#tommy cahill x you
charliehoennam · 4 months
from cramps to comfort
a/n: my bestie @harmonity-vibes has been having a bit of a tough day and i just wanted to make something nice for her. luv u, hon 💗
pairing: tommy cahill x f!reader
summary: you're on your period, everything sucks so tommy makes it his mission to help you feel better
warnings: mentions of blood, period, fluff, language, not proof-read
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Getting off of work is the only thing you've been looking forward to the entire day. All you can think about is getting home and stewing yourself in a nice, hot bath to relief the aching cramps you’ve been feeling.
The day started off terribly wrong right off the bat. You had felt the cramps settling in the previous day and you even set a pad to try and prevent any accidents, but that was a total failure.
You woke up to the large red stain on your bedsheets and you just knew it was going to be one of those days.
As if the staining paranoia and the gut-twisting cramps weren’t enough to make you constantly uncomfortable, you also struggled to deal with your stupid fucking hormones.
Everything and everyone have been annoying or frustrating you for the past couple days. You hate that you feel like ripping everyone’s heads off and having their spleen for dessert. It’s not their fault; you’ve even managed to piss yourself off to the brink of tears. You just can’t help it.
You had no choice, but to brace yourself for the day. You thought about calling in sick, but you figured you could suck it up and face the day. It’d be over quickly and there was so much that you had to do.
After a hot shower to clean yourself up, you got dressed and took your phone from its charger by your nightstand in your rush to catch up with the clock.
Seeing Tommy’s name on the screen almost makes you forget about the pain.
“Morning, beautiful 🥰 Feeling better? Hoped we could have dinner together tonight?”
You read his message, but you have no time to write back. You’re running late thanks to your alarm and mother nature, so you scramble through your apartment to grab everything you could need.
The minute you lock your door, your phone starts buzzing. You lift it up to see who’s calling you and see your boyfriend’s face smiling back at you.
“Hey, Tommy”
“Morning, baby. You missed your alarm again?”
“Yeah, I think I forgot to set it last night. I really passed out, I was so tired.”
He can hear your footsteps going down the stairs as you make your way to the front entrance.
“Are you feeling any better though? You said you were feeling icky yesterday.”
“And now I know why. I got my period.”
“Oh, damn. I’m sorry, baby.”
“It’s not your fault, babe. Just Mother Nature being a bitch.”
“Is there anything I can d-“
“Fucking son of a bitch” you grumble as you push the stuck door to open. “Door never works. Sorry, babe. What did you say?”
“I asked if there’s anything I can do?”
“No, Tommy” you say holding your phone between your shoulder and your ear as you fish for your bus pass in your bag. “Fuck!” you groan. “Why can’t anything go right today?”
“What happened?”
“I gotta go back for my stupid fucking bus pass. I forgot it at home.”
“Baby, lemme give you a ride. I’m just a couple blocks over anyways.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be going to work? I don’t wanna make you late.”
“You won’t be, alright? Just wait there and I’ll pick you up, ok?”
“Alright, Tommy. Thank you so much.”
“See you in ten minutes, babe.”
You hang up and sit on the curb to wait for your boyfriend. The cold air tightens your muscles and you’re reminded of the pain in your core. You took medicine in your morning rush, but apparently, it wasn’t enough to numb it out entirely.
You sit and wait with your head tucked down over your arms. You’re so ready for the day to end.
Tommy soon arrives to pick you up as promised, but the wide grin on his face quickly disappears when he realizes how shitty you’re actually feeling.
It breaks his heart to see you in pain and feeling down in the dumps. He’s got a natural instinct for making people laugh and feel good. Not being able to do even that makes him feel useless.
It reminds him of the mental breakdown his brother went through years ago. Although he's gotten better and was able to return to his family a recovered man, depression hits him from time to time when he remembers what he had to endure.
Tommy never fails to cheer him up and remind him that he's a survivor. He might not be a doctor, but he does whatever he can to remind his loved ones that they are loved.
He listens to you vent on route to your workplace, making encouraging remarks when you mention your driving test is today during your lunch break. Tommy does his best to lift your spirits and reminds you of how well you’ve done during his lessons.
He’d been teaching you for the past couple weeks and, although he says you’ve improved a lot, you’re still nervous about the test because the instructor you were paired up with wasn’t exactly the friendliest of folks. It also didn’t help that Tommy is your boyfriend; he could be a little biased.
As you arrive at work, you thank him for the ride and kiss him good-bye. The hand he sets on your cheek makes you want to cancel the entire day just to be with him.
“Hey… All you gotta do is try the best you can today. And if it doesn’t go well, there’s always a tomorrow.”
His gentle voice chases your worries away.
“I know, baby. Thank you. Wish me luck?”
“All the luck in the world, sweetheart. Lemme know how it goes?”
“I will,” he pecks you once more before you climb out of his truck.
“Dinner at your place or mine?” he questions rolling the window down.
“Uhm, mine? Is that ok?”
“Fine by me, beautiful. Have a nice day. Love you!”
“Love you too” you chuckle and step back to let him roll the window back up. Tommy waits until you’re safely in the building to drive away.
Despite your best efforts, the day does not go as well as you had hoped.
The driving test was a total dud. Your instructor was a grade-A asshole. Your boss is riding you over some stupid report he managed to lose and accused you of not handing it in. Your insides feel like knives are churning in your walls. The headache you already took a second dose of painkillers after lunch still persists.
You can’t stop watching the clock and it seem that, as it gets closer to clock-out, time seems to go by even slower.
While you wither away at work, Tommy heads to the local drugstore. Standing the middle of the aisle, he stares at the vast variety of pads and tampons with a store basket in hand.
"What the f-" he whispers to himself as his eyes roam around in confusion. "Why does there have to be so many?"
His brows furrow like he's trying to build a spaceship. He picks one up to read the packaging. It might as well be in a foreign language because nothing makes sense to him.
He has no idea what difference between a pantyliner and overnight pad is. He doesn't understand why the tampons come in sizes.
Desperately confused, he whips his phone to dial his brother's number.
"Sam, hey! You got a minute?"
"Yeah. What's up?"
"I'm trying to get some lady shit for my girlfriend, but I don't understand any of this stuff."
"Yeah, I've been there before."
"Like how do i know what her size is? Is it like the size of her lady bits?"
"No," Sam chuckles. "It's according to her flow."
"How the fuck do i know that?"
"Just get the medium tampons when in doubt. And I'd suggest taking overnight pads. Some girls don't like sleeping with tampons."
"Alright. What are wings though? Should I get them with or without the wings?"
"They're like parts that open up and stick to the underwear, so it doesn't keep moving around. I always get the ones with wings."
Tommy nods and places the phone to hold with his shoulder as he grabs the products from the shelves and sets them in the basket.
"You should probably take some Pamprin too. Midol doesn't work for every girl."
"What the fuck is that?" he frowns.
"Medicine for cramps, Tommy. And my tip? When you're in her bathroom, take pictures of the brands she uses so you don't forget."
"Fuck, I didn't think of that. I gotta do that. Thanks, man."
With 5 minutes left of the extra hours you had to put in due to the driving test, you gather your things and head to the bathroom for a quick tampon change before starting your journey home on the bus.
You haphazardly wrap your scarf around your neck and hook your jacket on to finally make your long-awaited exit, thankfully the day is done.
The door flies open as you eagerly walk outside, but you freeze in your stride as you see Tommy standing in the parking lot, stood against his truck smoking a cigarette as he waits for you in the blistering cold.
He grins watching your face light up at the surprise.
“How long have you been waiting out here?”
“Not too long,” he lies. He’s freezing his balls off, but he doesn’t want to make you feel bad about it, especially since the intention was to surprise you. “I thought you could use a ride.”
“I most definitely can,” you nod walking towards him as he stomps his cigarette out.
He flashes a dopey smile as he cranes his head to kiss you hello. He tastes like smoke, but you don’t mind it. You’re just happy to see him and to feel his prickly beard on your skin.
“Got a couple things for you,” he smirks down at you.
“Oh? Like what?”
“You gotta get home and see,” he chuckles slyly.
You and Tommy had given each other a copy of your home keys as a special milestone in your relationship. It was a major step for him. His time in prison taught him to appreciate his freedom and personal space more, so allowing you to come and go freely meant he trusts you beyond comprehension.
“Just tell me there’s food. I really don’t wanna cook tonight.”
“There’s food, baby. I promise,” he smirks opening the passenger door to help you climb inside.
After a short straight drive home, you head up to your apartment and gasp as you walk inside.
On the table, you find a beautiful bouquet of flowers set in a pretty vase. That wasn’t there before. On the breakfast bar, you see you a box of pizza along with your favorite chips and chocolates all arranged neatly.
“There’s your favorite Ben & Jerry’s in the freezer too. And,” he pauses to walk over to the kitchen, grabbing a plastic bag off the counter. “I wasn’t sure what products you like better. I don't really understand this stuff but I got you medium tampons, night pads, Pamprin and some fuzzy socks,” he grins proudly. “I just thought they were cute.”
You laugh as you walk over to hug him, tears prickling at your eyes.
“Baby, this is so thoughtful. Thank you so much.”
 “Are you crying?” he asks worriedly.
“Yeah, but to be fair, I’ve cried like three time today already. It’s beyond my control. I’m just so tired and in pain all the time.”
“Aw, baby. I’m sorry. That’s gotta be tough. Is there anything else I can do? I-I can run you a bath? Hot water helps, right?” You nod in agreement.
The bubble bath you soak in melts your pain away. It could just be the medicine working, but the warmth of the water provides the relief you’ve been seeking the whole day.
Looking over at the feminine products on the bathroom sink counter, you smile to yourself wondering how you had managed to get so lucky with Tommy.
He might be a little rough around the edges. He smokes, he curses like a sailor, he’s got a temper, but he also takes care of you so well unlike any of your exes ever have before or at least he tries to.
“How you doing in there, sweetheart?” he smiles, snapping you out of your thoughts as he leans in the doorway already dressed in his warm sweatpants and white t-shirt.
“This feels so fucking good. You have no idea.”
“I don’t mean to rush you, baby. But the pizza’s all heated up. You need to eat too.”
“I know, I’m just so tired to move.”
“Yeah? Do you want me to help?” he asks genuinely worried. “I can dry you off and-and, you know…p-put it in you?”
You follow his hands as he reaches for the open box of tampon and takes one out to study it curiously.
“How the hell do you get this inside though?” he asks frowning confusedly as he lifts the box to read the instructions.
“Where’s the applicator? Wait, was I supposed to buy that too? Does that come separately?”
Despite his eagerness to help, you can tell he’s slightly nervous of the idea of putting a tampon in you. The instruction and the product alone have him so baffled.
Your laughs echo through the bathroom as he blushes and chuckles along shyly.
“I’m just saying, I ain’t scared of a little blood.”
“Thanks, babe. But I got it under control.”
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gyllenhaalstories · 9 months
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summary: not even a christmas miracle can save a familly dinner with the cahills from turning into a debacle.
warnings: i'm quoting a scene from the movie but i'm taking creative liberties, food & eating, curse words, family feud, smut (quickie, semi public sex, pussy eating & fingering). 18+ NO MINORS.
word count: 2440
photo credits: me (@/gyllenhaalstories) / divider credits: @/saradika & @/saradika-graphics
notes: ending a second year with a tommy fic just felt right. ❤️💚 thank you for reading & REMEMBER TO REBLOG!
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"This food is great, Elsie. Thank you." Tommy broke the awkward silence that loomed over the dinner table. Despite the smaller plate full of discarded peas in front of him, he still enjoyed the homemade dinner offered to him.
You opened your mouth to thank the older woman, too, for being such a lovely host but you were cut off by a wave of arrogance and bitterness that washed over your side of the table.
"Compared to what?" Hank Cahill huffed mockingly.
You helped Tommy's youngest niece and silently prayed that this would not degenerate for the sake of the kids. But of course it would. It was not a proper dinner at the Cahills if it did not end up in a screaming match. "Let it go." You leaned closer to your boyfriend to whisper those words, but your attempt at calming him down was, rightfully, vain.
Tommy dropped his fork on his plate and threw his hands up, shrugging. "Other food." He sounded defeated, knowing he already lost the fight that had barely started.
"Prison food?" His father retorted.
Tommy was a ticking time bomb around his family. Again, rightfully so. Hank just loved to handle his oldest son like a grenade, throwing him in a ditch once he started the explosion so he would not have to take the blame for the collateral damage. Tommy slammed his closed fist on the table.
"Tommy!" Sam called out his name, so quick to protect his father.
And, just as quickly, Tommy shut up. He reached his arm in front of you so he could reach to the other side, trying to reassure Maggie.
You could feel that he was fuming and he tried to hold it in so things would settle down. Instead, Hank mumbled into his plate and ate a spoonful of green peas.
Unable to handle the tension, Tommy promptly sprang to his feet and walked away to hide in the bathroom.
Nobody ever stood up for Tommy. Elsie would excuse herself to the kitchen. Grace would focus on her daughters. Sam would watch with his mind lost elsewhere and, mostly, without a care for the way his father treated his brother. Nobody truly ever ever stood up for Tommy except you. If Hank took a certain malevolent delight in being mean to his son, you took just as much pleasure in calling him out for it.
You stood up just as promptly as Tommy did and threw your napkin on the table. "With all due respect, mister Cahill..."
That sentence always succeeded in putting an angry smirk on the elderly man's face. He knew you had little to no respect for him, which was exactly what he deserved.
You looked at Maggie and Isabelle, bringing your hands to your ears so they would imitate you. They giggled as they pretended to hum a little sing-song to cover up the sound of your potty mouth. "You have no room to talk as the poor excuse of a father that you are." You took advantage of the fact Tommy was out of the room to lay the truth before his father. He would not allow it otherwise. "Tommy appreciates the hard work your wife did to prepare us a lovely Christmas dinner more than you ever could. He sure as hell didn't learn thankfulness from you and you should be glad he didn't learn how to be an asshole like you 'cause that's all you know how to teach."
Isabelle and Maggie uncovered their ears and resumed to eating and talking to each other. It broke your heart a to witness just how used they had gotten to this dysfunctional family.
You pushed your chair behind you and walked around the table. You stood by the head of it and, on the other side, there was Sam standing up and looking at you with a hint of disdain, but mostly surprise. Even he could not stand up to Hank in such a way. All the bravery and courage and praise about how he was so strong for serving his country so proudly turned into dust when it came to facing a bad guy such as his father. You held his gaze for a few seconds before you huffed, in the same manner as Hank did earlier. "So much for being a hero." You looked at both Sam and Hank one last time before you made a beeline to the bathroom.
You closed the door behind you and took a moment to assess the scene.
Tommy was pacing back and forth in the small bathroom. He looked tense but his demeanour softened when he locked eyes with you. He shrugged, silently apologizing.
"They'll be fine." You reassured him, easily guessing that he worried about his nieces. "You'll be fine too." Your hand reached to his cheek that you stroked lovingly. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." Tommy nodded, pressing his lips together. He kissed your forehead and lingered, as if he was charging his batteries up and as if they were fuelled by the sweet scent of your perfume and the warmth that emanated from you and comforted him effortlessly. "It's just that—"
You shushed him with a peck on his lips. "Let's forget about it for now, alright?" You were met with a frown and a quizzical gaze. "They're gonna keep on being annoying. They're your family, it's what they do best." He agreed with a shrug. "Your father has already ruined so many things for you. Don't let that angry old man ruin Christmas."
You heard a faint chuckle coming from Tommy. "Like the Grinch?"
You laughed along with him. "Exactly like the Grinch."
He leaned forward for a kiss. He inhaled your scent again and further calmed down. He pulled back with a grin on his face. "I thought it was good that I talked about my feelings?"
"It is!" You defended yourself quickly. It was something you put a lot of emphasis on, to help Tommy better himself like he wanted. All that pent-up anger would lead nowhere if he followed the example of his brother and father. "I'm proud of you for working on that and talking about how you feel with me. You're doing so good at talking."
He mouthed the words 'thank you' but he frowned again while you caressed his arms up and down, the sleeves of his shirt awkwardly following your movements. It took a few seconds, but he caught on. "Let me guess..."
"Enough talking for now." You moved in closer and whispered at his ear. His family made enough noise to cover whatever sounds the two of you could make. You both knew it, it was not the first time you sneaked away from them. "But..." He squinted at you. "It's not a crime to find your boyfriend hot when he's lashing out at other people, right?"
