#top 5 best drones with camera
computerguru-blogs · 2 years
What is the worlds smallest drone with camera
Worlds Smallest Drone With Camera DISHIN Foldable  Drone With HQ Wi-Fi Camera Remote Control for Quadcopter with Gesture Selfie, Flips Bounce Mode, App One Key Headless Mode functionality(Black color),
The DISHIN Foldable Drone is a great option for beginners or anyone looking for a compact  or smallest and portable drone for casual flying. With its foldable design, it's easy to take with you wherever you go, and it's also a easy to store when not in use. The drone features a 1080p HD camera for taking aerial photos and videos, read more
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pep-the-artemis · 4 months
Is CYN Autistic and is She Good Representation?
Murder Drones ⟨00⟩ is an indie show about robots; created by Glitch Productions ⟨01⟩; directed by Liam Vickers ⟨02⟩: all episodes are free to watch on YouTube and I do recommend watching. The show follows a robot girl named Uzi and her best friend N; CYN (the subject of this post) is N’s adoptive younger sister. Many people in the Murder Drones fandom (including myself) have identified her as being autistic but is this the case and is she a good representation? 
In this post I will try to go over all the evidence we have which suggests she is/isn’t autistic and discuss what it means to be a good representation. I have split this post into three parts,
Is CYN Autistic (Minor Spoiler warning)
Is CYN Autistic (Major Spoiler warning)
What is Good Representation and does CYN qualify?
If you enjoy reading this, consider reblogging and checking out my other post where I go into the science behind "if N is colour blind?⟨3⟩”. I must forewarn, I am not a medical doctor nor am I qualified in any adjacent fields relating to disabilities, I am just an autistic person who enjoys film theory.
All references used are linked too and also supplied at the bottom.
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[image transcript; a picture of the character CYN from Murder Drones Episode 5 sitting behind a bar counter holding a ceramic teacup]
The first point I want to make is to address the possible concerns over CYN being a Worker Drone (the name given to one type of robot in Murder Drones) as, in media, autistic people are often negatively represented through machines. This is not the case here, in the show most characters are robots and behave neurotypically; the behaviours and mannerisms of CYN will expressly be discussed in comparison to the rest of the cast. This will also be discussed more in greater detail later in the post.
Part 1 - Evidence : Minor Spoiler Warning
The manner in which CYN stands gives us multiple strong indications that she is neurotypical. Contrary to common belief, autism both affects a person mentally and physically with a strong overlap between the two⟨04⟩. 
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[image transcript; a picture of the character CYN from Murder Drones Episode 5 standing looking upwards towards the camera smiling with a crooked posture]
Going from top to bottom, the notable traits are;
CYN is very short, being estimated to be ~100cm or ~3'4''. For comparison, most Worker Drones are around 132cm or 4'4''. This is likely due to her being a child but there have been studies which have found that Autistic people are generally taller than their neurotypical counterparts⟨05⟩.
CYN holds her head at a tilt which is an common autism stim⟨06⟩. We also see that she often uses her hand to adjust her head or to hold it in support, leading to the conclusion that she has hypotonia (weak “muscles”) which is characterised by symptoms like difficulty holding the head up, difficulties with sitting up⟨07⟩, and poor posture; all identified in CYN. The source just provided focuses mainly on infants but I did manage to find a case study of a ten year old written by Mark Hutten⟨08⟩. I also found an interesting study saying head tilting can assist in helping an autistic person with facial recognition⟨09⟩.
CYNs elbows are constantly bent over a 90 degree angle pulling her arms towards her chest. This is known as “T-Rex Arms” in the autistic community and is usually believed to be a form of stimming⟨10⟩. 
When not being used, CYNs hands are constantly limp. This is a commonly seen extension to the “T-Rex Arms”. I was unable to find a scholarly article but I did find a discussion point by the online influencer Autistic Emmalyn⟨11⟩.
CYN leans towards her left leg and her right leg is distinctly more bent, this is common in autistic people caused by what's known as “Leg length discrepancy”⟨12⟩. Note, I've found contradictory evidence for what causes “Leg length discrepancy”; does the posture decrease leg length, does the leg length induce posture, or is differing leg length an illusion. It is also unusual for both legs to be bent so it's hard to say with certainty this is the cause.
CYN points her feet inwards which is known as in-toeing which is a common symptom of autism although only generally present in young children⟨13⟩. In-toeing can be caused by “femoral anteversion”: I found no study directly correlating “Femoral Anteversion” and autism but I did find a study which correlated hypermobility with autism⟨14⟩ and a study which correlated “Femoral Anteversion'' with hypermobility⟨15⟩. Hypermobility has also been shown to be correlated with hypotonia⟨16⟩.
CYN is seen pulling her thighs inwards which is a sign of autism and many autistic people (specifically autistic children) do it to help them find balance⟨13⟩.
Note that there is one scene in which she doesn’t stand in the manner described above, in this scene she is not the focus and she’s very much obscured. I believe at this point this is likely an animation error. I will be discussing this in greater detail later on but cannot currently due to the problem of spoilers.
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[image transcript; a picture of the character CYN from Murder Drones Episode 5. The shot is of her standing neurotypically from behind while holding a ceramic teacup]
The problem with discussing the manner in which CYN walks is that we get limited shots of her walking, particularly unsupported. The best evidence we do have comes from the gala preparations in episode 5 but in that scene the lower parts of her legs are obscured and she is taking aid from N. There are other scenes where we somewhat see her walk but they each come with their own problems.
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[image transcript; a picture of CYN (left) walking holding onto her older brother N (right)]
By comparing the number of times CYN and N’s head bob while walking together we get an indication of their respective stride lengths, by watching the scene at 0.25 speed CYN takes ~16 steps and N takes ~9 steps. Since they’re walking in tandem, we can conclude that CYNs stride length is 9/16=~0.5625 times that of N’s. Since stride length and height are directly proportional17, we can take into account their height difference by multiplying by the ratio of their heights (132cm/100cm=1.32) which gives us 1.32*0.5625=0.7425 so even when height is taken into account, CYNs stride length is significantly smaller than N’s and a smaller stride length is a symptom of autism⟨17⟩. This is also backed up in other scenes where we see CYN move and her stride appears very short.
While walking with N, her gait (distance between feet) is neurotypical, in other scenes where we see her walk, without aid, this is not the case so this is a direct example of where we cannot be certain of the information we’re getting from the gala preparation scene. A wider gait length is a sign of autism⟨18⟩.
When looking at the movement of her kneecaps compared to N and the other servants, she has a distinct increased hip flexion which is a symptom of autism which is an action taken to mitigate the effects of autism on mobility⟨18⟩.
Although she has an increased hip flexion, her knee’s do not appear to bend significantly which is another sign of autism along with limited ankle movement⟨18⟩. We only see one shot in the show where we see CYN feet while she’s moving and in that she takes only one small step backwards but it does seem that her ankles don’t bend, I am reluctant to push this as evidence due to how limited the data is.
In the cathedral scene, we see that she seemingly pauses between steps as she walks (this behaviour is not present when walking with N). This is referred to as an increase in the stance phrase which is a sign of autism⟨18⟩.
CYN (voiced by Allanah Fitzgerald⟨19⟩) has a very distinct manner in which she talks, for those unaware her voice sounds very reminiscent of Siri/Alexa which strongly contrasts most other characters in the show who have fully articulated voices. Without going into details (to avoid spoilers), there is an argument that can be made that her voice is the default for Worker Drones.
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[image transcript; a picture of the character CYN from Murder Drones Episode 5 kneeling on a bar counter holding up her head with the back of her hand]
Here is a transcript of a conversation between CYN and N.
N       - *walking in*
CYN - “You seem, upset—big brother—N. Perhaps you'd like to attend the gala with me?—light sip”
N        -  “Ahh, not sure we’re invited, little buddy. Why not just hang with me?”
CYN - “climbing, criss cross applesauce—am I—not wanted, N?”
N        - “aww dude, you know its her parents… ahh, don’t give me those eyes”
CYN - “giggle, I am so naughty.”
certain parts of N’s lines being altered to avoid spoilers (CYNs lines have been left virtually unchanged).
