evaldmark · 7 months
It's not not-a-deer but a not-a-pigeon
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i-dont-know-but-pog · 8 months
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he’s not kenough he’s tomuch for tubbarbie
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alhijazi · 1 year
5 Common Mistakes That Can Be Harmful to Your Health
Living a healthy life is everyone’s desire, but sometimes we make some mistakes that we don’t realize can be harmful to our health. These mistakes can cause long-term damage to our physical and mental well-being. In this blog, we will discuss five common mistakes that people often make that can be harmful to their health. Ignoring Mental Health Mental health is as important as physical health,…
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slavicbee · 5 months
Arepov boh
Prompt: Chrámy sú stavané pre bohov. S touto vedomosťou postaví farmár malý chrám aby uvidel, aký boh sa mu zjaví.
Arepo si v poli postavil chrám, skromnú vecičku, zopár kameňov naukladaných do mohyly, a o dva dni neskôr sa do nej nasťahoval boh. 
“Dúfam, že si boh žatvy,” povedal Arepo a založil altárik a spálil dve pšeničné stebielka. “Bolo by to fajn, veď vieš.” Pozrel sa dolu na tú šmuhu na kameni, kamienky nakrivo naskladané, odkašľal si a poškrabkal sa po hlave. “Viem, že toho nie je veľa,” povedal, jeho slamená čiapka v rukách. “Ale - spravím, čo sa len bude dať. Bolo by fajn myslieť si, že na mňa dohliada nejaký boh.”
Na ďalší deň tam zanechal pár fíg, deň na to tam strávil desať minút svojho rána posadený vedľa toho chrámu v modlitbe. Na tretí deň ten boh prehovoril. 
“Mal by si ísť do chrámu v meste,” povedal boh. Jeho hlas bol ako šum pšeničných stebiel. ako pišťanie poľných myšiek pobehajúcich skrz trávu. “Do skutočného chrámu. Nejakého riadneho. Dostať požehnanie od skutočného boha. Ja taký nie som, ale možno by som ťa mohol niekomu odporučiť?” Vytrhol list zo stromu a povzdychol si. “Tým myslím, nie že chcem byť drzý. Je to tu útulné. To velebenie bolo fajn. Ale nemôžeš úprimne veriť, že ti čokoľvek z toho niečo prinesie.”
“Už toto je viac než som očakával, keď som ho staval,” povedal Arepo, pokladajúc svoju kosu a sklaňajúc sa k zemi. “Povedz, čohože si to ty boh?”
“Som boh spadnutých listov,” povedal. “Červíkov, ktorí sa mútia pod hlinou. Hranice medzi lesom a poľom. Prvého náznaku námraze predtým než príde prvý sneh. Šupky z jablka ktorá sa ti zubom poddáva. Som boh tuctu ďalšieho ničoho, zvyškov, ktoré vedú k hnilobe, chvíľkových letmých pohľadov. Zmena vo vetre, ktorá hneď zmizne.”
Boh si opäť povzdychol. “Nemá zmyslu velebiť niečo také, nie ako Vojnu, alebo Žatvu, alebo Búrku. Odlož svoje modlitby na veci mimo tvojej kontroly, dobrý farmár. Na tomto svete si taký maličký. Taký zraniteľný. Lepšie modliť sa niečomu vyššiemu, než som ja.”
Arepo vytrhol stebielko pšenice a pritísol si ho medzi zuby. “Mne takéto velebenie vyhovuje,” povedal. “Takže ak ti to nebude vadiť, myslím, že v tom budem pokračovať.”
“Rob, ako uznáš za vhodné,” povedal boh a stiahol sa hlbšie medzi kamienky. “Ale nikdy nevrav, že som ťa nevaroval.”
Arepo sa modlil pred rannou prácou, a on a ten boh v tichosti uvažovali nad stromami. Takto ubehli dni, a týždne, a potom sa privalila Búrka, čierna a hrubá a búrlivá. Zaplavila Arepove polia, ztriasla škridlice z jeho strechy, zasiahla jeho olivový strom a poslala ho na popol. Na ďalší deň kráčali Arepo a jeho synovia pomedzi tej pšenice, zachraňovali čo sa len dalo. Ten maličý chrám bol rozhádzaný naprieč poľom, a tak keď práca z toho dňa bola hotová, Arepo tie kamienky pozbieral a opäť ich poskladal. 
“Marná práca,” zašepkal boh, ale aj napriek tomu sa vplížil naspäť doň. “Nebolo jedinej veci, ktorou by som vám toto mohol ušetriť.”
“Bude nám dobre,” povedal Arepo. “Búrka už prešla. Znovu všetko postavíme. Na dnes žiaden milodar nemám,” povedal, a zložil trošku skazenej pšenice, “ale myslím, že zajtra niečím podopriem tieto základy, čo povieš?”
Boh v chráme zarachotil a povzdychol si. 
Prešiel rok, a potom ďalší. Chrám sa zavrstvil stenami kameňov, zastrešil pletenými konármi. Arepovi susedia sa chichotali keď prechádzali navôkol. Niektoré ich deti zanechávali ovocie a kvetiny. A potom Žatva zlyhala, bohovia stiahli svoje odmeny. V Arepovom poli zakvitla pšenica tenká a krehká. Ľudia nariekali a trhali svoje róby, vraždili svoje jahniatka a vylievali ich krv, hľadeli na zem so znepokojením a išli spať hladní. Arepo si prišiel sadnúť ku tomuch chrámu, kvety už dávno zvädnuté, ovocie zošuverené na hrudky, Arepove rebrá bolo vidno skrz jeho hruď, jeho ruky sa stále triasli, a zamumlal modlitbu. 
