#tomorrow it is time to plan the drama and chaos that is chapter 10
hpowellsmith · 6 months
Three-quarters through drafting Honor Bound wooooo
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kanisema-blog · 2 months
Adopted by the Absom's
Chapter 10
I woke up to the soft light filtering through the curtains. My alarm buzzed gently beside me, signaling the start of a new day. I took a deep breath and rolled out of bed, heading to the bathroom for my morning routine. The shower’s warm water was a welcome wake-up call, washing away the remnants of sleep.
Afterward, I dressed in my usual work attire and meticulously did my skincare and makeup. As I stood in front of the mirror, I couldn't help but think about how much had changed since I was first adopted by the Absom family. My life had taken so many unexpected turns.
Descending the grand staircase, I admired the paintings that lined the hallway. Art had always been a solace for me, a way to escape and find meaning. The dining room was empty except for the chef, who had prepared a beautiful breakfast spread. I sat at the long table and ate in silence, savoring the tranquility before the day's chaos began.
Thomas, the ever-reliable chauffeur, was waiting outside. The drive to the office was uneventful, giving me time to mentally prepare for the day's work. As we pulled up to the building, I took a deep breath and stepped out, greeted by the familiar sight of the office hallway lined with artwork.
My team was already buzzing with activity when I arrived. I made my way to my desk and began brainstorming for the upcoming exhibition at the Musée Venia. This was a significant event, and I wanted everything to be perfect.
Ynah was the first to offer a suggestion. "We should feature a blend of classical and contemporary pieces to attract a diverse audience."
Angelo, always the enthusiast, practically bounced with excitement. "And we could have live performances! Imagine a violinist playing amid the sculptures!"
Diane, who was usually more reserved, shared a personal anecdote. "When I was in elementary school, I won a contest for my drawing. It would be nice to have a small contest for young artists as part of the exhibition."
Jazzy, ever the practical one, chimed in. "We need to think about the layout too. It should be simple but elegant, letting the art speak for itself."
Jenrix, the newest member of our team, shared his aspirations. "I want this exhibition to be remembered. My goal is to have people talk about it for years."
Their enthusiasm was infectious, and I felt a surge of energy as we brainstormed ideas and planned the event. By the end of the day, we had a solid plan in place, and I was feeling optimistic about the exhibition's success.
I called Thomas to pick me up. As I walked out of the office building, the weight of the day’s work settled on me. The chauffeur opened the door, and I slid into the car, grateful for the familiar comfort.
The drive back to the Absom family mansion was peaceful. Upon arrival, the maids greeted me warmly. I ate dinner alone at the long table, the chef's culinary skills once again on full display. The quiet of the mansion was both comforting and lonely.
After dinner, I headed up the grand staircase to my bedroom. I took a long bath, letting the hot water soothe my tired muscles. My nightly routine of brushing my teeth and doing my skincare felt like a ritual, a way to unwind and prepare for rest.
Finally, I settled into bed and picked up my phone to continue watching the drama series I had been engrossed in. The familiar faces on the screen and the unfolding storylines provided a welcome distraction from my own thoughts. As the episodes played on, my eyelids grew heavy, and I drifted off to sleep, hoping that tomorrow would bring more moments of creativity and perhaps, a little more peace.
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myglogic · 4 years
Priceless | Bang Chan | 01
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Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Pairing: Bang Chan (Stray Kids) x female reader
Genre: Crime, enemies to friends to lovers, angst, fluff
Short summary: Y/N is a journalist who dreams of writing a frontpage article at the Seoul Times. She gets the chance to attend the Bang Charity Gala through her work where she plans exposing Kevin Bang, father of Chan and one of the richest men in Seoul. How is she planning to do that? The Gala is a masquarade ball where no one will recognize her. Y/N just wants justice for herself and everyone Kevin Bang hurt.
DISCLAIMER: Everything in this fanfic is fiction - that includes Chan’s fictional father who of course does not represent Chan’s real father! ♥
The event was full of people. Full of filthy rich people, you might add. It was the event of the year for Seoul’s richest and most famous people. The Bang Gala. What is the Bang Gala, you might ask? It was a charity gala where tons of money was gathered for a good cause every year. The cause is always kept a secret until the gala. Last year the money went to an organization that helps orphans who didn’t get adopted to adjust to society. Sounds like a beautiful event, right? In one year, the money went to survivors of natural catastrophes, another year it went to the homeless. Each year millions of dollars were donated. You couldn’t even imagine how big the sums must be.
Bullshit. That was what you thought. Because the people behind this charity gala were the Bang family. Kevin Bang, the owner of Seoul’s biggest real estate agency, no, you could even say the owner of South Korea’s biggest real estate agency hosted the gala. In the media, he was known for being a generous businessman, always leaving huge tips at the restaurants he was eating at. He was not only known for being generous, but also being down to earth too.
All of it was an act. Because you knew who the real Kevin Bang was. You knew how the real, evil, Kevin Bang was like and how he treated the people around him too. He was the reason why your father lost everything.
You were just a kid when all of that happened. You didn’t like to dwell on the past but you were a girl who hated unfair treatment. The past was the past but it wasn’t easy to forget. In the past two years you have been working for a pretty big newspaper – the Seoul Times. Okay, working would be an overstatement. You were basically there to proofread the articles written by the real authors and bring coffee. But you were still happy to be there because it was a start. You studied journalism but had no experience yet so it was even a miracle that you got a job at such a renowned company. Sometimes you did write small articles but mostly it was about boring stuff, for example, how the private school next door opened their new library which was – what a coincidence – sponsored by none other than Kevin Bang.
