#tomstar superiority
unnamedcrane · 2 years
Okay hi hello last week i finished svtfoe
Its rant time 👀
I didn't expect to write out my thoughts after each season anywhere but here we are i guess and now i can finally say i watched svtfoe in full!
So season 4
It was mid.
Okay theres more to that obviously, if it was just a season in the middle of the series it would be fine I enjoyed quite a few episodes but when it all comes together its just a complete mess
For me season 3 was the best and after such strong season this was just a disappointment honestly. I was wondering if Star lost her powers completely or what, so seeing her s4e01 using her magic completely fine without a wand was disappointing, like no learning no problems no nothing like i love you star but how tf did you learn that just outta nowhere
Other thing that seems to be completely forgotten is u know descendants of our favorite mc-pie folk? Like i have no problem with that what i have problem with is River. For whole 2 or more episodes he hates on pie folk so much but when he finds out his wife actually comes from pie folk he immediately forgets about that. Like im glad their relationship is okay dont get me wrong but with him being so prejudiced and hateful one minute and then just completely ignoring that is just ooc imo.
There's so much filler or irrelevant stuff happening that I had to look back at list of episodes to remind myself what was even happening
I liked Star being canonically attracted to women in episode I completely forgot about (ransomgram) so thats sth I guess
I really really enjoyed Stars and Toms relationship, maybe its my preference for Tomstar instead of Starco but I just find them so much nicer together. Despite that I also dont mind their eventual break up. I dont like that its so plainly just for Starco purposes its annoying but besides that I would love if their break up did lead up to development for them both. I feel like Tom was completely disregarded at the end of the season and it just bothered me a lot. I love how he grew throughout the series and I grew to like him a lot more than I initially did (which u know I liked him from the beginning anyway) and I love how much he cared for Star. It would be great if after the break up Star also could learn and like she wanted to try to find out who she is outside being "magical princess" that would be so great to see! but u know instead we got Starco :|
and now for Marco. I liked what he had going on w Kelly I thought it was cute u know? being breakup buddies thats adorable! and I didnt even mind blood moon curse I think it would be an okay closure for Starco and even then I feel like Marco and Star would be great platonic soulmates, instead of going w u know expected romance and stuff. Cause sure they have a strong bond I just feel like the romance part is bs, especially the confession scene I am sorry it was so bad. I dont mind Starco mind you but if I was keeping up w it at the time and 4 seasons of waiting led up to that I would be angry. I still am despite basically binging it, its just so weak I cant. The whole "I liked you from the start" no you didnt u liked Jackie (also good on her for getting french gf what a girlboss) and Star had a crush on Oskar and probably some other boys idk. It only got weird when Star started to have feelings for Marco while he was still obviously into Jackie, either way it was bad. Actually just now I read the synopsis the time they got feelings for each other was apparently blood moon ball? what? Star was charmed before she realized its Marco okay? and Marco idk didnt trust Tom and wanted to help Star which valid Tom had issues in s1 dskjds
I love Eclipsa so much I think she is my favorite character honestly. and her relationship w Globgor is just everything? Theyre so perfect and sweet and great w each other I want to have what they have ;-; She was so ready to do anything for him and vice versa and while reading some comments I kinda figured out how it feels so dear to me. Ik its interaccial or interspecies relationship so the metaphor isnt perfect but it feels so inherently queer. While being queer myself just seeing them care so much for each other while being ostracized by everyone around hits a bit close to home haha but yeah its amazing. and both of them separately are great too. While ik we only got few minutes of Globgor actually on screen I just liked him every second (and also it was funny to realize the guy from Jane the virgin dubs him pfpfpf) and Eclipsa is amazing too doing everything just to keep her family safe it was great.
okay few more things
I hate how Marco was literally stabbed but it didnt mean shit like at all. Its Stars wand all over again and it bothers me. Like sure it would suck if he died but also dont stab him then?
And I think I dont have to say this but ending is so bad. Like yeah ig the magic dimension when poofing out of existence could connect mewni and earth together but why only earth and mewni and also how did Star and Marco escape magic dimension??? again no consequences to their actions or not really anyway smh
and I havent even touched on magic or world building but thats gonna be another long post tee hee
Either overall I liked svtfoe quite a lot despite its problems and now I just wanna make cosplays and stuff haha
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proximacalamity · 6 years
someone probably did this already but it can never be said enough.
