#disc duo happy ending
barbiegirldream · 1 year
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watermelonfrog2 · 7 months
Fuck it, long post time.
Dsmp is so AAGGHH. I love it so much, its introduced me to some of the people I care about most and it has made me feel ways no other fandom has made me feel. I love the plotholes. I love the lack of consistency. I love how everyone has a different view on how the story played out. I love how if you asked someone what happened during a certain era their answer will be different from the next. I love the art. I love the animatics. I love the characters. I love the fanfiction. I love the story. I love the aus. I love how homemade it feels. I love how it feels like people wanted to make a cool thing so they made a cool thing. I love how the fandom took small bits of the ccs personality, added it to their character and ran with it. I love how each character had totally different motivations from any other character. I love how some things didnt make sense. I love how somethings never got answered. I love the ending. I love how somethings didnt end. I love unserious it was at times. I love how serious it was at times. I love the fans. I love the theories. I love the edits. I love the gacha reaction videos (ifykyk). I love Henry. I love c!tommy. I love exile arc. I love c!niki. I love the petwar. I love the lines, improvised or not. I love "If you wanna be a hero tommy? then die like one." I love c!SBI. I love c!Bee duo. I love c!disc duo. I love exile arc. I love pogtopia. I love l'manburg. I love c!ranboo. I love c!tubbo. I love the Big Innit/Manifold Hotel. I love shroud. I love how it was able to bring a large group of people together. I love how its let me make so many friends. I love the fandom. I love how its changed me. I love dsmp. Dsmp means so much to me because its become MY fandom. Its become what I return to when Im sad or happy. Its the only fandom I really read fics for. Its the only show/thing Ive cared about to this extent. Its the only show where Ive actually cared about a character. Its how I found my love of watching twitch streamers. It got me back into playing minecraft. It got me into writing. It makes me want to improve on my art. DSMP is my comfort fandom, my main fandom, everything and anything all at once. I love watching compilations of the characters. I love all the cosplays. I love how ive gotten into so many hobbies because of it. I owe my personality to C!tommy and cc!tommy and dsmp as a whole. I owe my internet presence to dsmp. It has such a special place in my heart. I love c!tommy. I love how he cares for animals. I love how hes mean and aggrressive and rude. I love how hes hurt adn traumatised and healing. I love the relationships between the characters. I love how c!tommy cares and he doesnt. I love how the discs mean so much to him. I love how his decisions are drived by emotions. I love him having so many attachments. I love how other people will think my view of him is wrong/different to theirs. I love how dsmp allowed me to experiment with who I am (personality wise). I love how dsmp entered me to a part of the internet I would never have seen before. I love how I feel nostalgic looking at the fanart or fansongs. I love. It all. I know this was really rambl-y but ive just been thinking about it and I have so many feelings. My concluding statement is: DSMP has shpaed me into who I am and no one can take it away from me. It will always have a special place in my heart.
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tadbitsketch · 2 months
I haven't done one of these in forever but welcome back to Sketch Rambles About MCSM Stuff at an Unreasonable Hour of the Night 🎉🎉🎉
Tonight, I'm gonna discuss one of my favorite songs from the Minecraft: Story Mode OST, "Redstone Baby," and the potential lore that it holds. And why that's very Sorengaard related.
Disclaimer: this is me interpreting silly block people. Unless otherwise stated (or in the game), it ain't actually canon. Also, I am a teenage girl. I am not versed very well in the specifics of how music theory works and how it's used in media. Also also, I wrote most of this like two months ago and completely forgot about it.
(In case you needed a reminder of how it sounds)
This song appears twice in the season 1 episode 3: when you arrive in Soren's lab area, and again in the end credits. It can also be heard through the closed secret entrance wall in the Wool World™, and it gradually becomes clearer as you approach the door to Soren's lab, where a music disc is playing the song inside.
The instrumentation of "Redstone Baby" consists of guitar, piano, and violin. It feels comforting and cozy, whilst also giving a sad, longing sort of vibe. According to a comment written 6 years ago by Antimo on the linked video, they were going for a sorta "Fallout: New Vegas" vibe when they wrote it. The song holds an air of nostalgia, of better times. An idealized dream of how the world could be.
To get to the point: it's cute, it's cozy, and it's a love song in a game where they weren't allowed to explicitly write any canon ships (if I'm remembering correctly). Also one of the few songs in this game to be given lyrics. So, of course, we're gonna talk about this. Or rather I'm gonna write about it and you're gonna read it.
The lyrics go as follows:
In a marshmallow world, you're my sweetheart.
In a marshmallow world, you're my sweetheart.
You're the bed to my rock,
The flint to my steel.
My redstone baby doll...
My redstone baby doll.
In a marshmallow world, you're my sweetheart.
In a marshmallow world, you're my sweetheart.
My sugar baby...
aaaah ladada, awoah...
The lyrics are pretty strange, right? It seems nonsensical at first, but I (and many others) believe that it has more meaning than meets the eye.
This is a love song addressed to a someone proficient with redstone. Funnily enough, Soren's old friend group did have one of those. A brilliant Redstone Engineer: Ellegaard. And quite interestingly, these two were pretty close, as is said multiple times in canon. I think Magnus mentions their little "Nerd Club," in episode 3 at some point. Another fact to back me up on this: Soren calls the song "Symphony in E" in-game on the little radio-disk-program-thing.
And for whatever reason, Soren and Ellegaard didn't stay close or end up together. There's not really a way to know for certain what went down between them. All we do know is that Soren wishes it was different.
