama ok with that? - the nurse came in and was instantly the focus of the room.
- More than ok, thank you. They're family. - you smiled at Mav, while he tried to discretely wipe the tears that gathered in his eyes. He hasn't said a word since he came in, and if you knew that seeing a baby would finally shut him up, you might have gotten one earlier.
- Ok then. - she replied with a giant smile on her face. - How do you feel about a shower, dear? - she asked, and you honestly couldn't think of a better proposition.
- I'd love that... Ice, do you want to take her...? - you asked, but you already knew the answer. Of course, he would. And he did without batting an eye, finally holding his daughter for the first time in his arms. The nurse helped you stand up and only now you realized how much everything hurt, and that there was fluid running down your legs. - Bradley, my bag? - you asked and he pointed at the armchair, where your purple bag was. 
- Are ok to take the shower alone, or would you like some help...? - the nurse asked, and you were far past any shame.
- Help would be great, thank you, because there is no chance I'm gonna reach everything. Also, doctor Montgomery was supposed to prescribe me something for pain...? - you've mentioned because you were slowly coming down from that high of endorphins that pushed you through the whole labor.
- I know dear, everything is ready. But in my opinion, it would be better if we waited with the IV after showering. Will you be able to wait till then? - you nodded, while you were taking your towel, toiletries, and your personal gown from the bag. - Ok, dad... Off the birthing bed, we're going to wheel it out and bring the regular one, with everything fresh. - the nurse offered you her arm for stabilization while she was bossing everyone else around, and as if she willed it into existence, two younger nurses came into the room and started quickly cleaning all the mess from the labor.
Before you entered the bathroom, you took one last look at your husband, in full uniform, now standing up and holding your daughter who looked tiny in his arms; you could have sworn that she was much bigger half an hour ago... Ice looked at you with a huge smile on his face and mouthed a short, soundless "I love you".
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thebahwrites · 1 year
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Prompt from @starryinspace Icemav, first date post top gun 1986 cinematic timeline
Just The Two Of Us
“Hey Mitchell!” Tom calls out as soon as he gathers the courage to do so; though he would never admit to fear in the first place.
‘Being the bigger person’ wasn’t Iceman’s thing; coming back from the Layton rescue, now waiting for new orders and yet Tom Kazansky felt like he was living on the edge of a knife. Racing his own emotions and fears to not lose a chance. Much easier when it came to flying death machines, a lot fucking harder when it came to chasing his wingman. 
“You got this.” Slider hums quietly by his side with a half grin, fixing the khaki’s buttons before Tom makes a beeline for Maverick, who’d just tilted his head up like a confused puppy. He doesn’t need the pep talk but it’s nice anyway, right now he has to hold back from wanting to reach for Maverick’s hairs and ruffle the unruly locks. Pete Mitchell, with those stupid big green eyes, laying back in a booth with his legs thrown over Hollywood’s lap showcasing those asinine cowboy boots, he blinks a couple times as Ice leans over the table, arm over the booth’s wall and hand holding on to the tabletop.
Tom gives Hollywood, Wolfman and Merlin a look over Maverick’s head. “Scatter.” It’s a command more than a request or a suggestion but his confidence pulls it off enough that all three men are sliding from there, leaving him to loom over Pete who lets out a loud snort.
“Oh, who died and made you boss, Kazansky?” Maverick teases, turning his position around to lean into the space vacated by Rick, back hitting the red upholstery, one eyebrow lifting. So smug and cocky but Ice can’t even be mad about it, not anymore. He finds it endearing. Tom waits until they’re pretty much alone even though he’s well aware there’s at least four pair of eyes watching them, piercing strongly into his back. 
“No one, I’m just that good Mitchell, keep up.” He snipes back with a smirk and gets Maverick’s trademark one in response. It’s not faux confidence but it’s certainly a lot easier to do it pretending they’re all alone in the world.
“Oh, my bad.” Pete gives him that once over he’s so fond of and picks up a peanut, popping it into his mouth by throwing it in the air with a smooth arc. Show off. “Go on then, whaddya need then, blondie?”
Iceman doesn’t get nervous, Iceman doesn’t get cold feet, Iceman doesn’t get afraid and yet, here he is, almost backtracking on spot. But he doesn’t because Maverick’s gaze is as inviting as it is a challenge, clearing his throat quietly, Tom’s fingers flex around. “Come over to mine tomorrow night, for dinner.” 
There’s a quiet stretch of silence as Pete blinks back and Tom ignores the fact there’s a warm crawl of heat along his cheekbones. “Just the two of us.” He adds for good measure so at least it’s clear what he means by it. Pete can say no, if he wants, this is just impersonal enough that—
“Fuck, thought you’d never ask, Ice.”
Of course, Maverick has the gall to crack open a big smile.
(send me fic & aesthetic prompts for the TG’86 crew!)
