arsinexchange · 1 year
ارسال پول به استرالیا برای دانشجویان
امروزه مهاجرت به یکی از موضوعات داغ در بین ایرانیان تبدیل شده است. یکی از مقاصد مهاجرتی ایرانیان که از لحاظ اقتصاد، تحصیل و طبیعت مورد توجه ایرانیان قرار گرفته، کشور استرالیا است. دانشگاه‌های این کشور از دانشگاه‌های برتر دنیا محسوب می‌شوند. همین مسئله سبب شده است تا تقاضا برای مهاجرت تحصیلی به استرالیا در بین ایرانیان بسیار زیاد شده و ارسال پول به استرالیا برای دانشجویان به یکی از دغدغه‌های جدی خانواده‌هایی که فرزندان آنها در این کشور مشغول به تحصیل هستند، تبدیل شود. به همین دلیل تصمیم گرفتیم که این مقاله از وب سایت صرافی آرسین را به نحوه‌ی انجام این کار و نکاتی که در این زمینه نیاز دارید، اختصاص دهیم.
پرسش‌های متداول در مورد نحوه‌ی ارسال پول به استرالیا
برای ارسال پول به استرالیا بهتر است چند مورد را مد نظر داشته باشید، به عنوان مثال مالیات، درگاه پرداخت، امنیت انتقال پول و البته بهترین نرخ دلار به استرالیا از جمله مواردی است که در این زمینه اهمیت زیادی دارند. توجه داشته باشید که مالیات انتقال پول بر اساس اینکه این انتقال برای کسب وکار، تحصیل و یا زندگی باشد متفاوت است. هنگامِ پرداخت، مطمئن شوید که درگاه پرداختی از امنیت بالایی برخوردار باشد. به‌عبارت دیگر اگر پول به هر دلیلی به دست شخص دریافت کننده نرسید، ضمانت عودت وجه به واریز کننده داده شود و در کوتاه‌ترین زمان ممکن به حساب شخص واریز گردد. در ادامه به برخی از پرسش‌هایی که ممکن است به ذهن شما برسد پاسخ می‌هیم.
مدارک موردنیاز برای ارسال پول به استرالیا برای دانشجویان
یکی از سؤالات مهم برای ارسال پول به استرالیا برای دانشجویان این است که چه مدارکی برای انجام این کار موردنیاز است. این مدارک عبارت است از:
مشخصات گیرنده از قبیل: آدرس محل سکونت، آدرس ایمیل
شماره حساب و نام بانک شخص گیرنده
آدرس محل سکونت و مشخصات واریز کننده
کارت ملی
کارمزد انتقال پول به استرالیا
با توجه به روش انتخابی فرد واریز کننده و نوع انتقال، و همچنین در نظر گرفتن تغییرات ارز، کارمزد انتقال متفاوت است. برای مثال، کارمزد ارسال پول به استرالیا برای دانشجویان با کارمزد انتقال پول برای کسب و کار متفاوت است. همچنین نحوه‌ی پرداخت شهریه‌ی دانشگاه، از نکات دیگری است که معمولاً مورد سؤال واقع می‌شود. باید توجه داشته باشید که بعد از پذیرش دانشجو، دانشگاه برای پرداخت شهریه اطلاع رسانی می‌کند و صرافی مورد اعتماد خود را نیز معرفی خواهد کرد. بهتر است به صرافی معتبر در استرالیا که با دانشگاه در ارتباط است مراجعه کنید تا در صورت ریفاند (بازگشت پول) دانشگاه به هر دلیلی، مبلغ به حساب برگردد.
انتقال پول از ایران به استرالیا چقدر طول می‌کشد؟
انجام این کار، بین یک ساعت تا چهار روز کاری با توجه به روشی که انتخاب می‌کنید زمان می‌برد.
سقف انتقال پول از ایران به استرالیا چقدر است؟
اگر در چهارجوب قوانین و مقررات مالی استرالیا عمل کنید هیچ سقفی برای انتقال پول وجود ندارد. با این حال روش‌های مختلف انتقال پول ممکن است محدودیت‌هایی اشته باشد که قبل از انتخاب روش موردنظر، باید در موردِ آنها اطلاع حاصل کنید. تیم فنی ما در صرافی آرسین آماده هستند تا به تمامی سؤالات شما در این زمینه پاسخ دهند.
چه روش‌هایی برای انتقال پول از ایران به استرالیا وجود دارد؟
Paypal (پی پل): یک شرکت آمریکایی به نام paypal در زمینه انتقال وجه الکترونیکی فعالیت دارد که تنها با خرید کارت اعتباری و بدون نیاز به حوالجات بانکی، از طریق صرافی‌ها این امکان را به شما می‌دهد که نقدینگی خود را به هر واحد پولی (یورو، پوند، دلار و ...) تبدیل و به سایر کشورها انتقال دهید. اما متاًسفانه به دلیل تحریم‌های اعمال شده بر ایران، امکان استفاده از paypal در داخل کشور برای ما مقدور نیست.
حواله western union: سریعترین روش انتقال پول ظرف مدت چند دقیقه حواله وسترن یونیون است که البته به دلیل محدودیت‌های مالی ایران در سطح بین الملل، کشور ما فاقد نمایندگی این حواله است.(skrill، visa card or master card نیز از جمله حوالجات تحریم در ایران می‌باشد.)
شرکت torfx: در این شرکت نرخ‌ها قابل نمایش است. شخص می‌تواند به صورت آنلاین یا از طریق تلفن همراه معاملات را انجام دهد.
ارز دیجیتال: امروزه در سرتاسر دنیا انتقال پول از طریق ارز دیجیتال انجام می‌گیرد. در این روش هیچ دولتی نمی‌تواند پول را بلوکه کند و همچنین می‌توان تا سقف نامحدود ارز به کشور‌های دیگر انتقال داد. انتقال به این روش شامل مالیات نمی‌شود.
