#aerie hold
svampira · 10 months
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all evil bg2 party but i would rather kms than leave aerie behind
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I’m always a bit taken aback by these posts because I never see a ‘#f u Tywin’ or a ‘#Gregor and Lorch belong in hell’ in the tags, but these posts never fail to include a ‘#Rhaegar (insert vague threat here)’
This kind of stuff is so genuinely insane to me because we still do not know what Rhaegar was doing nor do we know what his plans were. We do not have his POV to know his thoughts, which means we know very little about him, but I do know that he did not kill Elia or his children. I do know that he did not order anyone to kill his family. I do know that he never sacked Kings Landing. I do know that he died before these murders and the sacking even took place. I do know that it was Aerys who prevented Elia and her children from fleeing Kings Landing. And I do know that he didn’t look at his children’s dead bodies and call them dragonspawn.
Rhaegar gets more heat than Elia and her children’s actual killers and their captor. In my opinion, that is insanity.
Because if people actually cared about Elia and her children, then there would be way more heat for Tywin and Aerys, for Gregor and Lorch. But instead, I see posts like this all the time in both Rhaegar’s tag and the main tags, and yet these posts never mention anything about the character who ordered the deaths of Elia and her children. I see nothing about the character who raped her and brutally killed her and her son. There is nothing about the character who dragged a little girl out from under her father’s bed and murdered her in a horrific manner. And the fact that there is heat for Rhaegar instead of Aerys and Robert tells me everything I need to know and leads to me not taking posts like this seriously.
cause wth
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sweet-seo · 3 months
ㅤ       ㅤ›   ⍺espa  ᑲios  ᠉   !
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æspa      ㅡ      𝗶𝘁 girls ✫
   𐋉  ⠁ . can't stop 𝗵𝘆𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗅𝖺𝗋 .     ܀       
ⵌ       𝘼rmageddon    , 𝙨hoot    ★
≡        𝒘𝒆 them 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍𝒔     ⋆    ٠ 
   ꠴       .       i'm      𝘁𝗼𝗼     spicy    ,   for    𝘆𝗼𝘂      ՞   ᵎ
hold     𝗼𝗻     thight    ︳     a   𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗰   energy ⛤
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⸺ (⠀©⠀)⠀𝆬⠀ ○⠀minsᥱo⠀𖥾
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teememdee · 2 months
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started playing og ff7 and this has been the funniest piece of dialogue so far, I’m having a blast
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Thank you for liking things. Ifollowed you a long while ago because of an au you were making. You stopped making that au and even saw my fanart for it and said something along the lines of “That’d be a cool fic idea!” I never stopped following you though. Sometimes I’ll see your posts and I’ll say, “Oh! Player-name discovered/rediscovered [blank].” I mainly only see your reblogs but it still is always a joy to see you on my dash.
🥺 this is so sweet of you thank you???? waaaaugh.....<333
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faeryarchives · 3 months
update tomorrow hihi I'm thinking if I should put different situations for reader or yuu in scenarios
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ahamkara-apologist · 3 months
someone remind me to draw misraaks holding aeris like a machine gun after work pls
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kakujis · 6 months
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idk this is crazy
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mythvoiced · 8 months
Aeri can’t decide what she hates more - the way the bejeweled pin in the victor from District 8’s hair is lopsided, or the girl herself. Oh, what Aeri wouldn’t give to wear such an accessory again, or even wear the finery the victor has been gifted to wear to the viewing. That was her once, wasn’t it?
But now? She’s stuck here, watching this spectacle. The brat, who has no idea what privilege she’s been presented with, keeps on creasing the delicate threads of her gown and her stylists also clearly have no idea on how to do the brat’s makeup. And then there’s that damn pin- Aeri’s pin once upon a time- only in place because it’s tangled in there-
And Aeri can’t hold back. When the brat’s stylists are gone, she reaches into the girl’s hair and extracts the pin. Her fingers, callused from years of hard labor that still feels foreign to Aeri, are quick to untangle most of the obvious knots in the brat’s hair before shetwists the locks into a ponytail and then a bun. The pin goes back in.
Aeri glares at the girl through the mirror. Don’t you dare mess up my work.
( congrats lenlen!! you get....aeri, being really resentful, i hope marìa doesn't mind too much ^^' )
@stillresolved | !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET HER BE RESENTFUL
There's a harshness to being dolled up when you are in no way receptive to it.
