#tomorrow morning at 10am at the cafe this painting was hanging in. She and her hubby will be there. Cash in hand
bakuraryxu · 3 months
I am buying this painting btw. it is titled Puppy and it’s $60
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ververa · 5 years
“You are enough”
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A few weeks passed. Dr Staple came back to her work. She was pretty busy, so soon she forgot about the weird visit at the Zimmerman’s house. It was of course until one night. Ellie fall asleep in her office – while going through with paper work. At one point her eyes simply closed and she fall into slumber with her head on the desk. That’s when her phone rang.
“It’s Dr Staple” she answered sleepily
“H-hi. Good evening. It’s late. Too late. I shouldn’t… Oh god, I’m sorry”
“Ronnie?” she shifted in her office chair
“It’s okay. I’m still working. What’s going on?”
There was a long silence on the other side.
“Did something happened?” continued the psychiatrist
“I- Well, I was just thinking”
“It would be really nice to have that conversation with you” she paused “If you still want. I mean, cause maybe you changed your mind or something”
“I didn’t. I’m glad you’re calling” she smiled to herself
“Because as you said, it would be really nice to have that conversation. How does some coffee tomorrow sounds? There is a cafe near the clinic, we can meet there if you want”
“Okay. Great”
“So, I’ll be free about...” she looked at her watch “Let’s say 10am”
“So, see you tomorrow”
“Dr Staple...”
“Take some rest”
“I will” she smiled “You should too”
“Good night, Dr Staple”
“Good night, Ronnie”
"Good morning, Mrs Staple"
"It's Miss actually. And indeed, good morning" she smiled friendly leading the girl to the small cafe
They sat at one of the tables next to the huge window – fronting onto the park.
The night before Staple suggested coffee with half a mind to take the conversation elsewhere – namely to her office, but seeing how nervous the younger woman already was, she gave up on the idea.
There weren't that many people at the cafe, so they still could have some privacy and the atmosphere was probably more relaxing than it would be in her office. Ellie examined the girl's features carefully.
Ronnie was definitely paler than during their first meeting. She had a dark circles under her eyes, which even the make up couldn't cover. It was visible that she was stressed out – too stressed. The psychiatrist waited for her to say something, almost afraid that she may run away if she starts the conversation. But Ronnie was only sitting. She wasn't even looking at the other woman.
She wanted to talk – of course, but as she was finally sitting in front of the doctor she didn't even know with what she should start. Ronnie felt as if her mind was speeding and was afraid that it can explode at any time – spilling all the thoughts she buried deep inside. So, she chose to look anywhere, but the woman.
Staple's attention was caught by Ronnie's fingers – drumming on her arm – covered with a long sleeve.
"You're nervous" the doctor stated carefully placing her hand on the girl's
Ronnie looked at the woman – surprised by the sudden touch, which she had to admit was soothing. Ellie's hand was soft and so warm in comparison to the girl's.
"It's okay. We don't have to hurry. I'm hear ready to listen to everything that you want to tell me"
"I'm sorry. I just don't know anything any more... I don't even know what to tell you" she smiled sadly
"Maybe... Let's start with ordering coffee and then we will think, okay?"
Ronnie nodded. After a few more minutes a waiter brought their beverages.
"Did you have breakfast today?" asked Ellie
Ronnie's eyes widened as she looked at the woman.
"You sure? Cause you didn't sound convincing at all" she tried to joke
"I'm... I'm not hungry lately" she said
"So, you don't eat?"
"I do... Just a little bit less than before"
"And how's your mother?"
"She's busy" the girl shrugged
"But you talk with her?"
"God forbid" she rolled her eyes making Ellie smiled
"Tell me what's so wrong with her, then?"
"Everything?" she looked at the woman "She... They simply never really understood me. And I'm tired of proving them my worth"
"You don't have to prove your worth"
"With them I have to. You see, my mother has those ability to push me to the edge"
"Yes. I can say she does"
"We haven't got on well with each other since my 16 birthday" she took a sip of her coffee
"And what happened then?"
"I stopped acting like a good girl"
"So, you're a rebel?"
"Not exactly" she lowered her gaze
"What do you mean, then?"