He shook his head, telling you that it was not a crime either for him to think what you did earlier was even hotter. "Yeah, enough talking for now." Tommy smirked and pressed a kiss on your lips, a kiss that got deep and rough in no time. The mood shift was very much welcome.
Your hands caressed their way up to the collar of his shirt, clinging onto it. You kept making out, only taking quick breaks to catch your breath.
Meanwhile, Tommy's hands moved down to your ass and gave it a hard squeeze. He guided you towards the vanity so you could lean on the counter, not once did his lips leave yours. Instead, his tongue invaded your mouth and he swallowed your moans.
You held his face in your hands for a moment or two, enjoying the kiss to the fullest before you moved on to something else.
He pulled his head back when he felt your hand now in his short hair. Tommy smirked and, without any resistance, he let you push down on him until he got on his knees.
"You look so pretty down there." You murmured.
You thought he was too distracted to hear you by the way he hungrily peppered kisses on the inside of your thighs, but the words you spoke sent a wave of pleasure down to his cock. That's not what he wanted to focus on right now.
The main focus was you and the soft whimpers you let out when he kissed your pussy over your panties. You were glad Tommy convinced you to wear a skirt for Christmas dinner.
He grunted, displeased by how his brain reminded he did not have the luxury to take his time. He pushed your panties to the side and held the fabric out of the way with his thumb as the rest of his hand pushed your leg open for him. He buried his tongue between your folds and let out a moan louder than yours.
You covered your mouth with one hand and bunched your skirt up with the other.
Tommy’s tongue lapped at your pussy, closing his eyes blissfully at the taste of you.
You started to move your hips, disregarding the uncomfortable counter that rubbed against your ass. You humped Tommy’s face and your eyes rolled to the back of your head as his nose bumped on your clit, and as his tongue teased your entrance.
With his spit and your wetness, it was like your body was begging for him to fuck you. You had to wait for that, and he was already getting impatient. He pushed his middle finger inside of you and sucked on your clit, that was as close as he would get to feeling you wrapped around him.
Luckily for you, the Christmas music coming from the living room kept your activities safe between Tommy and you. There was no way your moans, and Tommy’s, could be heard.
But, to be even more careful, Tommy’s hand on your thigh gave it a squeeze. He flicked his tongue on your clit just how you liked it, pumping his finger in and out of you quite fast.
You abandoned your skirt to put your hand on his head and hold him in place. It was the most subtle way you could think of telling him that he felt so fucking good.
And he knew it. He pulled away for a short moment, just long enough to catch his breath and to give you one of his cocky smirks. His beard was glistening, his lips were wet and his eyes were dark with lust.
You barely had enough time to admire this beautiful sight that he was back at it. His beard burned on your sensitive skin, but, in the heat of the moment, it felt too good to stop. He was making your head fall back in pleasure as you felt the familiar tension of your orgasm approach.
Tommy's finger curled up inside you, finding that sweet spot that made you whimper. His tongue met with your clit and this time, he was not stopping. He was not stopping even if you tried so had to close your legs around him. He was not stopping even if you tried to control the pace with your hand on his head. He wanted, and needed, you to cum and he knew just how much you needed it too.
"Oh, fuck!" You moaned out, immediately biting on your finger to prevent another slip up. You wanted to tell him so badly how close you were, but it was pointless.
He already knew. He sucked on your clit and pumped his middle finger in your wet pussy a few more times until he felt your walls clench tight around him. Tommy fought against your body, just carrying you over the edge until he was convinced you could no longer take it.
Your vision was blurry aside from the little stars that were spinning around Tommy's head when you looked down. You forgot how to breathe, how to move even, until Tommy slowly slid his finger out of you and let you come back to your senses.
The sloppy kiss you shared after that was heavenly. You could taste yourself on his lips and his tongue, and it only got the two of you even more eager for what would happen the second you were left actually alone.
Tommy adjusted your panties back in their place and flattened your skirt, or, well, he tried to. You looked rough and so did he with his face shiny from your wetness.
You kissed him again, quickly, before you turned the faucet on and helped him wash himself clean as best as you could get it. While the water was running, you moved closer to his ear and asked a rather important question. "So, what's the escape plan?"
Tommy's eyes widened. Right. You guys needed a plan. It was not the first time you sneaked away like that, but he always forgot how awkward it could be. "Can you fake a tummy ache?"
"You're so clever." You chuckled and patted his face dry with a tissues.
The two of you took deep breaths and tried to darken your expression, although it was hard to shake off the pure pleasure you had experienced.
They were surprisingly gullible and believed in your lame excuse, at the exception of Maggie who whispered to her sister that you were one of Santa's elves and uncle Tommy had to drive you to the toy factory. They were so caught up in their conspiracy theory that they barely let you out without a hug, but they rushed to the front door for a kiss goodbye.
Hank looked at his son disapprovingly, Elsie promised to save slices of pie and cake to be picked up when you felt better. Grace smiled and focused her attention back on her kids and her husband.
You got out of there as if nothing happened. As if there had not been a huge fight, as if that same fight had not been resolved by Tommy devouring your pussy like it was his last meal.
A last meal that needed to be followed by dessert, Tommy's hand that was on your thigh while he drove his truck home reminded you of the rest of your evening plans. You watched him drive and you played the game of whether he could be patient enough to wait for you two to be home or if he would give up halfway and take you in the back of his pick-up.
Judging by the way Tommy was smiling and beaming, one thing was for sure: the Grinch was not successful in stealing Christmas this year.
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sparklypinkflightsuit · 8 months
Stars Align: Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
• Part 1
• Part 2
• Part 3
• Part 4
• Part 5
• Part 6
• Part 7
• Part 8
• Part 9 - Final
The Containment Diaries: Bob Floyd & Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
• Entry 1
• Entry 2
• Entry 3
• Entry 4
• Entry 5
• Entry 6
• Entry 7
• Entry 8
• Entry 9
• Entry 10
• Entry 11
• Entry 12 - Final
The Witching Hour: Bob Floyd x Reader
• Chapter 1
• Chapter 2
• Chapter 3
• Chapter 4
• Chapter 5
• Chapter 6
• Chapter 7
• Chapter 8
• Chapter 9
Blessed Be: Bob Floyd x Reader
• Prologue
• Chapter 1
• Chapter 2
• Chapter 3
• Chapter 4
• Chapter 5
• Chapter 6 - Final
Predator and Prey: Tommy Cahill x Reader:
• Chapter One
• Chapter Two
• Chapter Three
• Chapter Four
• Chapter Five
• Chapter Six
• Chapter Seven
• Chapter Eight
• Chapter Nine - Final
Star Crossed: Detective David Loki x Reader:
• Chapter One
• Chapter Two
• Chapter Three
• Chapter Four
• Chapter Five
• Chapter Six - Final
Drugs, Thugs and Pilot Kelson Hugs: Pilot Kelson x Reader:
• Part 1
• Part 2
• Part 3
• Part 4
• Part 5 - Final
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lust4life01 · 11 months
You’re screwed up and brilliant.
Warnings- Mention of dis functional family, daddy issues , a bit of angst
Paring: Tommy Cahill x f/reader
(I literally love his character so much! also I can’t reply to comments for some reason unfortunately☹️)
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Tommy had been acting distance towards you and you were determined to figure out why.
You understood that everything that had happened in Tommys life was quite daunting but it had been a fair while since the instant in which his brother tried to blow his own head off on the drive way.
You and Tommy already knew each other as kids as had been best friends with Grace since you were 13. He would always make small flattering comment here and there but you knew the type of guy he was. You had always had a small school girl crush on him but you knew your best friend disapproved. Once you made a small comment about how he looked pretty hot after being in a fight and she then lectured you for a good 40 minutes on how he was no good for you and you deserved a ‘good’ man.
Now you were in a newly formed relationship with the so called ‘gangsta boy’. However , something was off with him. He was distance and dismissive recently and you really started to worry you were the issue. The first months of your relationship was beautiful. Every little thing that happened between the two of you was engulfed in passion and love, you were truly smitten. Which made his new mood even harder to ignore.
It was around 10am when you stood in the kitchen making a cup of coffee when a very somber man stepped into the kitchen. He was just in his sweats and a white shirt that clung to his biceps nicely, and you wear in some pyjama shorts and his top that just brushed your thighs.
“Good morning” you gleamed with a huge smile, while stirring the coffee on the side of the counter.
“Morning.” He grunted back, waking to the cupboard to grab the necessity’s for his daily smoothie.
Normally he would sneak up behind you and grab your waist, nuzzle his face into the crease of your neck and whisper a sweet morning welcome while smirking like a teenager. No today. Not yesterday. Not since 3 days ago when he came home from a family gathering and came back a whole different man.
Letting out a frustrated and exhausted sigh you turn to him and watch as he looked around the cupboard, not giving you a single bit of eye contact.
“What is going on with you Tommy? Have I done something wrong? You won’t speak to me about whatever’s upsetting you and it really fucking hurts.”
Your voice had gone from calm to shaky half way through the sentence as tears brimmed your eyes, threatening to spill at any moment.
He stood for a moment with his back facing you until he finally closed the cupboard door and turned around to face you.
Initially he had this whole idea of pushing you away until you’d get sick of him but the minute he laid eyes on your glossy eyes he realised he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t push you away because he needed you and that scared him.
He walked to you slowly, so he was stood directly in front of you. Peering down as you stared up at him with tears still in your eyes.
Shaking his head at his own pathetic stupidity he brought his hand to your jaw and wiped the tear rolling down your cheek away while whispering “I’m sorry” in a self disappointed tone.
“No, no you haven’t don’t anything wrong baby. I’m so sorry I haven’t given you the attention you deserve. I’m an idiot, some shit just got a little on top of me”
He then pulled you into a reassuring hug, holding close to his chest.
As you pulled back you looked up at him with some relief.
“Okay, it’s okay thank you for apologising but can you please just talk to me. You need to talk to me Tommy.”
Nodding his head lowly you took him by the hand and brought him to the kitchen table.
“Okay, now please tell me what’s up” you ask sweetly, your tears slowly disappearing while you gazed at his captivating face.
“So on Tuesday I went to dinner with the family and-“
cutting himself off mid sentence he let out an anxious laugh.
“This is stupid, I mean your going to think I’m some pathetic whiny child”
His eyes stayed fixed on the kitchen table, almost as if he was hiding his vulnerability from you.
You interlocked your hands with his and smiled up at him
“No I won’t, I think you’re a sulky little girl when you don’t speak to me.” you teased him playfully, wanted to make him feel comfortable.
Chucking he agreed with you and finally decided it was time to confess.
“So we were sat having dinner, all of us sat around the table and Isabelle had asked why you weren’t there. Well when I said you were working my dad let out this hysterical ironic laugh. When I asked him what was funny, he told me that I didn’t have to lie and say you were in work. Like I was fucking covering something up? He then went on to say that it was obvious that you had some sense after all not to want to be with me. He said if you were smart you weren’t serious about me and that you deserved more than some ex convict.”
Anger and pity boiled in chest as he explained the story and your face was no obvious not concealing your rage.
“What? Are you fucking serious? He said that? What an asshole! Tommy I absolutely don’t think that. I love and want you, you’re a good, sweet, compassionate man. I spend half my teen years crushing on you and if that makes me the dumbest girl in the world then I will happily take that title. And not to mention the audacity-“
His pressed his lips to yours to cut you off from your defensive rant. His lips were soft and the kiss was sweet. Pulling away he examined your face, just staring at you as you stared right back with slightly parted lips.
“I love you so much.” His voice was slightly whiny but sincere.
“ I love you too.”
(This wasn’t proof read so sorry if there’s mistakes hehe)
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A collection of all the writing I’ve done for movies released between 2000-2009 (Last updated 5/1/2022). Names of characters are links to dating hcs; everything else is pretty self explanatory. Posts towards the bottom of this list are older and therefore not as good: I’ll probably be rewriting them at some point but I hope you enjoy them anyway!
For movies from 2010 onward, check out @exceptionimagines
And for Marvel movies (including MCU phases 1-4 and the X-men franchise), check out @babybamf
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy
Blaise Zabini
Fred Weasley 
Fred dating a non-pranking, younger girl from a different house
George Weasley
George Weasley having a crush on you
Seamus Finnegan
Sirius Black
Oliver Wood
Viktor Krum
Viktor with a motherly s/o who loves to cook
Night at the Museum
Al Capone
Napoleon Bonaparte 
The Great Gatsby (Now a part of my other blog)
Jay Gatsby
Inglorious Basterds
Preference~The Basterds as parents
Donny Donowitz (Uncompleted)
Donny with a soft male! basterd s/o
Adam Stanheight
Final Destination
Tod Waggner
Jeepers Creepers
Darry Jenner
House Of Wax
Nick Jones
Bo Sinclair
Donnie Darko
Donnie Darko
Jennifers Body
Jennifer Check
Thirteen Ghosts
Dennis Rafkin
Royce Clayton (Torn Prince)
Horace Mahoney (The Juggernaut)
Pitch Black
Merill Hess
What Lies Beneath
Being married to and having children with Claire
Henry Creedlow
The Alter Boys
Tim Sullivan
Chasing 3000
Roger Straka
Speed Racer
Santa Clause 3
Jack Frost
High School Musical
Troy Bolton
She’s The Man
Duke Orsino
Bring It On
Cliff Pantone
Mean Girls
Cady Heron
Aaron Samuels
Regina George
Gretchen Weiners
Karen Smith
Loser (2000)
Noah (tw:sa)
Paul Lahote
Jasper Hale (Uncompleted)
Jasper having a crush on you
Jasper meeting a lost boys-esque s/o
Emmett Cullen (Uncompleted)
Emmett meeting his Denali clan s/o for the first time
Alistairs mate reuniting with her sister Esme
The Covenant
Chase Collins (Uncompleted)
Chase being in love with the fifth member of the covenant
Pogue Parry (Uncompleted)
Being Calebs twin and dating Pogue
Reid Garwin (Uncompleted)
Reid dating Tylers older sister; the mom of the group
Pearl Harbor
Danny Walker
Rafe McCawley
Tommy Cahill having a crush on you
250 notes · View notes
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Here’s to Complex Feelings
Jack Nelson x OC/Reader (Carmen Nelson) x Ada Thorne
SUMMARY: You and Jack Nelson married when you were 21, it was marriage of convince and safety. You, a queer woman, needed a beard and he needed a wife who he could trust and understood that he’d never be monogamous. Things get complicated when you both taken on Ada Thorne as a lover.
A/N: Told through a series of time skips because I’ve really enjoyed how @zablife​ ‘s Little Harlot is told.
GIF CREDITS: Jack & Ada are by @retromafia / @peakywomen
– 1934 – London, England 
“You’re Catholic, Mr. Shelby?” Jack’s voice echoed against the air and marble of the holy building, “I hoped by suggesting we meet in church it might make us both more cautious.” He explained that the way Catholics were treated in America angered him, made him the man, the monster he was today. Men like Thomas and Jack were just good men who did bad things to help their friends and family out of poverty. 
Jack Nelson and Tommy Shelby paced around an empty London church, like two animals waiting for the other to pounce first. Both men believed themselves to be too honorable to move first. It was a lie they’d tell themselves to fall asleep at night, I am a good man and I am doing the right thing.
They spouted nonsense in the shadows of a God they only partially believed in. They doubted each other’s earnestness when it came to the business of Fascists. What did two working-class Catholics want a lunch with the fascists for? Each of them tried to figure the other out, the non-answers were getting on each other’s nerves so Tommy finally made a move, revealing some of his hand. 
“I’ve done some research on you, Mr. Nelson,” Tommy began to say as he walked past Jack, taking the lead in both the conversation and their walk. “You seem to have a very close relationship with you wife,” Jack tensed at the mention of his wife, wondering what would follow, “You go to church together every Sunday, hold hands as you walk through the park. She’s here with you, in London, yet everywhere you go, Gina is on your arm.” 