انتقال ارز از طریق صرافی: افرادی که در خارج از کشور، خود و یا نزدیکانشان دارای حساب معتبر هستند و یا اینکه شرکت‌های بین الملل دارند در داخل کشور می‌توانند صرافی داشته باشند. در شرایط کنونی که کشور ما در تحریم به سر می‌برد صرافی‌ها جایگزین بانک‌ها می‌باشند. بنابراین برای انتقال وجه، پول رایج کشور را تحویل صرافی‌ها داده و ارز خریداری می‌شود و بعد از ارائه مشخصات حساب و آدرس ایمیل شخص دریافت کننده، ارز به حساب شخص در خارج از کشور واریز می‌شود.
نکته: برای ارسال پول به استرالیا حتماً از صرافی‌هایی کمک بگیرید که دارای کد معتبر آسترک باشد.
روش‌های انتقال پول از استرالیا به ایران
اگر شما از افرادی هستید که به روش‌هلی مختلف (زندگی، تحصیل و تجارت) به استرالیا مهاجرت کرده‌اید و قصد ارسال پول به ایران از استرالیا را دارید، بهتر است این مطلب را مطالعه کنید. از آنجایی که انتقال پول به داخل ایران از طریق بانک‌ها به دلیل تحریم وجود ندارد، میتوانید به صرافی‌هایی که در داخل ایران فعالیت دارند مراجعه کنید. در نظر داشته باشید که یک کارمزد به عنوان انتقال وجه و یک کارمزد برای تبدیل ارز از شما دریافت می‌شود. برای حواله وجه به ایران، شخص واریز کننده با داشتن آدرس ایمیل، شماره حساب شخص دریافت کننده، عکس از فیش واریزی و همچنین پاسپورت می‌تواند اقدام به واریز وجه کند. همچنین مبلغی بین 2 تا 5 درصد کل مبلغ انتقالی به عنوان کارمزد دریافت می‌شود.
جمع بندی
 با توجه به شرایط کنونی کشور به دلیل تحریم‌های اعمال شده، ارسال پول به استرالیا برای دانشجویان به دغدغه‌ای برای خانواده‌های دانشجویان تبدیل شده که با وجود صرافی‌های معتبر می‌توان در بهترین زمان ممکن و با پرداخت کمترین کارمزد پول به حساب دانشجویان واریز کرد. لذا باید توجه داشت از صرافی‌هایی اقدام کنید که در صورت برگشت خوردن پول، شما اطمینان حاصل کنید که وجه به حساب شما برمی‌گردد. در این مقاله از وب سایت صرافی آرسین، در مورد نکاتی که در موردِ ارسال پول به حساب دانشجویان در استرالیا نیاز دارید پرداخته شده است. در صورتی‌که در این زمینه سؤال دیگری دارید، کارشناسان ما آماده‌ی پاسخگویی به تمامی سؤالات و ابهامات شما هستند. برای این منظور کافی است با ما تماس بگیرید. 
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mye2journey-blog · 6 years
Banking headaches
It’s been a while since the last post and this time not so much because there was nothing happening. A lot has happened but not a lot of it was good. 
After the due diligence completed, I decided it was time to wire the remaining amount to the escrow agency. I still have nightmares now. I understand that banks have different service levels for different account types and accompanying price tags. And since I never had a lot of money before, all I had was a regular account with restrictions that I was not aware of because I never ran into them when only receiving a salary and paying bills.
Completely unaware of the problems I would be facing, I made both transactions simultaneously: transfer the funds back from my saving account to my checking account and buy a spot contract for 123,000 dollars. Normally for a spot, you have 48 hours to pay up... Normally when I transfer money from my savings account in the morning, it is available in the afternoon..... But nothing was normal here again!
The next day I contacted support of my bank. Or at least I succeeded in contacting support despite all the hurdles they had put up in the last 3 months. Discontinued phone support, no presence on any social network for support request and the in-app chat firewalled by a chat-bot that functions just as lousy as every other around. But after a lot of hoops, I managed to get through. So I ask why my money hadn’t arrived yet. And I get the normal answer. It can take up to two days for a SEPA transfer to arrive. Normal reasoning is impossible, any evidence that it never takes more than a few hours unless I miss the day close falls on deaf ears (or eyes), nothing can be achieved except their scripted answers. Finally, I ask if my money is held for an AML investigation again. I was assured that was not the case.
I’m trying to be nice and wait it out another day. The money still hadn’t arrived. So I jump through all the hoops again to speak to a support person again. He immediately starts threatening me because I was being “rude”. All I did was call the chat-bot dumb but that was apparently very offensive. Maybe he was also the developer besides doing first level support? Or with this bank, I should call it only level support because it’s not possible to ever speak to anyone that actually is aware of what is happening beyond the scripted answers. The rest of the conversation develops the same as the day before. I was being assured that it would arrive soon, I just had to be patient and it was absolutely not held in AML again. And it was probably the sending bank’s fault and I should let them investigate it.
10 Minutes after that last chat I receive the mail from their back-office that they’re investigating a suspect transaction on my account... The exact same money that came through this account to my savings and was now coming back because I needed it! And again they held it for two whole days before doing the inquiry, probably using it to go short somewhere and make money while I’m waiting with a 100k+ liability over my head.
So naturally, I explode. But I do send them all the proof, which of course are just statements from the bank account I have with them. I get no response. I send another mail. No response. I try chat, I get kicked off. I try facebook, no response. I try twitter. Hey! A miracle! I get a response! They ask me for my credentials and promise to look into it. Within the hour I get a notice that they will suspend all service to me and close my account. I ask them when they will release the money they have been holding, no response
Later that day I notice that the money is back in my savings account. By now I had already lost six days since I bought the spot contract and was extremely stressed out. Thankfully, with the currency broker, I do have an account manager that is willing to work with and for their customers and they were understanding and kept my contract open preventing huge losses for me since the Euro had already started (or continued) it’s tumble further down and it would have cost me a couple thousand if they had sold the contract again. 
But, I still had to get the money out of my savings to an account that I could pay from. The first step was to change the reference account on it. Thankfully, I have a second bank account which was intended only for my business finances but I had no other choice. Opening a new account would take way too much time and just not worth it for the short time I have remaining in Germany. So I enter the change, make the mandatory transfer for verification purposes and wait for the change to go into effect.
