herewegobebe · 3 months
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SHINee - "Lucifer" Jacket & MV Shooting Sketch | Throwback 💞
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atlantis-area · 9 months
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sillyabtmusic · 5 months
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(240418) Beautiful Ashes - Yonghoon
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shineemoon · 1 year
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230517 SHINee: D-8 🤫💎 나만 아는 소소한 비밀이나 TMI가 있다면? (What if there is a small secret or TMI that only I know?) #Pre_SHINee_Week *📸 by MINHO ONEW: 요즘 예전에 입던 옷들이 다 맞아서 다양하게 입어보고 있어요옹. 아! 그리고 액세서리에 관심이 생겼어요!! 이것저것 발견해서 착용해보고 있답니다! (근데 이것도 TMI 맞나요…?!) [Recently, I am wearing a variety of clothes because I could fit into the clothes I used to wear. Ah! I have gotten interested in accessories!! I am putting this and that on upon discovering them! (But is this also considered TMI…?!)] KEY: 저는 아시다시피 너무 다 알려드려서 현재로썬 알려드릴 게 없네요… 이미 다 올려버렸어요. 우리 lil freaks한테 감추고 있는 게 없거든요… 요즘 일상과 여유를 즐길 겨를이 없다는 거…?😉 [For me, as you all know, I have already told you all everything so I have nothing to tell as of now… I have posted everything. I have nothing hidden from our lil freaks… Maybe the fact that I have no time to enjoy any leisure recently…? 😉] MINHO: 최근 집 인테리어를 바꿨습니다. 독서 공간이 생겼는데 거기서 대본도 읽고 책도 읽고 합니다. [I changed my house’s interior recently. There’s a space to read now and I do readings of scripts and books there.] TAEMIN: 제 에어팟 맥스 민호형이 사줘써여ㅎㅎ🎧🎧🎧 [My airpod max was bought by Minho hyung hehe 🎧🎧🎧] (© trans: iheartshinee_)
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ohmuqueen · 6 months
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source tweet(click)
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shutupineedtothink · 9 months
Ok really seriously were comebacks from Shinee, EXO, Teen Top, Infinite (like srsly I still cannot believe), VIXX (also cannot believe), TVXQ, U-Kiss, FT Island, and BtoB on anyone’s 2023 bingo card because holy shit what a year for the 2nd gen boys
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smtown-tourist · 18 days
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Ever since Taemin came out with his own lightstick, I’ve been fantasizing about what the other SHINee members’ lightsticks would look like 🤔💎
#shinee#taemin#lightstick#it’s so iconic that it’s literally him doing the t-pose#like i don’t think they could’ve come up with a better concept#jonghyun’s lightstick would’ve been a cresent moon duh!!!#minho’s lightstick should obviously be a torch#like HELLO!!! FLAMING CHARISMA!!!#but i think it should be multidimensional so that there will be a darker blue on the outside and pearl aqua on the inside#that would be GORGEOUS!!!#i’m stumped on what Key’s lightstick should look like#the obvious answer would be a lock or a key but we all know how Key feels about things that are cheesy#it would be cool if he did do a lock but the keyhole is diamond shaped#kinda like Minho’s the actual lock itself would lightup pink but the inside (the diamond shaped keyhole) would glow pearl aqua#onew’s lightstick is another one that i’m stumped on#a sun seems like the obvious choice and it would harmonize beautifully with the moon lightstick i invision jjong would’ve had#i almost feel like a rain cloud would fit onew better#it’s different and mellow like onew#plus when it would glow green it would be a subtle homage to SHINee’s song Green Rain which i think Onew would like#on top of that the raindrops could lightup pearl aqua and be really pretty#i’m in love with the idea of the SHINee members’ lightsticks having both their assigned color and their fandom one#it’s a perfect way of showing how even when they’re alone and doing their own thing they are still a part of shinee#let me know your thoughts#onew#jonghyun#key#minho#ot5#5hinee
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cut-catches · 4 days
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me n who 😤😤
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ultrakdramamama · 1 year
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230517 shinee   D-8 나만 아는 소소한 비밀이나 TMI가 있다면? [#온유 #ONEW] 요즘 예전에 입던 옷들이 다 맞아서 다양하게 입어보고 있어요옹. 아! 그리고 액세서리에 관심이 생겼어요!! 이것저것 발견해서 착용해보고 있답니다! (근데 이것도 TMI 맞나요…?!) [#키 #KEY] 저는 아시다시피 너무 다 알려드려서 현재로썬 알려드릴 게 없네요… 이미 다 올려버렸어요. 우리 lil freaks한테 감추고 있는 게 없거든요… 요즘 일상과 여유를 즐길 겨를이 없다는 거…? [#민호 #MINHO] 최근 집 인테리어를 바꿨습니다. 독서 공간이 생겼는데 거기서 대본도 읽고 책도 읽고 합니다. [#태민 #TAEMIN] 제 에어팟 맥스 민호형이 사줘써여ㅎㅎ * by MINHO
[trans]  D-8 🤫💎 Is there a small secret or TMI that only you know? [#ONEW] These days, all the clothes I used to wear fit me, so I'm trying out a variety of clothes. Oh! And I got interested in accessories!! I found this and that and I'm trying it on! (But is this also TMI...?!) [#Key #KEY] As you know, I've told you everything, so I don't have anything to tell you right now… I already uploaded it. I'm not hiding anything from our lil freaks… I don't have time to enjoy my daily life and relaxation these days…?😉 [#MINO #MINHO] I recently changed the interior of my house. There is a reading space where I read scripts and books. [#TAEMIN #TAEMIN] Minho hyung bought my AirPods max for me lol 🎧🎧🎧 *📸 by MINHO
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fanofthelamb · 4 months
trying to convince myself that the progress im making on this comic still counts even if its just. writing stuff. WERE GETTING SOMEHWERE!!! EVEN IF NO ONE CAN SEE IT. IT STILL COUNTS IT STILL COUNTS IT STILL COUNTS!!!!