Your parents were proud of you because you worked your ass off at university for this degree. It was very underwhelming to get such an underpaid job, but you had to work hard to become the head editor one day. Right now, you worked at the “celebrity” department, where they basically gathered all kind of news about any kind of celebrity. Like for example how BTS got another win for their latest album. It wasn’t what you envisioned. Sometimes you switched departments too and just work wherever you were needed. That is why you needed an incredible story to write, a story that you have discovered. You didn’t only write articles but sometimes you had to investigate too, like doing interviews outside the office if the writer himself was too lazy to do it. But this story was your personal story. No help from Seoul Times or any other editor. You knew that this story, your story, would secure you a job on the top. That story was exposing Kevin Bang.
Exposing the real Kevin Bang. Not the beloved charitable, kind person that everyone looked up to, but the asshole, getting-anything-he-wants Kevin Bang. Why was your hatred for him so deep when everyone seemed to love that guy? The answer was simple. If something didn’t fit into Mr. Bang’s plans then he just bought everything with his money and influence. He was one of the reasons why an orphanage was demolished because he wanted to free some space for his clients, so he built a 5-star hotel on that area. According to your research he made some hefty payments to make sure that this does not reach the media. It hurt you a lot because you volunteered a lot at that specific orphanage. The kids there were not prepared to leave at all. It was a shitty move of him and you hated him more for that.
But that was just one of his many wrongdoings. You hated reading anything about that guy and his family.
Chaos. The office was very chaotic because of the on-going charity gala. A lot of newspapers used the gala to get interviews with big names, because anyone who had influence attended that gala. But this year’s theme was not optimal to get a lot of interviews: Masquerade. Everyone had to wear masks so no one knew who you were.
It was interesting since all of the people there already had two faces. The theme made a lot of interviewers back out because if you can’t see the celebrity, interviewing them would be difficult.
You were sitting at your desk, trying to find more dirt on the Bang family when you heard a stack of papers landing next to you, making you flinch a little. It was your supervisor, Hana, who looked at you, annoyed. “Proofread these, okay?”, she sighed, rubbing her temples.
“Okay.”, you said, not wanting to annoy her more.
“I need these by tomorrow by the way.”, she added arrogantly.
“Excuse me, what?!”, you said, standing up in shock. “I can’t even get half of those done in a day!”
She stared you down with an angry expression. “Okay, then why don’t you go and try to interview some masked celebrities at that stupid gala, huh? Our top interviewers don’t want to go because they think it’s a waste of their time!”
You sighed. “Just because you have problems, doesn’t mean that you can put all the workload onto me.”
“I am sick of you complaining, Y/N. This gala is stressing me enough already. It’s not like anything happens at these galas anyway, I don’t even know why we have to send so many employees there. The big boss is crazy. Taejoon doesn’t want to go and we have to send someone from our department.”, Hana said angrily, clearly angry at Taejoon who usually does the interviews for your department.
Then an idea popped into your mind. “Wait… So technically if Taejoon goes to that gala thing, doesn’t he get a free pass?”
“Yeah, we cannot identify the celebs there anyway. But we still have to send ten of our people so that they can write down how much money was donated, where the money goes to, blah blah. Also, if anyone decides to show up without a mask, interview them. Stuff like that.”
This was the idea! You gathered information on Kevin Bang for a while now and if you could find a way to get in there, you might be able to turn everyone against him. You just needed to get the attention of the guests and the media. You knew that you wouldn’t get the recognition you wanted but it would be a start to dig the dirt on him.
Maybe, if you tell the boss that it was you who exposed him, he will let you write the big front-page article about him. Nobody knew more shit about Kevin Bang than you.
“You know, if you let someone else proofread these articles, I would go to that gala instead of Taejoon.”, you offered her.
She gave you a tempting look. “You never went, right? Of course, you would be excited to enter such an exclusive event. But please don’t fall asleep, it gets boring pretty quickly.”, Hana warned you. “Also, you can’t wear a mask as someone from the media. You need to stay in the background, especially since you are still a rookie. Got it?”
Yeah, of course, it was because it was an exclusive event. It’s not like you had a huge ass plan to destroy Kevin Bang or something. “Yeah, got it. Can I go?”, you asked innocently.
She sighed. “Okay. But don’t do anything stupid!”
“I won’t!”
‘At least not when you are around.’, you thought.
Now that you got your free pass to the Bang charity gala, you needed to make up a plan. A really good one. Because your operation was big and you couldn’t risk making any mistakes. The gala was in two days and you quickly needed to figure out what to do and how to do it.
With all the information you had on Kevin Bang, you knew you had to somehow get the attention of the audience that would attend the gala. Through some insider information you found out that there will be a huge projector. It’s projecting at the main stage. So, you somehow needed to get to the tech room to show the audience your evidence.
You found out that a friend of yours, Felix, will be working there on the night of the gala as a waiter for drinks. You were sure that he would be a huge help and approached him but at first, he thought you were crazy. You were basically trying to ruin a charity event. But after explaining why you wanted to do it, he agreed to help you with your plan. There was a designated area for the press, so you needed to get inside and change first to mix with the actual guests.
This was your plan:
1.    Get inside the actual building as someone from the press
2.    Bring a sexy dress and a mask
3.    With the help of Felix get in the employee area to change
4.    Act as if you’re a guest and talk negatively about Kevin Bang
5.    Get in the computer room to “hack” the projector
6.    Expose Kevin Bang
Sometimes you felt like one of those drama Youtube channels. But this was more than just telling everyone about a horrible person. You did this for your family, especially for your dad. Your family was ruined because of him. Your parents worked their hardest just so you could go to university. Of course, you also did this to write an article about him and get a better position at work. But there was more of a personal agenda behind this.
