#toshiya 00s
slapthebass · 30 days
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kr-cube · 2 years
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toshiya - Blitz 5 Days
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kyou-no-kyo · 6 months
Inconvenient Ideal - Dir en Grey
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kyotakumrau · 11 months
2023.11.06 DIR EN GREY at CLUB CITTA
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The beginning of the ending as Kaoru said.
The doors opened at 18:00, the start of the show was scheduled for 19:00.
The final sound check started 18:58 so it was certain the show won't start on time xD they were 14 mins late xD
The animated intro A book titled Phalaris opens and for a brief moment we see the text on the first page. Phalaris was always renowned as extremely cruel. (googling the sentence took me to Wikipedia, they actually simply copied the Wikipedia entry about Phalaris xD) In the intro Phalaris is portrayed as a parasite, changing it's forms one by one, from a larvae to an insect to a monster to a dragon to a brass bull, changing its hosts into something evil until they infect the next victims. The parasite growing inside their bodies into something grotesque and transforming them. A set of dice next to the book. Priests and prayers mixed with torture and dying girls, women. Is Phalaris a sickness of cruelty and hatred causing people lose their humanity? The members walked on the stage as the intro footage was shown on the front screen. They played Otogi as the images continued on the screen. The screen went down as Otogi ended.
Die had his fabulous hair and a black jacket with red stains. Shinya wore white shirt with silver decorations. Toshiya had a sparkly jacket with one sleeve only, shorts and long leather boots. Kaoru's hair was silver? grey? He had some kind od painting on his face but from my place I couldn't see properly what was it, like lines over his cheeks and forehead? (apparently he cosplayed Father Pucchi from Jojo😆) Kyo came wearing a black Adidas tracksuit, he removed the jacket a bit later on, staying in a white cotton tank top. He's growing a mustache or a goatee I think? His hair was parted and sleeked back a bit, not so much hair product to make it flat.
The set list was so interesting. The energy went up with the few following songs, then Oboro shifted the mood and finished with the Inward Scream. The sound/musical part of the inward scream was new. Kyo ended it with '壊れて・broken' cried softly. And after a brief pause they continued the set with The World of Mercy. The first line of 誰が知る?本当の私 本当の心 Kyo changed 'kokoro' to '意思・ishi' (intentions).
During Rinkaku's 'Minerva' we got to shout for him as he turned with his arms stretched to the sides.
The following flow with 13, keigaku, different sense and Eddie was so good! Kyo moved around his box to get fans to let go even more and give him more😁
The main set ended with Kyo leaving quickly. Fans were clapping and shouting encore. Btw we had to wear masks for this show but singing and shouting was allowed (so hot with a mask on😂)
Encore started with Increase Blue, very nice as Kyo got us singing and dancing. But when I heard the first notes of NATIONAL MEDIA BOYS I almost cried. I hoped they will do something as a tribute and they did😢❤️ Interestingly a lot of people didn't recognize the song and thought it was a new dir's song😂
TDFF and Rubbish Heap were pure 🔥 Toshiya climbed to the back of the stage so he stood at the bottom of the back screen, showing off his looooong leather boots and shorts.
Finishing with Kamui changed the mood drastically though. The footage matching the style of the intro started on the back screen. Some images of the war they used before but the main theme was different. A girl standing inside the sinking boat, the sea being so angry. Small group of people walking through a desert. A praying jew. A bible. A cross. A closeup of the chest of Christ, a trail of blood and next to it a trail of tears. So much death.
The footage ended with the tour title on the black background.
Kyo left very quickly after the song ended (usual for him, especially at the start of the tour). But Shinya did as well? Did I miss him throwing stuff or he really didn't? Die and Toshiya walked around the stage throwing picks, all smiley. Kaoru stayed the longest having fun spraying fans with water, then throwing those bottles into the crowd. I bet he was in the celebrating mood with Hanshin Tigers winning Japan Series. Before Kaoru left he pointed at the screen in the back to show there will be some announcements, waved and left :)
First we got 19990120 and then the special January tour info. We tried briefly for the second encore but the staff insistingly kept announcing that the performance is over so we clapped one last time and it was over.
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mementoboni · 1 year
[topics & time marks] DIR EN GREY WOWOW Interview & Document (2020)
The whole video is one hour long and divided into 8 topics.
The translation is divided into 4 parts.