"That I didn't let them hurt me and that was somehow not fair to them" Ellie looked at her questioningly
"You're very interesting case"
"Continue please. Can you explain it to me?"
"I'm sorry, doctor, but I don't feel like talking about it. I mean... Not right now"
"Okay. So, maybe let's make another appointment?"
"Whatever. If you still think you're able to help me…"
"Of course I am. I mean I'll do my best as friends do" she winked
"Are you my friend?"
"I hope I am"
They were supposed to meet next week, but it didn't take that long. Ellie got a phone call from a drunk Ronnie the same evening.
"Where are you?" Staple asked
"At the... I don't know, but they have a lot of vodka and even more" she chuckled to the phone
"Ronnie, listen to me"
"I need you to listen to me very carefully"
"Where are you? You need to send me the address"
"I'm going to pick you up"
"No, no, no. Doctor... You cannot see me right now"
"And why is that?"
"Because..." she paused "Because you won't want to be my friend after that"
"My god, I can assure you it won't change anything. Now send me the address and I'll be right there"
"Hey" Ellie sat next to the girl and sighed with relief
She was looking for her for about 15 minutes and seeing all those strange people under the influence of various substances she began to fear for her new patient. It was completely new for her to care for someone, who she didn't really know, like she cared for Ronnie. She wasn't sure how to feel about it, but as she finally found the girl she smiled and came to her.
"Are you okay?"
"I had to take my stuff from the studio" she admitted
"What studio?" Ellie asked a bit confused
"I-I used to be a dancer" she answered "Before all that shit happened…"
"Let's get you to the car and you'll tell me everything, okay?"
"Okay" she tried to stand up but stumbled
"I got you" the psychiatrist hold her up by her forearm "Come on, let me help you" she said placing one of her hands on the girl's lower back to support her
"Thanks, doctor" she said leaning against the woman
"Not for what"
Staple took Ronnie to the car and helped her get into it – careful not to harm her in any way.
"Do you want me to take you home?"
"No!" she almost screamed "I mean... No. Please. Anywhere, but there"
The psychiatrist sighed
"We can go to the atelier I'm using"
"Yup. I'm painting…"
"I must admit you're full of surprises Ronnie" she said starting the car
"Probably" she mumbled shifting her position "And I must admit you're different than everyone else"
"What do you mean?"
"You touched me today. You did it twice and I wasn't afraid of you. I wasn't afraid that you'll hurt me like they did"
"Ronnie" she began with a serious tone "What did they do to you?"
There would be a complete silence if it hadn't been for a radio playing at the low volume.
"You can trust me, you know that" she said trying to encourage her to speaking
"I know..." Ronnie took a deep breath "I was a dancer, you know” she started “And my mother wanted me to perform professionally. So, I was dancing since the very young age..." she paused
Ellie took the girl's hand and squeezed it gently in a reassuring manner.
"My mother had those friend. He was a great dancer and after he stopped performing he opened his own school... She took me there... I was 16" she closed her eyes for a while "I wouldn't tell you that probably, but I'm drunk... He was molesting me. And when I finally got the courage to tell Caroline she laughed at me. Can you imagine? She claimed that Oliver's a gay and he would never touch me" a few tears streamed down her cheek
Ellie stopped the car.
"Then I had an accident. I had my leg broken and since then I couldn't perform. And it would be all okay, but I'm a disappointment for my family. I'm not doing what they want me to do and so I'm the world's worst... But why should I apologise to them for being who I am now, when they've never apologised to me for making me this...?"
"Ronney... I'm so sorry"
The girl smiled at the nickname.
"It's okay. You don't have to be sorry"
They came inside a huge, old building.
"It used to be some kind of factory or something, but the owner went bankrupt and had to sold it” Ronnie began to explain “My father bought this building with the aim to establish a new restaurant here, but I liked the place... And he agreed that I can have it. You know, that's the one advantage of having rich parents – sometimes you can have whatever you want" she smiled sadly "Would you like anything to drink, doctor?" she asked unsteadily walking towards the small space resembling a kitchen
"Water, please" she said looking around
Ellie admired all the paintings hanging and laying there with awe. They were very expressive. She could feel all the emotions, which accompanied the artist while painting. And she had to admit it was mostly pain or fear.