After a long day of work, you finally came home, clearly exhausted. The gala was tomorrow and you were really nervous about everything. Your roommate Jisung walked out of the kitchen and looked at you. Jisung and you met on your first day of university and became friends quickly. He was your closest friend and you knew you could trust him with your life. “Hey, I got a huge ass dress delivery for you today? What are you going to do with such a fancy dress?”, he asked you curiously.
You smiled at him, determined. “I will attend the Bang charity gala tomorrow.”
Jisung’s eyes widened. “What? For real? Because of your job or what?”
You smirked. “Just wait. After tomorrow, I will finally get the recognition I deserve. And yeah, I will get in thanks to my job.”
Jisung looked at you suspiciously as he sat down with a bowl of chips in front of you. “You're planning something, aren’t you?”
You put on a confident smile as you laid down on the couch. “Yeah. Look, I will tell you everything after the gala. It’s a huge thing so…”
“Don’t get arrested or something, dude.”, Jisung sighed. “Well, since you won’t tell me now, why don’t we watch a movie on Netflix then?”
The day of the gala arrived quickly and you found yourself with a camera hanging onto your neck in front of the huge ass gala building. You gave your dress to Felix before so he could hide it in the employee changing rooms. Your hands were sweaty as you took some pictures.
“So, we will be at different locations throughout the building. Try to get some good pictures and if you recognize someone, try to get an interview, okay?”, one of the interviewers told the Seoul Times journalists.
As you went to your designated areas you looked around for Felix to get out of here. At the same time, you admired the huge building with a rich history. Literally, rich. The guests were coming in slowly and everyone looked glamorous and fancy. Their dresses probably cost more than you earn in a month. The location was beautifully decorated, the main stage was huge. While looking around you saw the tech people going upstairs. The tech room must have been upstairs. You couldn’t find a good floor plan on the internet and security was high alert. There had to be a way to get up there. Dressing up as someone from the tech crew would be too obvious but no one would suspect a masked woman in a dress. Especially since you were masked, you were even safer.
As everyone was seated Kevin Bang entered the main stage shortly after. His crisp suit looked expensive, his hair was slicked back. His face was half covered by a black mask. Behind him was his wife, probably number 6 by now, and his son Chan. They also wore masks that didn’t do a good job with covering their faces. Your gaze wandered more towards to his son than Kevin himself. He looked handsome, you couldn’t deny that, with his black hair and dark blue, perfectly sitting suit. You also noticed that he didn’t look too excited to stand there. Interesting.
“Welcome to the annual Bang charity gala! I am happy to see so many faces – well, technically I can’t see you but I appreciate every single one of you!”, Kevin said enthusiastically which earned him hearty laughs from the audience. You rolled your eyes. “You for sure have been wondering where the money goes to this year! This year, we are donating the money of this beautiful gala to a brand-new hospital! With the money you donate every year we can build a completely new hospital where everyone can be treated! The best thing about the hospital?”, he started and showed a picture of the future hospital that was projected behind him. “We will get the best doctors! Anything for our residents of Seoul!”
The crowd cheered and clapped politely. The rich were delighted. “Let’s see how much money we can gather tonight!”
You scoffed at his stupid smirk. “What a freaking liar, the money doesn’t even arrive there.”, you whispered angrily.
The event kicked off, classical music was playing in the background. Since the theme was “masquerade” the guests started waltzing in pairs. It did look very appealing but it felt like this wasn’t your world. In fact, this was not your world. You sometimes wished it was. Not worrying about anything, especially money. You knew you could never fit in.
You then got up looking around. Security was everywhere. Then you spotted Felix who walked up to you. “Hey, sorry, I’m late. These rich people never stop drinking.”, he sighed, clearly exhausted as he pushed his blonde hair back.
“It’s fine the event just started. How can I get out of here without security noticing?”, you asked him, feeling the fear inside you coming up.
“Just walk next to me. As long as you don’t act suspiciously nothing will happen.”, he assured you and walked you to the employee changing rooms. You noticed a few glances from some security guards but nobody stopped you.
As you were getting dressed, Felix spoke up. He was hiding behind some lockers so you could dress in peace. “But Y/N… what if you get caught? How do you plan on getting out of here after doing that stunt?”
You sighed, “I need to do everything step by step, Felix. First, I need to get to the tech room and make sure that everyone out there can here hear me. Then I will decide what to do. But I won’t get caught.”, you told Felix while putting on your red dress that had lace details on the top part. It wasn’t tight but still looked really nice. It was a rather flowy dress and you could breathe in that dress. It looked expensive enough for the elite of Seoul. Good thing that you can rent dresses. You then put on some red lipstick and put your mask on that covered nearly your entire face except for your lips. You were unrecognizable, especially since you looked like a zombie normally.
As you turned the corner to meet Felix his eyes widened for a moment. “Wow, you look nice! I bet you will fit in without any problems!”
You smiled at him and then squeezed his cheek. “Aww! Thank you, Felix. I’m really nervous… but I have to do this.”
He looked at you with a worried expression, “Please, be careful, alright?”
You nodded and quietly exited the dressing room. Some people sat at their assigned seats, others were talking about the event. The music was loud but the atmosphere was alright. For now.
You decided to join a group who were talking. They were two women who were gushing about how extravagant this gala was. They were wearing expensive designer dresses.
“I love the gold details in the decoration.”, one of the women, the one who wore a black mask, said.
“I wish they would serve some more seafood. The buffet is horrible.”, the other one said, sighing. Wow.
“But no matter what Mr. Bang does, his galas are still the best!”, black mask spoke up again.
“I don’t get why everyone likes him so much…”, you spoke up, taking a glass of champagne from a waiter that was walking by.
