#tommy doing the snapchat filter because he liked dream's
barbiegirldream · 9 months
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aropride · 2 years
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after quite a while of tossing the idea around, i've finished making a physical version of tommy and ranboo's letters during exile!!
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reblogs > likes yall know the drill
Transcript under the cut, because it’s very long. For the sake of accessibility i fixed all the typos, but the typos are there in the physical book.
my mcyt content is now on @genderqueeradrien!
(The cover is made of thick brown paper and has the word “Untitled” in the top left, in Ranboo’s handwriting. Otherwise, the cover is blank. Ranboo’s handwriting is messy cursive. Tommy’s handwriting is unpredictably capitalised, and slanted to the left.)
Page 1.
How are you doing? Hope you are well. You probably aren't well huh.... Welp 
hope you find a way back in here 
Here is a joke:
 What do you call a bad idea?
 Letting a green man have total control
 That was pretty funny huh 
Anyway, just write in the book to reply and leave it here
talk to you soon 
Page 2.
Hi Rabboo! 
It's me. Big T. Aka Tommy. Aka Tommy Gun The finest
 Just being okay you know.
 Looking for Blaze Power at the min ahaha
 Just wondering, do you want to keep up a snapchat stream with me I lost all mine I lost them years ago I need snapchat I love snap score and streaks and the dog filter
Anyways speak to you soon sorry you have to be so quiet when messaging me im really all over the place ahahahah the ghost smells awfully fucking weird
 Bye bYe from Tommy!
 Smiles all around all around the park
Page 3.
Hey Tommy!
 I dont really know what happened to the last book, but we can just use this one. 
Hope you are doing a little better, Tubbo is doing well, he does seem like he regrets what he did, so maybe there could be hope in the future for you to return! i left the "house" you made exactly how it was.
 Here's another joke:
 If we make muffin a swear then badboyhalo can't speak at all, and that is pretty funny I think.
 Hope you don't die in lava. 
Page 4.
Hi Ranboob!
 It's me. Big T. 
Im afraid of Lava not im Lava Phobic. Im doing good! Im feeling better. Hands are a little shakier then ahaha 
Thinking about reinstalling Snapchat. I miss ladies Very lonely. Very scared. Please visit soon
 Tommy (aka Big T)
Page 5.
You should reinstall snapchat that is a good idea. 
I didn't know you guys were here, I feel like someone is trying to take the mail as the last book was gone. I will figure out a better way of communication.
 Jesus Christ Dream is scary. Heres a joke:
that was funny. Stay sane
I guess i hid the other mailbox a bit too well as you had no idea where it was. So i hope that you found this one at least. 
Hope you are doing well! I do plan to visit soon so maybe you could think of something that we could do that could be fun. Things are going well here, I made a pit where people fight. I have not fought anyone in this pit but I hope to soon because it would be fun.
 Here is another joke:
 George is still not found. He is lost. And that is funny.
 Anyway, i hope you aren't going too insane. See you later,
 -Ranboo (WITH NO B)
Page 6.
 HI ranboo.
 Not feeling talkative today. 
 You missed up our streak we were on Snapchat Timers and now its gone :///////
 No <3 
Anways ahah im feeling down so fuckin down im alone and no one no fucking one comes to visit me a lot and i want to go
Page 7.
Yeah sorry about the snap streak being lost, I hid the chest in the christmas tree but i guess that was just too good of a spot.
 I dont understand why no one is visiting, but I hope that yesterday was fun.
 Here is a joke:
 Villagers are ugly as hell huh 
That was a good joke.
 Anyway, hope to have you back soon 
Page 8.
Hi ranboo 
Feeling distant 
Everyone is pitying me. Not sure how much longer I can go.
 I can't sleep Ranboo. Every night. Loneliness haunts me. I can't cuddle my likes when I'm asleep. Even though the primes got me, I'm still so so alone i'm so alone help me ranboo please for the lover of god i think and i type like god but im not god im just a big im just a pussy
 Your Faithfully,
 Big T
Page 9.
 I really hope that you are doing better from what you wrote yesterday. I'll try to visit you as much as I can and just know that it isn't out of pity. It's because you're the only one that hasn't left yet.
 Hope to see you again soon. 
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cmyknoise · 3 years
i’m on a thinking-about-the-exile-arc mood tonight so, here’s one. 
ranboo and tommy wrote letters throughout exile. i think the content of these letters are super important but so is another detail. 
the letters pre-date the memory book. the memory book was first written the day that phil was put under house arrest as ranboo’s first entry spoke about how he thought it was going to be peaceful. 
