#toyota hilux dakar
cafedeotocom · 1 year
Toyota Gazoo Racing'in Hedefi Dakar 2023
TOYOTA GAZOO Racing (TGR) Dakar Takımı, dünyanın en zorlu rally-raid yarışı Dakar’a odaklandı. Üç adet GR DKR Hilux T1+ yarış aracıyla Dakar 2023’e hazırlanan Toyota, 2022 zaferinin ardından galibiyet unvanını korumak istiyor.
TOYOTA GAZOO Racing (TGR) Dakar Takımı, dünyanın en zorlu rally-raid yarışı Dakar’a odaklandı. Üç adet GR DKR Hilux T1+ yarış aracıyla Dakar 2023’e hazırlanan Toyota, 2022 zaferinin ardından galibiyet unvanını korumak istiyor. TOYOTA GAZOO Racing’in üç Hilux aracından biriyle 2023 Dakar Rallisi’ne geçen yılın kazananı Nasser Al-Attiyah ve co-pilotu Mathieu Baumel yarışacak. Geçtiğimiz yıl Toyota…
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okosen · 2 years
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crosscountryrally · 1 year
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Sebastien Loeb consigue récord de seis victorias de especial consecutivas en la Etapa 13 del Dakar 2023, Nasser Al-Attiyah a un paso del título
Es cierto que Sebastien Loeb no ha tenido que competir con un Nasser Al-Attiyah en modo ataque, pero ganar seis etapas consecutivas no había sido conseguido por ningún piloto en la historia del Dakar. El récord de Ari Vatanen de cinco había sido empatado ayer por Loeb y hoy tenemos nueva marca. Loeb no tuvo mayores problemas para ganar nuevamente hoy, cerrando el día con una ventaja de 5 minutos y 28 segundos sobre Al-Attiyah. El Prodrive Hunter definitivamente se siente mucho más a gusto en las dunas que en el terreno pedregoso con que se inició la carrera y esto pinta bien para el Mundial de Rally Raid FIA W2RC, donde las victorias de Loeb le están dando buenos puntos de cara a las próximas carreras de desierto.
Nasser Al-Attiyah consiguió su mejor resultado en varios días, pero sin atacar particularmente en una zona que domina, el Empty Quarter. Con su trabajo en esta segunda semana, Nasser ha quedado con una ventaja de 1 hora y 21 minutos sobre Sebastien Loeb y solamente tiene que cerrar el trabajo mañana camino a Dammam.
Lucas Moraes fue séptimo, pero sigue sólido camino a un podio en su debut en el Dakar con 55 minutos de ventaja sobre Giniel de Villiers.
Ahora hay dos argentinos en el Top 10, ya que con un excelente noveno puesto en la etapa de hoy, Juan Cruz Yacopini se ha elevado a séptimo puesto general y Sebastián Halpern ha entrado en el Top 10 al ubicarse décimo.
Clasificación General - Etapa 13 de 14
Nasser Al-Attiyah (Toyota) 43:48:10
Sebastien Loeb (Prodrive) +1:21:42
Lucas Moraes (Toyota) +1:35:50
Giniel de Villiers (Toyota) +2:30:44
Henk Lategan (Toyota) +2:38:20
Martin Prokop (Ford) +3:39:13
Juan Cruz Yacopini (Toyota) +4:25:42
Wei Han (SMG) +4:26:01
Mathieu Serradori (Century) +4:28:31
Sebastián Halpern (MINI) +4:46:26
Imágenes: Red Bull Content Pool
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clubcordobaslot · 1 year
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solorally · 1 year
Nasser Al Attiyah : « Era el momento de atacar »
Nasser Al Attiyah gana la especial del día y le roba la victoria a Erik Van Loon  por sólo 14”. Sainz ha cuajado una más que meritoria actuación al terminar la etapa en tercer puesto, minimizando la pérdida de tiempo lógica al abrir pista y perdiendo poco más de 5 minutos con el piloto qatarí. Mathieu Serradori y Lionel Baud completan el top 5. Peterhansel y Ekström que se encuentran ya a más de…
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nordschleifes · 3 months
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body work
➝ maybe agreeing to go to saudi arabia wasn't a bad idea…
➝ word count: 4,5k
➝ warnings: dakar!fer, flirting, mentions of bdsm, hot weather
➝ author's note: this last week has been extremely difficult for me, both emotionally and physically. i had a terrible migraine attack that left me practically unable to do anything other than cry or want to vomit. however, when she gave me a break, i managed to finish this one shot. i would really like your feedback, if possible!