The women looked at you, a look of confusion in their eyes. “Why would you say that? Everyone loves him.”, black mask said, defending the man.
You sighed. “I heard that he's a real asshole in reality. Ever heard of when he bulldozed an orphanage for his new hotel?”, you told them.
They gasped in shock. “He would never do something like that, would he?”
“Well he paid the media so word couldn’t get out.”, you told them.
Then they started discussing if this was real or not. That was what you did for the first hour. While there was some show on the stage, you trash talked Kevin Bang. While some people didn’t even listen to you, others were saying that they had assumptions about him. Kevin Bang was a smart man. He wouldn’t show his real face to anyone.
As you were looking around the room, you felt something or rather someone staring at you. Now that you think of it, you felt that even earlier. Then you saw that in fact someone was staring at you. That suit and mask… He looked really familiar. He walked up to you and held out his hand. “Would you like to dance with me?”
You were surprised and didn’t know what to do. “Uh, I’m not really a dancer.”
“Just follow my lead, you will be fine.”, his butter smooth voice assured you. Damn it.
You then took his hand and followed him to the dance floor. He put one hand on your waist and his other hand held yours. You wondered why he asked you out of all people. You carefully followed his steps, trying not to embarrass yourself.
“So, what’s your deal? Who are you?”, he grumbled, his eyes dark.
“This is a masquerade, isn’t it? Why would you ask me that?”, you told him, slightly surprised by his sudden change of attitude. What was he trying to do?
“I heard you talk shit about my father. What the hell are you even doing here if you hate him that much, huh?”
Your eyes widened. Of course, he was Kevin Bang’s son! You recognized him from earlier. “Why do you act like everyone in this room loves him? As if I am the only person who dislikes him.”
He tightly squeezed your hand and waist to symbolize his seriousness. “Oh, really? You don’t know him. He is a businessman, sometimes he has to make sacrifices like relocating an orphanage.”
So, he was listening to you. Interesting. “You call that relocating? You don’t know shit.”, you said in an annoyed tone.
“And you know that better than his own son?”
It was your turn to give him a tight squeeze on his shoulder. “Yeah, I actually have my sources.”
You were dancing in circles and his gaze bore into yours. You would find it cute that he tried to defend his father if he wasn’t Kevin’s son. “I will find out who the hell you are. I bet you are one of the Lee’s. You guys are always jealous of us.”
You sighed. “I am so jealous of you and your life. Oh, fuck off. You know, I don’t have to like you or your father. And here I thought I would dance with a gentleman.”, you said, trying to sound disinterested.
The music finally came to an end and you looked at the man in front of you. “It was not nice to dance with you. Let’s not do that again.”, you said and turned your back, walking away from him.
“Wait! Who the hell are you?”, Chan shouted, gaining a few looks from the crowd. But before he could follow you, you were lost in the crowd.
You tried to go through busy crowds and then tried to find a way to go to the computer/tech room. You decided that it would be best if you pretended to search for a bathroom or something, so you sneaked upstairs without anyone noticing you for now.
It was time. Time to get revenge. Time to show the world who the real Kevin Bang was. Time to shine.
A/N: Hello guys, this is my first (consistent) series on this blog! This is also the first time I am writing for Chan and I hope I do him justice. Buckle up because this story has a lot of twists and turns. I appreciate every form of feedback and maybe even theories! What do you think will happen next? Thanks for reading! ♥
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Fic Recs: Scott!Whump
So I’ve been asked for Scott!whump fic recs a couple of times now, so figured I might as well throw my favourites out here to share with anyone interested.
Some of these aren’t solely Scott whump, but they’re all Scott getting hurt or into some sort of trouble or angsty, and they’re all fics I highly enjoyed reading!  Mix of FFN and AO3 in here.
I’m terrible at remembering names (author or fic), and almost as bad at bookmarking/favouriting them.  I know there are fics I can vaguely recall as being amazing that I just can’t find, and if/when I do, I’ll add them to the list. Update 17/7/20: someone threw one of these ‘I remember it but I couldn’t find it’ fics in the notes so that’s in here now.
I only recommend complete fics, because abandoned fics are my personal bane and the only way to guarantee avoiding them is to stick to completed fics!  That’s not to say I don’t read ongoing works, but unless it’s absolutely out of this world amazing, you won’t find me recommending any.  Just in case.
