#tony is so Annoying in this show i love him Dearly. literally my favorite tony behind emh
krytus · 2 years
i’m obsessed with this scene
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bananadineapple · 6 years
Distraction >> phase one.
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PROMPT: It's Y/N's birthday. The Avengers thought they had the surprise birthday party all planned until Y/N comes in a little too early. Their distraction plan for such a meticulous woman; A classic Barnes seduction that could have all her defenses shut down in seconds.
PAIRING: Bucky x slightlyOCD!Reader
WARNINGS: Language, a bit of NSFW (just a teensy bit)
Phase 1 >> Phase 2
The whisper actually turned into an echoing shout of disbelief ironically coming from the sly Black Widow. The moment FRIDAY had popped up from the screen and announced the arrival of Y/N, it had everyone stopped dead on their heels. If one were to look at what was happening within the Stark tower at that moment, a celebration was brewing.
Y/N's birthday. It was no doubt that everyone who is everyone in the Avengers loved her dearly, an obvious favorite most especially to Natasha, Steve, and Thor. So an idea sparked between the three and soon had it all laid out; a suprise birthday party.
Until trouble brewed in and HYDRA sent one of their most powerful experimental weapons on an attempted attack to SHIELD, to which the Avengers had to quickly respond to without any second thoughts. Soon enough, the others had realized their plan was way behind schedule to be accomplished overnight, and resulted into the chaos plummeting through the floor.
"I told you we should've left Steve, Wanda and Thor to get started yesterday!" Nat shifts the blame to Tony, who was the one who led the mission.
"It's not my fault Hydra sent in huge ass bogies!" Tony exclaims in his notorious defensive tone, "And hey I didn't even get a thank you for bringing Wanda in who saved your life!"
"Nat, Tony, this is not a good time to argue, we need to get this all done!" In his ever so composed voice, Steve's voice gently rings with a demand that seemed to always do the trick to get the Avengers in order. "Tony, just keep reaching out to the other guests and the caterer. Nat, fix up whatever Y/N has to wear in her room. Let's focus now guys, our birthday girl's in no rush but we are!"
"Ten minutes, sir." FRIDAY muses alarmingly.
Steve sighed deeply, thinking he already had it all together. It sent Bruce into panicking circles around while holding the last minute decorations in his arms, with Thor picking up the notch with aggressively wrapping the gifts, and Wanda fiddling the food array quickly with her powers.
"Popcorn to your left!" Wanda warns hurriedly as she flicks her hand to command the delicate bowl of popcorn to its place.
"Thor, how are the presents doing?" Clint says without turning from where he was firing up some streamers to the ceiling. "Almost done?"
"In a minute!" The confused Asgardian had no clue to such earthly gifts, resulting in oddly colored wrappings.
Amidst the silly chaos happening, one particular man was just standing nearby with nothing else to do, watching this unlikely scene from the Avengers. Bucky Barnes, like he always does, stands against the entrance door in a silent but awkward manner. He swore he had never seen such a remarkable group of individuals so called as 'earth's mightiest heroes' panic about a slight mishap from their suprise plan.
"Wow this is going great." The soldier chuckles with a shake of his head.
"Don't you have anything else to do?" Tony remarks in an annoyed tone, obviously bothered at how Bucky seemed to be doing nothing.
Bucky wasn't exactly doing nothing. Yeah, maybe nothing to contribute to the decorations or the food or the invitations. But a gift. Aside from the one Bucky sees Thor giving a little shake for a sneak peek, the second one was what he was working on all the while he stood still amidst the chaos. For many times, not just that day, maybe a few months back even, he had planned everything in his mind. It wasn't something like a cheesy poem or a song, God knows he wasn't gifted with such wonderful play of words. But something more personal, something rooting from deep with the recesses of his heart.
It beats to a song of endearment to Y/N. He didn't know that it was already becoming obvious to the others, but with Y/N, the whole world seems to tune out and everything just falls to her. Sure, at first, he could admit her irresistible​ figure playing with his thoughts was the first to catch his attention, but ever since she came closer, showed bits and piece of who she really was through her small habits, through her words and her movements, he found himself falling in deeper that he thought he would.
Bucky Barnes decided that on that day, with the words well rehearsed in his head, that he would break the curse of not being able to muster up the courage to tell her. Tell her how he feels happy when she laughs, or disheartened when she cries. Tell her how he always wanted to hold her gentle hands or kiss her lips always full of smiles. Tell her how beautiful she is despite her exact words going against it. Tell her how much he adores her for showing her raw self, how human she is and how bold she is to show such imperfections that he still grew to love.