Excerpts from this interview → #excerpt: diru wowow 2020
🧩 English Translation:
🔗 part 1. → topic 1~2 🔗 part 2. → topic 3~4 🔗 part 3. → topic 5 🔗 part 4. → topic 6~8 ( It's all done! )
🧩 中文翻譯 (My Blogger)
🔗 (上) part 1. → topic 1~4 🔗 (中) part 2. → topic 5 🔗 (下) part 3. → topic 6~8
🧩 Topic:
01. Band Formation ~ Debut (01:18)
► The Formation of DIR EN GREY (01:53) ► Origin of the Band Name (02:53) ► Looking Back at the time of Debut (04:04)
02. Expression (05:10)
► Awareness in the Creative Process (05:43) ► Things want to Convey through Music (08:32) ► The Motivation for Expression (10:45)
03. Performance (13:23)
► About Stage Performance (13:43) ► The Unforgettable Stage (16:28) ► Moment of State Switching (19:11) ► Stand on the Stage (22:13)
04. Music Clip (25:10)
► The process of producing Music Clip (25:32) ► Differences between "Video" and "Music" Expressions (28:02) ► Things want to Convey through Video (29:59)
05. Member Feature (31:25)
[ Kaoru ] (31:32) [ Shinya ] (34:12) [ Die ] (36:59) [ Toshiya ] (39:23) [ Kyo ] (41:39)
06. Overseas (43:40)
► Opportunity to Go Overseas (44:30) ► About Overseas Fans (46:46) ► Life on the Overseas Tour (48:11) ► Future Approach to Overseas (50:03)
07. Transition (52:50)
► The way to convey music in the future (52:53)
08. What does DIR EN GREY mean to you? (57:00)
[Kaoru] (57:05) [Toshiya] (58:06) [Shinya] (58:24) [Die] (58:33) [Kyo] (58:42)
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xoadoratio · 5 months
The Devil in Me - Dir en Grey (1:00 AM Review)
TDIM: this song has really pretty vocal melodies and the bassline is killer. Someone on reddit said Kyo sounded like he was guzzling rocks with his new vocal style, which is true for the first verse or so. That being said, I’m not afraid of weird vocals, and found them to be both grimy and charming. The guitar riff is still stuck in my head as I’m typing this! Shinya’s drumming sounded flat, particularly with the toms.
Added to Playlist: Yes
Verdict: ditch the AI and we have a deal
Cage: The instrumental sounded tinny as hell in the beginning, and the guitar tended to drown everything out. Hell, they even gave the slide in the intro to one of the guitarists rather than Toshiya! The lead bass was such a special part of the song, and I can’t help but feel that this seems like Kaoru and Die wanted more attention, lol. However, the song has a groove still. It reminds me of a live performance in its mixing. The bridge is cool as well. The song definitely grew on me as I accepted the fact that it wasn’t gonna be the Toshiya show forever. I must say, Shinya’s drumming is making the song slightly more worth it though…
Added to Playlist: No, but I’ll give it another chance
Verdict: Who is this for?
Yokan: Ah, now this is the Toshiya show! Or maybe I never paid enough attention. The bassline is awesome regardless. I’m not a fan of Yokan though, and I thought they weren’t either. So it’s strange to me that remake that sounds virtually identical to the original.
Added to Playlist: initially was a no, because it’s Yokan. But the bassline convinced me.
Verdict: Toshiya (enough said)
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Toshiya IG stories On sale today at 21:00!!
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yridenergyridenergy · 2 years
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Video comment from Die and Toshiya ahead of the New Year Rock Festival, filmed before one of their tour22 From Depression To____ 25th anniversary shows.
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slapthebass · 2 months
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↳ Toshiya definitely vibing with the music
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unrealityshift · 9 months
I forgot about Die's Nazi uniform! Didn't they also do overtly sexual borderline queer stuff in the early 2000's too? I vividly remember a picture of toshiya laying fully on Kaoru? I think it was and they're holding each other (teenage queer questioing me loved that picture), and there is that picture of Kaoru licking a papaya? Or some big fruit, implying he eats pussy and then kyo used to put his hands down his pants and simulate masterbaiting on stage.
As a teenager it really appealed to me, I loved that shock stuff, I was a total edge lord 😂 but as an adult looking back at how conservative Japan is even now, them doing that in the 90s and 00s was insane. I didn't appreciate the context of it as a teen in a very left leaning country like Canada.