The "marshmallow world" that is talked about in the song is Soren's perfect world. It's safe, sweet, and fluffy. I am of the opinion that it could possibly be an indirect reference to the wool world that Soren built. It's bright. It's safe. No monsters can get him there. He can just build things and be happy. In a perfect, marshmallow world, Ellegaard is with Soren.
The metaphors Soren uses here, "the bed to my rock, the flint to my steel," they're both iconic, inseparable duos: bedrock, and flint and steel. In Minecraft, bedrock is the unbreakable foundation beneath all else in the Overworld. Flint and steel is used to set things on fire, and is most often used to light Nether portals, which is way less symbolic (unless someone can find something? maybe the whole flaming heart being a metaphor for love thing?) but still iconic and the phrase has a very nice rhythm to it.
When we first hear the song, it feels like normal wishful thinking. It's more just fluff and poetry than full-on wants and desires.
But when we hear it in the end credits of episode 3... We just saw someone die after sacrificing their safety for Jesse's. The monster that they died to help kill isn't even dead. Someone we thought was dead is actually alive and doesn't remember anything. It's loud, dark, and burning. A sickening storm of death and destruction. Anything but the marshmallow world.
Without considering which of the two died, this song is already quite jarring in comparison to what was just witnessed. This "marshmallow world" that seemed somewhat close just a moment ago now feels implausible, and thus it'd be worth so much more if it were real.
I will never not love when something in a piece of media is treated as a good sign or motif or something and then it gets recontextualized and hurts ya right in the feels.
And with Redstone Baby combined with Ellegaard dying, it's just that extra brutal.
Because now it's not just, "in a perfect world, we'd be together." It's "in a perfect world, you wouldn't be dead, and we'd be together."
If only Soren wasn't so much of a coward. How differently things could've gone.
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blueinkphantom · 2 months
thinking about the dsmp ending again and am once more in love.
wished we had gotten the other streams too for it (e.g. the fight against XD) but Im still happy with what we got. especially the one with c!staged duo and c!disc duo: a moment of understanding from characters who had been at odds for so long before tragedy struck and the world starts anew
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rozugold · 1 year
If you were going to write a happy ending for c!tommy what would it look like
You mean you want me to ramble about the ending I’ve made in my head that specifically caters to me? Because I will ramble about the ending that specifically caters to me
So. Wilbur still leaves* and Tommy spirals and becomes deadest on killing Dream. He believes that all of his problems will be solved once he’s is out of the picture. He gets Tubbo and they jump Dream, run over to Punz, he reverses it and they capture clingyduo. Same as canon. (But I would change some dialogue that really bothered me, like the revive book having mind control powers and of course the staged disc finale.)
Clingy duo escape at the sacrifice of Tommy’s discs I guess. They come up with the nuke plan but instead of blowing up the prison Tommy plans on leading them out to logstedshire to cause the least damage. (Since I still think it’s really stupid that changing the trajectory of the nuke just slightly to the left would destroy the whole server. As if just hitting the prison wouldn’t cause the same amount of damage??)
(Also while we’re here Jack wouldn’t be involved in any of this because I hc his issues got sorted out during the stream where he blew up the hotel. He was able to get his closure and move on, don’t ask me how justwaituntiligettohiminpaintedillusions cough cough) Anyways.
Tommy sorta hits his lowest. He prepares to die. He dons his full L’Manburg uniform for the occasion (because the idea of him always planning to be buried in his uniform makes me lose my mind) At this point he thinks he’s lost everything. He’s ready to go down with the ship. At least he thinks he is…
Tubbo says totems won’t save him but he offers Tommy one anyways because he hopes he’s wrong. And Tommy takes it because he hopes he’s wrong too.
Tommy sets off to get the grilled cheese duo and succeeds in leading them to logstedshire. How? Uhh maybe he snuck in the prison with invisibility and yoinked a book from them. Something drastic enough to scare them into chasing after him.
They make it to logstedshire and I won’t go too into it because I’m making an animatic to better explain all this but Tommy is determined to go down laughing and Dream takes some L’s.
Nuke hits, Logstedshire is destroyed Dream and punz are dead and Tommy is alive. Tommy is alive and that shakes him up a bit. I don’t think it fully hits him until the next day. But physically he’s okay minus the new glittery golden streak in his hair (it’s barely noticeable unless he’s in the sun which I think is funny. Gets a cool hairstreak and it’s not even that visible, how unfair!)
Then we get to the fun part! A slow and thorough journey of Tommy unpacking all the shit he went through. Because surprise! Killing Dream didn’t solve everything like he hoped it would. The happy ending is that Tommy is given the chance to work towards his happy ending, yknow?
I imagine that when he hit his lowest point, yknow preparing to die, that he doesn’t quite leave that point. He thinks he does because he’s running off the adrenaline of finally defeating Dream. But he doesn’t quite realize how unfair and dangerous it was for him to have to do that in the first place. And in time he starts to realize that with Tubbo’s help (and maybe other characters help too, maybe Wilbur hears about what happened and comes back, of course there’s Quackity too. All the people who care about Tommy come to support him but they’re too late. They’re too late and have to realize that. They weren’t there for Tommy when he needed them but they’re here now.)
Tldr: What would a happy ctommy ending look like if I wrote it? Dream dies, and Tommy sets off on the journey to unpack all his trauma and learn how to find his happiness with his small support system. (So basically what I’m doing with Painted Illusions sksjjdj)
Also to be clear this is just the little world/au that lives in my head. This isn’t what I wanted the real ending to be. I don’t think all these ideas are very feesible in the medium of streaming. So if you had asked me what I think should’ve been done differently with the finales I would have a different answer.