He wasn't in too deep yet, but that day, the gift of a heartfelt confession was his way of asking if he could fall in deeper.
Hey, Y/N, I love you.
Too deep in a trance, Bucky still remained motionless infront of a ticked off Tony, who instantly snaps his fingers infront of his dazed eyes.
"Seriously, you have a high-tech metal arm, use it for something good damnit!"
"Exactly the point. I've helped Wanda enough, she can practically do my job with a wave of her hand." When Bucky shrugged, Tony oddly wanted and thought quickly of what he can do.
One particular task came into mind.
"Mmmm no time to banter with you, just do a quick check at the back and look for the box-"
Tony didn't need to gasp for Natasha, and everyone else, to pick up that there was a problem, again. With his eyes widened, phone fixated still on his ear, it was the expression of someone forgetting something entirely big.
"The package."
Everyone held their breaths. 11 minutes in panic, and they'd already forgotten the one thing most important for their plan.
"What?!" Bucky exclaims with widened, worried eyes.
"The package?!" Tony replies in a pitch higher than his usual, which usually meant that he was clearly panicking. "Y/N's gift from T'Challa?!"
"Can't that wait until tomorrow?" One suggestion Clint raises was already turned down with a sigh from Tony.
"No it obviously can't, it's on its way here! And so is Y/N in a few. damn.seconds!"
Faint footsteps echo from outside the door. A good minute and a half far from where the Avengers huddled together quickly as they could with hushed tones.
"We need a distraction, ASAP!" Sam implies.
"What could possibly distract that woman?!" Thor raises a certain point about their fellow avenger that brough her here in the first place, "Do you not remember her exemplary skills in focus?"
1 minute. Time was running out. And it was a good thing Clint was next to Bucky.
"Bucky! He could distract Y/N!"
Only Bucky had an expression of confusion on his face, to which he observed how the others had knowing looks on their faces. Steve, most of all, had an actual grin to his face.
“Yes! With a little flaunt of the Soldier’s charms and a few intimate words could sweep the lady off her feet.” Thor pats his companion’s back with a smile Bucky found odd.
“This should be fun!” Wanda replied with a giggle, also odd.
“Hey, uh, is anyone noticing the fact that I have no LITERAL IDEA WHAT YOU GUYS ARE TALKING ABOUT?”
With the alarming time left, and with Y/N's singing voice getting nearer and nearer by the second, the rest all nodded in unison and went off, except for Bucky’s ignored response,  and was still standing bewildered in the middle of the room.
"Bucky!" Nat whispers loudly to the frozen man, "Distract! Y/N?!"
"Wha-wait-uh-hold on a damn minute!" Bucky whispers back a bit too aggressively, "Why isn’t anyone answering my question?! What’s happening?!?!"
"Suprise party. Distraction. That's what happening, ASAP." Tony exclaims.
"Oh man he thinks we don't know." Clint almost too quickly picks up the message from Bucky's confused gaze.
"Wow, this is cute." Sam chuckles in amusement and points to the Soldier's dumfounded face. "He really doesn't know!"
"Don't know what?!"
It was true that at that moment the soldier had no idea what they all meant. Of course he wanted to help in getting a party accomplished for Y/N, but out of all possible distractions why him? The 20 seconds wasted with silently staring them all down began to get in Tony's skin.
"Nat, trying not to nag here." Tony whispered to Nat while trying his best not to open his mouth at Bucky.
"Okaayyy uh," She glid hurriedly beside Bucky and proceeded to guide him out of the room, "Buck, it's pretty obvious you have the hots for our birthday girl and-"
"WHa-" Bucky was about to retaliate but was quickly interrupted with Nat's finger on his lips.
"Abp abp abp! No fiddle faddle nonsense, Barnes, times running out. Don't worry soldier, she has the same thoughts about you."
Everything was happening all too fast that not even the Winter Soldier could process. But at the realization of having the nearing woman from the other side of the door across the room have the same feelings he's been harboring for months had him feeling oddly confident with executing the distraction.
"She does?" He says with a grin as Nat stops him in place, "Y/N, she thinks I'm hot?"
"More than that actually but..." The news got even better in Bucky's ears, "...we need the hot version first."
The footsteps came to a stop, with a few murmurs of annoyance from Y/N and a few rummaging noises. FRIDAY had apparently created a small diversion to buy some time for Bucky. Nat sighed in relief to as she takes in a few quick seconds to analyze how Bucky should look, other than completely smitten with his stupid grin.