You could feel your white t-shirt sticking to your skin, as well as your hair on the back of your neck. The desert sun made even the slightest effort feel Herculean, the hot wind doing little to alleviate the heat you felt even under the tent pitched on a stony plain near Al Wajh.
This was definitely not the way you wanted to start your year, but it wasn't like you had much of a choice. With a practically free schedule and a colleague unable to travel due to personal problems, it was up to you to go to Saudi Arabia to take care of one of the clinic's most famous patients.
— Fernando is almost here — you heard someone murmur next to you. Turning your face, you found a man with wavy hair messed up by the wind and his eyes half-closed as he looked at the horizon, searching for something on the horizon.
— Are you sure, Alberto? — you asked the businessman, raising an eyebrow — It's been ten minutes since people started arriving and nothing about them...
— From what they said, they were right behind another Toyota — he said, while a cloud of dust rose in the distance, indicating that another competitor was arriving at the competition camp — Ah, look at him there.
After crossing the finish line, you accompanied Alberto in an attempt to take the red, white and black painted Hilux to the closest point to the motorhome that had become your base of operations. As you approached the vehicle, which smelled of hot oil and gasoline, you saw the door suddenly open, revealing a figure wearing a blue helmet and a black jumpsuit with white and red trim.
— How it was? — Alberto asked, while the driver disconnected something from the central panel.
— Sand, stone and dust for ten hours — Fernando replied, as he unbuckled his seat belt and removed his helmet, revealing a tired smile — Ten hours! Can you believe that?
— I do — the businessman said, while helping the driver out of the truck. After throwing his helmet on the seat and hugging Alberto, Fernando headed towards the reporters who were crowding around a railing to talk to him.
Watching the driver take off his sandy coveralls, leaving his sweaty white Nomex in full view, you felt something warm rise up your cheeks, teeth finding your bottom lip.
You had never been carried away by the physical nature of your work. The barriers you had placed for yourself were always firm, as were your ethics that dictated that you should never get involved with anyone who requested your services. But since you had set foot in Jeddah, you have seen your own conviction tested every day.
And it was getting harder and harder to resist.
Taking a deep breath, you turned and headed towards the tent set up next to Fernando's motorhome. Upon entering the space, you realized how much needed to be done there before the driver arrived for his much needed physical therapy session. You still had to set up the table, arrange the materials and put on the instrumental playlist you loved. “Let’s go”, you thought as you headed towards your bag.
You were whistling some tune while lighting the scented candles when you heard a clearing of your throat coming from behind. When you turned around, you met Fernando's dark, curious eyes.
— Which song is that? — he asked.
— Ah — you smiled, while shaking the match you had used to light the last candle — I don't know, actually...
— It doesn't sound like that Ayurvedic nonsense you listen to during sessions — the driver slowly approached the massage table, resting one hand on it.
— It's not nonsense, Fernando, it's a way to help you disconnect and relax — you replied — Lie down.
— Edo doesn't put things like that — he murmured, as he sat on the kind of stretcher you had set up in the middle of the tent. Wearing a black coat over a white shirt and shorts of the same color, his hair had damp ends, probably from the shower — He knows that doesn't help.
— And that must be why you're always stressed — you said, giggling — Do you prefer forest sounds, then?
— I prefer the lovely chirping of a V10 engine — Fernando said, as the table he was sitting on creaked under his weight.
— Sounds of the forest, then — you concluded, taking the phone and connecting the device to the small speaker that was next to you. It wasn't long before the rustling of leaves filled the tent, contrasting with the engines and conversations coming from outside.
Putting your cell phone in your pocket, you brushed your hair away from your face as you approached the massage table, assessing Fernando's expression, who seemed bothered by something.
— Any points I need to focus on today? — you asked, resting your hands right next to his leg.
— On the left ankle — the driver replied, the crack drawing your attention to the spot below him. Moving the foot in circles, the sound repeated itself in an almost sickening way — It doesn't hurt, but it didn't make that noise before, so...