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tgm fic recs
@stcverogers tagged one of my fics in a rec list yesterday and i thought it was such a good idea, i wanted to share some of my own favs
in no particular order:
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one time thing // kiss the sun (fight the fire) // love that’s a real long shot  He nods again like that’s exactly what he expected you to say. “I think you’re wrong. Doesn’t matter now though, does it?” i would rec anything by @callsignvalley but this is probably the series that got me most. i also love tailspin and its rooster follow up steady
california coast in your green eyes // i’ll carry my bags just until i can hold you again (2 different series) Bob’s older sister gets the news that his plane went down during a training drill, and shows up at the hospital at the same time as an arrogant pilot. //  Six months after they break up, Jake shows up at Julie’s Family thanksgiving. A second chance holiday romance with fake dating, family drama, and fall festivities. @theharddeck these fics, esp carry my bags, feel so so real and human to me, i love julie and the characterisation of jake feels so on point i also love her series out of the clear, blue sky as well as kinda might, sorta like, love you a little bit + its follow ups
i’ve been holdin’ out so long (4 part series) You can’t stand Hangman, but your dreams lately say otherwise. He notices. @steadfastconviction i adore Bluegrass and her sass
do not engage (series) You hate Hangman. Really, you do... Or so you like to think, until it begins to seem like that distaste might not be as strong as you’d prefer to believe. @clints-lucky-arrow the entire f&f universe is great but Duchess especially is a badass
afterburn (series) It had been clear from the moment you got inside a cockpit that you were going to be something special. You certainly weren’t the youngest Naval Aviator to be invited to TOPGUN, but you had been the youngest to graduate at number one in more than thirty years. Which is all the more reason why it was so tragic that you would never, ever, be able to fly again. @top-hhun is a master of setting a scene
the off-season (series) It was supposed to just be one summer. But somehow you found yourself living in your grandparent’s Maine vacation house indefinitely. It was quiet when the summer tourists left, but tolerable. That was, until your brother’s friend from college needed a place to crash and he somehow wound up staying in your guest bedroom. Also indefinitely. @ereardon just started this series but i’m so into this world (au) already
fuck (the universe) (series) You’re a Kazansky–Tom “Iceman” Kazinsky’s youngest daughter–and you’ve taken after your father and become a Naval aviator. You finished at the top of your class at Top Gun and have worked diligently and fruitlessly to get to where you are now: North Island. You don the call-sign Wisteria not only because the beauty of the flower but because of its lethal qualities. i mention @roosterbruiser below bc i read landslide first but holy fuck indeed
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landslide (series) It’s been almost three years since the accident that took half of her, and Faye “Clover” Ledger seems fine, really. She loves her old house, she has a perpetually expanding vinyl collection, she’s got a job she likes on base, and she is only a short drive from the beach. She’s grounded--literally. @roosterbruiser landslide is one of those fics i have to read in little bits because it’s just too good. beautiful writing that just transports me (and i love faye, she may be the most developed fanfic oc i’ve ever read - and I love her taste in music)
baby let’s play house // pt 2  you got yourself in trouble. bradley has a bit of a savior complex. together, you come up with what could potentially be the worst idea in the longstanding and illustrious history of bad ideas. @seasonsbloom i just really love this fic, it shows all the quietest best parts of bradley
first impressions  at the induction day for the newest recruits of the Golden Warriors of VFA 87, rooster assumes you’re a civilian, instead of, you know, a member of his team? you see how far you can push it before he figures it out.  @ohcaptains‘s pilot in this fic is the badass bitch i wish i could be. as well as fucking funny.
like i can (series) After yet another bad date and tired of swiping on apps, the Dagger Squad steps in to help you out by setting you up on a series of blind dates. Much to Rooster’s dismay. @sometimesanalice perfect blend of cute, funny and heartmelting
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he’s so pretty (when he goes down on me) // pt 2  things between you and Bob are strictly business: he’s your backseater, and that’s all there is. @seasonsbloom‘s writing is so good it made me want to try writing fic myself
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hangman x rooster
we’re fools to make war In a Walmart at three am, between beef jerky and tortilla chips, with the lights flickering above them like it’s the fucking twilight zone, Bradley wants him more than he’s ever wanted anyone. or: it's a hundred degrees in texas. i can’t find a tumblr link for this but the writer is @baroness-elsa. this is 66k words and i read it in two days which probably says enough. holy shit.
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there are many many more (this fandom is FULL of talented writers, damn) but this already took me an hour so that’ll be part 2 haha
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jessybarnes · 1 year
Shake My Nerves, Rattle My Brain
Chapter Two: Cold As Ice
Pairing: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x Tom "Iceman" Kazansky
Chapter Characters: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Tom "Iceman" Kazansky, Nick "Goose" Bradshaw, Ron "Slider" Kerner, Dick "Jester" Hetherly, and Charlotte "Charlie" Blackwood
Rating: 18+ Only! Minors DNI
Tags: Pining, explicit language, suggestive sexual thoughts, drinking, military talk, Goose is getting suspicious, Ice is possessive, and Mav can't seem to get a handle on his new feelings, maybe slight angst if you squint, and I think that's it.
Word Count: 1,8k
Beta: @winecatsandpizza
Title Card: Yours Truly
A/N: This will feature some of the same dialogue from the movies. I do NOT own the dialogue but am merely putting my own adaptation of the movies. :)
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"So, what do you think of the competition?"
Goose asks while he does up the buttons on his dress whites. 
Maverick stares in the mirror continuing to mess with his hair for the umpteenth time. Seriously, he never cares this much, so why is his stomach in knots over going to the O club? 
He sighs and braces himself on the sink. Mav realizes he's probably making a mountain out of a molehill here, but how else is he supposed to take the snide comment Lieutenant pretty boy shot at him after they were dismissed? 
"The plaque for the alternates is down in the ladies' room."
Maverick scoffs. There's no way he knew he was checking him out during class, right? It was probably just a challenge. The typical two alpha males butting heads until one of them rolls over, kind of challenge. Well, if that's what pretty boy wants then that's what he'll g-
"Mav! Hey! You listenin' to me?" 
He jumps at the sound of Goose's voice and turns to look at him. 
"Sorry, I uh…I was just ah…thinkin'."
"You sure you're okay, man? You've been acting weird since class this morning." 