Still I was glad to hear their controversies were being shocking or edgy and not sexual predators or terfs
i think we as a fandom like to try and collectively forget it bc it certainly was A Choice and not a good edgelord one to make lol. and oh hell yeah they did. part of it was fanservice typical of vk-leaning bands (toshiya licking kyo onstage, toshiya and shinya kissing in behind the scenes footage, general early 20s nonsense) and i also think part of it was being subversive, esp as a band that focused a lot on sex and (losing my words here in an adhd way so i don’t know what i’m trying to say) indecency i guess??
they do in general have a lot of sexually charged material/photoshoots (not even including kyo’s side projects that are extremely horny) and i know that as they’ve gotten older they’ve looped back around to being comfortable with their masculinity/identities, which is so nice to see!! toshiya wearing skirts and having an androgynous energy helped me come to terms with being trans, and to be honest, kyo gives me some mad trans vibes lately, but it’s not on me to force labels or speculate (but i wouldn’t be surprised if he was queer in some way!)
additionally, the band has also historically said that they do not care if fans produce art/works that are shippy of them like fanart or fanfiction, they just don’t care to see it which?? says a lot to me about their comfort with sexuality as well as being able to set boundaries that work and i respect them so much for that
but i see what you mean!! i grew up mostly in the states and im back living in canada now, and i’m fortunate to have a very worldly upbringing so i can certainly at least try to see things more in the context they were created in
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himeraturku · 5 months
Himera esittää: Atte Elias Kantonen, Livia Schweizer, Michael Pisaro-Liu
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Lauantai / Saturday 18.5. 19:00 (ovet/doors 18:30)
Tehdasteatterin Jokistudio
Liput 8/5€
Ohjelma / Program:
Atte Elias Kantonen - solo electronics
Livia Schweizer - within (1) for solo flute by Michael Pisaro-Liu
Atte Elias Kantonen
Atte Elias Kantonen (b. 1992) is a Helsinki, Finland -based sound designer, sonic artist and composer working mostly in the fields of experimental music and contemporary performing arts. 
The aim of Kantonen’s sounding discipline is to sculpt sound into delicate forms that are constantly affected by a kind of mutant nature encompassing a variety of tones – ranging from glassy to organismic, earthly to ethereal. Kantonen’s composing process consists of creating sonic events that play with the idea of form, space and time as having incessant elasticity. When it comes to designing sound for a performance, Kantonen incorporates spatial and electro-mechanical layers to his designs, ranging from unconventional speaker arrangements to sounding kinetic sculptures. 
Kantonen has a conceptual side project “ant spa ·)((“, which currently consists of a monthly experimental music radio show on IDA radio and experimental music and sound performance event edition “bugbath”. His work has been supported by Arts Promotion Centre Finland and Music Foundation Finland and for the year 2024 by the Kone foundation.
Livia Schweizer
Livia Schweizer (b.1994) is a flutist, improvisor, educator and artistic researcher based in Helsinki. She is known for her interest in improvisation and non-conventional music notation as a tool of bringing together creative souls from different backgrounds, ages and cultures.
Livia grew up in Tuscany and has lived in Finland since 2014. Since moving to Helsinki Livia has been performing solo and in chamber ensembles for festivals such as the Flow Festival, Helsingin Juhlaviikot, the UNM Festival, Tulkinnanvaraista, Luosto Soi, Uuden Musiikin Lokakuu, Jauna Muzika (Lithuania), SoundScapes (Germany), Hiljaisuus Festival and Musica Nova. Her passion towards contemporary and experimental music brought her to be part in several projects with the NYKY-ensemble, Avanti!, Korvat Auki, the UMUU-ensemble, Eloa ry and Tampering, and in 2021 she became member of the Earth Ears Ensemble, an ensemble focused on contemporary music from lesser heard voices.
Michael Pisaro-Liu
Michael Pisaro-Liu (born, Michael Pisaro, 1961 in Buffalo, New York) is a guitarist and composer and a long-time member of the Wandelweiser collective. While, like other members of Wandelweiser, Pisaro-Liu is known for pieces of long duration with periods of silence, in the past fifteen years his work has branched out in many directions, including work with field recording, electronics, improvisation and ensembles of very different kinds of instrumental constitution.