It doesn’t go into effect. The verification transfer doesn’t arrive. So I call support. It’s a delight, phone support with employees that actually try to help you and escalate when they can’t. There’s daily contact with the bank trying to make progress on the reference account change but it seems completely stuck. After 4 days the verification transfer is bounced back to the originating account. My bank still can’t solve the issue of changing the reference account and even the developers of the software are involved now. It seems that the bounce by my bank triggered a sort of blockage on my account. Finally, they manage to manually change my account on the fifth day and I can do the transfer.
Underscoring the statement by my savings bank that an AML is highly unusual with transfers between accounts on the same name, this transfer arrives immediately on Monday with no questions asked. Two weeks going and finally step one was finished! Now to pay the currency broker. But... there’s a limit on online transfers of 50k/day and no option to get that lifted, even if only for a day. So only a partial payment that day of 50k. A couple of hours later I receive a mail from the bank. If I could please explain that suspect transfer! Like WTF!?! Why would I transfer such an amount from my savings if not to use it to pay a bill!?! But, I’m trying to be nice again and send them the invoice of my spot with the warning that I will do another 50k transfer the next day and the remaining on day 3.
So eventually, after 2.5 weeks, I was finally able to honor my commitments. It was another rollercoaster of stress I can tell you. And then, I’m still waiting for progress with the lease assignment to finally submit the application. There’s an agreement but I need the official contracts and those aren’t being released.
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myphilosophyishere · 7 years
TorFX Australia review
TorFX review What is TorFX Australia?
Established in the UK in 2004, with more than one decade of successful history behind and 100,000 content customers online, TorFX is a well-recognized solution for anyone looking for an international money transfer with good rates and even better reputation. It is a leading service when it comes to foreign exchange and money transferring, with around 240…
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nigelabery · 7 years
TorFX Australia review
TorFX review What is TorFX Australia?
Established in the UK in 2004, with more than one decade of successful history behind and 100,000 content customers online, TorFX is a well-recognized solution for anyone looking for an international money transfer with good rates and even better reputation. It is a leading service when it comes to foreign exchange and money transferring, with around 240…
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oaklaurel · 7 years
TorFX Australia review
TorFX review What is TorFX Australia?
Established in the UK in 2004, with more than one decade of successful history behind and 100,000 content customers online, TorFX is a well-recognized solution for anyone looking for an international money transfer with good rates and even better reputation. It is a leading service when it comes to foreign exchange and money transferring, with around 240…
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samscoop-blog · 5 years
Sites like PayPal for international money transfers
We value our editorial independence, basing our comparison results, content and reviews on objective analysis without bias. But we may receive compensation when you click links on our site. Learn more about how we make money from PayPal Gift Card Generator.
You likely know PalPal’s digital service for online purchases, but you may not know that it supports wireless overseas transfers. Its popularity around the world makes it possible to transfer up to 20 currencies across more than 200 countries. While PayPal is like a digital banking service, its rates are competitive compared with most banks and financial institutions, making it a good choice to avoid headaches.
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1. XE Money Transfer
XE Money Transfer is a service designed to help you transfer your funds to a bank in a foreign currency  it doesn’t allow same-currency transfers like PayPal does.
If you’re working far from home, XE is ideal for getting cash to your family or making investments overseas. Given how easy it is to transfer your money to foreign companies in their currency, it’s especially ideal for business accounts. While PayPal has fees proportionate to the amount transferred, XE offers no fees with a higher maximum transfer cap of $500,000 compared to PayPal’s $10,000 limit per transaction.
2. TransferWise
TransferWise is a money transfer site designed to help you save money on exchanges through a peer-to-peer system. Its unique system allows you to exchange your funds with those of another seeking to convert their money to your currency.
It’s basically trading money with another person, but it doesn’t cross borders. Because of its unique platform, TransferWise doesn’t allow for same-currency transfers like PayPal does. Both companies have a low minimum transfer amount of just $1 and fees dependent on how much money you’re transferring. However, TransferWise has higher transfer limits of $49,999 a day, compared to PayPal’s $10,000 limit per transaction.
3. WorldRemit
WorldRemit provides a variety of transfer options in more than 140 countries worldwide, a smaller reach than PayPal’s 200 countries it offers its transfer services to.
Both companies have low minimum transfer amounts of just $1, relatively low maximum transfer amounts and fees that are higher the more money you transfer. However, WorldRemit allows for cash pickup, home delivery and mobile airtime account transfers, options that PayPal does not have.
4. Travelex
Around since 1976, Travelex is an international money transfer service in 177 countries worldwide almost as many as the 203 countries PayPal offers its services to. Travelex has a higher minimum transfer amount of $500 compared to PayPal’s $1 minimum, but it offers a much easier fee system: Transactions under $5,000 have a flat fee of $5, while transfers over that amount are free.
Meanwhile, PayPal has fees proportionate to the amount transferred — the larger the transfer, the more money it charges. Travelex also offers a price promise that PayPal does not: If you find a better price within 30 minutes, Travelex will beat it.
5. TorFX
Unlike PayPal, which allows you to send money from anywhere in the US, TorFX only allows money transfers from Australia. It’s a stricter money exchange and transfer company than others, and requires that funds be cleared by individuals who hold TorFX accounts meaning the money must be sent in advance before the transaction can be performed.
Both TorFX and PayPal have low minimum transfer amounts of $150 and $1 respectively, but only TorFX offer no-fee transfers with competitive exchange rates with fixed exchange rate — often beating banks by more than 3%.
6. Currencies Direct
Unlike PayPal, which has fees proportionate to the amount of money you’re sending, Currencies Direct has no fees for 90% of its transaction. Both Currencies Direct and PayPal have low minimum transfer amounts of $100 and $1 respectively, offering competitive exchange rates. However, while PayPal has a $10,000 cap per transaction, Currencies Direct offers transfers in unlimited amounts.
7. OFX
Like PayPal, OFX allows you to send transfers to 195 countries and territories. However, that’s where the similarities end. OFX has no transfer fees, while PayPal has fees that are proportionate to the amount you’re sending — the larger the transfer, the higher the fees.
PayPal has a small minimum transfer limit of just $1 and a low maximum transfer cap per transaction of $10,000, while OFX has a high minimum transfer amount of $1,000 per year and no maximum transfer limit, making it ideal for high-dollar transfers.