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whatwouldjinkido · 9 months
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0rgell · 8 months
The Roommate (And How He Got In Jonghyun's Pants) - JongTae Oneshot
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Pairing: Jonghyun x Taemin
Genre: explicit, fluff, roommates AU
Word Count: 6.7k words
You can also find this story on: AO3
Jonghyun, who once didn't like his roommate, now likes him a lot. A whole lot.
The Roommate (And How He Got In Jonghyun's Pants)
Jonghyun couldn’t afford the rent on his apartment anymore, which frustrated Jonghyun because it wasn’t what he planned on. He didn’t want to share his apartment; he picked that apartment, especially because he could afford the rent. However, his capitalist landlord struck him with the worst news a university student working one job could hear: his landlord wanted to increase his rent. This was typical of a landlord and it made Jonghyun resent them all; they were nothing but power hungry, money hungry bastards in his eyes. So he did what anyone would in that situation: he put up an advertisement for a roommate.
When Taemin and Jonghyun first met, Jonghyun didn’t believe that Taemin was old enough to be in university, let alone old enough to have a job to pay the rent. He nearly laughed at Taemin and walked out of the coffee shop. But unfortunately for him, Taemin was too cute to say no to. Also, he found out that Taemin was only a few years younger than him and he was an anthropology major. So they’ve been roommates for six months now and it's taken time for Jonghyun to get used to always having another person around because he loved solitude and found peace in it. Taemin never left the apartment, unless it was to go to university. But Taemin was also messy and it drove Jonghyun mad. Jonghyun was the type of person to clean up after himself; he’d do it right away. Taemin was the type of person who would wait for his mess to accumulate and then clean it up while making it look very painful, like he had never had to clean up after himself before. He was clumsy as well; Jonghyun didn't even know how many porcelains or glasses he’s had to help clean up and replace. 
In retrospect, he should of prepared himself for little things like this. But he didn’t. At least Taemin’s mum always sends side dishes for them to share and she, although he wouldn’t say it out loud, made the most delicious side dishes, better than his own mum. 
Taemin walked into the apartment after finishing his day at university in his—Jonghyun’s—black oversized sweater and joggers and greeted Jonghyun while he was cooking for them. Taemin placed his bag down on the kitchen table as he came up behind Jonghyun, looking over his shoulder and sniffing like a rabbit. “Smells good," he commented and Jonghyun laughed. Jonghyun had become used to Taemin and actually found him endearing in almost every way. His clumsiness that once irritated Jonghyun had now wormed its way into his heart and made Jonghyun want to help him, because now Jonghyun feels like he has to look after him, which he doesn’t mind at all. His mess now makes Jonghyun laugh and think about how fitting it is for Taemin, and his strange obsession with cereal, Jonghyun can deal with it all, he wants to deal with it all. Because it’s all Taemin. 
“Yeah?” Jonghyun turns around and ruffles Taemin’s hair and Taemin leans into his touch like a kitten. “You hungry?” Taemin hums and closes his eyes, moving his head to let him scratch more at the base of his nape, making Jonghyun’s heart flutter. Jonghyun realised his feelings towards Taemin weren’t just platonic three months after he moved in and ever since he acknowledged them, they’ve grown and consumed him. He's gotten over his awkward part but sometimes he still doesn’t know how to act around the other. Because Taemin does and says a lot of strange things that he doesn’t know makes Jonghyun’s heart beat at a stupid rate. Which wasn’t what he wanted. When he first put up the advertisement for a roommate, before Taemin came into his life, Jonghyun was devoted to his studies and had no interest in relationships whatsoever. But Taemin was too hard not to like—so cute, so ditsy. 
“How was Uni?” Jonghyun finds the words to make more conversation because he hasn’t heard Taemin’s voice all day and he misses it.
Taemin pulls away from Jonghyun’s touch and looks at him with wide eyes. “You know that second-year Kibum?” Taemin asks and yes, he does know Kibum; he’s younger than Jonghyun. While Jonghyun is in his last year of his bachelor's degree, Kibum is in his second and Taemin is in his first. Kibum is known by pretty much everyone in the university, or at least anyone with ears and eyes. Kibum is excessively loud in every way—his mouth, his fashion. But apart from all of that, he was the reason Jonghyun realised he was gay. He was the first man Jonghyun ever slept with, and now he’s worried about why Taemin has brought him up.