*I still dislike the fact that Wilbur left at all. I feel like his story would’ve been stronger if he had stayed and healed. But for the sake of this specific ending he’d have to leave for Tommy to go to spiral the way he does
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bastardbvby · 2 years
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scotianostra · 7 months
Happy Birthday to Scottish singer/songwriter Graham Lyle, born March 11th 1944 in Belshill.
There’s nothing I can find about Lyle’s early life, but he is best known for collaboration with fellow Scot Benny Gallagher.
Graham and Benny first teamed up in 1959 as members of a local The Bluefrets, and teamed up again in a band based in Saltcoats called the Tulsans. The Tulsans released two singles in 1965 under the name James Galt these rare tracks are now prized by Northern Soul Collectors.
So after doing their apprenticeship around Ayrshire and Glasgow Graham and Benny headed south to London in the mid 60′s, a rare one-off single, “Trees”, was issued on Polydor UK another very rare song, if you come cross it in amongst an old dusty second hand shop you might get a few quid for it.
In 1968 the pair were signed up to write songs for artists on the Apple record label, mainly for Mary Hopkins. Two years later the pair formed the band McGuinness Flint writing nine of the 11 songs on the group’s eponymous debut album, including their two top five hits, When I’m Dead and Gone and Malt and Barley Blues. A second album followed before the pair left to branch out as duo with Gallagher and Lyle in 1972.
As a duo, Gallagher and Lyle recorded a total of eight albums, while they weren’t all big hits the duo were well respected for there song writing and chemistry between them. Their biggest hits I Wanna Stay With You and Heart on My Sleeve both of which also charted in the US. Gallagher and Lyle ‘s songs both topped the US Billboard Adult Contemporary chart for Art Garfunkel and Don Williams respectively. As session musicians, Gallagher and Lyle also backed numerous big names on disc, including Eric Clapton, Andy Fairweather Low and Fairport Convention amongst others.
In 1981, Graham Lyle formed his own publishing company, Goodsingle Publishing (later to become goodsingle.com), chiefly to administer his own copyrights, and began writing for other artists. These artist included Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Diana Ross, Patti Labelle, Joe Cocker, Hall & Oates, Jim Diamond, Wet,Wet,Wet, and Wyclef Jean….the list really is endless!
The song that we definitely all know best that was written by Graham Lyle is the Tina Turner smash hit What’s love got to do with it, in which he teamed up with the English-Australian songwriter Terry Britten. It won the Song of the Year Grammy. The song hit the top of the charts in many countries, and was a worldwide hit, in 2012 it was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame. He also co-wrote one of my favourite songs from the 80′s I should have known better with Jim Diamond. A little known fact is that the song was offered to Cliff Richard, but was rejected, former Eurovison winners Bucks Fizz are said to have recorded a version that was never released. However, the gifted Largs songwriter insisted that he always wanted Turner to record it, and said in a News interview in 2012: "We sent the demo to the publishers and got at least four people wanting to record it. Tina was one of them. We were given the opportunity as the writers to say which artist we wanted to record it.
“I wanted Tina to do it. She was one of the greats, though she was having a tough time and didn’t even have a record deal.”
I'll end this post much in the same way I started it with no news on Graham's latest activity of late, he was mentioned in numerous articles last May after the passing of Tina Turne, butno news other than that.
Song choicei s Lyle siging What's Love Got To Do With It
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popculturebuffet · 11 months
Sam and Max Beyond Time and Space Retrospective: Night of the Raving Dead
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Happy halloween all you happy freelance police. I"m jake and my Sam and Max Beyond Time and Space retrospective continues as Sam and Max fight a guy who sucks just in time for spooky season.
Chapter 3 gives us a fun spooky good time as we have zombies, frankenstines and vampires as our dynamic duo have to beat a club hopping german vampire before his army of the undead conquer the world. So a normal tuesday really. Can our heroes save the world.. again? Will we have to see a lot of pierced vampire nipples? Is Lincoln still the worst Short answer, of course, just look at the article image, and i'm still in cringing agony so.. can confirm. Long answer is under the cut!
Night of the Raving Dead begins In Media Res and milks it for all it's worth: Sam and Max are in a soul sucking machine, at the mercy of Jurgen, a european vampire who never wears a shirt but does gladly show off his pierced nipples. Still better than bebops. Firm 6/10.
At any rate pierced nips aren't the issue as the threat here is your old fashioned spike wall style trap I know just the man for the job but sadly he's was a bit busy with his own spiked wall issues
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So instead we flash back to the start of this tale.
And to my delight our heroes continue to pile up junk in their office. Sam has now added a holy urn and is still high priest seperation of chruch and state kneels before god emperor priest president Max!
Our heroes have a bit of infestation though in their office there's something all too familiar
These are not greasy teen zombies or greasy gnomes or even the dreaded Crombie, but European Zombies! So it's up to us to talk to everyone and find out why. In an intresting reversal this time it's Bosco whose closed, while Sybil's reopened her place, because we psychologically tortured him into disappearing.
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Sybil meanwhile is looking for love in all the wrong places as after her relationship with Abe Ended she's restarted her dating service.. but just for her. After the obvious sex work joke because this is the 2000's, Sybil is basically screening dates... and is currnetly screening a moleman.
