#tommy cahill x y/n
charliehoennam · 1 month
from cramps to comfort
a/n: my bestie @harmonity-vibes has been having a bit of a tough day and i just wanted to make something nice for her. luv u, hon 💗
pairing: tommy cahill x f!reader
summary: you're on your period, everything sucks so tommy makes it his mission to help you feel better
warnings: mentions of blood, period, fluff, language, not proof-read
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Getting off of work is the only thing you've been looking forward to the entire day. All you can think about is getting home and stewing yourself in a nice, hot bath to relief the aching cramps you’ve been feeling.
The day started off terribly wrong right off the bat. You had felt the cramps settling in the previous day and you even set a pad to try and prevent any accidents, but that was a total failure.
You woke up to the large red stain on your bedsheets and you just knew it was going to be one of those days.
As if the staining paranoia and the gut-twisting cramps weren’t enough to make you constantly uncomfortable, you also struggled to deal with your stupid fucking hormones.
Everything and everyone have been annoying or frustrating you for the past couple days. You hate that you feel like ripping everyone’s heads off and having their spleen for dessert. It’s not their fault; you’ve even managed to piss yourself off to the brink of tears. You just can’t help it.
You had no choice, but to brace yourself for the day. You thought about calling in sick, but you figured you could suck it up and face the day. It’d be over quickly and there was so much that you had to do.
After a hot shower to clean yourself up, you got dressed and took your phone from its charger by your nightstand in your rush to catch up with the clock.
Seeing Tommy’s name on the screen almost makes you forget about the pain.
“Morning, beautiful 🥰 Feeling better? Hoped we could have dinner together tonight?”
You read his message, but you have no time to write back. You’re running late thanks to your alarm and mother nature, so you scramble through your apartment to grab everything you could need.
The minute you lock your door, your phone starts buzzing. You lift it up to see who’s calling you and see your boyfriend’s face smiling back at you.
“Hey, Tommy”
“Morning, baby. You missed your alarm again?”
“Yeah, I think I forgot to set it last night. I really passed out, I was so tired.”
He can hear your footsteps going down the stairs as you make your way to the front entrance.
“Are you feeling any better though? You said you were feeling icky yesterday.”
“And now I know why. I got my period.”
“Oh, damn. I’m sorry, baby.”
“It’s not your fault, babe. Just Mother Nature being a bitch.”
“Is there anything I can d-“
“Fucking son of a bitch” you grumble as you push the stuck door to open. “Door never works. Sorry, babe. What did you say?”
“I asked if there’s anything I can do?”
“No, Tommy” you say holding your phone between your shoulder and your ear as you fish for your bus pass in your bag. “Fuck!” you groan. “Why can’t anything go right today?”
“What happened?”
“I gotta go back for my stupid fucking bus pass. I forgot it at home.”
“Baby, lemme give you a ride. I’m just a couple blocks over anyways.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be going to work? I don’t wanna make you late.”
“You won’t be, alright? Just wait there and I’ll pick you up, ok?”
“Alright, Tommy. Thank you so much.”
“See you in ten minutes, babe.”
You hang up and sit on the curb to wait for your boyfriend. The cold air tightens your muscles and you’re reminded of the pain in your core. You took medicine in your morning rush, but apparently, it wasn’t enough to numb it out entirely.
You sit and wait with your head tucked down over your arms. You’re so ready for the day to end.
Tommy soon arrives to pick you up as promised, but the wide grin on his face quickly disappears when he realizes how shitty you’re actually feeling.
It breaks his heart to see you in pain and feeling down in the dumps. He’s got a natural instinct for making people laugh and feel good. Not being able to do even that makes him feel useless.
It reminds him of the mental breakdown his brother went through years ago. Although he's gotten better and was able to return to his family a recovered man, depression hits him from time to time when he remembers what he had to endure.
Tommy never fails to cheer him up and remind him that he's a survivor. He might not be a doctor, but he does whatever he can to remind his loved ones that they are loved.
He listens to you vent on route to your workplace, making encouraging remarks when you mention your driving test is today during your lunch break. Tommy does his best to lift your spirits and reminds you of how well you’ve done during his lessons.
He’d been teaching you for the past couple weeks and, although he says you’ve improved a lot, you’re still nervous about the test because the instructor you were paired up with wasn’t exactly the friendliest of folks. It also didn’t help that Tommy is your boyfriend; he could be a little biased.
As you arrive at work, you thank him for the ride and kiss him good-bye. The hand he sets on your cheek makes you want to cancel the entire day just to be with him.
“Hey… All you gotta do is try the best you can today. And if it doesn’t go well, there’s always a tomorrow.”
His gentle voice chases your worries away.
“I know, baby. Thank you. Wish me luck?”
“All the luck in the world, sweetheart. Lemme know how it goes?”
“I will,” he pecks you once more before you climb out of his truck.
“Dinner at your place or mine?” he questions rolling the window down.
“Uhm, mine? Is that ok?”
“Fine by me, beautiful. Have a nice day. Love you!”
“Love you too” you chuckle and step back to let him roll the window back up. Tommy waits until you’re safely in the building to drive away.
Despite your best efforts, the day does not go as well as you had hoped.
The driving test was a total dud. Your instructor was a grade-A asshole. Your boss is riding you over some stupid report he managed to lose and accused you of not handing it in. Your insides feel like knives are churning in your walls. The headache you already took a second dose of painkillers after lunch still persists.