“Pre teba tu nič nie je,” povedal boh, túliac sa v tme. “Nie je nič, čo by som mohol urobiť. Nedá sa nič robiť.” Zatriasol sa a vypľul svoje slová. “Čo je tento chrám, ak ne tvojou ďalšou ťarchou?”
“My-” povedal Arepo, a jeho slová sa zakolísal. “A čo, že je chudý rok,” povedal. “Týmto sme si už prešli, prejdeme si tým znova. A čo, že sme hladní,” povedal. “Stále máme seba navzájom, nie tak? A mnoho ľudí sa modlili iným bohom, ale to ich pred týmto neochránilo. Nie,” povedal a zatriasol hlavou, a ľahol si na zopár zošuverených buryniek na altáriku. “Nie, myslím si, že naše usporiadanie mi celkom vyhovuje.”
“Príde horšie,” povedal boh z útrob toho kameňa. “A nebudem môcť spraviť nič, aby som ťa zachránil.”
Prešli roky. Arepo položil zvráskavenú ruku na ten chrám a niektoré dni tam strávil hodinu, stratený v zamyslení s tým bohom. 
A jedného osudového dňa, spoza víno-temného mora, prišla Vojna. 
Arepo sa zapotácal ku svojmu chrámu, jeho ruka pritlačená o brucho, pomazávajúc to sväté miesto svojou krvou. Spoza neho horeli jeho polia, a kosti v nich horeli do čierna. Privliekol sa tam na kolenách ku chrámu z tesaného kameňa, a ten boh sa náhlil ku jemu boku. 
“Nemohol som ich zachrániť,” povedal boh, jeho hlas tichý nárek. “Je mi to ľúto. Je mi to ľúto. Je mi to tak, tak veľmi ľúto.” Listy padali zo stromov, malý hebký dážď popola. “Neurobil som nič! Celé tie roky, a nič som pre teba nespravil!”
“Ticho už,” povedal Arepo, chutnal svoju vlastnú krv, zrak sa mu rozmazával. V modlitbe sa oprel o chrám, čelo pritlačené ku kameňu. “Povedz mi,” zamrmlal. “Znovu mi povedz. Čohože si to ty boh?”
“Som-” povedal ten boh, a načiahol sa, chytil Arepovu hlavu, zavrel oči a prehovoril.
“Som boh spadnutých listov,” povedal, a vykúzlil si ich obraz. “Červíkov, ktorí sa mútia pod zemou. Hranice medzi lesom a poľom. Prvého náznaku námraze predtým než príde prvý sneh. Šupky z jablka ktorá sa ti zubom poddáva.” Arepove pery sa rozišli v úsmeve. 
“Som boh tuctu ďalšieho ničoho,” povedal. “Kvetových lístkov, ktoré vedú k hnilobe, chvíľkových letmých pohľadov. Zmena vo vetre,” hlas sa mu zlomil a rozplakal sa. “Ktorá hneď zmizne.”
“Nádherné,” povedal Arepo, jeho krv špinila kamene a presakovala do zeme. “Všetky z nich boli také nádherné.”
A keď horeli polia a dym zahaľoval slnko, keď boli ľudia pošliapaní v presile a zúrila krvavá Vojna, keď nebesá vypustili na zem svoj hnev, rozsievač Arepo si ľahol do svojho skromného chrámu, hlavu mu chránili kamene, a vrátil sa domov k svojmu bohu.
Sora našla chrám a v ňom kosti, na ktoré sa zrútila strecha.
“Oh, úbohý boh,” povedala, “bez nikoho kto by pochoval tvojho posledného kňaza.” Potom za pozastavila, pretože bola zďaleka. "Alebo sa tu takto uctievajú mŕtvi?" Boh sa prebral z rozjímania.
“Volal sa Arepo,” povedal. “Bol zasievač.”
Sora sa trochu zľakla, pretože nikdy predtým nepočula hlas boha. "Ako si ho môžem uctiť?" Spýtala sa.
"Pochovaj ho," povedal boh, "pod mojím oltárom."
“Dobre,” povedala Sora, a šla si po lopatu.
"Počkaj," ozval sa boh, keď sa vrátila a začala zbierať kosti spomedzi polámaných vetvičiek a opadaného lístia. Položila ich na zvitok nebarvenej vlny, jedinej látky, ktorú mala. "Počkaj," povedal boh, "nemôžem pre teba nič urobiť. Nie som bohom ničoho užitočného."
Sora si sadla na päty a pozrela na oltár, aby počúvala boha.
"Keď prišla Búrka a zničila jeho pšenicu, nemohol som ju zachrániť," povedal boh, "keď sa Žatva nepodarila a on bol hladný, nemohol som ho nakŕmiť. Keď prišla Vojna," bohov hlas sa zadrhol. "Keď prišla vojna, nemohol som ho ochrániť. Prišiel zakrvavený z bitky, aby zomrel v mojom náručí." Sora sa znova pozrela na kosti.
"Myslím, že si bohom niečoho veľmi užitočného," povedala.
"Čoho?" spýtal sa boh.
Sora opatrne zdvihla lebku na látku. "Si Arepov boh."
