#tower of pisa resting spoon
yourcoffeeguru · 1 year
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TOWER of PISA ITALY Ceramic Resting Spoon Holder CASA INNOVA  || SWtradepost
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mylunajewel · 2 years
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TOWER of PISA ITALY Ceramic Resting Spoon Holder// swtradepost
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lothiriel84 · 4 years
Fake It
Show me joy, flower through disarray Let's destroy, each mistake that we made
A Cabin Pressure ficlet. Set in the same universe as Overjoyed, Joy, Million Pieces, and An Act Of Kindness. Aromantic!Carolyn, with background aromantic!Tiffy. (With thanks to @sircarolyn​ and @fractionallyfoxtrot​ for their prompts.)
“Far be it from me to question your motivations, Carolyn, but I fear the waiters are starting to suspect the menu has somehow managed to personally offend you.”
She turns her patented death glare on him, but it’s more out of habit than anything else. “Whoever translated the ice cream list into this weird approximation of the English language, frankly deserves a taste of Arthur’s cuisine.”
“Shall I order for you? You won’t regret it, I promise,” Douglas offers, without any apparent second motive. He’s in a good mood today – she suspects it’s got something to do with how he got to show off with a perfectly executed landing in Pisa, and in front of Arthur’s live-in partner on top of that. (Arthur explained to her that Tiffy isn’t quite comfortable with being referred to as his ‘girlfriend’, and she’s been trying to avoid using the term since, even in the privacy of her own mind.)
“Fine,” she shrugs, irritably, and shuts the menu. She barely pays any heed to Douglas rattling off the order in what sounds like fairly good Italian – at least to her own, unmistakably British, ear – starts fiddling with her phone instead.
“I’m sure even Arthur can’t manage the feat of accidentally tipping the Leaning Tower over, if that’s what’s troubling you.”
“Douglas,” she starts, pinching the bridge of her nose for good measure. “If I wanted to put up with a man’s idea of a witty conversation, I’d be out there sightseeing with Herc.”
“Trouble in paradise, I surmise?” Douglas ventures to enquire, almost genuinely sympathetic for a change.
“It’s none of your business,” she retorts, quickly. Douglas doesn’t seem to mind her abruptness, though – just flashes a charming smile at the young waitress bringing their ice cream sundaes, and signals for the taller one to be placed in front of Carolyn.
“Almond and pistachio gelato,” Douglas gestures with his spoon. “My favourite.”
Carolyn takes a cautious sniff, stares suspiciously at her glass cup. “Douglas, if you ordered some god-awful flavour on purpose, I swear,” she starts, only to trail off as she tastes the first spoonful. “What on earth is this?”
“Limoncello gelato. I’m told it tastes amazing.”
She takes another spoonful, and while her first instinct is to be contrary just for the sake of it, in the end she simply can’t summon the energy for it. “It does, rather, actually.”
“You’re welcome,” Douglas smirks, tucking into his gelato with gusto.
They finish their ice cream in silence, and in an uncharacteristic bout of generosity, Douglas even offers to pay. She lets him, if only to be afforded the satisfaction of bringing it up later, and they find their way towards a bench sitting in the shade of yet another of those sickly smelling linden trees.
“I don’t need a man’s pity,” she declares at length, against her better judgement, somehow tricked into it by Douglas's continued – and frankly unnerving – silence. “Especially not Herc’s.”
“Again, far be it from me to offer matrimonial advice,” he sighs. “But if that’s of any consolation, I don’t believe you have it.”
“How would you know,” she bites back, somewhat bitterly, only to feel vaguely guilty about it immediately after. None of this is Douglas’s fault – nor Herc’s, for that matter, if she has to be completely honest with herself. Herc’s been nothing but utterly supporting of her, which is what unnerves her the most, no matter how irrational that sounds.
“I hate to be the one to break this to you, Carolyn, but the walls of the Portakabin are hardly soundproof.”
Of course. She’d been too bloody furious to care, and the worst part was that deep down, she knew Herc was right – it was just a lot to wrap her head around, even more so after spending sixty-three odd years wondering whether there was something fundamentally wrong with the way she was.
“I’m not an idiot, Douglas,” she points out, matter-of-factly. “I am well aware of the many, varied romantic and sexual orientations available to humankind, as Arthur was so kind as to teach me at some length after that blasted course in Ipswich. And while I do appreciate that Arthur, in his infinite optimism, must have meant that ridiculous pin badge as a well-intended gift, I can’t see why I should publicly advertise such a private matter, let alone be – proud – of it.”