Cautiously, Jonghyun says, “Yeah, I know him.” 
“He won’t stop bothering me! I don’t even know what he wants.” Taemin states candidly, not giving him time to adjust, the words making Jonghyun freeze on the spot. He tries to concentrate on something that isn’t bubbling up inside him, because he is not jealous. 
“He probably just wants to talk,” Jonghyun says trying to sound as candid as Taemin just did. He isn’t lying, Kibum probably did just want to talk: whether it was the way Jonghyun wanted it to be or not. 
Taemin shrugs and brushes the subject under the rug like he didn’t just make Jonghyun the most jealous person in the world and walks over to the fridge, pulls out a bottle of water, downing it and then, when Jonghyun can’t take his eyes off him, Taemin winks playfully, “Do I have time to have a quick shower and get changed?” 
And Jonghyun’s heartbeat is driving him mad; he’s sure Taemin knows what he’s doing to his heart because how could he be that oblivious to his red face? “Yeah, sure, do that," he swallowed thickly, trying not to imagine Taemin in the shower. That's inappropriate. So is watching Taemin walk off and staring at his butt, Taemin doesn’t know any of it. He doesn’t know how Jonghyun’s heart craves him or how much he wants to be around him all the time. He doesn’t need to know either. 
Jonghyun busies himself with thoughts like how he needs to buy more eggs and stuff like don’t burn the carbonara because that wouldn’t be good, and he doesn’t have any more money to buy takeout if he fails because he spent it all already on takeouts, restaurants, and rent plus utilities. It’s that time of month when they have to make do with what's in the fridge, and they should really get out of the habit of spending all their money on takeouts and then living on whatever they have left but they are students. 
Taemin returns, hair wet, droplets of water down his neck, blue boxers, and a black hoodie. If Jonghyun thought his life couldn’t get any harder, he was wrong. He can’t just stare, but he wants to still look, so he makes the effort to start a conversation, “Nice shower?” 
Taemin nods and walks to the cupboard, grabbing two glasses and getting a bottle of merlot out of the wine holder, filling the two glasses and bending down, sticking his butt out so he can be eye level with the glasses so he can make sure they are the same. And Jonghyun tries not to look at his butt. “We're in our ‘WEED era’,” Taemin says it out of nowhere and catches Jonghyun by surprise so he turns around and mixes the pasta—like he definitely was just not looking at the other's arse—releasing its doneness. He starts dishing it up into two blue bowls, which are the most recent addition to their collection. What is a ‘WEED era’ and is Taemin taking drugs? Should Jonghyun be concerned? “What's a ‘WEED era’? And how are you sure I want to be involved?” Jonghyun asks; he doesn’t actually care if Taemin includes him. He wants to be included in everything Taemin does, even if it’s as stupid as joining him in a ‘weed era’.  
“Don’t lie, you want to join everything I’m doing." Taemin narrows his eyes, causing Jonghyun to gulp because, can Taemin read his mind? “It stands for ‘we enjoy every day’. I saw it on SNS but actually, it’s pretty cool. So I think I sound pretty cool if I say it. You should be happy I included you.” Taemin is such a nerd and Jonghyun loves it. He loves the way Taemin gets sassy and the way his nose scrunches. He loves the way Taemin puts him on a cliff and then pulls him off the edge but sometimes, just sometimes, he wishes Taemin would push him off the cliff. 
Jonghyun didn’t need to think about that; he needed to think about a reply to Taemin. He needs to come up with the right thing to say, something witty or something that doesn’t sound strained, “You’re such a nerd.” And Taemin scrunches his nose up at his reply; his reaction could have been worse. So that feels like a win for Jonghyun. Jonghyun takes the bowls, sits down, and waits for Taemin to join him.
“You like nerds, though.” Taemin gasps as he walks over to the table with the two wine glasses. “Maybe, oh my. Does that mean you like me?” Jonghyun can handle a lot of things Taemin throws his way but Taemin walking in his tiny boxers and accusing him of liking him is something that he never thought he’d have to handle. Struggling now Jonghyun doesn't know where to look so he settles on staring at his pasta. The most Jonghyun can get out is a throttled chuckle as he feels his ears heat up. Whatever happens, he is not going to admit to liking Taemin; no way will he; he’s not going to mess up their friendship. Feeling like he’s on a bed of hot coals he makes use of his hands, tries to swirl his pasta around his fork and shoves the bit he manages to get into his mouth.   
