glynisj-blog1 · 5 years
Frustration, Doubt… and LibreOffice
Frustration, Doubt… and LibreOffice
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Happy Halloween!
Is there anyone out here in cyberspace who hasn’t seen the movie, The Shining? There’s probably a few. Out of the ones who have seen it though, I bet most think of Jack Nicholson as being the villain. But, as a writer, I would label him as a victim and can identify with his character in this movie. Jack Torrance(Nicholson’s character) is a writer, after all. Shelley Duvall’s…
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glynisj-blog1 · 5 years
Why Do You Write?
Why Do You Write?
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If you visited my blog soon after my last post, you had noticed I changed the design theme again. I get a little erratic with web design some times. Before I got into blogging—about nine years ago—I was making web graphics and constructing web page CSS layouts. I wasn’t making any money off of the service but I sure was having fun with PaintShop Pro and good ol’ notepad. Sometimes the notion of…
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glynisj-blog1 · 5 years
Expectations and Boredom
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Thinking back on this past May when the northern hemisphere was enthusiastic with life, color, fresh warm air, and everything else spring had to offer, I remember how jubilant I felt about my writing. Yet, at first, during those days, I was wrestling with how to go about the process of writing.
Being on a fixed income isn’t fun, which I’m quite sure most of you can empathize with. The number…
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glynisj-blog1 · 5 years
Still Grappling with the Method
Still Grappling with the Method
I’ve been in the serious writing mode for a little over six years now. Fear is my worse enemy, which isn’t surprising seeing it’s an obstacle many writers have. In a valiant attempt to get rid of the ambiguity I feel when I sit at my desk and try to write something decent, I’ve tried to use the “plotter” approach but, it never fails—I end up being a “pantser”.
Yes, I know there is a slew of…
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glynisj-blog1 · 5 years
Inexcusable Discriminatory Rationale
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Disability is a subject I’m reluctant to write about in a post here at my blog. After all, I am not my disability. I have a page on the subject, My Disability Quirks, to give my readers an explanation for some of the more erratic things that go on in my daily life that may affect how I respond to my readers. Other than that, I would rather you knew the thousands of other things about me instead.
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glynisj-blog1 · 5 years
Character Sketch & Whatnot
Character Sketch & Whatnot
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Since being on the new medication, I’ve found my fervent muse. It was lurking in the murkiness of my mind waiting for my body to give it the ratification to leave its sanctum. My gut is actually and truly behaving itself these days. It’s such a change for me. For months upon months, I was having to gauge my life by hours and sometimes by minutes all because of my digestive system. The feeling of…
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glynisj-blog1 · 5 years
What Have I Been Doing?
What Have I Been Doing?
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This last month was chalked full of appointments. Some were of a medical nature while others were dental. What’s the difference? Actually, as far as I can tell, there isn’t any difference between the two. Both types of doctors provide services that keep us healthy or, hopefully, restore health to us. It’s just done in different ways.
I wonder if my doctor and dentist cringe when they see my car…
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glynisj-blog1 · 5 years
Minuscule Writing
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I’ve always thought of March as a blustery month. If you’ve ever read the book Winnie to Pooh or have had it read to you, you probably remember one of the first scenes where Winnie the Pooh was describing the day as being blustery, full the whirlwinds dancing on the ground. This March has been filled with winds, both the literal kind and the figurative ones. It’s no wonder I’ve been feeling so…
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glynisj-blog1 · 6 years
Photo-invoked Memory & Quantum Notes
Photo-invoked Memory & Quantum Notes
  I thought I’d try my hand at telling you something about my past for a change. I don’t consider it really a memoir-type feature though. But, then again, maybe that’s what it is. You tell me.
Photo-invoked Memory
As the caption below the photo says, this is not my snapshot. When I saw it on a post Dan write last month, it conjured up a memory of my childhood I thought I’d discarded years ago.…
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glynisj-blog1 · 6 years
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Courtesy of Dan Antion, No Facilities [ https://nofacilities.com/ ]I thought I’d try my hand at telling you something about my past for a change. I don’t consider it really a memoir-type feature though. But, then again, maybe that’s what it is. You tell me.
Photo-invoked Memory
As the caption below the photo says, this is not my snapshot. When I saw it on a post Dan wrote last month, it…
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glynisj-blog1 · 6 years
Can I Write a Book? & Quantum Notes
Can I Write a Book? & Quantum Notes
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As I told you in my last post, I made the decision to severely weed my blog subscriptions to a more managed number. I went from 51 blogs using WordPress.Com hitting my email inbox to a mere 16. And with the 16 left, I’ve opted for a weekly digest. I do still have a few subscriptions not associated with WordPress.Com but those writers grace my inbox sporadically.
Can I Write a Book?
I came…
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glynisj-blog1 · 6 years
Story First & Quantum Notes
Story First & Quantum Notes
As I wrote this entry, I pondered briefly about how many people would read this seeing that tomorrow is New Year’s Eve. Maybe you’ll just let it sit until January 2nd and, then, read it, which would be fine by me. Or maybe you’re taking a leisurely weekend and would read it as soon as you see the notice telling you it’s live. That would also be alright, of course.
This month had been a…
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glynisj-blog1 · 6 years
Goals & Quantum Notes
Goals & Quantum Notes
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Well, I tried the random approach to publishing my posts. I don’t like it, not at all. Although I’ve been trying to write on my project without a schedule, taking it to my blog just isn’t working for me. Maybe it isn’t working for my WiP either and I’m just not ready to accept that in me.
GOALS Not long back I read an article about a theory that was supposed to help a person reach a goal that…
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glynisj-blog1 · 6 years
Quantum Notes
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In my last post, I told you about how I would be handling my blog from now on, sporadic entries. And, hopefully, at least one per month. I got some good feedback on this decision, although the commenters assumed I was trying to keep things in my life more balanced. Everything in correlative portions. As mistaken as this is, I do understand how those readers came to that conclusion.
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glynisj-blog1 · 6 years
After Six Weeks...
After Six Weeks…
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I guess you could say I’m back from my furlough. It’s the first full week of autumn 2018. I love the first few weeks of this season before the chilly winds blow. Despite the warm temperatures, there’s a coolness and another difference in the air I can’t quite explain that is tantalizing at this time of year.
I mulled over the idea of coming back to the blogosphere for quite a while. I questioned…
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glynisj-blog1 · 6 years
#amwriting: Passion and Muse
#amwriting: Passion and Muse
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The possibility of a post for this week became iffy as the close of last week hammered down on me. The critiquing of my one and only novel hounded me to no end. I was faced with the probability that I needed more grammar instruction without the money to afford it.
English is currently the universal language, yet, for the life of me, I don’t understand how the rest of the world can bear it. There…
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glynisj-blog1 · 6 years
#takeonnews: Losing Self
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Have you ever found yourself feeling so out of sync with the world that you entertain the thought “you’ve lost yourself”? I thought I had periods like that in my past, especially right after I had the stroke.
However, what I was actually experiencing was being too much inside myself to have a normal perception of my world. Chances are this is similar to what you’ve experienced.
The other day I…
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