She almost spits out the word, as if physically lodged somewhere in her throat. For all that she values Herc’s intelligence enough to trust he’s not somehow deluding himself about the true nature of their relationship and the foundations of their marriage, she can still feel the doubt raising its ugly head way more often than she should like.
“I never thought I would have to come out and say this, and I would appreciate if you kindly refrained from mentioning it in front of the man himself, but – well, Herc is no idiot, either. He knew precisely what he was signing up for when he proposed to you, and yet he did it all the same.”
“Good Lord,” she blinks, though it’s mostly for show. She simply can’t afford to pass an opportunity to redress the balance in their – friendship, she supposes, even though she would never call it that to Douglas’s face. “Are you actually agreeing with Herc?”
“I know, I know. The world must be about to end, and all that,” he shrugs, flicking a stray leaf from the sleeve of his uniform. “What I fear our brave First Officer failed to convey is the fact that, while you’re in no way required to wear your son’s gift, it would make a world of a difference not just to him, but to young Tiffany as well.”
Carolyn stares in the distance, considering the truth to Douglas’s words. She has spent virtually all her life completely unaware there was even a word to describe her own experience, and she might have never heard of it, had it not been for Arthur and his partner. Having recently had the displeasure of meeting Tiffy’s mother, she daren’t imagine how hard the girl had to fight to have her own identity acknowledged, never mind accepted; she thinks of her sister Ruth and her scathing comments about Carolyn’s perceived failings, and suddenly decides that, forget pride – spite is a powerful enough motivator, at least as far as she is concerned.
“Right,” she clears her throat. “Aromantic pride flag it is, then. At least I brought my green scarf with me this morning.”
“That’s the spirit,” Douglas grins, and makes to get up. “Shall we reconvene with the rest of the crew?”
She rummages into her bag, takes a deep breath, and pins the badge to the front of her shirt. “If any of the passengers dare to comment on this,” she starts, her chin raised in defiance.
“Should you need any help with disposing the bodies,” he throws at her over his shoulder. “You know where to find me.”
With that, they fall into step with one another, heading back towards where the main tourist attractions are. It’s not their first time in Pisa, not by any stretch of imagination, yet she can easily picture Arthur having the time of his life while some befuddled stranger takes that same old photograph of him ‘holding up’ the Leaning Tower with his hands. Or perhaps Tiffy managed to talk some sense into him, where everyone else has failed this far.
“Oh, and Douglas?” she breaks the silence, eventually, even as they spot Herc’s distinctive figure flitting in and out of the crowd a mere couple of yards ahead of them. “Thank you for the ice cream.”
They both know that’s not all she means, and she’s secretly relieved when Douglas has the decency not to directly address it. “Any time,” he nods, and waves to get Herc’s attention.
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foursprout-blog · 6 years
50 ‘Would You Rather’ Questions For Kids And 200 Other Awesome Questions To Ask Children
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/happiness/50-would-you-rather-questions-for-kids-and-200-other-awesome-questions-to-ask-children/
50 ‘Would You Rather’ Questions For Kids And 200 Other Awesome Questions To Ask Children
Would You Rather Questions For Kids
1. Would you rather have a magic button that made your mom stop talking or a magic button that made your dad stop talking?
2. Would you rather never have to take another test in school or never get sick ever again?
3. Would you rather get to skip whatever class you wanted every single day or get however much screen time you wanted after school every day?
4. Would you rather get to eat whatever you want, whenever you want, or get to go to bed whenever you want?
5. Would you rather have an actual robot or an actual rocket?
6. Would you rather be able to go back in time or have the power to stop time whenever you felt like it?
7. Would you rather live forever or never feel pain?
8. Would you rather show up to school on the back of a dinosaur or in the coolest convertible ever?
9. Would you rather be a rockstar or a famous actor when you grow up?
10. Would you rather win an Olympic gold medal or win a million dollar in the lottery?
11. Would you rather have the power to run as fast as the speed of light, or the power to walk through walls?
12. Would you rather have a head the size of a lemon or the size of a pumpkin?
13. Would you have a condition that made you sneeze 1,000 times a day or a condition that made you pee your pants in public once a year?
