#tomoyasu chikasoku x reader
Valentines day drabble w/ Skeptic and GN!Reader
A little Valentines day drabble, even if it's the day after oops
Skeptic swooped in at the last moment in the polls to win over Redestro, but now I also have an idea for him that I may write up if people want it at all, so let me know!
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[Skeptic x GN!Reader]
[Contents: GN!Reader; No gendered descriptions for reader; Written in third person with “[Name]” instead of “y/n” so OCs can be included! Fluff; Established relationship; Skeptic being Skeptic.]
[Content warnings: None I can think of!]
[Word Count: ~1.0k]
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»»—— Unconventional Romance ——««
Unconventional [adjective] - not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed.
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“Since when have you ever cared about holidays? Especially Valentines day,” [Name] comments to their partner. “If I recall correctly, you even said that you never considered it a real holiday to begin with.”
Tomoyasu’s cheeks puffed out ever so slightly in what will be the closest thing to a pout as anyone would get, cheeks dusted a pale pink as he shifts awkwardly from his spot on their shared couch. He had suggested the two of them go out for dinner for Valentines day, quite off-handedly as the two sat in silence while working on their respective laptops. It caught [Name] off-guard, as their lover was being rather uncharacteristic with his offer. Tomoyasu not only carried a neutral stance on holidays, but he also loathed being in crowed public areas – and a high class restaurant on Valentines day was certain to be packed with couples and groups alike.
“It’s what normal couples do, right?” He responds, forcing a poker face once more as he types away on his laptop. “And I’ve never been in a serious relationship before you. Besides, you’ve always told me I should try new things, to get out of the apartment and office more often.”
He pauses his typing for a moment, seeming to be debating his next words. He’d gotten better at thinking before speaking, thanks to his partner. “And maybe I want to show my appreciation to you sometimes.”
[Name] huffs out their nose in a silent form of laughter. “Aw, Tomo, that’s incredibly sweet,” they respond, an affectionate look in their eyes as they turn their body towards the other man on the couch. The T.V was on and playing the news for quiet background noise, the light flickering in their eyes as Tomoyasu looks up at them. “But I know you, and I know the ways you show your love. Dinners at a five-star restaurant aren’t your forte, they’re more Rikiya’s style.”
The realization makes them snort. “Wait- You went to Rikiya, Chitose, and Koku for advice again, didn’t you?”
Immediately, Tomoyasu’s shoulders jerk in surprise, and a deep blush of embarrassment flares across what was visible of his face and ears. “Not by choice,” he quickly spits out, his words sharp but holding no malice. “I was asking Re-Destro for the night off of MLA duties, and he of course knew the reason why,” he groans, hands reaching up to run down his face, stretching his skin in an act of irritation. “And of course with my luck, Curious and Trumpet just so happened to eavesdrop like the harpies they are. They swooped in and bombarded me with date ideas and advice when Re-Destro suggested the dinner.”
There was a bark of laughter from [Name], who threw their head back in mirth at their boyfriend’s predicament. Tomoyasu groans in response.
“Yes, yes, laugh it up. Laugh at my utter mortification and shame,” he huffs back at them, though it’s clear that he means to teasingly bicker.
[Name] calms down quickly, though still tosses the other a gleeful smirk. “I appreciate you trying, Tomo – but honestly, I don’t mind what we do,” they assure him, leaning over a bit closer. “Dine out, dine in, order take out, go to the movies, watch movies here, hell, we could even just go about our normal routine and I’d be content with that. As long as it’s with you, I don’t mind whatever it is we do. A holiday is just a holiday, you’re not legally required to be a rom-com type of romantic on Valentines day.”
Tomoyasu stops what he’s doing to stare at them, still not completely used to just how sincere [Name] would get towards him. In the past, his “relationships”, if he could even call them that, typically ended because he was never “romantic” enough. Though he never cared too deeply for that person, their words still seemed to stick to him even after all those years of not caring. He supposed it’s because this was the first time he’s ever actually been in love, and he didn’t want to ruin it for once.
“…Really?” Was all he could muster, his voice that rare tone of soft that he only reserved for his partner.
[Name] gives him an equally soft smile, reaching out to take his hand. They rub their thumb over his dry knuckles, enjoying the familiar feeling. “Really,” they reply, giving his hand a squeeze.
There’s another long pause, before Tomoyasu’s voice cuts in again, his mumble barely audible despite the T.V’s volume being incredibly low. “…Take out and a movie at home sounds nice.”
“Take out and a movie it is, then.”
Come Valentines day, the holiday started out as any other day. Tomoyasu went about his work at Feel Good Inc., and [Name] headed out to their own job, the two of them parting that morning with a kiss and an exchange of ‘I love you’s and ‘have a good day, be safe’s.
Though, when Tomoyasu entered his office during his lunch break, he was surprised to see a box with a single red rose and a tiny, horizontal stand-up card with ‘Tomo’ written on it placed atop his desk. Setting his laptop and papers down next to the items, he glances over to assess what was left for him. The box itself wasn’t flashy, but still held the name of an incredibly expensive chocolate brand – despite having a sweet tooth, he was incredibly picky about his desserts, something his lover knew well.