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im-fairly-whitty · 5 years
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Wit the Fairly Witty
But  a n g r e y
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jess-the-vampire · 3 years
Tom Lucitor
Send me a Character
sorry it’s been awhile, been busy
First impression
well tom was the reason i checked out the show at all, cause i saw his design and i got curious about him so i checked out s1 and really enjoyed it. I came in wanting tom to improve and want him and marco to get along because i felt marco was the perfect character to help tom with his issues.
tom just made a very interesting first impression, even if he was at his worst at that point.
Impression now
oh he’s my favorite star character, as ppl already know, and arguably the best character in the show. He has a consistent arc that’s handled really well (Until the ending of s4) and he’s consistently likable and fun to watch.
It’s jsut so unfortunate he felt like he got thrown under the bus cause not only do we have to watch his best friends treat him like crap and then have tom randomly push them together because the writers needed him too and not because it felt right for his character at the time.
But he never gets to do much outside of the romance, when he is a half monster....in a show about monster racism, tom was so perfect to be expanded in the show and be apart of the main plot but nah....just use him for starco and dump him to the side for no reason.
He’s so good but he’s so wasted and mistreated throughout and he deserved a better show tbh. He’s one of the few great characters left by the end and not only does he not feel used to his full extent, but the writers betray his character by giving him friends and having him grow...just to watch his only friends constantly abandon and mistreat them for their dumb romance.
he is allowed to grow while they get excused for so many things, some even similar to his mistakes.
he’s wonderful and a highlight of the show but man do they not treat him right.
Favorite moment
i remember Friend-enemies with so much happiness when it aired tbh, it was exactly what i wanted and i love it.
Idea for a story
man, i want more tomco romance, but also more tomstar romance as there are like...NO tomstar fics and it annoys me.
Also stomco.
Also also, if you make fics that insert tom into the monster plot i will love you forever.
Unpopular opinion
tom is a way more appealing love interest then marco and i do not understand for the life of me why ppl treated marco superior when between them tom is not only the better one in a relationship...but he’s willing to improve and actually cares about the people he hurts.
Marco gets over his relationships and the ppl he hurts too easily tbh, it gives the impression they mean little to him.
him and jackie talking in Britta’s tacos felt like the writers wanted to touch on this complaint but i don’t think it works, even tom calls out that marco got over jackie pretty dang easily.
And not to mention kelly....
but no, tom got so crapped on in fanart and at the end of the day, he’s WAY more appealing as a love interest and i feel it’s partially a result of ppl who self insert themselves into marco tbh.
Favorite relationship
on he and marco had the best one, by far, it was so well developed and it’s so frustrating how marco can treat him in later episodes.
tomstar was great too when star wasn’t awful, and would've been a better endgame.
Favorite headcanon
you know tom has plushies
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flx-res · 4 years
Marco Talvez en la tercera y parte de la última temporada fue un tonto, pero hay que admitir que era un dulce tonto como del recordarse del cumpleaños de su mejor amiga cuando está ni se recordaba, star no se merece a Tom y Marcó son mucho para ella es más, aún sigo con la esperanza que marcó se de cuenta y recupere su verdadero amor Tom! Y formen tomco ok no Xd
Pero aún así no quita el hecho que en partes de las temporadas Star se porto muy mal con el, como del cuando fue a Mewny y esta lo dejó a un lado, en Playa de lava que se olvidó de él y Kelly y trató a Tom como centro del mundo (Pará luego tratarlo como uno más) o forzarlo a tomarse fotos con ella en la cabina de fotos cuando marcó claramente no estaba ni interesado y se dejó engañar sencillamente con que era Mágica, osea Star con ese poder pudo Aver destruido la puerta pero como que conspiró para tener su estúpido beso y aun culpar a marco cuando está pudo Aver hecho algo para evitar el beso, Mmmm me gusta el Starco pero cada vez que lo pienso mas es peor :'^|