“What are you getting at, Mr. Shelby?” Jack asked, not liking that the conversation was lingering on his dearly beloved. “My wife came to London to enjoy herself and keep me company. She doesn’t need to be bored by the business.” He explained,  “Gina wants to learn about politics and business and who am I to deny the ambition of a young woman. Plus, she wants to show me London. She had a wonderful time here with your cousin,” The American gangsters had learned a lot about Thomas from Michael Gray in the few years they had spent together. “Although I hear that her reception from the family was less than warm. Can you explain that, Mr. Shelby? It hurts my feelings that my sweet niece was not treated well. I have treated Michael very well. Our two families are kin now, yet you still hold me at an arm's length away, Mr. Shelby. I just hope that one day we can call each other Jack and Tommy, like old friends.” Jack waited for a response, but Tommy only continued on with his script, his monologue. 
“Will you bring your wife to the meeting of like-minded individuals?” Fascists was the word Thomas avoided. He wanted to know if the elusive Mrs. Nelson was going to make an appearance, he had significant trouble tracking down information about her despite all of his connections in America. All he had was Carmen Nelson. Everyone’s silence had been bought by Jack. And judging by the way Jack paused every time her name was mentioned, she meant a great deal to him. “I’d like to meet her. I wonder if she knows of your…how many is it now” He made a show of looking up looking for a piece of parchment. “Ah yes, 5. Does she know about your five current mistresses 
Doesn’t the bible condone cheating and premarital sex, Mr. Nelson? I think God would be very displeased with you for sending all those young women to hell.” 
Jack chuckled, his laugh loundened by the empty building, echoing into the shadows. “It would be wise for you not to throw stones from glass houses, Mr. Shelby. You shouldn’t go sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.” 
“Does Mrs. Nelson get the same privilege as you? Does she get to fuck men outside of her marriage?” 
“No, Mr. Shelby she does not. Why are you curious? Are you asking because you’re interested?”
“I might be, I’d have to see her first. Just know that as a socalist, I am in full support of sharing.”
“So then why do you keep the company of  Fascists, Mr. Shelby?” he was trying to get the conversation away from his wife and back to politics. 
“I am a politician, I have friends on all sides of the political spectrum. What do you, a good working-class catholic man, want with the Fascists?” 
“I want to know what they’re up to. What they’re planning. Mr. Roosevelt thinks that the British government is sympathetic and even fostering Fascist ideals.”
“You find their rise to power inevitable. Why get involved?”
Jack was sick of this round about talking. He wanted to get to the point, “I could ask you the same thing, Mr. Shelby. You work for Churchill, a man who undoubtedly hates this new political movement. Why would speak a Fascists rallies and befriend Mr. Oswald Mosely?” Thomas was about to answer when Jack cut him off. “ – Now before you lie to me in this house of God I would like to let you know that someone close to you has told me your true intentions. That you are double-crossing the IRA and Fascists.  I would like to join you” Jack could feel the anger and confusion emanating from Tommy, “I know all of this because of Ada.” As soon as her name escaped his lips Tommy lunged at Jack. 
“Liar. You keep my sister’s name out of your mouth.” Jack caught Tommy and held him close in a bear hug. The Peaky Blinder struggled to break free but it was no use, age and sleepless nights had weakened him. 
“If you revisit your list of my lovers you will find that TARA H. DONE is an anagram for Ada Thorne. That is so long because it is not a list of my lovers but a list of mine AND my wife’s lovers. We keep most of them separate but your Ada is very special to us.” Tommy stopped squirming so Jack let him go, “You better be calm now because I’d hate to have to shoot that beautiful face of yours in a house of worship.”
Thomas Shelby ignored the joke and stares at the letters TARAHDONE….ADA THORNE. ‘Fuck.’ he thought to himself, how did he miss that? How did he not know that Ada was involved with this man…and his wife…. The information was too much to process and Tommy just stared down at the piece of paper in confusion. 
“It’s a lot to take in, I know. My marriage Carmen is a blessed one. Not only is she my best friend but she knows that I will have my affairs and that she is free to have hers. All you need to know about her is that if you ever threaten her I will kill you. My wife will not be put in harm's way.” Jack didn’t take threats to his wife lightly. “As for why you haven’t seen her, she’s been visiting Ada and Karl. It’s been so long since she’s seen them.” 
Jack genuflected before the altar and turned to leave. Tommy was still stuck in his tracks. 
“You lying, Fuck–”
“Watch it Mr. Shelby, this is God’s house.” he smiled, pointing to the heavens. “And if you don’t believe me, go over to Ada’s house, you can meet my beautiful wife.” “Jack was almost out the door before he turned around and said, “That is if she isn’t in between your sister's legs at the moment.”
– 1915 — Boston, Massachusetts, USA
You met Jack Nelson for the first time when you were children. Long before his name meant anything at all. Before uttering it at any volume about whisper stroke fear into people’s hearts. Before crowds parted before him. Before he was a God amongst men and a hero to the American Catholics. Your families grew up close to each other in an a diverse immigrant neighborhood, you played together, worked together, and went to school together. 
Now both 21, Jack had formed a powerful gang and several successful businesses with older brothers Diego and Gael. You hadn’t done much, mostly float from job to job. Right now you were a housekeeper for a senator. 
Today, Tuesday was your day off, Jack had insisted on taking you to lunch in the new club that he owned. He wanted to catch up and get your opinion on the food. “Jack, this place looks wonderful,” you smiled looking around the club diner that would open in a few weeks. He  pulled you in for a quick kiss on the cheek hello.
“Not as wonderful as you look, Doll,” he teased with a wide toothed grin. Jack Neslon knew that wouldn’t work on you but he tried anyway. The two of you sat down and food was brought out to you. Throughout the meal you continued to talk. 
“So…” he looked around to make sure that the cook and server had gone into the back to the kitchen. “I broke things off with Emma…”
“Oh?” you sighed in confusion, “I thought that you were getting ready propose to her.”
“I was but…” he trailed off again, clearly ashamed or upset by that he was about say, “she was cheating on me and ran off with some other guy.” You wanted to point to him that he was also cheating on her with a slew of other women, but you didn’t need to. Your eyes said it for you. “Don’t look at me like that. Everyone knows that I am a man who can’t be tamed.” You rolled your eyes and brought a spoonful of soup to your mouth. “Are you seeing anyone, Carm? We always talk about my dating life what have you been up to?”
You liked it that way, no one asking about who you were seeing. “No, I’m not seeing anyone…I’m never seeing anyone.”
“Why?” Jack asked curiously, tilting his head. You couldn’t help buy laugh. You had been friends ofr twenty-one years and he never asked you why you didn’t date. He was always too busy talking about his own sex-life to ask about yours. 
“Do I have to spell it out for your Jack? We’ve known each other for 21 years and in all that time have I ever talked about a man?...” You looked at him, waiting for some kind of response but all you got where his cloudy blue eyes staring back at you begin for an explanation. Now it was your turn to look around for the staff, paranoid of what might happen if someone overheard you. “I like women…” 
Jack stared at you, unable to hide the shock on his face. 
“Did you really no know?” you asked, eyes rolling, annoyed that he never even suspected. You two had been attached at the hip since you were five, and he never once thought to question why you didn’t like men. It was a secret that you kept well, but you thought that if anyone would have known it would have been him. Your anger filled the silenced of the room until Jack’s voice cut the tension. 
“Well…I kind of always thought that you were waiting for me or something” he started laughing and soon you were joining him. 
“No, I’m sitting at home all day like your broads, waiting for you to give them a call,” you teased. 
“Really? Never? Come on, Carmen. You’re hurting my feelings here,” he pressed a hand to heart in pretend pain. 
“Once when were 15 you let your hair get really long and I thought that was kind of cute,” you laughed, “but then you cut it all off.” Jack rolled his eyes and playfully tossed his napkin at you. It had been a long time since you laughed this hard. 
“Why don’t you date women? It’s 1910s, the world is changing. You’ve been with me at parties, seen men with men and women with women.” It was true, in larger young people could be with whomever they wanted. Still though, you were nervous of what your family and the people at church might think. 
You explained this to him and added, “I can’t…It’s better if I don’t. If worse comes to worse I’m sure there is a convent in need of some nuns.”
“Now that plants a very naughty image in my brain, Carmen.” His bold laugh could be heard throughout the building. “I just want you to know that you can let yourself be happy and go after the things that you want. I’ll keep you safe.”
You smiled, thankful for the kind of friendship you had with him. The two of you finished up your food and parted ways. 
The next day, you were busy at work when one of your coworkers said that Jack Nelson was on the phone asking for you. Excitement and worry filled your body. Why was he calling you at work? Was he whisking you away to some party tonight or delivering bad news?
A warm smiled flashed across your face when you heard him say, “Hello Doll, I’ve got a great idea.”
“Yeah?” you ask. 
“We should get married!”
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Can you do a Tommy Cahill x Teacher!Reader please?
“Come to bed,” Tommy groaned, his arms sliding around her shoulders from behind where she was sat at their kitchen table. He nuzzled his face down into the crook of her neck and Y/N giggled, relaxing back into his arms.
“I’ve got to mark these,” she denied.
“No - come to bed instead,” Tommy insisted, the words muffled as he spoke them into her skin.
“Tommy,” Y/N groaned, falling further back into him and Tommy chuckled lowly into her.
“No - I have to get them marked for tomorrow,” she insisted.
“You have a stupid job,” Tommy muttered bitterly, beginning to place gentle, sweet kisses to her neck, a trail of them from her collarbone up to her cheek.
“My stupid job was the reason we met,” Y/N argued, turning around in her chair so that they were face to face.
Tommy pecked her lips, smirking into it.
“I think, actually, my stupid niece was the reason we met,” he pointed out and Y/N scoffed, pushing his chest lightly.
“Your niece is far from stupid,” she mumbled as Tommy kissed her again, more slowly this time, for longer.
“Smarter than me,” Tommy agreed.
“Look at you - being a proud uncle,” Y/N chuckled, her fingers moving to cup his jaw, keeping him in front of her.
“Yeah, well, they are pretty great,” Tommy sighed.
“I love you,” Y/N whispered, pulling him down for another kiss.
“I love you too,” Tommy promised. “Come to bed? Please?”
“I really have to finish,” Y/N whispered.
“I need to get up early though,” Tommy whined.
“So go to bed now!” Y/N chuckled. Tommy’s eyes softened as he looked at her and he shrugged.
“You know I can’t sleep without you.”
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I’ve started writing for new Jake characters - Tommy, Billy, Davis, Adam and Anthony!!
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charliehoennam · 3 months
love in disguise.
a/n: request (and lil moodboard!!!!) made by @harmonity-vibes. isn't she the fucking cutest?!
summary: after being swindled into a one-night-stand with his best friend, he learns the truth and the consequences that one night had.
pairing: tommy cahill x f!reader
warnings: language, a lil smut if you squint hard, angst, noncon activities, sleeping with someone under false identity, mentions of pregnancy, lying.
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Walking through the grassy field, you took a deep breath to try and ease the churn of your stomach. You knew this was so wrong in so many ways and you couldn’t let this happen to Tommy.
Lisa was always known for being one of the prettiest and most popular girls since as long as you could remember. 
Her perfect smile and bright eyes had boys drooling over her. Her poised and polished attitude had their parents swooning and eager to set their sons up with her. Her high grades filled teachers up with pride and joy every single test.
Despite having similar physical traits and even being mistaken for her sometimes, you felt you could never amount to her – especially when you noticed how deflated or uninterested people instantly became realizing you weren’t her.
She couldn’t fool you though. After years of growing up alongside her, you knew she was anything but the sweet and perfect little role model she led people to believe. 
You knew just how vindictive and manipulative she could be to anyone who wronged her or simply to get whatever she wanted. That was how she managed to snag Tommy Cahill, known for sweet-talking his way out of any trouble he got caught in.
Tommy was much different than his older brother. Sam was an overachiever. He had the smarts, discipline and charm that had every father hoped his daughter would marry.
When he enlisted in the military after high school, it seemed like town’s respect for him simply skyrocketed, leaving Tommy behind in his shadow.
Although Sam was the charming and intelligent brother, Tommy was the exciting bad boy that had girls daydreaming. His dopey smile and big blue eyes had turned you into one of those girls.
When Lisa introduced him to you as her boyfriend, your heart sank. You didn’t really think you had much of a shot with him, but you couldn’t help wonder what he saw in her or if he knew that the sweet hand-written letters and notes she would sneak into his locker were actually written by you under her persuasive command.
You ended up befriending your high-school crush instead and remained just as that ever since then.
 When you realized how much he genuinely loved her, you accepted that he would never see you more than a friend.
It may not have been exactly what you wanted, but you settled for being his friend because he was just great at it. He loved making people laugh and you could trust him with things that you couldn’t even think about sharing with Lisa.
The love you had for him was exactly what made you feel so awful when you learned how unfaithful Lisa’s been to Tommy years after. Not just by lying to him and pretending to be someone she wasn’t whenever he was around, but her betrayal has become physical and you couldn’t stand for it.
That was the real reason you agreed to go to the town’s birthday bash. The theme, that year, was masquerade and inspired by Mardi Gras. Almost everyone looked to the town’s birthday bash because it consisted of great good, cheap drinks and lots of music and fun.
Tommy had been looking forward to the event and kept asking Lisa to go over and over again, but she’d always tell him that she wasn’t sure if she’d be able to make it because of work.
The truth was that she had planned a romantic getaway with her lover to spend some quality time together after their conflicting schedules finally lined up. Because of that, Lisa had the bright idea of you meeting up with Tommy in her place. She figured you looked a lot like each other and he’d be too drunk to notice the difference.
You refused and told her that it was wrong. It wasn’t like you were twins playfully taking each other’s place in high school. This was her boyfriend, who would most likely be physically affectionate with someone that he didn’t consent to.
Used to getting what she always wanted, she then threatened to spread your intimate selfies she had stolen from your phone. Although you couldn’t believe it, you knew her too well to know what she was capable of to get what she wants.
Her threat had your blood boiling with rage. You decided she’d gone too long getting her way all the time.
“Enough is enough,” you told yourself.
Tommy was a good guy and he deserved to know the truth. Everyone deserved to know the truth about who she really is, and you were done lying on her behalf.
You repeated that in your mind as you marched your way to the music stage.
Though your intimate photos could certainly ruin your reputation living in a town as small as yours, you accepted the possible consequences as along as the truth could come out.  You could always move and settle down elsewhere if it came to it.
The fair was already crowded by the time you arrived. People in festive, colorful and bejeweled masks roamed around the tents set up with games, food and speakers to fill the air with local music.
You frowned to yourself as people you barely or never spoke to waved at you or lifted their drinks towards you as you passed. Clearly, they must have mistaken you for Lisa.
First, Mrs. Mulberry. She always never remembers your name and only greets you when you’re out with one of your parents.
Secondly, there was Nate. He never really talked to you, unless it was to get one of your friends’ number.
Then there was Mr. Dawson. He always mistook you for Lisa when he saw you around town and facepalmed himself when you corrected him.
You knew, in the back of your mind, that this was not real. They weren’t greeting you; they were greeting Lisa. But for once, just once, it felt so good to walk in her shoes. To be loved, seen and smiled to by everyone that walked past you.
Weaving through the crowd that engulfed the largest park in town, you saw his familiar silhouette from afar. He stood watching a band playing off to the side of the closed road, beer in his large hand. His head bounced along to the music as his foot tapped along to the bass.
As you walked towards him, your hand reached up about to remove the black and silver mask Lisa demanded you wear and you watched him turning towards you.
Feeling your presence, he turned and your insides melted from the bright grin he flashed towards you, stilling your hand and letting the mask remain in place.
In that moment, you felt the blood rush in your veins, traveling in time to the shy high-school you again – only this time you were his.
Like a deer in headlights, you drifted over the grass fully expecting him to recognize you. The grassy ground beneath you felt like clouds grazing over plains with steady ease.
“You made it!” he chuckled raising his hands to your cheeks, pulling you into a heart-stopping kiss. “I was starting to think you were gonna stand me up.”
It couldn’t have last longer than a couple seconds, but you were almost certain the world had completely stopped on its axis and sent you into the neverending black abyss of floating cold.
The lack of gravity that grounded you seeped into your mind with the wordless spell he suddenly had you under. Bewitched by his kiss, all self-control had successfully been drained.
“I-”you started to speak, but he cut you off.
“Come check out this band! They’re actually from Louisiana!”
 His bright blue eyes gleamed with an excitement that may have been heightened by the alcohol he was drinking.