Maverick's heart hammers against his chest. Goddammit, why does he have to be so fucking transparent? Maybe he should just wear a sign around his neck that says 'Hello, my name is Pete "Maverick" Mitchell and I've got it bad for a pilot with blonde spiky hair and blue eyes'. 
"Yep. I'm fine. Let's go. I'm ready for a beer." 
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The lively atmosphere of the Officer's Club washes over them as they walk through the wooden doors. 
"This is what I call a target-rich environment." 
Maverick smiles up at his best friend before taking a look at all the beautifully dressed women. Goose rolls his eyes and slaps him on the shoulder.
"You live your life between your legs, Mav."
"Goose, even you can get laid in a place like this." 
Nick chuckles, "I'm tellin' ya, I'd be happy to find a girl who'd talk dirty to me." 
They approach the bar and open a tab, taking a seat on the only two open stools in the place. Goose nudges him and nods to a figure standing across the room. 
"Mav, you wanna know who the best is?" 
He moves his gaze in the direction Nick nodded and nearly chokes on his own saliva when his eyes land on none other than Lieutenant pretty boy. 
Okay, he's electing to ignore the fact that his best fucking friend just referred to someone else, other than him, as the best because how in the fuck can someone look so good?! 
He isn't even doing anything. He's just standing there wearing his stupid fucking aviators sipping some mystery drink with a girl hanging off his arm like she needs him to help her stand up. 
Maverick squeezes the neck of his beer bottle until his knuckles turn white. He's never been the jealous type, but seeing this woman give pretty boy 'fuck me' eyes gives him a bad taste in his mouth. 
"That's him. Iceman. That's the way he flies, ice-cold, no mistakes. Just wears you down. You get bored, frustrated, do something stupid, and he's got you."
Mav opens his mouth to respond, but Goose cuts him off, instead turning his attention to someone else. 
"Hey, hey, Slider!" He grabs at the taller man's uniform where he has his pinned wings, "I thought you wanted to be a pilot, man. What happened?" 
Ron rolls his eyes, "Goose, you're such a dickhead."
Maverick snorts at their back-and-forth banter, bringing his bottle of beer to his lips. 
Before he can even think about taking a drink he sees the so-called Iceman stalking straight towards them. 
He takes a long gulp of liquid courage and swallows as Ice stops directly in front of him.
"Hey, Mother Goose! How's it goin'?"
Nick shakes his hand, "I'm doin' good, Tom. This is Pete Mitchell. Tom Kazansky." 
So, he's finally got a name to put with Lieutenant pretty boy's face. Maverick looks him up and down, takes his outstretched hand in his own, and prays to whatever deity will listen that he gets through this conversation without giving himself away. 
"Congratulations on Top Gun." 
Fuck, his eyes are even more captivating up close. 
Mav smiles softly up at him, "Thank you." 
"Sorry to hear about Cougar. He and I were like brothers in flight school. He was a good man."
Pete raises an eyebrow, "still is a good man."
Tom smirks and pops a piece of gum in his mouth, "yeah, that's what I meant." 
God, this guy is infuriating. "Thought so." 
Ice leans in closer, leaving mere inches between their lips and Maverick feels his stomach flip. 
Yep, he's royally fucked.
"Say, you need any help?"
He chews his gum loudly as he waits for Maverick to answer. And while Mav is more than certain anyone looking in their direction can see the panic written all over his face, he still takes a swig of beer to allow himself a moment to ignore all the explicit thoughts he has rattling around in his brain right now. 
"With what?"
Tom leans down so they're now eye to eye and grins, "You figured it out yet?"
Fucking Christ. 
Maverick feels the panic spread as he tries to make sense of what Ice is talking about. Certainly, he hasn't been that transparent in the last forty-five seconds, but he has had shitty luck before. Nevertheless, he does his best to play it cool and pray his voice doesn't come out as shaky as his hands are.
"What's that?" 
"Who's the best pilot."
Even though his heart is beating like a running racehorse, Mav still sees the split second of Tom glancing down at his mouth. 
Is…is Iceman flirting with him? 
No. No way. He has to be imagining this. 
"No, I think I can figure that one out on my own."
Ice chuckles, "I heard that about you. You like to work alone." 
Whatever response Pete had at the ready dies on his tongue because the way Tom is looking at him right now makes heat pool low in his belly. 
It's almost…possessive. 
Slider clears his throat bringing him back to reality. "Mav, you must’ve soloed under a lucky star, huh? I mean, first the MiG, and then you guys slide into Cougar's spot."
Goose scoffs, "We didn't slide into Cougar's spot. It was ours, okay?"
"Yeah, well,  some pilots wait their whole career just to see a MiG up close. Guess you guys are both lucky and famous." 
Slider takes the shot he's been holding as Ice follows suit and licks his lips, which Maverick definitely doesn't hone in on. 
"No, you mean notorious." Tom deadpans. "I'll see you later." He flashes a perfect smile and sets his shot glass down.
Maverick watches him start to walk away and tries not to stare too hard at the way his ass looks in his dress pants. "You can count on it." 
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After a long night of avoiding questions from a suspicious Goose and barely any sleep, Maverick groans as he takes his first sip of coffee. 
"Ugh, I'm never drinking again."
"Yeah, you said that the last time we went out. Nick laughs and jingles his truck keys as Mav winces. "C'mon, we're gonna be late for class." 
Even though they were currently in the shade,  the hanger barely gave them any relief from the heat. 
Jester, their first instructor of the day, is talking about getting intel on enemy aircraft from civilians. At least, that's how Maverick understands it. His head is still currently pounding from the night before though, so he can't be entirely sure what's going on at the moment. He'll just ask Goose later on when he can blink without feeling like he's going to hurl. 
