larryfanfiction · 7 years
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Sing When You’re Winning by hazmesentir
Length: 90k
“Isn’t that some kind of cardinal sin, a Manchester United fan Tweeting a Liverpool player?“
“How did you know I was a Man United fan?” Harry asks, immediately aghast.
“You looked at that shirt on the wall-” Louis motions to the Liverpool shirt reading TOMLINSON 17 hanging above the fireplace, “-like it physically hurts you to be in the same room.”
Harry ducks his head, trying not to blush. “Ah. Didn’t think it was that obvious.”
“My scum-dar was obviously off, because when you first walked in here I thought you were all right,” he says.
Or, the one where Harry’s a chronically underpaid magazine intern and Louis is the Premier League’s first gay footballer and pretty much the last thing they need is each other.
Ao3, Chaptered, Completed, Must-Read
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