Prešli generácie. Dedina sa zotavila z tragédií - domy boli obnovené, záhrady znovu vysadené, rany zahojené. Na starca, ktorý kedysi žil na kopci a hovoril s kameňom a sutinami, sa už dávno zabudlo, ale chrám stál v jeho mene. Väčšina verila, že je prázdny, pretože boh, ktorý v ňom sídlil, sa už dávno odmlčal. Každý, kto prechádzal okolo rozpadajúcej sa svätyne, však cítil bolesť v srdci, akoby smútil za strateným priateľom. Chlad, ktorý prenikal od vchodu do chrámu, oslaboval ich ducha a odháňal všetkých potenciálnych návštevníkov, okrem zriedkavých a najmä nevšímavých detí, ktoré po sebe nechávali drobné trsy ružových a bielych kvetov, ktoré natrhali na okolitej lúke.
Boh sedel vo svojom pokojnom domove a hľadel na vzdialenú cestu, na chodcov, pracovné kone a vozy, na padajúce lístie, ktoré sa vírilo okolo hemžiacich sa nôh. Ako dlho to už bolo? Svet napredoval bez neho, lebo vedel, že mu niet pomoci. Svet musí byť kruté miesto, ktoré opustili aj užitoční bohovia, ak farmy môžu zaplavovať povodne, úroda môže byť neúrodná a domy môžu horieť, pomyslel si.
Pochopil, že ľudia sú nezmyselné bytosti, ktoré sa modlia k bohu, ktorý im nemôže splniť želanie alebo požehnať šťastie. Ktorí by udržiavali chrám a prinášali obety bez toho, aby za to niečo dostali. Ktorí by sa delili o svoju spoločnosť a meditovali s takýmto neužitočným božstvom. Ktorí by pochovávali cudzinca bez nádeje na úžitok. Akou bizarnou, márnotratnou láskavosťou naňho premárnili. Aké úžasné, hlúpe, cnostné, beznádejné stvorenia boli ľudia.
A tak maľoval západ slnka žltými listami, lákal červíky, aby tancovali vo svojej pôde, rozkvital hranicu medzi lesom a poľom kvetmi a bobuľami, krstil vzduch štipľavým chladom pred príchodom zimy, dozrievali jablká s chrumkavými, červenými pehami, aby sa lámali pod zatínajúcimi sa zubami, a tucet ďalších ničotností, na pamiatku človeka, ktorý kedysi chválil dielo boha na jeho umierajúci dych.
“Zdravím ťa, Boh každej skromnosti na svete,” zvolal známy hlas. 
Prižmúrené kútiky božích očí zaplakali na skrútených perách. "Arepo," zašepkal, lebo jeho hlas bol chrapľavý od storočnej nemoty.
"Som bohom oddanosti, drobných láskavostí, nerozbitných pút. Som bohom nezištnej, bezpodmienečnej lásky, večného priateľstva a dôvery," vyhlásil Arepo a každým slovom upokojoval toho druhého.
"To je úžasné, Arepo," odpovedal medzi slzami, "som za teba šťastný - taká mocná osobnosť bude určite potrebovať veľkolepý chrám. Odídeš do mesta, aby si zhromaždil ďalších veriacich? Všetci ťa budú zbožňovať."
"Nie," usmial sa Arepo.
"Takže ďalej, do hlavného mesta? Ďakujem, že si sa tu zastavil pred svojím odchodom."
"Nie, ani tam nepôjdem." Arepo pokrútil hlavou a uškrnul sa.
"Ešte ďalej? Aké ambiciózne ciele musíš mať. Nepochybujem však, že sa ti to podarí," pokračoval starší boh.
"Vlastne," prerušil ho Arepo, "rád by som tu zostal, ak mi to dovolíš."
Druhý boh onemel. ".... Prečo by si tu chcel zostať bývať?"
"Som boh nerozbitných zväzkov a večných priateľstiev. A ty si Arepov boh."
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pyattka · 1 year
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I haven't draw tomuch in the last few days
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asking for a friend. is 18 years too much for an age gap? ¿?
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swoobatte · 11 months
Hello friends of Vladamir! I wanted to introduce myself, you seem very nice.
Have you tried curry yet? I’ve heard in Galar it’s a signature dish. :)
Give Vladamir my well-wishes as well. Sounds like he could use some support. <3
(Sent with hugs and a jar of berry jam, @chomperblue)
Hello. Nice to meet you.
Yeah we triedcurry! Made wayyy tomuch though it was really tasty:3
I agree. Maybe I should try making some. As for the well wishes, I’ll be sure to give those to Vladamir for you. He’ll really appreciate it. Thank you for the jam!
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alexbkrieger13 · 1 year
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Hete are P and Junge on the side. Not sick or injured. I think tomuch jetlagged. Some swedes who came yesterdsy, didn't trsin much aswell.
Yea well proably see her tomorrow morning in training fottage
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pjisskullourful · 2 years
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its a big yaaas moment for me too
stream of consciousness reaction from me? okcurrrrrrrr
i tell myself to not pay attention to notes etc& its advice i’ve given to fellow writters. only seek your own applause cos craving it from others will leave you empty. comparison is the thief of joy- dont compare your notes to what other authors may be getting, good for them but you’re doing what you do cos you love it
that being said: i hate change. structure makes me feel safe& secure(i guess it keeps the anxierty down, but does anything when you’re bipolar 2 with complex ptsd?)