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But after he failed we're left with Harry Moleman. Whose back for some reason. Gotta reuse those models I guess. He has aboslutely no shot and Sybil is being just polite. He also has a choclate heart we'll need later and a fear of zombie's we'll exploit later
Moving over to Stinky's her latest special is a gooey cake/chekov's gun, while her latest item we can grab is a sunlamp bulb since even she has no idea why it's there, but the plot does. The plot sees all.
Anyway abe's also there.. .and still the worst as he blames Sybil for the breakup, is stalking her and won't shut up
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Yeah I liked Abe at first.. but in a record TWO episodes he's gone from endearing into the hall
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It's a shame too as I really DID like abe in season one and the first episode of this but this gag, ESPECIALLY wiith how the sybil plot concludes, really dosen't work.
Thankfully we move on to our boys the C.O.P.S. who have decided to captalize on this to sell internet to zombies, via online trial discs. For those too young to know what those are
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For now though we can't get any of those future coasters, but we do found out poor bluster has some brain damage which was also funnier at the time. We do find out the source of the ZOmbies: the zombie factory in Stuttgard, Germany. And to my shock Stuttgart is a real place. I would've asked my german friend , but she needs sleep and isn't awake till midnight like moi.... am I a vampire? ... no. No I love garlic bread too much to make that sacrifice. Then again It'd also make it easier to meet Matt Berry.. dammit this is a dillema.
While I mull this over we move on to Stuttgard. I didn't ask said friend, @galaxysupernaturalstuff because again, asleep.. and because I forgot earlier. Though I probably DON'T need an actual german to tell me "yeah Stuttgart isn't a small villiage with a giant castle in the middle of it. "They thankfully don't do too many german stereotypes about the country as a whole, the only gags they do being the fairly innocent beerstein and the fact Midtown Cowboys is big there. It's done more in a tounge in cheek way than anything genuinely offensive.
Turns out the Zombie Factory is both your standard spooky hammer horror style monster castle.. and a club, and to get in we need to get past the bouncer, good old superball.
Yeah like the Bosco scremaing thing this is a runner nad a truly great one. Also unlike that one it's both nonseical and you can't get punched for it. He's working for Jurgen, our big bad, because his doors are rich fine mahogany.. and he needs SOMETHING to do after the divorce. He was married. I'd.. genuinely forgot that.
To get past him we once again have to do something that's likely to get me sent to hell for playing this game: take a brain from a fresh corpse
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Then we throw it to a gargoyle which suprisingly ISN'T alive, nor voiced by keith david despite it being night, allowing us to cut the line.
It's inside we get a ZOMBIE DISCO BITCHES. We meet our arc villian and the mastermind behind this half baked scheme, Jurgen. Jurgern.. is a deliglight: he's basically every 20 something trying to seem cool by clubing distilled into a vampire and given a german accent and nipple rings. And he is glorious. The fact his plan is just "Conquer teh world with zombies" jah helps. our heroes just try to go for the head.. but Jurgen can teleport so we need to take the source of his powers: his...
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And it's fun too as each one is simply hitting him with his vampire weakensses.. and the how, as usual is fun and redicuous. That being said actually solving these puzzles.. is a lot. I ended up hitting a dead end: I figured given the tropes at play that the key was to trigger some type of hidden entrance to get up to the balcony to replace the bulbs in the spotlight with the sunlamp. And it is.. btu the how is INCREDIBLY overcomplicated. While the writing couldn't be stronger this chapter and where your supposed to go MOSTLY straight foward, the actual puzzles are often overcomplicated. The ones in the Zombie Factory itself rely HEAVILY on a dj soundboard , which you have to put the right words from one of jurgen's poems into, without it being clear which words in the poem are a clue. Also solving the spotlight DOSEN'T fix the problem and you still have two other things to do to him, only one of which is pretty easy to figure out since after Jurgen mentions he's a huge midtown cowboys fangboy, a new area unlocked announcment shows up. As it did with the COPS when this castle unlocked. Both a great gag and a nice bit of gameplay magic to make this easier.
So yeah.. I used a guide for most of this. This is one of the trickier ones gameplay wise and if you don't adventure game often or have a lot of patience
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It can be maddening. There's also another "pick a random dialouge option fo ra song" puzzle like last season, which just.. isn't fun. Picking various options is only funny if there's multiple jokes, like the cooking without looking segment from last game. Basically asking "PICK RANDOM DIALOUGE FOR US FEASANT" isn't fun it's just keeping me from having fun with the part of the game I actually like.
So with that we an shine a little sunlight on Jurgen's life, causing him to freak out and loose a little respect of his fanbase. Like any influencer in embyro, just one stab to his rep isn't going to do it but it's a start. Next it's time to return to Midtown Cowboys! Their probably hiding a cow. Midtown Cowboys have been saved from cancelation baby! See back then Networks actually.. payed attention to things like audience numbers or dvd and digital sales instead of guarding the numbers like a cave troll so they can cancel whatever they want whenever they want. Gee I wonder why the actor's strike has taken 105 days with that kind of job security.
As it turns out Midtown Cowboys is HUGE in germany, with WARP having converted to just shooting Midtown Cowboys and spinoffs. Hey at least they beat Disney+ to the punch with that model. Turns out the statoin lady's been TRYING to get our heroes back in they've just been busy and such.. and max also deleted her messages because he be like that.
We also reunite with my boy Mr. Featherly, who legally changed his name from Philo Pennyworth. While he DID go back to theater even he can't resist the siren call of "buy your own private island fortress" money. Max naturally signed away those rights without thinking. They lost 4 executives that day..so you know it's not all bad.