You can’t stop watching the clock and it seem that, as it gets closer to clock-out, time seems to go by even slower.
While you wither away at work, Tommy heads to the local drugstore. Standing the middle of the aisle, he stares at the vast variety of pads and tampons with a store basket in hand.
"What the f-" he whispers to himself as his eyes roam around in confusion. "Why does there have to be so many?"
His brows furrow like he's trying to build a spaceship. He picks one up to read the packaging. It might as well be in a foreign language because nothing makes sense to him.
He has no idea what difference between a pantyliner and overnight pad is. He doesn't understand why the tampons come in sizes.
Desperately confused, he whips his phone to dial his brother's number.
"Sam, hey! You got a minute?"
"Yeah. What's up?"
"I'm trying to get some lady shit for my girlfriend, but I don't understand any of this stuff."
"Yeah, I've been there before."
"Like how do i know what her size is? Is it like the size of her lady bits?"
"No," Sam chuckles. "It's according to her flow."
"How the fuck do i know that?"
"Just get the medium tampons when in doubt. And I'd suggest taking overnight pads. Some girls don't like sleeping with tampons."
"Alright. What are wings though? Should I get them with or without the wings?"
"They're like parts that open up and stick to the underwear, so it doesn't keep moving around. I always get the ones with wings."
Tommy nods and places the phone to hold with his shoulder as he grabs the products from the shelves and sets them in the basket.
"You should probably take some Pamprin too. Midol doesn't work for every girl."
"What the fuck is that?" he frowns.
"Medicine for cramps, Tommy. And my tip? When you're in her bathroom, take pictures of the brands she uses so you don't forget."
"Fuck, I didn't think of that. I gotta do that. Thanks, man."
With 5 minutes left of the extra hours you had to put in due to the driving test, you gather your things and head to the bathroom for a quick tampon change before starting your journey home on the bus.
You haphazardly wrap your scarf around your neck and hook your jacket on to finally make your long-awaited exit, thankfully the day is done.
The door flies open as you eagerly walk outside, but you freeze in your stride as you see Tommy standing in the parking lot, stood against his truck smoking a cigarette as he waits for you in the blistering cold.
He grins watching your face light up at the surprise.
“How long have you been waiting out here?”
“Not too long,” he lies. He’s freezing his balls off, but he doesn’t want to make you feel bad about it, especially since the intention was to surprise you. “I thought you could use a ride.”
“I most definitely can,” you nod walking towards him as he stomps his cigarette out.
He flashes a dopey smile as he cranes his head to kiss you hello. He tastes like smoke, but you don’t mind it. You’re just happy to see him and to feel his prickly beard on your skin.
“Got a couple things for you,” he smirks down at you.
“Oh? Like what?”
“You gotta get home and see,” he chuckles slyly.
You and Tommy had given each other a copy of your home keys as a special milestone in your relationship. It was a major step for him. His time in prison taught him to appreciate his freedom and personal space more, so allowing you to come and go freely meant he trusts you beyond comprehension.
“Just tell me there’s food. I really don’t wanna cook tonight.”
“There’s food, baby. I promise,” he smirks opening the passenger door to help you climb inside.
After a short straight drive home, you head up to your apartment and gasp as you walk inside.
On the table, you find a beautiful bouquet of flowers set in a pretty vase. That wasn’t there before. On the breakfast bar, you see you a box of pizza along with your favorite chips and chocolates all arranged neatly.
“There’s your favorite Ben & Jerry’s in the freezer too. And,” he pauses to walk over to the kitchen, grabbing a plastic bag off the counter. “I wasn’t sure what products you like better. I don't really understand this stuff but I got you medium tampons, night pads, Pamprin and some fuzzy socks,” he grins proudly. “I just thought they were cute.”
You laugh as you walk over to hug him, tears prickling at your eyes.
“Baby, this is so thoughtful. Thank you so much.”
 “Are you crying?” he asks worriedly.
“Yeah, but to be fair, I’ve cried like three time today already. It’s beyond my control. I’m just so tired and in pain all the time.”
“Aw, baby. I’m sorry. That’s gotta be tough. Is there anything else I can do? I-I can run you a bath? Hot water helps, right?” You nod in agreement.
The bubble bath you soak in melts your pain away. It could just be the medicine working, but the warmth of the water provides the relief you’ve been seeking the whole day.
Looking over at the feminine products on the bathroom sink counter, you smile to yourself wondering how you had managed to get so lucky with Tommy.
He might be a little rough around the edges. He smokes, he curses like a sailor, he’s got a temper, but he also takes care of you so well unlike any of your exes ever have before or at least he tries to.
“How you doing in there, sweetheart?” he smiles, snapping you out of your thoughts as he leans in the doorway already dressed in his warm sweatpants and white t-shirt.
“This feels so fucking good. You have no idea.”
“I don’t mean to rush you, baby. But the pizza’s all heated up. You need to eat too.”
“I know, I’m just so tired to move.”
“Yeah? Do you want me to help?” he asks genuinely worried. “I can dry you off and-and, you know…p-put it in you?”
You follow his hands as he reaches for the open box of tampon and takes one out to study it curiously.
“How the hell do you get this inside though?” he asks frowning confusedly as he lifts the box to read the instructions.
“Where’s the applicator? Wait, was I supposed to buy that too? Does that come separately?”