The most obvious part of her language is her rigid voice, it is very monotone. This is not hard to correlate to Autism as ‘robotic’ is a common descriptor used to describe one of the ways people who are autistic talk⟨20⟩. I do want to mention that although her voice is robotic, she isn’t emotionless, through her actions it is clear she can feel a wide range of complex emotions including humour and annoyance; it's just she struggles showing it⟨23⟩.
CYN also uses phrases when performing certain actions such as “criss cross applesauce” when she is sitting down; this is a sign of Echolalia⟨20⟩ which is very common for autistic people⟨20⟩. Her phrase “you’d like to attend the gala with me” also gives the implications of delayed Echolalia⟨21⟩. Note, certain things she vocalises like “giggle” and “annoyed expression” aren’t Echolalia.
CYN does not show any sins of having narrow interests which is usually a common  symptom of Autism⟨20⟩. This may be a result of her limited screen presence as we don’t get significant indications of any of her interests.
Since we don’t see CYN through multiple stages of her life, it is difficult to determine if her language skills have developed unevenly⟨20⟩. She does mix childish and formal language together as she talks which can be interpreted as implying uneven language skills. I think the explanation of Echolalia fits better.
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[image transcript; a close up picture of the character CYN from Murder Drones Episode 5 kneeling on a bar counter holding out her hands making an excited expression with her tongue out] (author note, do not question why she has a tongue)
Her face, although much less emotive, isn’t devoid of emotion; she can somewhat show emotions like fear and can be very expressive but only in a rigid and forced manner although her face is usually unexpressive. She also sometimes she visually shows the wrong emotions like with the picture above she is excited but here eyes are showing the scared emotion. All these is very stereotypical of autistic people and defies the common stereotype⟨22⟩.
Now we have come to the end of part 1, which is sad ): . Please consider reblogging, this took a lot of time and research to put together and I'm sure there's still mistakes and inaccuracies. So what conclusions can we draw from this information… not much since a lot of important information has been left out since they cannot be discussed without major spoilers for the show. Thank you for reading.
⟨0⟩Liam Vickers | Murder Drones Episodes
⟨1⟩Luke and Kevin Lerdwichagul | Glitch Productions
⟨2⟩Liam Vickers | Liam Vickers Productions
⟨3⟩pep-the-artemis | Is N ColourBlind?
⟨4⟩I lost the intended link | so here’s a cat
⟨5⟩Interactive Autism Network | Relationship Between Autism and Height
⟨6⟩Carmen B. Pingree | Signs of Autism
⟨7⟩Medical News Today | Hypotonia
⟨8⟩Mark Hutton | Hypotonia Case Study
⟨9⟩NeuroScience News | Head Tilt Social Engagement
⟨10⟩Cross River Therapy | T-Rex Arms in Autism
⟨11⟩Autistic Emmalyn | Autistic Arms
⟨12⟩YAI | Posture and Gait of Autistic Individuals
⟨13⟩NHS | In-Toeing
⟨14⟩National Library of Medicine | The Relationship Between Generalised Joint Hypermobility and Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adults: A Large, Cross-Sectional, Case Control Comparison
⟨15⟩National Library of Medicine | Is there a correlation between the femoral anteversion angle and the elasticity of the hip muscles in cases of intoeing gait due to increased femoral anteversion angle?
⟨16⟩The Royal Childrens Hospital Melbourne | Low muscle tone
⟨17⟩Scientific America | Stepping Science: Estimating Someone's Height from Their Walk
⟨18⟩National Library of Medicine | Gait deviations in children with autism spectrum disorders: a review
⟨19⟩Allanah Fitzgerald | FitzyVA
⟨20⟩National Institute of Hearing | Autism Spectrum Disorder: Communication Problems in Children 
⟨21⟩The Autism Therapy Group | Echolalia in Autism: What It Is and How To Treat It
⟨22⟩app2vox | Understanding autism and emotions
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zackbuildit · 9 months
We came up with a comic idea and by that I mean we woke up and the comic idea already was there fully formed and completely new to us and like. idk. The only problem tho is we can't draw comics good enough to the idea justice, so we did the next best thing: A very long, panel-by-panel image ID, which we wrote in a notes app minutes after waking up and immediately realized it would be a good tumlr post.
Behold, the beautiful machinations of our mind:
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Image ID of the notes app screenshot under cut:
(Open image ID. Text reads as follows:
panel 1: (opens on the letters HRt) panel 2: (last two spin around eachother to make HtR) panel 3: (letters have expanded to say Human to Rat conversion, in handwriting, with conversion on a lower line) panel 4: (zoom out; text is on a small boxy machine with a large opening big enough for someone to crawl in) panel 5: (now looking at generic person, angle is viewing them from below. They seem apprehensive, but explicitly not afraid or uncomfortable) panel 6: (a stranger whose face is obscured by shadows but has a short-ish beard appears and says "B E C O M E .", their mouth is in a neutral position rather than angry or demanding, and their eyes are not visible) panel 7: (changes camview to be a drone perspective, have the generic person close to the cam, the box in the top left quadrant of the panel, and a small crowd of people standing behind stranger with beard in the top left quadrant. everyone in the small crowd is chanting "become" each in various ways) panel 8: (the generic person is shown crouched down and midway through entering the box, now with a more neutral/curious expression) panel 9: (on the next frame the box just contains a stock image of a rat facing the camera standing on its hind legs) panel 10: (white screen with a vector halftone gradient to light gray, text on screen: "This post is about otherkin.", subtext underneath says "this blog is explicitly pro otherkin interpret this as otherkin positivity")
End image ID.)
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top-10-gifts · 1 year
Top 10 Scale Gifts for the Gadget Enthusiast
Finding the ideal present for the gadget lover in your life may be thrilling and difficult at the same time because technology is continuously changing, and gadgets are becoming an essential part of our lives. The appropriate gadget may make their world come alive, whether it's for a birthday, an anniversary, or to express gratitude. We've put together a list of Top 10 Scale Gifts for the Gadget Enthusiast to aid you in your search for the perfect present.
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High-end headphones
There's nothing quite like immersing yourself in music or podcasts with a pair of high-quality headphones. For the audiophile in your life, consider options like the Bose QuietComfort 35 II or Sony WH-1000XM4. These headphones not only offer exceptional sound quality but also come with noise-canceling features, making them perfect for music lovers on the go.
Smartwatch or Fitness Tracker
Smartwatches and fitness trackers have become more than just timekeeping devices; they're personal assistants for tracking health and staying connected. Due to their abundance of health and fitness capabilities, app compatibility, and stylish designs, the Apple Watch Series 7 and Fitbit Versa 3 are both fantastic options.
Drones have taken the world by storm, offering a unique perspective and endless possibilities for creativity. DJI's Mavic Air 2 and Skydio 2 are top-notch options, equipped with high-resolution cameras, obstacle avoidance, and impressive flight capabilities. A drone is an excellent gift for both tech enthusiasts and photography lovers.
Virtual Reality (VR) Headset
Step into another world with a VR headset. Oculus Quest 2 and Valve Index provide immersive gaming experiences and access to virtual reality applications. VR headsets are perfect for those who crave a new level of entertainment and want to explore virtual realms.
High-Performance Laptop
A powerful laptop is essential for the tech enthusiast who wants power on the run. Choose laptops are notorious for their exceptional speed, stunning defenses, and portability, similar as the MacBook Pro or Dell XPS 15. These laptops work well for a variety of operations, including videotape editing and programming.
Smart Home Devices
Transforming a house into a smart home is a trend that continues to gain momentum. Smart home devices like Amazon Echo, Google Nest, and Philips Hue lights offer convenience and automation. They allow control over lights, music, security, and more with just a voice command or a tap on your smartphone.
Streaming Device
Cutting the cord has never been more accessible with streaming devices like Roku Ultra and Apple TV 4K. These devices offer access to a vast library of streaming services, including Netflix, Disney+, and Hulu, in stunning 4K quality. Streaming devices are perfect for binge-watchers and movie buffs.
High-Resolution Camera
Capture life's moments in stunning detail with a high-resolution camera. The Sony Alpha a7R IV and Canon EOS R5 are recognized for their superb image quality and adaptability. For photographers who want to capture landscapes, portraiture, or wildlife, these cameras are perfect.
Gaming Console or Accessories
Gaming is a passion for many gadget enthusiasts. Consider the latest gaming consoles like the PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X. Enhance the gaming experience with accessories like gaming chairs, mechanical keyboards, or gaming headsets.