Pisaro-Liu has a long-standing collaboration with percussionist Greg Stuart, with over thirty collaborations (pieces and recordings) to date, including their 3-disc set, Continuum Unbound from 2014 and Umbra & Penumbra for amplified percussion and orchestra premiered by the La Jolla Symphony in February, 2020. Pisaro-Liu also has recurring (intermittent) duos with Christian Wolff, Keith Rowe, Taku Sugimoto, Antoine Beuger, Graham Lambkin, Toshiya Tsunoda and Reinier van Houdt. There are several recent compositions for orchestras of various kinds and constitutions – including commissioned work for the BBC Scottish Symphony, INSUB MetaOrchestra and the Grand Orchestre de Muzzix. Much of his current work takes the form of mixed-media assemblages, in collaboration with filmmaker/artist/writer Cherlyn Hsing-Hsin Pisaro-Liu.
Recordings of his music have been released by Edition Wandelweiser Records, erstwhile records, New World Records, elsewhere music, Hubro, Potlatch, another timbre, meena/ftarri, Senufo Editions, Intonema, winds measure, HEM Berlin and on Pisaro's own imprint, Gravity Wave. His work is regularly performed throughout the US, Europe, South America and Southeast Asia. 
 Pisaro-Liu is the Director of Composition and Experimental Music the California Institute of the Arts.
within (1)
for solo flute
within is a series of six pieces for solo instrument, that were written for the 3-year project at the Zionskirche in Berlin, organized by Wandelweiser members, Carlo Inderhees and Christoph Nicolaus from 1997 to 1999. (3 Jahre - 156 Musikalische Ereignisse - eine Skulptur). It featured the premiere of a 10 minute piece every Tuesday at 7:30pm in the choir balcony of the church. (There were eventually about 30 composers involved in the project.)  “within (1)” for solo flute, was the first piece performed on the series, in January, 1997. Eventually all six of the 10-minute sections were played the church.
The piece is built upon the individual colors of single flute tones. A tone is played once or repeated a number of times before moving to the next. Because of the sustained impression of the single tone, it functions like a “plateau”, whose level changes when the next note occurs (always following a silence). It is a slow moving, glacial, melodic landscape.
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soundchannel · 1 year
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ROY AYERS参加!SSW/ピアニスト、REUBEN JAMES初となるフルアルバムがリリース!
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枚数超限定プレス!数多くの名作をリリースしMixシーンをリードしてきた2DJs、Southpaw ChopとDJ KENTAによるまさに異色のコラボレーションが”Digging the reggae roots of hip hop”の名の下に実現!
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EPIC / JAZZY VIEWS (カセットテープ)【カセット / HIPHOP】
EPIC 1st Album 「JAZZY VIEWS」Cassette Tapeにてリリース!
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Evidence、Navy Blue, Fly Anakinなどのアーティストと共演して活躍、EAR. DRUMとしてプロデューサー/ビートメイカーとしてもその名を広めてきた QThreeが再びマイクを手に取り、唯一無二のBudamunkがフルプロデュースを手掛けた最新アルバム『peace.of.mind』をリリースする。
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日本人アーティスト SOSHI TAKEDA がカリフォルニア州オークランドの Constellation Tatsu からデジタル/カセットでリリースされた「Same Place, Another Time」をTOSHIYA KAWASAKIのSTUDIO MULEがアナログLPレコード化!
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2021年に突如解散を発表してしまったDAFT PUNKのラストアルバムがようやくリプレス!!グラミー賞5部門受賞、2013年度屈指のモンスター・アルバム!!