& i guess i got used to the community i had here& getting heaps of notes felt like a given& i marked my success by it& it was extremely exciting to get 100notes within the first 24 hours of posting& it was validating& wonderful
& it just kinda went away. & my paranoia told me its cos everyone hates me now for one reason or another-- your favs are problematic, your word counts are too high, you dont show support by reblogging otherr writers, your ego is tomuch
& i missed it. even though i didnt want to, even though i told myself to concentrate on the audience i did still have, to concenrate on the friends still with me
so to get 100notes again, within 10 days, is really validating. people still think im worth attention& thats really cool. people dont actively hate me& thats really fucking cool. its fabulous that people still want to give me time
ESPECIALLY cos this wasnt a request/commission, this was just an ide athat i had wile listening to an erotic audio. so its wonderfully validating to know that my instincts& what i want to write are good enough for people
thankyou to everyone who read- i am lowkey thinking about a sequel, shhhhhhh
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libidomechanica · 2 months
“And though certain tried ghost”
A ballad sequence
The sun’s gold, but take onely     pleasure of heaven, what at a man. And therefore that can     I tomuch pryde: all who
will gracious eft was their tentie the     noble field wish you did his fair behind the pression in     her far than great crowne hurt
she none, passen the sulfuric     air, nor in the lend the reasons’ quality; nor was building     might and hint, and boundaries
from whitherefore wean wants     a cradle, an’ it will brow, good glee, and us spreads to     bud did seen the love made
o’yird a-wing …. Well thou lik’st so oft     that by these good glee, my libertee and small chaos waste and     thou God of shall chaos
was defilde. She homeward in drery     ysicles depend. And in euery where. On thy plight,     with vnkind direction bed.
Photographs, I louely remembrace.     I never far the true, sicke, and her best be a Jew.     And though certain tried ghost.
Wilt new warrior hight, if Times iourne.     I’m happy in a day, and I have you sleep without and     chariot at erst: tho
vnder and loue should be better is     she! Her angel, faces leads itself I’ll take of our laugh     a choral creatures in
bliss. By condition be endless     the oracle of hem over twitter to ball, could tell     her husband. Until life
he were mine eyes are breath time so     crafty, as quiet and regarden threshold, I joy; but     remember, dust watch the
floddess, when Cupid, hauing, flie themselves     thoe: nought my Grandsire taking true love you that play, and     head. No villain in this,
and correct yes. In the night, viziers     his breakers plunder timeless of thy hand, yet doth     shepeheardes out each love
any gods or Schooles are now     my life’s contracted be; night, throught he came glist’ring placent.     Thus grace but that’s that gaue
me the maching who like a light,     with bloosmes to compassing in a snail, still wed ye shady     witness crocodile.
As beggar and the fragile visions     are, is buried Dick, rosebuds bene at plain love     continent! Would for thou
know not. Of the blood by tear; nor     those folke now the cradle, and yet canst not owing there and     beate their prowde with some in
my head high or the pass, looks at     had be both as a light, aimèd with other pipes of our figures     done. Flame was to me.
Little the imagined us     wilfu’ grief’s still, and from hevene it deeper dame, and lust,     hard. Of the haue the even not to sleeper bait. Our lips     so enamour’d do witer meeting forth in fashion, likewise     I look out-flourists.
Wanted: thered; next looke, her mayntenaunce: but     trepidation … oh, do your word in her. Motion of the shore! Nor can pleasant now? By so     simple where in the earth no sing the door for semlokest keep, with rising too long, that     abiding red bow and smell, gude fair.
You have be in begin to gain’d     by balms of light, that shepheards God his straight so let get alas,     but in their dead perdie
God cursing so prepare you are;     where right of state: but lovely, like a rope white-blossom. Never     and turn in red bower
the fire? In thee of the talles     in that sat in front of insolencie, let us men     are vain to a sick unto.
For laik o’ gear ye light, curled     on the doth put inside a myrrhour, as king hence she hear     timely fruit. Stella spirit
of all, all the sea has deck,     with reason secreature all freeze me the rolled. Which that’s my     miserie, betray’d the east,
butters his hinders tarry. And     am for lovers. On Altar building back on me, world,     but throng in while the sang
which mine own where to travel, a     waked I of warrion call’d my misery, or if the     stories arise from gods
of metal, the shifting of all     repayde, she’s wast, and to ease and have told make find and now     shall meanes, tho vnder eares
and for good Hobbinol right     its bene my hear it might as so, lest once been sae smart,     if that all. Endures bene
all enched upon a true,     sicke, both the broke. On the work bootes to do, yet a briefly     of carefully land?
For lovely head the other west walk thro’ all that.     Doctor to heard be a Jew. Round of other luck, of whose as where livery, so be     as if a Hungary frost I along
prospect of a woman. Departed. There rapture     anon, and his Lords place couldst and her brother off your hands and should be morning its     cracknelles, where still, I have near as
swerve. The sing through curtsies playd, when I kissing and     ever read with the which gaping core, he quest, well detest. For thy breathed Paddocks lord of     peace the yate fawn, and despair,—you will
soon as, Julia chinn’d took decorates his out     touches the appear like a cure the tear’s in boils. The took my wife she ways on finds me     once pity coat, and in the past, leaues,
from they ask less woods and dare? With a weak sense; or     of use, if Queen; at thy fair thou art so long them till avoidance wheeling tree, what I     hae seen the dressing hours, bitte to the
bodies tund them yode forfeit! Name on themes, but play:     Thine owne away and sooner he moon, or like deawie nightie and the lack. Tell of hoped out, well     as the fruite such, and paine the women
comment be invited and jealousie shapeless ill.     She cost, but being what’s in the words the tears be, rather hats. Her Kidde. In something     Under Lasse here are as if it be.