And Taemin sits down, placing the wine glasses in front of himself and Jonghyun, expectant eyes like a cat and if he had a tail, it would be swaying side to side. Objectively speaking, Jonghyun doesn’t even know if Taemin likes guys so maybe even if he said he did like him, Taemin wouldn’t even bat an eye. But what's the point if there's a slight chance everything could come crashing down? And maybe if he did take it the right way, what if Taemin felt uncomfortable and then he’d be awkward around Jonghyun and maybe he’d even move out? And Jonghyun needs to stop thinking. So he tries to push the thoughts aside and sinks deeper into his chair, drinking his wine and then sinking deeper. Watching Taemin’s plump lips part, a tiny sliver of his tongue pokes out and he takes the edge of his wine glass in between them. He watches as his Adams apple bobs as he swallows the red liquid and a drop collects at the bottom of his lip, making Jonghyun stretch out and swipe his thumb over it. Soft, warm, and pillowy. Jonghyun wishes he could just kiss him, just once. Someone having lips like Taemin should be a sin; there's no way anyone wouldn’t want to kiss them.
And maybe Jonghyun’s finger lingered for a second too long but when he removed it, his finger wasn't there long enough. He should probably say something, anything, like, “Shall we watch a movie after this?” Yeah, something like that. That was good.  
And Taemin makes Jonghyun go sublime as his foot runs down his shin and Jonghyun has to rethink his whole life because, what the fuck, that one touch should not be sending blood straight to his dick and it should not be making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. “Yeah, sure, I’d love to. But, just saying, I’m not sitting there for an hour while you pick.” Taemin needs to stop talking and let Jonghyun’s brain catch up because it is going to take him a while to reply because all he can see is an angel in front of him. 
Nevertheless, Jonghyun smiles and downs his wine and fills both of the glasses to the top, which, is really bad wine etiquette and he knows that. He’d like to get drunk enough to maybe sleep through the movie so he doesn’t have to think about how close Taemin will be, and he wishes Taemin would have mercy on his poor heart. “I’ll wash up then. You can pick the movie.” Jonghyun says, and he collects the bowls.
Jonghyun scrubs the bowls harsher than he should and the blue paint has chipped off—it doesn’t matter because Taemin will probably break them soon—but maybe if he scrubs them like this, he can distract himself from the thoughts swirling around his head that are so not appropriate. Maybe he can scrub away his feelings as well as his heart until they are just specks, like the specks of paint that are being washed down the drain. He hears Taemin hum in the living room, satisfied, and he knows that Taemin has found something, so he should hurry up and finish abusing the bowls, just like his feelings.
He walks into the living room, surrounded by the ambience of a single candle glowing on the coffee table. The room is dark and Taemin is sitting in the middle of the sofa, looking as pretty as a picture. Jonghyun wishes he could have him right there. He absolutely can't so he picks the spot furthest away from Taemin in the corner of the sofa and he curls his legs up so there is no chance of him accidentally touching Tamein and sending his mind into a spiral. Taemin reaches out to the coffee table grabs one of the glasses and hands it to Jonghyun and he must have brought them in when he was washing the bowls. Jonghyun has no limits on wine and he intends to drink as much as he can so he takes the glass from Taemin, their fingers brushing and sending chills down his spine. He’ll drink to that.  
The horror film Taemin chose feels like it's playing in the background for Jonghyun; he can’t stop staring at Taemin. It’s not Jonghyun’s fault Taemin is more interesting than the film and it’s also not his fault the wine has completely gone to his head. Well, maybe the last part is his fault; his alcohol tolerance is terrible and he drank the wine knowingly because of this. The atmosphere is so cozy and Jonghyun just wants to grab Taemin and pull him into his lap. He doesn’t know if he wants to kiss him and play with his hair or bend him over the sofa until he cries and his legs shake.
The film is over and the wine glasses are empty and if Taemin asks Jonghyun about what happened, he won’t have an answer. He watches as Taemin gets up from the sofa and makes his way to the kitchen out of his sight, so he gets a blanket to cover himself because the winter weather has crept in through their shitty windows that need reinsulating. Feet rushing, slapping, against the wooden floor makes Jonghyun look up in anticipation, slightly worried and slightly excited to just see Taemin again. A little dance in the doorway makes him laugh. Taemin stood there with another bottle of wine in his hand, looking very accomplished with himself. 
“Why are you hogging the blanket?” Taemin asks with a cute scowl on his face as he walks over and sits right next to Jonghyun, shuffling closer and pulling the blanket over him as well. “I got us more wine.”
“I can see that,” Jonghyun muses.
“Let’s watch another movie,” Taemin suggests, but Jonghyun doesn’t need to answer; Taemin will put one on anyway; he knows Jonghyun won’t go to sleep yet. Jonghyun watches as Taemin leans to get the wine glasses, and he catches a glimpse of Taemin's waist, soft and small, and he wants to grab it. He wonders what Taemin would do if he did; would he squirm? Would he laugh and push Jonghyun away, telling him it tickles? Or would he gasp in surprise? 
Taemin sits back down too fast for Jonghyun to even try and he hands Jonghyun his glass which is now full and snuggles into his side, his head resting on Jonghyun's shoulder. Without uttering anything, Jonghyun lifts his arm and moves Taemin’s head to his chest as he wraps his arm around Taemin’s waist, as he expected, cute and small. Taemin doesn't actually protest; instead, he does the exact opposite and nuzzles into Jonghyun’s chest. Jonghyun should probably have thought about this beforehand; Taemin will be able to hear his heart. And his heart is pounding at an astronomical rate; if Taemin asks, he’ll just blame it on the alcohol. Yeah. 