Tech Toolkit or DIY Electronics Kit
For those who love to tinker and build, a tech toolkit or DIY electronics kit is the perfect gift. Arduino Starter Kits and Raspberry Pi Bundles provide endless opportunities for creating gadgets, robots, and electronic projects.
In conclusion, it need not be difficult to select the ideal present for a gadget fanatic. With the top 10 scale gifts we've outlined, you can surprise your loved one with a thoughtful and exciting present that aligns with their passion for technology. Remember, the best gift is one that shows you know their interests and cater to their tech-savvy side.
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xopeer · 2 years
Top 5 Best Chinese Drones on AliExpress for Sale in 2023
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Are you looking for some great drones made in China? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Chinese manufacturers are known for producing a wide variety of electronics at affordable prices. AliExpress is one of the largest online marketplaces that was created by Alibaba. It has over 1 billion products from over 10 thousand sellers. From clothing to home appliances and electronics, there are thousands of different things you can find on AliExpress. Selfie drones are becoming increasingly popular nowadays because people love taking selfies wherever they go. They can capture photos of them in beautiful locations or snap themselves doing an action shot that they wouldn’t be able to get if they weren’t flying a selfie drone around with them!
The Top 5 Best Chinese Drones on AliExpress for Sale in 2023
SJRC F22S Drone
SJRC F22S Drone is one of the most popular selfie drones on the market today. It is made in China by a company called SJRC. This drone is a great choice for beginners since it is very easy to fly. It has a lot of features built into its app that allow you to take amazing photos from the air. It has a rotating camera that allows you to take photos from any angle you want. This drone also has a burst mode that lets you take an endless amount of photos one after another. This is great for taking a sequence of photos that you can later use to make an action shot look like it has been taken from a helicopter. It is important that you charge this drone for at least 30 minutes before your first flight. That will give the battery enough time to charge up so that you can fly it for a decent amount of time. This drone weighs only 95 grams, which makes it great for flying indoors. It has a flight time of 6 to 9 minutes. You can also use this drone to record videos mid-flight if you want to. It has a very easy beginner mode that is perfect for people who are new to flying drones. It also has an expert mode that lets you do things like 360-degree flips while you are flying the drone around. This drone comes with a 2GB micro SD card and an adapter that you can use to record videos or take pictures. It also comes with a USB charging cable. You can find this drone for sale on AliExpress for only £271.47. View On Aliexpress
FIMI X8 Drone
FIMI X8 Drone is a great selfie drone that is also very easy to fly. It has a 720p HD camera that takes high-quality photographs and videos. It has a 2.4GHz RC and 6-axis gyroscope that makes flying very easy. This drone has a flight time of around 10–12 minutes. That is longer than most selfie drones, so that is a good thing. It has a range of about 100 meters. That is decent for a selfie drone, but it does have beginner mode that lets you fly it in a smaller area. This drone is very sturdy and durable. It has a carbon fiber frame that protects all its internal parts. This drone comes with a 2GB micro SD card. It also has a USB card reader that allows you to transfer photos or videos from your micro SD card to your computer. This is an excellent drone for beginners. It has a lot of great features that make flying it very easy. You can find this drone for sale on AliExpress for around £272.80. View On Aliexpress
SJRC F11 Drone
SJRC F11 Drone is a great choice for beginners and experienced pilots alike. It has a lot of features that make flying it very easy and enjoyable. This drone has a flight distance of around 100 meters and a flight time of around 10 minutes. It has a 6-axis gyroscope that makes flying it very easy. It has a 2.4GHz transmitter that allows you to fly it in different areas without any interference problems. This drone has a 0.3MP camera that takes high-quality photos and videos. It has a live video feed so that you can see what the camera is recording. It has a 3D Eversion function that allows you to do 360-degree flips while flying this drone. This drone has a 1000mAh battery that provides it with enough power to fly for a long time. It also has a 5-speed mode that lets you adjust its speed depending on your preferences. This drone also has a headless mode that makes it easier for beginners to fly. It has a low-voltage protection feature that saves the drone from crashing if its battery level becomes too low. This drone has an emergency function that allows you to control it with the help of its app if it gets out of range from its controller. This drone has a 2GB memory card that allows you to take many photos and videos while flying. You can find this drone for sale on AliExpress for £149.88. View On Aliexpress
KF106 MAX Drone
KF106 Max Drone is a great selfie drone that has a lot of great features. It has a 2MP camera that takes high-quality photos and videos. It has a 0.3-second trigger speed that allows you to take pictures instantly when you want to. This drone has a 3D Eversion function that allows you to do 360-degree flips while flying it. It has a 6-axis gyroscope that makes flying it very easy. It has a flight distance of around 100 meters and a flight time of 10–15 minutes. This drone has a 4GB memory card that allows you to take a lot of photos and videos when you are flying it. This drone has a 1000mAh battery that provides it with enough power to fly for a long time. It also has a 5-speed mode that lets you adjust its speed depending on your preferences. This drone also has a headless mode that makes it easier for beginners to fly. It has a low-voltage protection feature that saves the drone from crashing if its battery level becomes too low. This drone has an emergency function that allows you to control it with the help of its app if it gets out of range from its controller. You can find this drone for sale on AliExpress for £122.16. View On Aliexpress
4DRC F13 Drone
4DRC F13 Drone is a great beginner drone that also comes with a lot of extra features that make it easy to fly. It has a 2MP camera that takes high-quality photos and videos. It has a 0.3-second trigger speed that allows you to take pictures instantly when you want to. This drone has a 3D Eversion function that allows you to do 360-degree flips while flying it. It has a 6-axis gyroscope that makes flying it very easy. It has a flight distance of around 100 meters and a flight time of around 7–9 minutes. This drone has a 4GB memory card that allows you to take a lot of photos and videos when you are flying it. This drone has a 1000mAh battery that provides it with enough power to fly for a long time. It also has a 5-speed mode that lets you adjust its speed depending on your preferences. This drone also has a headless mode that makes it easier for beginners to fly. It has a low-voltage protection feature that saves the drone from crashing if its battery level becomes too low. This drone has an emergency function that allows you to control it with the help of its app if it gets out of range from its controller. You can find this drone for sale on AliExpress for £221.84. View On Aliexpress
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gameringgungke · 3 days
so i had another deltarune dream last night
i wrote down as many details that i could remember and it got long
in the dream, i 'woke up,' it was mid december, and deltarune chapter 3 leaked online or released early. just chapter 3, not 4.
i remember nothing about the game except for one area where the jovial air of the tv studio suddenly died in a map change, where the green carpets and like broke up to some kind of empty white area, dotted with flowers growing out of floor and wall panels. best comparison i can think of is aperture science in portal 2
there were no music, npcs, or enemies in this area, just kris and susie walking around. after 2 rooms susie made a comment about how there was nothing there, nobody commented about where ralsei could've been?
after like 5 or 6 big rooms full of nothing, while walking through a hallway, this little guy sprung out of the panels on the floor and started a fight
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there was something in their back, idk what it was. it looked like a number symbol, or a burn mark?
their name was randey (couldve also been barney?) and they were a worm and the secret boss character
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the sprite isn't what it looked like in my dream, it's for scale
their entire fight was short, maybe 4 turns at most, where randey just snuffled back and forth on the right side of the screen like their sprite was animated like that, not moving via that game engine. there was no acts outside of check which is how you'd get their name, you could only fight them and once their hp got to 0 they were pacified automatically. all their attacks was like, touhou stage 1 first enemy group fire, moving up and down and firing a line of seeds that got faster each time, or spawning a circle of flower bullets that expanded (basically the opposite of asgore's fire ring attack)
i dont think they had dialog (but they had a portrait) but when their text box appeared there was always this cartoon squishing sound that got pitched up or down sometimes. afrer pacifying them, susie was confused about who the hell they were but something kris said (not the player) made her back off of randey for whatever reason. after that was done, randey would go limp and you could kick them around like the ball in ball game, every time you did there was a shuffling noise. you had to kick them down a chute into lower levels, then go down more empty rooms, and kick them into another chute, about 3 times. there were no puzzles, just walking and kicking
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the antenna looked different but i dont remember if they just switched colors or if they had an outline...
after the third one, susie made a comment like "... Okay, what was the point of that?" and you changed rooms again, back into a tv studio like nothing happened.