Si era para mostrar el desarrollo el Tom okey se pudo Aver mostrado de diferentes maneras, pero eso no desarrolló a la protagonista, la protagonista tenía el guión en la mano y lo manipulaba a su antojo, parecía que estaba con Tom sólo como pretexto de hablar del lado de los monstruos aún si ella tenía fanáticos y amigos monstruos, siento que el Tomstar se pudo Aver roto de una manera limpia en el capítulo de Casa de plata cuando nos muestran más de la familia de Tom, no sólo se tocó el tema del beso si no de la desaprobación de la madre de Tom y ubiera roto hay pero de una manera buena pero no, lo dejaron en último momento, aveces me pregunto Como o que le pasaba a Daron en la cabeza al crear la cuarta temporada :'^\
Esta bien amar a tu personaje con el que te identifica, incluso que llegue ser tu Self-insert pero que le des todo y que le quites cerebro a los demás solo para que tu personaje se vea superior esta mal,
Almenos aún quedan buenos fanáticos que hacen mejores historias :'^
Tu de ejemplo, también cuento a Morinmark claro tiene cosas que mejorar y dejar de hacer los personajes tan.. Ridículos en algunos casos pero hasta el se le a ocurrido mejores cosas y desarrollo que los propios escritores, también contaría a Mr Zei en su época de fan pero al parecer actualmente se dedica a crea contenido para su patreon de Mobile Legends junto su pareja Y a otros artistas que an creado Buenos Aus pero que lamentablemente muchos de esos an borrado todo rastro de su contenido o desidieron abandonar el Fandom por el dolor y agrides que le dejó Star Vs the forces of evil y su creadora
En fin lamento si mi comentario se ve extraño y una extraña queja compuesta y descompuesta con un toque anti y una pisca de fan que no sabe lo que hace
“Marcó se de cuenta y recupere su verdadero amor Tom!”: Me gustó eso, bien dicho ùwú weno aunque Jackie también jsjs “POR QUÉ CARAJOS DESARROLLÓ EL TOMSTAR SI AL FINAL NO FUE A NINGÚN LADO!!!”: Me lo pregunto todas las mañanas pero en cierta forma le estoy agradecida xD
ADVERTENCIA MUCHITO TEXTO 👇 (sigue si quieres chisme uwu)
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Solo es mi opinión pero creo que Marco no fue un dulce tonto en las temporadas, lo del cumpleaños de Star solo lo hizo para llamar su atención porque le gustaba, como para quedar bien con ella, si solo hubiera sido como un buen gesto amistoso no hubiera hecho tanto drama ni tratado de hacer quedar mal a Tom. Pero pues si, de un tiempo a acá Star a los dos los trataba muy mal. Pero otra vez no concuerdo, perdón pero Star no tenia porque recibirlo como Marco esperaba, aparte de que el llegó de “mamonsito” xD queriendo que Star le asignara un puesto digno para el niño mantel de carne y aparte uno en el que pudiera estar cerca de ella para poder ligarsela de paso xD, algunos dicen “grosera Star, si tu también llegaste de la nada a su vida” pues si pero Marco llego porque el quería, Star estaba obligada a ir a la tierra, él llego a pedir, ella no pidió nada y eso que ella era princesa xD, y siento que es muuuy grosero aprovecharse de tu amiga que sabes que le gustas. El episodio de la cabina es un desastre, no podría comentar sobre ese porque sinceramente no recuerdo tanto y porque ese capitulo esta tan mal en muchas maneras que no vale la pena hablar de el.
A pesar de que el starco sí esta muuuy mal, me da asco solo verlo.jpg , me da pena y tristeza la forma en que lo hicieron, más recordando que me gustaba mucho, y es chistoso porque Daron siempre lo amo pero ni lo supo hacer bien. Esos Starco shippers bonitos, amables, respetuosos y pacientes como mi hermana merecían algo mejor. Y sobre todo el starco de la temporada 1 y 2 merecía mejor, no sé si sepan algunos pero ese Starco bello no lo hizó Daron, al menos no sola, lo hizo el creador de ATLA, sabemos que el crea buenas parejas, el antes trabajaba en Star como director también, pero se fue después de la segunda temporada y es curioso porque a partir de ahi starco y el show se fue para abajo, ya que Daron ahora tenía más libertad de hacer las cosas como ella quería.
Me da intriga la cabeza de Daron, no puedo comprenderla para nada, como escritora al menos sí la desprecio, llegó al punto de arruinar a Star, y eso no se lo puedo perdonar porque yo amaba mucho a esa niña. La convirtió en una mala persona, una genocida sin remordimiento alguno, una egoísta, pero mejor no digo más porque todo lo que hizo Daron no tiene nombre, es sorprendente en cierta forma. No tiene remedio y haría esto más largo.
