spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Welcome back, it's Toreth Thursday!
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tolllthedead · 8 months
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terok-whore · 1 year
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Cover art for Paradox's Star Trek: Infinite
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spandexual · 1 year
now that Kira/Cretak isn't a super duper giga rarepair that me and like 3 other people went mental about as it was years ago, I hope people will realise how much potential Troi/Toreth has... especially DS9-era when the Romulans become allies of the Federation and they might just have to work together again...
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filmjunky-99 · 2 years
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s t a r t r e k t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n created by gene roddenberry Commander Toreth of Romulus [face of the enemy, s6ep14] 'People blame the military for the wars that we are asked to fight, but I think it is your kind, Major, that will be the death of us all.' - toreth [to troi as rakal]
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Reading The Administration 1:
Oh, God, are you stupid or what? He's not going to change! He's dangerous, Warrick, you need to leave.
Reading The Administration 9:
Oh, God, are you stupid or what? He's not going to change! He's dangerous, Toreth, you need to leave.
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king-of-vertigo · 2 years
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redraw of something from a year ago
he made eggo's
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sirellas · 5 months
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elev-toreth · 3 months
Here I am, writing Romulan smut and dreaming of terrible things
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senyorspock · 10 months
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Do Romulans have holodecks? If they do I bet Toreth has a problematic revenge fantasy about "Major Rakal" and I would love to see it.
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sarahwatchesthings · 2 years
For the record, both Troi and Commander Toreth are badass in "Face of the Enemy," and while I've seen Troi get credit for taking control of the insane situation she's thrown into, I don't see Toreth get nearly enough credit for repeatedly getting up in the face of someone she believes to be a representative of her government's most feared agency and telling her that she sucks and the Tal Shiar sucks (which it does), bearing in mind this agency murdered her own father.
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Double your trouble, It's Taris Tuesday!
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slushi-chan · 10 months
If Romulans are bad or whatever then why are the women so hot checkmate atheists
(I am watching tng while having a fucked up sleep schedule, thank that for my weird posting)
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hsincerely · 8 months
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BOOKS READ IN 2024: mind fuck by manna francis
“Now . . . ” he said, pulling the pause out, “what can I do in return?” Silence, and Toreth smiled. His catch was hooked, and only barely still resisting the pull to the net. “Very well, in that case let me guess. Something like the sim, but not quite. Changing places. Losing control for a little while. And some danger—just enough to give it an edge.” His smile slipped into something almost predatory. “A different kind of game.” Warrick stared at him as if hypnotized, then nodded slowly. “That’s . . . a good guess.”
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ufolily · 5 months
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aturinfortheworse · 2 years
Never forget the scene in one of the The Administration books where the boys have a zoo day! I doubt a paraphrased excerpt can do justice to nine novel's worth of characterisation but...
The panther paced across the front of the cage immediately behind the glass. Not the whole width—barely a third of it, in fact. She had worn a path in the grass, turning each time at precisely the same spot, moving with a tightly contained energy that he found painful to watch.
Prowling—that was the word traditionally linked to big cats. She should have prowled, but she didn't. Warrick had spent a long time in front of the cage when he'd been here with Dillian, trying to work out why the word felt so wrong, and eventually decided that prowling implies an interest in the world around. The panther showed no awareness of anything beyond her endless turn and return.
Unlike many of the other cages, there was no sense of being watched back. It was possible to map many things onto the flat, yellow eyes—restlessness, rage, boredom, despair, madness, a desperate determination never to surrender to stillness and death—but nothing that touched the viewer, nothing that connected to anything outside the animal's own mind.
"Why's it doing that?" Toreth asked eventually.
"She came from somewhere where she was kept in a very small cage, with insufficient stimulation. The repetitive behaviour is called stereotyping. A stress-reducing response, or so I understand."
"So why is it still doing it?"
"Probably because she hasn't noticed yet that things have changed. It was all she'd ever experienced, according to the exhibit entry." He offered his hand screen to Toreth, but he was still watching the panther. "She arrived at the other place as a young cub, and after that she was always kept alone in the same cage."
"You feel sorry for it, don't you?" Toreth asked.
"More fool you. I'll tell you something—if you went in there with it, I bet it'd stop stereotyping pretty fucking sharpish." His hands slid up, circling Warrick's neck loosely. "It'd tear your fucking throat out."
Warrick forced his shoulders to relax. "Yes, I expect it would."
"That'd teach you not to feel sorry for things that don't fucking need it."
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