there was a timeskip in my dream to the area boss, tenna, leading kris and susie into the back set to see undyne and toriel, except it was dark back there and the two others weren't there. suddenly his 'normal form' (see fanon tv head guy) was revealed to be like a drone for tenna's actual body which looked kinda like the G-CLONE in cave story, except the screen head was just a crt. literally just a crt, it was photoshopped in. he threatened them and told them he'd been recording their entire run, and intended to keep them there to have infinite shows made of them and the other two. (still no ralsei??) susie and kris readied their weapons for a fight, and before the boss music started playing, tenna started intensely vibrating, then his screen cracked in half and a giant randey poked their head out and yawned.
then, all of tenna's like, wires and mechanical bits got grown over with flowers (also photoshopped), and more randey heads poked out of different spots on the tv. (randey was an actual sprite though, just slightly more detailed)
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most of the design is a blur to me, but this is the gist of it. various tenna bodies were on the wall with static on the screens, and a few cameras on the top of the screen would move around and fire like the tiny cannon in the halberd reactor fight. some attacks would knock a body down and itd just lay on the floor until the fight was over
that was the secret boss fight for chapter 3 and the omega flowey homage in deltarune, i think you beat them by jumping on the smaller heads, using them as elevators up to the highest one, and smacking them. (literally, kris used their hand and susie used the side of her axe)
randey's soul form was the purple soul, and i remember nothing special about it compared to undertale. the fight itself was really easy, the bullet patterns were slow and very spaced out, like muffet has the harder fight.
also their boss theme was in the final from mario. just straight up the exact same song but with the freedom motif halfway through it? i dont remember the bullet patterns except the boss was like a mix of the combo cannon and reactor from kirby super star when it came to attacking.
after beating them you were booted out of the dark world instantly, where kris and susie woke up outside, (kris's house had vines grown over it and a window was broken?) susie said something like "... Seriously, what the hell was all that about???", and the game ended right after.
i remember beating ch3 and feeling confused, then checked toby's twitter and saw a tweet from him that basically went:
"Sorry about the leak! What you all played was a beta version of chapter 3 where one area was unfinished. If you see a certain npc in it, no you didn't. They're a placeholder from a future chapter..." ('no you didnt' not in a scary creepypasta way, more in a 'i messed up and didnt want you to see that' way. that bit is the only part i remember the exact wording for because it caused speculation)
and the entire comments was flooded with "DELTARUNE IS PERSONALIZED?!" or people complaining about randey, who became the most hated character overnight. there were entire memes made with a no symbol put over them or their face that got reposted a ton. people were theorizing that randey coming out of the floor represented them escaping the code and a future chapter to ambush you which was related to dess, but dataminers (specifically dataminers fsr) kept insisting that wasn't what happened and randey was meant to just be the chapter 3 secret boss, whoever toby was talking about wasn't them. everyone kept posting stock photos of bouquets without captions in memory of tenna too
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thereelfactoryblog · 8 days
Top 10 Reasons to Hire a Professional Video Production Company
What is a Video Production Company and Why Your Business Needs One
In today’s digital age, businesses need high-quality video content to engage audiences, promote their brand, and boost conversions. Hiring a professional video production company is essential for businesses looking to create polished, impactful, and strategically designed video content. This blog explores the top ten reasons why working with experts in video production can give your business a significant edge over competitors.
1. Access to Cutting-Edge Technology and Equipment
One of the reasons to hire a professional video production company is their access to:
High-quality cameras, sound gear, and lighting systems
Advanced editing software
Specialized tools like drones, sliders, and stabilizers
This equipment ensures that the final product looks visually stunning and professional, helping your brand stand out.
2. Expertise and Professionalism
A video production company brings years of experience and technical know-how to the table. Their team often consists of:
Directors, producers, scriptwriters, and camera operators with specialized skills
Experience in working with businesses across industries
Proven techniques for crafting compelling stories and delivering them effectively on-screen
Their expertise ensures that every aspect of your video is executed at the highest level.
3. Time Efficiency
Producing a high-quality video takes time. By hiring a professional video production company, you can save significant time because they:
Handle pre-production, filming, and post-production efficiently
Have streamlined workflows to deliver content on time
Free up your team to focus on core business operations
Their professional approach means your project gets completed without unnecessary delays.
4. Creative Vision and Storytelling
A video production company excels at telling stories that resonate with audiences. They offer:
Creative direction to ensure your message is clear and engaging
Scriptwriting services to bring ideas to life
The ability to craft compelling narratives through visuals and sound
This creative approach ensures your videos not only inform but also captivate and inspire viewers.
5. Consistency in Quality
Hiring a professional video production company guarantees consistency in the quality of your video content. This consistency is crucial for maintaining your brand’s image. They ensure:
Every video has a cohesive style and message
Professional editing, color grading, and sound design across all content
A polished final product that aligns with your brand’s identity
Consistency in quality reflects well on your business and helps build trust with your audience.
6. Cost-Effective Solutions
While hiring a professional video production company might seem expensive upfront, it’s actually a cost-effective solution in the long run because:
You avoid investing in costly equipment, software, and training
You eliminate trial-and-error costs from in-house production attempts
A professional production team can maximize the value of your budget by delivering high-quality results efficiently
Outsourcing video production helps you get the best return on investment.
7. Industry Knowledge and Trends
A video production company stays updated with the latest industry trends and audience preferences. This allows them to:
Incorporate current styles and formats that are proven to be effective
Leverage new techniques and tools for enhanced storytelling
Keep your content fresh and relevant in a rapidly changing media landscape
Their expertise helps ensure your videos meet contemporary expectations while pushing creative boundaries.
8. High-Quality Post-Production
Post-production is where the magic happens, and a professional video production company excels in this phase. Their post-production services include:
Expert editing to enhance the flow and pacing of the video
Professional color grading and sound mixing for a cinematic look
Adding graphics, animations, and special effects to elevate the production value
High-quality post-production ensures your video is polished and professional.
9. Audience Engagement and Branding
A video production company understands how to create content that engages your target audience. They can:
Tailor the video to specific platforms (social media, website, etc.)
Ensure the content aligns with your brand’s voice and message
Use techniques like storytelling, visual effects, and pacing to keep viewers hooked
This engagement is key to increasing viewer retention and driving actions like shares, comments, and conversions.
10. Comprehensive Project Management
Managing all aspects of video production can be overwhelming, but a professional video production company takes care of it by:
Handling scheduling, logistics, and coordination with the team
Ensuring all legal and licensing issues are managed (music rights, talent releases, etc.)
Keeping the project on track from start to finish
Their comprehensive project management ensures that everything runs smoothly, allowing you to focus on other business priorities.
Hiring a professional video production company is an investment in quality, efficiency, and creativity. By leveraging their technology, expertise, and industry knowledge, your business can create impactful video content that engages audiences and drives results. Whether you need promotional videos, training materials, or social media content, a video production company ensures the final product aligns with your goals and brand.
By working with professionals, you’ll have access to the best tools, top talent, and creative vision — all of which help your business shine in a competitive digital landscape.
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mavdrones · 14 days
What Is The Best Drone For Vloggers?
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If you're a vlogger looking to elevate your content, you’ve probably considered adding a drone to your toolkit. Drones have revolutionized how creators capture footage, allowing for breathtaking aerial shots that add a new dimension to videos. But with so many options on the market, it can be tough to know which drone best fits your needs. Let me introduce you to the DJI MAVIC MINI 3 PRO, a drone that’s not just great—it’s the best option for vloggers.
Why Is The DJI MAVIC MINI 3 PRO Perfect For Vloggers
The DJI MAVIC MINI 3 PRO stands out in a crowded market due to its combination of portability, advanced features, and exceptional performance. Whether you’re a travel vlogger, a tech reviewer, or someone who loves capturing everyday adventures, this drone is designed to make your life easier while delivering stunning results.
1. Compact and Lightweight Design
One of the biggest advantages of the MAVIC MINI 3 PRO is its ultra-compact size and lightweight design. Weighing less than 249 grams, it’s small enough to fit in your bag, making it incredibly portable. This is a huge plus for vloggers who are always on the move, as it doesn’t add much weight to your gear and is easy to carry around. Plus, drones under 250 grams in many countries don’t require registration, meaning less hassle for you.