"Take off your jacket, Barnes." The suggestion snapped Bucky into an awkward scoff.
"Not repeating it again. Jacket off, look hot enough to distract Y/N."
Bucky didn't actually needed to be commanded that, he did so willingly, but a bit too excited than seductively. It was something Nat knew he could figure out himself, but had no time to lecture him how to do it. Y/N's thoughts itself could do the trick for them with the help of Bucky's 'visuals'.
"I-I don't get it." Nat raises her brows towards the doubtful man infront of her, "Why would she like me back??"
"Why the hell not?" She remarks, in a tone final to her point, "Assassin skills, killer charms, why wouldn't Y/N be drooling over you?"
30 seconds.
"Look, Barnes, we have a few seconds left. It's Y/N's birthday, and you and I both know we all want her to have a great time today. You out of all people would want that more than anything, right?"
Right. He'd want nothing more but to bring that lovely smile on her lips and that melodic wholehearted laughter filling the room with such warmth and joy.
"We...she's counting on you, Buck." Nat grins with a suggestive raise of her brows, "Besides, you can count this as a birthday gift for her."
"I uh...actually planned to give her a special knife."
"Yeaahhhh...make out sesh with her dream guy sounds better..."
With a final assuring pat on the back from Nat, she abruptly turns towards the room, where Bucky could slightly hear the sound of boxes being tumbled around everywhere.
"Whatever you do, Buck, do NOT-" Nat twirls in a snap to stress her next point, "let Y/N through that room until Wanda gives you the signal. "
Until it all sank into Bucky that his flirting skills were a bit rusty since '45. The worse timing, actually, to suddenly fluster up and not know what to do.
"Nat! WAIT! How do I-eh!" He was even confused as what to say.
"Look hot, say pick-up lines, bite your lip, take your shirt off, make out or whatever! Just pull out those Bucky charms she's been ogling over for months!" Nat's voice slowly began to sound inaudible that Bucky could not make out what she meant.
By then it was too late to ask for any help. It was between the surprise, him, and Y/N who was still murmuring in annoyance to the minor distraction FRIDAY has sent on the door keypad.
Look hot. How did I do that before?! Bucky thinks, slightly panicking at where to position himself.
How would he sweep off Y/N's feet? In those many months that he could only but stare at her beautiful charms and let his mind wander to such intimate thoughts as he fell in love with her, how would he pursure Y/N's heart? It was easy to pursue her eyes, no doubt, but the thought of Y/N reciprocating his feelings? He couldn't help but daydream.
I'd look into her eyes. Just take a moment and lock our gazes together until she's in my control. I'd drive her back slowly onto the wall, a place helpless to her attempts of going away, grab her by the hips, watch her pretty face fluster. God how beautiful she would look that close. And in moments I'll have her lips on mine in a passionate embrace, completely breaking down all her walls and distracting her far, far away from where we are.
And it was good that he did, as the inspiration stirred through Bucky's mind he'd already placed himself on the couch, jacket off, in a position that looked like he was resting.
To which Y/N walks into and gives her the surprise of a lifetime.
"Hey, Y/N." Bucky's suprisingly smooth voice greets her.
LOL WHUUUTT??? A CLIFFHANGER??? AWWHHH YEAH pulled up a trick up my sleeve there ehHEEHEHEH ;)) don't worry, I'll have you know that I will write Part 2 as soon as I can.
Which would be in 3 days, since me and my family are going somewhere that doesn't have wifi (YIKES), sooo I'll leave you guys with Part 1 first. Let me know if y'all want a part 2.
Inbox is still free to requests! Drop em down whenever :)
- Nadine
tags:@n7siha (pm me if you want to be tagged)
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lou-bonfightme · 7 years
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Toulouse Henri Bonfamille - Character Sheet
if you get sleep or if you get none / the cock's gonna call in the morning, baby / check the cupboard for your daddy's gun / red sun rises like an early warning / the lord's gonna come for your first born son / his hair's on fire and his heart is burning / so go to the river where the water runs / wash him deep where the tides are turning...