the letters between ranboo and tommy appear as two books and i feel the need to remind everyone what they say. the first book was 6 pages, the second book was 18 pages. there was a point when the letters stopped all together. and ranboo visited tommy in person about twice. these were primarily sent during the middle days in exile, up until the last few
Book 1:
"EYYYYY TOMMY How are you doing? Hope you are well. You probably arent well huh.... Welp hope you find a way back in here Here is a joke: What do you call a bad idea? Letting a green man have total control That was pretty funny huh Anyway, just write in the book to reply and leave it here. talk to you soon. -Ranboo (WITH NO B AT THE END I SWEAR)"
"Hi Rabboo! Its me. Big T. Aka Tommy. AKa Tommy Gun The finest Just being okay you know. Looking for Blaze Power at the min ahaha Just wondering, do you want to kepe up a snapchat stream with me I lost all mine I lost them years ago I need snapchat I love snap score and streaks and the dog filter Lmk Anyways speak to you soon sorry you have to be so quiet when messaaging me im really all over the place ahahahhah the ghost smells awfully fucking weird Bye bYe from Tommy! Smiles all around all around the park"
Book 2:
“Hey Tommy! I dont really know what happened to the last book, but we can just use this one. Hope you are doing a little better, Tubbo is doing well, he does seem like he regrets what he did, so maybe there could be hope in the future for you to return! i left the "house" you made exactly how it was. Here's another joke: If we make muffin a swear then badboyhalo can't speak at all, and that is pretty funny I think. Hope you don't die in lava. -Ranboo (STILL WITH NO B AT THE END)"
"Hi Ranboob! Its me. Big T. Im afraid of Lava not im Lava Phobic. Im doing good! Im feleong begtger. Hands are a little shakeir rhen ahhaha Thinking about reininstallling Snapchat. I miss ladies Very loenly. Very scared. Please visit soon Tommy (aka Big T)"
"You should reinstall snapchat that is a good idea. I didnt know you guys were here, I feel like someone is trying to take the mail as the last book was gone. I will figure out a better way of communication. Jesus Christ Dream is scary. Heres a joke: Bazinga that was funny. Stay sane -Ranboo"
"I guess i hid the other mailbox a bit too well as you had no idea where it was. So i hope that you found this one at least. Hope you are doing well! I do plan to visit soon so maybe you could think of something that we could do that could be fun. Things are going well here, I made a pit where people fight. I have not fought anyone in this pit but I hope to soon because it would be fun. Here is another joke: George is still not found. He is lost. And that is funny. Anyway, i hope you arent going too insane. See you later, -Ranboo (WITH NO B)"
"Tommy HI ranboo. Not feeling talkative today. K. You missed up our streak we were on Snapchat Timers and now its gone ://///// Man No <3 Anwyas ahah im feeling down so fuckin down im alone and no one no fucking one comes to visit me a lot and i want to go Tommy"
"Yeah sorry about the snap streak being lost, I hid the chest in the christmas tree but i guess that was just too good of a spot. I dont understand why no one is visiting, but I hope that yesterday was fun. Here is a joke: Villagers are ugly as hell huh That was a good joke. Anyway, hope to have you back soon -Ranboo (I SWEAR THERE IS NO B AT THE END PLEASE)"
"Hi ranboo Feeling distant Everyone is pitying me. Not sure how much longer I can go. I can't sleep Ranboo. Every night. Loneliness hanunts me. I can't cuddle my likes when I'm asleep. Even thouhg the primes got me, I'm still so so alone i'm so alone help me ranboo pelkase for hte lover of god i thin kand i type like god but im not fgod im just a big im just a pussy Your Faithfully, Big T"
"HEY BUDDY! I really hope that you are doing better from what you wrote yesterday. Ill try to visit you as much as I can and just know that it isnt out of pity. Its because you're the only one that hasnt left yet. Hope to see you again soon. -Ranboo"
After this? Nothing. The pillar attempt from Tommy would happen then the execution attempt on Technoblade would happen. Tommy wouldn’t see Ranboo again until Ranboo would give Techno’s armor back (written about on page 2/4 of the memory book) and Clarencio incident (written about on page 3/4 of Ranboo’s first memory book). 
I think this is super important because, to this day, nearly 7 months later, Tommy has never opened up about exile to anyone the amount that he did to Ranboo during exile. 
It’s...sad, it’s really sad because, as someone who watched Tommy read and write the letters, but in the letters themselves you can see his spiral throughout exile. He’d write a response about once a day. Ranboo, other than Dream and Ghostbur, was the only contact he had. 
It gets to the point where he pleads and begs- not for rescue or for tools or weapons or anything, just for help, for Ranboo to visit and just talk to him because of how bad it’d gotten. 
It was a day or so later when Tommy leapt from the pillar, and then Techno’s execution. Ranboo didn’t have a memory book until the execution. There were only four pages in the first memory book, and then it goes missing, and that kicks up the beginning of Ranboo’s heavy lore and the creation of things like the panic room. 
Ranboo, to this date other than Dream and partially Ghostbur, is the only one to have witnessed Tommy’s mental state during exile, as well as been the only one Tommy has opened up to his feelings in such a way to, and...well. It’s lost. This was pre-memory book. We know things if not written down are often forgotten. 
Sure, he remembers stuff like when they’d stolen from George’s house, and he remembers big events, but would these letters have been big enough to remember, especially when he’s forgotten bigger? Or how, in only days after they were written, bigger events (execution, memory book fiasco, etc) occurred? I’m not too sure. 
It’s just another tragic thing about exile. How Tommy quite literally begged and pleaded for the simple action of someone talking to him, and the only one to have experienced that side of Tommy would have been Ranboo.