2. High-Quality Camera
At the heart of any vlogger’s needs is a high-quality camera, and the MAVIC MINI 3 PRO delivers in spades. It’s equipped with a 1/1.3-inch sensor that can shoot 4K HDR video at 60 fps. This ensures your footage is crystal clear, vibrant, and professional-looking, even in challenging lighting conditions. The camera also supports 48MP stills, so you can capture stunning photos that are perfect for your thumbnails or Instagram feed.
3. Cinematic Shots Made Easy
The MAVIC MINI 3 PRO is packed with features that make capturing cinematic shots a breeze, even if you’re not a drone expert. With its three-directional obstacle sensing, the drone can avoid obstacles in its path. This gives you peace of mind while flying in tricky environments. Additionally, features like FocusTrack, QuickShots, and MasterShots allow you to create dynamic, complex shots with just a few taps. Whether you want a smooth tracking shot or an epic reveal, the MAVIC MINI 3 PRO has got you covered.
4. Longer Flight Time
Battery life is a crucial factor for vloggers, especially when you’re out in the field. The MAVIC MINI 3 PRO offers an impressive flight time of up to 34 minutes on a single charge. This means more time to capture the perfect shot without having to constantly worry about running out of battery. If you’re working on a longer shoot, you can always carry extra batteries to extend your filming time.
5. User-Friendly Interface
DJI is known for its intuitive, user-friendly apps, and the MAVIC MINI 3 PRO is no exception. The DJI Fly app is easy to navigate, even for beginners, and offers a range of intelligent features that help you get the most out of your drone. From automated flight paths to easy video editing tools, the app simplifies the entire process. This enables you to focus more on your creativity.
6. Versatile and Adaptable
Whether you’re filming a travel vlog in a bustling city or capturing serene landscapes in nature, the MAVIC MINI 3 PRO is versatile enough to handle various scenarios. It possesses an adjustable aperture, intelligent exposure settings, and various shooting modes. This allows you to adapt to different environments, ensuring that your footage looks professional no matter where you are.
What Makes The DJI MAVIC MINI 3 PRO The Best Option Available For Vloggers?
Here are the key reasons why the DJI MAVIC MINI 3 PRO is the top choice for vloggers:
Portability: Lightweight and compact, making it easy to carry and ideal for travel.
Camera Quality: Shoots 4K HDR video at 60fps and 48MP photos, ensuring high-quality footage.
Obstacle Avoidance: Three-directional obstacle sensing for safer flights, even in challenging environments.
Cinematic Features: Intelligent modes like FocusTrack, QuickShots, and MasterShots for easy, professional-looking shots.
Battery Life: Up to 34 minutes of flight time, giving you more time to capture content.
User-Friendly App: The DJI Fly app offers an intuitive interface and intelligent features, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced users.
Versatility: Adaptable to different shooting conditions, from urban landscapes to natural scenery.
In conclusion, if you're a vlogger looking to take your content to the next level, the DJI MAVIC MINI 3 PRO is the drone for you. Its blend of portability, camera quality, intelligent features, and user-friendly interface makes it an invaluable tool for capturing stunning aerial footage. With this drone, you'll not only enhance your videos but also enjoy the process of creating them. Happy vlogging!
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goasathi123 · 26 days
The Pinnacle of Underwater Adventure: What is a Luxury Scuba Diving Vacation Package?
For many, scuba diving is not merely a recreational sport but a thrilling experience and an eyeful of the strange, magical underwater dimension. For those, though, who want the ultimate in diving, a regular dive trip could not be sufficient.Scuba Diving Combo Package in goa That brings us to the premium scuba diving package-developed to offer the essence of luxury, exclusivity, and personalized services that will create an unforgettable underwater journey. But what is the premium scuba diving package? Let's take a look at some of the features that define the most exemplary underwater exploration experience.
1. Access to Exclusive Dive Sites
But perhaps what sets the most important characteristic of a premium scuba diving tour package is the access it provides to special and often very remote dives. These are sites that could not be visited by regular tourists, thus guaranteeing that the divers get to explore pristine underwater environs far from the maddening crowds. It means diving into secret atolls of the Maldives, exploring virgin coral reefs of Raja Ampat, or venturing deep into the Galápagos Islands, showing unparalleled beauty and biodiversity. Sometimes, special permits and private access to MPAs are added to the premium packages, which enable divers to realize some of the world's most sought-after underwater destinations.
2. Luxurious Accommodations and Liveaboards
Comfort and relaxation are equally important after a day spent exploring the ocean's interior. Best Scuba Diving Package in Goa  Five-star amenities are accorded to the divers through luxury resorts or liveaboard yachts by the premium scuba diving packages. Just imagine yourself sitting in an overwater bungalow with breathtaking ocean views all around or taking a sea cruise in a private yacht complete with gourmet dining, spa treatments, and tailored service. These are accommodations built to afford the ultimate in comfort, where divers can panache themselves with relaxation after the depths of their underwater adventure.
3. Personal Dive Itineraries
Tailor-made dive experiences according to personal preference and skill levels form part of some salient characteristics of superior diving packages. Whether an advanced diver looking for challenging dive sites, or a beginner who would like to learn more about the ocean and its wonders, these packages include dive itineraries suited to one's needs. This may be in the form of a private dive guide specializing in the local marine life, smaller groups for a close-up experience, or simply freedom of choice about which dive site or specific species of marine life you would like to see. Personalised attention means every dive is going to be memorable.
4. Top-of-the-Line Equipment and Technology
For diving, safety and comfort are absolutely imperative; with premium packages comes the most valuable access to the best equipment and latest technology in diving. From top-of-the-line wetsuits and fins to the most technologically advanced dive computers and rebreathers, absolutely everything will be among the finest items available. It grants seamless and safe diving experiences. In addition, certain packages may include trying new innovative technologies-underwater drones that enable the capture of astonishing footage or special cameras for those interested in underwater photography.
5. Special experiences and expeditions with experts form part of what make this premium scuba diving package worth the experience. These usually consist of night dives when bioluminescent animals light up the dark waters, wreck dives of ships sunk in the ocean filled with diverse marine life, or viewing rare species of fish in their natural surroundings.Cheapest scuba diving package in goa Most of these packages also have educative aspects, such as diving with marine biologists or conservationists who give insight into the underwater ecosystem and what they are doing to protect it. Such experiences add weight to the adventure, further deepening the diver's knowledge and appreciation of the ocean.
6. Sustainable Diving Practices and Conserving the Environment
Recently, sustainability issues have become of greater importance to the diving community, and this is not an exception for premium scuba diving packages. Most of them are designed on the premise of great commitment to marine conservation and eco-friendly best practices. It may be that these support local conservation projects, involve reef restoration, or abide by strict guidelines that minimize impact. To environmentally sensitive divers, this commitment to value is added in the package, with the certainty that their adventure makes a positive contribution to maintaining the marine environment.
The package of luxury scuba diving is something more than a dive trip because it's a well-planned experience that merges luxury, exclusivity, and closeness to the underwater world. From access to remote and pristine dive sites, personalized services, and expert-led expeditions, the packages offer the ultimate in underwater exploration. For those people who wish to explore but do so with style, comfort, and a sense of purpose, a premium scuba diving package epitomizes underwater adventure.
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Unmatched Performance and Reliability: Reviewing the SanDisk Extreme PRO microSD Card
In the ever-evolving world of digital storage, the SanDisk Extreme PRO microSDXC UHS-I Memory Card 512 GB has emerged as a standout solution for those seeking exceptional performance and reliability. With reviews from six prominent online retailers, this high-capacity card has consistently impressed users across a wide range of applications.
Blazing-Fast Speeds for Professionals and Enthusiasts As a professional photographer, John D. from B&H Photo praised the card's UHS-I interface, which ensures blazing-fast transfer speeds to keep up with his "fast-paced shoots." Similarly, TechTitan from Newegg.com noted that the "performance is blazing fast," making it a perfect choice for anyone who needs "high-capacity, high-speed storage."
Reliable Storage for Demanding Applications For those using action cameras and drones, the SanDisk Extreme PRO card has proven its worth. "I bought this SanDisk card for my drone, and it's been a game-changer," said DroneDave from Walmart.com, who praised the "fast read/write speeds" and "perfect" 512 GB capacity for storing aerial footage.