We can still use the broadcast to our advntage though, stashing some garlic cigarettes from outside the castle in Featherly's bag as a prop. What follows.. is comedy gold. While we sadly don't get a cookin without lookin sequel, I wanted to use baboon hearts, what we do get is just as funny as we get a very special episode, the kind sitcoms used to do to tackle the heavy issues instead of just weaving them in if it fits the tone.
The cowboys hold an interviention for mr. featherly, who finds out they were indeed hiding a cow but he has his own cow.. a smoking addiction. Even Bessie is disapointed. It then quickly turns into an add for smoking and why it's totally rad and you should all do it as their sponsor.. is garlic clove cigarettes. It's so fucked and I love it. IT's a simple idea i'm genuinely suprised I haven't seen elsewhere and genius.
So with that we just have one last thing to destroy this man's career: we need a man of the faith to bless some water bottles we got at the club. But since Shelby isn't around, we'll have to make do with max, dunking the water bottles in his sacred urn while he gives us the sacred rites
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The problem is as seen with the cigs, while Jurgen is many things, a hipster, a scene kid, a goth, a tool, a vampire, a mild german sterotype, a dracula, an emo, a direct to video sequel to Dracula 2000, a nipple piercing sorta guy, european, german, big dicked, bad at poetry, a plagarist, a mad scientest, an outer god... he is not dumb enough to let people carry in his weaknesses. Dumb enough to keep some of them in his private lab as we'll see, but still not dumb enough to let vampire hunters right in.
So to get it past we have to have max drink the holy water. You'd think this would mean max would get set on fire, another vampire weakness but it just give shim a halo. I guess his own religion can't cast him into the firey depths.
It's a once again limited time thing.. though I don't get WHY in this case. I get having it wear off to show it has to be used IN the castle.. but why does it wear off on the dance floor.
Anyways to beat jurgen we have to out out emo him with lyrics about darkness, no parents, continued darkness, and of course
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We DO basically win, but normally jurgen would copy us. I know because I did this puzzle before knowing the solution. He drinks max. Thankfully his drinking Holy Water makes him need to go potty. You know if I had a nickle for every time we had to defeat one of our foes by making him need to go to the bathroom i'd have three nickels.. which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened thrice.
So we follow Jurgen to his lair but given we've only done three puzzle's we're not done yet, two act structure and all as SAM AND MAX ENGAGE IN THE MOST THRILLING BATTLE OF THEIR CAREERS... bringing them to the trap.. which thanks to Sam being busy recapping, works and swallows our heroes souls. Jurgen goes.. somewhere, leaving us in his study. We find some useful junk, including a stake, and a monster.
This is Jurgen's Monster, who like his master I dearly love, a poetic beast whose mad you brought him to life as he's so lonely. Can relate dude, can, relate.
Helping him win a date with Sybil is our main quest from her eon out as she has a soul mater, a weird horrifying eldrich device she dosen't know how to use, so her finding her soul mate means we can have it. Which is good because Sam and Max's souls don't want to go back after how their bodies have misused them, waiting to go to the next life. To put a stop to our souls going to hell a few chapters early we need that soul mater.
What follows is a LOT of stuff since we don't have just 7 days to make jurgen a mannnnnnnnnnnn. We can't get him pink and quite clean but we CAN get him a brain via our old friend Flint Paper and the Zombie of Abe LIncon. Yeah turns out Abe was buried in Stuttgart and thus we meet the real abe whose loyal to his dead wife and actually likeable. Sadly he's brutalyl murdered because Flint Paper is on the warpath. He wants to kill us because "THey'd rather be dead than undead!" Sam and Max don't remember making him promise that and thus use another hidden passage to knock him out and get the brain.
Next we need a proper hand. Thankfully the zombie from the intro stole jessie james hand, which is now alive and holding up girl stinky. To get it we need to trick it and this puzzle is clever: the hand hops every time it shoots. So we simply have to make it get all the way to girl stinky, then put his attention her so it goes the other way.. straight into the goey cake. We got our HANNNDDD BACCCKKKK.
We now need to give him some heart. This one's a tad overcomplicated, even by this chapter's standards: first we need to play the cops game for this chapter, distrubing internet demo disks paperboy style. This game is tricky, but unlike the difficulty in this chapter, it's a fair kind once you figure it out. You have to move your car to be in the right position to hit the zombies with a disk. It's still hard, but it's the fun kind of hard
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With that we have a big anetna we can bolt cutter off the car and use to power up Jurgen's alchemy machine.
To get our final body part though we need to play the dating game against featherly and harry moleman
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Harry is just hopeless and Featherly is pretentious: LIncoln's brain is the only thing Sybil liked about him, and the hand has jurgen spell out I love sybil. Awwwwww. We just need a heart of gold as the ones we have are a clock and plants that make us into mr. van dresen. I mean .. you'd think playing a good rendention of lesbian segull would woo her but I guess it's not her thing.
No we need a heart. Luckily Harry takes his time answering a question and has a choclate heart, and even more luckily this time ruining his life dosen't feel bad as he's tried to murder us, sybil and really had ZERO chance before shouting at us.
With that we can be in it to win it, using the science and the alchemy to give us a gold heart and winning Sybils. Unfourtnatley the game then makes a pretty bleh error in judgment, as Sybil realizes she still wants abe and.. runs off to apologize to the bastard
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Yeah this joke is all kinds of messed up. I get her going back IS the joke, that he's bad for her.. but it just comes off stupid, and mildly sexist as it feeds into the old "oh women like jerks" sterotypes instead of "abusive relationships happen". I mean it's a lot to ask sam and max to be realistic, so i'm fine with that but it's not a lot to ask them to actually be funny if their going to do something this annoying.
