#toxic yuri polycule!!
linabirb · 8 months
[PJSK OC Unit Introduction #01] Pain Killer
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THE GIRLS!! ARE HERE!! YAY!! please be nicey to them...
more information about them under the cut!
(note: when it comes to their designs, their names are written in "first name, last name" order, but in their profiles their names are written in "last name, first name" order. also, about everyone's covers, at this point i feel like pjsk has so many covers, i can type literally any vocaloid song title and i will be able to find a pjsk cover of it, so if i say that a unit could cover a song that already has a canon cover, simply nod and agree with me 👍 also also, even if someone has "vocalist" as their position, obviously others sing too. also also ALSO, this takes place in the original timeline and not the brand new world one.)
(warnings for descriptions of physical and mental health problems, mentions of death, self-harm, toxic relationships and suicide, also this unit overall has a hospital/medical theme, so if you're not comfortable with that. yeah)
Unit name: Pain Killer (i thought this would be a fun name for a unit with a medical theme! and it also has a deeper meaning, like, all of these girls' lives are painful in their own ways and they're tired of dealing with it, so they're going to KILL IT. but it also can be interpreted as them trying to get rid of this pain not in the most healthy way and getting addicted to it..)
Members (names are written in the "first name, last name" order): Yuuki Satou, Sae Chou, Kanami Nagai, Inori Watabe
Virtual singers (i've said this before, i'll be going with different vocaloids, but i'll still keep at least one "standard" virtual singer in every unit): Hatsune Miku, Oliver, Flower, Kaito, Utatane Piko, Mayu
Virtual singers' roles:
This SEKAI's Miku is a nurse and she seems to be very kind, thoughtful and soft-spoken. She cares a lot about the patients and the unit members and tries her best to give them good advice. It still feels like she's hiding something though.. When it comes to her design, her pigtails are more wavy and the tips of her hair are soft pink. She has two-colored eyes as well and they are both pink and teal.
Oliver is one of the patients. He's a very shy and kind-hearted boy who cares about the unit members and other patients' health and needs more than his own. Maybe it's because he enjoys the attention he gets as a patient with the most severe condition a little too much? His design is overall pretty similar to his original one minus the outfit and he wears a hospital gown similar to the ones Pain Killer members wear.
Flower is one of the patients as well. She clearly hates being here and she wishes she could just heal from all her pain already. Despite her cold and intimidating personality, she seems to be getting along with Oliver. Her design is very similar to her V4 standard one, she wears a hospital gown and there are some bandaids on her body and she has an eyepatch as well.
Kaito is the doctor that takes care of everyone and checks up on them. He seems to be very similar to WxS!Kaito as he gives off this older brother/father figure vibe, but he can be strict when needed, for example, when the unit members are refusing to take a break and rest. His design isn't that different from the original one minus the outfit, but he also wears glasses and has a hair gradient that goes from a darker shade of blue to the lighter one. If you remove his glasses, you can see that he actually has dark circles under his eyes.
Utatane Piko is an android who helps with detecting the patients and the unit members' health issues. He looks a lot like a human and you can notice the robot-like elements of his design only if you look closer. He seems to be only doing his job at first and not really having any feelings about it, but he actually takes it very seriously and gets attached to everyone in the process.
Mayu is a nurse as well, just like Miku, and she seems to be very overprotective when it comes to the patients. She always feels like they're still too sick and she doesn't trust them when they say that they're feeling better. It's possible for her to start feeling this way about the unit members too. Outside of that, she's a very cheerful and talkative person who is definitely the most extroverted one out of all Hospital SEKAI's virtual singers.
SEKAI creator: All unit members
SEKAI name: Hospital SEKAI
SEKAI description: This SEKAI is able to change its appearance based on the unit members' physical and mental health state. When at least one of them is suffering, the SEKAI will look like some kind of abandoned hospital that you would see in a horror game and if all members are doing okay, the hospital will look completely fine. The patients (Oliver and Flower)' physical and mental state is also directly connected to certain members. Of course, they can't actually die, but they can still feel pain.
Characters Info.
Satou Yuuki.