"Here you go" Ronnie handed her a glass of water
"Did you paint them?" she gave the younger woman an enquiring look
"I did" she nodded taking a long sip from her own glass
"They're amazing…"
"Yes, doctor?"
"You can call me Ellie if you want to"
"Alright" she smiled shyly
"Let me help you, will you?"
"What do you mean?"
"I have a friend. He's a great therapist…"
"Oh, no, no, no, no, no" she shook her head "I'm not going to talk with any man. I'm not going to talk with anyone about it" she walked into a huge room and turned on the light
Ellie could see even more paintings, but it wasn't important at that moment. The girl – she was. Staple thought to herself that she probably had never felt like that. Suddenly, an unknown and weird need developed in her. She wanted to make that fragile and lost girl to feel safe. She wanted to hold her and protect against everything that could ever hurt her. She felt a strange connection. And each time she was thinking about her the excitement and adrenalin grow in her. There was a weird kind of anticipation for what was to come next and she didn't have enough of that feeling.
“What about me?”
“What if it will be me? I’ll be your therapist. I’ll take care of you. I-I can’t promise that everything will be okay… Or that I can fix all your problems, but I can promise you won’t have to face them alone”
"I... I don't know what to say, doc... I mean Ellie"
"Say yes"
Ellie smiled coming closer to her.
"You should take some rest" she tuck a strand of hair behind the girl's ear
"Can you stay here with me?"
"Of course"
"I'll give you some pajama..." she walked towards the wardrobe "Here you go. The bathroom is at the end of the hall"
"Alright" Ellie smiled taking a set of pajama
Staple was back sooner than expected. She entered just in time to see the other woman's naked back. She was so skinny that Ellie could without any problem see her shoulder blades and spine.
"My god, Ronnie..." she sighed
The girl put on the t-shirt and quickly turned back
"Do you have eating disorders?"
"But you don't eat. Ronney..."
"Can we just lie down?" she handed the woman two pillows
"Yes. For now, we can. And tomorrow I'll take you for a proper breakfast to help with that hangover"
"I'm not drunk" she stated leading upstairs
"Of course, you're not"
Ronnie turned on the light – which was dimmed upstairs, where the bedroom was supposed to be. Ellie looked around the spacious room. It was too dark to see everything, though she did see the pallet bed. The psychiatrist lay down and let the girl to place her head on her shoulder.
"As I thought" Ronnie hummed "You're far more comfier that those pillows"
Ellie chuckled
"I'm sleeping, doctor" she smiled cuddling up into the woman's warm body "Can I please hold your hand?"
The psychiatrist let Ronnie hold her hand and after some time she began to caress her knuckles with a thumb. "You smell nice" the girl said nuzzling Ellie's neck
"Thank you" the woman rolled her eyes trying not to laugh at how drunk the girl was
"Do you think we can have some pancakes in the morning?"
"We can have whatever you want, but now sleep"
The girl was silent for a few minutes, making Ellie thought that she finally fall asleep
"Hey, doctor?"
"What is it, Ronney?"
"Thank you. I mean it" she smiled and cuddle up into the woman even more as she drifted off
Ellie wasn't used to sleeping with someone in one bed. She was too preoccupied with her work to have a serious relationship. She was too preoccupied with her work to have a serious relationship. All her relations were usually one night stands – when she was in the mood of course. They most likely left after sex, while she was working until late. And she definitely had never slept with her patient.
And there she was. Laying in bed that wasn't hers. With the girl that she has been knowing for some time, who was her patient. And they didn't even have sex. What exactly went wrong? When did she make a mistake?
The woman shifted, so that she could look at the younger girl. She was in a deep slumber already – holding onto Ellie as if she was afraid the psychiatrist could run away and leave her. She must be crazy to do that.
Sure, it was weird to her. It was something completely new, but felt good. And the girl's warm breath on her neck was so soothing.
She shifted once more to have a better look and froze when the girl moved.
"Where are you going? Are you leaving me?"
"No" she whispered "Shhh. I'm here. Sleep"
Ronnie moved closer to her and buried her face in the crook of the woman's neck. Ellie smiled and carefully embraced the girl
"I'm not going anywhere"
"Good" she said drifting off again
"I'll be here when you wake up" she didn't really know why, but she kissed Ronnie's crown
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