"One of the most qualified is our TAGREP, callsign Charlie. She has a Ph.D. in astrophysics, and she's also a civilian contractor, so you do not salute her. But you better listen to her, because the Pentagon listens to her about your proficiency." 
Maverick slides on his aviators and rests his head in his hand. Thankfully, his headache is finally starting to subside. It's not that he doesn't care about what Charlie has to say, he honestly just wants to get back in the cockpit. 
His ears perk up when he hears her talking about the MiG-28 though. He and Goose are all too familiar with that aircraft. 
"However, the MiG-28 does have a problem with its inverted flight tanks. It won't do a negative-G pushover." 
Maverick snorts as Goose leans in to whisper to him, "Are you gonna tell her?" 
Charlie stops mid-sentence and turns her attention to them, "Excuse me, Lieutenant. Is there something wrong?" 
And so Mav proceeds to explain how he and Goose were in a four-G inverted dive in a MiG-28. And even when Ice calls bullshit, he goes on to explain that not only was he in that position, but he also gave the enemy the bird while his RIO snapped a Polaroid.
Class ends a few minutes later when Jester tells them they have a hop to take with a strict hard deck of ten thousand feet. 
After staying behind to explain to Charlie that she can just read the details of his foreign relations encounter with the enemy, he heads up the stairs to do his preflight with Goose. 
Mav rounds the corner and stops dead in his tracks. 
Fuck! He knows that voice. That authoritative, yet still soft, voice that makes his knees weak. He'd never admit it though. Not out loud at least. 
Ice pushes off the cement block he'd been sitting on and is in front of him in two strides. 
Jesus… does he have to stand so fucking close?! 
"I'm curious," he fiddles with the clasp of his watch until it clicks into place, "who was covering Cougar while you were showboating with this MiG?" 
Pete somehow manages to keep his own voice steady, though he's not sure how since Tom's giving him that look again. The one that makes him want to drop to his knees and take what he's given. 
He doesn't, of course, because why on earth would Iceman be into him? He's just being cocky. Something he'd be doing right back if his heart would just slow down for once. 
"Cougar was doing just fine," he grins. 
Normally, Mav would have told Kazansky to shut his fucking mouth, but instead, he walks away because he can't trust himself around Ice. 
Not when all he wanted at that moment was to slam him against the nearest wall and shove his tongue down his throat.
Among a list of various other things.
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topgunruinedme · 1 year
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Welcome to the danger Zone||o.8
Pairings: Ron “Slider” Kerner/ Tom “Iceman” Kazansky/ Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
Requested: Yes.
Prompt: Could I submit a top gun prompt please? Threesome with ice, slider, and maverick + spanking + “you wont be able to walk straight after i’m done with you” + enemies to lovers? And if you don’t mind, added request that ice and slider are topping maverick?
Warnings: BDSM, language, mature themes, violence, sexual scenes, Dubious concept.
Word Count: 5.3K
Tag: @ladureelover @weirdqueergremlin @vigilanteavengerqueen @awkwxrdapple
Previous parts: Chapter||o.1, Chapter||o.2, Chapter||o.3, Chapter||o.4, Chapter||o.5, ChapterIIo.6, ChapterIIo.7.
Note: Finally back after a long hiatus, updates will be slow.
Now, there was one thing Wolf couldn't stand and that was an out of control brat. 
Mav was seriously starting to push his buttons, and not in a good way. He was thankful the smaller man's focus seemed to be on Ice, because he wasn't sure he could stand the smaller brat. 
He wasn’t a brat tamer, and he didn't want the chance to be one. There was something about brats that just frustrated him, he couldn't put up with them, talking back to him, fighting his authority. 
While he wasn't the most obvious dom, preferring to stay on the same level as his subs instead of on a pedestal ruling over their lives. He took care of his subs to the best of his ability, he was careful to stay within the lines and not to step over the lines he and his sub had organized. Limits were important. He took care of all his subs' needs, more prominently Wood’s. 
Wood had been his partner since before he was in the community. Having been in the community as long as he has it was easy to recognize Maverick. Christ anyone could by the way the small man saunter around like he owned the place. Constantly looking for a fight, for a reason to go against the rules. 
Maverick wasn’t exactly hiding, with all the sneaking around, trying to catch their attention. His small subtle attempts to earn praises and fucking lighting up when one of them gave him time of day. The small innocent unneeded touches that he wasn't sure the smaller man even recognized he was seeking out. 
Edging Ice’s patients despite Ice warning him, it was clear something had happened that day in the locker room. He had seen the way Ice resolved shattered as his jaw clenched in a way he had never seen as he stared at the man, the way Slider stepped closer as if afraid something would happen. Afraid Ice would do something. He had never seen a sub step between an enraged dom like that before and still be standing the next day.
Ice had done something, Mav had stumbled into the locker room the next day on the verge of subdrop. He had never taken Ice to be a neglectful dom, to leave a sub that close to a breakdown. He had been nervous when Goose hadn't taken the immediate offer to take Mav home, on edge that Maverick might break down at any point during the day, during the sky. It was dangerous, risky, everything that defined Mav. And not in a good way. 
It was clear to anyone who looked close enough that Goose wasn't in on it, he wasn't even sure Goose knew about it. Goose wasn't a dominant, if anything he would have pegged the man as a sub with the way he talked about his wife. 
He didn't have a clue what was happening around him. He didn't know about the wolf dressed in sheep's clothing. 