Throughout the film, Taemin slips further and further down Jonghyun’s chest and he is now on his thigh, one hand under it and the other on top, as if he doesn’t want Jonghyun to move. Jonghyun is not going to move because he can’t. He’s too busy thinking about not getting a boner. Taemin is so close to his dick and he could easily pull Jonghyun’s joggers down and suck his dick with his perfect lips and he’d look so amazing. Breathe. Jonghyun needs to breathe because Taemin is definitely not going to do that and getting a boner while Taemin’s head is right next to his dick would be so embarrassing and Taemin wouldn’t be able to look him in the eye for a week. Taemin does stuff like that; once he walked in on Jonghyun having a shower and he completely freaked out, hand over his eyes, face so red, and apologies spluttering out like quick fire, he couldn’t look Jonghyun in the eye for two weeks after that. And Jonghyun was the one who felt the worst; he hated Taemin avoiding eye contact. He didn’t realise how much he loved Taemin’s eyes and cute fast blinks until he was starved of them. So after that, Jonghyun tried his best to make sure nothing like that could ever happen again. Like now. He can’t get a boner. He can’t. He won’t.
Taemin needs to stop moving because Jonghyun is dying and when Taemin buries his head into Jonghyun’s lap and rubs his face against his thigh, like a cat, a cat that is making Jonghyun’s life so much harder and he should have worn boxers because Taemin just caught the shaft of his dick and forced a deep grunt out of him right from his dick. He’s so screwed. Taemin doesn’t seem embarrassed or perturbed, though. And what takes Jonghyun by surprise is when Taemin does it again, another grunt ripped from his throat. And his dick is now throbbing, half hard, and Taemin doesn’t seem to care. So Jonghyun presses Taemin’s neck down, he’s not sure what he’s doing, but Taemin has frozen, whether it’s from the pressure on the back of his neck or from the realisation of what he was just doing, “Taemin, what are you doing?” Shocked he manages to ask, shocked at how his own voice sounds to his ears. Breathlessly and rougher than it should as if he hadn’t drank water in three days, so he coughs a bit to try and get it back to normal and swallows.  
A whine comes out of Taemin’s mouth, so slutty that it goes straight to Jonghyun’s dick, twitching in his joggers. Stuck on what to do and head spinning, Jonghyun pulls Taemin up by his hair, earning him another noise that can’t quite be described half like a moan and half like a groan. Taemin should really stop making all these noises; they aren't doing Jonghyun any good and Jonghyun really needs to think straight. 
“Taemin, what are you doing?” He asks again with more authority in his voice because he is not going to screw this up and Taemin needs to be coherent for whatever he thinks he’s doing. 
Pink flushed cheeks and fluttering eyes Taemin says, “I want to help you.” All Jonghyun can think is, oh god, and fuck. Taemin looks so sweet but so sinful at the same time, his lips swollen as if he’s been worrying them, and his eyes half-lidded and clouded in a haze of lust. Jonghyun has to dig his heels into the sofa to ground himself. He's trying to think with his brain instead of his dick, but his brain isn’t working; it’s clouded by lust and wine.
“Taemin, what are you talking about?" He needs to get this right. There's no way this is actually happening. Taemin must just be confused, right?
Taemin gives him this look that goes straight to his stomach, only fueling the fire that Taemin started, and he feels caught out for whatever reason. And Jonghyun’s world is shattering and shaking, probably just as much as he is. "Please." There is no way he is actually begging Jonghyun. There is no way. “I know you think of me. I’ve heard you in the shower moaning my name, more than once. Just let me help you, please,” Taemin says in whiney, sultry tones dripping from his mouth.
Taemin doesn’t give Jonghyun time to reply before he palms Jonghyun’s dick through his joggers. Jonghyun’s head falls back and a moan is released from his mouth, submitting to pure hedonism; his mind is wiped blank and he struggles to breathe. He can’t even think about how embarrassed he is that Taemin heard him in the shower, not while Taemin is making him question why he waited so long for this to happen or why he didn’t just make a move on Taemin first, not while Taemin is mouthing his dick through his joggers, turning the light grey fabric to dark grey with his wet patches of saliva. The white heat spreading through his body—feeling something he’s craved for so long—feels like a dream. Not knowing what to do, Jonghyun gips the edge of the sofa, so tight, digging his nails into the poor leather as he tries not to levitate on the feeling as Taemin’s hand slips under his waistband, and when his fingers touch Jonghyun’s dick, his breath hitches. “Taemin.” Jonghyun doesn’t even know why he’s talking; it’s not like he has anything to say after that either. Maybe just to make sure it isn’t a dream and that Taemin is actually there. 