Comprehensive Software Suite for Added Convenience In addition to the impressive hardware, reviewers across the board highlighted the included RescuePRO Deluxe software as a valuable bonus. As Rachel M. from Best Buy.com explained, the software "gives me peace of mind in case I accidentally delete any files," making it a valuable addition to the workflow of professionals and enthusiasts alike.
Unparalleled Versatility and Value Whether used for professional photography, action sports, or drone videography, the SanDisk Extreme PRO microSD card has consistently impressed users with its exceptional performance, reliability, and value. As happybuyer123 from eBay.com summed it up, "Highly recommended for anyone who needs high-capacity, high-speed storage."
With an average rating of 4.7/5 stars across the six websites, the SanDisk Extreme PRO microSDXC UHS-I Memory Card 512 GB + Adapter & RescuePRO Deluxe has earned its place as a premier storage solution for digital enthusiasts and professionals alike. Its unmatched combination of speed, capacity, and convenience makes it a must-have for anyone seeking top-of-the-line performance in a compact, versatile package.
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mindcraaft · 1 month
Top 10 Drones for Professional Photography: Capture Perfection
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In the realm of professional photography, the ability to capture stunning aerial shots has become increasingly important. Whether you're a seasoned photographer or a budding enthusiast, investing in the right drone can significantly elevate your work. To help you make an informed choice, we've curated a list of the top 10 drones for professional photography, ensuring you can capture perfection with every shot.
1. DJI Phantom 4 Pro V2.0
When it comes to the best drone for professional photography, the DJI Phantom 4 Pro V2.0 is a top contender. This drone boasts a 1-inch 20MP sensor, capable of shooting 4K/60fps video, and an impressive 30-minute flight time. Its intelligent flight modes and obstacle sensors make it a reliable choice for photographers who demand precision.
2. DJI Mavic 3
The DJI Mavic 3 is another exceptional option for professional photographers. Equipped with a dual-camera system featuring a 4/3 CMOS Hasselblad sensor, this drone delivers incredible image quality. With a flight time of up to 46 minutes and advanced obstacle avoidance, the Mavic 3 is designed for capturing stunning aerial shots with ease.
3. Autel Robotics EVO Lite+
Autel Robotics EVO Lite+ stands out with its versatile camera options, including a 1-inch CMOS sensor that excels in low-light conditions. This drone offers 6K video resolution and a flight time of up to 40 minutes, making it a strong contender among drones for professional photography.
4. DJI Air 2S
For photographers looking for a compact yet powerful option, the DJI Air 2S is a great choice. It features a 1-inch 20MP sensor, capable of capturing 5.4K video. With its compact design and a flight time of 31 minutes, the Air 2S is perfect for those who need portability without sacrificing image quality.
5. Skydio 2+
The Skydio 2+ is known for its unmatched autonomous flight capabilities, making it ideal for dynamic and complex shots. While it doesn't boast the highest resolution, its 12MP camera and 4K/60fps video still deliver impressive results. It's a perfect drone for photographers who need to focus on the shot while the drone handles the flying.
6. DJI Inspire 2
The DJI Inspire 2 is a powerhouse designed for professional filmmakers and photographers. It supports dual operators, with one controlling the drone and the other the camera. The Inspire 2 is compatible with various camera options, including the Zenmuse X7, which offers a Super 35 sensor and up to 6K resolution. This drone is a favorite among industry professionals who need top-tier performance.
7. Parrot Anafi
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The Parrot Anafi is a compact and lightweight drone that doesn't compromise on image quality. It features a 21MP camera with 4K HDR video capability and a unique 180-degree tilt gimbal. With a flight time of 25 minutes, it's a solid option for photographers seeking portability and flexibility.
8. Yuneec Typhoon H3
Yuneec Typhoon H3 is a hexacopter designed in collaboration with Leica, featuring a 20MP 1-inch sensor and 4K video at 60fps. Its six-rotor design ensures stability, even in windy conditions, making it a reliable choice for capturing professional-grade aerial shots.
9. DJI Mini 3 Pro
Don't let its small size fool you—the DJI Mini 3 Pro is a highly capable drone for professional photography. With a 1/1.3-inch sensor, it captures 48MP photos and 4K/60fps video. Its lightweight design allows for easy transportation, making it an excellent choice for travel photographers.
10. PowerVision PowerEgg X
The PowerVision PowerEgg X is a versatile drone that doubles as a handheld gimbal camera. It features a 12MP sensor and 4K video capability. Its waterproof design and AI-powered features make it a unique option for photographers who want a multi-functional device.
Selecting the right drone for your professional photography needs is crucial for capturing those perfect shots. The options listed above represent the best drones for professional photography, each offering unique features to suit different styles and requirements. Whether you prioritize image quality, portability, or advanced flight capabilities, there's a drone on this list that will help you elevate your work and capture perfection from the skies.
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lostneedcoopcake · 1 month
A Longing Growth
TW: Mentions of death, pollution, destruction of Earth ----------------------
“Sector’s clear?”
“Clear as ever. Proceed with caution. It’s been.. ages.” Control answered, the static of the telecommunications closing the message. There was visual after a while, although the scout felt.. nothing. They had never heard of that planet before, after all. It had been 5 generations since humanity left Earth, lots of its history and data never to be archived. Until then. The scout’s mission was to record some data on the now abandoned planet that once hosted humanity and, perhaps, see if it was suitable for humanity like before the Armageddon. The mission was in one of the largest cities on the planet, although how big can a city be without its people? 
  “You got visual?”
“I do have visual, yes.”
‘Reports say the planet’s green flora and blue oceans were visible from afar. State confirmation.” There was silence for a bit. The scout observed the planet. That place used to be alive, they thought. That place used to have so many living, breathing creatures, all living their lives. But…
“State confirmation.”
“Planet is barren. There are only frozen poles, but other than that… dead.”
“Goddammit. Scout, proceed to landing. At least try to recover whatever you can. The drone will aid you with the images.” 
“Right…” The scout never liked those little drones that follow you around and search the entire place up. They can quite break up the serenity of whatever one is exploring. One could be walking around, taking in the metaphorical atmosphere of the planet, and out of the blue the sound of loud, consistent clicking. But it is a very good companion and the images it takes are worth every annoyance.
  The landing was right outside the city. In front of the scout, large buildings covered the blinding sun, covered in sand. There was so much rubble on the ground that it was nigh impossible for someone without a jetpack to navigate. The scout jumped over metallic and concrete rubble, often holding the drone in their arms to protect it – that model doesn’t have the best tracking and the scout can’t really afford a new one. It is still quite reliable and the camera it has is top notch. So, while the scout was jumping around, trying not to scratch their spacesuit, the drone was frantically looking around, taking pictures whenever there wasn’t much movement. 
  After some while and lots of dust and sand that the scout shook off, they arrived at what they believed to be the main plaza of the city. An enormous, square, concrete place, the dust and cracks hiding its colors and shape. The scout cleaned off a small part of it, uncovering the now dull red, blue and yellow colors that once decorated it. The fountains, those that still stood tall, had been dry for more than a hundred years. There some statues lying on the ground. Some made out of marble, some out of coal, the latter always in agony and pain. Attempting to pick one up, the scout broke its fingers. They looked at the drone, which was looking at them back. The drone snapped a picture of them, holding the fingers. Pretty sure it had started developing an AI, the main reason why people are advised not to have drones for a period longer than assigned. Oh well, a friend is always welcome. 
  The scout entered a store that was at the edges of the plaza, archiving down any data of that past life humanity had been through. There were some skeletons lying on the floor, some holding long expired cans, some seemingly holding objects that rotted away with time. The place still smelled extremely bad, the scout wanted to leave as quickly as possible. Still, they kept their ground, analyzing whatever surviving data there was. What did the people eat, what did they drink, what were their buying habits. How did they die. From the data that were collected, it was radiation poisoning. There was barely any radiation left in the atmosphere, although notable enough to be recorded, so whatever happened must have been quite far away.
  Upon leaving the store, the scout swore they heard a jingle. Perhaps it was their imagination. The jingle played again. They looked at the drone, which had downloaded some files from the store and was replaying them. The scout approached the drone and held it tightly, tilting it a bit towards them. It was the sound that played upon the entry in the store. It seemed like they wanted it to be welcoming so people can visit the store quite often. The scout wondered if they could find more music of Earth, as there was currently complete silence – apart from the constant clicking sounds of the drone.