It wasn't hard to pin down Ice and Slider's relationship, it's not like it was hidden. Not with the way Slider snapped at their ankles if they got to close. He was like a goddamn guard dog.  
It wasn't hard to determine who had put Maverick in his place when he walked in limping. 
It wasn't as if there was a weekly club get together or anything. At least not one that he knew of.  If there was, he was deeply hurt that he had not been extended an invitation. 
It fascinated him, the Iceman. Cold, no mistakes. That cold emotionless mask that never changed, who wore you down until you did something stupid. Who could look cocky and still somehow make you want to gravel to his feet to apologize. 
How did he do it? 
His eyes pierced through them all, still cataloging every detail around them while looking bored out of his mind. Who was aware of their situation and already determining the outcome before anyone else realized they were in trouble. He was always 5 steps ahead of everyone. 
It was attractive. Someone in control like that. He loved Wood, he did, but he was a switch for a reason. He did love to order Wood around, he liked being able to give Wood what he needed to feel content. To be his master. 
But he liked being dominated too. He felt like he was missing out on the experience of being a submissive, trying new things.  He wasn't fully content, and he felt guilty. He wanted to feel content, he wanted to be happy with Wood, but he just wasn't satisfied. He enjoyed dominating Wood, but he felt like something was missing. He just needed something, anything more.
A little rough pull on his hair during sex or simply holding him down. But any time he attempted to suggest it, he would become too anxious and end up backing out. He had attempted to ask Wood if he could talk dirty to him, to put him down early in their relationship and he had looked at him oddly. He never attempted to ask for anything again. If he reacted like that to dirty talking how would he react to Wolf wanting to be pinned down helpless, to wear a collar to, belong to someone. To kneel on the ground by their feet as someone ran their hands through his hair. 
He hadn't felt this passionately about a dom since he started, the instance urge to apologize and kneel down from Iceman’s gaze despite having done nothing wrong.
That knot in his chest that had been building up for so long had loosened slightly within seconds of the man's attention. 
Instantly feeling himself relax around Iceman, having to force down the whine in his throat when the man looked at him, studying him. The slight tilt of his lips revealed his amusement. 
Check mate. He had been made. 
Ice knew, he knew and did nothing. That was fine. Not all doms were looking for the same thing, besides Ice had Slider. He had Wood, they weren't going to throw that away for a fling. 
He held Wood closer to his chest as he watched the disaster of a volleyball game happen. Goose and Maverick were losing horrifically. He didn't know where they had gone wrong because they had killed everyone in the first round. Ice and Slider must have gotten their second wind. 
He watched Ice and Maverick interact, he watched how their gazes failed to leave each other, how Slider watched on in amusement. So Ice had chosen someone then.
His lips turned into a slight frown. All well, plenty of fish into the sea. He couldn't help but mourn the loss of a chance to be trapped underneath the power Ice exhibited, the dom melting him down into a pathetic pile of ash just using his words. 
Wood turned his head slightly rubbing his face against his neck, “Are you ok?” he asked quietly. 
He hummed lightly, he could enjoy what he had in the moment. He knew it couldn't last forever, but he sure as hell would enjoy it while it lasted. “Let's get out of here”.
Wood pulled back to watch him for a few moments before a sly grin made its way across his face, his hand moving up to brush against his nipples causing him to shiver before settling on his shoulders. “Is all the sweaty body’s getting you hot and bothered?” he murmured slyly, tugging Wolf closer by his shoulders, “Are you sure you're ok?” he asked in fleeting concern. 
Wolf smiled, his lips tilting “With you Wood, I'm always perfect”. 
He stared at the ceiling, counting the small cracks in the plaster as Wood hummed quietly to a song he couldn't care enough to identify. The man's finger was traveling across his chest tracing odd patterns into his skin. 
He couldn’t remember a single thing from the class they just came from. Wood had been pushing him all lesson, a hand on his thigh, leaning over to whisper vulgar remarks. He knew what he had been doing. Which is how they ended up in bed during their short hour break. Wood attempting to tug off his uniform before the door had even fully closed. 
He loved Wood, he really did. They had spent years together, they flew together - trusting each other with their lives. In return Wood trusted him in the bedroom to take care of his needs, to ensure that after a stressful day he could take the weight of the other man’s shoulders and let him relax.
Running his hand through Wood’s hair as the man knelt at his feet or between his thighs obediently waiting until he gave him permission to move. Letting Wood pick from their expanding and extensive collections of toys. Only to use it to deny the man an orgasm, holding the power between his fingers as Wood whined under him, his cloudy teary eyes looking up at him with a whine as he teased the man. 
While he did occasionally let his hand stray under the table to stroke at Woods thigh, teasing him under the table as he spoke to other teammates as Wood attempted not to let them catch on. The possessive grip on the back of Woods grip, the vivid whispered comments when they had a moment alone. 
Despite not enjoying brats he did let Wood act out when he’s being snarky, not often but enough to maintain the control Wood had in their dynamic. He did not restrict Wood, the man was still allowed to go out with others, as long as he told him where and when he’s going. He was allowed more leeway then normal subs being his boyfriend, the line between professional relationships and persona; were blurred. 
Wood wasn’t allowed to disrespect him in public, he had been stern on that fact when they started. He allowed the man a small wiggle room when they were at home alone but if Wood made even the smallest hint of disrespecting him. Well, the man wouldn't be sitting for a week. 
He knew he was…lenient. More than most other doms, he didn’t want to rule over Wood’s life. He enjoyed helping him and controlling him but he didn't want to be responsible for his life. 