Despite his eagerness to help, you can tell he’s slightly nervous of the idea of putting a tampon in you. The instruction and the product alone have him so baffled.
Your laughs echo through the bathroom as he blushes and chuckles along shyly.
“I’m just saying, I ain’t scared of a little blood.”
“Thanks, babe. But I got it under control.”
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sparklypinkflightsuit · 5 months
Predator and Prey: Chapter Five
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Pairing: Tommy Cahill x Reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, Minors do not interact, Slow Burn, War Inaccuracies, Swearing, Mention of PTSD but barely, Stalking, Abuse, Sexual Themes, Edging on Smut I think, Alcohol & Drugs, I think that’s it?
Summary: Your and Tommys flirting gives way to something else. Tommy is at wits end with whoever is messing with you.
- Chapter Four Here -
18+ only below this point
You woke up the next morning to sunshine warming your cheeks, and blinding your eyes.
You shot up in bed, looking around the sunlit room. Shit, what was the time?
You swung round and grabbed your phone to check the time. 12:49.
Crap, why hadn’t your alarm gone off?
You jumped out of bed and threw on a pair of jeans, and rifled through your cupboard for a jumper. Once you were dressed you ran to the living room and found it empty, rounding the corner you found Jet eating from his bowl in the kitchen. He had luckily already been fed, you assumed Tommy had done this, but couldn’t see him in the house.
You picked up your phone and dialled Tommy.
It rang three times and then he answered, “Finally awake, sleepy head?” He chuckled.
“Tommy I’m so sorry, I slept in, where are you?” You questioned, rushing around to grab your bag and shoes to get to the book store. You were so late!
“I’m at the store, I decided to let you catch up on some sleep. We’ve had a fair few customers today.” He said, sounding proud of himself.
You finally let out the breath you’d held in, thankful.
“Oh my god I’m definitely going to need to add you to the payroll now.” You mock groaned, grinning from ear to ear.
Tommy chuckled, “Yeah boss, I guess you will.” He joked.
You decided to take Jet into work that day, he deserved some one on one time with you after the off few weeks you’d been having. You called his walker to cancel her visit and walked him the book store.
You sometimes took Jet to work with you and the regulars loved him. Sometimes he would sleep at their feet as they read, or he’d try to prompt them to play with him if he was in an excitable mood, but he was always well behaved. You did at times feel bad taking him with you as you felt he may grow bored, but today seemed appropriate as it would likely only be a half day.
Opening the door to the store, you let Jet off of his lead and he ran up to one of your regulars, who gave him a fuss. While Jet was distracted you walked up to the counter where Tommy was talking to a regular who you hadn’t seen in a while. They both turned to look at you.
“Grace! Hi, it’s been a while, how are you?” You greeted her with a smile. She looked awkward and shot you a quick smile.
“Hi (Y/N), yeah sorry it’s been a crazy few months.” She laughed nervously.
Tommy frowned behind the counter, and you suddenly realised you may have interrupted an argument.
“We’ll have to catch up some time. I’m just going to pop round back to grab Jet some water. See you around?” You questioned, wanting to give them some space to finish their conversation.
Tommy smiled at you as if to say “thanks” and Grace nodded.
You went into the kitchen and filled a bowl with water for Jet. You decided to linger back there a few minutes, and made a coffee for you and Tommy. After a couple of minutes, Tommy walked into the kitchen and sighed.
“Sorry about that. Grace is my sister in law, my brother is coming home this weekend so we were trying to figure out the best way to go about it. She thinks it’s best if I wasn’t there when he got home.” He said, looking more upset than you had seen since meeting him.
“Oh Tommy, I’m sorry. Is there a reason why she doesn’t want you there?” Tommy hesitated, he hadn’t told you about Grace, and he feared if he did it may ruin things with you.
“Family issues.” He said, opting to leave out which family issues they were. “Things were strained with him and I before he.. went away.” He lied, crossing his arms.
Tommy and Sam had always been close, but the incident with Grace had understandably put a slight rift between the brothers.
You felt badly for Tommy, you’d heard about how hard his father had been on him, favouring Sam. You felt Tommy was misunderstood and it wasn’t fair. You knew a side of Tommy most people didn’t get to see. You had never connected the dots that Grace was Sam’s wife, never having met Sam before.
You walked over and gave him a big hug, and he wrapped his strong arms around your waist. You were growing more and more dependant on those arms.
Tommy sighed into your hair, and you swore you felt him kiss the top of your head. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach but you pretended you didn’t notice. You cleared your throat and pulled away, smiling at Tommy.
“I’m not sure if this will make your day any better but… you want a job, kid?” You asked.
Tommy laughed, “If it means I get to spend more time with you, sure, that would be great. Can I be store manager?” He tried with a smirk on his face.
You rolled your eyes at him and laughed, “Yeah yeah, been here all of two seconds and already after a promotion.” You winked at him as you grabbed your coffees and walked around front.
Tommy followed and you spent the rest of the afternoon helping customers and making small talk with the regulars.
7pm rolled around quickly and you locked up the store.
“I’m gonna walk you home, I just want to do a check of the house before you go in.” He stated. You flushed at the authority he asserted in stating and not asking.
“Thanks.” You blushed, but you didn’t think Tommy could see this in the dark.
You walked and made conversation, only stopping to let Jet sniff the odd bush or lamp post. When you got to the house you unlocked the door and Tommy went inside, you waited by the door and watched as he disappeared down the dark hallway. Your heart rate sped up slightly while you waited, listening for any sign of distress.