Standing next to his foot, you began moving it, trying to understand where the sound was coming from. Your fingers pressed Fernando's skin in search of the tendons and joints, the precise touch in search of what was bothering him.
After a few minutes of thorough exploration, without the driver making a sound of protest, you pressed your lips together. Although the absence of pain was a relief, unusual and frequent sounds meant there was an injury waiting to happen. And considering how much he must use that foot, having a strength problem at that point wasn't a good thing.
— Well, you aren’t injured…
— Excellent.
— Yet — you added, while letting go of his ankle — I think you'll have to do some tests when you get back home to see if you really have any problems.
— Could it get worse in the next few days?
— In theory, no, especially since you're not feeling any pain. But I'll talk to Edoardo and see what we can do. Any other points that worry you? — you asked, receiving a refusal from Fernando — So let's move on.
Turning to the small table you had requested to place your materials, you picked up the bottle that held your favorite massage oil and dripped a few drops into the palm of your hand. Then you walked back to the massage table where the driver was lying, his eyes fixed on the roof of the tent.
— Let me know if you feel anything — you murmured, before taking your hands to his calf and starting to massage it.
The movement of your fingers under Fernando's skin, searching for the small nodules where the stress and, consequently, the pain were, was something that relaxed you, in a way. Maybe it was the way you repeated the movements, the way your chest filled with satisfaction when you found a point where you could release the tension that was built up in his body after ten long hours of driving in the middle of the desert.
When you pressed a specific spot near his ankle, you heard him hiss.
— Did it hurt? — you asked.
— A little — Fernando replied, still staring at the ceiling.
— I'll be careful.
— No need — he murmured, which made you look at his face.
— Fernando…
— I’m fine, you can continue. Pain is good, sometimes...
You couldn't hold back a smile.
— Is there something bothering you? — you began, while pressing his calf muscles again in search of stress points — Or is this your way of revealing to me that you are a masochist?
The driver suddenly raised his head.
— Masochist?
You felt something warm rise up your cheeks. That kind of conversation was definitely not in the appropriate category, as your professor of ethics and deontology in physiotherapy had put it on the blackboard in one of the classes.
— It's just a guess — you replied quickly, turning to the table in search of more oil and a few seconds to breathe.
— Based on what? — Fernando asked.
When you turned back to the driver, you found him raised on his elbows. His gaze had a gleam of curiosity and something you couldn't identify.
— You just said the pain is good — you said, placing one of your hands just above his knee and below the edge of his shorts — I think it's a rather obvious hint of what you like in bed.
Fernando raised an eyebrow.
— You mean you think about what I like in bed?
A nervous laugh escaped your lips, fingers starting to work on his rectus femoris.
— Please, Fernando — you murmured, feeling your heart pounding inside your chest. That wasn't right, you couldn't think about those details about your patients, especially when it came to him.
— Come on, do you think or not? — he insisted, in a challenging tone.
— I'm not going to answer that — you just said, trying to focus on the tension points on his leg — Now you can lie down straight, I need to work on your thigh.
Lowering his head again, Fernando let out a long sigh, his eyes fixed on the roof of the tent. However, if you expected him to remain silent after your denial, you were sadly mistaken.
— I think about it…
— About what you like?
— About what you like — the driver replied, emphasizing “you”.
The statement made you swallow hard, hands running up and down his lightly tanned skin. It wasn't like you tried to get Fernando's attention all the time, quite the opposite. You always thought you were invisible to his eyes, just a face among the entourage that accompanied him during his participation in that competition.
— I wonder if you like to take it slow or if you prefer to get straight to the point. If you like to dominate or if you prefer to be at the mercy of your partner. If you like being touched or prefer to just touch — Fernando said, his voice getting lower, almost hoarse, as he explored the possibilities — I think about your eyes rolling, your mouth open, the noise you would make if I were inside you.
— Fernando — you murmured in an almost reprimanding tone.
He suddenly sat on the massage table, his face close to yours.
— Tell me you don't think about that either. Tell me you don't think about me.
You blinked, cheeks growing hotter.
It was obvious that you thought about him. There wasn't a day that went by that you didn't think about the way he smiled, the way he ran his hand through his hair before putting the white cap with black and red details on his head. There wasn't a moment where you didn't fantasize about what it would be like to kiss him.
— I — you stammered, about to give the answer he wanted, when you realized a particularly important detail at that moment. The most important thing, actually — Linda.