Δv/Δt by Heavenward Deceleration is a function of velocity over time. Rating: Gen.  Family.  Scott, John, EOS Chapters: 1; Words: 4k.  Complete
A Father by rosefields Scott Tracy has been under a lot of pressure since his mother died. But he can cope, it's not a problem. Jeff know that, his oldest is strong and capable and he doesn't need his father. Right? Rating: K.  Family/Hurt/Comfort.  Scott, Jeff Chapters: 1; Words: 3k.  Complete
All Alone by Loopstagirl Scott reaches breaking point for looking after his brothers so Grandma Tracy takes charge of the situation, and her son. Rating: K.  Family/Hurt/Comfort.  Scott, Grandma Chapters: 1; Words: 5k.  Complete
Back Story by Phoenix_Sparrow That rock slide while rescuing Kat Kavanaugh has left Scott with more than just a few bruises. Rating: Gen.  Family/Hurt/Comfort.  Scott, Virgil, Gordon Chapters: 1; Words: 6k.  Complete
Dare To Hope by i_amnerd Not for the first time, Scott wishes that little brothers came with some kind of training manual or instruction booklet. Rating: Gen.  Family/Hurt/Comfort.  Scott, John Chapters: 1; Words: 1k.  Complete
Exhaustion by Just Another Flygirl A rescue mission in space is interrupted with deadly consequences... Rating: K+.  Suspense/Angst.  Scott, Alan, John Chapters: 7; Words: 9k.  Complete
Facts of Life by Kaeera There are some situations – lying on a floor in a pool of your own blood, for example – that really put things into perspective. Rating: T.  Drama.  Scott, Tracy Family Chapters: 1; Words: 5k.  Complete
Grudgingly Human by Yarnaholic Scott faces some old demons while trying to talk down a man standing on a building ledge after a rescue. Rating: Mature.  Angst.  Scott, Virgil, John Chapters: 1; Words: 4k.  Complete
Illusion of a Saint by Alternate Reality1 There's an enemy admist their ranks. He's hidden in plain sight. The question is... when will the illusion be shattered? Rated: T.  Spiritual/Suspense.  Scott, Hood, Tracy Family Chapters: 18; Words: 92k.  Complete
In Enemy Hands by Claudette When the secrets of International Rescue are offered for sale to the highest bidder the Tracy family must act quickly. However, their secrets are not the only thing that is at stake. Rated: K.  Adventure/Drama.  Scott, John, Tracy Family Chapters: 18; Words: 62k.  Complete
Labyrinth by TB’s LMC One minute Scott Tracy's at Mobile Control directing a rescue. The next, he's in a fight for his life. Rated: M.  Horror/Supernatural.  Scott, Tracy Family Chapters: 8; Words: 12k.  Complete
Missing Scene: The Uninvited by Juud18 In between Scott being found by Lindsey and Wilson, and the scene where Scott, TinTin, Virgil, Brains, and Wilson and Lindsey are sitting at the campfire. Rated: K+.  Family.  Scott Chapters: 1; Words: 2k.  Complete
Mission Impossible by Loopstagirl Being selected for his first solo mission should have been exciting for Captain Scott Tracy of the Air Force. But there was something else at play. Something dangerous and deadly. Something that could cost him more than his life. Rated: T.  Family/Adventure.  Scott, Gordon Chapters: 12; Words: 55k.  Complete
Never Too Late by Loopstagirl As the family deal with grief, Scott must face his fears and grow up, whilst Jeff battles between being dad and being a successful businessman. But what will it take to bring the two of them back together again? Rated: T.  Hurt/Comfort/Family.  Scott, Jeff Chapters: 22; Words: 58k.  Complete
Over and Out by Pheonix_Sparrow An incident at an earthquake rescue leaves Scott frustrated when he's injured. Rated: Gen.  Hurt/Comfort/Family.  Scott, Virgil. Chapters: 1; Words: 5k.  Complete
Rescue by taralynden On the way home from a rescue, Thunderbird One crashes and it’s up to Scott’s family to save him. Rated: Gen.  Hurt/Comfort/Drama.  Scott, Tracy Family Chapters: 10; Words: 26k.  Complete
Scott Series: Fallen Brother by QuestRunner In a rare chance to bond with his youngest brother, Scott takes Alan with him on a simple mission to repair a damaged satellite. With tempers running high, the boys find themselves arguing over the roles they play in International Rescue. When Alan slips off a cliff, it's up to Scott to save his brother and mend their broken relationship. Rated: T.  Family/Hurt/Comfort.  Scott, Alan Chapters: 7; Words: 11k.  Complete
Shiver by Loopstagirl When one of the Thunderbirds is infecting with something deadly, will the rest of the Tracys be able to save one of their own? Or are they about to be torn apart by grief again? Rated: T.  Hurt/Comfort/Family.  Scott, John, Tracy Family Chapters: 17; Words: 44k.  Complete
The Assignment by Kaeera Twelve year old Scott struggles with a writing assignment. Honestly, when you have four younger brothers, it can be hard finding time for yourself. Rated: K+.  Humour/Drama.  Scott, Jeff, Tracy Family Chapters: 1; Words: 10k.  Complete
The Hardest Thing by eriphi How do you manage a billion dollar business and parent four growing boys at the same time? It takes something serious to make Jeff realise that he isn't managing as well as he thought. Rated: K+.  Family.  Scott, Virgil, John, Jeff Chapters: 2; Words: 5k.  Complete
The Silent Conversation by mjc The sound of sirens, a flash of light and waking up under a pile of rubble. How can Scott survive knowing help just might not come? Rated: T.  Hurt/Comfort.  Scott, Jeff Chapters: 1; Words: 5k.  Complete
Tomorrow Never Knows by Silverstar Things had not gone according to plan, to say the least. Now they were trapped on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere with no hope of rescue and increasingly slim chances of survival. To make matters worse, the Chaos Crew had shown up. This was not going to be a fun week. Rated: T.  Hurt/Comfort/Angst.  Scott, Gordon, Alan Chapters: 15; Words: 110k.  Complete
Weathering the Storm by tiylaya When an unexpected storm shipwrecks a holidaying Jeff Tracy and three of his young sons, they're thrown into a situation far more dangerous and complex than anyone initially realises. Rated: T.  Adventure/Angst.  Scott, Gordon, Jeff Chapters: 22; Words: 102k.  Complete
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sian265 · 5 years
Legio autem Arcarius Chapter 3
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Legio autem Arcarius
Legion of Archer
Chapter Three
   “Are you out of your mind!” Alec shouted. He shot up to stand over Magnus, using his 6’3” height to his advantage. Alec had no idea how his outrage looked to the High Warlock. “Let me get this straight,” he continued. “You are the target of a killer cult, in New York. You want to go, to New York! See anything wrong with this picture?”
 Magnus didn’t respond right away, too busy staring up into gorgeous, furious, hazel eyes. He was sure the Commander had no idea how hot Magnus found him all mad and intimidating. He also couldn’t help but be a little touched at Alec’s concern, he didn’t know the stoic archer cared. He winked at the furious Shadowhunter before responding. “Why yes darling, you have it right. I do intend to go to New York-, but I don’t know why you are so concerned. After all, I will have you and the Legion there to protect me.”