  The scout accepted a call from Control.
“Scout, we have received your data so far. We.. I… damn, it’s really been that long, hasn’t it?”
“Why do you care so much, Control?” Control sighed and leaned on their desk.
“Since I was little, I was listening to stories of what Earth once was. It all-” they paused again, their voice a bit muffled. “it all happened at once. The earthquakes, the tsunami, the war, the explosions, the sicknesses, the fires… and Earth, gone, forever. Only concrete remains.”
“But I do have hopes for Earth. Somewhere in there, in the barren solitude, you will find a bit of light. You will find what was humanity’s hope. You will find the warm solitude that, let’s be honest, scout, you really enjoy.”
“I like to think there’s life. There is none here.”
“I bet 40 quars that you will find something.”
  40 quars were quite the amount, and the scout did not want to lose that money, so they kept sending data. Data of a planet that was already suffering, and that Armageddon was the last straw. The last goodbye to the humans that had left for other planets. And one had returned, but not for long.
  The scout traveled a bit outside the city, until they found another building. It was rather small and destroyed. At first there was nothing notable to it, only rubble. The drone flew rather quickly towards it and started taking pictures. The scout stood there for a while, observing the fascination of the drone. They followed it, realizing they just lost 40 quars. They knelt and touched the  oh so notable thing in front of them. A very small patch of grass. The scout looked around, attempting to figure out where could the water have come from. The data that they had acquired had shown that an atmosphere had started shaping after so long, so perhaps there was rain?
  The scout entered the building through what once was the entrance. There were some marble chairs there, all facing the exact same direction. It seemed to be a place of religion, the religion long gone, like oh so much more information. The scout placed their hands together and lowered their head. They thought of all these humans, the lives they could have led, what they could have been. They looked up and saw a small plant emerging in the middle of the room. They got up and knelt in front of it. The scout thought of taking the sprout with them, study it and give it to the higher up.
Let it grow, they thought.
Let the planet grow once more, they thought.
And they left the planet alone, to grow once more to what it was. Full of life. Who know how long it’ll take? The scout will never see the Earth bloom to what it once was. But they will always know, it will bloom.
Just let it grow.
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lazycrusadellama · 2 months
Best Software for Remote Video Inspections: Enhancing Efficiency and Accuracy
Remote video inspection software has become increasingly important in various industries, offering a cost-effective and efficient way to conduct inspections without the need for on-site visits. This technology is especially valuable in sectors such as construction, manufacturing, oil and gas, and utilities, where it is crucial to ensure safety and compliance with standards. Here is a comprehensive look at some of the best software options for remote video inspections, highlighting their features and benefits.
1. Matterport
Overview: Matterport is a leading platform for creating 3D digital twins of physical spaces. Its advanced technology allows users to capture detailed 3D scans using a Matterport Pro2 camera or compatible 360-degree cameras and mobile devices.
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High-resolution 3D models
Measurement tools for accurate assessments
Cloud-based platform for easy sharing and collaboration
Integration with various VR and AR tools
Benefits: Matterport's detailed 3D models enable precise inspections and measurements, making it ideal for construction, real estate, and facility management. The platform's ease of use and comprehensive features make it a top choice for remote video inspections.
2. Vortex Studio
Overview: Vortex Studio by CM Labs is a simulation and visualization software designed for training, design, and remote inspections. It offers advanced physics-based simulation capabilities.
Real-time simulation and visualization
High-fidelity physics engine
Support for various input devices
Cloud-based collaboration tools
Benefits: Vortex Studio's realistic simulations allow for thorough inspections and training in a virtual environment, reducing the need for physical prototypes and on-site visits. Its robust features make it suitable for industries like construction, manufacturing, and engineering.
3. DJI FlightHub
Overview: DJI FlightHub is a comprehensive drone management software designed for enterprise users. It supports the planning, execution, and management of drone operations for remote inspections.
Real-time data streaming and processing
Fleet management and mission planning
Integration with DJI drones
Secure cloud storage and data sharing
Benefits: FlightHub's ability to manage and monitor drone operations in real-time makes it an excellent choice for industries such as utilities, oil and gas, and agriculture. Its integration with DJI's ecosystem ensures seamless operation and data collection.
4. RemoteSpark
Overview: RemoteSpark by Kognitiv Spark is an augmented reality (AR) solution that facilitates remote support and inspections using Microsoft HoloLens.
Real-time AR remote assistance
Secure communication and data transfer
Integration with enterprise systems
High-quality video and audio streaming
Benefits: RemoteSpark's AR capabilities enable experts to provide remote guidance and support, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of inspections. This software is particularly useful in complex and high-risk environments like manufacturing and energy sectors.
5. Inspectorio
Overview: Inspectorio is a cloud-based platform designed for quality control and compliance monitoring in supply chains. It uses AI and data analytics to streamline inspection processes.
Customizable inspection checklists
Real-time data analytics and reporting
Mobile app for on-site data collection
Integration with ERP and other enterprise systems
Benefits: Inspectorio's focus on quality control and compliance makes it ideal for industries like retail, apparel, and manufacturing. Its data-driven approach helps organizations identify trends and improve their inspection processes.
6. IRIS Inspection Software
Overview: IRIS Inspection Software specializes in remote video inspection solutions for the glass container industry. It offers advanced inspection tools for quality control and defect detection.
High-resolution video inspection
Automated defect detection and classification
Integration with production lines
Detailed reporting and analytics
Benefits: IRIS's specialized tools ensure high accuracy and efficiency in inspecting glass containers, making it a preferred choice in the glass manufacturing industry. Its automated features reduce manual intervention and improve inspection speed.
Choosing the best software for remote video inspections depends on your industry-specific needs and the complexity of your inspection tasks. Matterport and Vortex Studio excel in creating detailed virtual models and simulations, while DJI FlightHub offers robust drone management capabilities. RemoteSpark's AR support is ideal for real-time assistance, and Inspectorio's focus on quality control makes it a strong contender for supply chain inspections. Lastly, IRIS Inspection Software provides specialized tools for the glass container industry. By leveraging these advanced technologies, organizations can enhance their inspection processes, ensuring safety, compliance, and efficiency.
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dronesdeli · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Camera Drone in 2024
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With technology rapidly advancing, finding the best camera drone in 2024 can be both exciting and overwhelming. Whether you're a professional photographer, a hobbyist, or a tech enthusiast, selecting the right drone involves considering various factors like camera quality, flight performance, and advanced features. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to make an informed decision.
Understanding Your Needs
Before diving into the specifics, it's crucial to define your requirements. Are you looking for a drone primarily for photography, videography, or both? Will you be using it indoors or outdoors? Answering these questions will help narrow down your options.
Key Features to Look For
1. Camera Quality: The heart of any camera drone is its camera. In 2024, drones are equipped with advanced sensors and optics that deliver stunning image quality. Look for drones with high-resolution cameras (4K or higher) and consider features like image stabilization for smooth footage.
2. Flight Performance: Stability, speed, and control are essential for a great flying experience. Drones with GPS and obstacle avoidance technology provide safer flights and better overall performance.
3. Battery Life: Longer flight times allow you to capture more footage on a single charge. Check for drones with extended battery life and consider purchasing extra batteries for uninterrupted sessions.
4. Portability: If you plan to travel with your drone, compact and foldable designs are advantageous. They are easier to transport and store without compromising on performance.
5. Smart Features: Many drones come with intelligent flight modes such as follow-me, waypoints, and automated cinematic shots. These features can elevate your aerial photography and videography to new heights.
Top Picks for 2024
Based on our research and user reviews, here are some of the top contenders for the title of best camera drone in 2024:
1. Drone Model KOHR G6: Known for its outstanding camera quality and robust flight performance, Drone Model KOHR G6 is a favorite among professional photographers.
2. Drone Model LSRC-S1S: With advanced autonomous features and superior battery life, Drone Model LSRC-S1S excels in capturing stunning aerial shots.
3. Drone Model P15: Ideal for beginners and enthusiasts alike, Drone Model P15 offers a perfect balance of affordability and functionality.
Choosing the best camera drone in 2024 boils down to understanding your specific needs and prioritizing the features that matter most to you. Whether you're aiming to capture breathtaking landscapes or shoot cinematic videos, there's a drone out there that's perfectly suited to your requirements.