Name: Satou Yuuki (佐藤優希) (her last name means "assistance, help, aid" and "wisteria", her first name means "gentleness, kindness" and "rare, hope, beg for") 
Age: 17 years old
Unit: Pain Killer
Position: Vocalist and guitarist
Gender: Female (She/her)
Birthday: July 1st (Cancer)
Height: 168 cm
Family: Father, mother, grandmother
School: Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy (Class 2-A)
Club/committee: Health committee
Hobbies: Learning history of medicine, helping out at an animal shelter
Talents: Making people and animals trust her
Favorite food: Green apples
Least favorite food: Red apples
Dislikes: Seeing someone in pain
"Satou" (Sae)
"Yuuki-san" (Kanami)
"Yuuyuu" (Inori)
Image color: #F1C5FC
Character description: Yuuki is a rather shy and clumsy girl who finds it hard to socialize and make friends, but there's just something about her that makes people like her anyway. Because someone who was very important to her passed away recently due to illness, she became even more quiet and started to think about isolating herself from others, but after meeting a new student who seems to be having health problems as well, Yuuki changed her mind and decided to become friends with her, hoping that she can make her life better and at least a bit easier. Yuuki overall seems to have some kind of savior complex and she's obsessed with helping others and it's hard to say if she does so because she's genuinely that kind or because she wants those people to feel like they owe her.. or because her self-esteem is so low that she needs at least some kind of "proof" that she's still needed and she still can be useful.
She doesn't like red apples because she thinks they aren't as "juicy" as green ones.
Even though she's a huge scaredy cat, she's not afraid of needles at all and actually seems to have some kind of weird fascination with them.
Her favorite animals are dogs, especially big ones.
She's a bit jealous of Ichika and Saki's relationship and wishes to have something similar.
Interestingly, she actually doesn't remember that "important person" that well and she can't even remember if it was a family member, a friend or a significant other. It's possible that her memories related to that person became blurry because of trauma. She doubts that it was a family member though since she's sure her family would've told her about it and she would've noticed something different about their behavior.
Her hair is dyed and her natural hair color is lavender. She dyed it shortly after that "important person"'s death and she thinks it's possible that these two colors were that person's favorite.
Her personality is the reason why she's wearing an outfit more similar to doctor's rather than a hospital gown when performing in the Hospital SEKAI. She sees herself as a doctor and not a patient unlike the other members.
Chou Sae.
Name: Chou Sae (姚咲) (her last name means "beautiful, good-looking" and her first name means "blossom, flourish")
Age: 17 years old
Unit: Pain Killer
Position: Keyboardist
Gender: Female (She/her)
Birthday: January 16th (Capricorn)
Height: 172 cm
Family: Father, mother
School: Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy (2-A)
Club/committee: Library committee
Hobbies: Reading horror novels, playing piano
Talents: Not getting scared easily
Favorite food: Cheese buns
Least favorite food: Hamburger
Dislikes: Crowded places, forgetting her cane
"Sae-san" (Yuuki, Kanami)
"Sae-chan" (Inori)
Image color: #E9BD79
Character description: Sae is a new student and obviously it's hard for her to get used to her new school and her new classmates. She is a quiet person who often scares people away because of how blunt she is and because of her refusing to sugarcoat things, but she is actually just very.. tired. She can't find energy for socializing, so she often ends up saying something completely different from what she wanted to say. It may seem like she treats Yuuki just as coldly as she treats everyone else, but she actually appreciates her company and even finds her cute in some way. She also.. really likes the attention she gets from her.
Sae and Yuuki are classmates.
Sae shares a lot of similarities with Saki, such as being "the new student who couldn't attend school for some time because of illness", having a lot of yellows and oranges in their designs, being keyboardists of their respective units and their names starting with the same two letters. Their personalities are very different though.
When Sae mentioned that she doesn't like hamburgers, Inori stared at her and after a minute of silence asked "What do you have against America?"
Sae has to use a cane because she recently got a knee surgery. It may sound like something that isn't that serious, but Sae actually had to go through quite a lot of surgeries in her life which definitely had a negative impact on her mental health.