Tommy came back a minute later, giving the all clear. You sighed with relief and let yourself and Jet in, closing the door behind you.
“Can I get you a drink before you go?” You offered, waking to the kitchen and opening the fridge door. Tommy followed you into the kitchen, and leaned against your island.
“Yeah, thanks, anything’s fine.” He mumbled, mind occupied suddenly.
You shrugged with your back turned to him. “If you want something alcoholic I’ve only got Chenin Blanc, otherwise…. I’ve got coffee, orange juice, or water?” You offered.
Tommy was quiet, staring at you longingly from his place at the kitchen island.
You turned around after not hearing a reply, “You okay?” You probed, noticing the pinched eyebrows and how he bit his bottom lip.
He still didn’t speak, but after a moments thought, Tommy pushed off of the kitchen island and slowly closed the gap in between you. He brought his hand up to gently cup your cheek, stroking it with his thumb as he looked from your eyes to your lips.
Your breathing stuttered as you peered into his cobalt eyes. “Tommy..?” you whispered.
“Tell me to stop..” he grumbled in a low voice.
“No, I won’t.” You said, and with that Tommy’s lips finally connected with yours, a hungry and fierce passion you hadn’t expected. You whimpered with surprise, and kissed him back with fervour. Your arms wrapped around his neck and one of your hands found place in his short hair.
Slowly, Tommy backed you up against the fridge door, without breaking the kiss. His hands moving to your waist.
You moaned at the touch, and Tommy took this as an invitation to bite your bottom lip. You gasped and Tommy smirked into the kiss. You eventually pulled back to breathe, head resting against the fridge door. Tommy rested his forehead against yours as you both caught your breath. You both chuckled lightly, reeling in what just happened.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a while.” He admitted. You nodded, biting your lip.
“Me too. Would it be too much to ask you to stay the night again?” You didn’t want to ask too much of him, but you felt safe in his presence.
“I’d love to. Do you mind if I take a shower?” He asked, he was wearing different clothes today from what he had on last night, so you assumed he had gone home to change this morning before opening the store.
You nodded, “I’ll grab you a fresh towel, but you’ll have to use my girly soaps.” You joked.
While Tommy showered, you quickly went to your room and put on a swipe of mascara as you had forgotten to do so in your rush to leave the house that morning. You sprayed on some light perfume, and changed into something more comfortable. You didn’t want to go in too slutty too quickly so opted for a light pink satin nightie, and waited for him on the bed.
After about 10 minutes, Tommy finished his shower and slowly walked into your bedroom with just a towel around his waist. A halo of steam billowed off of his damp body.
Your insides did somersaults as you took in the incredible man in front of you, his muscles, his tattoos, the hair on his chest, the dark look of lust in his eyes, as he stepped further into the room and shut the bedroom door gently.
You sat against the headboard and waited for Tommy as he stopped at the end of the bed.
“You look so beautiful.” He breathed.
“You’re not so bad yourself.” You said.
Tommy knelt at the foot of the bed and slowly crawled his way up to where you sat, painfully slowly, maintaining eye contact the entire way up.
You tried to control your breathing but your heart rate made this difficult and you were practically panting by the time he reached you, one of his hands sliding up the side of your leg before it came to rest next to you, propping himself up.
“You sure this isn’t too much too quick?” He asked, aware of how long it had been for you, and the bad experience you had the last time you were with a man.
You caressed his face and pulled him in for a gentle kiss, he lingered slightly and pulled away to look you in the eye with genuine concern.
“Actually, I don’t think it’s enough.” You breathed. Tommy growled, hungrily capturing your lips again. He took your breath away.
Your hands slowly felt their way down his chest, tracing each muscle as they strained to hold him up above you. You stopped at the towel and were about to remove it….
Suddenly there was a loud crashing noise outside the bedroom, and Jet began to bark angrily. You both jumped out of the bed and Tommy tightened his towel, motioning with his hand for you to stay and keep quiet.
You clasped your hand over your mouth for fear you may lose it and scream. You wanted to get to Jet to make sure he was ok.
Ignoring Tommys instructions, you followed him out of the room and saw that someone had thrown a brick through your living room window. Luckily Jet was ok, as he had been asleep in his dog bed on the other end of the room. You ran to Jet, careful to avoid the glass, and made sure he wasn’t hurt, trying to calm him.
Tommy ran to the window, hopping over broken glass careful not to cut his feet.
“Shit!” He cursed. Whoever had thrown the brick was long gone. He turned back to you to make sure you were ok.
“I think you and Jet should stay the night at my apartment. Pack a bag.” He instructed.
In a haze, you nodded and went to your room to pack overnight clothes and essentials.
Tommy got dressed in the bathroom and helped you patch the window up with a garbage bag and tape to keep out the damp. You packed Jets things and got out of the house. In the morning you would speak to your landlord, safe to say you would be ending your lease contract early.
- Chapter Six Here -
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Can you do a Tommy Cahill x Teacher!Reader please?
“Come to bed,” Tommy groaned, his arms sliding around her shoulders from behind where she was sat at their kitchen table. He nuzzled his face down into the crook of her neck and Y/N giggled, relaxing back into his arms.
“I’ve got to mark these,” she denied.
“No - come to bed instead,” Tommy insisted, the words muffled as he spoke them into her skin.
“Tommy,” Y/N groaned, falling further back into him and Tommy chuckled lowly into her.