Stand in worth his the the red long.     To this to endure the hearing borrow! Oft have been the     roaring before my troubles
arise again I would come,     my Katie? All what in the were yours only one long fame     fasten, untamed, night
to your lips crimson, she islander     and night sooner this tries are at Love and with the doth     displease of lying. Unto
dying. Was everybody     hap ich has nough along her heards do blossome, they had a     visor of the iawes
of buried Caesar bled. Somehow,     I call in a goal of loue. It does Love so craft confess     and ye sall now, and will
my hope of generating the     room. Then comes nectar and pierce solo act-that may that ye     can; hire owen many
would I loue I was, alas Night     of me. But the gastlinesse they’are bough, then as liggen he     thinking hame to me world.
If he crawls to one, just forced thy     cherish in both you teacups, thou see make us a     Woodwork boots as started.
Here I go; long since, thou leaves. She correction, thee     false love, but he were they spend: god blessing so pale shepheard bit. Where I was bells, anxieties,     a man. Hath bred my hip, a
blue eyes were brouze, or to sleeps charge, pass now it would     have pass, you gives that I of dear, an eche so be it to Time’s art left that a trees, and     vassal wretchen come back to thee, working
that after fair wait the carried. I longë love     the leave me in distance back at start back to th’ other, with a thinke how to human     sight? In lusty answer him good
new; when that shrink my five seeking it cold. So nowe     her for palfrey fresh in beginne, all his bright, unable too ripe eares and sufferaunch     of you said: therefore any stounde.
For thou, that whilome whose two mourn for what is past     and shadow. Or else the field, than their heard side. I bid me as poore Orphane, and pain. The     women coming thy sphere; But give you
from red moan, which am in a cool as other     him to long pain. Other’s welcome, my Katie? After could not gain’d by like fat, break from     white pedigress? The rolls on fall, wound?
Farewell, yet am burned, thing sea.     For heart. Wave on me wheel of ghosts through the world conditions     love as we pass, thy trains, between us thief. You hold to     preferred with Hawthornes? Than thouse had been and chang’d me, knowing     to make think of yore.
’ Her flowers: nothings to ease me     theyr she betray’d thee, let get a maids sing is forces razde,     that your own worth and part, but stroke. The face, and lain bubbles     are speak. And they are two; thy from hevene itself, to the     arms. And what I hae seen
the sun, a gilded to her sight     I have bee? Skin feather hand, praise he hae sees her eye? Let     me, and change; and ga’e you should ne’er I sought iudgement, where     to meet you with cheerless flickering her whom did shee were     buttocks inter as truth
tonight be infant, and the collar     mouth wake an or praise, and warned your hair, an eyes were all     meet you start bringe, as that sweet and the pools when I stood? In     the Face on wings, that offering fire shoulders tarry night. A     pillows tears, bitterness.
The May is last night the starch of     Nature all because her among. Long, he wean walke with     alchemy. Sweet, and wanne: thought; in the collar mouth doth disparity,     with our devoid of thy Willy. Home wing, and     Angel of care na by.
In no more I lov’d, and dight, in     crystal—and died for he haue gather verdure never cotes     from hand. And what look on
the pain, this best for? To-morrow     finds meets, the whole arms of man: he none you leave. From eyes, now     my life is comes of fond
eyes full of thin its become     extinguish pride, her it before, would lye, and future to my     very waine, one is song,
chance strikes with glance, nor seen! He would     by the resemble—thus to beard, that the pillow swift flame,     if ye gie a windchime
in one self to heart a straits before     rude Pan acre harme, sicker the tea, among which held     cravings to burn the twayne,
for heart, nothing is show it seem     to sweet voices of dead, like me, and the scrunched were parts here     wheelings to an old and
in swell’d woe, that says, morning your     hands upon them thou pleasure its musing doth Love’s dead, or     was when your reason, and
glide. Then Piers, of fairest me can     endure now the grave. Sing startled in warm the swears; men reede     into some go, in red
my silence; speak. You soarer, you     wilt even Sometime me tomb? Like a nest for low. But if     th’ ears better the
came one beside; the bed, until     I get a nod. Thou from thouses frozen in the sounds. Before     better tedious
as by so water soul till. And     laugh and stronges of light when all thy heart to carried, art     made into the joy that.
I never leave to hurt shadows     dancing pity? Straits beneath this, and favour tender is     carefulgent the her
amazeful hymns did not reve     me there love a chain of thys stour; we will do, speak. To-morrowe.     And so brave it is
impossible from white-blossoms     come any compared tapers can he felt thou leave my soul,     going the fragranted
of silence to make harts with pretty     ruth for a satisfies marriage possessed of the day     youth’s day; but my age haue
I be like your will not liued thee.     An’ it wanton, like known to aray? Let me bene hidden     of the skull sports yours
chariot at you arte mounts a     cradle wanton and him not in me in shirt-sleeve, that’s increase!     Crooked elipse above
the shuddering doth ioy and     grow seized, that I was of words from the written as we mought     from woe tell her and whispers
glimmering since of his stand     and dateless flame, you would not as goodbye like light growth,     I care of moss. And the
leagues of nose these two, I fears; dropt     in upon the twilight didn’t yet stand may she brain, I lorne?     To thing hys packe. Some wommen
my heat nource of the black. Burning:     but randon alone I am no doubles it will     red with glance telephone
the deigne to entrap in a fitte,     and oft will thou then he turn back upon misprisions of     being will tell on us?
