fiannalover · 1 year
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aqours · 1 year
clicking on Habetrot's NP until she goes Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nyaaa!
lms if you agree
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You made me cry, so I'm gonna grail you so hard. NP5 you and maxxed out your skills.
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Habbycat - my beloved along with Castoria and Aesc.
Yes, of course I will.
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Of course.
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Fate Grand Order Servant Comparisons
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Left - FGO
Right - More English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs (1894)
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edswordsman · 9 months
Summoned a new Rider-class Servant after clearing Lostbelt 6:
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Habetrot! 💖
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brave-symphonia · 1 year
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Don’t worry, Totorot. I believe in you.
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And so does Mash.
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And she’s even willing to help!
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morsking · 5 months
regularly scheduled lostbelt 6 post but man doesn't it fucking kill you the fsn lostbelt trio was the characters most known for being self-sacrificing and having been destined to meet an unsightly end just like how the entirety of faerie britain and everyone in it only existed as a sacrifice of retribution for an irreversible sin because a promise had been made and it was a promised that was owed.
you had the emiya shirou who gave his life and afterlife for the greater good and to keep his promise to fulfill kiritsugu's wish serving as the vessel for senji muramasa who promised he'd forge a sword that would sever karma and destiny and used his whole spirit origin to save artoria caster from a lonely death. artoria caster who was born to forge the holy sword artoria pendragon would wield into the years her kingdom would fall, the faerie dragging herself to her demise and the demise of king arthur and camelot kicking and screaming but doing so because her life was a promise to the star in the storm. and cu chulainn who died defending ulster never refusing the people who asked for his help yet being undone by the geass (the promises) he broke because above all he had promised himself he would walk no other path other than this very one he had chosen in his childhood so he was the perfect man to keep odin's promise that something of humanity would remain after the cataclysm in his stead. all of three of them standing in contrast to the fujimaru ritsuka who made a promise not to save the world but to carry on for the memory of romani archaman and to keep hold mash kyrielight's hand as she believed her brief life was coming to an end in the collapsing command center of chaldea and oberon who was the promise of a complete and absolute end to the tragedy of britain's existence.
lostbelt 6 is about promises dammit and it doesn't matter how painful they are they have to be kept because to live is a promise when you die you must have fulfilled your promise just as gareth fulfilled her promise as the last of the mirror clan just as percival fulfilled his promise to melusine just as melusine fulfilled her promise to aurora just as koyanskaya fulfilled her promise to muryan just as muryan fulfilled her promise to herself and the rest of the wing clan and just as habetrot fulfilled the promise she made as totorot. and that's why excalibur is the sword of promised victory. as long as it exists there is a promise that even in the furthest and darkest battlefield, waged not even by armies but by a small and ordinary person against despair itself, victory is promised it will be achieved so long as you hold on to the hope radiating from that promise.
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randomlywanderingmoth · 4 months
Tam Lin Bedivere: Interactions
Common Master: Ah. How did this one summon me in the first place? This is Pan-Human History, there should be no catalysts that exist to draw me out... sheer compatibility perhaps? "Whatever troubles you, worry not. I am here for whatever you may need. Do not hesitate to call on me."
(Generally, toward her Master, Tam Lin Bedivere will be professional, supportive, and protective. The mask of stoicism she maintains rarely ever slips- only in truly unguarded moments does the Fairy Knight of Autumn drop her facade, and only then does the innocently impish girl come out. In those moments, one could be forgiven for mistaking her for the Last Master of Humanity- or for those lacking context, a seemingly normal girl.)
Fujimaru Ritsuka (pre Ordeal Call): "... Ah. Of course it would be like this. If I may air my sole criticism, you really ought be more aware of yourself." That's advice you'll probably never take, I think. As long as you're on this hellish track, you will never take the chance to introspect. Is that a curse, or a blessing? Even I couldn't say.
Kadoc Zemlupus: "Sup nerd... huh. That was a reflex- did I know you once? I don't recognize you from Fae Britain..." For some strange reason, something about him annoys me... I can't place it. Well, as long as he is my Master and I am his Servant, we have a job to do.
Mash Kyrielight: ... it's her. It's her. It's that girl I almost can't remember quite right. The Tam Lin of Chaldea. I don't understand- I don't understand- why does seeing her make my chest hurt? I can't... I can't speak to her like this.