‘That clever little minx’, he thought to himself with a fond quirk of his lips, lifting the rose up and twirling it between two fingers, the thorn’s tips clipped to avoid pricking anyone. With his other hand, he picks up the tiny folded stand-up card that was placed on the box, his long fingers easily flipping it open without the need of his second hand.
I’m not one to be flashy, but I still wanted to treat you to something special for the occasion. I ordered these months in advance just to make sure. Imported straight from Belgium, just the way you like.
Come home soon. I love you.
Happy Valentines Day,
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villain-sympathizer · 2 years
Headcanons for the PLF leaders X a Reader who needs to be reminded to eat?
absolutely!! as someone who also struggles with remembering to eat, i feel this lmao
since theres a ton of 'leaders' in the PLF im going to just do the ones I know more about for this! if theres anyone you want added just let me know!
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»»—— Reminding Their Partner To Eat ——««
[Characters: Tomura Shigaraki, Re-Destro, Skeptic]
[Contents: ⚠Mentions/implications of eating disorders⚠ (not the main topic, though), talk of medications, spoilers for the manga/upcoming S6]
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I think he and Skeptic are also guilty of this, but not in the same way, yknow?
For Tomura, it's for so many reasons, depending on the arc. At first, it was because he was so focused on gaming and trying to form a proper league; then, it was because he and the League were without a proper base/home and none of them were able to get proper food; then, it was fighting a giant mountain-like monster of a man for months; and finally, it was the struggle with his surgery and the AFO possession.
But, even if he doesn't take care of himself as much as he should, he's not considered a leader and a grand commander for nothing!
While he doesn't remind himself to eat, he absolutely reminds his partner. No matter the reason for why they forget to eat, or don't choose to eat, he will make a reminder on his own phone to remind THEM, not even himself.
Like I said, I see him as the kind of guy to share his own rations in order to make sure the rest of the League is fed well enough, especially his significant other.
They’re part of the family now, and that means they’ll be treated with the upmost care!
Sometimes, if he KNOWS they didn’t eat yet, he’ll go as far as to take a meal to them personally. Take out, home cooked, made by a hired chef – doesn’t matter, he’s hauling that meal for two right up to them himself.
If they try and refuse, saying he didn’t have to do that for them and they could get their own food, he’ll insist. But he’ll insist in that “I’m not giving up until you shove this in your mouth” kind of way, because he knows they’ll just end up forgetting again.
Lots of reminder texts that are just “eat”, or the occasional “consume”.
Unfortunately, he’s unable to check in with them much after the PLF arc, and almost never at all when AFO takes over his body.
Though, he’ll always have those off-hand thoughts of ‘I hope they ate today’ or ‘I wonder if the League is making sure they’re okay’. It confuses the fuck out of AFO but he can’t get them to stop.
Calls them his 'tomagatchi' with how often it feels like he's checking in on them, but if they don't like it, he'll stop.
Now this man, he's the PERFECT perfect partner for this out off all the PLF folks, honestly.
He's such an observant, caring person towards everyone he's close to, and that goes double for his partner.
Absolute dad material with how much he wants to make sure everyone is taken care of, both physically and mentally, so he checks in with all his loved ones and asks if everything's okay.
With his lover, and any family member honestly, he didn't even need to be told that they need reminders. Every time he sees them it's the typical check-in: "Hello, dearest. Have you eaten recently? Drank any water? You seem a little tired, have you been sleeping well?"
Like seriously, everyone calls him overbearing, but little do they realize it's actually helpful. Oh, maybe they should eat something... and they were a bit restless last night...
If his partner has appetite issues because of medication, then he's sure to feed them before they take their medication, or at least before it kicks in.
And if it's because they refuse to eat for mental health reasons? Well, then they can expect all the loving words Rikiya has in his arsenal. No insecurity will be spared from his reassurances.
He won't force them to eat in that case, but he will gently urge them to take a set amount of bites. Baby steps, as he'd say.
Just like Shigaraki, he's also someone who needs to be reminded himself to do even the basic human functions. Like sleeping.
Now, he's an incredibly focused man, and his partner will rarely ever see him during the work week unless they or Tomo himself seek each other out.
But since having a partner, he's gotten better at taking care of the both of them. It's kinda like how someone with depression will adopt a pet so that they have a reason to care for someone else, y'know?
Makes sure to contact them during his lunch breaks, which he actually takes now, and either checks in to see if they've eaten - or even going out of his way to join them for lunch.
If his partner works for him/along side him, then you bet your ass he's marching over to their area and announcing that the two of them are going on break.
If they tell him, or if he realizes that they need reminders, then expect some kind of reminder in every source of media that you have. Texts, emails, DMs of every social media - hell, they could open up an account they haven't touched in years and find hundreds of messages reminding them to eat and drink water.
But, it's also going to be a two-way street when it comes to our boy Tomo: his partner is going to have to remind him to eat or sleep as well.
It's a strange back and forth of hypocritical advice, yet it somehow works for the both of them.
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