Fernando blinked, looking confused.
— Linda? What about Linda?
— She's your girlfriend, you're not...
He snorted.
— She's in the past, Y/N.
— But, you…
— Just answer me, do you think about me?
The air escaped your lips shakily.
— Yes, I do. All day. All the time.
Your confession made Fernando smile, bringing his hand to your face. The look you exchanged for long seconds spoke more than any dialogue you could have had. There were no ethics classes or girlfriends that could stop what was about to happen inside that tent.
And it was to the sound of the artificial rustling of the tree leaves that you kissed Fernando.
His touch was gentle at first, as if the driver wanted to make sure you were on the same page, wanting this as much as he did. And, the moment he realized that you didn't move away from his touch, Fernando deepened the kiss, his tongue touching yours for the first time.
There was something different in the way he kissed you, a kind of thirst, as if you were an oasis in the middle of that desert. His hands held your face tightly, as if you were going to run away from his touch at any moment. As the sound of the birds was drowned out by your own pulse, you were sure you would never leave that place as long as you were there. And you made sure to make that clear by nibbling on his lower lip when Fernando pulled away slightly, completely panting.
Opening your eyes, you met his green-stained gaze. That made you feel the same heat as the first day, when you introduced yourself to him as the physiotherapist who would accompany him during the competition. There was an intensity that permeated it, a glow that you hadn't identified until that moment, but that became clear in a split second.
It was desire. It always had been.
— Fernando? — you heard someone say.
You didn't have time to say anything before he turned his face away, running a nervous hand through his hair. His gaze went to the entrance of the tent, his expression undeniably tense, as if he had done something he shouldn't have done.
And, in a way, he had. You both had.
Alberto's smile as he entered the tent made his stomach turn. Did he know what you had done? Did he imagine that his best friend had just kissed the physical therapist?
— Is there a problem, Galle? — Fernando asked, in a calm, almost natural tone — Y/N is finishing looking at my foot.
— The one that's clicking?
— Yeah, that one — you managed to say, your hands cold as ice.
— Injured?
— Not yet — the driver replied — Apparently it could evolve if I’m not careful. I'm going to see Edo to do some tests when I’m back.
— Well, if you say so — Alberto murmured — The mechanics were adjusting the axle and wanted to talk to you. Are you done there?
Exchanging a brief look, Fernando knew the answer almost immediately. You wouldn’t be able to touch him again, especially after that kiss.
— Yes, Y/N is done here — he said, while you nodded — Tell them I'm coming.
Alberto just said 'ok' before leaving the tent, leaving you two alone. Fernando's gaze on you seemed to burn into your skin, trying to read your body expression and, above all, your face.
— Y/N?
— Yeah, Fernando?
— See you later? — he asked, in a low voice.
— Later?
— In your motorhome. I think we can… Continue our conversation there.
An involuntary smile appeared on his lips.
— After dinner? — you questioned, as he got up from the table.
— Don't you want me to prepare my omelet for you? — he smiled, before putting on his flip flops.
— Definitely not — a laugh escaped his lips — It's disgusting.
— It was Edo who recommended it to me.
— Because he is crazy. You both are.
— Maybe we are — Fernando replied, walking towards the entrance of the tent — See you, Y/N.
— See you.
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racing-is-passion · 5 months
In less than 24 hours, the first big motorsports event of the year starts, the Rally Dakar 2024. And with it, the new season of the FIA W2RC.
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This year, it might get interesting with a few new things, compared to last year. First, there is the 48 hour stage, that is basically a extremely long stage with four night camps on the route, and the drivers have to stop at the next camp, after a specific time, to rest for the night. In the morning they'll have to continue the race from there and the time will continue to run. There won't be any service from their crew at night. It's basically the evolution of the marathon stage.
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Nasser Al-Attiyah will be driving one of the Prodrive Hunter this year and is now a teammate of Sebastien Loeb. Which means one of the best rally pilots ever and one of the best rally raid pilots ever are now driving for the same team. It will be interesting to see who'll be the better one, but my prediction is Nasser Al-Attiyah.
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Nasser's seat in the Toyota Hilux now goes to Seth Quintero from the USA. He was one of the top drivers, in the last two years, in the T3 category for lightweight prototypes. I think he is a good addition to the team and will make a good job. If he will be racing for the win in his first T1+ year is hard to answer, but I'd give him a year, instead of thinking he can win this year.