Every word you were about to speak would be cut off by a remark on the band’s talent or a question about the fair, leaving you to burn up in the mesosphere between morality and desire with every kiss he surprised you with.
Although you knew it wasn’t right, you gave in to the lie and decided to rain ash over the land of repressed dreams and desires you had forced yourself to shield over the years with heavy clouds of selflessness for a single night.
Diving into the night head first, you went along with the lie throughout the night and washed its bitter taste in your throat with drinks. You didn’t think it would’ve gotten as far as him taking you back to his apartment.
Tommy was just as drunk as you were and unable keep his hands or his lips off you.
The alcohol in your bloodstream numbed you from reality and welcomed you warmly into an ocean of pleasure you’d longed for like a drought riddled desert welcomes an endless rain.
Cocooned in his warm touches and hungry kisses, you made your home there for a couple of hours. The thought of having him inside you, filling you up with a delicious stretch, had your panties drenched.
You had always wanted him to yourself and – believing the vigorous use of your birth control which you made sure to never forget – you made the decision to be a little selfish and indulge in a one-night stand.
You insisted that you both kept your masks on to add to the fun you shared in his bed and Tommy happily went along with it.
Looking over the drunken slumber that he quickly slipped into, you sat on the edge of his bed and admired his features that seemed so gentle and soft at the moment. You ached to reach out and caress every single one of them, to show how appreciated they deserved to be.
But you stopped yourself with your hand in midair.
The silence of his bedroom was so loud as guilt and disgust with yourself trickled in your mind through slow sobriety.
With tears quickly building in your vision, you quietly gathered your clothes from his bedroom floor and sneaked out of his room to dress quickly in the living room.
Shoes in hands, your feet pattered against the cold sidewalk as you paced through dark streets as if you could run from your guilt.
Despite that one-night stand with Tommy, you later found out that it had been in vain. Lisa’s affair was brought to his attention when a neighbor had mentioned seeing her with someone she had introduced as his cousin Adam at a diner on the outskirts of town. Only he didn’t have a cousin named Adam.  
Tommy went into a downward spiral after that. Drinking and substance abuse had become his escape and way of coping with the pain as he felt it was the only thing that could numb him enough to go about his day.
Watching him go down that path wasn’t easy. Watching the strip on your pregnancy test turn blue was even harder. Although you tried to help him however you could, you knew you couldn’t tell him the truth about that night out of fear that it could be the last drop to push him over the edge into consequences no one could bring him back from.
When you heard about him going off to jail for armed robbery, you were surprised and couldn’t believe he would really do such a thing.
Tommy was always so kind-hearted; you refused to believe it until you watched him confess to the crime remorsefully in court. The way he couldn’t even look at the poor victim just proved that it was true.
Despite it all, Tommy was still your friend and you decided to not give up on him like other people, including his own dad, had.
Over the constant e-mails and letters you wrote back and forth, he shared how prison had been actually helping him sober up; that the classes he’d been taking helped him become more aware and clear-minded. You were happy for him and anxious to see him, so you decided to pay him a visit.
What Tommy hadn’t expected was to see you with a large swollen belly. Needless to say, he was shocked but overall happy for you as he bombarded you with questions about how far along you were, what was the gender of the baby, why you hadn’t shared the amazing news with him before.
As your friend, he was just genuinely thrilled because he knew you’d make a great mother. Aside from that, Tommy always knew he wanted to have kids and he had a way with them since as long as you could remember.
You knew he deserved to know the truth. You tried to tell him many times; the crumpled drafts of letters you decided not to send him were proof of your attempt to be honest.
But the words just weighed like rocks in the back of your throat, dropping to your stomach to infect you with their burden and ripple out with waves of sickness.
He was doing so well, getting cleaned and focusing on his future, making plans to be better.
Struck by the familiar fear of ruining his life even more, you opted to stay silent and to lie about the baby’s father, telling him and everyone else that asked that the man was just someone you’d met at a bar.
It’s been a few years since that night and all you have to remember it by is your memory… and your now 4-year-old so, Charlie.
When you heard he was finally out of jail and clean, you strongly believed it was the right time to tell him the truth. You owed him that much.
You hung a bit after he was free, occasionally meeting up for a coffee either at a coffee shop or at your place.
When you were finally ready to come clean, he told you about Sam’s disappearance that had been ruled a death which quickly changed your mind again.
You didn’t see much of him after that since he had decided to concentrate on his family. You remembered how he talked about Grace; about how pretty and what a great mother she is; how amazing she is for letting him reconnect with his nieces.
Once again, you felt the invisibility swallowing you back into its depths. He would never look at you as anything more than just a friend.
Although it hurt to accept, you figured it was the push you need to tell him. Until Sam came home.
His family really went through with Sam after he didn’t come home the same Sam that everyone knew and loved.
Out of respect for them, you decided to distance yourself again from Tommy. Everything you learned about him and his family, like Sam’s mental breakdown or his admittance in a mental institution for war veterans or his return home, was from rumors and word of mouth that spread through the town.
It’s a sunny fall morning and orange, brown and yellows leave are sprinkled over your mother’s lawn as you rake them up into piles over the front yard while Charlie draws on the driveway with his colorful chalk.
“Mommy, I maded me and you! Come see!” Charlie shouts excitedly as his little legs race over to tug on your shirt.
“Alright, I’m going” you chuckle holding the rake in one hand and his little hand in the other.
Your compliment on his drawing earns you a bright smile from him as you bend at the hip to kiss his head until the sound of crunching leaves catch your attention.
“Uncle Tommy!” Charlie cheers quickly dropping his chalk as he races towards Tommy.
“There’s my favorite little man!” Tommy quickly sets the decorated gift bag down on the driveway to lift Charlie up and give him a proper hug. “I hear you’re kicking butt in karate. You gonna teach me a couple moves, huh?”
“Uh huh! I learn how to pushkit!”  Charlies responds proud of himself.
“What’s pushkit?” Tommy frowns confused.
“He means push kick. You push and kick at the same time” you smile intervening. “It’s how he’s opening doors now.”
“That sounds useful,” Tommy chuckles setting Charlie back on the ground to pick his gift bag up and steps closer to you. “How you doing, sweetheart?”
“Pretty good” you nod. “Haven’t seen you around in a while.
“Yeah, that’s on me… Just been going through some family drama. ‘m sure you’ve heard about it already. Word travels fast here.”
“It does, yeah. You uh wanna come inside?”
“I’d love that” he nods with a smile.
After telling your son to come inside to wash up for lunch time, you lead the boys into the house.
“Your mom around? I brought you guys a gift too.”
“No, she’s at some pottery club with her friends today.”
“Mommy, can I has my pwesent?” Charlie asks tugging on your hand, big blue eyes shining up at you.
“Yeah, baby. Of course. I’ll let uncle Tommy give it to ya, while I make us chicken nuggets.”
“Oh, sweet. Can I stay for lunch too?” Tommy grins setting the bag on the kitchen counter to pull out Charlie’s gift.
You nod at him with a smile and remind him he’s always welcome in your house.
Leading Charlie into the living room to open his gift, you notice the size of the wrapped present that already has his eyes wide with excitement.
Watching from the kitchen as you prepare lunch, you smile listening to Charlie’s endless thank you’s as he unwraps and finds his brand-new doctor playset kit.
“I remember you said you wanna be a doctor, right?” Tommy smirks widely at the boy. “Lemme open it for you.”
Tommy is more than patient as he untwists the plastic ties that keep all the fake equipment in place.
“Can I be your first patient?” he asks playing along with the young child’s imagination. “I think I got a problem with my shoulder. It’s been hurting a lot and I really need to get it checked out by a doctor.”
“Ok,” Charlie smiles taking the placing stethoscope from the box to put it on. He holds the end part of it to Tommy’s back and asks him to breathe, remembering what the doctor does to him every time he goes there.
“Now I has to check your eyes and-and your mouth too.”
“And the ears too right?”
“Yeah, the ears too!” Charlie nods.
Tommy smirks as he glances at you from where he’s sat in the living room floor, letting Charlie use the fake stethoscope to listen to his back.
The whole scene takes you away for a moment and makes you feel like you’re really just watching a father and his son spending quality time together. It also makes you feel even worse for having kept this secret from him for so long.
“Ok, you got just a boo-boo here” Charlie emphasizes pointing to Tommy’s shoulder. “So you need is a mommy kiss because a mommy kiss make all the boo-boos go away.”
“Do I need a prescription for that?”
Charlie looks around for anything he can write down on and takes the notepad from beside the residential phone to scribble down “mami kizz” on a sheet of paper before tearing it from the spine to hand the note to Tommy.
“You can ask my mommy cause hers is the bestest,” Charlie replies squatting down to take the plastic needle from the box.
“Will do, doc” tommy smirks as he stands up. “Thank you.”
Lost in his own little word, Charlies takes all his favorite stuffed animals and action figures and lines them up on the couch while Tommy walks over to the kitchen.
“Got a prescription for a kiss, sweetheart. Doctor’s orders” he smiles sly at you.
You shake your head, not sure if he’s serious so you blow it off with a smile and thank him for the present.  
“I got something for you too, you know,” he says digging into the paper bag.
You modestly refuse, telling him that he didn’t need to get you anything; that you’re just simply happy to see him. He won’t take no for an answer, so you give in and take the rectangular box from his hand.
You tug at the red ribbon to untie it and open the box to find a beautiful and delicate, simple necklace that you just know cost Tommy a lot of money.
“Tommy, this is too much. I-I can’t accept this” you say shaking your head as you look up at him in shock.
“No, don’t worry. I want you to have it, for all your help when I was in jail, for visiting me and all… I really appreciate that you didn’t forget about me and I wanted to get you something nice.”
“It’s nice, it’s really nice. But I can’t…”
“Why not?” he chuckles frowning at you. “My money ain’t good here?”
“No, that’s not it,” you start.
The words that form in your head start to weigh like stones in your throat. You try to swallow them down, but it’s time Tommy learned the truth. You just hope that he can take it.
As you begin to tell him the truth about that night, his face contorts with confusion and anger. You apologize over and over again, although it’s not nearly enough to make up for it, trying to explain how you felt you had no choice.
He shakes his head and takes a step back away from you like he doesn’t want to believe you would ever be capable of lying and betraying him.
“Nah, I don’t fucking believe that,” he frowns shaking his head. “How the fuck could you do that? I fucking trusted you and, all this time, you were fucking lying to me too?! All these fucking years?!”
His raised voice catches Charlie’s attention and has the young boy frozen in the middle of the living room.
As Tommy takes a deep breath to control himself, you both glance over at the young boy. While you make your way towards Charlie, Tommy takes in his physical features. He realizes the similarities and chuckles to himself, not out of amusement but out of disbelief.
You quickly rush to the living room and tell your son to go upstairs to play in your shared room. The big blue teary eyes that stare up at you in fear fill you regret for letting yourself get caught up in your own feelings that night.
Despite that fact that you love Charlie more than anything and would never regret having him, you do regret that you hid this secret from Tommy for so long. But you know how explosive he can be and you can’t let Charlie see that.
Charlie, as sweet and obedient as he always is, hesitates as he notices Tommy pacing back and forth in the kitchen to keep his calm.
He’s afraid and tells you he doesn’t want to leave his mommy, but you insist and tell him everything’s alright, asking him to check up on the other stuffed animals he’s got upstairs now that he’s a doctor.  
Tommy sighs as he runs a hand over his face. As angry as he may be, the last thing he wants is for a child to see him as monster, let alone a child he’s really close to and could possibly be his.
“Everything’s ok, Charlie. Uncle Tommy just got a little mad, but everything’s ok,” Tommy says chiming in to reassure Charlie with a raised hand and a forced smile that you can see right through, but it’s enough to convince your son to go upstairs.
Walking to the stairs, he looks up the steps to make sure Charlie is out of the hearing radius before marching over to you.
“Is he mine?”
You go silent staring up at him, too afraid to tell him the truth.
The guilt bubbles inside you, weighing heavily in your chest. There’s nothing you can say to fix this.
Tears stream from your eyes. You keep swiping them away, but they don’t stop coming. You know nothing will be the same again between you and your best friend.
“Don’t fucking lie to me. I’m not fucking stupid. Is he mine?”
“Yes…” you whisper.
“Jesus,” he scoffs running over his large hand over the buzzcut he’s been sporting since he’s been out of jail. “I-I can’t even fucking look at you right now.”
“Tommy, I’m s-“ You can’t even finish your apology.
He’s already storming out and slamming the door behind him as you stand in the kitchen crying silently to yourself.
You feel worse about it with each passing day, staring at his contact on your phone, debating if you should try to reach out.
Tommy used to call you at least once a day, just to check up and make sure you and your family are doing ok. But, now? You can’t even get him to reply to your texts.
It’s been a couple months since your fallout and Tommy hasn’t been able to get your last encounter off his mind.
Watching his nieces play in their backyard makes him think about Charlie and how much he misses him. Even though he’s not sure he can forgive you so soon, he hates that Charlie has to suffer from it. He’s just a kid, his kid now. He’s not to blame.
Tommy didn’t realize how badly he always wanted to be a father until his nieces came into his life. Until he was locked in a cage, counting every second of his life that was going to waste.
Talking to Sam helped him put things into perspective and made it clear to him that he had a decision to make.
In the last of the ignored texts, you told him you could raise Charlie on your own as you have for the past few years. Being a father is a decision Tommy has to make on his own and whatever he decided, you would respect wholeheartedly.
He never replied, but he hasn’t stopped thinking about it feeling caught in between the violation and betrayal of his trust and his urge to be a father. It’s what he’s always wanted; to be a father that he wishes his could be, but he would’ve never thought that it would have to be like this.
As the dying leaves crunch under the weight of his heavy boots, he makes his way towards your house and knocks on the front door.
Setting plates and silverware on the table for dinner, your mom waves a hand at you and claims she’ll answer it assuming it must be one of the neighbors.
“Tommy! What a surprise.” she says greeting him with a smile.
“H-hi, ma’m. Sorry to drop in like this, I was hoping I could talk t-“
“I got it, ma. It’s alright.”
You walk toward the door, swapping places with your mom as she finishes setting the table.
You invite him to come in, but he shakes his head avoiding your eyes, so you step up out and close the door behind you.
Hugging the knit cardigan your mom made for you closer around your body, your arms fold across your chest. An awkward silence lingers in the chilly air. You feel like you’ve already said so much that already hurt him badly, so what else could you really say at this point?
“How’s Charlie doing? H-He ok?”
“Y-yeah, yeah. He’s ok,” you reply in a soft tone, hoping to avoid any more arguments. “Kinda misses you though. Asks about you from time to time.”
Tommy doesn’t say anything to that. He’s not really sure what to say. But the fact that he can barely even look at you fills you with hopelessness, so you try to brace yourself for the permanent goodbye he’s about to give you.
“I don’t know how long it’s gonna take me to get over what you told me… But I do know that I wanna be there for Charlie. I want him to grow up knowing that he’s got a dad who loves him no matter what.”
Surprised by his decision, you wonder if it has anything to do with his own father. If it could be Tommy simply wanting to be the father he wishes he had, or if it could be influenced by his desire to prove to his dad that he’s not a complete fuck-up.
“Yeah. Of course,” you nod quickly. “T-that’s absolutely fine by me. I think that would be good… You don’t have to worry about money though. I mean, you can help with whatever you can, but I don’t wanna make this about money. I just want you to do whatever you’re comfortable with.”
“I’m gonna help out with money obviously, but I wanna spend time with him… Take him out to the park, play ball and that sorta thing.”
“He would love that” you smile thinking about Charlie’s excitement.
“This is just for him though.”
You quickly drop your smile and nod as you look down at your feet, biting the corner of your mouth as you wonder if Tommy will ever be able to forgive you.
“Y-yeah… I get that. For Charlie.”
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gyllenhaalstories · 2 years
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summary: tommy planned a lovely weekend getaway to a picturesque cabin, but a snowstorm came unannounced and trapped you in there for one more day. oh no. what will you do, all alone with time to spare and no one to disturb the two of you?
warnings: curse words, smut (eating out, fingering, anal teasing, penetration, creampie, snowballing). 18+ NO MINORS.
word count: 2300
gifs credits: @/cliffbooth (resized & cropped) / divider credit: @/firefly-graphics
notes: isn’t it funny how both my first and last fics of the year were for tommy? anyway, i want to put wintery beanie baby tommy in my pocket where he belongs <3 i don’t mention anything related to brothers, so you can read this even if you don’t know the movie.  ⛄ thank you for reading & REMEMBER TO REBLOG!