He wanted Wood to be able to make his own decisions. Inside or outside the bedroom, their dorm, or their base. He enjoyed having that moment of calm when they were relaxing on the   couch with Wood in his arms, snuggling up to him. No dynamics, nothing pressing, no life or death situation. Just the nice calm as they watched the sunset out the window. 
But when was the last time he had taken care of himself? When was the last time he could remember enjoying himself as being sated without that irritating itch that he had pushed back over time. Topping…it just wasn't scratching the itch anymore, he used to be able to shove it back and ignore it, he did enjoy topping, taking care of people but it…didn't do it for him anymore.
That itch that had been there since that one party back in junior high when he had hooked up with Johnathon Blakely. The man had mounted him from behind, tugging him back onto his knees with a grip on his hair, an arm wrapped around his waist in support. He himself had been surprised at the moan he let out when the man pulled his hair, the pleasure that shot up his spine.  
Sure he enjoyed topping, he really enjoyed topping. But sometimes he couldn't fight the urge to lay down on his back and bear his neck. To give himself up despite no one being around to help him. It had taken him a while to balance himself, to allow himself to still be dominant while submitting to a submissive role. Topping by itself just isn't as satisfying anymore.
That man had changed his sex game in entirety.
He loved Wood. But was he happy?
He couldn’t answer, he couldn't remember a time where he had fully relaxed where he could enjoy himself without having to worry about taking care of Wood’s needs or his safety. It didn't used to be like that, but after that scare early on where Wood had rejected his want to indulge in dirty talking he had become more careful. Terrified the man would leave him or call him wired. He hadn't left. But Wolf had refused to indulge in any pleasures he knew were out of the ordinary.
He sat up shrugging off Woods' arm hearing the man's sound of confusion as he stood tugging on his boxers.
He had to get out of here. He could- he had to-
He ignored him tugging on his khaki pants pausing when Wood reached out kneeling on the bed, his hands gripping his wrists. 
“Honey, what's wrong?” Wood sounded concerned, his brows were furrowed and his grip on his wrist had tensed before becoming so loose he could shift and they would fall away . “Did I do something?”, insecurity whirled around in the man's expression as he stared at him unsure. 
He exhaled slowly, “No, you didn't”. It wasn't his fault. Guilt crashed over him burrowing deeply in his chest as he clenched his fists. He shouldn’t have let it go this far. Gotten this bad. 
Squeezed his eyes shut the phantom feel of Wood’s body under his hands left a burning sensation across his palms. Hear his boyfriend moan and pant only to think of those piercing blue eyes staring up at him and that challenging grin. Watching the platinum blond under him arch him back, “Is that all you can do?” Ice murmured in his ear, yanking his hair back causing him to whine. The man’s name on the tip of his tongue swallowed it down thickly when his boyfriend moaned breathlessly in his ear.
Woods' moan overlapped Ice’s as he came, back arched hair brushed back haphazardly sweat on his best before relaxing back into the bed with a small huff and laugh, Ice was gone.
It wasn't his fault he had to stop himself from calling out someone else's name during sex.
Yes it was. 
It wasn't his fault he couldn't relax. 
You should have known better than to indulge. 
It wasn't his fault he was such a shitty dom. 
This is your fault. 
“Ok” Wood said slowly, clearly trying to figure out how to deal with the situation, “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked gently.
His jaw clenched and he tugged his pants closed doing up the button shaking of Woods loose grip. He glanced up with a strained smile to look at Wood who was staring at him with an odd expression. He ran a hand through his hair, closing his eyes briefly as he tugged his hair gently, it was subtle and not noticeable unless you were watching closely but it allowed him the small energy to continue. His eyes opened to pick up his khaki button, collecting his white shirt from underneath and tugging it on leaving his khaki shirt unbuttoned on top. 
“No, you didn't do anything wrong Wood” he sighed, stepping forward to cup Woods face, his thumb brushing under the man's eye. “I just-” he paused, “I just need time to think alright? I'm just stressed”, he couldn't do this. He couldn't prevent himself  from calling out another man's name. He had to get over this. He had to be a good dom for Wood. He was just so tired. 
Having to live two lives, trying to hide his obvious need to be pinned down and taken from behind. To be fucked with abandon. He was so sick of biting his tongue. He shouldn't have to be biting his tongue. He was a dom, he should be focusing on Wood. A numb feeling washed over him, it was cold and left a chill in his bones. It was something that surrounded him when he was alone at night, that smothered him making him feel like he was suffocating. Filling his lungs and weighing him down until he felt like he couldn’t get out of bed some days. 
He shook his head giving him a sly smirk, “I can't think around you baby”. He leaned down kissing the man's nose causing Wood to groan in annoyance pushing him away with a chuckle. 
“Yeah yeah” Wood rolled his eyes, nudging him back so he could pull on his boxers and start to dress. Wood tilted his head to him as he did up his khaki trousers, his lips tilting up as he teased him “Sap”.
Sap.was he being too clingy? As if it was possible his body suddenly felt heavier, his knees threatened to give out with the sudden weight. The man's teasing tone fell flat on his ears. 
He knew he should have been more careful. He knew he had been slacking, allowing his sub tendencies to come through, snuggling into Woods arms, letting the man stand protectively over him, hell even letting Wood tug him into the room and shove him against a wall. He gave up control too easily. Did he know?
Was this a warning? Why would wood say that? Has he seen him leaning back on the bed gasping on his own fingers when the man was out with the others? 
Had he heard him calling out to other people. Noticed the small bruises from his own hand just to give himself the small pleasure of seeing the marks. 