8. Western Union
Both PayPal and Western Union transfer to over 200 countries and territories around the world, with low minimum transfer amounts of $1 and low maximum transfer caps of $10,000 and $5,000 respectively.
Like PayPal, Western Union has fees dependent on how much you’re sending, where you’re sending money to and the method you choose for your transfer. However, Western Union allows for cash pickup, while PayPal doesn’t offer that option.
9. Ria
In business for more than 30 years, Ria is a global monetary transfer network with more than 316,000 agent locations in 144 countries — a bit less than the 203 countries PayPal offers transfers to.
Ria is the third-largest international money transfer provider in the world, offering cash pickup and home delivery options that PayPal does not allow for. However, both Ria and PayPal have low minimum transfer amounts of $1 and relatively low maximum transaction caps of $2,999.99 and $10,000 respectively, with fees that depend on the amount, location and method of transfer.
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bhandvalkar94 · 3 years
Global International Remittance Market Report Analysis by Application, Opportunities with Key players
In terms of revenue, the Southeast Asia international remittance market was valued at US$ 579.86 Mn in 2020 and is expected to reach US$ 1119.24 Mn by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 7.6% over the forecast period (2021 – 2030). For a strong and effective business outlook, Absolute Markets Insights has added statistical data to its repository titled as International Remittance Market. To give the total clear examination of innovation area investigators of the report utilizes exploratory exploration approaches like subjective and quantitative investigation.
Different top key players such as Bank of America Corporation, BANK OF CHINA (BOC), Citigroup, Inc., DBS, MoneyGram, NIUM Pte. Ltd., OCBC Bank, OFX Singapore Pte. Limited, Paysafe Holdings UK Limited (Skrill), PT Indo Koala Remitance, Standard Chartered Bank, TorFX Singapore, TransferWise Limited, United Overseas Bank Limited, Western Union Holdings, Inc. and WorldRemit Ltd give the comparative analysis of demand supply chain. In addition to this, it highlights the historical developments, recent trends, and predictions about the future growth of the International Remittance market.
For more information about this report visit:https://www.absolutemarketsinsights.com/reports/International-Remittance-Market-2021---2029-809
Based on the end-user, the Southeast Asia international remittance market is bifurcated into individuals and businesses. Individuals accounted for the highest market share in 2020. Increasing use of banking and non-banking institutions by individuals for money transfer and currency exchange in Southeast Asia contributed for the higher share of this sub-segment in the Southeast Asia international remittance market. Furthermore, individuals are also expected to show the highest growth during the forecast years in the Southeast Asia international remittance market, with an expected CAGR of 7.7%.  
Based on providers, the Southeast Asia international remittance market is bifurcated into banking and non-banking institutions. Non-banking institutions accounted for the highest market share in 2020 and are expected to grow at the fastest growth rate of 7.8% over the forecast period (2021 – 2030).
Based on type, the Southeast Asia international remittance market is bifurcated into inbound remittance and outbound remittance. Inbound remittance accounted for the highest market share in 2020 and is expected to grow at the fastest growth rate over the forecast period (2021 – 2030).
Based on mode, the Southeast Asia international remittance market is bifurcated into online and offline. Offline mode accounted for the highest market share in 2020, however, online mode of transfer is expected to grow at the fastest growth rate of 8.3% over the forecast period. (2021 – 2030).  Online mode is further bifurcated into web-based and app-based, wherein web-based segment accounted for the highest market share in 2020.
Global International Remittance Market: Report Scope
By End-User
By Providers
Banking Institutions
Non-banking Institutions
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Company: Absolute Markets Insights Email Id: [email protected] Phone: IN +91-740-024-2424 , US +1-510-420-1213 Contact Name: Shreyas Tanna Website: www.absolutemarketsinsights.com/
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Fintech in International Remittance Market 2021-28 Skyrocketing Revenues| Adyen, Azimo, InstaReM, CurrencyFair, WeSwap, SendFX, TorFX, CurrenciesDirect, WorldFirst, TransferWise, WorldRemit, MoneyGram, PayPal
FinTech has played a major role in simplifying the process of transferring money abroad. The international remittance solutions allow the consumer to send money in a variety of ways such as: Making cross-border fund transfer via their internet enabled smartphone.
Adyen is a FinTech unicorn that provides a single platform to accept payments anywhere in the world through any sales channel. Adyen enables businesses to process payments across online, mobile, and Point-of-Sale (POS) with over 250 payment methods in 187 transaction currencies.
In the United States, MoneyGram is probably one of the most recognizable brands of international money transfers there are.
In 2019, the top five remittance recipient countries were India (83.1 billion), China (68.4 billion), Mexico (38.5 billion), the Philippines (35.2 billion), and the Arab Republic of Egypt (26.8 billion).
Ant Financial, based in Hangzhou city, China, is the biggest fintech company in the world. It owns several financial services heavyweights, including Alipay, the largest online payment platform, and Yu’e Bao, the world’s third-largest money market fund.
PayPal has 205 million users and 16 million merchant accounts globally. It processes over 1.7 billion payments and is used by over 770,000 websites worldwide. PayPal is a global financial empire, probably the biggest in history; it also is one of the world’s first FinTech companies.
Request for a sample report here @ https://www.reportconsultant.com/request_sample.php?id=81781
Top Key Players:
Gravity Payments
Varo Money
Other key players are: Bank of America, Citigroup Inc., JPMorgan Chase & Co., MoneyGram International, Inc., RIA Financial Services Ltd., TransferWise Ltd., UAE Exchange, Wells Fargo, Western Union Holdings Inc., XOOM
It gives an information in regards to Porter’s Five Forces including substitutes, likely contestants, purchasers, industry contenders, and providers with certified data for comprehension the worldwide Fintech in International Remittance business sector. Besides, it offers nitty gritty information of sellers including the profile, determinations of item, deals, applications, yearly execution in the business, speculations, acquisitions and mergers, advertise size, income, piece of the pie, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg.