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Strong wind blew the front door open and Tommy entered loudly,  kicking snow off his boots, shaking his jacket and beanie to get rid of  the snowflakes that already began melting from the fireplace’s warmth.
Your eyes widened with impatience, awaiting an answer to the question that lead him outside.
“Nope.”  He rubbed his hands together, skin pink from the cold outside, after he  finally shut the door behind himself. “The car won’t start and I can’t  tell the street from these people’s front yards. Everything is so...”
You leaned forward, expecting a smart conclusion from his observations.
You  both laughed while he removed his outdoors clothes. “Snowy.” You  repeated with a sigh. You explained how you finally got a hold of the  cabin’s owners, they accepted to let you stay the night free of charge.
Tommy commented that it was generous of them to show some ‘basic fucking decency’ since there was nothing you could do against being snowed in.
The  weather outside was frightful, and it was not ironic. The sky had an  eerie shine that made its cold grey hue quite terrifying. The trees were  heavy with snow that broke branches and took down some of the dead  trunks to their final rest. Constant, fluffy snowflakes piled on the  driveway, the streets, and everywhere they could land. Tommy’s footsteps  were already buried under fresh snow.
Tommy believed there  was something delightful about it. He loved winters, that you knew very  well, but you had to admit that the sight before your eyes was not the  ugliest thing you had ever seen. The snow people you built together the  night before looked charming with their crooked arms and carrot noses.  He listened to the crackling fire, the wind, your relaxed breathing. He  would trade a whole summer just to have one moment like this again.
“Do you think we got —”
“Enough wood?” Tommy cut you off, and you nodded. “Yes,” and water? “yes,” and food, blankets, clothes? “yes, yes and also yes.”
You sat more comfortably on the couch where knitted blankets and plush pillows covered most of the surface.
Tommy  could see your mind racing, it was going faster than the speed of the  gusts of wind. “We’ll be fine, babe.” He reassured you and walked in  your direction, pressing a still cold hand on your cheek to stroke your  skin with his thumb.
“Maybe we’ll be fine.” You hesitated to  agree, but failed to find a reason as to why he would be wrong. Unless  power shut off right now and only came back the next morning, you could  easily survive off the bare necessities. “But we’ll be bored.”
The  affirmation left Tommy speechless. His lips curled downwards, bottom  lip pouting and head slowly nodding. “Yep. We’ll be bored.”
Another sigh left your body.
“Unless...”  Tommy smirked, looking down at you. The last snowflakes left on his  face and eyelashes had melted. His rosy cheeks, still noticeable under  his beard, gave him even more of a mischievous look.
You did not catch his drift.
So,  he started to kneel before you, right between your legs. What started  as a smooth descent ended in an heavy, audible, grunt when his knees met  the ground. You both chuckled, then he spoke. “Unless we do something  that is not boring.”
You rolled your eyes and laughed.  It only then hit you that most of the past two days, you did not spend  them enjoying the village or the hiking trail by the frozen lake. You  did not pick up the book you brought with you, you did not even remember  the board games Tommy insisting on taking along. Every source of  entertainment had remained packed in the bags that piled up in the small  entrance of the cabin.
Tommy could not be happier about it,  he had two beautiful days to enjoy your presence in more ways than one.  The cabin was small, it had few rooms, but there was not one that you  left behind because he made it his resolution to fuck you in each and  every single one of them. The snowstorm presented him with one more  opportunity to enjoy his favourite spot by the fire place.
“I can’t believe you.”
He  tilted his head like a puppy, eyes bright and reflective of the white  carpet of snow outside the window that was behind you. He moved a hand  up your leg, on your thigh, until you parted your legs just enough for  him to feel you up your pyjama pants. “Are you sure about that?”
You  gasped when the same thumb that was stroking your face started to rub  over your core, still covered by the pants. Your nodding was faint, your  cute attempt made him smile from ear to ear.
“Because that pretty pussy of yours is telling me otherwise.”
Your  attempt at rolling your eyes and mocking what he said failed. His thumb  pressed the hem of the fabric against your clit and the friction pulled  soft whimpers out of you. “Again?” You whined.
You sounded like you were trying to protest, but you lifted yourself up for Tommy to help pull your pyjama pants off. You opened your legs for him, knowing he would bury his head between your thighs any second now. “You know I can’t get enough of you.”
“Fuck yes I am.” He winked, even if both of his eyes closed together before he started to trail kisses along your inner thighs, soothing over the marks he left behind the previous times. Whether the bruises came from his beard or from love bites, he covered them with open mouthed kisses before he finally licked over your pussy with a flat tongue.
Your warmth made the last traces of the outside weather on Tommy’s skin disappear. With a hand firmly pressed on top of his head, fingers hopelessly trying to grip on his short hair, you could not even guide him. He knew what to do to get you dripping for him, juices he would lick and swallow in a heartbeat.
He moaned against your folds, tongue lapping at you. He teased your hole that he had stretched so many times the past couple of days. His tongue easily went in and out of your entrance while his nose bumped deliciously against your clit.
You echoed his moans with your owns, but you let out a surprised squeal when he sucked on your clit and pushed a finger inside of you.
“Taste,” he interrupted himself, flicking his tongue over the sensitive bud. “So fucking good.”
You looked down at his face, his beard was glistening with your wetness and his smile grew wider when you clenched your walls around his fingers.
He dove right back in your pussy, devouring you as if he had not tasted you in ages. “Wanna cum for me, baby?”
“Yes, please!” You cried out, your body started to move in its own mysterious ways against his mouth.
Tommy added a second finger, curling them up inside of you while he kept thrusting them nice and deep. “That’s my good girl, yeah, just like that, give it to me.” His thumb rubbed your clit while he told you to “cum in my mouth, let me taste you” and that you “look so fucking pretty cumming for me.”
Your hand left his head, instead they tried to grip on the blankets or the couch, anything that would keep you from the spasms of pleasure that ran through you.
“God, you’re so beautiful.” Tommy murmured before he licked you clean  —  your clit, then your hole, then all over your folds. He licked and kissed your sensitive skin, he even licked down to your asshole that he teased gently. The tip of his skin dipped on the rim of muscles and the way you whimpered from the new sensation made him throb painfully in the confines of his grey sweatpants. He would stay down there, he wanted to stay down there, but his body was telling him otherwise.
And you were literally telling him otherwise too. Still riding that blissful, fuzzy state of mind, you begged him with incoherent pleas to feel him inside you, to have him fill you up to the brim.
He made your wish come true and helped you turn around on the couch while he stood up behind you.
Your knees were sinking into the cushion of the couch, your elbows leaned on the back rest. Before you, there was a sea of white, sparkly snow. Behind you, there was an unbelievably turned on Tommy that pushed his pants down to his ankles and rubbed the leaking tip of his cock against your soaked folds.
“Such a perfect pussy.” He told himself, even though you could still hear him, while he gave you a few slaps with his cock.
“All yours.” You turned your head to the back, only briefly looking at him before your eyes shut as he pushed himself all the way inside of you.
“Yeah, that’s right.” Tommy sighed, he grunted when he bottomed out. “All mine.”
You pulled on your shirt, so that he had more space to rest his hands.
He was fucking you deep, fast too, like the idea of having your slick walls swallow him whole had been on his mind all day long. Sometimes his hands were gripping your hips roughly, other times he was pressing on your back for you to arch it, helping him reach even deeper in your pussy.
You gasped audibly when you felt Tommy’s thumb against your other hole. He was rubbing it in small circles, not even pushing, he just teased you like that and the fact you clenched harder around him convinced him to keep going.
“Ah,” He breathed out, stilling his hips after he slammed his cock back inside you. “Do ya think they’ll let us come back next year if they find out we fucked all over this place?”
You reached one arm behind you, trying to playfully slap him for this stupid joke. As you both laughed it out, you moved yourself on his cock. You moved back and forth, slowly, feeling every inch of him.
It did not last long until Tommy took over the control of the pace simply because he needed you too badly to endure all the teasing. Your skin slapped against his, all of your moans and noises melted together and created beautiful music with the crackling firewood that was burning away.
Suddenly, you felt his body weight on your back as he wrapped an arm around your waist to reach for your core. “Please, make me cum, please!”
His lips kissed your jaw, all that he could reach. “I love making you beg like a slut.” He bit down on his thin lips and started to rub your clit with circles that were as frantic as his hips while he kept fucking you. “Even though you know damn well I’ll always make you cum.”
Your head fell on your arms and your body reached another edge. Even with your eyes closed, you could see stars that looked like dancing snowflakes in a night sky. Waves of pleasure, warmth and bliss washed over you until you were drained of all that you had to give.
Tommy started to cum, with loud grunts covering your own moans. He stopped moving only when he completely emptied himself inside of your clenching, relaxing walls.
Your whines turned quickly into sobs when you felt him pull out of you. If words would leave your mind, you would have told him to stay there, right there, buried balls deep inside you and holding you close while you enjoyed the moment. Audible groans, however, were all that you could express.
He pressed a kiss on your lower back while he leaned forward, face meeting with your core again. “Shh, I’m right here.” He cooed you, reassuring he was not up to no good. He rested a hand on each side of your ass and pulled your cheeks open for him. His tongue swiped all the way from your swollen and aching clit to your ass.
It soothed your sensitive folds. As you relaxed, drops of his cum fell out of your hole.
Drops that he eagerly licked off you to clean you up. He lapped at your pussy until he caught every drop of his load in his mouth.
Lazily, you moved on the the couch to lay down and put your head on the arm rest. There was about just enough space for Tommy’s body to hover you, shoulders large and strong and face soft and full of love.
He leaned his head down, lips closed, for a kiss that deepened in no time. He moaned in the kiss while your tongue slipped past his lips to explore his mouth.
Your hand found its place on his head, still gripping on his hair to bring him impossibly closer to you.
Tommy kissed you back with intensity. It got sloppy, with spit and your juices mixed together dripping down your chin. It took your lungs to turn into a burning fireplace for the kiss to end, and for both Tommy and you to swallow what was left in your mouths.
You placed a little kiss on his nose and snuggled against his heavy body. You thought there would be some peace and quiet to relax after what you two had done.
Tommy had very different plans. Obviously. “We need to cool off, don’t you think?” You followed Tommy’s glance, it lead to the large window — to the front yard. He cleaned up a drop that fell on your chin, replacing it with a quick kiss. “Are you up for a snowball fight?”  
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sparklypinkflightsuit · 8 months
Predator and Prey: Chapter One
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Pairing: Tommy Cahill x Reader
Ongoing Series - Loosely based on ‘Sleeping With the Enemy’
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, Minors do not interact, Slow Burn, War Inaccuracies, Mention of PTSD but barely, Stalking, Abuse, Sexual Themes, Alcohol, I think that’s it?
Summary: You move to a small town following a bad breakup around the time Tommy goes to Prison, 3 years later you meet and build a relationship, but will your jealous, angry ex ever really let you go?
Notes: Hiiii! This is my first fic since I was like, 13? So apologies if I’ve missed anything! I’m also UK based trying to write as an American so writing styles and words may differ, but I do try! I just feel like we need more Jake Gyllenhaal fics, and I love a slow burn and some thrills so enjoy! Reblogs and comments welcome :)
You groaned as your phones alarm clock chimed on your bedside table, the repetitive high pitched dings already putting you in a bad mood for the day.
You slammed your hand on your phone and blindly prodded the screen in the hopes of turning it off, eventually managing to hit the correct spot.
You lay in your dark room, preparing yourself to get up and out of bed for your day of work. It was only Tuesday but it had already been a long week.
After getting dressed, brushing your teeth and hair, and putting on a little bit of makeup, you set out the door. It was still dark out and the only light illuminating the street ahead was from the old street lights that lined the pavement.
The walk to work was only 10 minutes long, but that morning it felt a lot longer, as you couldn’t shake the feeling of eyes on you. You turned around to check if anyone was around several times, finding nothing but the odd cat or trash can lining the street.
You eventually made it to work and had enough time to make yourself a cup of coffee before flipping the ‘Closed’ sign to ‘Open’.
The day was slower than normal with very few customers walking into your little book store, which was something you could understand with the town being as small as it was, but you had a few regular book worms who would frequent your shop due to the lack of a library in the area. You bided your time by straightening the shelves and readjusting the pillows on the couches in each of the cosy corners by the windows, counting down the minutes and hours until you could close up and go home to your dog, just to do it all again the next day.
On Wednesday evenings your store played host to a soup kitchen due to the large prep area in the back, as your store was once a small Chinese Restaurant before you bought it. You’d agreed to it being used when your store was closed but soon found yourself volunteering to help chop up vegetables and serve, and you enjoyed it more than you thought you would, making it a recurring Wednesday tradition, so at least tomorrow you’d have something to keep yourself busy with.
It wasn’t all bad though, the time you had on your hands. Most afternoons once you had closed up shop, you’d take your dog, Jet, down to the local park to play fletch. Or you’d catch up on your own reading, or try a new recipe only for it to cost you more than takeout and taste nothing like what you’d hoped. It did get lonely though, with the only family you had living on opposite ends of the country, at times you’d considered moving closer to them, but you’d come to love the little town you’d stumbled across 3 years ago.
You’d only moved here from New York when your breakup with Jason had reached boiling point, with him knowing all of your friends, rumours about you soon spread and it became unbearable to stay. He had started stalking you and had your friends keep tabs on everywhere you went, eventually you even opted to forego all social interactions. You had welcomed the fresh start, and once you’d blocked Jason’s number you could finally begin to move on.
One time he had written you a letter after having found your new address on a piece of mail with your forwarding address attached, which somehow made its way to your old apartment instead. The letter was full of threats, demeaning words and also promises of a better life if you returned, but you dismissed these as empty threats, threw away the letter and got on with creating your new life.
You were just about to close up shop early, when the ding of the bell above the door sounded. You turned around to see a tall, dark haired man with a buzzcut, white t-shirt and a brown jacket walk in. You noticed a small tattoo on his neck.
“Hi, are you after anything specific?” You asked with a small smile, trying not to seem overbearing.
The man smiled politely, but didn’t maintain eye contact for long, and went back to scanning the low shelves near the front door.
“No I’m fine, thank you though.” He said. His voice was deep and gruff, and his eyes crinkled when he smiled.
“Okay, just let me know if you need anything.” You smiled back, and turned back to the counter where you were organising receipt rolls and pens. You hated it when you went into a store to browse and the staff lingered, so had never done this to your own customers, giving them space.
After a minute or two, the man cleared his throat awkwardly.
“Actually, sorry, yeah. I’m after a book on PTSD, like how to manage it and stuff, do you have anything like that?” He said, rubbing the back of his head as he looked up at you sheepishly.
Oh, perhaps he was one of those army guys, who had seen some horrible things in the war.
“Uhh, yeah we do actually. It’s just overrr…. Here!” You said walking over to a shelf on the left of the store, under the “self help” section.
“We only have the one though, I’m not sure if it will be much help?” You said handing him the book.
“Thanks.” He said, taking the book and scanning over the cover, “It’s not for me.” He added, looking awkward.
“Say no more.” You smiled and laughed a little to ease the tension he may have been feeling.
You walked back to the counter and waited for the man to follow. He took out a twenty dollar bill and waited for you to ring up how much the book would cost. You thought for a moment, and decided to do your one good thing that day.
“Uhh…. It looks like we don’t actually have the book in our system, and no price is showing up, I guess it’s free.” You lied, laughing lightly and pushing his twenty back to him.
The man thought for moment and looked you in the eye. “You really don’t need to do that, I promise the book’s not for me anyway. It’s for my brother.” He shrugged.
“Well then I guess your brother gets a free book.” You smiled, putting the book in a paper bag and handing it to the man.
He smiled, a genuine and slightly crooked smile, and thanked you. He took one last look at you and went to head out the door.
“Wait!” You called suddenly, your bravery getting the best of you. He turned around.
“I haven’t seen you around before, are you local?” You asked.
“Yeah… I’ve been away for a while. My names Tommy.” He smiled.
“Nice to meet you Tommy. I’m (Y/N), hope to see you around.” You smiled back, and turned to go back to your tidying.