14. Would you rather live in a house made of gummy bears or marshmallows?
15. Would you rather never have a nightmare again, or never get the flu every again?
16. Would you rather eat liver or sardines for dinner for the rest of your life?
17. Would you rather be the best singer or the best dancer in your entire school?
18. Would you rather be respected by all of your peers or feared by them?
19. Would you rather be captain of the football team or captain of the debate team?
20. Would you rather be great at math or great at English?
21. Would you rather bet the best looking person in your grade or the smartest?
22. Would you rather have only one hand or only one leg?
23. Would you rather get to watch any movie you wanted or eat whatever food you wanted all the time?
24. Would you rather ace every single test you took without studying or win every single sports game you played?
25. Would you rather never have to read another book for school or never have to study for another test?
26. Would you rather have to wear your shoes on the wrong feet or your pants backwards?
27. Would you rather have to clean the toilets every day or clean the garbage can every single day?
28. Would you rather have to brush your teeth with a dirty toothbrush or wipe your butt with dirty toilet paper?
29. Would you rather have ten cavities or ten warts?
30. Would you rather go bald tomorrow or lose all your teeth tomorrow?
31. Would you rather have to go to school wearing a clown nose or wearing a clown wig?
32. Would you rather have to eat an entire glass of ketchup or mustard?
33. Would you rather have a swimming pool or the coolest treehouse in your backyard?
34. Would you rather get a new pair of sneakers every single month or a new backpack every single month?
35. Would you rather get to eat pizza or hamburgers for dinner every night?
36. Would you rather get to go to Antarctica or the Jungle for a week?
37. Would you rather have to eat only cold foods all winter long or eat only hot foods all summer long?
38. Would you rather drink spoiled milk or your own pee?
39. Would you rather have to eat all your future meals with only a spoon or only a fork?
40. Would you rather have to take a freezing cold shower every day or drink kale juice for breakfast every day?
41. Would you rather have a pet monkey or a pet tiger?
42. Would you rather have to eat your own puke or eat your own poop?
43. Would you rather be able to talk to birds or talk to squirrels?
44. Would you rather be able to read minds or predict the future?
45. Would you rather have to wear a superhero cape to school every day or a pirate patch?
46. Would you rather learn how to drive a racecar of fly planes?
47. Would your rather be elected class president or nominated homecoming king / queen?
48. Would you rather ride on the back of an elephant or a hippo?
49. Would you rather eat an entire cake or an entire carton of ice cream?
50. Would you rather stay up all night watching cartoons or skip a day of school?
51. Would you rather live in a cold climate so you could ski every day or a warm climate so you could swim every day?
Trivia Questions For Kids
1. Name the school that Harry Potter attended? Hogwarts
2. Which country is home to the kangaroo? Australia
3. Saint Patrick is the Patron Saint of which country? Ireland
4. From what tree do acorns come? Oak
5. Which big country is closest to New Zealand? Australia
6. How many colors are in a rainbow? 7
7. Which river flows through London? The Thames
8. What is the name of the bear in The Jungle Book? Baloo
9. Name the most famous nurse of Victorian Times who improved care for wounded soldiers? Florence Nightingale
10. What is the name of the toy cowboy in Toy Story? Woody
11. Pharaoh is the title given to the rulers of which ancient county? Egypt
12. Which Italian city is famous for its leaning tower? Pisa
13. Which fictional detective lived at 221b Baker Street? Sherlock Holmes
14. On a farm a kid is a baby what? Goat
15. What do you call a baby kangaroo? Joey
16. What do you call a group of fish swimming together? A school
17. What do you call a group of birds that fly together? A flock
