#toshiie to matsu
ayumunoya · 5 months
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Toshiie just gave him the biggest compliment 😅
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natstarbuck · 1 month
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hanakxtoba · 3 months
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{You know I want to silently headcanon that the only reason why he doesn't call Toshiie 'uncle' or Matsu 'aunty' is only because when he did that when he was younger he got beat up by them both by saying that they both not that old and wants him to call them by name only-especially with Matsu wanting to be called his sister instead but still treat him as his aunt and uncle there since he is adopted and such.}
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himedachi · 3 months
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I think I talked about it before with Shi, but there is actually a good reason why Basaraverse Megohime holds off childbearing for a while in her early 20s (she's around 18-20 at the start of the series… basically just put her a few months to a year below Masamune) If you look at onscreen couples in SB, none of them are depicted having a child, even couples who have been married for longer like Matsu and Toshiie (I assume Oichi and Nagamasa haven't been married for that long?) has no children shown on screen. With how chaotic their universe works, it's safe to assume that having a child would be one of the last priorities a ruler could have before they finally settle for real. Marriage to secure alliance and potential future heirs is one thing, but childbearing is another thing that requires a good amount of commitment. When Masamune is out on a campaign, she often stays behind in Oshu as the temporary castellan of Aoba Castle, so rearing a child would surely take most of her attention away from what she's currently doing (yes, the domestic job as a castellan is not as easy as it looks) and it would be even riskier when the territory is suddenly under attack. Of course, with how often the army march out from Oshu, the child would also not see his/her father often and Megohime doesn't want the child to cultivate a fatherless behavior (hdjdkslsl idk how to word it) since young. Well... in the end, whenever they want to have a child is up to him as the clan leader, and Megohime would have to be ready for it in any moment. I can totally imagine her saying that very last line while blushing and looking away, LOL.
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koorinokujira · 8 months
✧ Fic and Imagines Request Rules ✧
So, I thought I would make a small rule list, since I really want to do requests as well, apart from the stuff I think of, and want it to go smoothly for all of us! I'll do it in the form of a small Q&A so it's easy to read! I may make small changes to this list. ☆ ~('▽^人)
✧ Will you write about all Sengoku Basara characters, or only some? ✧
Currently, I'll write only about characters I like, know more about and am comfortable with. I'm still fairly new to the fandom, so more will probably be added to the list!
The characters I will write about for now:
✎ Date Masamune
✎ Katakura Kojūrō
✎ The Maedas (Matsu, Toshiie, Keiji)
✎ Saika Magoichi
✎ Uesugi Kenshin
✎ Kasuga
✎ Sanada Yukimura
✎ Sarutobi Sasuke
✎ Fūma Kotarō
✎ Azai Nagamasa
✎ Mōri Motonari
✎ Chōsokabe Motochika
✎ Oichi
✎ Ishida Mitsunari (?)
✎ Takeda Shingen
Of course, when it comes to crack fics and the like, I will most likely involve other characters as well, and they will often be mentioned even in the regular ones. They just won't be the main heroes of the stories or the focus of my imagines.
✧ Can I request a fic with an OC of mine? ✧
Of course! As long as you provide me all the information about them, I'm up for it! I love to see the little fictional people others make, and it would be my honor to write about them too (ships included of course). The more information you give me, the better, and I'll do my best to portray them accurately! As I write, I may ask some additional questions and discuss some ideas (without spoiling too much), to make it the best I can. ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
✧ How detailed should the request be? ✧
However much you want. For imagines, it will of course be simple, as they're just small thoughts or scenes of the characters in certain scenarios. For fics, it can also be super simple, just give me an idea and I'll do my best to match your expectations. But if you have something more detailed in mind, go ahead and tell me! Have a song in mind that you think would fit for a certain character or scene? Send me that too, music gives me inspiration like nothing else! AUs? Absolutely! As long as there is something for me to work with, it's good! ( ´ ▽ ` )
If you wish to request something, send an ask or a message. You can even do it through a reblog, if that's even a thing? I will ocassionally post about opening requests, so you can do that on there I suppose.
✧ Will you do NSFW, Gore, etc? ✧
NSFW - As is stated in my blog introduction, I don't really do NSFW. I can imply it, or kind of skip over it in another way if needed, but I will never straight up write about sex.