“No - I have to get them marked for tomorrow,” she insisted.
“You have a stupid job,” Tommy muttered bitterly, beginning to place gentle, sweet kisses to her neck, a trail of them from her collarbone up to her cheek.
“My stupid job was the reason we met,” Y/N argued, turning around in her chair so that they were face to face.
Tommy pecked her lips, smirking into it.
“I think, actually, my stupid niece was the reason we met,” he pointed out and Y/N scoffed, pushing his chest lightly.
“Your niece is far from stupid,” she mumbled as Tommy kissed her again, more slowly this time, for longer.
“Smarter than me,” Tommy agreed.
“Look at you - being a proud uncle,” Y/N chuckled, her fingers moving to cup his jaw, keeping him in front of her.
“Yeah, well, they are pretty great,” Tommy sighed.
“I love you,” Y/N whispered, pulling him down for another kiss.
“I love you too,” Tommy promised. “Come to bed? Please?”
“I really have to finish,” Y/N whispered.
“I need to get up early though,” Tommy whined.
“So go to bed now!” Y/N chuckled. Tommy’s eyes softened as he looked at her and he shrugged.
“You know I can’t sleep without you.”
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I’ve started writing for new Jake characters - Tommy, Billy, Davis, Adam and Anthony!!
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sparklypinkflightsuit · 5 months
Predator and Prey: Chapter Four
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Pairing: Tommy Cahill x Reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, Minors do not interact, Slow Burn, War Inaccuracies, Swearing, Mention of PTSD but barely, Stalking, Abuse, Sexual Themes, Alcohol & Drugs, I think that’s it?
Summary: You reach breaking point as you realise someone has been inside your home. Tommy protects you.
- Chapter Three Here -
The next week went well, with you and Tommy hanging out at every chance you got.
He would meet you at the book store most days and even helped out with straightening the shelves, or helping customers find books they were after. Most of the locals were less than pleased to see Tommy at first, but after a while they began to change their opinion of him, seeing a lighter side to Tommy they hadn’t seen before.
On Wednesday you and Tommy worked in the soup kitchen again, where you accidentally let slip that your home was broken into, and the next day Tommy took you to the tech store to pick out some security cameras. He walked you home to make sure you arrived safely, as it had began to get dark by the time you’d left the store.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to install those for you?” Tommy asked again, walking with his hands in his jeans pocket to keep them from freezing.
“Nah it’s ok, I think I can manage. Plus you’ve done enough work for me at the store, I think if I make you do anymore I’d need to put you on the payroll.” You joked, shivering under your beanie.
Tommy laughed, “You know I’m doing it because we’re friends right?”
You smiled up at him, “Yeah I know. I appreciate everything you’re doing. It’s nice to finally have someone to talk to.”
Tommy grinned from ear to ear and playfully ruffled your beanie, causing this to mess up your hair underneath.
“Hey!” You giggled, jabbing his arm with a light punch, causing him to clutch his arm in mock pain.
You were both too busy laughing to notice the footsteps following not too far behind, the shadow slinking in between trees and behind bushes as it followed.
Tommy hugged you goodnight when you were safely at your front door, stopping just before he walked out of sight to make sure you were safely inside. He made his way by foot back to his apartment on the outskirts of town.
It wasn’t a particularly long walk, but the cold was getting to him and he just kept thinking of the hot shower that awaited him when he got home.
About halfway back, Tommy realised he still had the bag containing your security cameras that he had offered to carry. Cursing himself for not realising, Tommy breathed into his hands to warm them up and turned back around.
You walked through your front door and locked it, before being greeted by Jet like he had been starved of human attention for days.
“You drama queen.” You said, giving him a big fuss. “I bet you want some dinner now huh? Ok let’s go see what’s on the menu tonight.”
You walked into the kitchen and got Jets dog food out, preparing it for him before laying it on the floor. When you stood back up you noticed a new letter on your counter top… You didn’t remember bringing in any new mail, but thought if you could forget to close a window you could probably have forgotten that you’d brought the mail in.
Flipping the letter over you noticed it didn’t have an address on the front and wondered how it could have been delivered that way. Carefully, you tore the letter open and read the contents, which turned you stone cold;
“Hi (Y/N),
I like what you’ve done with the place, did you paint the walls yourself? You always did love blue.
Jet’s gotten big, but he still remembers me. We enjoyed a bit of catching up while we waited for you to get home.
Say, is the guy who walks you home sometimes your new boyfriend? I sure hope not. I think you know full well that you’re meant to be with me, after all, He chose us together.
I still can’t go to Him without you, and he’s getting impatient. I might have to start really trying to persuade you soon.
You dropped the letter and your eyes darted around the small kitchen. You couldn’t see any evidence of him being in here, no open window or smashed windowsill pots and jars. Jet was still happily eating his dinner, tail wagging without a worry in the world, but your heart was in your throat as you slowly walked out of the kitchen and into the living room.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary there, and again you were left with checking the dark hallway, bedroom and bathroom, but you couldn’t make your legs move.
Slowly, one step at a time, you forced yourself to move as quietly as you could down the dark hallway, too scared to turn any of the lights on in case you alerted whoever was hiding in the shadows.
You could hear your pulse, as your heart thudded against your ribcage. Slowly, you pushed your bedroom door, edging it open as carefully as you could….
Knock knock knock!