岩手県盛岡市菜園2-1-9 2F
営業時間 : 11:00~19:00
TEL : 019-601-6723
SOUND CHANNEL HP : http://sound-ch.jp/
WEB SHOP : http://soundchannel.shop-pro.jp/
Blog : http://soundchannel.tumblr.com/
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instagram : http://instagram.com/soundchannel_musicstore/
(WEB SHOPお問い合わせよりお気軽にご連絡ください)
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thyele · 1 year
DEZERT 千秋 / Chiaki Ichinoseさん「渋公迷ってる方よ、わたくしたちは待っておるぞよ。 そして楽しい脊髄ツアーも残り岡山、高松、札幌、名古屋��大阪。完全に仕上がってきてるので期待していてよろし。 まだ夏ははじまったばかりである。」https://twitter.com/ichino_chiaki/status/1680802272081776640
DEZERT SORA(4444)さん「#脊髄ツアーの思い出 福岡編 次は岡山高松! 今日は3連休最終日、皆様ご安全に素敵な1日を! https://t.co/bsXchvdLEq」https://twitter.com/DEZERT_SORA/status/1680802656036749312
つむじ風(操行ゼロ)💙💛さん「東日本大震災直後に来日されてパルコ前で披露された“La Javanaise”のこの動画にどれだけ励まされたことでしょう。ジェーン・バーキン、冒険心に満ちた清らかな魂、心よりご冥福をお祈りします。 https://t.co/FaRsfQfoUq https://t.co/wJdcuZcBlg」https://twitter.com/stmt/status/1680555948232921088
DEZERT SORA(4444)さん「カメラ初心者感強めなおとこ https://t.co/QQiEVRO7RQ」https://twitter.com/DEZERT_SORA/status/1680569014127403008
石月 努さん「昨日は久々に同い年の彼氏とごはんしばきました。 #Toshiya #DIRENGREY #新橋 #いずみ https://t.co/VPB4kwIRr1」https://twitter.com/ishizukitsutomu/status/1680464847006490624
Deshabillz2023 8月19日(土)心斎橋SHOVELさん「𝗣𝗶𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲盤仕様になっております! 種類は3種ですがチケット1枚に付き1枚となります 数枚欲しい方はこんなもん要らねて方から頂くかワンチャンチケット購入して親、親戚、セフレ等引っ張り出して下さいませ!押忍! メルカリ案件笑 押忍!ご自由に!拡散よろしくす https://t.co/xELepTR6dM https://t.co/IIdNBvQr40」https://twitter.com/Deshabillz2022/status/1675081972769767424
ピエール中野 凛として時雨 ピヤホン監修さん「朝起きたら左腕が痺れて動かない。あー、ついにこの時が来たかと、バンドやドラムをどうしていくか考えながら、自然に治まるのを待つ。いつかどこか壊れたり、病気になってしまうものだという準備はできてるから、思っていたほどの絶望もなく、これはこれで不便だけど治療頑張るかってなれた。… https://t.co/b4SkV7c6wD」https://twitter.com/Pinakano/status/1680958448530501636
絶望リフレイン ナギさん「風船飛んでる🎈 時が経つのは早いものでまた一つ悪い大人になりました https://t.co/ZaaxpjTo9G」https://twitter.com/Nagi_bassist07/status/1680957555462520832
杉本善徳(Waive)さん「2日目、完。   いやぁ、本日のWaiveも新曲も俺もカッコよかったな〜(笑) 今更だが、 #Waive再結成 というハッシュタグができた模様。 ここから育てていこうな。」https://twitter.com/ys1126/status/1680915241591541760
杉本善徳(Waive)さん「初日公演を終えたあとに書いたブログ。 (東京公演を完全に1mmのネタバレもなく観たい人は、その後に読んでね)   ーーーーーー   『新生Waive、初日を終えて(GIG「Burn」のネタバレ若干だけアリマス)』 ⇒ https://t.co/TaCf94XzZT #Waive再結成 #Waive」https://twitter.com/ys1126/status/1681117074490556419
杉本善徳(Waive)さん「Waive、2日目公演を終えての旅日記 ⇒ https://t.co/j1QfiEbCwR #Waive再結成 #Waive」https://twitter.com/ys1126/status/1681117484135628800
BUCK-TICK OFFICIALさん「樋󠄀口豊 自伝本「ユータ -Dear My Wonderful Fellows-」本日分完売いたしました。 #BUCKTICK #BUCKTICK35th #TOUR2023異空」https://twitter.com/BUCKTICK_INFO/status/1680819183343529984
leaya(бвб)さん「本日18:00にOPEN! 23:30CLOSEです 何卒(º_º)」https://twitter.com/leaya_bass/status/1680823133186711553
こもだまり𓃦昭和精吾事務所|ACM:::さん「のぐち和美さん出演・演出の #ハムレット 中盤までは岩崎さんがぐんぐん引っ張り、全員の想いが集結した終盤へ。スズキ拓朗氏のステージングの軽やかさポップさを備えた進行との対比で、剣の試合からの悲劇性が強まった。 16:30が最終回。 https://t.co/Pxj9DZy8VV」https://twitter.com/mari_air/status/1680829251862556673