Windchime is Vellet his waste:     then days hence the rolls here turrets of sapless in such a     verse-recording faith, thou
are the boy will determinate.     That same she know my grandfather’s night, the puppets, feathed     sigh’d sight: my hurt in dark,
here’s no cold he regarden     great spied. That bear that of father has wrough to ballast night     so dear, All aghastliness,
take me. All thou prove and rent     with our body needes the yellow vapours early object     of coiled through to mone.
Which cannot be no bittering     its splendor out-value, now, be better judgment thou     prevengeance of Wolues to
been a paradise one on the     heauen of ambergris; and men’s care, art made, that clings to parts     do confined, the execution
of God to have you never     side my dear delight, with misgouernement? When she golden     light. Yet you art beside—
nor drop at will short-number’d     do t ye, the meant, I can resistings control, suppose     it’s thy reason, shee weep.
What the uneven dancing in loue? Of absent     shall then reede, or durst such rage, wanting, or like Jocasta in a sea of youth in the     deawie night and the wilderness when the
mine anguished edged with sing. Why welfare, moste down the     telephone that loue, the heavens! Down the ball to-morrows on thence is turn. Sweet Nature     their glens, on what playd, where, that detail
of the executioner her part, my three make     me thud of my grandfather e’e? Some over my advice: your and maun I still on the     multiple lock we are about they
sleeps so wel counting eye, and like a net of your     fee in grow thy face, while yon bonie cast to be a hand, nor I tomuch reason sped her     head vpheld, and meanes in two, advise
to dislodge the regarden true retorne, for one?     I open. Swaine thy sought but the pitied: and not, madam: by youngling. Dull stounds, that while     evening doe I luv’d; beauty hornes?
Angel of fraude and Stella, whether e’e? Till tell     have me were chart thou kenst this court, then, at once like water while and some several thing     thro’ the honeycombs: thro’ the silence.
Fingering help would be quickly     moon be any rush, and memory of plague them to be     from this rusty answer
him to see the lightning to quench     in worth her envying in the Hall that he stormie stood tranqullitie,     thou but in the moone,
an ash, and rotting ball: have slept,     since of all on edge, the grownd beate the Lyons house the winter     blast not know it alone.
Some world is song. For head doesn’t     it. But have because is stranger is comb is mishappen     thou hast night of hoped gain,
by praised of Petrarch two love I     begin? Is mute they were triumphant, lies; my foe, the Lambe?     To see hence therefore, are
better thinness of being slap,     a trust to die; and the vestal ballast breath do us     parts becomes to one forgot.
Him play at all to do, we     manifestatic ice checkmate, I cannot blind, one is     white, distance the bride, my
Friends had besprent fingered wind. When     can be relieued my mischeife to special legend of Love’s     no shadow stings to tame.
That Women lightful deemed I, my     Philly! Above; twere all throw tak’ my age now my you turn     back again. With clean, what
the walls, do takes and chokes a way     to known to theefe hidde, and died for that shouts, I poke a sluggish     while, after Colin
this! So sooner of the future.     And wind blinded and her sink, be a Jew. False with thy brown     meek—the sea: where their flocked
thy freshly steeks and does rich are     two; thy purity; I never sight had quite; and with     elation. That are so in
swell already, known to green: would     be true; and knowledge, with a smile, taken many art: the     assume thus him grace beneath
to do you wrongs did not be     endless, let a peace presume? To rest, and beating stand in     my burden the wide; furthest
how should euery where right love     they count my Mother’s art insensible of the voice so;     for’t lie with his for laik
o’ gear ye light; and poor; the brain     another so, love, belied to sinners of think that are     rest; though infinite is
on flits betrayed, and burnt&blast     calculations. In sleepless about the glist’ring graph of us     love to stay’d my veins,
and go talking her two love, and     to say Good-bye took him too, as my Affected when thought;     in celestial thievish
for grows ere there Laura lay, which     he the brain; to word. To rolls and be stooped gastlie Owle her     home day lapped rang has take
and will hung or stave. No one, though     the windy nightly me, but, trowth, I carefull of herbs,     bookshelf, the explore speak?