Inori decorated her cane to make her feel better. Sae is grateful to her for that.
She particularly enjoys body horror and psychological horror.
Interestingly, she doesn't just see herself as a patient in Hospital SEKAI, she sees herself as a zombie. Meaning that she sees herself as someone who's already dead or she thinks that with all the surgeries she's had, it would probably be better for her to die.
She's the only unit member who Inori couldn't come up with a nickname for, simply because she thought Sae's name is too short.
Nagai Kanami.
Name: Nagai Kanami (永居叶望) (her last name means "eternity, permanence" and "to stay, to be present" and her first name means "fulfill, satisfy" and "hope, wish, desire") 
Age: 18 years old
Unit: Pain Killer
Position: Bassist
Gender: Female (She/her)
Birthday: April 23rd (Taurus)
Height: 173 cm
Family: Father, mother, little brother (15 years old), little sister (10 years old)
School: Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy (3-A)
Club/committee: Tea ceremony club
Hobbies: Collecting cute hairclips, learning lore of mascot characters
Talents: Lying
Favorite food: Matcha-flavored pocky
Least favorite food: Egg dishes
Dislikes: Getting up early, paper
"Nagai-senpai" (Yuuki, Sae)
"Kana-senpai" (Inori)
Image color: #E4A1C1
Character description: Kanami is one of the most popular students and she's very respected for being so helpful and kind to everyone. She always has the best grades too. Sadly, she gets sick very often, so she has to skip classes and club activities because of that, but she always tries her best to catch up. She seems to have really bad health anxiety because of that, so you can often see her wearing a mask, gloves or simply using hand sanitizer every few seconds. Some people actually think that Kanami is faking her illness to skip classes, but most people believe that Kanami is the most responsible person you'll ever meet. Except.. those people who think she's faking are right.
Her hair is just like that. It's not a weird haircut, her hair really is just like that. Inori said it looks like wet paper. Kanami was not amused.
Speaking of paper, she actually has an extreme fear of papercuts, so she tries to avoid it.. which is hard to do at school.
Her favorite tea is matcha.
She's the only third year in Pain Killer, so she's often forced to do "adult stuff" such as promoting their group, posting their music, etc. She's not happy about it.
The reason why she's faking her health problems is because she's tired of the pressure she receives from her family and the lack of attention due to her being the oldest child. She knows it's not the smartest decision, but she can't come up with anything else.
She sees herself as a patient in the Hospital SEKAI because she wishes to be one so that she could stop feeling bad about faking her illness. She actually wants to be in pain.
Watabe Inori.
Name: Watabe Inori (渡邉以愛) (her last name means "to cross, to pass over" and her first name means "by means of, because of" and "love, affection")
Age: 17 years old
Unit: Pain Killer
Position: Drummer
Gender: Female (Any pronouns)
Birthday: June 2nd (Gemini)
Height: 166 cm
Family: Mother, older brother (20 years old)
School: Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy (Class 2-B)
Club/committee: Swimming club
Hobbies: Sitting on the rooftop of her house, knife throwing
Talents: Telling ghost stories
Favorite food: Salty popcorn
Least favorite food: Carrots 
Dislikes: Relaxing music, bandaids that are "not cute"
"Inori-san" (Yuuki)
"Watabe" (Sae)
"Inori-chan" (Kanami)
Image color: #75C7C0
Character description: Inori never knows when to stop. She laughs too much. Cries too much. Loves too much. So obviously he's not a type of person to take a breakup well. Especially a breakup with a guy who enjoyed seeing her in pain. She still hopes he will come back one day, so for now, she will continue to do horrible things to herself to make him pay attentiom to her. They don't even go to the same school, but it's okay, he can just pay him a visit later. Hanging out with Pain Killer members is fun though.. Maybe even more fun than whatever Inori and that guy had.
Most people refer to Inori by she/her pronouns, but Sae also uses they/them pronouns and Kanami uses he/him pronouns for them.
Inori and that guy were childhood friends and dated for three years.
Yuuki often takes care of Inori's scars and wounds. Inori wasn't happy about it at first since she does so to make their ex-boyfriend come back, but later, he actually started to like the attention they get from Yuuki.