You jumped when three sharp knocks resounded against your front door. Swinging around, you ran to the front door, terrified the knocking had alerted whoever was in the house, you knew it was Jason but you refused to acknowledge it out loud, and that they’d come running out of the bedroom and pull you into the darkness.
You threw open the front door in tears, and grabbed Tommy by the jacket before pulling him inside and shutting the door.
“(Y/N), what-“
“Tommy! T-Tommy he’s here! He’s in the house!” You sobbed, running to the kitchen to grab the note.
Tommy’s eyes were wide with confusion as he followed you to the kitchen, putting the bag of security cameras on the counter top.
“L-look! See, I got home and this, this, was already here, on the counter. I didn’t bring it in and- and it had no address on it so he must be inside.” You cried, your body shaking all over.
Tommy read the note quickly, and looked at your inconsolable face.
“Stay here.” He instructed firmly, quickly looking around and grabbing a closed bottle of white wine you had on the side.
Tommy left the kitchen and made his way down the dark hallway, flicking the light switches on as he went, bottle in hand and ready to strike. He pushed open your bedroom door hard, sending the door crashing against the wall, the light from the hallway illuminating most of your bedroom while he found the switch. He walked in slowly, peeking around the chest of drawers next to your bedroom door, and inside the wardrobe. Nothing.
He then made his way to the only other room in the house, the bathroom, and it was obvious right away that no one was there.
After double checking the bedroom, Tommy made his way back to the kitchen, where you stood against the back counter, shaking and waiting for him to come back, hopefully in one piece.
He put the bottle of wine back down, and walked over to you, pulling you in for a hug. You buried your face into his chest and tried to control your breathing as he ran his hand up and down your back in attempts to calm you down.
“He must have let himself out.” Tommy sighed, “You should call the cops again, (Y/N).”
“That means he’s been letting himself inside the house. How is he getting in without breaking and entering?” You sniffled, looking up at Tommy with watery eyes.
Your faces were close enough to feel each others breaths, but now was not the time, so Tommy rested his chin on the top of your head and continued to rub circles into your back until your breathing calmed.
You decided not to call the police again, as all you had to go by was the note. There was no evidence of a break in and you had thrown away the first note he had sent you years ago, so you couldn’t even prove this was a recurring thing. You wanted the cops to believe you if there was a real incident at hand, so opted not to get on their bad side by calling them out for something so small.
But it wasn’t small to you, you were terrified. You thought you had finally rid yourself of him, but he had obviously found you and decided he wouldn’t let you go a second time.
Tommy stayed with you that night, and he slept on the couch after helping you set up the security cameras. One in the living room, facing the front door and couch. A second in the hallway capturing the bedroom and bathroom doors. And the third in the kitchen.
You felt that covered all places he might be getting in and out, or you hoped.
You struggled to get any sleep that night, despite knowing Tommy was out there, every noise and creek sounded louder than anything you’d heard in that house in the three years since you’d moved in, and around 2am you had decided to get up to get a glass of water.
You crept quietly past the living room where Tommy slept and into the kitchen, quietly pouring a glass of water, before walking back to your bedroom, failing to notice the face that peered in through the window of the living room.
- Chapter Five Here -
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sparklypinkflightsuit · 4 months
Predator and Prey: Chapter Eight
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Pairing: Tommy Cahill x Reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, Minors do not interact, Slow Burn, War Inaccuracies, Lots of Swearing, Mention of PTSD but barely, Stalking, Abuse, Sexual Themes, Kidnapping, Drugging
Summary: Tommy calls Sam in to help him find you. Things take a wild turn.
- Chapter Seven Here -
18+ only beyond this point
Sam waited outside for Tommy, and gestured for him and Jet to come inside.
“I called my buddy Mike who works in our Surveillance unit. He’ll be over in an hour or two.” Sam said, opening the back door to the yard where the girls were playing.
“Hey girls! You wanna come inside? We’ve brought a friend for you to play with.” He called.
They ran inside excitedly, “Uncle Tommy!” They both exclaimed, running up to hug him.
“Woah, you two have gotten huge, how old are you now, huh? 50?” He ruffled their heads, they laughed at him.
“Jet, come here boy.” Sam called, crouching on his heels. Jet ran up and began licking Sam’s face.
“Puppy!” Isabelle squealed, giving him a hug.
“Daddy and uncle Tommy have some work to do, so we were hoping you could keep Jet occupied for a few hours, think you can do that?” The girls nodded excitedly and ran off with Jet to play ball outside.
Tommy sighed and his faux carefree expression dropped from his face. He didn’t know how they were going to find you, but he wasn’t going to wait 24 hours to get the cops involved, even then he wasn’t sure what good they would do, so Mike was their best option.
Grace walked into the living room, “Hey Tommy.” She said awkwardly. Tommy smiled politely and waived. “Hey Grace.”
“Hey hon, you know (Y/N) from the book store don’t you?” Sam asked.
She nodded.
“Well there’s something we should tell you.” He said, motioning for her to sit down.
Sam and Tommy both told Grace what has been going on, and how Jason had found you and Tommy was certain he’d taken you. Grace was horrified and offered any help she could.
“I’m so sorry Tommy, I hope you guys find her soon, I really do.” She smiled gently at him.
“But Sam, tonight is Isabelle’s school play, we have to leave the house in 2 hours. I understand if you can’t go, but the girls and I have to, so we can’t watch Jet all night.”