Might; yet you place to say, for crime.     So many art: the cardiovascular tissue, less     shoulden heaven, and song, fortune belong warming and some     fast foremost Affects light; in a sullen front doth Love is     a girl with curtted
Spartanes of it. Showing the     animal passions are not the nine moment’s gentle be gone     to mournings to wonderful; it sudden a pleasury,     the naked see a beam a lonely spirit sudden less     like the of his showers,
and ga’e you must control, supposed     and awa’ with a fittering a dewy start torments     you milkwhite fawn, behold me great canst thou art all his she     coloured to raise he lose name. No prize not gain, all wed ye     she spoons; I know not. Hawk,
an’ it’s heau’nly eyes we pass, but     get from harms of a curled once against me put new emotion     we are there seen hendy happens next to be in     everybody would be silent shall when he heart, and her grief     and couple too. In a
Sea do know, says, month of you too,     and come away, she stems the cold to refer told to any     room thou God granting the fat, breakers at hands of you     which we morn! Do but they once been fine until I get a     waking hence, the dull at
once and Clorox have nose: before     he many many manifold, I wake. With gold, my fresh     sprited of a manly Palm, a man, come burdenous, scent     as a lily’s why should it at they fed not halfe in motion     of all commen my
death the same far you art he children     as we sharp knuckles, were, the troublers of Love thy great     poet’s news I’ve releasing; so trembling acrossing, like     a floor, her eyes were you place their with fresher, to sleep it     detest thou leave myrtle
rods at will doost it beside for     the seen the first, prepare as unmix’d with remove from the     bushes with flattrings of plagues his like hands of plunge and of     Langley-dale; your break. Me out; but aye my sounds in the     sessioned time in silence;
in the stay; you grows bent the mard,     to her truth’s dayes with reproue. Fair; so dote; but straw solitaire?     My hearts her from me, and averted thrive, and to one, and     falcons in flowers at stay; you meant, at lead, the Graces     Lovers but new we any
wylde between think’st thou that she     love is straight tell, false to entence and leap, a trust! Tale blossom’d     sloe my care, and loue, when I still, gude faith bring Buds. Did     I pruv’d; beauty’s done is roll’d; for busloads of life’s chronicle,     o Dianeme, not and
your eyes, they holy and reverend     and thee. For their fountains highlight, and times that singingers     returne within: of child. Is cradle was my cup, the fruite     down, of dewe, yet no more come in life. Chin as if not know     patiently I untangle
he is length of urine. And     your voices from within: of court, expressively run;     thy teeth on the bush doth nigh rent in the tree, all effect     of melts in boils. Where the sprite with make him from which when that     the Geaunt hast spite of his
heave my shall th’effection, no more;     no dark one, if that wont to my achine, is to speak of     Faeries, a woe-worn ghaist I knew warrion call other, like     an instrelsy, that’s adultery. The has shot himself     with his Lord, she’s wasted:
tho gang to say Forgive rapture     me, which, like the ever I am to do ye can seemeth     to beautiful friendship and since, Loue, the resounds and     in flame with the odds were were subtle their flight will but     glorious Moon the fish in
Weal of ragged your marges, the     brain. You doubtful beastly politic, metal, one is soft     October nightly my garden both hide be sang on Laura’s     beauty doth public. Ye wadna been a brother strange,     nor earth breast, hands the stained,
I will be said. Is it cannot     be in his chere is ware, who is me says, Is this day; but     being maister wrists. In sorrowe at hear, my Katie? Let     it would be kend, bearing borrows, and dear love you pleasured     even no more; nothing
Wisdom can love is a fayre     flocked in this wings: but a cod: i’ll not the ardor,     and will not been are each applied, love, the whome thus, my Philly?     Every day—not one like ramping look at everythings     gracious rage hys back they
wander mother my doleful ditties     play us; complace when prouide seas. Such me of volcanoes,     making of the simple arms and gotten of the white     fifty years hence, the threshold forgetful deems. While the     To the while them over.
A trio of the bush bear maks     you mark mute. Turning like to liuen, and well, gude fain; for laik     o’ gear ye lock, glimmers the sun is one good and Antony     rever; let me loue the path to bud o’ the quest. Be     instrelsy, them all: and
the chambergris; and to be     effigies tune to be in the began to my use you so     trembled shafts of May with in Washing borrows cold deceives,     a morning in my Song no singing it, It is high     sun of errors not for?
It fear, or the she strange, is left     messengers roll it a life, your hands that he rags of the     tense, sapphire—love like harmonizes here are abound     that thou art as to lay; but take me! How shall caverns on     you can shores blown back again.
Than if I call’d on the lands     but mended. And long. In the grammar of heed it. The bang’d     me, if ye gie a woman I looks I dreams of the hour     tents. Looks and the restore, to seeke with the moon for a long.     To Friend or the smiling
Pricket, or she moorland bowls forfeits     during danger flocking of the same shadow peep, no,     by mee, and fell as others in Brunswick Squares as the short-     numbers among while evening, that ye country and memories     his fair. Fairer face,
and my touches were on you, I’m     made when as the heart’s a wide. Before rude Pan him Hate. Of     light her my possess’d without shepeheardes some photorealize     it. The constranger agoe, will love him in marble     a second him faire a
prize with every grief that falls under     embassy of beaver agoe, with simple wheels. And     calendars, and great Pan their chiefest joy wits normally one is     a please, yet doth this he stand anything teacups, that crowning     thou be kend, for eares
destiny, he quiet as     you against my advice: your bounde. Ah, cruelnesse her fortune     to my meanes of trusse of this Plight of electrons house     doth Love’s spoils destitute the baleful was the rightes, thence     streams are about, circling
warke lame. Suspicion, but ran away,     for love constant we will my numbers the rose, and how     quiet be examine eye and durst such the morning love     or for pity? Are as becomes this Plightly me, were shee.     But, trowth, I could they, as
trees new is father’s brow, the trash     in women; at the Night that festerday, ye wadna been     for prentice. Like the head his eyeballs moon, or all. Yet Helene     or thing in the drum for louers of my boy at this falls     in love’s comes, of love is
the nature alive, and evil     days we drops rising bed. Like minds, tho’ hardly help my will     count the night from white some first my master fits him down by     the Foole! Tho shewe may fingers. Turning sea. Your love the     shrink admiration I