So on that sour note the climax. We get our souls back and fight jurgen, who has a plan.. of.. some sort. Anyways we can't stake him because we're too slow, so we toss the soul mater to jurgen's monster pull the lever kronk and swap bodies, using his to finally put this chapter to it's eternal rest... but not before flint comes in and tragically jurgen's monster dies.
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I'm.. still not over it but i've been asured he returns somehow. And there's no time to punch flint for this as it turns out the reason he dived in guns a blazing to see us earlier is that he needs our help: bosco isn't just missing... he's NOWHERE ON EARTH
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Night of the Raving dead is one of my faviorite chapters writing wise, with lots of clever jokes, an all timer villian and tons of my faviorite characters.. and abe. The abe stuff drags it down slightly, but everything else is so good this is easily my second faviorite chapter of the games thus far behind Save the World's The Mafia, the Mole and the Meatball.
It still suffers from some of this games overarching issues: the puzzles are more obtuse, the writing can be a bit mean spirited, and I don't have a third thing. Beyond Time and Space thus far isn't BAD, and has legs up on it's predecessor with gorgeous environments, but it still feels a bit of a step back from the previous one. It's got a bigger budget.. but it's just not as fun as the later chapters of save the world. It's not a bad game, the writing is as sharp as ever and most of your terrible actions are too over the top to not be funny, but it dosen't have quite the charm the first one did.
Next Time: I .. genuinely dont' know. The descrption for this one is more vauge. the only thing I know for sure is we'll finally meet THEM
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Thanks for reading
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randomvarious · 8 months
German Trip Hop Playlist (YouTube)
Alright, folks, for the past couple Sundays I've been posting playlists comprised of German music from electronic genres that the country tends to be naturally associated with—trance and techno—but this week, to end this little Deutsch-centric foray I've been on, we're getting into some sweet cuts from a genre that Germany's not so typically known for: trip hop.
Now, maybe when you think of German music, you naturally assume some things. And probably because of Kraftwerk and krautrock and techno, you imagine stuff that sounds cold, mechanical, repetitious, and robotic. But this little playlist here, which really isn't even beginning to scratch the surface of Germany's trip hop landscape, should start to disabuse you of your very own wrongly held preconceived notions. All of these tracks here are a blend of smooth, blissful, and relaxing. Clearly and obviously, there’s far, far, far more to German music than sounding like an automaton, but maybe you never really thought about it all that much 🤷‍♂️.
So let's highlight some of these nuggets here, and start with a track that really seems to call back to trip hop's own Bristol, UK origins, when it was basically fusing Jamaican dub and hip hop in order to form sonic syrup in the late 80s and early 90s. The Frankfurt-based duo of Soul Patrol, who only ever released a pair of 12-inches, bring forth "Slow Groove," a sedative that served as their debut track when it appeared on a pair of compilations back in '95. This gem uses a sample that should sound *very* familiar to hip hop heads: Isaac Hayes' "Walk On By," a part of which was famously used in The Notorious B.I.G.'s "Warning," as well as another mid-90s trip hop tune, Belgian group Hooverphonic's "2 Wicky," which got a lot of burn on Pandora back when Pandora was still a big fucking deal. "Slow Groove" basically sounds like it was made by Portishead, but replacing Beth Gibbons on vocals is an American woman named Francesca Harper, who is actually now a world-renowned dancer. And it has a little over 43,000 plays across a few different uploads on YouTube.
Next up, from Berlin, we have a guy named Jiri.Ceiver, who in 1997 released a song called "Ycool" on a 10-inch single as well as his second and final album, Jig, Amble & Lisp, which were both put out on the legendary Frankfurt-based and Sven Väth co-owned Harthouse label. Harthouse had originally started out as a pioneering outlet for hard trance, trance, and techno in the early 90s, but by the latter part of that decade, and before they wound up closing their doors, they had expanded their palette with a bunch more electronic genres. And “Ycool,” a terrific piece of reconstructed trip hop-blues, serves as a sweet example of just how broad that expansion was getting. And it only has 169 plays!
And lastly, we have something beautifully dubby from another Berliner named Christian Kleine, whose 2000 tune, "Bitter Things," first exclusively appeared on a lovely double-disc compilation called Putting the Morr Back in Morrissey, which really had nothing to do with The Smiths' own frontman, other than the fact that a bunch of its songs had a reflective melancholy to them. However, despite "Bitter Things"' own title, this is a song that was really made to sync up with a sunrise. An organic, crunchy, and happy, boom-bappy bop, with cool, dubby effects employed all throughout. Over 36,000 plays across a few different YouTube uploads.
This playlist is ordered as chronologically as possible:
Nonplace Urban Field - "Universe" Jazz Con Bazz - "Wayz of Life" Knowtoryus - "The Revenge of the Bomberclad Joint (Kruder & Dorfmeister session, Part II)" Fon:Kin - "Montininja (Fauna Flash remix)" Hacienda - "Nightmare of Max" Soul Patrol - "Slow Groove (Soul Patrol original vocal)" Beanfield - "Charles (remix)" Jiri.Ceiver - "Ycool" Christian Kleine - "Bitter Things" Lali Puna - "Fast Forward (Flowchart Rmx)"
And this playlist is also on YouTube Music.
So with this start, we have ten personal German trip hop favorites of mine that appear on a handful of compilations that I've collected over the years. Totals at 53 minutes.
And next week we'll be staying in this chilly mode, but we'll be zooming out from Germany ⛄.