Inori often jokes about looking a lot like Miku (the "classic" one and not their SEKAI one).
She's in the same class as Mafuyu.
Inori finds swimming relaxing.
Unit info.
Unit description: I imagine them being somewhat of a mix of L/N and N25, they're posting their music online and they don't really perform irl and Yuuki created the unit, hoping that they can help people "heal" from their pain with their music.
Unit leader: Yuuki
Original songs info: They mostly play rock (a particularly sad kind) with some elements of electronic music.
Vocaloid covers: I imagine them covering songs like Accomplice by Misumi, Sayoko by Mikito-P, Crier by Scop and Apocalypse Now by Pinocchio-P.
(Bonus) Milgram cover: Even though Throw Down and Triage seem like the obvious choice, I think Weakness would fit their style and their characters much better.
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soggedupfrog · 21 days
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Does anyone even fucking get it
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luckycloverforducks · 7 months
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(SWAP AU) Velvetwings first meet
The difference between how I colored them is on purpose btw, Velvette's cleancut and assured, Vaggie is messy and rushed, it reflects their mental states in this moment
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What in the toxic yaoi…..
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saphflare · 5 months
I know Mizisua is like the main doomed yuri thing here, but like can I talk about MIzihyuna because like I feel normal about them, so much.
Just Mizi, and her loving her saviors. That we have Sua who was in the dark and Mizi had showed kindness to, shining a light for them. But return they were someone human that understood them and stayed by her side enduring and reciprocating of her affection. That in the end saved Mizi by sacrificing her own life, whether fully planned or not so that she may advance the round and live on.
Then there is Hyuna who saved Mizi from the stage where she was supposed to die. That despite the tragedy and the loss of her world, she is given another one by the grace that is the rebellion and shown something that could be hope. That perhaps it isn't the same kind that she once had before, but it is another chance from Hyuna that guides her to loving life again.
And another point in that Mizihyuna is its own flavor of tragedy because oough I can't see this ending well.
That Mizi still grieves Sua and even if she was with Hyuna, she likely hasn't moved on from her old universe, after all how could she when it had defined her for so long. How could she ever do so without it hurting and perhaps making it feel like a betrayal to the person that died so she could life. Moving on from the one she devoted herself to for so long in loving. That despite everything that Hyuna has become to her and might ever be, it will never replace the empty half that was taken from her. And that even Hyuna might not be long either when there is a darkness in them, something seeking the destruction of not only a system greater than either than them but Hyuna's old shadow of her past. Because the narrative has its pattern and the world it is rooted in is one that is uncaring for any kind of love between those trying to survive and live again.
And I don't see it ending well. That in some way, when we finally see Hyuna and Lukas get their own little number together, it won't end well for whoever is going to be involved. And all I can think about is the fact that the hope in Mizi's life is going to be taken from her again and I fucking can't do this T-T
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sollux · 7 months
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having many lesbian feelings about the upd8
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zeroistic · 3 months
imo lifesteal smp needs to get more yuri-piled queerbait
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simcardiac-arrested · 10 months
thoughts on something borrowed (2011) ^_^
okay hi im 6 hours late because im busy as a whale but see i Liked this movie is the thing. it was horrible it was so bad but i was watching it at 9pm and i was so fascinated by how bad it was that i even Liked it a little bit. like i said it was like a car crash. absolutely terrible but i couldnt bring myself to look away. okay so get this there's these two best friends rachel and darcy and the second one is about to get married. The thing is that they are first of all the trope where it's like loser nerd girl who's never socially achieved anything & blonde slaygirl who's annoying and self centered but also weirdly cares in her own way and also fucks everyone. Ok. so darcy is about to get married to this guy dex and she and him go to a party to celebrate rachel's 30th birthday. and then rachel and dex are left alone and he does some shit and she goes this is why i had a