ful-fisk · 5 years
Your soukan art is always so precious! Thank you so much
Thank YOU !!! 
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deetvar-moved · 5 years
Favorite healer in FE character or gameplay wise?
Probably Sleuf by virute of gameplay. Uh, character? Nyna. She counts right?
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starsch · 6 years
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embercelicaa · 6 years
7, 18, & 22 for the art ask!
How often do you use references?
only when i need them! which is... pretty much most of the time. even with my own characters, i look at some references for their design
but if you mean like poses and stuff, i mostly only use references for dynamic poses and certain angles
What are you currently trying to improve on?
currently.... backgrounds and non-people stuff
some weeks ago i was really proud of drawing a sandwich ksjdfhsf
Are you confident that you’re improving steadily?
hmmm ehhh not really, my art progress tends to go backwards sometimes
thank you !!
>>Ask: (Artist Asks)
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lightbrand · 6 years
13,14,&39 for the MLM ask
13. Do you wear makeup?Sometimes? Depends on the way I feel that day
14. Do you like boys taller or shorter than you?Since I’m a manlet at 5”3 probably at least my height agdbfbshdh
39. Which is cuter, him being confident, or shy?Ahhhhh, I’m a little shy myself so confident I guess??
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markoftheasphodel · 7 years
touhouemblem said:  Assuming Sigurd is from chapter 4 I think they’ve done him well. Deirdre, despite the amnesia being played up to the max, at least feels realistic you can tell she feels uneasy and distraught over it which I enjoy. Tailtiu is okay, she feels like a bit too much like Mae but I enjoy the line about her father. Arvis is nice, I definitely get the fact that he’s supposed to be a good villain that somehow got lost to me in fe4
I like the uneasiness in Deirdre but by making almost every line about either amnesia or the Avatar, they missed a big opportunity to show us why Deirdre herself is so special that she’s worth committing murder for… 
Unless the entire point is you have this ethereal and troubled woman with no sense of self other than she’s kind of into you (with occasional bouts of possession— as in SHE seems possessed) which is hitting new levels of waifu creepiness IMO. IDK, of all the things they could’ve done with her they basically did the thing I find the least palatable. All the things that make her more engaging and relatable– friendship with Ethlyn, the potential of friendship with Edain, interaction with her husband(s), love for her children, kindness toward Shannan– is omitted for the sake of this particular presentation.
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unassumingvenusaur · 8 years
Is Walhart x m!Robin S support taken? If not I wanted to give it a go since the robins have different supports and The S support can't transfer nicely cause of that.
not yet, go ahead~ 
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ploitato · 8 years
The black haired floof guy may be Fols. He's the only person who comes close. Although we really don't know for sure cause Boey (mage) got a BIG makeover. (we can only tell it's Boey cause party conposition) but we have nothing to go off of for floof
Whoever the floof man will be, he is beautiful (I also love the mage too Hidari is doing a wonderful job with designing the characters)
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flickerbit · 7 years
Gazelle anomaly for the tender asks.
ahh thank!! 💙
Gazelle - Do you participate in the arts?
Yes, i draw and sing! owo i also sew but like once every five years lmao
Anomaly - What do you find unique about yourself?
I like to talk to myself a lot and uhh idk I really like spicy food?? 
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deetvar-moved · 6 years
Lewyn and Pursuit (even though he doesn't have it lol)
She was radiant. Focused, diligent, and befitting the title of Angelic Knight.It was her ceremony. He saw it all. His father proclaiming the vows that would dictate her life until the day she died. How proudly and how eagerly she accepted them, he could see the glimmer of her determination in her eyes, like emeralds. The week since, Mahnya had not changed one bit. Still herself despite the new title, and closer than ever to Lewyn. But she never close to him. Was it fear? Was it envy? He never understood why, and never bothered to. It hurt him to much to even think about it. As he walked away from Silesse, he could see the capital proudly standing behind him. It’s still there. It didn’t shattered, as if nothing changed. He would pursue his own place and purpose, gods willing. 
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dantespilled · 4 years
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commission for @touhouemblem! thank you again for commissioning hdkaslp
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embercelicaa · 6 years
Pen and paper, journal, novella, O'Connor, record and trope for the writing asks?
pen and paper: do you prefer writing by hand or on a device? why?
usually by device since i’m already on the computer a lot...
i’ve tried writing in paper but i find it difficult to edit
journal: do you ever write just so you can enjoy something to read?
sometimes! i love one-liners and memorable dialogue, so i like to think of some, write it, and save it
novella: do you prefer to write short stories, one-shots, or entire novels?
short stories... even i get my info mixed up and consistency in writing is extremely vital
maybe one-shots are more my thing but?? i am a perfectionists and i like to edit and rewrite
o’connor: what tropes/genres do you dislike writing?
like.... romance stuff. its weird and embarrassing for me skjdfhsf
i also have a hard time writing climaxes for some reason
record: have you written things based off of songs? do you like to?
all the time
songs are my number one insp
trope: what’s a pet peeve you have about writing?