Tommy left feeling happier than he had in a while. He hadn’t had a friendly encounter with the towns folk since coming out of prison, or with his family since Sam came back from Afghanistan and the news had come out that he and Grace had kissed.
Tommy didn’t have feelings for Grace, not real feelings anyway, and he realised this once Sam returned. Tommy chalked it up to the grief they both felt having thought he had died, as well as the happiness he felt when he was in a family environment. No, the only feelings Tommy had for Grace now were guilt, and he struggled to be around them.
He had decided to buy a book on how to manage PTSD so he knew how to handle Sam, who was due to come home from his stay at the psychiatric unit. Tommy felt sad that things had become so hard for Sam, and he was determined to not make things any worse.
Your act of kindness towards Tommy had turned a bad day around, and as he drove home that evening, he couldn’t help but think about the warm smile and beautiful eyes that he found at the little bookstore on the corner.
You had just closed up the shop, and began to walk home as the light dipped behind the horizon, casting the sky in a blue haze, the street lights had since flickered on and you watched your shadow grow large and then small as you passed under each one. Jet’s dog walker would have left around 3 hours ago and you bet he’d be itching for another walk, so hurried as fast as you could.
About a block from home you stopped suddenly as your breath caught in your throat and your heart sped up. You could hear footsteps close behind, and the they were closing the gap between you quickly. You spun around prepared to come face to face with an attacker or someone hoping to snatch your measly purse, but were met with an empty sidewalk dimly lit by street lamps and lined with trees.
You strained your eyes for any movement, but eventually convinced yourself you were being paranoid, and speed walked the rest of the way home, only letting your breath go once you were safely inside and you had locked your door.
-Chapter Two Here-
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sparklypinkflightsuit · 8 months
Predator and Prey: Final - Chapter Nine
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Pairing: Tommy Cahill x Reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, Minors do not interact, Slow Burn, War Inaccuracies, Lots of Swearing, Mention of PTSD but barely, Stalking, Abuse, Sexual Themes, Kidnapping, Drugging, Mentions of Pregnancy.
Summary: You and Tommy start a new life together.
Short Chapter
- Chapter Eight Here -
Three days had passed before the drugs finally cleared from your system, even after doctors administered activated charcoal and other medicines to help. The doctors had told Tommy you were lucky he found you so quickly, as you had been given a near fatal dose.
You finally began to stir, and Tommy immediately rushed to your side.
“Hey, hey.. take it easy.” He said gently, pushing you back down and stroking your hair.
You were confused, the last thing you remembered was being in your kitchen, and then you felt a sharp pinch in your neck and suddenly you were waking up in the hospital. Tommy filled you in on what had happened, and you cried. You couldn’t believe this had all been because you were stupid enough to trust someone like Chloe, and with your precious dog of all things. Tommy held you until you calmed down, and assured you everything was going to be ok.
You lay back down and looked up at Tommy, you were so grateful for him, for everything he’d done, and for finding and saving you. You were thankful for Sam and Mike too, and made a mental note to thank them when you saw them next.
You stroked Tommys cheek and gently pulled him down to kiss you. The kiss was gentle but filled with affection, and Tommy melted into you having been starved of this for 3 days, thinking the whole time he may lose you.
“I need to tell you something.” Tommy mumbled into your lips as he pulled away slightly.
“What is it?” You whispered, dizzy from the kiss, or the remnants of being drugged, you weren’t sure.
“I know it’s probably too soon to say this, but I wouldn’t be saying it if I wasn’t really fucking sure I meant it… but baby, I’m in love with you. I knew it before this all happened but now I’m so sure it hurts. I thought I was gonna lose you before I could tell you and that scared me. Like a lot… I don’t ever wanna know the feeling of being without you. If you’ll have me, and I’m not just a hot piece of ass to you-“ he stopped and chuckled, “then it’s me and you, kid. I don’t want anyone else.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, and tears slipped from your eyes as you grinned up at him. “Oh you are so the soppy one in this relationship.” You laughed, pulling him back down for a kiss. “I love you Tommy Cahill.” You mumbled into his lips, and you felt Tommy smile into the kiss as he pulled the white curtain closed around your hospital bed.
A month later, you and Tommy packed up his truck with everything you needed, with Jet securely in the back seat, and you set off.
You both decided a fresh start was needed. You sold your store, books and all, to an elderly couple looking to put their retirement to good use, and found a leafy little town about 2 hours West that looked like it had potential. You’d put a deposit on a house with a nice big back yard, backing up on vast green woods and with many local parks for Jet to enjoy. You would find a new little store to open, and you and Tommy would create a new life.
Tommy grabbed your hand and gave it a kiss as he drove. You smiled at him and finally felt relief wash over you as drove further and further away from the place you called home for 3 years. You also felt nervous excitement, as you hadn’t yet told Tommy that you were pregnant. You would tell him over a takeout dinner that night in your new home. You didn’t know it yet, but Tommy would be ecstatic, and he’d pick you up and swing you in circles. Tommy couldn’t wait to be a dad, and he would be a good one too.
Yes, everything had worked out somehow. If you had never met Jason, and he had never sent you running, you wouldn’t have ever met Tommy. In some way everything bad had brought you everything good, and so you could make peace with it.
You were ready for this fresh start, and as you day dreamed about your new life, you failed to notice the car that had been following you turn for turn for the last hour.
The end.
Note: I’d just like to say a massive thank you to everyone who read this, I really hope you enjoyed it! It was so much fun to write again ❤️
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sparklypinkflightsuit · 8 months
Predator and Prey: Chapter Seven
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Pairing: Tommy Cahill x Reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, Minors do not interact, Slow Burn, War Inaccuracies, Swearing, Mention of PTSD but barely, Stalking, Abuse, Sexual Themes, Smut, Unprotected Sex (don’t do it!), I think that’s it?
Summary: Things take a dark turn after you and Tommy finally take the next step.
- Chapter Six Here -
18+ only beyond this point
You woke up to the sound of a phone buzzing. It wasn’t yours so you nudged Tommy awake.
“Hey…” you whispered, shaking him slightly.
Tommy didn’t budge, and light snoring escaped his slightly parted lips.
You laughed softly, and starting kissing his chest and stomach in quick little bursts.
Tommy chuckled, “Stop, I’m really ticklish.” One eye opened slightly, looking down at you.
“Morning handsome, your phones ringing.” You smirked up at him.
Tommy groaned, and reluctantly rolled over to grab it from his nightstand. When he saw the caller ID he shot up into a sitting position.
“Sam?” He answered, slowly moving to stand up, both still naked from your bedtime shenanigans. You suddenly felt a pang of worry, wondering what the call could be about.
After a few seconds Tommy chuckled lightly, and you breathed a sigh of relief. Tommy paced up and down the room as he spoke to his brother. You couldn’t help but bite your lip as you admired his body.
“Uh huh, yeah… that’s fine, I’ll see you then. Bye.” He hung up with smile on his face.
“Sam wants to see me today. Just the two of us. Will you be okay if I go?” He asked, still smiling from his phone call.
“Of course, I need to go back to the house and sort some things out anyway, call a window repairman, speak to my landlord, all the boring stuff.” You shrugged, sitting up in bed.
Tommys smile faltered, and he walked over to you and sat in front of you on the bed, facing you. He cupped your face gently and stroked your cheek.
“I’m not saying you can’t handle it on your own, but… why don’t you wait here until I get back? I can come with you then.” Tommy knew he’d feel much better if you just waited for him.
You leaned forward and kissed Tommy, you couldn’t get enough of him, you could stay in bed with him all day, tangled in the sheets. You pushed the thought out of your mind, no Tommy needed to go see Sam and you had things to do.
You shook your head and smiled at the man in front of you. “You worry too much. I’ll be fine, I promise. I’m taking Jet anyway, plus the repairman will probably be there for a while if I can get one booked in for today.”
Tommy breathed a sigh of defeat. “Ok, I’ll meet you at the house after I’m done with Sam?”
You nodded, “Yeah that would be good, we can go get lunch somewhere maybe?”
“Sounds good, beautiful.”
You went to stand up to get ready for your day, but Tommy grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you back onto the bed.
“What are-“ you started but were interrupted by his lips on yours. Tommy pushed you to lay down, and slowly began kissing down your neck and collar bone.
“Mmmm….” You moaned, “Tommy, we’ll be in bed all day..”
Tommy didn’t reply, continuing to kiss down to your breasts, his tongue darting out to lick over your hard nipples, giving each the attention they deserved. He then moved swiftly down and peppered kisses all over your stomach.
You tangled your fingers in his hair as you felt him going further South, your heart rate quickening. Tommy looked up at you and you locked eyes for a brief second, before his tongue made its way out and lapped hungrily at your core. You gasped and wriggled underneath him, the feeling unfamiliar, having had nothing like this in over three years.
Tommy moaned into you, and slid his middle finger into you slowly, causing you to gasp loudly, before covering your face with your arm. He continued this for several minutes, flatting his hand on your lower stomach to keep you still, as you tried to buck into him.
Suddenly he stopped, deciding he couldn’t hold out any longer. He spat in his hand and pumped himself a few times. Tommy crawled up to your face, kissing a line up your stomach and chest. You pushed him over onto his back, and straddled him.
“Oh…” he said with eyes wide. He liked where this was going.
You slowly lowered yourself onto him, inch by inch until he was all the way inside you. You savoured the stretch you felt, and how far in he went, before you began circling your hips.
Tommy bit his knuckle as he watched you ride him, your right hand holding the headboard for support while your left hand touched yourself for Tommys visual pleasure. He ran his free hand over your stomach downwards, and took over for you, rubbing small circles on your clit as you bounced. You moaned and threw your head back as you continued riding him.
“I think I’m gonna cum..” Tommy breathed.
“Cum for me, Tommy.” You instructed, locking eyes.
“Yes ma’am.” He breathed. Tommys eyebrows knit together and his mouth hung open as he bucked hard a few times, and spilled into you.
Seeing his muscles tense under you and the look on his face was enough to send you over the edge. You gasped and clenched around him, you body shuddering violently. This caused Tommy to groan and throw his head back against the pillow, eyes rolling to the back of his head. You bucked a couple more times to ride out your high, and collapsed on Tommys chest, panting.
“Holy shit..” he breathed, an arm wrapping around your shoulders while the other wiped sweat off of his forehead.
You and Tommy both had a quick shower to get cleaned up. You left yours and Jets things at his as you planned to stay the night again. You quickly checked the security cameras to make sure everything was ok at home, rewinding until the night before. There had been no motion sensor triggers and nothing seemed amiss, so you eventually made it out the door after being pulled back in several times by Tommy for kisses.
Back at your house, you unlocked the door and poked your head in, everything seemed fine and far less menacing in the day light. You let Jet in and made quick work calling the local window repair man, who said he could be there in an hour and 20 minutes. You thanked him and proceeded to call your landlord. She answered and you explained your situation. She was horrified but understood, and even agreed to give you back half of your deposit despite breaking your contract early. She said she’d need to start viewings as early as next week to replace you, and you agreed that your things would be boxed up and out of the house by then.
You breathed a sigh of relief, which was quickly replaced with dread as you looked around the house at all the things that needed to be done by then.
You decided the first step would be to go and obtain some cardboard boxes, you had a few back at the store from when you opened it. You didn’t feel comfortable leaving Jet there with the window being how it was, and still had around an hour before the repair man would arrive, so opted to walk Jet to the store.
You grabbed as many boxes as you could comfortably carry and made your way back to the house.
Jet settled on the sofa with his favourite bone, and you put the tv on for background noise as you worked to pack away as many things as you could in the boxes you had.
You worked away, humming to yourself, feeling giddy that you and Tommy had taken things to the next step. You didn’t know what to call it, but you were in a good place. You heard your phone ping, and looked down at the screen:
Tommy C:
“Hey, miss you ❤️ Having a good time catching up with Sam, but can’t wait to see you later. Am I being too soppy?”
You laughed, and picked up your phone to reply, not noticing over the background noise that your attic hatch door had opened, and someone was silently, almost expertly, dropping down into the small blindspot between the living room and hallway were the cameras weren’t facing.
Jets tail wagged as he saw a face he recognised, the figure slowly walking towards you where your back was turned in the kitchen.
Before you could finish your text to Tommy, a notification popped up on your screen.
Movement Detected: Kitchen
You ignored this, your motion sensors had been going off since you got home. You really needed to disable these while you were there. You went back to typing to Tommy.
Tommy never did receive a reply from you, but he thought maybe you had gotten distracted. It was only hours later, when he had left Sam’s house, and tried to call you, that he began to worry. He left a voicemail as he drove to your house.
“Hey, just left Sam’s. On my way to you now, if you get this before I arrive, please call me. Can’t wait to see you.”
He hung up, but the feeling of dread was only growing stronger and stronger as he drove the agonisingly long 5 minute journey to your street.
He pulled up outside your house and could hear Jet barking from inside the house. He quickly got out of the truck and noticed a “sorry we missed you” post-it stuck to your door, with the window repairman’s logo at the top. Tommy went cold. He pushed the front door open, and Jet ran up to him with a whimper.
Tommy called your name into the empty house, and waited for a reply. Nothing. He scanned the living room and kitchen for any signs of a struggle, the only giveaway was Jets water bowl had been knocked over and soaked the kitchen floor.
Tommy ran around the rest of the house looking for you, calling your name over and over.
Panic washed over Tommy, and he took out his phone to dial your number. Suddenly the number was going straight to voicemail.
Your sunny voice echoed through the house.
“Hi, sorry I can’t get to the phone right now, just drop me a message and I’ll call you back as soon as I can.”
The beep signalling he could leave his message sounded and Tommy hung up. His eyes darted around the house trying to figure out what to do.
He grabbed Jets lead and took him to the truck, putting him securely in the back seat.
Tommy climbed in the drivers seat and just sat there for a second, contemplating what could have happened and what to do next.
A tide of anger swept over him suddenly, and he shouted, cursed and smashed the steering wheel until he’d calmed down. Jet cocked his head at the noise, and then whimpered and lay down on the back seat.
“Sorry boy, sorry…” Tommy breathed, panting with anger and worry. He lay his head on the steering wheel contemplating whether or not to go to the cops, as he knew they would just tell him to wait 24 hours.
No, Tommy had a better idea. He had to call Sam.
- Chapter Eight Here -
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sparklypinkflightsuit · 8 months
Predator and Prey: Chapter Five
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Pairing: Tommy Cahill x Reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, Minors do not interact, Slow Burn, War Inaccuracies, Swearing, Mention of PTSD but barely, Stalking, Abuse, Sexual Themes, Edging on Smut I think, Alcohol & Drugs, I think that’s it?
Summary: Your and Tommys flirting gives way to something else. Tommy is at wits end with whoever is messing with you.
- Chapter Four Here -
18+ only below this point
You woke up the next morning to sunshine warming your cheeks, and blinding your eyes.
You shot up in bed, looking around the sunlit room. Shit, what was the time?
You swung round and grabbed your phone to check the time. 12:49.
Crap, why hadn’t your alarm gone off?
You jumped out of bed and threw on a pair of jeans, and rifled through your cupboard for a jumper. Once you were dressed you ran to the living room and found it empty, rounding the corner you found Jet eating from his bowl in the kitchen. He had luckily already been fed, you assumed Tommy had done this, but couldn’t see him in the house.
You picked up your phone and dialled Tommy.
It rang three times and then he answered, “Finally awake, sleepy head?” He chuckled.
“Tommy I’m so sorry, I slept in, where are you?” You questioned, rushing around to grab your bag and shoes to get to the book store. You were so late!
“I’m at the store, I decided to let you catch up on some sleep. We’ve had a fair few customers today.” He said, sounding proud of himself.
You finally let out the breath you’d held in, thankful.
“Oh my god I’m definitely going to need to add you to the payroll now.” You mock groaned, grinning from ear to ear.
Tommy chuckled, “Yeah boss, I guess you will.” He joked.
You decided to take Jet into work that day, he deserved some one on one time with you after the off few weeks you’d been having. You called his walker to cancel her visit and walked him the book store.
You sometimes took Jet to work with you and the regulars loved him. Sometimes he would sleep at their feet as they read, or he’d try to prompt them to play with him if he was in an excitable mood, but he was always well behaved. You did at times feel bad taking him with you as you felt he may grow bored, but today seemed appropriate as it would likely only be a half day.