18. What fruit has its seeds on the outside? Strawberry
19. Which English king had six wives? Henry 8th
20. What is the name of Harry Potter’s pet owl? Hedwig
21. How many US colonies were there? 13
22. Who was the second President of the United States of America? John Adams
23. Which US President delivered the Emancipation Proclamation? Abraham Lincoln
24. What is the fourth closest planet to the sun? Mars
25. What is the capital city of France? Paris
26. What is the largest jungle in the world? Amazon
27. What is the highest mountain in the world? Everest
28. How many days are there in March? 31
29. What’s the name of the woodcarver who created Pinocchio? Gepetto
30. What’s the name of the galaxy Earth is located in? The Milky Way
31. Name the four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Donatello, Leonardo, Raphael and Michael Angelo
32. What’s the capital of Hawaii? Honolulu
33. What’s the name of the Greek God of the ocean? Poseidon
34. Who invented the printing press? Johannes Gutenberg
35. Who invented the lightbulb? Thomas Edison
36. Who painted the Mona Lisa? Leonardo da Vinci
37. What is the chemical compound that makes up water? H20
38. What is Mozart’s first name? Wolfgang
39. Who was the first female aviator to fly across the Atlantic ocean? Amelia Earhart
40. Who was the first aviator to complete a non-stop transatlantic flight? Charles Lindbergh
41. Name all seven dwarves from Snow White. Sleepy, Sneezy, Happy, Grumpy, Doc, Dopey, and Bashful
42. Name all four Great Lakes. Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie.
43. What’s the longest river in the United States? The Mississippi.
44. Which is the only US state that touches borders only one other US state? Maine
45. Which country gifted the Statue of Liberty to the US? France
46. What is the biggest desert in the world? Sahara
47. What is the natural force that makes objects fall when you drop them? Gravity
48. What’s the name of the fairy in Peter Pan? Tinkerbell
49. What’s the name of the sea with in Disney’s The Little Mermaid? Ursula
50. How many inches are there in a yard? 36
Get To Know You Questions For Kids
1. Do you have any brothers and sisters?
2. How old are they?
3. And what are their names?
4. How old are you?
5. When is your birthday?
6. Do you have any pets?
7. What’s your favorite animal?
8. What’s your favorite food?
9. What’s your favorite color?
10. What’s your teacher’s name?
11. What’s your favorite subject in school?
12. What’s your favorite sport?
13. What’s your favorite book?
14. What’s your favorite movie?
15. What did you have for dinner last night?
16. What does your mom / dad do for work?
17. What do you want to be when you grow up?
18. If you were granted three wishes, what would you wish?
19. Where do you go to school?
20. What are you studying right now?
21. Do you take the bus to school, the car, or walk?
22. What do you like to do at recess?
23. Do you have a best friend?
24. What’s their name?
25. Do you play any sports?
26. What is your favorite position to play?
27. Do you like riding bikes?
28. Do you have a scooter?
29. What does your bedroom look like?
30. What do you want for your birthday?
31. What’s your favorite tv show?
32. Do you like video games?
33. Do you like to dance?
34. What’s your favorite holiday?
35. What did you do today?
35. What is something fun you have planned?
36. Did you go on any playdates this week?
37. What do you like to do on playdates?
38. Do you have a favorite stuffed animal?
39. What’s their name?
40. Do you have an imaginary friend?
41. What’s your favorite part of school?
42. What’s your favorite thing to do on the weekend?
43. What’s your favorite thing to do in summer?
44. What’s your favorite thing to do in winter?
45. If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go?
46. If you could fly to outer space, which planet would you visit?
47. If you could have any pet, what kind of pet would you get?
48. What’s your favorite sweet?
49. How do you like to help out at home?
50. How do you like to relax after school?
Truth Or Dare Questions For Kids
Dares for kids
1. dare you to crack an egg over your head.Crack an egg over your head.