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Market segmentation
By Type
Inward Remittance
Outward Remittance
By Channel
Money Transfer Operators
By Application
By End User
Besides, it offers full-house information of sellers including the profile, details of item, applications, yearly execution in the business, deals, income, ventures, acquisitions and mergers, advertise size, piece of the pie, and the sky is the limit from there. The report has made the worldwide business sector report with an inclusion of point by point diagram of the worldwide Fintech in International Remittance industry including worldwide creation deals, worldwide income, and CAGR.
The Fintech in International Remittance business sector report conveys an inside and out investigation of market size, nation level market size, locale, division advertise development, piece of the overall industry, deals examination, esteem chain improvement, showcase players, the serious scene, late turns of events, vital market development investigation, exchange guidelines, openings examination, item dispatches, mechanical advancements, and zone commercial center extending. The Fintech in International Remittance business sector reports conveys the information about market rivalry between sellers through local division of business sectors regarding income age potential, business openings, request and flexibly over the anticipated period.
The exploration report has drafted the report with the contributions of value, creation type, obtaining and mergers, Fintech in International Remittance business sector size, piece of the overall industry, deals investigation, esteem chain streamlining, exchange guidelines, mechanical developments, openings examination, and market players. The report presents the modern chain investigation, downstream purchasers, and crude material sources alongside the precise experiences of Fintech in International Remittance business sector elements.
At the end, of the Fintech in International Remittance Market Professional Survey Report 2021 includes:- Methodology, Analyst Introduction and Statistics Supply. At long last, the examination contains Fintech in International Remittance SWOT investigation, venture partialness examination, speculation incorporate innovative work propensity examination.
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exploredestinations · 4 years
The Cheapest Way to Transfer Money World Wide
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The Cheapest Way to Transfer Money World Wide Money transfer is one of the things done daily. Using a bank to send money to your friend, employee or relatives abroad is easy but the problem is it’s expensive. This shouldn’t worry you multiple alternatives can save your money. One of them is the online money transfer, a service that is proudly offered by various money transfer companies. Whether you are sending less than $500 or more than $500, there is an option for you. The best provider usually depends on the country you are sending the money to. It starts with the amount you would like to send. Most services tend to be better depending on the amount you are to send. The best provider for smaller amounts that are less than $7000 is Transfer Wise. If you would wish to send larger amounts that go up to 1M USD, the cheapest and best way to go is either OFX or TorFX. Highlighted below are the best service providers categorized according to the amount of money to be sent. Less than $500 PayPal If you and your recipient both have PayPal accounts, this is the best service for low money transfers. Adding to the PayPal charges, the currency conversion fees on the inter-bank exchange rate are friendly. Fixed fees tend to be quite small making it perfect for people doing small transfers. But to let you, with the PayPal as the amount increases then it tends to be expensive. Read the full article
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cryptswahili · 6 years
BTC Showing Mixed Signals Into 2019
Mixed bullish and bearish signals on the Bitcoin’s chart.
Traders may be awaiting a full trading week after the New Year holiday.
Bullish or Bearish?
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Above: More short term bullish signals.
  There are a number of conflicting signals regarding Bitcoin’s current price action. While there has been significant upside during the last half of December, the last week has been all downside. From the bullish standpoint, there appears to be a clear bullish flag coming off the swing low of 3135 on December 14th to the swing high of 4239 on December 24th. Prices have been trading between the 0.382 and the 0.618 Fibonacci retracement levels of that swing. There also appears to be an inverse head and shoulders pattern that could be forming, but the confirmation of this pattern has yet to be confirmed. Remember: any head and shoulders pattern (regular or inverse) can only be complete after the neckline has been broken. In order for this event to take place, prices would need to break above and hold above the 4239-price level. On the bearish side of things, we could be looking at a mere basing pattern or a consolidating pattern before another move lower.
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Above: Bullish divergences on short and long-term time-frames.
At the time of writing this article, Bitcoin was trading at 3681, which is shy of the December open at 3944.69. If Bitcoin can close above the open for the month, that would be the first green monthly candlestick since July. If it can’t close above the open, it will represent the fifth consecutive month lower. November of 2018 was an ugly one for bulls. In fact, if we were to disregard the beginning of trading in Bitcoin’s history, November of 2018 was the single most violent and ugly bear move in its history. While the percentage move from the high to low of November was not out of the ordinary, the percentage move from the open to the close was the largest down move. The volume was also significant, with November’s volume representing 6th highest volume month, but the highest volume month since April and more than twice the monthly volume of September and three times the volume of October.
While December looks to close as the 5th consecutive month lower, it’s well of the lows of the month and not far from the open, certainly a smaller trading range compared to November. The volume though is the bigger than Novembers and the highest volume over the past 7 months. The monthly RSI is showing some evidence of hidden divergence, both very powerful on the monthly charts. First, there is a monthly divergence between price and the RSI that extends back to January of 2015 to December of 2018. There is also a lengthy divergence between price and the Composite Index that extends back to October of 2014. In the near term, there is a regular bullish divergence on the monthly chart that goes from September of 2018 to December of 2018 – this divergence is even more noticeable on the weekly charts.
Save money on your currency transfers with TorFX, voted International Money Transfer Provider of the Year 2016, 2017 and 2018. Their goal is to connect clients with ultra competitive exchange rates and a uniquely dedicated service whether they choose to trade online or over the telephone. Find out more here.
[Telegram Channel | Original Article ]
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expertmoneyreviews · 5 years
OFX vs TorFX
OFX v Torfx Compared: Which Is The Best? Are you trying to decide whether to use OFX or Torfx for your currency exchange needs? It can be difficult to decide which of these money transfer companies is best unless you take the time to really look at them side by side. If you have been …
OFX vs TorFX Read More »
The post OFX vs TorFX appeared first on Expert Money Reviews.
from Expert Money Reviews https://www.expertmoneyreviews.com/ofx-vs-torfx/
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mccartneynathxzw83 · 6 years
Cryptocurrency Ichimoku Setups
Cryptocurrency Ichimoku Setups
– Predictable and profitable trade entries can be found on the Ichimoku system.
– Much easier and safer system to gauge the appropriateness of opening a new trade.
Please note: all charts being used for this analysis will have three separate charts on them.