吉井和哉 OFFICIALさん「【早期予約特典は本日まで!】 💿20th Anniversary BEST ALBUM「20」 FC限定盤(2CD+Blu-ray) <完全初回生産限定> 早期予約特典「オリジナル・ポストカード」付き&発売日までのお届けとなるのは本日7/17(月・祝)23:59まで。 ご予約がまだの方はぜひ今すぐチェックしてください! #吉井和哉20th」https://twitter.com/441108official/status/1680834720400285696
こもだまり𓃦昭和精吾事務所|ACM:::さん「影華、今日は暑すぎる。ビールだろ。 #百眼 https://t.co/f1RPyF1gLw」https://twitter.com/mari_air/status/1680834914592391171
takuto_さん「明日7月18日は西永福JAMにてabout tessのライブがあります。 出番はトリで21:40です。 是非いらして下さい。 ご予約は[日付/お名前/枚数]ご明記の上、 [email protected] まで。」https://twitter.com/takuto_/status/1680835654174019585
常盤 美妃さん「昨日も流し見/流し聞き しちゃったのよねぇ。 「あの子が欲しい〜」のシーンの りさくんがすきすぎて 何回も観ちゃう!!! ぜひ大画面で観たい!!!!!笑 #糸地獄抄 #昭和精吾事務所 #リオフェス」https://twitter.com/ex_miki15/status/1680765937686052864
向日 葵さん「168も参加しますハロウィンパーティー 🕷Crazy Monsters🕷 本日よりチケット一般発売開始となります!僕が可憐に舞い歌う夜🌹是非ご参加ください😌 🎃Halloween Party 2023 Day.1 2023年10月28日(土) 東京・新宿ReNY 👉チケット *https://t.co/dDtNr7bCEW *https://t.co/lRDK4NA2iC #クレモン https://t.co/jxMFGrHXcC」https://twitter.com/aoi_official/status/1680808328082132993
KINGRYOさん「僕は元気です🦁✨ ※今日は人が多いので乗りません🎡 #渋滞 https://t.co/p1rSTiASTq」https://twitter.com/kingryoworld/status/1680857836165922818
lucy+peter=esolagoto / 中村真悟さん「近付いて参りましたー! 次回luinは7.21@町田The Play House。 素敵な先輩方と御一緒させて頂きます♬ 我々はトッパー、19:00出発🧘🧘🧘 宜しくどうぞ😘😘😘」https://twitter.com/lucy_peter/status/1680857871544901632
現王園 崇【Jagged Little Pill】《レコ発》7/21町田プレイハウスさん「【告知】 👑1st Album『TWILIGHT』👑 7/14(金)~TuneCore Japanより配信スタート‼ ◆価格(ハイレゾ版):¥2,200-(税込) ◎アーティストページ(7/14~)→https://t.co/daDG5jdZai ◎LinkCore→https://t.co/oDcFLmpL7K ◆全曲リアレンジ・リレコーディング。 ◆「tonight」音源初収録‼ #拡散希望RT https://t.co/8VF9OzvGPl」https://twitter.com/little_jagged/status/1673300754990518273
KINGRYOさん「バッタリご飯part2 2夜連続で惹かれあった我々w #roundarts #kingryo #アメリカ村tobira https://t.co/w2TTXe8a6p」https://twitter.com/kingryoworld/status/1680867678226096129
こもだまり𓃦昭和精吾事務所|ACM:::さん「少し前リサくんが紹介してくれたこちら 。日本劇作家協会の[戯曲デジタルアーカイブ]で岸田理生『糸地獄』が読めます。(原作にした而立書房刊 「岸田理生戯曲集Ⅱ 糸地獄」と、ちょっと台詞が違います。いつverだろう?) 糸地獄抄見たら読んでみてほしい。いい戯曲です。 https://t.co/uQMBqv3tPT」https://twitter.com/mari_air/status/1678149957260546048
魚住 英里奈(独唱)さん「https://t.co/RLbS8xONDt バラード(路上)/魚住 英里奈 自分が自分じゃなくなる瞬間を 他力本願に望んでいる ねえバラードねえバラード 誰の話か直ぐに忘れて 当たり前の事しか言わないな? いつまでも聞き飽きずにいる ねえバラード 振り返ることは無いけれど忘れもしない忘れかけはどうすればいい https://t.co/wch8iO9OJ5」https://twitter.com/erina_chas/status/1131189518889996288
中島卓偉さん「長崎公演セットリストです。今日は歌い過ぎました。笑。 長崎本当にありがとう! ちゃんぽん食って東京に戻ります! #中島卓偉」https://twitter.com/takuinakajima/status/1680880388825321473
池袋 手刀さん「◉新着夏祭り情報◉ ◆2023/8/17(w)*ネオ東狂・池袋手刀 ◆「人が泣くってすごい事なんだぜ?2023」 ◆出演: ・愛と平和 ・麻疹 ・DJ YASHI-LOW ※なんらかのガクトあり ※とか出ます ※フリーマーケット風物販予定しているかも ◎↓前売券予約制↓;*7/7 23:23~開始 https://t.co/RjEvHiqiCs https://t.co/9SPZDRFecQ」https://twitter.com/ikebukuro_chop/status/1675053940860407809
魚住 英里奈(独唱)さん「丁度一年前、私の衣装を作ってくれているブランドのファッションショーにて、 ライブ以外でも声を使う仕事がしたいです。 https://t.co/jtEIfgGnav」https://twitter.com/erina_chas/status/1680883634360946688
nao 首振りDollsさん「ワンダーさんの新曲!!」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1680886293247705088