“That’s ok, I can call Jets dog walker, Chloe, we’ll get her to take Jet for the night, it’s no problem.” Tommy smiled at Grace thankfully.
Grace nodded, and left to get herself ready.
Finally Mike arrived with his set up, and arranged all of his computers on the dining room table.
“Tommy we’re going to need you to plug your phone into this, and call (Y/N).” Mike instructed.
“But her phone is off, will it work?” Tommy asked.
“No, but our only hope is that she turns her phone on at some point, or that whoever has her does, and then we can get a signal.” Mike said.
Tommy rubbed both hands over his face in frustration, he was growing desperate.
“Okay, yeah. Thank you Mike, I really appreciate you doing this.” He said.
Tommy plugged his phone in, and dialled your number.
“Hi, sorry I can’t get to the phone right now, just drop me a message and I’ll call you back as soon as I can.”
Tommy sighed, running a hand through his hair.
“It’s ok, we just need to keep trying.” Mike smiled reassuringly at Tommy. Tommy and Sam nodded back.
Tommy waited 10 minutes before trying you again, and it again went straight to voice mail.
He did this two more times, with the same result. Grace walked in with the girls, ready to leave for the play.
“Sam, are you sure you can’t come?” She asked.
Sam was about to reply that he had to stay and help Tommy, but he was interrupted.
“He can go. Sam, seriously, go. It’s probably gonna be a long night.” Tommy insisted.
“You sure?” Sam asked, doubting whether it was a good idea.
Tommy nodded and forced a smile.
Sam and Grace left with the kids, while you and Mike tried a few more times to get through to you without luck.
Jet began to whine with boredom.
“Shit. Uh, Mike, I just need to call the dog walker quick.” He said.
Mike nodded while he searched as much as he could about Jason on his systems.
Tommy quickly googled Chloe to get her number, and dialled.
It rang a few times before she eventually answered.
“Hello, Chloe Monroe speaking.” She said in a hushed tone.
“Hi Chloe, this is Tommy Cahill. You don’t know me but I’m (Y/N)’s… boyfriend. I was wondering if you’d be able to take Jet for the night? We’ve had a bit of an emergency, I’m happy to pay whatever.” He pleaded.
Chloe was quiet for a while, before she eventually spoke again, “Uh, yeah sure. Where do you want me to pick him up?”
Tommy thought this was an odd question, aware that Chloe had a key and would always pick Jet up from home.
“We could meet you at (Y/N)’s house, or I can bring him to you?” Tommy offered.
“No that’s fine, I’ll meet you at (Y/N)’s house. I can be there in like 30 minutes.” She said softly.
Mike prodded Tommy in the back, Tommy ignored him. “Yeah that sounds good, thanks Chloe, see you then.”
Mike prodded Tommy again, Tommy turned around to see what he wanted.
“See you then.” Chloe confirmed and hung up.
Mike pointed at the screen with a confused look on his face. Tommys phone was still plugged in and his call with Chloe had picked up a signal.
“Isn’t that (Y/N)’s house?” Mike asked, pointing at the red pin on the screen hovering over your address.
Tommy dropped his phone, and clasped his hand over his mouth.
He nodded. Some things suddenly made sense, others now completed thrown off course.
Chloe was acting strange, at least he thought so. She had asked where to pick Jet up, and she was hushed on the phone, muffled even. She had a key and that would explain how someone was getting into the house. It didn’t explain the letters from Jason or why Chloe would be involved in any way, but Tommy didn’t care about that now, all he wanted was to find you.
“Have you got a gun?” Tommy asked Mike as he stood up to put his coat on.
Tommy and Mike raced over to the house, opting to leave Jet at Sam’s place. He dropped Sam a quick call to let him know what was going on, Sam said he’d be right there.
When they arrived at the house, the door was still unlocked, how Tommy had found it, and they let themselves in carefully and quietly. Tommy had already searched the house before, but they did so again in the hopes they may have missed a crawl space or hatch somewhere.
Nothing. Tommy growled angrily and punched the hallway wall, and heard a rattling noise above him.
The attic hatch door was not on securely and rattled from the impact of the punch.
“Have you checked up there?” Mike asked, Tommy looked astonished, he had never noticed the attic hatch before.
He ran to the kitchen to grab a bar stool from the island and placed it directly under the hatch. Mike helped him up onto the stool, and Tommy pushed the hatch open. Before Tommy hoisted himself up into the attic, Mike stopped him.
“Take this.” He handed him the handgun. “But don’t use it unless you absolutely have to, seriously, I mean life or death, got it?”
Tommy nodded, putting the gun in his waistband. Tommy hoisted himself into the attic and the stench of stale urine and what could only be described as decay filled his nostrils. He coughed to clear his airways and waited a few seconds for his eyes to adjust to the darkness.
He managed to make out black trash bags on his end of the attic, and a few beams separating him from the back end. Carefully he stood and walked towards the back.
Suddenly he saw slight movement from behind the beams, and pulled the gun out just in case. He edged slowly towards the back of the dark attic, the floor creaking loudly beneath him. Mike hoisted himself up and coughed at the smell.
“Christ, what is that?”
Tommy kept quiet as he slowly walked towards where he had seen the movement.
He let out a soft cry at what he saw, and carefully but quickly tucked the gun back into his waistband.
At the back of the attic lay a single iron framed bed, and on that bed is where you lay, tied at the hands and feet.