Sobre lo de Tom, no creo que haya sido para eso, Daron nunca le ha importado Tom, hasta podría decir que lo odia, solo lo incluyó para su shipping drama, pero afortunadamente otras personas le dieron el desarrollo que vimos y al Tomstar también, obviamente Daron no fue, ya que ella siempre ha querido al Starco, fueron otras personas las que hicieron al Tomstar, solo tengo el nombre de dos: Ariel HV y Madeline Flores. Ariel era neutral, según ella, pero pues se notaba por su Twitter y Tumblr que apoyaba mucho a mi Tom, mi ship y a Toffee xD pero me gustaba que no se lo tomaba tan enserio, como el tóxico de Adam cof cof, ella era una storyboardista, la más talentosa a mi parecer, creo que no tenía mucho poder en el show pero se ofreció a hacer el capítulo Sad Teen Hotline, por suerte si la dejaron y se nota el amor y cuidado que le puso, a mi me gusta mucho su capítulo, y sobre Madeline, los que estoy segura que ella hizo (hizo más obviamente) son Is another mystery, Cornonation y Sad Teen Hotline junto con Ariel. Y pues se nota ahí u.u
Quienes hayan sido les agradezco enormemente, por hacer que mi Tom fuera el mejor de todos, callandoles la boca a esas personas que lo odiaban sin razón, y a los que hicieron al Tomstar les doy las gracias por hacer lo mejor que se pudo, me dieron una base preciosa poniendo a Tom como monstruo y haciendo ver al Tomstar tan conmovedor, como realmente una esperanza para Mewni, tanto que sería increíblemente hermoso que hubieran sido endgame, ¡claro! en un mundo donde Star es una buena persona pero pues eso me voy a encargar yo :3 de cierta manera me dieron la motivación suficiente para continuarle todavía, ha pesar de todo lo que pasó.
Desconozco lo que piensan muchos artistas, tanto los que se han quedado como los que se han ido, tanto los starco, Tomstar, Tomco u otros. Pero al menos yo, me siento en verdad tranquila, sabiendo que mi personaje favorito siempre fue el mejor de la serie, que mi segunda personaje favorita la arruinaron pero por culpa de un ship que estuvo mal desde el principio, que mi ship lo terminaron pero porque lo forzaron y obligaron a terminar. Y que todas las demás parejas de la serie, sobre todo las que me gustan (no solo tomstar) no terminaron siendo mediocres, destructivas, forzadas, con un grado enfermizo de obsesión y egoísmo como termino siendo el starco.
Pero pues sigo diciendo: starco from s1 and s2 deserved better 😔
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ngame989 · 5 years
I don't understand this fandom because they say it was Starco that ruined the series being Tomstar and Kellco I can't find anyone talking about it
Yeah, sure, fuck it, I'll rant a little. It's been a while.
They're dumb and bad, the end. Every SVTFOE fandom site is as opinionated as it is wrong about everything, and your life will improve immensely if you stop giving a shit about anti-Starco hot takes and stop visiting places where they're common. People are free to like and dislike whatever they want but all the anti talking points are just trying to find retroactive "logical" justifications so they can feel correct and contrarian and superior for being against the main ship.
There is an incredible lack of actually intriguing, logical and well-reasoned discussion in this fandom, ESPECIALLY about relationships, and what does exist often came bundled with predictions that aged very poorly and got too many hopes up even if thematic/character analysis largely held true (self-awareness 💯). Among the many things I'm really disappointed by in this fandom even compared to other similar ones I've been in, it's the fact that (among internetizens posting words, at least) the entire concept of the show trying to use teen romantic relationship development in a legitimately meaningful way was completely buried under "muh smexy demon boi and uwu who will win the ship drama." Good news is that the show itself was still a positive deviation from the cliché (albeit a much smaller one than I'd hoped) and the comparatively quiet majority of fans seem to at least passively appreciate that aspect of it.
Actual PSA: if you like Starco and are still active in this fandom, I sincerely recommend not bothering to read what anyone even slightly anti-Starco has to say about the show anymore. What do you gain from it? If you're looking for it to feel a superiority rush, that's a toxic attitude. If you're compulsively seeking out logical reasons to be mad at what you don't like about the show even if you still like Starco, just admit you don't like a lot of it and try to find a healthier relationship with your own feelings (been there, still on my journey of doing that). If you're running into it accidentally when you don't want to, block more people and filter more tags. Obviously this is a bad attitude for being open-minded to new ideas, and there's certainly philosophical value in being willing to engage with with those with whom you disagree, but these typically aren't that. It's the same old shit, over and over, endlessly vomited out to trash on the show for not letting their ships win when that was 1. never the fucking point and 2. even if it was, they never had a fucking chance and no amount of optometry could save anyone who thought the overall direction and themes of the show were ever going to lead anywhere but progressing Star and Marco's healthy relationship into love.
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dizzying-faust · 5 years
I swear if I had a dollar for every time a st@rco shipper uses Tom's actions from season 1 and 2 to justify why Tomstar is bad and why st@rco is superior, I'd have enough to buy the Nintendo Switch and pre-order the new Pokemon game.
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yunacorhn · 5 years
Why do people hate starco so much?