María isn't foreign to the roughness of life - she's a fucking Victor, after all, isn't she - she's started working in factories just about around the age even the most moral of District 8 people might turn their back in fear on seeing her walk in, pretending not seeing her would free them of the responsibility of working with a child.
Her hands and nose and palate and lungs had long gotten used and keep getting used to the aftermath of working with chemicals, of being so very intimate with garments and colours, with fumes and heat, with the hard work of surviving, with the hard work of fighting to be allowed a minimal chance at said survival, at figuring that there's little more for people from District 8 to fight for.
Still... it's not the same.
Being pushed around, dressed in things she would have never chosen for herself to serve a people, a man, because she's not stupid enough to not be able to tell what is Capitol and what is Snow and how Capitol is Snow, it's a kind of biting and harsh and rough that doesn't leave behind the usual kind of scars and memories and bruises.
Even surviving the Games had come with a desperately accepted sense of relief, one covered in blood and the humiliation of all she'd done and all she'd thought she'd get to accomplish, only for reality to crash in on her in a victory she hadn't wanted to partake in, hadn't wanted to make possible, when she'd wanted her Games to be victor-less in lieu of ending the Games themselves.
This... this is humiliation in the long run. This has hardly any hope attached to it, waiting for her on the other end of the line. Sometimes, on the worst days, it feels like the true brunt of the battle, walking with blood-stained soles and palms and sparkling as she does, wearing all that might make even the softest source of light appear like flames reflecting off her frame, covering her in fire that had not eaten her alive - much to a few people's disdain.
Picking at things, not holding still, grimacing, shifting her muscles, arms, face to make her stylists' life as difficult as possible, it was all she had to fight back.
The Arena came with death and violence, and living back at home had been physical labour upon physical labour, straining her young body until she could no longer tell if she was broken beyond repair or fitter than children her age should be - had they grown up privileged within the Capitol's safety.
Here she has only threads to tear apart and reflections to glare at.
And a new challenge behind every door.
She feels yanked back, an intensity of motion caused less by the avox suddenly in her hair and more her own stiffness that hadn't prepared her for submission to someone suddenly rearranging her.
After her stylists had left, she'd succumbed to the tension of not wanting to be there, without the added hard work of making sure everybody else does. Lost in her thought, somebody's hands suddenly returning on her had fortified, molten it into a newly forged blade, stiff and ready to strike, tensing everything within her and making a few fingers in her hair turn into a grappling hook tied to a moving mountain.
María is startled enough she can't remember how to glare.
A frown does accompany her widened eyes anyway, making her look... appalled, almost, an addition to her expression so unsuited to typically frightened features, youth tainted by the face of someone used to having to fight to stay alive.
It almost happens in a flash then. The reflection moves and adjusts and fixes and what had started as something that had María's lips split into something acid and trembling, turns into something unpleasant and acrid, but silent, as María sits and lets herself be mandhandled one more time.
That's when she glares. After the avox finishes up, after their eyes meet in the mirror and María sees none of the downturned gazes they're trying to make her accustomed to.
Seeing avoxes pisses her off.
Why take it out on them.
She understands what they are, what they're supposed to represent.
To her, an avox is a statement. No longer a person but rather someone rid of their innate right to be considered one. Even with the determination and life in this avox' eyes, María has come to understand them as tools Snow uses to assert his dominance, people from all circles of life, punished with the robbing of their words... and their detached tongue metaphorically forced to lick away at the tip of the shoes of people like María.
All a scheme.
Use the prey on the prey, make them take each other out.
It'd be easier to feel pity if María could sleep, if the avox hadn't adjusted her appearance, and if the avox wasn't staring her down as if she had any right to do so.
She's oddly beautiful.
She's oddly familiar.
"Why are you helping them?" she hisses, low, whispered, because she might never admit it, but she's... she's a little scared, isn't she? Lately? Devora's face swims before her inner eye, so stern, so wrong.
"I'm on your side more than they are," she adds, pulling a strand of her hair out of the freshly adjusted bun.