“(Y/N). (Y/N), baby, it’s me.” Tommy said, kneeling next to the bed and tapping your cheeks.
You didn’t respond, you had been drugged heavily and your eyes were at the back of your head, as you writhed slightly under your constraints. The linen strips used to bind your hands and feet were so tight your fingers were already turning blue.
“Baby, wake up.” Tommy sobbed, wracked with guilt and sick with worry, as he tapped your cheeks gently again.
“Tommy watch out!” Mike cried out as someone walked out of the dark behind Tommy.
Suddenly he felt a heavy clunk on the back of his head as something hard and cold struck him.
Tommy fell onto the floor and turned around to see his attacker, injured but not knocked unconscious, and quickly pulled out the gun and clicked off the safety. He pointed the gun at Chloe as she stood over him with a hammer.
“Don’t. Fucking. Move. I swear to god I will blow your brains out.” He spat at her, blood dripping from his head.
Chloe looked surprised her blow didn’t work, and she hadn’t accounted for a second person being there with them. Mike closed in slowly and grabbed the hammer before tackling Chloe to the ground. He pulled her hands behind her and held her in place with a knee in her back.
“The gun, Tommy, give me the gun.” Mike instructed. Tommy scrambled to his feet and gave the gun to Mike. His hand touched the back of his head. It was a bad gash but nothing immediately life threatening.
Tommy dropped to his knees next to you, and began undoing the tight knots.
“Jesus, Tommy. This bitch has been living in here. There’s buckets of piss and trash bags everywhere. Think we’ve got a phrogger on our hands. Sick fuck!” He said, pushing harder with his knee into her back. Chloe whimpered.
Tommy ignored him, freeing you from your confines. He sat on the bed and pulled you into a sitting position. Your head lolled as he tried to bring you to consciousness.
“Baby, look at me.” He whispered, placing gentle kisses on your face. “Mike I think we need to call an ambulance.”
Just then the door slammed shut downstairs and he heard Sam call his name.
“Sam! We’re up here!” Tommy called.
Sam made his way up into the attic and swore loudly at the smell and the scene that he saw when his eyes adjusted.
Mike and Sam worked to tie Chloe’s hands behind her back with the linen Tommy had removed from yours, and sat her in the corner where they could watch her. Tommy called 911, briefly explaining the situation.
“You gonna tell us why you kidnapped her, and what the fuck you’ve been doing up here?” Mike questioned Chloe. She spat at him and said nothing.
Mike pulled his gun to her head and pushed it into her temple, “You sure about that?”
Chloe looked scared, and buckled under the pressure.
“Okay okay! It’s not me alright. I’m just helping my boyfriend!” She cried.
“Your boyfriend?” Sam questioned. “Is your boyfriend Jason?”
Chloe nodded, “We met in New York a couple years ago. He said she was a bad person, and she needed to be brought back to New York.”
Chloe then told them about how her and Jason met in a secret society they had joined, both having been from prominent backgrounds, however the leader of the society required a blood sacrifice for Jason to be officially allowed at the head table, a position his family had been pushing him towards for a long time.
Jason had offered your name in a drunken and drugged state, having had an argument with you the night before, and feeling an in-proportionate amount of anger towards you at that moment in time.
He had told you he was going to a rave with friends, you had asked him not to go, and that it was time to stop partying all the time now that they had reached their mid twenties and had a life and a career. This resulted in an argument and he had stormed out.
The next day, Jason had been wracked with guilt, but he couldn’t take your name back once he had offered it. He had no choice if he was to fulfil his destiny and his family’s expectations.
This is why Jason had accused you of doing bad things like cheating and assassination attempts, in the desperate and crazy hope you’d admit to one of them, giving him a reason to hate you, making this easier for him. But then you did the one thing that removed all love he had for you, in essence inadvertently removing any safety you had; you left him.
Jason had come to your apartment that night with one thing in mind. To kill you and take you to “Him”, his leader. His sacrifice finally complete.
Because this attempt had failed and you had fled, he knew he couldn’t show up in your new town for the fear you’d recognise him.
So he had waited and waited, until he met Chloe. Chloe fell head over heels for Jason, and had agreed to do this for him.
She moved to your small town and posted a flyer through your door.
‘Chloe Monroe - Dog Walker and Sitter’
Her prices were so cheap, it was hard to ignore and you had fallen for it.
After interviewing Chloe and seeing how she was with Jet, you had hired her to walk him at lunch time every day that you worked. You had given her a spare key to let herself in and out.
This allowed Chloe to set up in your attic. She was the one who opened the kitchen window, staging a break in to mess with your head. She had left the letter in your kitchen pretending to be from Jason, to freak you out. It was all part of the fun. She didn’t need to do this but Jason insisted he wanted you to lose your mind before he took you. Revenge for what you did to him.
The cops arrived, taking Chloe away after being told what had happened. Shortly after an ambulance pulled up, and everyone worked together to get you out of the attic and into the back of the ambulance.
Tommy thanked Mike and Sam, and went with you to the hospital. Mike and Sam stayed back to assist the cops further. It wouldn’t be long until Grace and the girls got home, they’d walk Jet and look after him for the night.
Tommy breathed a slight sigh of relief, but he couldn’t believe what had just happened.
All he cared about in that moment was that you were ok, and that he had found you before Jason arrived to take you away.
He just hoped this was the last of the horrors, and that Jason wasn’t already on his way.
- Final Chapter Here -
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