Archetype — The Caregiver Birthday — May 10, 1995 Zodiac Sign — Taurus MBTI — ENTJ Enneagram — 3, the Achiever Temperament — Choleric  Hogwarts House — Slytherdor Moral Alignment — True Neutral Primary Vice — Pride Primary Virtue — Diligence Element — Earth
Mother — Adelaide Bonfamille (nee LaBlanc) (Portia de Rossi FC) Father — Hector Bonfamille (Tony Goldwyn) Mother’s Occupation — socialite Father’s Occupation — politician Family Finances — wealthy Birth Order — oldest child Brothers — Berlioz Bonfamille (Matt Hitt FC, 20, Birthday: June 20, 1997) Sisters — Marie Bonfamille (Olivia Holt FC, 17, Birthday: April 22, 2000) Other Close Family — Maternal Aunt: Duchess LaBlanc Best Friend — Hades Other Friends — Sophie, Daisy Enemies — Roger, Perdita, literally so many people tbh Pets — A cat that is not his. Also his plants.   Home Life During Childhood — emotionally manipulative/abusive; argumentative with father; parental disagreements; was put in charge of younger siblings Town or City Name(s) — Paris, France Details of Town(s) or City(s) — loved the river and parks, only place he had refuge What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — rather plain, big windows, bright, painted a cream color, not a lot of toys but an easel and paints in one corner, a large desk with art supplies. Any Sports or Clubs — nope, he focused solely on his art. Favorite Toy or Game — didn’t really play a lot of games, but he liked building legos with his siblings, or reading to them. Schooling — did excellently in school Favorite Subject — science (especially biology), though he has a fondness for literature as well. Popular or Loner — loner, but girls liked him alot; he had the broody bad boy thing going on, which annoyed him immensely. Important Experiences or Events — moving to Swynlake Health Problems — undiagnosed manic depressive; some minor PTSD and agoraphobia Culture — french, and proud of it. Religion and beliefs — raised catholic, attending church mainly to keep up appearances, he finds parts of religion very beautiful, but also calls bullshit on most of it; he’s too logical and scientific to really find any sort of comfort in it; respects those who are religious though; has a predisposed inclination to dislike muslims based on rhetoric and a lack of proper understanding about the religion.
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Freddy Carter Complexion — pale and freckly! Hair Colour — Russet Eye Colour — Green Height — 6′0 Build — slight and tall Tattoos — none and never will Piercings — none Common Hairstyle — perfectly styled 90% of the time, if you catch him without his hair styled he really likes you. Clothing Style — the Most fashionable, very flamboyant, lots of colour Mannerisms — tucks his hands behind his back when he’s nervous or being respectful, if he’s embarrassed his ears turn red Usual Expression —
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — not since he’s become a werewolf, but he never really got sick Physical Ailments — none Neurological Conditions — bipolar II Allergies —  none Grooming Habits — grooms better than some of my girls lmao. takes very good care of himself--when he’s not in a depressive state, then he has more trouble, but if he’s going out he’ll still go through the motions. Sleeping Habits — terrible sleeper. has really bad insomnia. is up late a lot, sleeps in late a lot. wakes up a lot throughout the night. tosses and turns. has trouble falling asleep. Eating Habits — super picky eater. when depressive/manic sometimes doesn’t eat that much Exercise Habits —  lmao what exercise Emotional Stability — off his meds? like a 2/10, on his meds he’s closer to a 6/10 probably.  Body Temperature — normal Sociability — very charming, knows what to say to get people to like him. that doesn’t always mean he says those things lol Addictions — none really?  Drug Use — smokes pot, doesn’t do other drugs thank god that’d be so bad Alcohol Use — drinks more than he should
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — what habits are not bad habits? Thinking he is right about everything, pointing out people’s flaws, getting in fights, generally believing he knows better than everyone else, not feeling out his emotions, withdrawing when things get tough, not speaking to anyone about things that suck in his life, taking on all challenges alone, i could go on... Good Habits — he’s a good brother, he takes care of his siblings, he takes care of himself, for the most part; he’s an excellent studier; he’s very loyal once you win his loyalty Best Characteristic — his unfaltering loyalty Worst Characteristic — his lack of ability to properly communicate his emotions Worst Memory — all the times he had to hide in the closet, or his father sent him to bed with no dinner and kept him there for hours Best Memory — his siblings being born Proud of — his siblings, his art (sometimes) Embarrassed by — not much, honestly. When people catch him having a proper emotion Driving Style — doesn’t drive but he’d be a total soccer mom Strong Points — his loyalty. It’s unwavering and uncompromising Temperament — volatile Attitude — melancholic. Weakness — not being emotionally vulnerable. Seriously, it would solve so many of his issues Fears — not being good enough, being unlovable, worried that he will always be horribly bitter Phobias — pfft nothING (jk he’s lowkey