This is a form of MTF, or, Multiple Timeframe Analysis. In the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo system, this is a traditional way to utilize the entire system.
For the purposes of this analysis, the Daily Chart, 4-hour Chart, and 1-Hour Chart are used.
The Daily Chart is on the top left, the 4-hour Chart on the top right and the 1-hour chart on the bottom.
Monero (XMRBTC)
Above: Monero breakout imminent.
It’s been a while since I’ve written anything about Monero – it’s had a bit of a difficult time ever since Zcash (ZECUSD) was listed on Coinbase (both Zcash and Monero are privacy coins).
Recently, though, it’s been showing some clear signs of life.
On the Hourly Chart (bottom), price is about to break above the Kumo Cloud – but we’ll have to see if the Chikou Span (black moving average) will be able to breach the bottom of the Cloud above it.
The 4-hour chart (top-right) is impressive. Clear support being found against the bottom of the Cloud and the top of the Cloud.
And currently price is finding support against the Kijun Sen.
If price can just nudge a little higher toward 0.0134, we could experience a big drive higher with the Chikou Span being unhindered by any close resistance.
And finally, on the daily chart (top left), we see price sitting outside of the cloud with the Chikou Span inside the Cloud.
And there’s a considerable amount of distance between where the Chikou Span is at to the top of the Cloud.
An easy target area would be the 0.014 value area.
Zilliqa (ZILBTC)
Above: Priors highs need to broken.
Zillqa’s daily Ichimoku chart is ugly. I mean, that is a pretty red and dead looking chart.
From the most recent swing high of 0.00000670 on January 27th, 2019 Zilliqa has dropped -31.49% to 0.00000459. But there is some hope here.
The Chikou Span is currently just above the top of the Cloud and will more than likely find some support against the Cloud.
The 4-hour chart gives little in the form of and near term bullish support, but the 1-hour chart does.
On the 1-hour chart, we see very clear signs of congestion and consolidation. It won’t take much to have a legitimate breakout from this trading range.
An entry above the most recent highs (0.00000475) would give the necessary conditions to take a long position.
However, some traders would probably wait until an even higher price level is reached to at least the 0.00000477, which would bring price both above the highs on the 1-hour chart and it would bring price inside the Cloud on the 4-hour chart.
Stellar Lumens (XLMBTC)
Above: Largest volume day in 5 months.
There are very few cryptocurrencies in the world that have an actual product or service that is not only working and viable, but has a use case and has customers.
Fewer still are working with corporations like IBM – but Stellar Lumens is. And so it might be surprising to see its chart.
Hands down, out of all the cryptocurrencies I trade and hodl, XLM’s chart is the sorriest out of the bunch. I mean, the selling has been just consistent and strong.
I used to trade small-cap biotechs, so this kind of price action and manipulation is nothing new to me.
Quick word about manipulation: very, very few things are manipulated.
Most of the time the word manipulation is used by traders as an excuse to blame something or someone else for their losses.
Real manipulation that occurs by well capitalized groups or individuals is something you want.
Because they are purposely trying to direct price to a lower and lower low in order to accumulate at a significant discount – all the while shaking out what we call ‘weak hands’.
I call them ‘weak minds’. Anyway.
This drive down in Stellar Lumens has been strong and harsh – but the hourly and 4-hour charts show some changes are brewing.
The hourly chart shows some bullish breakouts and bullish trading conditions.
XLM has spent the most time above the hourly Cloud since November 18th, 2019.
On the 4-hour Chart, The Chikou Span has moved above the Tenkan Sen for the first time since January 11th, 2019.
And price is current sitting inside the 4-hour Cloud with some minor support being found against the bottom of that Cloud.
The daily chart shows something very different.
Price is quite a distance removed from the Kijun Sen, indicating a mean reversion trade setup.
But the most important piece of technical data on XLMs charts is the volume on the daily chart: it’s huge.
It’s the single largest volume day since September 23rd, 2018.
We’re also within Gann’s 90-day cycle, which means violent and powerful trend reversals are coming for XLM.
Basically, I am stupidly bullish on XLM in both the short term and the long term.
Save money on your currency transfers with TorFX, voted International Money Transfer Provider of the Year 2016, 2017 and 2018. Their goal is to connect clients with ultra competitive exchange rates and a uniquely dedicated service whether they choose to trade online or over the telephone. Find out more here.
Source link http://bit.ly/2TUm8wG
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Cryptocurrency Ichimoku Setups
Cryptocurrency Ichimoku Setups
– Predictable and profitable trade entries can be found on the Ichimoku system.
– Much easier and safer system to gauge the appropriateness of opening a new trade.
Please note: all charts being used for this analysis will have three separate charts on them.
This is a form of MTF, or, Multiple Timeframe Analysis. In the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo system, this is a traditional way to utilize the entire system.
For the purposes of this analysis, the Daily Chart, 4-hour Chart, and 1-Hour Chart are used.
The Daily Chart is on the top left, the 4-hour Chart on the top right and the 1-hour chart on the bottom.
Monero (XMRBTC)
Above: Monero breakout imminent.
It’s been a while since I’ve written anything about Monero – it’s had a bit of a difficult time ever since Zcash (ZECUSD) was listed on Coinbase (both Zcash and Monero are privacy coins).
Recently, though, it’s been showing some clear signs of life.
On the Hourly Chart (bottom), price is about to break above the Kumo Cloud – but we’ll have to see if the Chikou Span (black moving average) will be able to breach the bottom of the Cloud above it.
The 4-hour chart (top-right) is impressive. Clear support being found against the bottom of the Cloud and the top of the Cloud.
And currently price is finding support against the Kijun Sen.
If price can just nudge a little higher toward 0.0134, we could experience a big drive higher with the Chikou Span being unhindered by any close resistance.
And finally, on the daily chart (top left), we see price sitting outside of the cloud with the Chikou Span inside the Cloud.
And there’s a considerable amount of distance between where the Chikou Span is at to the top of the Cloud.
An easy target area would be the 0.014 value area.
Zilliqa (ZILBTC)
Above: Priors highs need to broken.
Zillqa’s daily Ichimoku chart is ugly. I mean, that is a pretty red and dead looking chart.