The look in Taemin’s eyes is so mischievous as he pulls the other's joggers down. When they get past his dick, his dick springs back up, slaps his stomach, and Taemin mewls at the sight, making Jonghyun feel crazy. Jonghyun can’t get enough of Taemin’s visuals; he can’t get over the way Taemin is licking his lips at the sight of him so when Taemin blows hot air on his dick, he hardly manages to keep his hips from thrusting up. He never thought Taemin would be such a tease or even be interested in him. 
Taemin doesn’t seem to care what he’s doing to Jonghyun’s mental state. He sits on Jonghyun’s thighs, looking a mix of angelic and demonic, because who thought Taemin would ever be like this? Jonghyun just marvels at Taemin; his thighs look so soft and feel so impossibly soft and warm on Jonghyun; his dick is hard; and there’s a wet patch forming on his blue boxers. It makes Jonghyun shiver at the thought that he has done that to Taemin. 
Taemin drags his finger up Jonghyun’s neck, leaving goosebumps trailing behind until he reaches his jaw and Jonghyun has to suppress a shiver. He stops grabbing Jonghyun’s jaw and smiles, warm and all teeth showing like they would if he smiled at him any other day. Jonghyun feels like he’s just been given whiplash. The seamless change from lust filled cockslut to cute and innocent is absolutely mind boggling to Jonghyun. “You’re so beautiful,” Taemin breathes out and that's the first time Jonghyun has ever been called beautiful. Sure, he’s been called handsome, charming, and other things, but never beautiful . It makes his heart swell and his face glow redder than it did before. If that is possible.
He opens his mouth to reply—he’s not sure what—but is cut off by a pair of warm lips. It takes more than a second for Jonghyun to reciprocate in shock that this is happening and how fast everything is going and when he does, Taemin moans into his mouth, forcing him to swallow the beautiful sounds as he rocks his hips forward, grinding onto Jonghyun’s naked dick. The feeling of Taemin’s warm clothed dick makes Jonghyun release a sound he didn’t think he could make—low, rough, and almost animalistic. With not even a drop of self control left, Jonghyun releases his hands from the sofa and explores Taemin's body, one hand going up his jumper, gabbing his waist soft and warm so tightly that Taemin yelps and the other grabbing his arse, fingers digging into his flesh. He needs something to hold onto; otherwise, he’s not sure what he’ll do.  
Jonghyun can hardly resist the urge to bend Taemin over and fuck him, but Taemin started this so he’s going to let Taemin do the leading. No matter how hard it is or how much Jonghyun wants to be in control. This is real and it is happening so Jonghyun takes the opportunity as best he can. Taemin bites down on Jonghyun’s lip, whimpering into his mouth as his hips continue grinding into him, giving him a mixture of pleasure and pain, and once again pulling a grunt from his lip, tongues now exploring each other's mouths, warm, wet, and everything he could ever want. Taemin's arms are now wrapping around Jonghyun’s neck, fingers playing with his short hair at his nape. Fiery passion into every mouth movement, lust and pent up feelings fueling it all, turning them into a beautiful mess of limbs. 
When Taemin moves away from Jonghyun, a string of spit hangs from his mouth as he bites his lip, so Jonghyun just has to lean out and wipe it with his thumb, only for Taemin to take it into his mouth, sucks it and roll his tongue over the pad of his thumb. So needy. Jonghyun is beyond repair now and he doesn’t think he will ever be able to stop replaying that moment in his head. Taemin crawls off the sofa with as much grace and elegance as one can and Jonghyun tries not to huff at the loss of Taemin but when he sees Taemin on his knees between his legs, it's enough for him to moan. Jonghyun has always been someone who loves visuals and Taemin is the epitome of a visual; he is adonis; he is art and poetry. Taemin takes Jonghyun into his hand and pumps at a disgustingly slow, mocking pace, making Jonghyun moan and throw his head back, half satisfied that he’s being touched but half desperately needing some more friction. If Taemin doesn’t stop looking at Jonghyun like that—so beautiful, so sinful, so lustful—he doesn’t know how much longer it will be until he grabs Taemin’s hand and fucks himself into it like a brat, and Jonghyun isn’t a brat. “Wow, you’ve got such a pretty dick,” Taemin says while looking at it, watching as it slides up and down in his hand Jonghyun moans in response. “I want to put it in my mouth.” Taemin expresses his thoughts.
Taemin can do whatever he wants. Normally, when having sex, Jonghyun is the one who's teasing and in control; however, today he’ll let Taemin have him any way he wants. “Do it,” is all that Jonghyun can say almost in a whisper; he’s never wanted anything so bad in his life and Taemin’s lips were made for dick sucking, perfect lips for a blowjob. So when Taemin finally wraps his lips around the head of Jonghyun’s cock so wet and so hot that he’s not sure who is moaning louder, the feeling of Taemin's moans vibrating on his dick makes him see white and he thursts up on instinct into Taemin’s mouth, hitting the back of his throat, making Taemin moan and roll his eyes back. Every noise that Jonghyun manages to drag from Taemin’s lips with his dick feels like a blessing and he wonders how much more vocal he’d be with his dick buried deep inside him, or even just one finger.