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Will Audi finally be able to demonstrate that a electric car can win the Dakar? The car is definitely fast enough, and also the drivers are, especially with Stephane Peterhansel and Carlos Sainz. But what about the reliability? That was the big weakness in the last two years, maybe they will finally have a Dakar without too many problems. If yes, they will probably win.
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Joan Barreda Bort is now driving for Hero. Will he finally win his first Dakar, or will he once again, lose it because of one of his many mistakes and crashes? He is fast enough for the win, he just needs to reduce his mistakes and maybe take a bit less risk.
Or will the win go back to KTM, after Honda won last year? The bike category will be as interesting as never before, at least if you take the last 20 years.
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The truck category will get very unpredictable again. The second year without Kamaz and the third year without MAZ means that the Iveco of the DeRooy team and the czech MM Technology Iveco, driven by Martin Maczik, will be the big favorites. But Ales Loprais is always good for a surprise with his Praga.
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edwarddesigns · 2 years
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Toyota Hilux normal and dakar version
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4x4community · 2 months
2014 Hilux Dakar 4.0 V6 Auto 4x4
Forum: Toyota Posted By: DORS WP Post Time: 2024/03/24 at 04:15 PM http://dlvr.it/T4Y5mL
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gazeta24br · 7 months
Em uma decisão que sinaliza a chegada de uma talentosa nova geração ao centro do rally internacional, a Toyota Gazoo Racing anunciou nesta quinta-feira (9) seu novo lineup. O time japonês é o atual bicampeão do famoso Rally Dakar e também do Campeonato Mundial de Rally Cross-Country (W2RC) – que reúne diversas provas no estilo Dakar e Sertões. Entre os novos nomes anunciados pelo braço esportivo da gigante japonesa se destaca o do brasileiro Lucas Moraes, que surpreendeu o mundo do off-road ao conquistar um pódio (terceiro lugar) já em sua estreia no Dakar, em janeiro de 2023. Ele terá como navegador o espanhol Armand Monleón, que disputou por oito vezes o Dakar com resultados expressivos. A próxima edição da famosa corrida terá largada no dia cinco de janeiro, sendo disputada em 15 dias dentro do território da Arábia Saudita. “Nós estamos agora em posição de confirmar o compromisso da TGR no Mundial de Rally Cross-Country da FIA, a começar pelo Dakar Rally 2024. Estamos trabalhando em direção aos objetivos estabelecidos pelo projeto Dakar Future 2026. Indo além disso, estamos reforçando nosso compromisso ao adicionar duas novas duplas na equipe”, disse Andrea Carlucci, president da Toyota Motor Europe, referindo-se também ao projeto dos organizadores da prova de realizar uma transição tecnológica dos veículos visando um evento mais sustentável. Lucas Moraes (à direita) e o navegador espanhol Armand Monleón: aposta mundial da TGR e Red Bull Crédito: Marcin Kin / Red Bull Content Pool *”É um sonho. E grande responsabilidade” – “Estou vivendo um momento inacreditável, não só na carreira, mas também no aspecto pessoal. Entrar na equipe oficial TGR é ao mesmo tempo um sonho e uma grande responsabilidade. À distância, lá do Brasil, eu acompanhei as notícias e imagens de muitas edições do Dakar. Parecia algo bem distante. Mas em 2023 eu realizei o sonho de disputar o meu primeiro Dakar. Graças a Deus deu tudo certo, terminei no pódio – sinceramente, algo inimaginável”, disse Lucas Moraes. “E agora, ao ingressar na TGR, o mesmo time que vem sendo defendido por muitos dos meus ídolos, me vejo naquela situação de quem tem que se beliscar para ter certeza de que não está sonhando. É uma grande honra. Espero estar à altura da confiança que a Toyota e a Red Bull estão depositando em mim”, continua o brasileiro, agradecendo às duas marcas que passaram a monitorá-lo a partir de 2022 e que agora o alçam ao primeiro time do off-road internacional. “Eu quero destacar o