His hands tremble slightly as he bites his lip, teeth digging into the soft flesh.  Weight crashing down on his shoulder, straightening his back in an attempt to keep the strain from showing. His shoulder's aching and threatening to give out as his body groaned. 
You have to be good. You need to be the best- You can’t fuck this up. 
It's fine, he would just need to be more careful. He needed to act more like a dom, he couldn't slack. He just had to take care of Wood. 
He had to be perfect. He needed to be in control. He had to fix this. For Wood. 
“Let’s go for a walk” Wood suggested suddenly, he watched the man do up the buttons on his shirt. His uniform had small creases in it but nothing too noticeable at a first glance. They might receive a stern glare from a CO but nothing too bad. 
He blinked “Why?”
Wood stepped closer to him, reaching out to tug his khaki shirt closed. Taking the time to do up the buttons, and smooth down the fabric. He stood till letting the man dote on him momentarily. Letting him take care of him like he yearned to be. 
“Because it helps you think,” Wood murmured.
It did. Wood had remembered that? He wrapped his arm around Wood’s shoulder as the man led him out of their dorm. Wood gave him a smile, it was soft bringing out the small crinkle in the corner of his eyes. 
At the sight of Woods' silhouette against the hallways lights a small amount of weight dropped off his chest making it easier to breathe. He took a deep breath letting it out carefully. He had to take care of this now, because it had gotten out of control. 
Wood was right. Walking did help him think, it always had. He used to annoy the crap out of the people in his dorm hall walking in and out of the dorm at random hours, taking long walks during exam seasons in the attempt to walk out the stress. It allowed him the chance to roll his issue off his shoulders, to put his responsibilities to the side for a moment. Not having to worry about himself, not to fret over his sub’s wellbeing. It allowed him a chance to breathe. 
He let his mind run free. Taking a deep breath allowing himself to sink into his mind as Wood placed his hand on his lower back leading him out into the hallway. His hand spanning over his back spraying out, the warmth of the other man's hand causing his stomach to twist and his heart to flutter. The possessive move was something he used on Wood, it was instinct. It made his breath hitch slightly as a flush rose up his neck, he swallowed thickly. 
That's not what he meant. He knew that's not what Wood meant, he was just leading him. He wasn't claiming him. He bit his lip slightly, worrying it between his teeth at Woods obliviousness. 
His mind was playing tricks on him, longing for something that would never happen. Wood was not telling everyone around them that he belonged to him. That he would be kneeling waiting for Wood to come home. He inhaled shakily, in response Wood pressed against him in an attempt to silently comfort him. 
That's not what he meant. Despite how much he wanted it, his sub tendencies were clouding him. A slight buzz ran over his skin from Woods palm, he forced back a small whine, his eye fluttering shut as he allowed his sub to lead him along as he sluggishly followed his direction. Melting back into the other man, taking the moment to absorb it, not knowing when he would get the next chance to indulge. 
The slight buzz moved along his back, slowly making its way across his body as he sunk into it. His mind blanking, still aware but…unfocused. He resisted the urge to lean over and rest his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. He focused on the calming buzzing flooding through his head, it sounded like a hive of bees. Swarming, allowing him to block out the other noises in the hallway. 
His eyes opened in surprise when Wood pulled them to a stop, he hummed softly looking up at his partner. Feeling heavy and sluggish as he attempted to blink and focus on his boyfriend, forcing down the urge to shake his head. 
He huffed, a small smile returning to his lips when Wood ducked his head in kissing him gently. He chuckled lightly, “Can't stay away?” he teased. 
“From you?” Wood asked, wrapping his arms around the other man's neck, his lips pulled into a sly look, “Never”. 
“Good,” he muttered against the younger man's lips. Pulling back to wrap his arm around the man's shoulder again as they continued down the hall. 
Wood pressed into his side resting his head against his shoulder for the moment while they were alone. He seemed hesitant, Wolf waited patiently as Wood tried to find his words. 
“Wolf?” Wood asked. 
He tilted his head slightly to glance at the man raising an eyebrow with an amused smile, “Yes?”
“If something was wrong, would you tell me?”.
He tensed. He couldn't have prevented it, his smile becoming tense and his eyes dropping from the other mans, “Of course”.
Wood stayed silent, his head leaving his shoulder and the weight leaving his side but he didn't shrug off his arm. Did he know? Did he know how bad of a dom he was? Did he want to replace him? 
A chill traveled through him freezing his joints causing him to feel like he was walking clumsily off balance. He cold made the hair on his arms stand up and the weight in his chest to slowly suffocate him. 
Woods hand traveled up to gently play with the hair at the back of his neck, he jolted at the sudden touch and his eye darted over to the man. Wood was still frowning; he wasn't looking at him, instead focusing on the hall. But his hands never stopped, fingers threading through his hair until the weight on his chest slowly got lighter and he took a deep breath. 
He wasn't a good dom. His sub shouldn't have to be taking care of him. That was his job. He should care for Wood, make him happy. Make him content.  
Ice hardly had time to get to the next hallway before he was ambushed. He knew Ron would be waiting for him, waiting for the verdict. 
Ice grinned against Ron's neck as the bigger man pushed him into the wall. His back pressed against the cool wall as Ron pressed his body against his pinning him down. He bit the man's lip in retaliation, pulling back from the man's needy embrace only so slightly to murmur against his lips. 
“I love it when you act all controlling like that” he purred. He could feel Slider press harder against him letting out a small groan, his erection pressing against Ice’s hip. He chuckled lightly, his hand snaking down to palm the man over his khakis - giving him some relief - not enough to get him going, but enough to take the edge off. He could almost feel the man fall slack into him, becoming puddy in his hands. Ron rested his forehead against his shoulder as his breath came out in short pants, letting Ice hold the back of his neck in a comforting grip. 