shrines to the dark, her had to me     whole when long. Acute. Do we may plant it not it and leave     me the buff, all and memory of that ye can with many     a fixèd fancy set, raignes of light into her health     and grieve from help not covered
upon is my origin     with new still my Julia, I alone of the like Jocasta     in a mother Adam first in their false with blood as     wing but shakes a lily witness to challen to my rurall     so urgentlemented
also have know does know. And     each to force to flower, Muse, my Katie? Is it safe from     woe telling will farther mourne. That other’d. Hire leave me no     more the worthy of the world come away, making no dark,     that stands and found me a
prize so cold me. The lies; whose child:     yet doth man a’ the truth an unseen the winter the Border’d,     that hold you gull thy brow, the fair ynough I heart did     was some burden of Earth, and indeed to dresses and beauty     doth nye, I could take
for that one glitter places mixt     with a smile this last: all, all my smart, ever head anither     weepe: and more convulsive rapine, in boils. The Mayfly     is they lette me thy sorrowe, near the eternall sum my     clasping faith it, spare: and
haply of loue he turn’d his own     keep it end thus men if you have sweeten many think it     window send forthy man who fry cold as footprints, I poke     a bald spite of hell, gude faith, I caren are what the window-     pale sky was being
no such store, while on Sunday Morn     to him down dove, lest and of she light. On hire borne a strive     in somewhere that which veils the ocean meet, and murdered leaps     in the bas-ket for all singing steps alone, the lameness     of things fill avoids
to cut you could spite of Wyoming     is ycladd with reproue. They said your feel’st it give recognize?     Glimpse fire and dight, and nothing her who do your hair foes     doe him fu’ dry. Fault convince which can unshed the little     keen like a doll dress’d in
the God perdie doat, an’ aft my granted:     then I roses various is you’re up as the tea,     admit of elder when to cut you never we. Why lies     and a lost in Weal of bloomed visitor. Cast me chestnut     come, what I do not stay.
So improbable! We are made     my Dear, my you be, just and west witness swept the grounded     in my aching his were.
While kiddie vnwares vnto the bush     beard, the my white pedlar can heavens did your eyes were decay,     and if he collar
mouth’s reward in the looser Lambe?     By sommer of the day are very day youth rigorous     breast, my heart, my Katie?
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misconsultantsqa · 3 months
What Makes the Best migration consultant in Qatar Stand Out for Australia and Canada Visas?
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Selecting Appropriate Immigration Advisors
It is important to carefully evaluate a number of things while choosing the top immigration consultants in Qatar. Seek out advisors that have experience processing applications for visas to Canada and Australia. In order to guarantee that you receive individualized assistance throughout the immigration process, you should also take into account their reputation, experience, and specialized approach.
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People who are look for better chances and a higher normal of living regularly migrate to Australia Immigration Consultants in Qatar. assess eligibility, prepare paperwork, and support with the visa application practice are now a few of the complete services provided by immigration consultant in Qatar who focus in Australia visas. Your chances of obtain an Australia visa from Qatarbe able to be improved by utilizing their experience.
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this-b1tch-is-shiney · 6 months
Not my kids snitchin me out 😅🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I ran i ran away nop e tomuch ah
my plan involved less exercise but that works too I guess
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should i get takeout again irs my money but like ill be wasting it ive been eating tomuch of it but i dont have an appetite for any other foods and theres nothing but leftovers from my other home and i dont want to eat those because i am detaching myself from that place curently and i wont eat it
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hard day
yesterday was a hard day, I'm trying hard to have a structural solution to my mental problems, but it looks like it takes up so much more space then i realize when ever i go trough a hard time. it just does not make sense to me the way i behave, I cant seem to regulate and express my emotions in a sensical way. my friend tells me it makes perfect sense that i behave the way i do. i just cant seem to accept the person that i am right now, i try to think the best of myself but i dont want it to be delusional. during this conversation i was walking around going to the diy store to get some wood, to put some finishing touches onto my office, it seemed that i had a hard time shaking the anger off, on top of this i easily feel like a burden to my friend with in mind that if i express myself tomuch it will result in the contact changing between us, or in the worst case scenario i would lose another friend since the way i express myself which would be detrimental for my mental situation. i think i know that i am projecting my insecurities upon others but so are others upon me. i had a conversation where i was really upset and raised my voice to my psychologist, from my side i found it to be pretty harmless but since i made it the most tinybit personal to the inconvinience of how our contact is going she took it personal and she did not want to continue the conversation since i was raising my voice. i think as a psychologist you should be able to look beside what is being expressed in words and look at the behaviour instead, i was in a great deal of distress and needed help at that moment. instead of cutting me of or wanting me to adjust my behaviour at that moment she could have just asked what was really going on or help think with me, why i think that the contact is not working, instead she choose to make it personal and was unable to communicate with someone that was in destress, i eventually hung up the phone since she kept pressing me that she would not talk to me if i did not lower my voice. i hope today the evening will be better. i need this to stop, i just mis her and for some reason it feels wrong to admit to that, for some reason it feels like i should not mis her. sorry if its not coherent. today has been a decent day. if you ever decide to attach to someone please be aware that they will change point of view sometimes and they wil start thinking differentlly from you even tho in the beginning they agreed to almost everything you said. and keep an good eye on yourself aswell since it might be yourself that changed perspective and was pleasing just to have someone in your life.
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