Possibily because they can be cocky and too caught up in their shipping in which they would go into long rants on how starco is end game or superior. Also starco fans would bully other shippers in the fandom(tomstar, janco, etc) I liked starco and thought it was cute but now ever since the gravs v. starfan18 war back when and seeing how everyone turned against each other I've lost interest in starco altogether. the ship kids are cute tho
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darisu-chan · 5 years
Hi, I´m the one that asked you about starco today and regarding what you said about "If the writers go with the “they weren’t in love the first time, but now they are!” It’d be bad writing. I’m hopeful they don’t. ", but didn´t Star saying at the end questioning if the blood moon was the cause of their feelings, answer this topic you are bringing? That at the end it wasn´t really just the blood moon that cause these feelings, because again the dialogue is there for a reason. (1/2)
And even if starco does only have one good romantic moment, it depends on the scene and how they decide to show it, it wouldn’t make starco bad because of it (would it be better if we had more moments with them like this, true but it wouldn´t make starco less worthy regardless.) Sorry again to bother you (2/2)
Hi again
You’re not a bother, but sorry if I took a while to answer.
Yeah, I know the answer is most likely that the feelings were there before the BMB and that it’s just an excuse. That’s why I wrote that if they, for some reason, decided to go with that reasoning, it’d be bad writing, ‘cause it’d completely ignore three seasons worth of development. I’m upset about the fans in general believing this, though. That the first time around, them falling in love wasn’t right, that it was completely against their will, while they conveniently ignore that the moments they always said “let them get back to when they were best friends!” are all moments post BMB. And that that logic makes no sense. And I feel it’d be worse, as I said in the other post, if they fell in love “for real” this time while they’re in a relationship with other people. There’s a difference between feelings that already were there, but were ignored, to liking someone else when you’re in a relationship.
And, eh, I guess I got spoiled by the final season of Kim Possible in which Kim and Ron were shown on dates and being romantic. Because like with Starco, the two characters shared amazing chemistry and their bond was superior to everything else. But it really was something else to see them together, and see them tackling romance and other changes. Their insecurities, their growth as a couple, the slight change of dynamic. How they even mention that, yeah, going to Bueno Nacho every day was okay as friends, but that they need to spice things up now that they’re dating. Or how they wondered if when they grew up, they’d still be together. I kinda wanted that for Starco, to see them growing into their relationship, seeing them together, kissing more than once, going on dates, being romantic. Because there are three other ships which already got that, and they most likely won’t be canon. But the end game couple will get, as it tends to happen, the short end of the stick with one confession and one kiss. That’s all we’re gonna get. There’s no time for anything else, honestly. At this point is annoying, and will most likely leave some people wondering why we spent time liking other couples, only for Starco to happen anyway.
Again, I’m already unsatisfied. There’s nothing they could do to make me exclaim “Yay Starco!” And cry tears of joy. I’ll most likely say “took you guys long enough” and that’s it. It’s not gonna be the big moment that it was for me to see Kim and Ron getting together, or Helga and Arnold. I hope it doesn’t make me say “this sucks” like when Danny and Sam got together. It’s gonna be lukewarm in my case.
Not to disrespect the ship, but the show made me like Tomstar like you’ve got no idea, and I’m also upset with how it’s gonna go down. I know most Starco shippers don’t care for any other couples, but I did like Jarco, even if I knew it was doomed from the beginning. And I also like Kellco, just not the way it was handled. And it’s just annoying at this point. It’s not the slow-burn pain people should get. It’s just drama for the sake of drama, and I don’t care for that.
Hope I didn’t sound too pessimistic or anything. These are just my thoughts. My hope is that they will clearly expand on Star and Marco’s feelings, because that scene when they were dancing was just starting to show us why they worked together better than with anyone else until it was cut short. And then disappeared from their minds. Now they need another moment when they don’t hurt each other, when we’re all shown why they are meant to be together, and when they do something about it, and not just settle with a cheap confession (Looking at you Danny Phantom writers) but something more. Then Starco in my eyes will be saved. Right now, it’s an “we still need to see more.”
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seddm · 6 years
It honestly kinda annoys me when people act like Starco shippers as a whole are toxic like saying stuff like "ugh Starco shippers are so toxic, they don't respect others ships!" when we all aren't like that lol. I just think it doesn't make them better to generalize us as a whole instead of calling those specific people out. Like I've seen some Starco and Tomstar shippers be toxic but that happens with literally every fandom, but I'm not gonna say as a whole they're toxic because of those people
Toxicity can be found in any fandom and in any ship (in different quantities, obviously), but one has to always discern between “opinions” and “toxicity”:
TOXICITY: “People who ship SHIP B are dumb and it sucks ad they are clearly all blind and should be killed and ground up to make food for us superior SHIP A shippers!”