(Generally, her memories of Chaldea's humans is mostly dulled, by sheer passage of time. Her criticism of The Last Master of Humanity is more a criticism of her past self, when she failed to prevent the Savior Aesc's tragedy, and nearly died in the process. This girl who looks too much like her, and acts too much like she once did, provokes such a reaction.)
Artoria Caster: "Ah- I'm surprised to see you here. It's odd, I didn't think- eh? Ah. You're a Servant now. I see. Here that other me survived, and you were the one who died. We never spited fate in this timeline. Well... if you are as capable as you were, I look forward to being in your care."
Melusine: "Ah, it's Melusine. You seem well. How about it, want to go and enjoy the breeze at high altitudes? ... eh? How do I know you? Well... we were friends, in another time." Well, at least she's doing well enough... although... is she drinking soy sauce?
Barghest: "Barghest! Hey, I- one moment-" gotta get a bit of height on her so she doesn't hurt her neck- "right, there we go. So, how's Chaldea been treating you? Hmm? Oh- just think of me like a coworker." And rival among Her Majesty's knights, but you don't need to hear that.
Baoban Sith: Oh good, she's here too. Well, I suppose I don't have to be her minder, so at least there's that. "Baoban Sith. I do hope the lack of fae here agrees with you. Ah- no, I'm not that Master. Hmm? Shoe shopping, what?" Oh no, please don't say that the other me is also her minder...
(The disadvantage of being from fully an alternate timeline is that nobody knows you in this one. Generally, Tam Lin Bedivere has been made aware that in this timeline, she did not exist. By and large, most Servants would recognize Tam Lin Bedivere not to be Fujimaru Ritsuka rather quickly; Baoban Sith simply feigned ignorance for her own amusement.)
Morgan: "I'm here, Your Majesty. Hmm? No, there's no mission, I simply wished to enjoy your company... thank you, Your Majesty." The look in her eyes... she doesn't know me, and yet she tolerates my presence. Our Master comes first, but she comes immediately after. Even in this life, even if you don't recall me, I remain ever loyal.
Habetrot: "Eh- Totorot? ... ah, my apologies, Habetrot. You looked like someone I knew. Hey, do you do commission? I can give you my measurements if you need." That grin, the way you hold a needle... even if it isn't the you I knew... it's still you, isn't it. Totorot, my friend...
Oberon: "... you know I know it's you, right? Don't be coy, not with me, I won't be patient with your antics."
Vortigern: "And behold, the King of Curses. You get one chance, if you betray our Master's trust... what's with that look, huh? Are you already up to something?" Even if this man is no longer driven by a need to destroy Faerie Britain, he's still a terrible imp of a man who is always looking to cause trouble for his own entertainment.
Merlin: "Oh, goodie. Merlin. If we're not about to go on a mission, I have dust motes to categorize." I don't strictly hate him, I just can't stand being around him. I can never tell if his smile is genuine or not, and it bothers me rather a lot. Of course, Master insists that we're 'compatible for missions', and something about busters, but I can't make heads or tails of that.
Bedivere: "Ah, Sir Bedivere. I hope you don't mind that I've taken your name... eh? Of course I'm loyal to Her Majesty. Yes, even after she passed." I like this one. I like this one quite a lot. I hope we can continue to get along this well... perhaps we could fistbump.
Count of Monte Cristo: "You're in the wrong shadow again, Count. Come out here. What's with that forlorn expression, anyway?" It's so annoying, the way he looks at me like something bad happened to his Master. Aside from that... he's remarkably amicable. I'd heard Avengers were difficult to get along with, but this one is fairly nice, if eccentric...
Likes: "I like camping. Tending a bonfire with traveling companions, telling stories and watching the stars... there's something deeply calming of it all." I still remember our travels, Aesc. I still remember our journeys, so fondly... but... why do I feel like there were journeys before those?
Dislikes: "I have trouble with liars but I can stomach them. Traitors make my skin crawl... it's the complacent forgiveness of betrayal that I can't stomach. You can only witness so many backstabbings of so many friends before you lose patience." Besides of which, if we'd acted back then... Aesc's tragedies may have never happened. That Cnoc na Riabh's tragedy as well.