More to come, eventually. Stay tuned!
Like what you hear? Follow me on Spotify and YouTube for more cool playlists and uploads!
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brokethedrawer · 8 months
Ran into this while browsing through some older sites--an article/interview from 2004, mostly about Everybody Loves a Happy Ending. I especially love what Charlton says about "Size of Sorrow."
In case the Wayback Machine link ever stops working, here's a copy:
INTERNAL CONFLICTS ARE PRACTICALLY a requisite for every pop duo, the in-fighting associated with Simon & Garfunkel, Oasis and The Everly Brothers almost as well-known as the songs they produced.
Up until recently, Tears for Fears had sustained an impressive impasse of their own, with one half of the pair, Curt Smith, abandoning the synth group for more than a decade. What was thought to be a permanent vacation, however, is snapped on April 6 with the release of Everybody Loves a Happy Ending (Arista), the first CD by the original British duo since 1989’s Top 10 album The Seeds of Love.
The full track list: "Everybody Loves a Happy Ending," "Closest Thing to Heaven" (first single), "Call Me Mellow," "Size of Sorrow," "Who Killed Tangerine?," "Quiet Ones," "Who You Are," "The Devil," "Secret World," "Killing with Kindness," "Ladybird" and "Last Days on Earth."
Smith and partner Roland Orzabal grew up as childhood friends in Bath, England, devoting many years to the cultivation of Tears for Fears (and Graduate, prior to that) before breaking though with The Hurting in 1983.
The band ruled the airwaves in ’85, tallying two singles that topped the charts for a combined five weeks: "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" and "Shout." But despite the mega-success of Songs from the Big Chair that year (five-times platinum) and the strong reception garnered by its follow-up, The Seeds of Love, four years later, the union eventually proved ill-fated. Smith exited in 1992.
Orzabal upheld the Tears for Fears moniker despite Smith’s absence throughout the ’90s, but the amount of material he created was minimal: Elemental in 1993 and Raoul and the Kings of Spain two years later. In the meantime, Smith periodically issued obscure solo discs, including 2000’s Aeroplane.
"About two-and-a-half years ago, they started talking again," newly recruited guitarist Charlton Pettus, who also played on Aeroplane, tells ICE. "I think they had both arrived at similar places musically, and whatever personal stuff there was, it was long ago enough that no one cared anymore. Their dynamic partnership is one that they didn’t fully appreciate until they didn’t have it. When they got back into it, they just kept going."
Once the reunion became official, the band devoted winter 2002-’03 to writing and laying down demos. The bulk of the recording took place in Los Angeles starting in February, and lasted through the summer.
"We took about four trips between Roland’s house in England and [L.A.] before we really started recording," says Pettus, who co-produced the album with the band. "So it was a gradual, get-back-into-the-water thing at first."
Whereas Orzabal traditionally performs guitar and keyboards and Smith the bass, the members occasionally swapped duties during this recording. Pettus filled all three roles when needed, and Orzabal even stepped behind the drum kit for "Closest Thing to Heaven." The album is also infused with B3 organ, Wurlitzer, acoustic piano, Mellotron, clarinet and other instruments.
While Pettus claims the recording was slow-moving, "Ladybird," the first song the duo attempted, "went fairly quickly and naturally," he says. "There was no conscious effort to sound like Tears for Fears… they just do."
Despite the long gap of time between recordings, the group only looked to the past for one Everybody selection, "Size of Sorrow"; the rest were all written specifically for the new album.
The Orzabal-penned "Size of Sorrow," at least seven years old, was casually recalled during the recording sessions, eventually winding up on the album. "It was from the period right after they broke up, so hearing Curt sing it was kind of an epiphany," Pettus states. "When we were going through songs midway through the process, there was a song of Roland’s that he’d never recorded a version of which he liked. Me and Curt thought it was a beautiful song… we messed around with it for awhile and loved it."
Pettus says that the majority of initial tracks were preserved for the final versions of the songs.
"More than half the tracks on there are first-take quickies," he says. "A lot of the guitar solos are first-take noodles that we got attached to. It’s a demo/record hybrid — nothing was erased."
He points to the title track specifically: "The middle part of that song is Roland singing and playing acoustic guitar together on one mike. He did just one take as a reference, so we could lay out the song structure. We thought there was something magical about the take, so that was it."
The studio residency resulted in roughly 12 leftover tracks, some of which will surface as B-sides and others that will not be finished. Pettus hints at one track in particular, "Out of Control," as being an especially beloved remainder.
Once the recordings were finished, the pair inked a deal with Arista — the first time they had ever been involved with the label. "[Arista president] L.A. Reid has always been a big fan," VP of Marketing Adam Lowenberg tells ICE. "Everyone at Arista is so excited about this… there’s nothing else like it on our roster."
–Kurt Orzeck © 2004 Howard Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
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barbiegirldream · 2 months
i miss prime boys disc duo happy ending flew us too close to the sun i need tommy to get more normal again please please
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Idol K Sarumi! Yata reaches acceptance/resignation about Fushimi's 'betrayal' with Totsuka and Kusanagi's help. In the process, they put together the most epic cover of Journey's 'Separate Ways', specifically for Yata's voice. Once released, it's a hit of crazy proportions for multiple and obvious reasons. Fushimi's reaction?