“what do you mean i didnt write this down?? wheres the file, i swear i wrote it down!! .... maybe i didn’t? wait, what was i looking for again?”
i get mixed up with things a lot
i also hate when i can’t make something... make sense. like i know it makes sense in my head but how do?? word?
>>Ask: (writer asks)
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bluejay73-yt-va · 4 years
Fire Emblem Three Houses Tag Game
I’ve been playing a lot of Fire Emblem: Three Houses lately, and came up with an idea for one of those tag your friends kinda game. With that, let’s get started.
Side Note: I will be trying to avoid spoilers as much as possible, and please make sure you do the same in your responses.
First route you played through: Golden Deer
All routes you’ve played through: Golden Deer, Black Eagles, Ashen Wolves
If you went to Garreg Mach, which house would you want to be in and why: The Golden Deer definitely seem the most friendly and welcoming of diversity.
Favorite Student Character (Excluding the Ashen Wolves): A very hard choice. Probably Lysithea or Hilda
Favorite Faculty Character: Manuela
Least Favorite Character: Rhea
One character you didn’t think you would like, but actually do: Hubert
Favorite Relic (Excluding Ashen Wolf ones): Thyrsus or Failnaught
Favorite Facility at Garreg Mach: Fishing Pond
Favorite Class by Design: War Cleric
Favorite Class by Function: Trickster
Favorite Song/Track: Tie between “Seasons of Warfare (The Edge of Dawn)” and “Shambhala (Area 17 Redux) (Rain)”
Your first S-Support: Mercedes
Do you play on Classic or Casual: Casual, because I don’t hate myself that much
Favorite Meme to come out of the game: Lysithea VS The Death Knight
Favorite Ashen Wolf: Hapi
Chapter that gave you the most difficulty: Chapter 3
Favorite New Facility: Wayseer or Scrap Heap
Favorite New Relic: Fetters of Dromi
@xcimme @touhouemblem
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ariv · 5 years
Just compiling some seteth love in the tags
Here’s some ponytail (ears?) thirst
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Glad to see everyone liking ponytail boi
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@tangerinabina-de-archanea i love all ur tags on the setleth stuff they absolutely make my day :DDDD
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@touhouemblem this is an absolute monster of an analysis and far more thought than i put into the piece omg thank you
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markoftheasphodel · 7 years
Best reason to route B, Miranda.
Never used her in combat so as a character:
OMG what were the devs thinking? 
You’ve got this female heir to a Manster District Kingdom who looks like she’s going to be a Teachable Moment writ large for Leif. Her tragic backstory and terrible childhood can stand up to Leif’s tale of woe, and Miranda’s tragedy happened because of Leif’s very existence and the focal point of resistance that Leif has been molded into by his handlers and then readily accepted as his destiny. Her parents aided Leif and his partisans and it destroyed them. So what becomes of this feisty princess and her own dedicated handler?
Uh… her father’s memory is disparaged, she goads Leif into making his Biggest Blunder, it takes half the game and divine intervention to salvage that mess, and when they’re finally safe Leif blows off a perfectly rational arranged marriage proposal from her and lies to her face. Meanwhile Finn, in one of those backhanded moments he apparently specializes in, waves off her very claim to her own throne by saying the people are clamoring for Leif to lead Northern Thracia, done deal. Everything Miranda is– daughter, young woman, princess– is summarily dismissed in a teenaged boy’s snickers and a dispassionate “Whatever.”
Miranda shows Our Heroes at their worst, TBH. And then she sits around waiting for Leif to come back and marry her when he knows full well he ain’t gonna and gives up and apparently marries her retainer, who’s about old enough to be her grandpa.
What the shit, IS.
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benjaminasnow · 7 years
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Cirno: The Strongest ⑨ Fast. Powerful. Baka. Lolsety. 99% growth rates in every stat. Class: Wind Mage > Sage Replaces: Levin *FIGHTING SKILLS TRANSLATION* STR MAGIC SKILL SPEED LUCK DEFENSE RESISTANCE *PERSONAL DATA TRANSLATION* LEADER LOVER TALK TO MOVEMENT GOLD ARENA RANK STATUS CONDITION *ITEMS* Elwind *HOLY BLOOD* Major Sety *SKILLS* Adept: Strike twice if faster Critical: 2x damage *SUPPORTS* Reimu (10%) Predestined lovers: None *LEADERSHIP* None #cirno #touhou #2hu #fireemblem #touhouemblem #fe4 #seisennokeifu #genealogyoftheholywar #romhack
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