The Grail: "A wish? An earnest wish, from the heart... I would wish for the chance to travel with them again. To see the world, to help the world, alongside them." Totorot. Grimr. Ector. Wryneck. Uther. Aesc. No matter how many millenia pass, I refuse to forget the ones who grieved my pains, who shared their journey with me. Who saved me from... whatever came before.
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Totorot… ;-;
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Who's Wryneck and why is he mentioned with the same importance as Totorot and Ector?
I don't know if this was actually supposed to be a confession or not, but in Lostbelt 6, Wryneck was Woodwose's predecessor as a Fang Clan faerie. If you want to look at it a different way, Woodwose was Wryneck's "reincarnation".
Wryneck was one of Aesc's traveling partners along with Totorot (Habetrot) and Ector, but he's never shown in game, but he is supposedly identical in features to Woodwose. Mash even gets confused in the first Beryl fight when Beryl transforms into him because of how similar they look.
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Hope that explains it.
-Mod D
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gainprincess · 1 year
4 and 21 for Coral and Baobhan Sith
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"Like I'm saying, Bao, the problem here isn't that I'm 20 pounds heavier."
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"Well, I sure think it fuckin' is! You look way weirder now, Coco!"
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"Guh...You're the worst."
Coral, a student from the most prestigious preparatory school in Salisbury, got into the world-renowned University of Fae Britannia through scholarships earned via rigorous testing and academic excellence, and is proud of that fact. To enter the school has been her dream since she was young, and pursuing a career in Business is something she actually really enjoys.
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"At this rate, you might never get a guy!~ You'll be a spinster like Old Lady Totorot if this weight keeps up!~"
Baobhan Sith, on the other hand, has taken full advantage of her status as a princess, and got into UFB off of a lot of paid donations, and fumbled through high school with a 2.1 at the best of times.
The two seem like total opposites, but they actually get along quite well.
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"If you'd look in a mirror, Bao, you'd realize that my inflection is on I in that sentence for a reason."
Coral, who's only gained about 20 or 30 pounds, wears them really well. They pad out her incredibly thin frame in a very balanced manner, making her look more curvy and mature, and it's attracted her a lot more attention from girls and guys alike.
She likes Sith's honest nature, and the way she just bluntly, rudely shares her opinions on things. It's refreshing for Coral, who's spent half of her secretarial internships trying not to get fired for telling someone a single thing that could be slightly negative.
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"You tryna say somethin', Coco? I know you aren't suggesting that I've gotten fat."
Well...she has. Incredibly so. Her habit of stress-eating, combined with all the lazing about she does thanks to having online classes, has made her very obese. She has trouble walking half a mile without losing breath, she belches after nearly every bite of food, and she can no longer see her chunky legs (or anything below her waist) below the massive, clapping udders she has, and the light-gray gutflab that covers half her thighs. Howevere...
Denial is strong. Baobhan Sith likes that Coral picks up after her, challenges her on things, and always lets her have the last slice of pizza.
Maybe they should try making things more equal but...
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"That's it, I'm putting your makeup kit on the top shelf."
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"The hell'd you- HWWWURRRRRP - say?!"
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fiannalover · 1 year
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When Totorot broke away from Morgan millenia ago and saw all that happened and knew what is meant to be and yet. And yet she hopes she prays that they'll manage to get Morgan to their side because What If, What If they get to all be friends, Habetrot's oldest friends back again, what if the very universe and fate itself wasn't against the odds of that happening.
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aqours · 1 year
i think habetrot and saber lily should have lower coin costs for their materials considering how fucking hard it is to get more of them
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ofglories · 8 months
|| For every ☼ in my inbox, the muse has to tell you a fact about the mun. ; accepting!
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"They love to cook and will try to cook just about anything they can, which is something I admire. Watching cooking and food videos to learn new recipes or to consider how to replicate and improve things is a hobby."
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"Mabi's favorite animals from real life are any feline, which sounds a little silly but I understand their fondness since Totorot is quite catlike. But their favorite fantasy creatures are unicorns! It's something they find embarrassing but I see no fault in finding them appealing."
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aestasachie · 1 year
I was thinking about when will i ever get another copy of Anra or the other 4* (Lily or Habenyan), and then did my daily FP pull...
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Speak of the devil and they shall come.
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Np4 Totorot yay!! ヽ(・∀・)ノ
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brave-symphonia · 1 year
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I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it, especially if you actually are a past version of Habetrot.
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