ワンダー久道(ex.スキッツォイドマン)さん「夏の新曲です。 嫌というほどこの目で見てきた 白々しさを書き下ろし、こき下ろしました。 全ての生ける者に送る 死者からのR.I.P. 【MV】 「逆襲のラストインピース」 https://t.co/ogKRoKnCOn 気に入りましたら拡散をよろしくお願い致します。 #ワンダー久道 #citypop #progressiverock #海の日 https://t.co/iULpkdNvn1」https://twitter.com/wonderhisamichi/status/1680880713758048258
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「機材トラブル。遅れます。すみません。」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1680889092941426689
nao 首振りDollsさん「この後首振りDollsの公式から通販のお知らせが届くよ。 かわちぃやつだから楽しみにしててくれ。」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1680890283955994624
Ryuichi Kawamura officialさん「『山梨の桃✨』 #アメブロ https://t.co/A3zxbWtGM4」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1680893280635228161
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「はじまり https://t.co/wKwU8rqvnx」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1680893544595329024
seekさん「Psycho le Cému TOUR 2023 「RESISTANCE~心蝕~」 episode3.屍人の烙印 7月17日山梨KAZOO HALL 喜怒哀楽全部出し切ったー。 甲府さいこう。 清々しいライブ。 ありがとう。 #サイコルシェイム https://t.co/zhE7VCynMo」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1680893579219341313
Ryuichi Kawamura officialさん「桃をいただきました🫶🏻 https://t.co/8ezV8X9iPB」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1680894051896426496
首振りDollsさん「ℕ𝕖𝕨 𝔸𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝👀 全国のジョニーファンへ。 悪魔生誕祭用に大胆な一枚ができました。 公式通販サイトにて期間限定(〜7/24)で先行発売開始! 会場ではジョニーの誕生日である、7/29(土)より発売開始(無くなり次第販売終了)! https://t.co/gYHJUi55AE https://t.co/HEYrtvXcTS」https://twitter.com/KubihuriDolls/status/1680895129291218945
ジグラット 社さん「👻おばけちゃんの無人販売所👻 お誕生会グッズの中から ・やしろの手ごねまっくろブレスレット ・おさいふくらいの大きさポーチ ・まほうのきんちゃく中 ・まほうのきんちゃく小 通販いたします👻 ※クリアバッグは会場販売のみ👜 ※オバケマートエコバッグは完売です。 https://t.co/chfYnaqTyG https://t.co/qkbUieZxkj」https://twitter.com/yashiro_ziggrat/status/1680896239431462914
nao 首振りDollsさん「かわちぃ?」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1680897545122480128
Luv PARADE😈さん「9/9「DEVIL’S NEW WORLD」😈 FC先行優先チケット受付中 7/19(水)23:59まで! https://t.co/t8w2U7go6d ★VIPチケット11,000円 VIPエリア/パス ピクチャーチケット トレーディングカードお渡し会(終演後/メンバー4名参加) ★通常チケット 6,600円 #LuvPARADE #ラヴパ」https://twitter.com/parade_official/status/1680868203168436224
Luv PARADE😈さん「【更新情報】 会員限定公開『GALLERY28〜30』更新 ▼Karyu https://t.co/VXKW6PqdDB ▼ZERO https://t.co/KeWaH3cnFV ▼TSUKASA https://t.co/T5AKeauCbr #LuvPARADE #ラヴパ #Karyu #ZERO #TSUKASA」https://twitter.com/parade_official/status/1680864930046570496
Vkei-Guideさん「【LIVE REPORT】Luv PARADE PRESENTS『DEVIL’S PARTY #3』at SHINJUKU BLAZE 2023.07.09 https://t.co/0BmNoiz9UH #luvparade #translation #live」https://twitter.com/Vkei_Guide/status/1680880695714123776
Karyu🫂😈さん「Luv PARADE「オンライントーク」急遽配信決定! 2023年7月18日(火21:00~ ■出演メンバー:Karyu・ZERO・TSUKASA・TAKA ■配信: Karyu 「K’RONE」 ※Bitfanアプリ/無料会員閲覧可 ★Luv PARADEで聴きたいD’ESPAIRSRAYの曲のアンケートも実施中! https://t.co/bsufUc2TIY ※是非ご参加ください!」https://twitter.com/karyu_official/status/1680902669412585477