OPINION: “I think that most SHIP B shippers misinterpreted what EPISODE wanted to say, and while this shouldn’t prevent anyone from liking SHIP B it has clear repercussions on canon and hints that they’re going for SHIP A”
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tacosandtomcos · 7 years
Hey, what’d you think about ‘Is Another Mystery’ the new episode?
I have alot of thoughts, so i’ll just mention everything i want to talk about.
First, let’s just get everything potentially negative out of the way .
Tom is kinda mixed in this ep, on one hand he’s the best thing about the ep when he’s allowed to shine, on another, he has his moments where he can be a little frustrating.
It’s like this with his moments, some of them were clearly played for laughs, but they didn’t hit their mark as well as they could have. Him trying to talk to Star and wanting to spend time with her and be a good boyfriend at the beginning of the ep was fine and the end was fine.
he only got a little annoying when he first asked about if he was better then marco, and giving up early to go on a date ((Which based on Star’s reaction, was probably supposed to be a bit of a joke)). Now on the plus side, it was for one scene, but after monster bash you can’t help but be a little bothered.
I think the idea they were going for is Tom is insecure about where he is as Star’s boyfriend, and that Marco is probably superior to him. Based on the beginning you can tell Tom wants nothing more then to spend time with Star, and do all the things she and Marco do together, he doesn’t want to feel excluded or any less then Marco.
And it seems that’s the case as the episode goes on, Tom’s insecurities really show in this episode in particular.
Also i know the fandom is getting on his case about him comparing himself to marco. So might i remind you Marco called Tom an “Inferior boyfriend” in SD, Marco was doing the same crap to him episodes ago because Tom didn’t upset Star like he did.
And considering they gave Marco the win in that ep? I almost wonder if it was foreshadowing to how Tom feels when Marco always seems to be right and he’s always feeling like he’s not good enough.
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Ok, moving on to another thing:
I’m kinda disappointed Buff frog getting a job at the castle wasn’t explored more, i mean him working at the castle was a cool idea and concept, but they did nothing with it. He got a job, and then he left, and we never saw his struggles even in the castle either.
I’m happy with Marco in the episode and how he was with Tom, and i’d normally praise it to high heavens because i love supportive marco…..but it feels inconsistent with his previous actions. You can’t have marco be both bitter and angry to tomstar, and then suddenly cool and nice as he was in this ep as if he was supportive the whole time. Pick One
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I kinda wanna laugh at how people reacted to Tom calling himself a monster, like it was a shocker to us as an audience. We’re not blind XD Tom is clearly biologically a monster and we didn’t really need to be told so to know.
I mean, unless they’re shocked someone whose got so much privilege wants to be known as a monster and goes by being a monster and not a mewman, that reaction didn’t quite make sense. 
Ok, now for all the good:
Tom was really funny this ep, he and Star still do work off each other great and them running around in those sacks was pure awesomeness. Though them hanging out only shows me how screwed jarco got, i am glad they get episodes to themselves.
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tom’s got plenty of moments of him being cute too.
Tom’s speech was good, it’s hard to say whether his earlier behavior might have ruined it for some people, but Tom openly admitted he thinks of himself as a monster, even with the privilege he knows he has. He even shows off his tail for the first time, something he probably kept hidden out of being insecure about it.
It says something for him to go out of his way to break a shell like that and connect with the other monsters despite him being royalty.
Also they finally acknowledged tom as a half-demon, and despite how the reactions are to something that seemed obvious, i was happy Tom is canonly considered a monster by himself…and the show now.
I was so concerned when they were gonna break Tom’s horns my god Buff frog you’re an angel.
The goodbye was sad, but also really nice to see,though it’s impact would have been been better if the monster’s struggles had been more explored. Cause this does raise the question why they didn’t leave before? What makes this any worse then before?
Katrina is precious, i adore her.
Tom’s got a tail! His mom must be so happy about that!
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Also, kinda stupid, but despite how much i loved how sweet Tom was by the end of the ep with Star. I couldn’t help but laugh as it feels like the crew just gave a giant middle finger to all the people who considered marco the “Monster Lover” within this show. 
You might as well have had Tom and Star turn towards the camera wearing “Monster lover” and “Eclipsa” shirts in bold letters.
That’s for the most part my thoughts on the episode, i think i’ve covered everything to say about it.
These were a fine set of eps, they have issues, but i’d watch them sooner then some other eps this season.
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windturtur-blog · 7 years
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so... i was originally gonna do a really really angsty comic, but trust me when i say i can get VERY angsty when it comes to ships like these xD so i ended up with this:
Star and Tom aren’t perfect, Tom obviously has anger issues, but Star on the other hand has a problem of having a superiority complex, and not understanding others. Basically she does what she wants, and gets what she wants, at times without caring for others. I think that’s what made them brake up. Star not being understanding of Tom, and Tom overreacting.
