#torai gryphons
zenaquaria · 5 years
Are there any mythological beasties/races that you've wanted to dive into, but haven't had the proper place/story/universe to do it?
Thinking about that, I can’t recall if there have been or no, at least out of the pre-established mythologies. o: I mean, dragons always had my attention but I never dove into crafting a specific subspecies of my own. It wasn’t until ponies happened that I looked into other mythical unguloids to be more unique with. That and if there has been something, I’ve delved into it anyway and just waited for them to have a place somewhere. xD Like my Torai Gryphonfolk, who found their place in Taller Half’s and my high fantasy universe.
That said, I’m still waiting for my hippogryph derivatives, Equidrafyn, to find their place in things. Had them since... oh heck, must’ve been 2004? They could probably end up the same as the Toraion and get a place there...
Huh. Actually... That would befit them well! Horses aren’t seen as beasts of burden in Torai due to the fact that the Toraion like horsemeat. Much to the horror of outside races who see horses as companions and work animals. But a creature given a similar image as themselves? THAT’S an animal worth befriending in their eyes! Note that it’s not domestication. It has to be a mutually beneficial partnership between the two. Like in HTTYD.
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zenaquaria · 5 years
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Meet a newly redesigned old Toraion gal of mine, Driftess Su’Kirra of Aerie Hold, Torai Empire!
She was the very first Toraion I ever made. Back when Zen was just a wee teen, I made her just to dabble with goth-ish aesthetic and tribal ink designs.The Toraion evolved around her from that point on. Back then, she was Tsukizo. Something to do with the moon. Which happened to be the name of the clan she led way back then. Back before I turned it into an empire and called the regions ‘holds’ and gave the biggest cities “real” fantasy names. xD And she had black hair with red dyed tips, and under-eye tattoo designs, and a beak “tattoo” in that pseudo-tribal spiky style that just looks edgy, and like four or five ear piercings. Teen me thought it looked sick and had to express it somehow, so I put it all over an anthro gryphon since I couldn’t wear any of it. xD
But now and onward, she is Su’Kirra, the Lady of Aerie and Lifebonded to Driftlord Taikahl, who will also be getting an update from HIS old look to one that matches his wife here. c:
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zenaquaria · 5 years
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A couple of things I worked on just to get the concepts down.  I’m back working on my Toraion gryphonfolk again~
Here I’ve got a pencil sketch of a Monsoon Hold Ranger that I hope to refine later, which I did in my little pocket sketchbook while at the in-laws’. And then this morning I rendered a concept of how they visually perceive/represent Death. c:
Toraion give a special reverence to Barn Owls. They’re regarded as servants of Death, and they’re seen as omens thereof. If one is seen outside of their usual rhythms, or in an unusual color, it’s said that Death has its eye upon you or your family. As such they try to give the figure and the owls their due respect, to ward off untimely ‘collections’.
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zenaquaria · 5 years
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The other redesigned old Toraion of mine, Driftlord Taikahl of Aerie Hold, Torai Empire!
Like Su’Kirra, his old version was loaded down with edgy goth/weeby aesthetic. He was the design that followed right after hers, and if a birdface can be bishie his old self was much closer to that than he probably had any right to be. xD Back then he was Taikizo. Now he’s got some rugged dwarfy influence in his style. lol Some of his best friends are dwarves though, so this is logical. I don’t remember which city used to be his when they were clans in my meta, but regardless, he and Su’Kirra are direct council to the Empire’s Elder Driftlord these days, keeping the old Toraion abreast of news flowing through their constituency.
(also hallelujah I finally figured out how2raptorbeaks from the front; it only took me 20+ years to figure out! xD)
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zenaquaria · 7 years
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And the super-rough concept for the combo that started the idea for a fey-touched Toraion offshoot: A kingfisher/fishing cat!
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zenaquaria · 7 years
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Just a quick, rough concept of a fey-touched expansion of my Torai Gryphons/Toraion that came to mind after talking to someone in one of the Discord servers I’m in.
I’m currently adapting my Toraion for usage in D&D/Pathfinder settings. The person I was talking to said something about a kingfisher/fishing cat combo, and this Macaw/Margay followed on its heels. Because massive Bard potential. xD It’s an idea I’m seriously considering, to have these more colorful, non-raptor combinations that likely came about from some fey involvement with the Toraion.
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zenaquaria · 7 years
Anyone want to send me some worldbuilding/character-dev asks?
I’m in the mood to write but I have a terrible time focusing on one thing and not rambling all over the place. Any I get and answer will be tagged under “zen’s worldscapes” and will eventually be moved to my worldbuilding blog.
Society of the Night AU (vamponies, theriquines, etc.) Kirin of Neighpon (Five Clans kirin, etc.) Supernatural Earth (vampires, werebeasts, hunters; modern setting) Torai Gryphons/Gryphonfolk
Characters (leads to Toyhou.se archive)
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zenaquaria · 8 years
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Just me playing around with some species emblems/possible buttons for the races/species I’ve developed headcanons for!
Neighpon is my Five Clans Kirin.
Oscola are my aquatic pearl-bearing pony species. (Currently closed/in dev)
Flamefiends are my dark-coated, fire-maned and -tailed, native ponies of Tartarus. (In-dev)
Vampire Ponies are my take on vamponies native to Equestria. (seen in SotN)
Aktassia is my San Palomino Desert-dwelling Changeling Hive based on scorpions and cicadas.
Mesoponies are my take on a pony species based on the Mesohippus. (similarities to other Mesohippus-based species not intended)
Ophioequis is my idea for a snakepony civilization. (In-dev)
Torai is my Gryphon society that functions as both MLP fan race and original race.
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