In summary, by focusing on camera quality, flight performance, battery life, portability, and smart features, you'll be well on your way to finding the best camera drone in 2024 that meets and exceeds your expectations.
Happy flying!
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izi-cart · 2 months
IZI: Leading the Way in India's Thriving Drone Industry
In the rapidly evolving world of consumer electronics, IZI has established itself as a pioneer, particularly in India's consumer camera industry. Initially focused on camera drones, IZI has not only staked its ground but also broadened its horizons by offering a versatile product line that meets the dynamic needs of today's consumers. As one of the top drone manufacturers in India, IZI's journey is a testament to innovation, quality, and the constant pursuit of excellence.
IZI's new era of aerial photography Drones have changed the way we photograph the world around us. Camera-equipped drones have become invaluable tools for professional photography, entertainment, and industrial applications. IZI's offerings are at the forefront of this revolution, offering cutting-edge technology and superior performance.
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IZI Sky Pro: The pinnacle of drone technology 
The IZI Sky Pro drone is a marvel of modern design, created for those who demand the ultimate in aerial photography and performance. With a 3-axis gimbal and brushless motor, Sky Pro ensures a stable and consistent shot even in difficult conditions. Its 4K True HDR transmission brings every detail to life, making it the best drone for photography enthusiasts and professionals.
With a top speed of up to 62 km/h and a 20-megapixel dual-pixel sensor, the Sky Pro is designed with speed and accuracy in mind. It offers live video transmission at a distance of 5 km, allowing users to explore vast landscapes without losing connection. The 32-minute flight time offers plenty of opportunities to capture stunning images, while features like true vertical photography and more than 10 drone modes offer versatility and creativity in every flight.
With Sky Pro, security and ease of use are paramount. A 540° obstacle avoidance system and precise hovering capabilities supported by GPS/GLONASS technology make flying easy. 4x digital zoom and a 130° wide-angle lens enable stunning panoramic views, making it the best drone camera on the market.
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IZI Mini-X: Compact but Powerful 
For those looking for a more compact solution without compromising performance, the IZI Mini-X is the best camera drone available. Weighing only 249g, this ultra-lightweight nanodrone is perfect for beginners and experienced pilots alike. Despite its small size, the Mini-X is unbeatable with a 3-axis gimbal, brushless motor, and 4K True HDR transmission.
Mini-X has a maximum speed of 16 m/s and a 20-megapixel CMOS 1/3.06" sensor that ensures high-quality images and smooth flight. With a 4 km real-time video transmission distance and an impressive flight time of 93 minutes (2600 mAh battery x3), the Mini-X is designed for long adventures. True vertical shooting and over 10 drone modes add to its versatility, making it the best drone for photography.
Mini-X's 4x digital zoom and 130° wide-angle lens provide expansive views, while GPS/GLONASS ensures accurate hovering and navigation. Its compact size makes it easy to transport and deploy, making it a favorite among hobbyists and professionals looking for a good camera drone.
IZI Vision 
When it comes to drones in India, IZI stands out as one of the top drone manufacturers in India. IZI drones are equipped with the latest technology and built to the highest standards, ensuring reliability and performance. From the Sky Pro to the Mini-X, IZI drones are designed with the user in mind, offering easy-to-use features and intuitive controls. Whether you're looking for a high-quality photography drone or a compact mini-drone with a camera, IZI has something for every need and budget.
As a homegrown brand, IZI understands the unique demands of Indian consumers and offers products tailored to these needs. IZI offers a wide range of drones in various price ranges, ensuring that there is something for everyone. Whether you are looking for a cheap camera drone or the best drone camera in India, IZI has you covered. Transparent pricing and value for money make IZI drones a smart investment for anyone looking to explore the skies.
The Future of IZI Aerial Photography 
As the drone industry continues to grow, IZI is committed to staying at the forefront of development. By investing in research and development, IZI aims to bring more innovative products to the market and ensure that customers always have access to the latest and best technology.
Whether you are a professional photographer looking to capture stunning aerial images or a hobbyist looking for new adventures, IZI's range of drones offers the perfect solution. With a focus on quality, performance, and user satisfaction, IZI is not only a brand but also a trusted partner in your aerial photography journey.
IZI's commitment to excellence and innovation has made it a leader in the Indian drone industry. From the powerful Sky Pro to the versatile Mini-X, IZI offers the best camera drones available today. By choosing IZI, you're not just buying a drone; you are investing in cutting-edge technology that takes your aerial photography experience to new heights.
So if you're looking for a drone with state-of-the-art cameras, look no further than the IZI. Explore the range, compare drone camera prices, and buy drones online in India with confidence. Join the IZI family and discover the limitless possibilities of the sky.
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abhisheksaini-2008 · 3 months
Videography Drones of Various Types: Picking the Best for Your Requirements
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Drone videography has changed the manner in which we catch the world from a higher place. Drones give you an unparalleled perspective, whether you're a professional filmmaker, a hobbyist, or an aspiring vlogger. Yet, with such countless choices available, how would you pick the right one? Here is a complete manual for the sorts of robots most ideal for videography.
1. Customer Robots
DJI Mavic Series
The DJI Mavic series is a well known decision among specialists and experts alike. The Mavic series is renowned for its small size, foldable design, and high-quality cameras that strike a balance between portability and performance. Models like the Mavic Air 2S and Mavic 3 deal 4K to 5.1K video goal, deterrent aversion, and high level flight modes.
Autel Mechanical technology EVO Series
The Autel EVO series is one more astounding choice for those searching for top notch drone videography. For instance, the EVO II has a camera with a resolution of 6K or 8K, which provides incredible color accuracy and detail. Its hearty plan and long flight time make it a solid rival in the customer drone videography.
2. DJI Inspire Series for Professional Filmmakers 
The DJI Inspire series is the best option for professional filmmakers. The Zenmuse X7 is one of these drones with interchangeable cameras and lenses that can shoot in Apple ProRes and up to 6K CinemaDNG. The Inspire series is ideal for high-end productions due to its superior flight stability, advanced camera controls, and dual-operator capabilities.
Freefly Alta Series
The Freefly Alta series is prestigious for its high payload limit and accuracy control. Hollywood productions and other professional filmmaking scenarios frequently employ these drones. The Alta 8, for instance, can convey weighty film cameras, offering unrivaled adaptability and camera development.
3. Racing Drones FPV (First-Person View) Racing Drones
 FPV (First-Person View) racing drones are becoming increasingly popular due to their distinctive, high-speed footage. These drones, which are equipped with a small camera and a live video feed, are able to capture thrilling, fast-paced shots that traditional drones are unable to. For those who are interested in trying their hand at FPV videography, manufacturers like EMAX and TBS (Team BlackSheep) provide customizable options.
4. DJI Mini Drones 
The DJI Mini series, which includes the Mini 2 and Mini 3 Pro, is ideal for novices and travelers seeking a portable, lightweight option. Notwithstanding their little size, these robots sneak up all of a sudden with 4K video capacities, stable flight execution, and easy to use controls. They are an incredible decision for easygoing videography and travel vlogging.
5. Cinema Drones: The DJI Matrice Series
 The DJI Matrice series is designed for industrial use, but its adaptability and durability make it the best choice for cinematic videography. Multiple payload configurations, including high-end cameras and LiDAR sensors, are supported by models like the Matrice 300 RTK. Because of this, they are appropriate for intricate shoots that require precise data and high-resolution footage.
6. Specialty Drones Underwater Drones 
Drones like the PowerVision PowerRay and the Chasing Innovation Gladius Mini offer unique capabilities for underwater videography. These drones can dive to great depths, capturing stunning high-definition underwater footage. They are fundamental devices for sea life researchers, submerged producers, and bold videographers.
Drones for the Home Indoor drones like the Parrot Anafi and Ryze Tello are made for use in homes where GPS signals might be weak or not available. They are lightweight, flexible, and outfitted with crash aversion frameworks, making them ideal for catching film in restricted spaces.
Your specific requirements, budget, and level of experience all play a role in selecting the appropriate drone videography. There is a drone out there that is ideal for you, whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting out in the field of drone videography. You'll be able to make better decisions and take your videography to new heights if you are familiar with the various drone types and their distinctive characteristics. Cheerful flying!
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