larryfanfiction · 6 years
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Now In A Minute by thealmightyavocado  @avocadolouie
Length: 150k
13 feels like yesterday for many people, but for Louis it actually was.
More than anything in the world, Louis Tomlinson dreams of growing up. Simply skipping over all of the awkward, embarrassing years of teenage existence and getting on with life. Real life.
So when thirteen-year-old Louis wakes up in the body of his thirty-year-old self, he expected everything in his adult life to be picture perfect. And maybe it is. He has it all…or so it seems.
Except his favorite person and lifelong best mate, Harry Styles, is totally missing from the equation and Louis doesn’t understand why. He has a lot of catching up to do and as adult life turns out to be more than what he bargained for, Louis can’t help wondering why a life that seemed so perfect, feels so empty.
Or the 13 going on 30 au that should have been done years ago.
Ao3, Chaptered, Completed, Must Read
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larryfanfiction · 7 years
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Sing When You’re Winning by hazmesentir
Length: 90k
“Isn’t that some kind of cardinal sin, a Manchester United fan Tweeting a Liverpool player?“
“How did you know I was a Man United fan?” Harry asks, immediately aghast.
“You looked at that shirt on the wall-” Louis motions to the Liverpool shirt reading TOMLINSON 17 hanging above the fireplace, “-like it physically hurts you to be in the same room.”
Harry ducks his head, trying not to blush. “Ah. Didn’t think it was that obvious.”
“My scum-dar was obviously off, because when you first walked in here I thought you were all right,” he says.
Or, the one where Harry’s a chronically underpaid magazine intern and Louis is the Premier League’s first gay footballer and pretty much the last thing they need is each other.
Ao3, Chaptered, Completed, Must-Read
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larryfanfiction · 11 years
By thelonelycoast
No one really notices Marcel Styles. In fact, Marcel’s so invisible that if his teachers don’t call on him in lessons - and they rarely do - Marcel can go whole days without speaking to anyone other than his mum, his sister, Gemma, his cat, Dusty and the school librarian, Alma. And if he just so happens to have a tiny, miniscule crush on the footie captain, Louis Tomlinson, well, that’s no one’s business but his own. Until Louis notices him back...
Ao3, Chaptered, Completed, Must-Read
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