But i’m so glad we were shown how they could definitely work it out with each other in demoncism ;-;; Star was really understanding and caring, and Tom really tried changing his bad tempor, it was so sweet honestly this is the type of stuff i live for =///A///=;;
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jess-the-vampire · 5 years
Quick question why did you like Tom in the beginning of the series, I understand liking the character as we get to know more starting season 3 and forward (considering that he wasn’t an important character and especially not at the beginning of the series) but he was and asshole.
Anonymous said:Also, why do you treat Tom as if he were a relevant character that needed tons of recognition .I have seen post showing you being a huge Tomstar fanboy/girl being angry with how the show treated Tom and even though is ok in liking a character, don’t you think you like him too much which clouds your judgment. Because Tom was treated fairly, maybe it would have been cool seen him happy with someone else, but he got his happy ending
You make it sound like people can’t enjoy characters who are jerks and act like jerks, those are pretty popular and fun characters for some people, after all, why do you think villians are so beloved despite being evil?
regardless, tom’s really not the worst at all in the first 2 seasons.
He’s not as great as he is now, but he’s not abusive and it really doesn’t take long to feel bad for and be attached to him. Literally by his second episode he’s already becoming more mature and trying to fix his mistakes.
Tom’s not one of these characters that has no moral compass, he feels awful about things all the time that are his fault, takes little pleasure in hurting people he cares about, and his entire motivation is to feel loved.
he doesn’t go about it the best of ways and he’s not perfect and he still did really dumb things, but he’s mostly harmless since the crew was at least careful enough not to make tom so bad he couldn’t be redeemed.
Tom never ended up truly doing any serious damage to anyone or anything, so it’s a lot easier to want him to be better then say…mina.
I just found tom fascinating because he felt a lot more like a character, i could understand why he felt the way he did, why he did what he tried to do, and why he was the way he was.
and without the show always needing to spell it out either.
he’s one of the few characters i think in this series where you can easily tell why he thinks and feels certain ways and when stuff happens in episodes with him, the impact actually CARRIES.
Marco’s talk in Mr Candle causes tom to stop bothering star, which causes tom to stop bothering her during CS because he learned he needed to respect her wishes, which leads to tom being mad and confused when star is like “No, bother me!, you’re being a total jerk for ignoring me now!”, which then leads to them warming up to each other, which then-
Tom’s a really fascinating case and one of the few times in this series where his emotions feel actually valid and natural (outside of the later half of s4b which was the only case that it didn’t)
I love seeing characters go through these kinds of growths, and i was really rooting for tom to earn true happiness from his character growth and have friends that love him because that feels like the true end for the arc of a friendless character who constantly feels like a failure and alone.
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dude, i swear to god if you’re the guy who went on my other blog to insult me for not liking the end of tom’s arc and saying all my criticism was invalid, without actually providing any evidence….
my god, i really don’t wanna have to repeat myself but here we go
Tom’s not relevant? He’s been around since s1 and was on BOTH the posters for s3 and 4 (Over eclipsa, might i add?), tom is VERY relevant because of how prominent he was in the show and how much of a reoccurring character he was.
He wasn’t like janna who was mostly for comedic relief and didn’t really play a role in too many plots in the series, Tom was given so much screen time in most of the important episodes of the series.
This dude, had an actual ARC, an arc they dedicated episodes towards.
No, there is no happy end for tom, in what world is a happy end for a character to be constantly mistreated by their girlfriend and have them almost immediately leave them for their best friend, and then completely forget about them in another dimension….and then not even receive any actual sendoff in the finale at all?
Do you really think making tom feel inferior and unloved and him being OK with it is somehow fair at all? There’s nothing uncomfortable about that?
It’s just ok for our main lead to make him feel awful about himself? Not even apologize to him for kissing his best friend?  That’s fair to tom?
This ain’t even a tom only thing, most of the cast in the series didn’t feel like they got a proper goodbye, the only end that felt fitting for the most part, was ludo.
Most of everyone else’s ends were them kinda saying they’re doing fine after being gone for ages, and that’s about it.
I’m gonna tell you this again, it’s not enough for tom to just “Get better”, it actually needs to AMOUNT to something for TOM, he needed an end that made up for all the clear and obvious pain he’d been going through.
Zuko had this, his arc amounted to him changing roles, fighting his sister and becoming the next fire lord.
Characters like Lena from DT have this, where their shift causes them to overpower their fears and superiors and and find a real family that actually cares about her.