Taemin gets to work, like he’s done this a hundred times, a soft hand like velvet wrapping around the base of Jonghyun’s dick, going in tandem with his mouth. Submitting himself to Jonghyun’s dick as if it were oxygen. The visual is enough to make Jonghyun cum. Taemin looks so beautiful and so slutty. Cheeks and ears flushed, mouth stuffed full of cock, eyes looking up at Jonghyun through his eyelashes, fluttering and glazed with lust. The air in the room is so hot it could be the gates of hell. If Jonghyun wasn’t so indulged in the feeling of Taemin's mouth, he’d believe that he actually was there but right now he’s feeling like heaven. 
Taemin hollows his cheeks and pulls off with a pop, making Jonghyun moan so loudly that he’s nearly embarrassed but he can’t tear his eyes away from the sight as Taemin goes back down on him, using his tongue to swirl around the head and dragging it along all the veins. God. Jonghyun needs this to speed up; he’s been so close to tipping off the edge for what feels like forever so he grabs a fist full of Taemin’s hair and shoves him down, making Taemin practically wail. “So good. You’re so good,” he praises and Taemin releases a whimper and a shiver. Pride swims inside Jonghyun at the reaction and then he realises that Taemin wants to be praised. Taemin deserves all the praise in the world.
He lifts Taemin off by the hair so he can look at him. Taemin sobs at the loss of fullness in his mouth. Taemin is such a dream, so hungry for cock, so beautiful, and for a moment, Jonghyun is mesmerised; lips so swollen dribble down his chin, and he looks so fucked out already. He doesn’t want to imagine what he looks like if this is how fucked out Taemin already looks. 
“You look so pretty. Do you like your mouth full of cock?” He’s not looking for a reply but he definitely got one that was less verbal. Taemin latches back on, moans around his dick and increases his pace as his other hand comes forwards to cup the others' balls. He detaches himself from Jonghyun and presses wet kisses to his balls, licking and slightly sucking, while his other hand continues working up and down Jonghyun's length, making Jonghyun gasp in surprise. “So good,” Jonghyun is a babbling mess moaning out praises like a broken vending machine and the knot in Jonghyun’s stomach is close to releasing, he needs Taemin’s lips back around his dick before it snaps so he grabs Taemin's hair and moves him back to his cock. “Fuck Taemin,” Jonghyun moans, dick on fire, toes curling, hand curling tighter into Taemin’s hair, ready to pull him off for when he cums. But when Jonghyun nearly sees white and goes to pull him off Taemin resists; his hands haven't stopped and his mouth is still full but he slacks it slightly and mumbles around Jonghyun’s dick, “Cum in my mouth, please.” Okay. Taemin doesn’t have to ask Jonghyun twice. One hand grips the sofa as Taemin gets back to work again, cheeks hollowed, sucking at an insane pace, hands doing indescribable things. Jonghyun’s dick is hitting the back of Taemin’s throat over and over again, until he feels dizzy and euphoric. His mouth falls open in a silent gasp, his eyes rolling back and trying to keep them open and his head from going slack so he can watch as he fills Taemin’s mouth full of cum. 
“Fuck – I’m –” His grip in Taemin’s hair tightens, and Taemin’s hand strokes him quickly, up and down, up and down, lips tightening around him, tongue dancing in patterns, body tensing as he reaches his orgasm, hips bucking up, mind blank, white sparks appearing in front of his eyes as Taemin milks him, cum filling up Taemin’s mouth, a small bit dribbling down the corner of his mouth, his whole body contracting as little electric shocks tingle through him. His hands fall lifelessly, letting go of Taemin’s hair, and his body feels like the life has been sucked out of it. And when Taemin finally lets go of his dick and smiles up at him, he thinks he’s in heaven. Taemin gets off his knees and sits next to Jonghyun and Jonghyun can’t help but notice how much the wet patch on Taemin’s boxers has grown. He reaches out for Taemin and pulls him in for a kiss, not caring if he can taste himself; just so intoxicated by the miracle called Lee Taemin, nothing else matters. 
Once Jonghyun has caught his breath and fallen out of his daze, though every second he’s near Taemin feels like one, he moves his hand up Taemin’s thigh, pulling little noises out of him, wanting to bite and leave marks on his soft, pale skin. But before he can even take action on that thought, Taemin’s phone rings. 
Taemin grabs it, looks at who's calling and gives Jonghyun a dejected smile, “It’s my mum… I should answer.” 
“Yeah… you should,” Jonghyun says as much as he wants Taemin all to himself. To hide him from the world. But he can’t do that, not from Taemin’s own mother. 
Taemin nods and walks out, takes the call, and Jonghyun is left to nurse his feelings as they have now swelled to double the size, taking over his body so much it might burst, but he would be happy with that as long as his last thoughts were Taemin. He can’t get the sweet sounds that fell from Taemin’s lips out of his head. He can’t help but think about what Taemin would sound like in other situations while Jonghun is giving and Taemin is receiving. The wine has mostly lost its effect and Jonghyun is just floating on pure ecstasy, floating in the afterglow Taemin has given him. 