Somehow just imagining Yata doing this very very 80s song amuses me, imagine him just getting to rock it out. Say after Fushimi leaves Homra record label Yata's initially super upset and for a while he and Fushimi are probably debuting dueling broken heart/betrayal songs. Even though he was initially angry though Yata slowly starts accepting it more, maybe seeing how much more alive Fushimi seems on stage now that he's with Scepter 4 vs when he was in Homra. It's like the spark that was there when they were a duo has come back and that helps Yata realize that maybe Fushimi was never happy in Homra after all. He still can't forgive Fushimi for breaking things off with him so painfully but at the same time he's starting to feel like he understands why Fushimi left and he wants to reconcile, he just doesn't know how.
Totsuka and Kusanagi happen to be listening as Yata records his next heartbreak-ish song and Kusanagi says it feels like something is missing in the recording. Totsuka gets this understanding look as he says this isn't the song Yata wants to sing is it. Yata admits that he's been struggling to write a new song, something that can let Fushimi know that even if Fushimi doesn't want to be friends anymore Yata will still be there for him. He feels like yeah, he's still heartbroken but he's also kinda understanding and he wishes there was a way he could convey in his music what he's feeling. Totsuka gets this grin as he says he has an idea, he's been getting into older English songs lately because he wanted to try something new and he thinks this song might work for Yata. He plays the song for Yata and at first Yata's kinda unsure because the beat is cool but he has no idea what any of those words mean because he doesn't speak English. Kusanagi translates for him and Yata's eyes widen, this is just what he needed.
So Yata ends up releasing this epic cover of an 80s song by Journey, maybe they translated most of it into Japanese but left the chorus in English for flavor – and in part because Yata knows that Fushimi can speak English, and will definitely understand it. The song becomes a major hit and imagine Yata doing the rounds on talk shows, mentioning that he wanted to sing this song in order to 'let a stubborn idiot know how I feel.' Of course this is how Fushimi finds out about it, at first he refuses to listen to the song because why would he want to listen to idiot Misaki's worthless songs (even though he always listens to them all eventually, and owns all Yata's albums and singles). The first time he listens imagine him just sitting there in silence, letting the words sink in as his fists clench and his nails dig into his palms. I imagine him not wanting to believe this at all, like even with what Yata's said on TV, even though it's so obvious to everyone else, Fushimi still can't believe that Yata's trying to convey these kinds of feelings to him, until a few days later when a disc copy of the single arrives at his apartment with a note written in Yata's obvious handwriting, reading 'just listen to it, okay?'.
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dreamhot · 2 years
Im a terrible lore head and I got the disc duo happy ending thing right so it can happen to anyone 🙌
realistically you're our biggest liability cos you're far more aggro with terminal loreheads than anyone in dreblr but idiots somehow THINK you're dreblr just because you don't think c!dream is a one dimensional creep. it's kinda breathtaking, as they say
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hermithomebase · 11 months
I predicted c!disc duo happy ending so who really won
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bunybunn · 2 years
Something very interesting about the dynamics between c!Tommy and c!Dream is that in reality it's fueled by the obsession from both sides. It never was just c!Dream is obsessed with c!Tommy because c!Tommy was almost just as bad when it comes to being obsessed about c!Dream.
If we look back to the very first discs war it started because after c!Tommy and c!Sapnap burned c!Ponk's lemon tree they saw c!Dream running towards him and decided to kill him. Keep in mind c!Dream had an Iron armour on that was much weaker then what c!Sapnap and c!Tommy had on. Later c!Dream demands apologise and decided to keep the discs as a punishment as well as a possible blackmail is c!Tommy misbehave. Of course c!Tommy wasn't happy about that and c!Dream wasn't wiling to back down ether with is why the discs war started. Why is it important? Because it basically highlights the reason why each of them ended up fixating on one another.
In c!Tommy's case is the assumption that c!Dream is his personal villain. He often tells c!Tubbo that it was always them against c!Dream focusing on the fact it's more personal. C!Tommy's hatred was also heavily connected to his obsession with his discs and the idea that even if he gives them willing to c!Dream it's still the same as if they were stolen. But then the exile happened and the way he sees c!Dream is tainted by fear which makes him fixated on the idea that c!Dream wants to destroy him and hurt him specifically. Of course it's fair enough considering his trauma and the fact that c!Dream did use it against him but it still was the thing that pushed him to try kill c!Dream one more time. He takes it personally and can't let go of it because all that happened sunken to deep into him.
On the other hand we have c!Dream. Most of things he does aren't just targeting c!Tommy because it's c!Tommy rather it has more to do with overall control. The reason why he wanted the discs is because he could use them to make sure c!Tommy will behave and in result it could also help to control people who care about c!Tommy. The reason why he went against L'Manberg wasn't c!Tommy, it was the fact that he saw the idea of a nation that only few can join as something that will separate people from each other (c!Dream said it multiple times including around-ish the time L'Manberg started so yeah it was his motivation). He focused on c!Tommy because he was often involved in many of the things c!Dream's saw as problems. Considering that he is the type to believe that the end justifies the means it's not really surprising that he went that far to make sure c!Tommy won't be a problem (although it still failed if you think about it). His obsession focus more on the idea that having c!Tommy under control might somehow bring peace.
it's important to add that for quite a while c!Dream let go of focusing on c!Tommy because he was busy with more important stuff like getting revenge on the people that made his time in prison a living hell but then our favourite duo decided to murder him. If you think about it both of them fuel each other needs to target the other. Even if one will give up the other can easily bring them back to the toxic circle.
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awesamcozy · 2 years
when tommy said in his tribute videos the fans make it awful and the inniters said he meant c!dream apologists... like i think the disc duo happy ending is all that could have been they sealed their fate.
everyone forgets schlatt is tommys idol like he is not gonna bend over backwards for you
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