His lips easily brushed against the man's ear due to his bowed position “Knowing damn well I could leave you shaking under me” he whispered. A shiver visibly traveled down the taller man's body as he released a shaky moan. 
Ron swallowed audibly, his hand coming up to clutch the back of Ice’s flight suit, “Ice” he murmured. His breath hitching slightly at a particularly rough swipe of Ice’s hand, his voice broke slightly “Tom!”. 
Ice’s lip lifted slightly revealing his amusement as he raised an eyebrow, “Quite darling, we wouldn't want anyone overhearing”. 
Slider groaned, pressing his face into Ice’s neck in an attempt to muffle himself with the threat in mind. It wouldn't exactly end well if anyone found them like this, then again it might be the trill. Slider bowed over him -towering - as he panted like he had just finished a marathon, his tough eye exterior missing leaving a needy little man who strived for his attention, his love. His life was in his hand, he pulled a grumbled sound out of the taller man squeezing his dick through the fabric as he got closer to the base before holding tightly. Slider jerked away attempting to get out of his grip, it was useless his grip on the back of the man's neck tightened in a silent warning and Slider stopped obediently looking down at up at him with a small form from his spot on his shoulder. 
“We can't do this here,” he explained quietly. The hallway was too busy, it was a miracle they hadn't already been caught. He wasn't going to let Slider make a mess when he knew for a fact the man didn't carry extra clothes. It was the middle of the day for heaven sakes they have 4 hours left. “Tonight” he promised, “I'll make it up to you” he pressed a small kiss to the side of the man's mouth, pulling back to rest their forehead together. 
Slider let out a soft whine of disappointment and understanding slumping into him relaxing into his grip as slowly his election softened. 
His grip was working perfectly as a cock ring, right enough to prevent arousal but not enough to damage Slider prized ‘johnson’ as he liked to call it. A private joke between the man and his mother, one no one else understood nor did they wish to. 
He watched carefully as Slider came down from his arousal, looking for any sign the man could drop, finding none he nuzzled Ron gently pulling away letting him clear his throat with a flush and straighten his clothes. There wasn't much that could be done for the creasing in his pants. 
Slider grumbled as he tried to straighten them grunting in replacement of words as he pulled roughly on the creased fabric before vaguely gesturing to him. 
Tom brows furrowed in thought, “That's what happens when you start things you can't finish” he chided softly. Reaching out to pull his hands away before he could do any real damage to the uniform. 
He sighed lightly picking off a invisible flint ball, his hands released sliders in order to move up to the giants shoulders pressing on the irons fabric - well it used to be ironed - and attempted to sooth the fabric out to resemble something that looked a little less like a scrunched up ball of fabric that came out of the washing basket. How the man even managed to do that he would never know, if he hadn't seen the man wearing it this morning and having ironed it the night before he couldn't believe it used to resemble anything neat. 
What was today? The day where everyone snuck off to have a bit of fun between the sheets?
They exited the hall only to find Ice and Slider. 
Ice was leaning against the rail with Slider by his side. Ice had a firm grip on Slider's chin holding the bowing man in place. Slider's hand was resting on the rail next to Ice as he obediently leaned down for him as Ice gave his devoted attention to Slider's lips. 
Ice pulled away as Slider pulled back slightly, straightening up with a dopey look on his face, clearly high on dopamine. Ice gave his boyfriend an amused look. 
Wolf gave Ice a look of approval. God what he would give to be in Slider’s position. He chuckled slightly, “Nice handy work” there was an odd slip of emotion in his voice and he knew Wood caught it. The sub turned more firmly into his arms. “Could have sworn I’ve seen it before”. 
Ice eyes dropped to him eyeing him up with a tilt of his head causing Wood to press firmer into his side with a narrowed look. Wolf growled playfully tugging his slightly distressed sub into his arms in an attempt to comfort him, dismissing Ice as he glanced down at the clearly possessive grip Wood had on him. 
His eyes darted back up when Ice spoke, amusement coating his words as his lips tilted up. “Why Wood, I never took you as the jealous type” his gaze was sitting firmly on the tight grip Wood had on his shirt, the man's expression refused to change staring Ice down. ‘
They stared at each other in silence before a small smile settled onto Ice’s face, “I could always make time to give you a demonstration” Ice purred. 
Wolf grin dropped slightly as he growled at Ice in warning, tugging his partner tightly into his side. No.  He wouldn't leave Wood at the hands of Ice. He had studied the man long enough to know his play was intense. It was different to his, it would be too much for Wood. 
Wood gave Ice a small smile “You might be onto something” he said lightly. 
He stared at Wood in surprise, what? Interest buried itself into his chest. Wood wanted to experiment?
What… no.. he couldn’t. Did he- did he not want him anymore? Had he crossed a line? Did Wood want to leave? Shit. His heart raced in his ears, chest twisting. did - oh god. Did Wood find someone better?
Someone who would be a proper dom? Someone who wouldn't indulge in the temptation? 
But he never wanted to experiment? He always denied wanting to experiment when he broached the topic. An odd feeling pulled at his chest. As his dom he should be the one wood came to, why was he branching out to Ice? Did he not feel safe with him?
He felt his expression close off and watched ice brows furrow slightly. Wood tugged him gently to continue walking as he followed without a thought letting the man lead him. A cold chill surrounded his body, freezing him. His chest came to a shuttered stop as he stared blankly ahead. 
Wood didn't want him anymore.
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