From the most recent swing high of 0.00000670 on January 27th, 2019 Zilliqa has dropped -31.49% to 0.00000459. But there is some hope here.
The Chikou Span is currently just above the top of the Cloud and will more than likely find some support against the Cloud.
The 4-hour chart gives little in the form of and near term bullish support, but the 1-hour chart does.
On the 1-hour chart, we see very clear signs of congestion and consolidation. It won’t take much to have a legitimate breakout from this trading range.
An entry above the most recent highs (0.00000475) would give the necessary conditions to take a long position.
However, some traders would probably wait until an even higher price level is reached to at least the 0.00000477, which would bring price both above the highs on the 1-hour chart and it would bring price inside the Cloud on the 4-hour chart.
Stellar Lumens (XLMBTC)
Above: Largest volume day in 5 months.
There are very few cryptocurrencies in the world that have an actual product or service that is not only working and viable, but has a use case and has customers.
Fewer still are working with corporations like IBM – but Stellar Lumens is. And so it might be surprising to see its chart.
Hands down, out of all the cryptocurrencies I trade and hodl, XLM’s chart is the sorriest out of the bunch. I mean, the selling has been just consistent and strong.
I used to trade small-cap biotechs, so this kind of price action and manipulation is nothing new to me.
Quick word about manipulation: very, very few things are manipulated.
Most of the time the word manipulation is used by traders as an excuse to blame something or someone else for their losses.
Real manipulation that occurs by well capitalized groups or individuals is something you want.
Because they are purposely trying to direct price to a lower and lower low in order to accumulate at a significant discount – all the while shaking out what we call ‘weak hands’.
I call them ‘weak minds’. Anyway.
This drive down in Stellar Lumens has been strong and harsh – but the hourly and 4-hour charts show some changes are brewing.
The hourly chart shows some bullish breakouts and bullish trading conditions.
XLM has spent the most time above the hourly Cloud since November 18th, 2019.
On the 4-hour Chart, The Chikou Span has moved above the Tenkan Sen for the first time since January 11th, 2019.
And price is current sitting inside the 4-hour Cloud with some minor support being found against the bottom of that Cloud.
The daily chart shows something very different.
Price is quite a distance removed from the Kijun Sen, indicating a mean reversion trade setup.
But the most important piece of technical data on XLMs charts is the volume on the daily chart: it’s huge.
It’s the single largest volume day since September 23rd, 2018.
We’re also within Gann’s 90-day cycle, which means violent and powerful trend reversals are coming for XLM.
Basically, I am stupidly bullish on XLM in both the short term and the long term.
Save money on your currency transfers with TorFX, voted International Money Transfer Provider of the Year 2016, 2017 and 2018. Their goal is to connect clients with ultra competitive exchange rates and a uniquely dedicated service whether they choose to trade online or over the telephone. Find out more here.
Source link http://bit.ly/2TUm8wG
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courtneyvbrooks87 · 6 years
Cryptocurrency Ichimoku Setups
Cryptocurrency Ichimoku Setups
– Predictable and profitable trade entries can be found on the Ichimoku system.
– Much easier and safer system to gauge the appropriateness of opening a new trade.
Please note: all charts being used for this analysis will have three separate charts on them.
This is a form of MTF, or, Multiple Timeframe Analysis. In the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo system, this is a traditional way to utilize the entire system.
For the purposes of this analysis, the Daily Chart, 4-hour Chart, and 1-Hour Chart are used.
The Daily Chart is on the top left, the 4-hour Chart on the top right and the 1-hour chart on the bottom.
Monero (XMRBTC)
Above: Monero breakout imminent.
It’s been a while since I’ve written anything about Monero – it’s had a bit of a difficult time ever since Zcash (ZECUSD) was listed on Coinbase (both Zcash and Monero are privacy coins).
Recently, though, it’s been showing some clear signs of life.
On the Hourly Chart (bottom), price is about to break above the Kumo Cloud – but we’ll have to see if the Chikou Span (black moving average) will be able to breach the bottom of the Cloud above it.
The 4-hour chart (top-right) is impressive. Clear support being found against the bottom of the Cloud and the top of the Cloud.
And currently price is finding support against the Kijun Sen.
If price can just nudge a little higher toward 0.0134, we could experience a big drive higher with the Chikou Span being unhindered by any close resistance.
And finally, on the daily chart (top left), we see price sitting outside of the cloud with the Chikou Span inside the Cloud.
And there’s a considerable amount of distance between where the Chikou Span is at to the top of the Cloud.
An easy target area would be the 0.014 value area.
Zilliqa (ZILBTC)
Above: Priors highs need to broken.
Zillqa’s daily Ichimoku chart is ugly. I mean, that is a pretty red and dead looking chart.
From the most recent swing high of 0.00000670 on January 27th, 2019 Zilliqa has dropped -31.49% to 0.00000459. But there is some hope here.
The Chikou Span is currently just above the top of the Cloud and will more than likely find some support against the Cloud.
The 4-hour chart gives little in the form of and near term bullish support, but the 1-hour chart does.
On the 1-hour chart, we see very clear signs of congestion and consolidation. It won’t take much to have a legitimate breakout from this trading range.
An entry above the most recent highs (0.00000475) would give the necessary conditions to take a long position.
However, some traders would probably wait until an even higher price level is reached to at least the 0.00000477, which would bring price both above the highs on the 1-hour chart and it would bring price inside the Cloud on the 4-hour chart.
Stellar Lumens (XLMBTC)
Above: Largest volume day in 5 months.
There are very few cryptocurrencies in the world that have an actual product or service that is not only working and viable, but has a use case and has customers.
Fewer still are working with corporations like IBM – but Stellar Lumens is. And so it might be surprising to see its chart.
Hands down, out of all the cryptocurrencies I trade and hodl, XLM’s chart is the sorriest out of the bunch. I mean, the selling has been just consistent and strong.
I used to trade small-cap biotechs, so this kind of price action and manipulation is nothing new to me.
Quick word about manipulation: very, very few things are manipulated.
Most of the time the word manipulation is used by traders as an excuse to blame something or someone else for their losses.