Psycho le Cemuさん「Psycho le Cému TOUR 2023 「RESISTANCE~心蝕~」“episode4.時の回廊” 8/11(金)福岡DRUM Be-1 8/12(土)広島セカンドクラッチ 8/13(日)岡山IMAGE チケット発売中!! https://t.co/ND8qM6LU9M #サイコルシェイム https://t.co/BLQydlfQ6y」https://twitter.com/PLC_official/status/1680900207691857922
中島卓偉さん「札幌、佐賀、長崎の3days4公演、最高でした!本当にありがとうございました! #中島卓偉」https://twitter.com/takuinakajima/status/1680903501927555073
十三月 紅夜さん「身内の紹介でアレなんですけど、久々に聴いたらやっぱりめちゃくちゃ良いので、まだ聴いたことのない人は是非聞いて下さい❤️‍🔥 ACM:::とちょっと毛色は違うけれど、ロマンチック爆発で最高に好き。 FOXPILL CULT『NEW ROMANCER』 https://t.co/ifZdNnIV9o https://t.co/EMm4gcUj08」https://twitter.com/jusangatsukouya/status/1680888643047784448
西邑卓哲 | ACM::: (エーシーエム)さん「ぬお、ありがとうございます!!10年前の自分の塊……!!発売当初は酷評&全く理解されなくてそこからが本当の意味で自分の音楽活動/バンドがスタートした感覚でしたが、今となっては自分の礎で手売りで1番売れたアルバムかも。今も音楽を続けさせてもらえる幸運と皆さんに改めて感謝の気持ちです……」https://twitter.com/takaaki_FOXPILL/status/1680910262243827712
メリーさん「────────── 魑魅魍魎2 京都公演 チケット発売中! ────────── メリー主催2マンイベント 「魑魅魍魎2」 7/22(土)京都磔磔 客演:umbrella 🎫チケットはこちら https://t.co/GqadUPP1hY #メリー #魑魅魍魎2 https://t.co/cDoiypd5Rh」https://twitter.com/merry_official/status/1680914244718706688
kazuさん「今日は初のZepp Hanedaへ https://t.co/y1gDAUCYrA」https://twitter.com/sckkazu/status/1680914915585052672
Köziさん「灼熱を避け劇場へダイブ https://t.co/7hHPjff5UL」https://twitter.com/Kzi_official/status/1680916336392937472
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「アンコール最後 https://t.co/wKwU8rqvnx」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1680916358434021377
[email protected] NEiNさん「是非チェケラして下さいψ(`∇´)ψ」https://twitter.com/eisuke_gp/status/1680916907611009024
nao 首振りDollsさん「ですよね!!!」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1680917288315416581
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gjupdates · 2 years
Credo Technology Group Holding Ltd (CRDO) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript
[ad_1] Credo Technology Group Holding Ltd (NASDAQ:CRDO) Q3 2023 Earnings Conference Call March 1, 2023 5:00 PM ET Company Participants Dan O’Neil – Vice President-Corporate Development & Investor Relations Bill Brennan – Chief Executive Officer Dan Fleming – Chief Financial Officer Conference Call Participants Toshiya Hari – Goldman Sachs Quinn Bolton – Needham & Company Tore Svanberg –…
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moneygigs · 2 years
Credo Technology Group Holding Ltd (CRDO) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript
Credo Technology Group Holding Ltd (NASDAQ:CRDO) Q3 2023 Earnings Conference Call March 1, 2023 5:00 PM ET Company Participants Dan O’Neil – Vice President-Corporate Development & Investor Relations Bill Brennan – Chief Executive Officer Dan Fleming – Chief Financial Officer Conference Call Participants Toshiya Hari – Goldman Sachs Quinn Bolton – Needham & Company Tore Svanberg – Stifel Suji…
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chytilovian-daisy · 3 years
wait is this a childs prey era toshiya cosplay in this movie--
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