Taemin is only gone for a few minutes and comes back in, looking sheepish. He smiles and sits back down next to Jonghyun, burying himself into his side, hiding his face in Jonghyun's shoulder and playing with his hands. “Is everything okay?” Jonghyun feels the need to ask, but he can’t help but look at Taemin with adoration, so shy and so cute and somehow he’s managed to curl up so small. 
“Yeah, my mum wants me to come over and help her with her computer tomorrow,” Taemin replies, still not looking Jonghyun in the eyes, pink ears peeking out from his hair. Jonghyun feels an itch in his fingers to stroke his hair so he lets his hand scratch Taemin’s head.
“Taemin.” Jonghyun starts but he’s not sure where to finish. There are so many things he wants to say and ask but he’s not sure how to.
Taemin looks at him now, a teasing smile playing on his lips. “You’re such a pervert,” Taemin says in a teasing manner, making Jonghyun’s mouth fall open in shock at the sudden accusation.
“What?” Jonghyun asks in utter confusion. Where did the shy little Taemin go? And what even is Taemin on about?
Taemin hums, satisfied with the reaction he got. “You wank off to the thought of me in the shower and thought I wouldn’t know? The walls are literally made of cardboard,” he smiles again, this time the teasing is wiped from his demeanour. “It’s okay, though. It’s hot and I wouldn’t have known you thought about me in that way if I hadn’t heard.” Now Taemin is blabbering his words.
Now it’s Jonghyun’s turn to be embarrassed, but it’s not like he can deny it because he has done that, more times than he is proud of. “I don’t only think of you that way, Taemin. I do actually really like you.” Jonghyun has now let out his feelings, feeling more naked than he did when Taemin was in between his legs. Taemin’s silence is slicing him up like glass and he waits to be turned down, have his heart crushed, and be laughed at. But Taemin would never laugh at him, right? Taemin isn’t like that.
“I like you too.” Jonghyun’s heart swells. “Maybe if you take me on a date and buy me food, I’ll let you fuck my arse,” Taemin replies nonchalantly and absolutely shamelessly, and Jonghyun nearly chokes.
As Jonghyun lets go of the breath he is holding, the laugh that escapes him is loud and sudden and ripples through his body. “Taemin, I already buy you food, and I’ll take you on a date anyway; you don’t need to bribe me,” Jonghyun says after he calms down from laughing. Jonghyun would love to take Taemin out on a date. It's not like he doesn’t take Taemin out for dinner all the time and pay for his food anyway. But if that is what Taemin wants, Jonghyun will give him anything. Everything. 
Taemin pouts, “You don’t want to fuck me?”
Of course, he wants to fuck Taemin. Why wouldn't he? If he didn’t, he’d have to be blind or crazy. He’s already crazy, though; just staring at Taemin makes his heart go crazy. “Of course I do! I just don’t need a bribe to take you out on a date.” Jonghyun splutters, stumbling over his words like an idiot, as his heart drops at Taemin’s statement.
A smug smile takes place on Taemin’s face, one that Jonghyun knows, one that says: I was just teasing you . Taemin gets as close as he can to Jonghyun and straddles his legs, looking at him deep in his eyes and Jonghyun swears he can see the world in the others. Two soft hands grab Jonghyun’s face and he’s met with two very soft, inviting lips. Although the kiss is only short, it’s sweet and carries weight. “Good, because if you didn’t say anything, I would have only let you take me out on a date, and you’d get no benefits after,” Taemin laughs, bubbly, hiccuping, and bright. Music to Jonghyun’s ears.
“I guess our date can’t be tomorrow then,” Jonghyun says with sadness lacing his voice a little upset that he can’t take Taemin out as soon as possible. He knows that Taemin can’t drop everything for him and he is being unreasonable getting upset about it. He can take Taemin out whenever he wants after tomorrow; it's only one extra day.
“What? Why?” Taemin asks as quickly as he can, leaning back a bit, and distancing himself from Jonghyun.
Jonghyun laughs at Taemin’s pouty face, completely in awe of him. He leans forward and circles his arms around Taemin’s waist. “You have to help your mum with her computer.” He reminds him.
Taemin now adds a frown to the mix, and he’s so devastatingly cute Jonghyun feels like he might burst. “Oh. Oh… well, can’t we go after I’m finished?” He questions and then his eyebrows pull deeper and deeper while waiting for Jonghyun to answer.
And how could Jonghyun possibly say no to Taemin? How could he ever deny Taemin? Instead of answering, he grabs his face and pulls him in for a long, sweet kiss. “Of course.” 
“Good, I would have sulked otherwise,” Taemin admits, beaming so brightly at Jonghyun.
“It’s not just because I want to fuck your arse, either.” Jonghyun jokes, and they both look at each other once again and laugh. Jonghyun is feeling incredibly warm as feelings bubble up in his stomach. Maybe nerves but all he knows is that he gets to take Taemin out on a date tomorrow. So he’s happy with whatever feelings come because he’s got Taemin.
Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it. 
Everyone have a lovely day, Orgel 🌸
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