crush on you in law school ... and then they MAKE OUT? AND FUCK? LIKE JUS T SUDDENLY JUST LIKE THAT LIEK HUHHHH? HELLO? it's like ok i get you're drunk but seriousy how can you do this to your best friend when she's getting married in a few days. But whatever. AND THE WORST THING IS DEX IS THE MOST WHITE BREAD BORING ASS GUY LIKE THERE IS NOTHINGGGGGG ABOUT HIM THAT MAKES DOING ANY OF THIS WORTH IT he';s literally just. there. and then basically they continue doing fuckall for 2 hours and all rachel does is get mad that dex is still with darcy (?? what is he supposed to do he's supposed to get married to her) and she tries to make him jealous constantly and it's so dumb. ESH you are all horrible people. which is to say darcy spends the whole time slaying and being a self absorbed cunt like always but then in the second half of the movie we also find out she's been cheating on dex??? WITH THE GUY WHO SHE THOUGHT RACHEL WAS WITH ????? and then it turns out she got PREGNANT from him????? SO THEY BOTH CALL OFF THE WEDDING?????????? but then darcy realizes rachel has been fucking dex and she gets SO mad she's like I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU even though 2 seconds ago she was like lol yea it's fine no more wedding i don't think it was working out. and im pregnant from another dude anyways lol haha WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU FUCKED DEX? anyways. if you even care rachel had a best friend who was helping her through all of this and supporting her and he was always trying to push her to do what he wants. and they gave like 0 romantic vibes EVER but then out of the blue at the end of the movie he goes Well i like you. and rachel is like oh lol well sorry im too into thjis white dude who is too much of a pussy to do anythiung ever regarding our relationship. and her bestie is like ok. AND I WAS SO BAFFLED BY THIS ROMANTIC REVEAL BUT AT THIS POINT ? THEY SHOULDVE GOTTEN TOGETHER BECAUSE THAT DUDE PUT SO MUCH MORE EFFORT IN THAN DEX EVER DID ADN HE WAS ALSO LESS BORING AND ACTUALLY HAD A PERSONALITY. ok. and then the movie ends and rachel and dex are together and it's like yayyy!!! BUT WHO FUCKIGN CARES THEIR RELATIONSHIP IS SO BORING AND STUPID . LITERALLY ESH YOU ARE ALL HORRIBLE PEOPLE DONT LET ANYBODY ELSE GET INVOLVED INM YOUR RELATIONSHIP. great movie it was making my face contort with expressions previously unknown to human biology
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lesbianshadowheart · 1 month
4h into my origins replay and the brainrot is instantaneous
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hey what if i tell you transfem lesbian light yagami
what if i tell you that that's a banger idea
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alexissara · 1 year
Monica Wek Day 2: Mirror and Memory
We got two more fics fresh and hot for y'all. Today I present Lips Of A Faker, a Toxic Yuri experience with Kronya/Monica as our focused ship. I also got a poetic micro fic about Monica's memory called Perfect Memory. I had a lot of fun writing both of these so check um out!
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marigoidz · 7 months
I'll have to let the Mean Girls musical marinate in my brain for a while before I have anything of real substance to say. so. here are a few shallow thoughts for the moment
• I ship like all of the main girls. They should all date
• Janis is my favorite character at this point, don't have a least favorite
• Can't say much about favorite or least favorite songs yet, but I will say that Sexy was a series of jumpscares in quick succession
• Wasn't expecting the feel-good ending at all but I am not mad about it
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melviships · 7 months
I see why folks were saying BG3 (Baldur's Gate) plays like DA (Dragon Age) games
Considering the studio had a lot of ex Bioware employees, I see why ! But wow, you can really feel it through the animations and banter alone
Anyway, day 2 and Lae'zel wants to start a fling
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soggedupfrog · 3 months
have ya ever made uhm dirk x john/june or dirk x jake art before
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No sorry I hc June to be a transfem lesbian! I also hc jake to be aroace 😭 Dirk will forever be alone /j
Also this is a really good image thank you
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killlerfang1 · 8 months
Amphibia has the most galaxy brained fandom to exist purely for the fact that it took the 3 main girls, and instead of having major shipping wars and love triangles it decided to make them a toxic yuri polycule and subsequently the most popular ship in the series.
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Clarice x BB x Marcie toxic yuri polycule. My evil orb of visions has shown me this truth
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day 40 - romantic threat
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