Opening the door to the store, you let Jet off of his lead and he ran up to one of your regulars, who gave him a fuss. While Jet was distracted you walked up to the counter where Tommy was talking to a regular who you hadn’t seen in a while. They both turned to look at you.
“Grace! Hi, it’s been a while, how are you?” You greeted her with a smile. She looked awkward and shot you a quick smile.
“Hi (Y/N), yeah sorry it’s been a crazy few months.” She laughed nervously.
Tommy frowned behind the counter, and you suddenly realised you may have interrupted an argument.
“We’ll have to catch up some time. I’m just going to pop round back to grab Jet some water. See you around?” You questioned, wanting to give them some space to finish their conversation.
Tommy smiled at you as if to say “thanks” and Grace nodded.
You went into the kitchen and filled a bowl with water for Jet. You decided to linger back there a few minutes, and made a coffee for you and Tommy. After a couple of minutes, Tommy walked into the kitchen and sighed.
“Sorry about that. Grace is my sister in law, my brother is coming home this weekend so we were trying to figure out the best way to go about it. She thinks it’s best if I wasn’t there when he got home.” He said, looking more upset than you had seen since meeting him.
“Oh Tommy, I’m sorry. Is there a reason why she doesn’t want you there?” Tommy hesitated, he hadn’t told you about Grace, and he feared if he did it may ruin things with you.
“Family issues.” He said, opting to leave out which family issues they were. “Things were strained with him and I before he.. went away.” He lied, crossing his arms.
Tommy and Sam had always been close, but the incident with Grace had understandably put a slight rift between the brothers.
You felt badly for Tommy, you’d heard about how hard his father had been on him, favouring Sam. You felt Tommy was misunderstood and it wasn’t fair. You knew a side of Tommy most people didn’t get to see. You had never connected the dots that Grace was Sam’s wife, never having met Sam before.
You walked over and gave him a big hug, and he wrapped his strong arms around your waist. You were growing more and more dependant on those arms.
Tommy sighed into your hair, and you swore you felt him kiss the top of your head. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach but you pretended you didn’t notice. You cleared your throat and pulled away, smiling at Tommy.
“I’m not sure if this will make your day any better but… you want a job, kid?” You asked.
Tommy laughed, “If it means I get to spend more time with you, sure, that would be great. Can I be store manager?” He tried with a smirk on his face.
You rolled your eyes at him and laughed, “Yeah yeah, been here all of two seconds and already after a promotion.” You winked at him as you grabbed your coffees and walked around front.
Tommy followed and you spent the rest of the afternoon helping customers and making small talk with the regulars.
7pm rolled around quickly and you locked up the store.
“I’m gonna walk you home, I just want to do a check of the house before you go in.” He stated. You flushed at the authority he asserted in stating and not asking.
“Thanks.” You blushed, but you didn’t think Tommy could see this in the dark.
You walked and made conversation, only stopping to let Jet sniff the odd bush or lamp post. When you got to the house you unlocked the door and Tommy went inside, you waited by the door and watched as he disappeared down the dark hallway. Your heart rate sped up slightly while you waited, listening for any sign of distress.
Tommy came back a minute later, giving the all clear. You sighed with relief and let yourself and Jet in, closing the door behind you.
“Can I get you a drink before you go?” You offered, waking to the kitchen and opening the fridge door. Tommy followed you into the kitchen, and leaned against your island.
“Yeah, thanks, anything’s fine.” He mumbled, mind occupied suddenly.
You shrugged with your back turned to him. “If you want something alcoholic I’ve only got Chenin Blanc, otherwise…. I’ve got coffee, orange juice, or water?” You offered.
Tommy was quiet, staring at you longingly from his place at the kitchen island.
You turned around after not hearing a reply, “You okay?” You probed, noticing the pinched eyebrows and how he bit his bottom lip.
He still didn’t speak, but after a moments thought, Tommy pushed off of the kitchen island and slowly closed the gap in between you. He brought his hand up to gently cup your cheek, stroking it with his thumb as he looked from your eyes to your lips.
Your breathing stuttered as you peered into his cobalt eyes. “Tommy..?” you whispered.
“Tell me to stop..” he grumbled in a low voice.
“No, I won’t.” You said, and with that Tommy’s lips finally connected with yours, a hungry and fierce passion you hadn’t expected. You whimpered with surprise, and kissed him back with fervour. Your arms wrapped around his neck and one of your hands found place in his short hair.
Slowly, Tommy backed you up against the fridge door, without breaking the kiss. His hands moving to your waist.
You moaned at the touch, and Tommy took this as an invitation to bite your bottom lip. You gasped and Tommy smirked into the kiss. You eventually pulled back to breathe, head resting against the fridge door. Tommy rested his forehead against yours as you both caught your breath. You both chuckled lightly, reeling in what just happened.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a while.” He admitted. You nodded, biting your lip.
“Me too. Would it be too much to ask you to stay the night again?” You didn’t want to ask too much of him, but you felt safe in his presence.
“I’d love to. Do you mind if I take a shower?” He asked, he was wearing different clothes today from what he had on last night, so you assumed he had gone home to change this morning before opening the store.
You nodded, “I’ll grab you a fresh towel, but you’ll have to use my girly soaps.” You joked.
While Tommy showered, you quickly went to your room and put on a swipe of mascara as you had forgotten to do so in your rush to leave the house that morning. You sprayed on some light perfume, and changed into something more comfortable. You didn’t want to go in too slutty too quickly so opted for a light pink satin nightie, and waited for him on the bed.
After about 10 minutes, Tommy finished his shower and slowly walked into your bedroom with just a towel around his waist. A halo of steam billowed off of his damp body.
Your insides did somersaults as you took in the incredible man in front of you, his muscles, his tattoos, the hair on his chest, the dark look of lust in his eyes, as he stepped further into the room and shut the bedroom door gently.
You sat against the headboard and waited for Tommy as he stopped at the end of the bed.
“You look so beautiful.” He breathed.
“You’re not so bad yourself.” You said.
Tommy knelt at the foot of the bed and slowly crawled his way up to where you sat, painfully slowly, maintaining eye contact the entire way up.
You tried to control your breathing but your heart rate made this difficult and you were practically panting by the time he reached you, one of his hands sliding up the side of your leg before it came to rest next to you, propping himself up.
“You sure this isn’t too much too quick?” He asked, aware of how long it had been for you, and the bad experience you had the last time you were with a man.
You caressed his face and pulled him in for a gentle kiss, he lingered slightly and pulled away to look you in the eye with genuine concern.
“Actually, I don’t think it’s enough.” You breathed. Tommy growled, hungrily capturing your lips again. He took your breath away.
Your hands slowly felt their way down his chest, tracing each muscle as they strained to hold him up above you. You stopped at the towel and were about to remove it….
Suddenly there was a loud crashing noise outside the bedroom, and Jet began to bark angrily. You both jumped out of the bed and Tommy tightened his towel, motioning with his hand for you to stay and keep quiet.
You clasped your hand over your mouth for fear you may lose it and scream. You wanted to get to Jet to make sure he was ok.
Ignoring Tommys instructions, you followed him out of the room and saw that someone had thrown a brick through your living room window. Luckily Jet was ok, as he had been asleep in his dog bed on the other end of the room. You ran to Jet, careful to avoid the glass, and made sure he wasn’t hurt, trying to calm him.
Tommy ran to the window, hopping over broken glass careful not to cut his feet.
“Shit!” He cursed. Whoever had thrown the brick was long gone. He turned back to you to make sure you were ok.
“I think you and Jet should stay the night at my apartment. Pack a bag.” He instructed.
In a haze, you nodded and went to your room to pack overnight clothes and essentials.
Tommy got dressed in the bathroom and helped you patch the window up with a garbage bag and tape to keep out the damp. You packed Jets things and got out of the house. In the morning you would speak to your landlord, safe to say you would be ending your lease contract early.
- Chapter Six Here -
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sparklypinkflightsuit · 8 months
Predator and Prey: Chapter Four
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Pairing: Tommy Cahill x Reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, Minors do not interact, Slow Burn, War Inaccuracies, Swearing, Mention of PTSD but barely, Stalking, Abuse, Sexual Themes, Alcohol & Drugs, I think that’s it?
Summary: You reach breaking point as you realise someone has been inside your home. Tommy protects you.
- Chapter Three Here -
The next week went well, with you and Tommy hanging out at every chance you got.
He would meet you at the book store most days and even helped out with straightening the shelves, or helping customers find books they were after. Most of the locals were less than pleased to see Tommy at first, but after a while they began to change their opinion of him, seeing a lighter side to Tommy they hadn’t seen before.
On Wednesday you and Tommy worked in the soup kitchen again, where you accidentally let slip that your home was broken into, and the next day Tommy took you to the tech store to pick out some security cameras. He walked you home to make sure you arrived safely, as it had began to get dark by the time you’d left the store.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to install those for you?” Tommy asked again, walking with his hands in his jeans pocket to keep them from freezing.
“Nah it’s ok, I think I can manage. Plus you’ve done enough work for me at the store, I think if I make you do anymore I’d need to put you on the payroll.” You joked, shivering under your beanie.
Tommy laughed, “You know I’m doing it because we’re friends right?”
You smiled up at him, “Yeah I know. I appreciate everything you’re doing. It’s nice to finally have someone to talk to.”
Tommy grinned from ear to ear and playfully ruffled your beanie, causing this to mess up your hair underneath.
“Hey!” You giggled, jabbing his arm with a light punch, causing him to clutch his arm in mock pain.
You were both too busy laughing to notice the footsteps following not too far behind, the shadow slinking in between trees and behind bushes as it followed.
Tommy hugged you goodnight when you were safely at your front door, stopping just before he walked out of sight to make sure you were safely inside. He made his way by foot back to his apartment on the outskirts of town.
It wasn’t a particularly long walk, but the cold was getting to him and he just kept thinking of the hot shower that awaited him when he got home.
About halfway back, Tommy realised he still had the bag containing your security cameras that he had offered to carry. Cursing himself for not realising, Tommy breathed into his hands to warm them up and turned back around.
You walked through your front door and locked it, before being greeted by Jet like he had been starved of human attention for days.
“You drama queen.” You said, giving him a big fuss. “I bet you want some dinner now huh? Ok let’s go see what’s on the menu tonight.”
You walked into the kitchen and got Jets dog food out, preparing it for him before laying it on the floor. When you stood back up you noticed a new letter on your counter top… You didn’t remember bringing in any new mail, but thought if you could forget to close a window you could probably have forgotten that you’d brought the mail in.
Flipping the letter over you noticed it didn’t have an address on the front and wondered how it could have been delivered that way. Carefully, you tore the letter open and read the contents, which turned you stone cold;
“Hi (Y/N),
I like what you’ve done with the place, did you paint the walls yourself? You always did love blue.
Jet’s gotten big, but he still remembers me. We enjoyed a bit of catching up while we waited for you to get home.
Say, is the guy who walks you home sometimes your new boyfriend? I sure hope not. I think you know full well that you’re meant to be with me, after all, He chose us together.
I still can’t go to Him without you, and he’s getting impatient. I might have to start really trying to persuade you soon.
You dropped the letter and your eyes darted around the small kitchen. You couldn’t see any evidence of him being in here, no open window or smashed windowsill pots and jars. Jet was still happily eating his dinner, tail wagging without a worry in the world, but your heart was in your throat as you slowly walked out of the kitchen and into the living room.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary there, and again you were left with checking the dark hallway, bedroom and bathroom, but you couldn’t make your legs move.
Slowly, one step at a time, you forced yourself to move as quietly as you could down the dark hallway, too scared to turn any of the lights on in case you alerted whoever was hiding in the shadows.
You could hear your pulse, as your heart thudded against your ribcage. Slowly, you pushed your bedroom door, edging it open as carefully as you could….
Knock knock knock!
You jumped when three sharp knocks resounded against your front door. Swinging around, you ran to the front door, terrified the knocking had alerted whoever was in the house, you knew it was Jason but you refused to acknowledge it out loud, and that they’d come running out of the bedroom and pull you into the darkness.
You threw open the front door in tears, and grabbed Tommy by the jacket before pulling him inside and shutting the door.
“(Y/N), what-“
“Tommy! T-Tommy he’s here! He’s in the house!” You sobbed, running to the kitchen to grab the note.
Tommy’s eyes were wide with confusion as he followed you to the kitchen, putting the bag of security cameras on the counter top.
“L-look! See, I got home and this, this, was already here, on the counter. I didn’t bring it in and- and it had no address on it so he must be inside.” You cried, your body shaking all over.
Tommy read the note quickly, and looked at your inconsolable face.
“Stay here.” He instructed firmly, quickly looking around and grabbing a closed bottle of white wine you had on the side.
Tommy left the kitchen and made his way down the dark hallway, flicking the light switches on as he went, bottle in hand and ready to strike. He pushed open your bedroom door hard, sending the door crashing against the wall, the light from the hallway illuminating most of your bedroom while he found the switch. He walked in slowly, peeking around the chest of drawers next to your bedroom door, and inside the wardrobe. Nothing.
He then made his way to the only other room in the house, the bathroom, and it was obvious right away that no one was there.
After double checking the bedroom, Tommy made his way back to the kitchen, where you stood against the back counter, shaking and waiting for him to come back, hopefully in one piece.
He put the bottle of wine back down, and walked over to you, pulling you in for a hug. You buried your face into his chest and tried to control your breathing as he ran his hand up and down your back in attempts to calm you down.
“He must have let himself out.” Tommy sighed, “You should call the cops again, (Y/N).”
“That means he’s been letting himself inside the house. How is he getting in without breaking and entering?” You sniffled, looking up at Tommy with watery eyes.
Your faces were close enough to feel each others breaths, but now was not the time, so Tommy rested his chin on the top of your head and continued to rub circles into your back until your breathing calmed.
You decided not to call the police again, as all you had to go by was the note. There was no evidence of a break in and you had thrown away the first note he had sent you years ago, so you couldn’t even prove this was a recurring thing. You wanted the cops to believe you if there was a real incident at hand, so opted not to get on their bad side by calling them out for something so small.
But it wasn’t small to you, you were terrified. You thought you had finally rid yourself of him, but he had obviously found you and decided he wouldn’t let you go a second time.
Tommy stayed with you that night, and he slept on the couch after helping you set up the security cameras. One in the living room, facing the front door and couch. A second in the hallway capturing the bedroom and bathroom doors. And the third in the kitchen.
You felt that covered all places he might be getting in and out, or you hoped.
You struggled to get any sleep that night, despite knowing Tommy was out there, every noise and creek sounded louder than anything you’d heard in that house in the three years since you’d moved in, and around 2am you had decided to get up to get a glass of water.
You crept quietly past the living room where Tommy slept and into the kitchen, quietly pouring a glass of water, before walking back to your bedroom, failing to notice the face that peered in through the window of the living room.
- Chapter Five Here -
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sparklypinkflightsuit · 8 months
Predator and Prey: Chapter Three
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Pairing: Tommy Cahill x Reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, Minors do not interact, Slow Burn, War Inaccuracies, Swearing, Mention of PTSD but barely, Stalking, Abuse, Sexual Themes, Alcohol & Drugs, I think that’s it?
Summary: You and Tommy open up to one another about your difficult pasts.
- Chapter Two Here -
The police had come and gone and they weren’t able to find anyone in your house. They’d checked the window latch which worked fine and said you must have opened the window to let in some fresh air and forgotten to close this, and the intruder must have taken what they wanted and left.
Regardless, you still didn’t feel safe, nothing was missing and you pretty much never opened the windows in the winter months, you were not a fan of the cold, and you couldn’t understand why Jet hadn’t scared them away. After all he was a big Alsatian and looked scary to anyone who didn’t know him as the goofball he actually was.
You didn’t sleep that night, instead you held up in the living room with Jet and watched reruns of The Office in the hopes of lightening your mood.
By morning you were exhausted, but you got up and left for work like any other morning, and made a mental note to buy some security cameras next time you went to the tech store.
The next few days passed uneventfully, and despite the discomfort you now felt in your own home, you were looking forward to your coffee date with Tommy.