afraid of storms) Secrets — lmao so many where to start? Mostly that he actually does crave affection Regrets — lol everything; probably the biggest is being so hard on ber during their teen years Feels Vulnerable When — he’s having emotion Pet Peeves — god where do i start? People who dont say what’s on their mind Motivation — protecting his siblings is his main motivation Short Term Goals and Hopes — he doens’t really have any im realizing this rn Long Term Goals and Hopes — also does not have many here Sexuality — grey asexual, biromantic (he could be either rly) Exercise Routine  — pfft exercise is for the weak Day or Night Person — night owl Introvert or Extrovert —  introverted extrovert lou really does thrive in a crowd but needs a lot of recharge time after Optimist or Pessimist — pessimist highkey
Likes and Styles:
Music — Classics. Classical. Stuff with not a lot of lyrics. Though, he’s also fond of the Opera. He really likes Faust and Don Giovanni. Also, he secretly likes a couple of musicals--Les Miserables and Cats are probably his favourites, though he very rarely indulges in them. Books — Candide by Voltaire is his favourite novel, he’s read it several times. He is a fan of the gothic period, he enjoys books like The Phantom of the Opera. Is not a huge Victor Hugo fan because he finds him a bit wordy, but he does like Hunchback of Notre Dame. He prefers concise language in his novels, but also likes beautiful imagery. He’s an avid reader. Magazines — He reads National Geographic and TBH probably gets a copy of Vogue, as well as a few museum magazines, just to keep up with the art scene. Foods — Lou is not a very big sweets person, he prefers richer foods. His favorite is frozen grapes--red or green, that doesn’t really matter. He’s almost always snacking on grapes. Drinks — Lou loves champagne. He also is an avid drinker of water. Animals — Lou loves birds, they’re his favorite. He’s also a fan of reptiles. And he has a particular interest in dinosaurs. Sports — Lol. Social Issues — Lou takes a bit of a middle road on these issues. There are things that he is rather passionate about--such as LGBTQIA rights (this is a recent development), but he also has some rather...unethical opinions about things like immigration that he usually keeps to himself because he knows that they are contentious subject. Favorite Saying — “Chacun voit midi à sa porte” Translation: Everyone sees noon on his doorstep. Basically, everyone views the world the way that they view it. Color — Ah, he cannot choose--but he does gravitate to warmer, earth colors in his paintings, oranges and reds and browns. Clothing — Lou is extremely fashionable and he always is dressed impeccably. He loves color and very rarely wears dull ones. Jewelry — Not a huge fan of jewlery, I’m sure he has a nice watch though, that his father gave him. Games — Chess. Puzzles. Things that challenge the mind. Websites — Eh, he’s got a tumblr blog, and he’s #instafamous so. TV Shows — Lou doesn’t watch television enough to have favorite shows but he detests reality shows and probably watches them with his brother to make fun of people. Movies — Lou doesn’t watch movies often, but he loves good cinematography. Also, documentaries. Especially nature and historical ones. (Also loves Legally Blonde on the lowkey.) Greatest Want — To be needed. Greatest Need — To learn to embrace his emotions.
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — lives at his mother’s home in Swynlake Household furnishings — very modern, aligned with the latest Parisian fashion. Favorite Possession — his art studio, does that count?? Most Cherished Possession — the drawer of arts and crafts that lou kept from his siblings when they were little. Neighborhood — the woods, very posh Town or City Name — Swynlake Details of Town or City — small magic friendly Married Before — to Anita Dearly, long story. Significant Other Before — none. Children — none. Relationship with Family — close with his siblings, though closer with Marie than Berlioz, a bit of a momma’s boy, and has a cordial relationship with his father, is very close with his life-long nanny, Nounou. Car — none. Career — will probably be an artist; should be a surgeon. Dream Career — surgeon he just doesn’t know it yet Dream Life — a successful magical animal treatment center, where he can also practice his art on the side; very little chance of having a family but deep down would love a wife/husband and children, maybe he’ll adopt. (he does not know any of this.) Love Life — a hot mess; tries not to develop feelings for people. Talents or Skills — painting, obviously Intelligence Level — he’s very intelligent and observant Finances — wealthy af
Your Character’s Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers — he’s been a student. Past Lovers — many; mostly one night stands, very few repeats Biggest Mistakes — being so hard on ber in secondary; marrying anita. Biggest Achievements — uhmmmmm his art has hung in several galleries
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tempe-booth447 · 7 years
Get to Know My Love for Bones
Top 5 favorite characters: Temperance Brennan, Angela Montenegro, Seeley Booth, Jack Hodgins and Lance Sweets
Other characters you like: Wendell Bray, Camille Saroyan, James Aubrey, Caroline Julian, Max Keenan, Arastoo Vaziri , Gordon Gordon , and Finn Abernathy.