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hamnickels · 3 years
My Favorite Moments from Tommy’s 12/23 Stream
[Source: “I’m back” on Tommy’s Twitch] (some below the cut, this got long)
“I’m so humble, I’m so humble. I’m like a goldfish on steroids. Can fish do ster-? Fish apparently don’t even have penises, so. Thank god. I wish I was a fish because there are no men fish, that’s why.”
“School is for pussies! Why would I go to school when I have snapchat, hmm?! Streamer by night, drug dealer by day. I’m living the life”
“OH MY GOD - JESUS LIVES ON!! In the form of this log… that’s such an offensive thing to say”
*looks at ‘minor terrorism in L’Manberg sign’* … oh no is that really what we need to do next? *looks at Bob the cow, who LITERALLY NODS* “HA! We- Ok well if you say so Bob … He just fucking nodded at me!! He just nodded at me, he just fuc- HA- What the fuck man? Ok ok if Bob says so I’m not gonna go against Bob”
“weeb shit… thank you for the subs”
“oh no I’ve got diseases in the brain. Good diseases though- no one ever talks about the good diseases though, like superpowers. I have those.”
“oh my god, I’m living the life. The only thing I’m missing is hot ladies”
*has to type letters to look at them in order to make them out of blocks*
“why is terrorism so much harder than I thought it was going to be??”
“HOW could this mean I’m a furry??? Slash claw”
“my goal in life is to be the least comfortable streamer in the entire world. I want people to watch my streams and DIE”
“yeah you know what else looks pretty cool? The death, the death of hundreds of innocents- of innocent men. But they aren’t innocent because they’re men Ponk, because they’re men! Here’s what we do, here’s what we do … well we don’t do anything Ponk, I don’t know why I always try to side with everyone … you heard of this slash claw going around??”
“I’m not invisible to women. What the- who the fuck said that? Who the FUCK said that? I will literally- you know your family? You know your family, hold ‘em tight- no no, you’re just not allowed to threaten viewer’s families. What would Wilbur say?”
“she replied to you on tik tok? I don’t check tik tok, the only tik tok I know is from 2012 where she goes ‘tik tok round the- “
“you’re such a- you’re just a middle aged man from Newcastle, aren’t you phil. The only thing you’ll get angry about right now is Gordon Ramsey cooking wrong”
*phil literally dying over Gordon ramsey making grilled cheese* Tommy: are you alright???
*Tommy leaves to go to the bathroom* *phil with an echo filter, starts crunching his grilled cheese* “Cheeeeeeeeeese”
“you see that new video where he cheated and got away with it- where he got accused for cheating yeah? … wait wait poor phrasing, hold back or I’m going to get a very angry DM. DREAM DID NOT CHEAT”
 Tommy: it’s me
Phil: it’s fucking not
Tommy: I’m the one that did the math
Phil: you cannot- you- no
Tommy: I’m the one that did the math
Phil: Tommy, you want- there’s many things you’re known for, math is definitely not one of them
Tommy: I’M the math boy
 Phil: I don’t believe-you- no- in fact, I would wager that if we spoke to Dream right now, he would refute and say no it definitely wasn’t you
Tommy: well yeah but he says that about most things that are true
Phil: …what?
Tommy: Phil I’m gonna have to delete this vod by the way
 *Phil coughs* Fuck!
Tommy: Oh my god! You’re on the way out
 Wilbur: PHILBUR! And WILZA!
 Wilbur: Do you like when I’ve joined your stream Tommy you’ve lost 10,000 viewers
Tommy: … no no that must be a coincidence
 Tommy: thesis, yes, like the minotaur
 Wilbur: “Doesn’t the stopping bias eliminate this selection bias that you’re talking about? ‘cause they set up a stopping bias.
Tommy: …yeah
Wilbur: does that- yeah, you-
Tommy: well it’s a toughie it really is
Phil: mr. professor you seem lost for words
Tommy hey, im not lo- what I’m tryin’ to think is … so the- if- ok, let’s just divide all of this by two for a second
 Tommy: Now ask me a question again, but divided by 2. So I want, not quicker, but less
Wilbur: um… hello… tommy… wondering… does… bias… overrule… bias
Tommy: okay, thank you, well now you’ve said it in a way that all the simpler viewers can understand thank you, so here’s what I’d like that say that. I think bias, and this is topical, and I don’t want everyone going cancelled!
Wilbur: tropical
Tommy: it is-
Wilbur: it’s tropical
Tommy: … it is tropical
Wilbur: Dream’s from the tropics
Tommy: you’ve just changed my perspective!
Wilbur: wait so what does that mean? What does your perspective mean now then
Wilbur: yeah?
 Tommy: what’s an alumnae?
Wilbur: it’s like, think Bill Nye but he goes ‘lum’
 Wilbur: Phil I’m not a big fan of the philza’s a boomer meme right, but that is a very boomer thing you’re laughing at
 Tommy: the moment I was out that womb I went ‘round bullying
Wilbur: I can’t hear you I’m haylofting!
 Phil: gun time for daddy!
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