What did tom have?
Well, he’s friends with star and marco….but that was something he had a season ago before the last one…..so…what did he get in the finale because of his growth? Nothing, he loses his girlfriend and his best friends completely forgot about him.
You made tom suffer for so long, something the show makes very clear, and….he gets nothing, in fact they just made him suffer more and his anger management really didn’t end up amounting to anything or any relief at all at the end.
He just gets completely blown to the side by the end even though he’s supposibly one of star and marco’s close friends and he really ends up with nothing that fits all the pain he went through.
who in their right mind wanted to watch this happen to tom after last season? After conquer? where tom sacrifices himself for his best friends and it’s shown how much he cares about and loves them? 
After all that, star and marco just completely blow him off without even considering him? And that’s fair to tom? Are you serious?
By how these arcs normally work tom’s arc should’ve ended with him feeling confident in himself that he’s not inferior to marco, but that never happens.
by how it works he should realize his friends do value and care about him, but that doesn’t happen.
by how these arcs work tom should’ve found true happiness, but that doesn’t happen.
none of this is shown.
So it’s not satisfying.
This is like if ludo’s arc lacked dennis staying with him at the end or his family helping him rebuild his castle as he gets his band back together, he grew past his issues but….he’s unfinished….it feels like he didn’t get anything deserved to him.
star and marco were dang important to tom’s growth, they’re the most important relationships he has in the series, and he doesn’t even get an end with them, they both almost entirely forget about him.
and you cannot go around telling people their criticism is somehow invalid because they like a character as if none of that criticism is relevant at all because they like a character.
if anything, shouldn’t the fact someone was so knowledgeable about a character make the criticism more relevant?
i told you this before, you can’t just say everyone’s wrong “Because they are”, you say it’s satisfying for tom but don’t give a valid reason. it’s amounted to “ because it is” or “Tom’s not important enough to have a proper end”.
I’m sorry you don’t think tom was important but he was a heavily prominent character and a big favorite and this is such a horrible end to his story and it’s so unsatisfying to watch his end be to get shafted like this after everything he was put through.
people tend not to like watching characters who try so hard suffer time and time again and then end up basically alone and abandoned by their friends by the end.
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jess-the-vampire · 6 years
I just saw on demondraws’s blog that jolleiq and seddm are ‘toxic bullies’. What’s that all about? Is this a general thought is it just with them?
Well, seddm’s not really a bully, though i personally think in some cases he doesn’t handle subjects well.
Though he’s very honest about being “Biased to his ship”, so i guess it’s expected he would lean more to his ship on more matters then anything. Even if it leads to some questionable conclusions.
I get the feeling his clear motives to side and defend his ship as much as he does also lead to him treating other relationships in the show as being “Less important” and  yeah, i don’t particularly find that to be a pleasant mindset either if you care about these other relationships.
I don’t really feel like talking about joll, as i prefer not to give a guy like that any attention.
Just know they commonly treat people who don’t agree with them as “Inferior or confused”, like to bash other creators they don’t like or agree with, have openly said offensive things, and try to act as though they are better then other shippers who enjoy star and marco.....while also bashing ships like tomstar 24/7, and treating other people as though they are a “Waste of life” in this fandom.
I happen to be one of those people in fact, and so have some of my friends. Dude even condons bullying other artists and i despise that.
If you happen to like tomstar, or tom, or even remotely have any issues yourself with the love plot in terms of star and marco, you’re better off staying away. Trust me, you really don’t wanna see some of this stuff.
The blog is probably more hate posts then it is critiques. And no one is allowed to argue their opinion on there.
I can’t say i’m some sort of master in talking about the show, but my blog isn’t exactly a “Hate space” for ships like starco. 
Even if it’s not my thing, i still think it deserved better then what it got on the show if they were really going to do it. And my issues with the ship have more to do with how the show handled it then anything.
But yeah, just, i don’t suggest getting involved. It’s better to not give them any attention and find some more pleasant blogs to enjoy. If they’re going to spend their time just bashing people they don’t agree with and treat their opinions are Superior and that everyone else is “Stupid”, they aren’t just worth the effort.
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dizzying-faust · 6 years
Hearing what jolleiq is pretty much shows the biggest problems I have with most toxic starco shippers
Acts like their ship is superior to others
Puts down others that ship something other than their ship (mostly Tomstar)
Acts like people that hate or is critical of Starco is the worst part of the fandom when they are going around spewing hate on non-starco ships
Supports harassment of others for the sake of their ship
All in All, don't bother with him, he is all the reasons why I don't follow big name svtfoe fans.
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