Gore - I mean, Sengoku Basara is about a huge war, so some gore is expected. I don't mind it, but don't expect me to be too detailed either (because of pacing, mostly). I'll describe the violence as needed, but my main focus is how the characters feel, think and act. So in short, there will be gore, but the detail of it will vary depending on how much it actually matters to the scene, and you don't have to worry about anything too mentally scarring I think.
As for other things, it depends, I'll speak out if I'm not comfortable with something apart from the obvious things. I will put trigger warnings where they're needed, but forgive me if I omit something on accident.
✧ Do you do fics on other things than Sengoku Basara? ✧
Currently? No.
But, in the future I will! Once that happens, this section will be updated. You can probably expect some Ghost of Tsushima or Final Fantasy stuff when that happens.
That should be all for now!
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Thanks for reading all this, and have a great day!
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jaakunxkaze · 3 months
Is this what we were destined to be?{Sengoku Basara}
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Maeda Keiji, raised in the Maeda clan by Lord Toshiie and his wife Matsu has lived a carefree and easy going life travelling from place to place which earned him the title "The Vagabond of Maeda". In the past he was close friends with Hideyoshi Toyotomi until a certain incident between the two that made their relationship strained and to this day is haunted by it. Due to his lifestyle and personality of talking about love and such some might say that he's purely and idealist and not a realist but that does not mean he is weak when it comes to his fights.
Please live the life I never had{Fate}
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Summoned as a Saber class, Keiji still retains his usual personality and lifestyle but has comes to terms that for that he can't be that carefree as he was before as he now bound by a contract. His stance as servant and his master is something more akin to friends than a master and servant due to how friendly he is with everyone in the past but with that being said he is willing to put his life on the line for his master just so they can live in a more peaceful world that he can never have back then.
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hirearanseian · 1 year
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Maeda Matsu, she/her Has worked as a serving girl for the Oda clan for most her life and was a playmate of Oichi's when the two were young. Her loyalty rests with the main branch of the Oda family. This, of course, pales when compared to her utter devotion to her husband Maeda Toshiie. Unable link with Pokémon, and is a poor choice for handling them.
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Chiyo, she/her Born to one of Ignis’ many mining families. After Hiroko took over she left the kingdom and made her way north. She came to Dragnor and began working for an iron mine. Remained in Dragnor after the unification wars due to the safer working conditions and higher wages. links: daramantiana (pl), slugma (not linked with any)
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Takeyoshi, he/him Originally from Fontaine, now a sky pirate. links: kawatarō (gyarados, pl), kōrogi (carnivine)
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odatodeath · 4 years
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i like him
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f3lldrag0n · 2 years
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sengokujidai · 3 years
starter - @tragedestined​
Her pet eagle was squawking hurriedly as it went to Matsu’s arm. It means there is someone around her territory or Toshiie in general. Speaking of him, he was merely gone elsewhere leaving his wife to guard the whole place. Not even Keiji, prior to her mental disappointment.
She approaches to him unarmed for a meanwhile since one of her pets could be carrying her naginata.
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“What brings you here in my home, Oda?” She only hoped he’s here to talk about something but if it’s a battle that might happen, then she will face him bare-handed.
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ayumunoya · 5 months
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This exchange between Nobu and Toshiie ahahahj
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natstarbuck · 4 years
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Nobunaga at the Bon Festival (Toshiie and Matsu, 2002)
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hanakxtoba · 3 months
himedachi asked: Rose yellow from Renge 🫶
❀ Floral Expressions ❀
Rose Yellow– Joy, Friendship
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❥─ ━ ᏟμᏢⅰժ αᚱᚱοѡ Seeing a yellow rose in front of him, he couldn't help but to chuckle. He was glad he had a travelling companion other than Yumekichi there so he gently took the rose from the others hand there. ❝Of course, I wouldn't want it any other way. Maybe we can stop by my place for a bit, I'm sure both Toshiie and Matsu-nee chan would enjoy your company. Isn't that right Yumekichi?❞
There were two 'eek eek!" coming from the monkey on his shoulder who happily clapped his hands at the thought of it. Pay no mind that said monkey is going to bounce from his shoulder to hers from time to time though!
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nekkyousagi · 6 years
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Gakuen Basara | Episode 5
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makotodegozaru · 6 years
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More characters!
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basarafanworks · 6 years
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田間 by 疾速k
Written permission personally granted by the Artist. Don’t repost without permission or remove credits. ◆ Please, rate this artwork on the Artist’s Gallery~
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