 Alec knew he looked like a fool, standing there with his mouth hanging open. He turned a shocked gaze to the Consul, only to have Jia confirm Magnus’s words with a nod. “Yes, Commander, Magnus is correct. I want you to go to New York with the High Warlock and help him in this investigation. I want you to hand pick a team. The Legion will be charged with protecting Magnus and assisting in the discovery and capture of this cult.”
 He sat back down heavily on the sofa, mind whirling. Alec did not want to go to New York and he most definitely did not want to assist the New York institute in their investigation! To be in such close contact with his mother and sister, Alec wouldn’t even know what to say to them. He had only exchanged polite greetings with his mother, and he and Isabelle were at most only pen pals. It wasn’t that Alec did not wish a closer relationship with his family, it was just that the Legion took precedent and did not encourage close family bonds other than with his fellow archers. In addition, Alec had left New York at age 10; it had been 14 years since he had spent more than a few minutes with any of the Lightwoods.
Alec was unaware that all his internal struggles were plainly visible on his face. Jia and Magnus watched silently as the Commander worked though the dilemma of this new assignment. Magnus brought his cocktail and took a seat across from Alec. He did not envy the young Commander his role in all this, knowing how difficult it was for the Legion’s young recruits. They were plucked from home and family and told that their ranks were now their new family and those old bonds were to be forgotten. It was the only thing he and Jia regularity disagreed upon, that old tradition that had been around as long as the Legion itself had. He couldn’t resist shooting the Consul an I-told-you-so glance. She ignored him.
 “Commander,” the Consul pulled Alec away from his thoughts. She waited until she had his attention before continuing. “You and your archers will not be staying at the New York institute, but instead will be stationed with Magnus at his loft.” Jia hoped this would appease a bit of the stress the Commander was feeling at the possibility of being so close to his family again.
 Alec took a deep breath and gave the Consul a nod. Turning to Magnus he asked, “When do we leave?”
 “Tomorrow,” Magnus replied.
 “Okay then I shall leave you both now to prepare and select who will be accompanying me.” Alec rose and giving each a respectful nod, he left the study and the party.
  Alec knew Underhill would still be waiting for him. He had spoken with his second in command briefly before departing for the party/meeting and given him a heads up regarding a new mission. He was correct and nodded to Andrew as he stepped into his office. “Grab the mission log and come into my office,” Alec ordered, moving through his aid’s space into his own slightly bigger office. Taking a seat behind his desk, Alec waited for Underhill to join him. It was not too late in the evening and since they departed tomorrow, he wanted to give his archers enough time to prepare. Once Underhill took a seat, Alec briefed him. “The mission starts tomorrow. We will be joining the High Warlock in New York. The assignment has two parts, first we will assist with an investigation headed up by the New York Institute. And secondly, we will be providing protection to the High Warlock.”
 Underhill nodded, his face thoughtful as he digested the plans and thought of possible questions and or issues. “How many Legion do you wish to join us?” Andrew did not even have to ask, that confident that he would be joining his Commander, for it was his duty to watch Alec’s back.
 “I did think at first to leave you here in charge, but I knew what your response to that would have been.” Alec gave his second a small rare grin. He knew his second’s mind and how displeased Underhill would have been if Alec left him behind. “I am thinking eight archers and I will leave the individual selection to you. I would like to leave the Legion here in Theo’s hands.”
 Andrew nodded and ignored Alec’s comments about leaving him behind. He knew his Commander was just teasing him; Alec did not go on missions without his second to guard his back. “Understood and Theo is a good selection, he ran the Legion effectively when we were on the last mission. I will select the other seven and notify them at once to be ready tomorrow. Is that all for now Commander?”
 Alec nodded, trusting the rest of the mission to Underhill. He headed to his own quarters, packing did not occupy his mind more than a few minutes and Alec was left with the rest of the night to struggle with his doubts and worries. He lay in his bed, arms folded up behind his head, staring at the ceiling. This mission would not be like any other. Not only would he have to face his family and that drama, but he was to guard the High Warlock, a man who had Alec twisted up for years. Putting aside his emotions to accomplish this mission will be the toughest battle he had ever faced, and as he was prone to, Alec fretted. He got little rest that night.
 He stood in the portal room waiting for Magnus to join them. Alec surveyed his team, all packed and ready for the mission. The four men and three women of the Legion stood at attention, faces serious as they awaited instructions. Underhill walked up and down the line, speaking with each to double check they had their weapons and were up to date with what Alec had shared so far about their mission. Alec did not worry about his own weapons, trusting completely that Andrew took care of packing for his Commander himself. All that they needed now was for their host to arrive.
 Magnus finally arrived bringing with him more sparkles than Alec had ever seen. The High Warlock was dressed more for a party than a mission. Though, Alec did think he looked rather great in his red jacket. The High Warlock’s hair was spiked high in an artful Mohawk, and his black eyeliner darkened his normal honey brown eyes, making them almost appear-, black. The dark dress slacks, and dress shirt, perfectly set-off the silver jewelry accents Magnus added. All-in-all, he presented a truly spectacular sight. He took Alec’s breath away.
 The Consul stepped into the room behind Magnus, she nodded her head for Alec to join her. When he stood in front of her, she lowered her voice so that only he would hear her. “I’ve ordered the New York Institute to cooperate fully with Magnus and the Legion. They have been instructed to present all evidence to you upon your arrival and that you and your Legion will be in charge of security. They are to provide whatever resources you deem necessary.”