Real manipulation that occurs by well capitalized groups or individuals is something you want.
Because they are purposely trying to direct price to a lower and lower low in order to accumulate at a significant discount – all the while shaking out what we call ‘weak hands’.
I call them ‘weak minds’. Anyway.
This drive down in Stellar Lumens has been strong and harsh – but the hourly and 4-hour charts show some changes are brewing.
The hourly chart shows some bullish breakouts and bullish trading conditions.
XLM has spent the most time above the hourly Cloud since November 18th, 2019.
On the 4-hour Chart, The Chikou Span has moved above the Tenkan Sen for the first time since January 11th, 2019.
And price is current sitting inside the 4-hour Cloud with some minor support being found against the bottom of that Cloud.
The daily chart shows something very different.
Price is quite a distance removed from the Kijun Sen, indicating a mean reversion trade setup.
But the most important piece of technical data on XLMs charts is the volume on the daily chart: it’s huge.
It’s the single largest volume day since September 23rd, 2018.
We’re also within Gann’s 90-day cycle, which means violent and powerful trend reversals are coming for XLM.
Basically, I am stupidly bullish on XLM in both the short term and the long term.
Save money on your currency transfers with TorFX, voted International Money Transfer Provider of the Year 2016, 2017 and 2018. Their goal is to connect clients with ultra competitive exchange rates and a uniquely dedicated service whether they choose to trade online or over the telephone. Find out more here.
Source link http://bit.ly/2TUm8wG
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teiraymondmccoy78 · 6 years
Cryptocurrency Ichimoku Setups
Cryptocurrency Ichimoku Setups
– Predictable and profitable trade entries can be found on the Ichimoku system.
– Much easier and safer system to gauge the appropriateness of opening a new trade.
Please note: all charts being used for this analysis will have three separate charts on them.
This is a form of MTF, or, Multiple Timeframe Analysis. In the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo system, this is a traditional way to utilize the entire system.
For the purposes of this analysis, the Daily Chart, 4-hour Chart, and 1-Hour Chart are used.
The Daily Chart is on the top left, the 4-hour Chart on the top right and the 1-hour chart on the bottom.
Monero (XMRBTC)
Above: Monero breakout imminent.
It’s been a while since I’ve written anything about Monero – it’s had a bit of a difficult time ever since Zcash (ZECUSD) was listed on Coinbase (both Zcash and Monero are privacy coins).
Recently, though, it’s been showing some clear signs of life.
On the Hourly Chart (bottom), price is about to break above the Kumo Cloud – but we’ll have to see if the Chikou Span (black moving average) will be able to breach the bottom of the Cloud above it.
The 4-hour chart (top-right) is impressive. Clear support being found against the bottom of the Cloud and the top of the Cloud.
And currently price is finding support against the Kijun Sen.
If price can just nudge a little higher toward 0.0134, we could experience a big drive higher with the Chikou Span being unhindered by any close resistance.
And finally, on the daily chart (top left), we see price sitting outside of the cloud with the Chikou Span inside the Cloud.
And there’s a considerable amount of distance between where the Chikou Span is at to the top of the Cloud.
An easy target area would be the 0.014 value area.
Zilliqa (ZILBTC)
Above: Priors highs need to broken.
Zillqa’s daily Ichimoku chart is ugly. I mean, that is a pretty red and dead looking chart.
From the most recent swing high of 0.00000670 on January 27th, 2019 Zilliqa has dropped -31.49% to 0.00000459. But there is some hope here.
The Chikou Span is currently just above the top of the Cloud and will more than likely find some support against the Cloud.
The 4-hour chart gives little in the form of and near term bullish support, but the 1-hour chart does.
On the 1-hour chart, we see very clear signs of congestion and consolidation. It won’t take much to have a legitimate breakout from this trading range.
An entry above the most recent highs (0.00000475) would give the necessary conditions to take a long position.
However, some traders would probably wait until an even higher price level is reached to at least the 0.00000477, which would bring price both above the highs on the 1-hour chart and it would bring price inside the Cloud on the 4-hour chart.
Stellar Lumens (XLMBTC)
Above: Largest volume day in 5 months.
There are very few cryptocurrencies in the world that have an actual product or service that is not only working and viable, but has a use case and has customers.
Fewer still are working with corporations like IBM – but Stellar Lumens is. And so it might be surprising to see its chart.
Hands down, out of all the cryptocurrencies I trade and hodl, XLM’s chart is the sorriest out of the bunch. I mean, the selling has been just consistent and strong.
I used to trade small-cap biotechs, so this kind of price action and manipulation is nothing new to me.
Quick word about manipulation: very, very few things are manipulated.
Most of the time the word manipulation is used by traders as an excuse to blame something or someone else for their losses.
Real manipulation that occurs by well capitalized groups or individuals is something you want.
Because they are purposely trying to direct price to a lower and lower low in order to accumulate at a significant discount – all the while shaking out what we call ‘weak hands’.
I call them ‘weak minds’. Anyway.
This drive down in Stellar Lumens has been strong and harsh – but the hourly and 4-hour charts show some changes are brewing.
The hourly chart shows some bullish breakouts and bullish trading conditions.
XLM has spent the most time above the hourly Cloud since November 18th, 2019.
On the 4-hour Chart, The Chikou Span has moved above the Tenkan Sen for the first time since January 11th, 2019.
And price is current sitting inside the 4-hour Cloud with some minor support being found against the bottom of that Cloud.
The daily chart shows something very different.
Price is quite a distance removed from the Kijun Sen, indicating a mean reversion trade setup.
But the most important piece of technical data on XLMs charts is the volume on the daily chart: it’s huge.
It’s the single largest volume day since September 23rd, 2018.
We’re also within Gann’s 90-day cycle, which means violent and powerful trend reversals are coming for XLM.
Basically, I am stupidly bullish on XLM in both the short term and the long term.
Save money on your currency transfers with TorFX, voted International Money Transfer Provider of the Year 2016, 2017 and 2018. Their goal is to connect clients with ultra competitive exchange rates and a uniquely dedicated service whether they choose to trade online or over the telephone. Find out more here.
Source link http://bit.ly/2TUm8wG
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