Saturday morning arrived and you got dressed in your favourite jeans and oversized sweater, and gave Jet a big fuss before leaving. You made sure to double check that you had locked the door and windows before leaving, something you never second guessed before this week, and made your way to the local Cafe, the Toasted Bean.
Tommy waited for you outside, and quickly stubbed out his cigarette when he noticed you walking up to him.
“Sorry.” He mumbled with a sheepish grin, grinding his heel into the cigarette to make sure it was out, and held the door open for you to go in.
Once you had ordered drinks, you both sat near the window. You spoke about light hearted subjects for the first hour or so, only getting up to replace your drinks, and found it easy to be in each others presence.
“So…. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t feel comfortable, but, do you mind me asking what you went to prison for?” You asked, smiling gently and not wanting Tommy to think it was a dealbreaker. He had said it was nothing too terrible anyway.
Tommy grimaced and rubbed the back of his head, before looking you in the eye and sighing.
“I don’t mind, I just don’t want you to think I’m a bad guy or anything.” He looked a little sad, before continuing. “But I guess if you don’t hear it from me you’ll hear it from someone else, so here goes…”
Tommy told you the story of how he robbed a woman at gun point when he was desperate for money, having been in a dark place and too proud to ask his father or brother, he felt he had no other choice. He told you detail by detail how it had gone wrong, the woman had recognised him as Hank Cahills son and the police were called. He had never intended on using the gun and it wasn’t actually loaded, but the whole thing looked extremely bad and he was sentenced to 3 years. He told you how he had apologised to the woman when he got out and how she was thankful, and Tommy said he could never bring himself to do something like that ever again.
You believed him and gave him a soft smile, reaching across the table to squeeze his hand gently.
“I don’t think that makes you a bad guy.” You said. “I just think everyone has at least one shitty point in their lives when they do something totally out of character, and it seems that was yours.”
Tommy smiled and squeezed your hand back.
“What about you, I’ve been meaning to ask what your life was like before you left New York?” He asked, not realising he’d touched on a sensitive subject.
You took a sharp intake of breath and slowly pulled your hand out of his before putting your hands in your lap.
“Well, I guess since you’ve told me yours I better tell you mine.” You laughed awkwardly.
You then told Tommy how you had been living in and working in New York after college and you had met Jason when you’d gone out for drinks with some colleagues.
He had seemed charming at first, and you’d started dating, eventually moving in together and getting your dog Jet as a puppy. The first 3 years were idillic, and Jason was charismatic, kind, fun and everything you could have asked for.
Everything changed suddenly one night when Jason went to a rave with his friends, having taken some unknown drugs, something in him changed and he was never the same after that night.
Jason started waking up in a frenzy most nights, pacing up and down the hallway muttering to himself. Once you had made the mistake of trying to wake him from his crazed sleep walking, only for him to pin you against the wall by your throat, muttering “He’s coming, he’s coming for us.”
You had been terrified, and when you’d confronted him about it the next day, he didn’t remember a thing and called you crazy.
The nights were bad but eventually the days became even worse, with Jason’s temper getting the best of him. He’d began accusing you of bringing men home in the night, and having secret relationships in the apartment under his nose, and that you’d sent men after him to assassinate him so you could move on with your life. He’d started smashing plates against walls, kicking furniture across the room, and the straw that broke the camels back was when he started hitting you.
You’d called it quits, and you were quite tearful despite how afraid you now were of him, because you had had the best 3 years with him before that awful night, but this was not the life you signed up for.
You moved into a new apartment with Jet and tried to move on, but the problem was that all of your friends were originally Jason’s friends to begin with, and their loyalties lay with him. Jason had told everyone that the reason you’d ended things was because you were cheating on him with someone else, and his friends believed him over your “far fetched” story.
Jason had asked your friends to keep tabs on you, and at first you couldn’t understand how he’d kept turning up to the same events and bars as you, just lurking in the corners of rooms with a dark look in his eyes, but eventually you’d clocked on that your friends had been involved.
You decided to withdraw from social engagements altogether, and saved every dime you had instead. You were good at saving and already had a rather decent sum, although you had no idea what you planned to do with it.
One night while you and Jet were curled up on the sofa in your new apartment watching a movie, there was a knock on your door.
You had ordered pizza that night so assumed it was the delivery boy, and got money from your purse before walking to the door. You didn’t think to check before opening it, and were met with Jason leaning against your door frame with a maniacal grin on his face.
“Jason! How did you know were to find me?” You stuttered out, surprised, stumbling backwards. Big mistake.
Jason pushed his way into your apartment and closed the door behind him, blocking the exit. He didn’t answer, but you’d assumed one of your mutual friends had given him your new address.
Jason looked deranged, his hair wet and plastered to his forehead, his unfaltering grin and his hands in his jacket pockets.
“I’m gonna need you to leave.” You stated coldly.
Jet jumped off the sofa and went to greet Jason with a wag in his tail, you stopped him before he got too close. “Jet, no boy. Go lay down.” You instructed. Jet obeyed and slunk off with a huff to the sofa, laying down with puppy dog eyes, upset he didn’t get to say hello.
“See how much he misses me, (Y/N)?” Jason finally spoke. “I think it’s time you came home.”
You laughed a sarcastic laugh, shaking your head.
“You can’t be serious. After everything? No, Jason, you need to leave or I’ll have to call the cops.” You said, grabbing your phone from the kitchen counter top.
Before you could dial anything, Jason pulled his hand out of his pocket revealing a long, thin knife, one typically used to fillet beef. He must have had to poke a hole in his pocket to fit it in there.
The air left your lungs as all rational thinking stopped. You froze in the spot, unsure of what to do.
“You honestly think I’m just going to let you go huh? So that you can move on with someone else? You’ve wasted 3 fucking years of my life, (Y/N)!” He shouted, an angry expression replacing the grin.
“He’s finally here, (Y/N), he’s come for us and he won’t take me without you. If you don’t come willingly, well…. He didn’t say he needed you alive.” He laughed sinisterly.
This was all a game to Jason now, he didn’t actually care about you, he just wanted revenge or to feed whatever messed up hallucinations he was having.
“Who has come for us, Jason? Are you in trouble with someone? Do you owe money? I can give you the money you need!” You spluttered, your mind racing for any way to get out of this situation. You knew if you went with him you would never leave, so that was absolutely not an option.
Jason laughed and gripped the sides of his head as if trying to stop it from falling off, and looked at you with an exasperated expression, the knife precariously close to his eye.
“You just don’t get it do you? You never did! This is the problem with people like you, (Y/N), you scum of the earth ruin all things good for people like me!” He shouted, pointing the knife at you like an appendage, spit flying out of his mouth.
At this point you were shaking, the man in front of you was not rational, nothing you could say would bring him off the edge, and you knew he was on the brink of snapping.
You looked right out of the corner of your eye, mentally calculating if you could make the short distance to the couch to grab Jet and sprint to the bathroom. It seemed unlikely, Jason was too close to you, but you refused to go anywhere without your dog, as you had no idea just how far this man would go to get to you.
You spied a heavy vase on your kitchen island, and without a second thought you grabbed it and launched it at Jason’s head.
It landed with a heavy crashing noise and you took the opportunity. You turned on your heel and sprinted towards the couch.
Jason dizzily gripped his head, blood dripping onto his hands. He shook his head in an attempt to clear his vision.
You grabbed Jet with all of your strength, thinking it quicker to scoop the large dog into your arms than to take him by the collar. The adrenaline making him feel lighter than he was. Jason had regained his sense of awareness and started to close the short gap, a dead look now cast over him.
You skid into the bathroom, lobbing Jet as carefully as you could inside before swinging around to shut the door, but Jason was too quick, grabbing you by the hair and slamming your head onto the bathrooms tiled floor.
His weight on top of you was too much to shift and now you felt dizzy, trying your best to push the knifed hand away from your neck without much luck. You could feel the blade cutting the skin while Jets barking faded into muffled sounds, you had realised this was it.
You closed your eyes, not wanting your last memory to be of those cold, disturbed eyes you had once loved. You waited for the cold blade to penetrate your windpipe. You waited, and waited, and suddenly the weight on top of you lifted.
Slowly you opened your eyes, and your hearing rushed back, loud and intrusive, with Jets booming barks continuing.
Jason was now slumped over next to you, unconscious. The pizza delivery boy stood over him with a heavy stone paperweight from your coffee table, eyes wide and hands shaking.
The pizza boy waited with you until the police arrived, after they took his statement you thanked him profusely and gave him the biggest tip he had seen in his life.
You gave the police the full run down of how things with Jason had been since that night, and they took him away.
You made a decision that night to pack your things and get the hell out of dodge, not stopping until you found somewhere far enough to settle down.
You finished your story and finally looked up to Tommy, thinking he’d laugh at you and call your story far fetched, but instead he looked wracked with guilt for something he didn’t do. He got out of his chair without another word, walked around to your side and gently grabbed your arm to pull you into a standing position. He looked at you incredulously for a second, before pulling you into a hug.
You were surprised for a moment, but after a few seconds you melted into his warmth. You knew this would be a good thing, Tommy held no malice, something you had to realise not all men had.
- Chapter Four Here -
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sparklypinkflightsuit · 8 months
Predator and Prey: Chapter Two
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Pairing: Tommy Cahill x Reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, Minors do not interact, Slow Burn, War Inaccuracies, Swearing, Mention of PTSD but barely, Stalking, Abuse, Sexual Themes, Alcohol, I think that’s it?
Summary: You and Tommy get to know one another, but something is still making you feel scared at night.
-Chapter One Here-
You got ready and said goodbye to Jet after leaving his breakfast out, and made your way to work. The walk was less tense than the day before, but you still couldn’t shake the feeling that there were eyes on you at times, and cursed yourself for reading too many Stephen King novels while alone at night.
You unlocked the store and made your coffee before getting set up for the day, and must have forgot to relock the door behind you while waiting for the opening time, as you heard the jingling of the bell. You froze in the kitchen and listened carefully for any other sounds, before slowly walking around to the front of the store. It was still dark outside so the only light came from the little lamps you had scattered around the seating areas and at your counter, and the few street lamps outside, which did little to illuminate any dark corners.
“Hello?” You said quietly, too scared to actually have someone reply.
You walked around the counter and poked your head around a book shelf on the right of the store, it was dark enough but you could still tell that there was nothing there once your eyes adjusted. You stepped back carefully and turned to check the left of the store, when you dropped your coffee and yelled “Jesus! Shit, you scared the hell out of me!”.
“I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you- here let me help you clean that up! I just wanted to come back and pay you, I was passing through and saw you in here. I googled the book and found a price and… shit I’m sorry I didn’t think!” Tommy said, as he crouched down to pick up your broken mug and make sure you hadn’t burnt yourself.
“It’s ok..” you breathed out a laugh, and wiped the few droplets of coffee that had splashed your arms and legs. You walked around back to the kitchen to grab paper towels before coming back to clean up.
“Here, let me.” Tommy said taking the paper towels and mopping up the mess.
“Thanks, but like I said, the book is free. You really don’t need to pay! I can’t even log it in the system anyway.” You said, taking the wet towels and broken bits of mug from him and placing it in the little bin by the counter.
Tommy straightened up, wiping his hands together and letting out a deep breath.
“You want to go back and wash the coffee off your hands?” You offered.
Tommy nodded and walked to the kitchen to wash his hands off, when you noticed a bit of blood under his thumb.
“Oh, you’ve cut yourself, wait there and I’ll get the first aid kit!” You instructed, running around to the counter to grab the little box. When you returned, Tommy had washed and dried his hands using some paper towels but held his thumb over the sink as it bled.
“Ouch, that looks kinda deep, you might want to get that looked at… here-“ you said as you took his hand and inspected it for any bits of ceramic shards, before you began to patch him up.
Tommy was quiet while he watched you, his blue eyes burning intensely into the side of your face. You suddenly felt insecure and looked up.
“What?” You laughed, looking at him as you finished your handiwork.
Tommy smiled, “Nothing, you’re just good at that. I get a bit freaked out by blood.” He admitted, and that’s when you noticed his hands shaking.
“Oh, sit down, I’ll get you a coffee with sugar, that will help.” You pushed him gently towards the front and pointed to the seating by the window. Tommy smiled and sauntered off to one of the couches, exhaling deeply as he did so.
You made two coffees and brought both over to where Tommy sat, and ran to the door to flip the sign to “Open” before joining Tommy until your first customers came in.
“Thanks.” He said, the same awkward look on his face as when you met him the day before. “Sorry, I bet this is not what you needed first thing in the morning.” He chuckled.
“Actually, it’s the most interesting morning I’ve had in nearly 3 years.” You laughed, cupping your mug of hot coffee to warm your hands.
“Oh yeah? Is that when you moved here?” Tommy questioned, blue eyes staring into yours.
You found it hard to look away but even harder to maintain eye contact, so eventually looked back down to your mug when you spoke.
“Yeah, I moved from New York, decided I needed something a bit quieter, you know?”
Tommy nodded, eyeing the store and all its cute quirks. “It’s really peaceful in here, before I went into…. Before I left, this used to be a restaurant. Looks so different now.”
You smiled and nodded, “Yeah I did most of the work myself, kept me busy for a while. Are you back permanently?” You asked, hoping he would say yes.
“Yeah, I think so. This town hasn’t always been kind to me but it’s home. What about you?”
You shrugged, “Yeah, I think it will do at least for now.” You joked.
There was a beat of silence between you two when Tommy shifted in his seat.
“So… if you’re adamant about not taking the money for the book, could I at least buy you coffee sometime? Real coffee, I mean.” He chuckled, lifting his coffee mug.
You thought for a second, as you weren’t sure if you could handle another man in your life after the hell Jason put you through. But not all men were Jason, and it had been 3 years since you’d gone on a date or been in the presence of men that weren’t customers.
“Sure, I’d like that. Just let me know where and when.” You smiled.
The rest of the day passed quickly and before you knew it you were closing up shop and prepping for the soup kitchen to open. You laid out all of the pots, pans and utensils and then let all of the volunteers in to begin. You began prepping vegetables when you heard someone clear their throat behind you.
You turned to see Tommy in an apron, with a sheepish grin on his face.
“I didn’t realise the soup kitchen was here.” He laughed.
You smiled at him in his oversized white apron and hairnet, laughing at how silly he looked. “Yeah, what are you doing here? You volunteering?”
You turned back around to start peeling carrots and Tommy joined you and began chopping them at your side, gloves securely protecting his bandages from earlier.
“Community Service.” He admitted in a low voice.
You stopped peeling and looked up at him with a quirk of an eyebrow. “Oh?” You said.
“Yeah, I probably should have mentioned this but it’s kind of hard to bring up naturally in a conversation.” He sighed, and took a deep breath before continuing. “I kind of got out of prison a few months back, it was stupid really, I just got into a little trouble, but now I’m doing community service until I carry out my parole and it honestly wasn’t even for anything too bad it’s just-“
You cut him off by placing a hand on his arm, you smiled up at him reassuringly.
“It’s ok, you don’t need to explain yourself to me. We all have a past.” You said and went back to peeling the carrots.
Tommy smiled softly and began chopping, he felt warm inside knowing you weren’t judging him for his sordid past. He made a mental note to ask you, without probing, about why you moved here in the first place, but he’d leave that for your coffee date on the weekend, for now he would stick to lighter topics.
The rest of the evening passed quickly with you and Tommy getting to know each other better on service level subjects, foregoing any dark past discussions, and once the food was served and dishes washed, you said goodnight to everyone, including Tommy, and locked up for the night.
You got home just after 9pm and Jet met you at the door much in his usual fashion, tail wagging and jumping up to express his excitement. Only tonight something felt off when you closed the door.
Your eyes scanned the living room of your small house trying to find anything amiss. You didn’t notice it until you’d walked further into the house and past the kitchen, when you stopped and backtracked.
Your kitchen window sat open with the curtains billowing in with the cold winter breeze. All of the plants and glass jars filled with Jets treats which you kept on the windowsill had been knocked over, the contents spilled all over the sink and counter tops. The soil from the plants had been tracked through the kitchen and lead a very faint path into your bedroom down the hallway.
Slowly, with abated breaths, you walked into the hallway and pushed your bedroom door open.
There was nothing there, no person waiting in the dark, no chest of drawers with their contents strewn all over the floor. Just your bedroom exactly how you had left it, with two mucky footprints which stopped at your bedroom door.
- Chapter Three Here -
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