 Alec grimaced. “How’d that go over?” he asked.
 Jia just grinned her shark-grin and that told Alec all he needed to know about how his reception was going to go with the New York Institute. “We do not have time Commander for any posturing on that front. The Seelie Queen just needs one more incident to step in and create even more chaos. We need this solved sooner rather than later.” Jia instructed.
 “So in other words, you want this taken care of yesterday?” Alec aimed a small grin at his boss, she was tough, fair, and always on the Legion’s side. He couldn’t ask for a better Consul.
 She smiled a little more warmly this time and patted Alec on the arm. “You know me so well, Commander.” Jia then moved off to say a few words to Magnus before departing the room, leaving them to their mission.
  Alec looked over in time to see his archers moving all their bags together in a pile, then watch as Magnus waved his hands and the bags disappeared. Alec moved to stand next to Magnus. “We are ready when you are.”
 “I’ve sent the bags to my loft. I have also taken the liberty of redesigning it to include rooms for you, Commander and your archers.” Magnus paused briefly before flashing Alec a wicked grin. “I figured I could not talk you into sharing my room, at least not yet.”
 He could not say a word, nor could he possible hide the fact that his face and neck were flushed, red. Alec could only gasp at Magnus’s words, and in front of his troops! The High Warlock gave a devilish chuckle before in a whirl of color, a portal opened up in front of them. “Well my dears, shall we depart?”
 Alec shook his head as one by one his archers stepped through the portal until only he and Magnus were left. Magnus raised a somewhat challenging brow at Alec. “Well Commander, after you.” And with a deep sigh, Alec stepped through the portal. The portal that was taking him to New York, and his family. He stepped through and straight into Magnus’s lair. Welcome to New York, he thought.
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dailyaudiobible · 5 years
05/16/2019 DAB Transcript
1 Samuel 18:5-19:24, John 8:31-59, Psalms 112:1-10, Proverbs 15:12-14
Today is the 16th day of May. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian and it's good to be here with you as we move toward the back half of the week or move into the back half of the week. And, like we’ve been saying, we’re kind of simultaneously moving through the back half of the book of first Samuel, which is full of drama and intrigue and incredible lessons for our own lives as we watch the intertwining of King Saul and this new kid that's kind of come on the scene named David. And, so, we’ll pick up with the story where we left off yesterday. We’re reading from the Voice Translation this week. First Samuel chapter 18 verse 5 through 19 verse 24 today.
Okay. So, anytime you have like royalty or any kind of dignitaries coming through town, right, there's usually going to be some sort of crowd. Usually there’d be some sort of speech too, but there’s gonna be some sort of crowd and that's been going on throughout history. So, like, even today if royalty or a leader of a nation makes a visit then their arrivals gonna be covered on the news. Depending on how how connected they are to the people, there’ll be throngs of people, right? Like, if Britain's royalty comes to the United States or something and they’ve got the kids, there's gonna be all kinds of people. So, it was no different for King Saul when he returned victorious in battle. There was a celebration, there was pageantry, there were people, there was dancing, there were all kinds of people who wanted to get a glimpse of the king, but after David killed Goliath the song that the young women were singing at these…at this pageantry was that Saul had killed thousands but David had killed tens of thousands, which, of course, freaked Saul out. He already was fragile and very afraid of what people thought, right? We’ve watched that throughout the story of Saul and his coronation. So, he's freaked out about this and he ends up saying like, “what's left? what's left for David, but just to take the kingdom?” And, so, this made Saul very insecure and jealousy was planted in that fertile soil and then rage, and Saul tried to kill David with a spear. Of course, David now…we’re kind of watching him come up on the other side of this story and he's just trying to figure out what is going on because he's gone from complete obscurity to like this national hero and he keeps getting assigned tasks by the king, and he has access to the king and it's just like he's a lowly person. So, he’s just trying to figure out what's going on, but he has learned quickly how to protect himself, right, like how to stay alive. It’s not that he wasn't learning this is a shepherd, but now he's like, he has to become a warrior to survive. His life has changed dramatically, and Saul keeps hatching these plots to send David into battle, hoping that the someone else, and normally it’s the Philistines, will kill David and then it's just over and they can have national morning but that'll be the end of David. And he's trying to marry David into the family, like he's trying everything he can to control David without realizing that David's loyal. Like David’s not trying to do anything but to support the king, but Saul's paranoia and fear of man and jealousy and rage have absolutely got the best of him. And, so he keeps coming up with these plans to kill David. And, so he's like, “okay, you can marry my daughter, Michael. I just need the foreskins of 100 Philistines.” Okay. That is the strangest bride price ever. And David goes out and gets 200 foreskins and it’s so weird because did they circumcise all these guys like after the killed them and bring their foreskins back or did they just have a basket full of manhood's, which is probably more true to what happened but even still, like you come in before the king and you’ve got a basket full of manhood's, 200 of them. How to you…I mean...I don't know…how do you celebrate that victory? Is everybody in the palace dancing in circles around the basket? Like, who knows. It’s just a strange bride price but David pays it and the plan was that David would get killed trying to pay that bride price but instead he’s successful. And, so, Michal, who’s Saul's daughter, who loves David is married to David and now David is the king's son-in-law, but Saul still wants to kill him, and he is willing to kill him right in his own bed. So, we see just how intermeshed and entangled and messed up the relationship is between Saul and David. But we can find ourselves in both of these men's lives. I mean, there are times that we truly do shine and then there are times that we are completely disconnected from ourselves and all of our relationships and both Saul and David knew who the God of Israel was, both of these guys, even though they’re acting completely different to the circumstances. Both of them worshiped God, but Saul's insecurity and jealousy pulled him continually away from God while David fundamentally new that God was his only possible hope for survival. And we see those kinds of things coming out in the Psalms of David. So, the men's lives at this point, they are irreversibly intertwined, like there's no way to go back to how things used to be when the king didn't even know who David was. So, their lives are intertwined, but they are on comp completely different and divergent paths with God and we should pay close attention to where those two paths lead because we can find ourselves in both of these people's character. And, so, we can also take their story and find out where their paths go as we choose our path forward. All of our insecurities, right, all our comparison are only gonna continue to plague us and they’ll eventually cause chaos and destruction in our lives or we can realize as David is realizing, there is no way to survive, there is no hope outside of utter dependence on God. So, let's think as we move through this day. Which path am I even on because it's never too late to change course.