#stillresolved#the seeker;maria#the seeker;joan of arc;hunger games verse#CONGRATS INDEED I FEEL LIKE I WON A MAJOR AWARD HERE??? EXCUSE ME???????????????????? MX LISTEN-#EVEN IF MARIA WERE TO MIND I CAN'T FIND IT IN ME TO MIND THAT SHE'D MIND BECAUSE THIS IS MAJORLY EXCITING#NOBODY MOVE NOBODY MOVE NOBODY FRICKING MOVE I NEED TO FOCUS#not gonna lie Aeri's point of view here is so fking good it's so FRESH IT'S SO---#NOT TO BE HYPER-FOCUSED ON MY DESIRES FOR MARIA'S ARC AND HOW IT DEVELOPS BUT#THIS IS VERY GOOD SGKLSDLFJGHGLKHGFKL sorry I just...#if somebody were to force me to figure out ONE thing to like most about this depresso verse#if i was being held at gunpoint about it basically and forced to pick One Thing#it's gotta be how brilliantly different perspectives come together#Aeri Patrick Devora Taiyang Maria Hyuk LISTEN???? LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#getting an ask from Ferre from their new blog~ i'm holding my cheekies and blushing HEHEHEHEHE~#also how do you still always win at urls care u lots MWAH ♥ i need to get this into the queue ASAP#gosh it being Aeri's PIN GOSH CAN YOU TELL I'M ALL OVER THE PLACE ABOUT THIS IN ENTHUSIASM#gosh María will simply truly... do the most to assign everyone sides hm? MARIA WHAT ABOUT THE NUANCES--#i'm not quite sure what you and wonderful Lynnie have established but... if Aeri was well known as Deva's lover#do you think María might have seen her? in pr thingies? that would explain why she's familiar that's why i added that line~#IF NOT then she's familiar because the look in her eyes would remind her of Deva IT'LL STILL WORK >:3 i went witty >:3333#;queue
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tovaicas · 11 months
there is something to be said though abt how through HW estinien, knowingly or not, systematically kills nidhogg's mate and children (tioman's death in sohm al angers and upsets nidhogg deeply and directly) one by one in a way that mirrors the way nidhogg killed his family.
maybe it was intentional. maybe not. but it is an interesting angle and it makes me really wish estinien wasn't so flat in HW bc a rampage of revenge against nidhogg that, like him, is understandable even if it isn't morally justifiable, that has estinien dipping into the same overt, self-destructive cruelty that drives nidhogg and prolongs the war would've been an actually great story arc had they been willing to actually make estinien unlikable and in the wrong for a minute.
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aerie-stims · 1 year
the empires boards are SO PRETTY but u guys have to wait a month for them 😔
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c3p-mo · 1 year
oh how I wish i wasn't so goddamn artblock/burnout/depressed af
I want to draw all the baldy things ;A; (bg3)
I want to draw my tav, my tav and gale, my tav getting [deleted deleted] and also [redacted redacted] so bad!
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uroborosymphony · 1 year
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 devora :    what form would your demon take?
Her deamon is a Raptor. Your daemon would take the form of a raptor! Those who have raptor daemons are intellectual and precise, though unlike other bird daemons they also symbolize active and ambition. They are logical but confident, often preferring to work alone in relentless pursuit of their goals. Her deamon is an Eagle. Your daemon would take the form of a eagle! You are a proud and confident individual who has a deep loyalty towards a select few. More so than others with raptor daemons, those with eagles are self-centered, overambitious, and unafraid to push their weight around. They don't care much for subtlety and always have their eye on the prize.
tagged by : @clemencetaught (Thank youuu). tagging : @ofgentleresolve (Aeri I'm so curiouuus) @mythvoiced (Van and Ma
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aerysian · 1 year
to have and to hold
pairing: marlon/marnie (stardew valley) rating: T words: 3.0k
summary: Everyone remembers Mayor Lewis and the infamous purple shorts incident. At the time, Marlon even cracked a smile at the Farmer's audacity, watching as Lewis offered an underhanded bribe to take his undergarments off the Stardew Valley Fair display. But now that Marlon finds himself in a similar predicament, he can't help feeling like this is karma. (ao3 / ffn)
I've been wanting to write this pairing for a while! I'm glad I finally sat down and did it :) Onto the next letter of the alphabits series
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clover-seedz · 2 years
omg thank you for saying that. lol im not a keith kinnie i swear. it's just sweet :) ahhh moon though! :D <3 i choose wind for you! bc it can be soft and gentle or powerful and frightening and i think that's cool. <3
I LOVE THAT TY AERIE :'0 we're the moon and wind so together we make a full moon windy night prime for werewolves >:)
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calumsash · 2 years
17, 27, 37
hi aerie!! let's have a look:
send me a number 1-100 and I’ll tell you the song it corresponds with on my top 100 playlist
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