Least favorite characters: Hannah Burley, Christopher Pelant, Oliver Wells Heather Taffett Otps: B&B , Hodgela , Camstoo
Notps: Booth x Hannah and Brennan x Sully
Favorite friendships: Brennan x Angela , Angela x Cam, Cam x Brennan , Brennan x Hodgins, Booth x Cam, Sweets x Booth/Brennan, Aubrey x Brennan/Booth
Favorite family: Booth family but I really like the Hodgins family as well. Let’s just say the whole gang together.
Favorite episodes: Pilot , The Woman in the Sand , Aliens in a Spaceship , The Cowboy in the Contest , The Woman in White, The Skull in the Desert, The Mummy in the Maze, The End in the Beginning, The Proof in the Pudding, The Hole in the Heart, The change in the game, The shot in the dark, The Prisoner in the Pipe, The Movie in the Making , The End in the End . There’s more just can’t think of them atm.
Favorite season/book/movie: Probably season 11, season 9 , season 5 and season 3, Season 7, Season 2
Favorite quotes: “You’re the woman I love. You’re the woman who kissed me outside the pool house when it was pouring rain, took me to shoot Tommy guns on Valentine’s Day. That’s who you are. You’re the one who proposed to me with a stick of beef jerky in your hand, even though you’re a vegetarian. You’re the Roxy to my Tony and the Wanda to my Buck. Who else is gonna sing Hot Blooded with me? And besides we are way better than Mulder and Scully.“ , “Everything happens eventually” , “I don’t know what that means” , “King of the lab!” , “People assume that when you’re alone, you must be lonely. Like most assumptions, it’s erroneous.”
Best musical moment: First time Booth and Brennan sang Hot Blooded together. Also When Brennan sings “Girls Just Want To Have Fun” by Cyndi Lauper in “The Checker Box” restaurant.
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: Probably when B&B got together in the end of season 6, or there wedding.
When it really disappointed you: Booth starts Gambling again. Booth lying to Brennan’s face about it.
Saddest moment: When Sweets Died
Most well done character death: I think Max Keenan’s
Favorite guest star: Stephen Fry
Favorite cast member: Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz I can’t pick 1.
Character you wish was still alive: Definitely Sweets
One thing you hope really happens: Everything I wanted to happen has already come true :) I did wish we got more episodes but I know it won’t happen :(
Most shocking twist: The whole FBI Conspiracy When did you start watching/reading?: When it premiered in 2005
Best animal/creature: hum… Ripley…
Favorite location: The Jeffersonian of course
Trope you wish they would stop using: second person they interrogate was generally the killer
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: It’s realistic about stuff in real life, I mean they knew that Hodgins being able to walk again was very unlikely so they did what would probably happen if his situation was real, they kept him in a wheelchair, even though he didn’t deserve that it was probably the most realistic thing to happen.
Funniest moments: Hodgins’ experiments, Brennan clueless about pop culture
Couple you would like to see: Aubrey x Karen
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: cast is perfect the way it is.
Favorite outfit: every single Angela Montenegro outfit. Brennan’s chunky Necklaces.
Favorite item: angelatron
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: not really, but I’m planning on doing it !
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?:  part of the Booth Family
Most boring plotline: Hannah bored and annoyed me
Most laughably bad moment: When Booth and Brennan carry the dead man’s body to the car during his funeral while Hodgins is making the speech. That was literally the best moment ever. (this was in season 4 - The Double Death of the Dearly Departed)
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: When B&B first met
Most layered character: Temperance Brennan
Most one dimensional character: Dr. Goodman
Scariest moment: When the whole Jeffersonian blow up. I mean I knew they weren’t going to die or anything but … also in the Nightmare in the Nightmare all of Brennans dreams made me jump a bit
Grossest moment: I can’t think of one. the show literally doesn’t bother me with the gore anymore is that sad? Best looking male: Seeley Booth
Best looking female: Temperance Brennan
Who you’re crushing on (if any): I mean, Seeley Booth duh. Hell in the Cowboy in the Contest I was crushing on Brennan.
Favorite cast moment: The bloopers are the best moments ever, or the Comic Con interviews
Favorite transportation: Booth’s car
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): Booth and Brennan’s House (season 10 on)
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: What was Pelant’s final Message???
Best promo: The End in the End showing how far the show has came.
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: From the Beginning.
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