Father, we invite You into that. We can see the characteristics in these two people in our own lives. We can be both of these people with both of these kinds of characteristics on the same day. And, so, we recognize that, and we invite Your Holy Spirit to continue to illuminate through the story found in first Samuel of Saul and David which path we are on and to give us clarity on where these paths lead so that we understand where it is were going to end up if we stay on the path that we’re on. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
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If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that dailyaudiobible.com. There’s a link, it's on the homepage. Thank you profoundly for your partnership. If you're using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that is it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hello, this is Lori Music. What a great God we serve? Actually, I used to call myself the transplant from Chicago down to Heber Springs Arkansas and now I just usually say Lori Music from Heber Springs, but I just wanted to reach out. Nine years ago, a lovely young lady with the name of Constance called in and Constance I just want to let you know I am still praying for you. I am still believing for God’s favor for you and your marriage. I am pleading the blood of Jesus over you. I am praying over your atmosphere, that you have warring angels fighting against the principalities of the air to keep you safe from any harm that may come your way. So, Constance know that you’re loved, and I pray that you’re still listening to DAB. And Jerry from Duluth Minnesota, it was such a delight to hear from you again. I always enjoyed hearing from you when you’re on your paper route. So, thanks so much for calling back in. That really touched my soul. And to all you DABbers, keep calling in, such wonderful memories and we’re such a huge family and even though I don’t call in much know that I am praying for each and every one. So, God bless, have a blessed day.
Well, hello from beautiful Cincinnati Ohio this is Daniel Johnson Junior. It’s been a while since I called last. Been listening to the DAB for…actually it’s going on my 10th year been getting ready to begin my 10th year. I remember June 2009. But I just wanted to call in a couple of things. Tamika, I’m just praying for you. The situation that you’re finding yourself in is definitely…it’s definitely hard, but it’s definitely…you know…the thing that Brian has revealed to us as he’s gone through the Scriptures over the years with us is…and I hope that you understand…is that God is always at work to redeem us. You know, as long as we are alive, our story is not over. And I think that’s something…that is encouragement that I take on for myself constantly and I think that’s important for us to remember, that God is never done with us and he can work through any situation. As we’re reading even in the Scriptures how He’s worked through the situations that we’ve gone through already. And I wanted to encourage you with that. Also, Jerry from Duluth Minnesota, I heard your call on Tuesday, May the 14th and I just…you just brought back a sense of joy into my heart just to hear you calling again and I just wanted to say thanks for calling in and keeping up with DAB. And then guys if you could just pray for me. Two years ago, I had to say goodbye to my stepsister who was found dead, you know, and just…this is the anniversary of that. My stepmother, with it being Mother’s Day…its been a rough weekend. So, if you could just keep me in your prayers, my family, my sister-in-law, my wife’s sister, also was her birthday and she’s no longer here either. And, so, it’s just a bittersweet time for us. The grief has been kind of hard for me. So, guys I love you, God is so good all the time, all the time God is good. May God bless us and bless you. So, make it a great day.
Good morning DAB family, this is Patty from sunny Southern California. I have a horse sanctuary ministry. I’ve been listening since September of 2007 and I just love this program and I love the prayers afterwards and kind of getting to know people and I just heard Jerry the mail carrier call after being gone for such a long time. Welcome back! And he mentioned someone I think about often, Natasha from New York. What ever happened to you girl? Well out of all of you - Brian, Jill, Blind Tony, the prayer warriors - but I was just moved with Jerry’s call because it was an old familiar voice. Now I know I don’t call that often. I’m gonna try to do it a little more often. I love my DAB family. God bless you all.
Hello DAB family this is Abiding in Him. I want to pray for Mark Street and his son William. Heavenly Father we thank You for Your love and for Your faithfulness. We thank You for Your grace and Your mercy. And we thank You Lord that You wake us up every day with a purpose, a reason, and that You haven’t let a single one of us slip through Your hands. Heavenly Father we lift up William to You, __ loss, in his own mind, and in his own heart Lord, loss and depression heavenly Father, that he is not lost from You. Oh Lord, reach down into this Young man’s heart heavenly Father and grip it in a way that nothing else can. Not any of the addictions that try to capture our Youth or any of the entertainments that try to take their hearts away heavenly Father. Grip him in a way that only You can because You made his heat. And You know it. You know exactly what he needs to hear, when he needs to hear, and how he needs to hear it heavenly Father. And, so, Lord hear the prayer of his Father whose come requesting You and asked us to lift up our voices to You, heavenly Father for You to intervene. He is ultimately Your child Lord. Grab him, bring him home, open up his ears to good counsel, open up his mind to wisdom, open up his heart to love, and give his father patience. Know that You’re working in his heart and that You will bring that work to fruition. We thank You Lord for all that You’ve done and all that You will do on William’s life. We thank You Lord the testimony that You’re building in him. We give You glory because You’re a worthy God. You are all good all the time. We thank You Lord for Your grace and mercy in Jesus’ name.
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