2. I dare you to do 20 pushups.
3. I dare you to eat a bowl of ice cream with no hands.
4. I dare you to crabwalk across the room.
5. I dare you to army crawl across the room.
6. I dare you to do a headstand.
7. I dare you to go get a (certain item from the oher room) with a blindfold on.
8. I dare you to eat a spoonful of mustard.
9. I dare you to chug from a bottle of hot sauce for five seconds.
10. I dare you to eat a raw egg.
11. I dare you to keep your eyes closed until it’s your turn again.
12. I dare you to act like a chicken until it’s your turn again.
13. I dare you to hop on one leg and howl like a wolf for two whole minutes.
14. I dare you to do your best impression of Kermit the Frog.
15. I dare you to roar like a lion for two minutes.
16. I dare you to sing “happy birthday” at the top of your lungs.
17. I dare you to do a cartwheel.
18. I dare you to dump a cup of ice water over your head.
19. I dare you to prank call your mom.
20. I dare you to draw a self portrait blindfolded.
21. I dare you to take off your shoes and socks with one hand.
22. I dare you to act like a cat until your next turn.
23. I dare you to act like a monkey until your next turn.
24. I dare you to chug a cup of milk.
25. I dare you to try juggling eggs.
26. I dare you to spin in circles for 30 seconds and then try to walk straight.
27. I dare you to hold an ice cube in you hand until it melts entirely.
28. I dare you to take an ice cold shower.
29. I dare you to do the macarena quietly until it is your turn again.
30. I dare you to go ask the neighbor for a cup of flour.
31. I dare you to stack five cookies on your forehead and balance them for thirty seconds.
32. I dare you to stuff ten marshmallows in your mouth at once.
33. I dare you to draw cat whiskers on your face without a mirror.
34. I dare you to swap clothes with someone in the room.
35. I dare you to go outside and scream “I’m a nose picker” at the top of your lungs five times.
36. I dare you to go outside and scream “I wet the bed” at the top of your lungs five times.
37. I dare you to finish every sentence with the words “with a cherry on top” for the rest of the night.
38. I dare you to let someone tickle you for 30 seconds.
39. I dare you to let someone do your hair the way they want and leave it that way for the rest of the night.
40. I dare you to have an entire conversation with a chair.
41. I dare you to sing what you have to say rather than talk for the next hour.
42. I dare you to toss three pieces of popcorn (or some other food) into your mouth.
43. I dare you to pretend to be a T-rex for two straight minutes.
44. I dare you to pretend to be a robot for three minutes.
45. I dare you to act like a mime for two minutes.
46. I dare you to take a bath with your clothes on.
47. I dare you to try talking without opening your mouth for two minutes.
48. I dare you to jump ten times while holding a full glass of water.
49. I dare you to mummify yourself with toilet paper.
50. I dare you to put all your clothes on inside-out and wear them that way for two hours.
Truth questions for kids
1. Have you ever farted and blamed someone else?
2. Have you ever watched a movie or TV show that you know you’re not supposed to?
3. When’s the last time you lied to your mom or dad and what did you tell them?
4. When is the last time you lied to your sister or brother and what did you tell them?
5. When is the last time you lied to your teacher and what did you say?
6. On a scale of 1 to 10, how messy is your room?
7. On a scale of 1 to 10, how messy is your closet?
8. Have you ever snuck a snack?
9. Have you ever said you finished your dinner when you really didn’t?
10. Have you ever cheated on a test?
11. Have you had your first kiss?
12. Do you have a crush on anyone?
13. What would you do with if you found $100?
14. If you could be a famous person, who would you be and why?
15. Have you ever faked being sick to stay home from school?
16. Have you ever used your lunch money for something other than food?
17. Have you ever said you did a chore when you didn’t?
18. What is the least favorite gift you’ve ever received?
19. Are you afraid of the dark?
20. Do you have any secrets?
21. Do you keep a secret diary or journal?
22. Is there anything that you would change about yourself?
23. What is your biggest fear?
24. Have you ever skipped school?
25. What is your worst habit?
26. When’s the last time you picked your nose?
27. Have you ever peed in a pool?
28. What is the grossest thing you’ve done this year?
29. Have you ever cried during a movie and if so, which one?
30. Have you ever broken something and blamed someone else for it?
31. Have you ever peeked at Christmas presents early?
32. Have you ever spread a rumor about someone?
33. Have you ever shared a secret someone told you in complete confidence?
34. Have you ever told someone that so-and-so has a crush on them?
35. Have you ever woken up crying from a nightmare?
36. What animal are you most afraid of?
37. Has a movie ever been to scary for you to watch?
38. Do you suck your thumb?
39. Do you still have your blankie from when you were little?
40. Do you every lie and say you’re full because you don’t like what’s for dinner?
41. What is the last lie you told a friend?
42. Have you ever pretended to be friends with someone?
43. Have you ever stretched the truth to get picked up early?
44. Have you ever cried because you miss your mom or dad?
45. What’s the last wish you made?
46. If you found a lucky penny, what would you wish?
47. What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone’s face?
48. What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever said behind someone’s back?
49. What’s the meanest thought you’ve ever had?
50. What’s the biggest mistake you’ve ever made?
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yourcoffeeguru · 1 year
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TOWER of PISA ITALY Ceramic Resting Spoon  || swtradepost
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yourcoffeeguru · 2 years
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TOWER of PISA ITALY Ceramic Resting Spoon Holder CASA INNOVA  from swtradepost
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