papel da Pneu Store, que possibilitou minha participação no Dakar 2023. Sem o apoio deles, eu não teria as oportunidades que me estão sendo oferecidas hoje”, destacou. Entre outras conquistas, Lucas Moraes foi bicampeão do Rally dos Sertões, ao lado do navegador Kaíque Bentivoglio, seu habitual parceiro. Já em seu primeiro ano na equipe, Moraes é visto pela TGR como potencial campeão do Dakar. “Eu fico lisonjeado, mas não posso aceitar um elogio dessa dimensão depois de ter conhecido o tamanho do desafio e também considerando a qualidade gigantesca das duplas que disputam essa prova”, comentou o brasileiro. Além do duo Moraes/Monleón, o time japonês também anunciou a contratação da dupla formada pelo norte-americano Seth Quintero e o navegador alemão Dennis Zenz. Todos os novos contratados da TGR conduzirão uma nova versão do Toyota GR DKR Hilux T1+, carro que é o atual campeão do Dakar com a dupla formada pelo catarense Nasser Al-Attiyah e francês Matthieu Baumel. Tanto o duo Moraes/Monleón quanto Quintero/Zenz terão contato com o novo protótipo ainda em desenvolvimento em provas especiais a serem disputadas por ambos e confirmadas em breve pela TGR. Confira o calendário do Campeonato Mundial de Rally Cross-Country, que tem início justamente com o Rally Dakar, em janeiro: *05/01 –* Dakar Rally, Arábia Saudita 25/02 – Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge, Emirados Árabes 02/04 – BP Ultimate Rally-Raid Transibérico, Portugal e Espanha 02/06 – Desafio Ruta 40, Argentina 05/10 – Rallye
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rallytimeofficial · 7 months
Toyota Gazoo Racing annuncia due nuovi equipaggi per il Dakar Rally 2024
🔴 🔴 Toyota Gazoo Racing annuncia due nuovi equipaggi per il Dakar Rally 2024 📸 Marcin Kin
Toyota Gazoo Racing è lieta di confermare due nuovi equipaggi per il Dakar Rally del 2024, in attesa della conferma completa del team entro novembre. Entrambi i nuovi equipaggi guideranno versioni potenziate del GR DKR Hilux T1+, che ha vinto il Dakar Rally nel 2022 e 2023. (Iscriviti gratuitamente al canale Telegram di Rally Time per ricevere le notizie sul tuo telefono LINK) Lucas Moraes e…
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cafedeotocom · 4 months
Toyota Gazoo Racing İçin Yoruma Açık Sonuç
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okosen · 2 years
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crosscountryrally · 1 year
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Clasificación General Autos - Etapa 6 luego de abandono de Peterhansel y problemas para Sainz y Al-Rajhi
Nasser Al-Attiyah tiene más de una hora de ventaja luego de ganar la Etapa 6 y que sus principales rivales tuvieran accidentes (Audi) o problemas mecánicos (Al-Rajhi).
General - Etapa 6 de 14
Nasser Al-Attiyah (Toyota) 24:00:48
Henk Lategan (Toyota) +1:06:50
Lucas Moraes (Toyota) +1:13:19
Giniel de Villiers (Toyota) +1:44:38
Mattias Ekstrom (Audi) +1:46:55
Sebastien Loeb (Prodrive) +1:57:10
Romain Dumas (Toyota) +2:13:07
Martin Prokop (Ford) +2:13:30
Brian Baragwanath (Century) +2:20:33
Wei Han (SMG) +2:49:27
Imagen: Toyota Europa
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solorally · 1 year
Mattias Ekström y su Audi continúan donde lo dejaron.
Mattias Ekström y su Audi continúan donde lo dejaron.
Todo el mundo tenía claro que no se podían extraer conclusiones definitivas tras un esfuerzo de menos de diez minutos que apenas representa un 0,3% de la distancia que habrá que recorrer en tramos cronometrados hasta llegar a Dammam. Sin embargo, el veredicto ha dado una alegría a los que han sabido destacar por su agilidad y velocidad. Ese es el caso de Toby Price, que se había quedado con mal…
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vivatoyota-bangalore · 9 months
The Toyota Hilux in Motorsport: A Legacy of Dominance in Off-Road Racing
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Introduction -
When it comes to off-road racing, few vehicles have left a mark as indelible as the Toyota Hilux. Born from the rugged landscapes and challenging terrains of India, the Hilux has become an iconic name in the world of motorsport. 
Over the years, this versatile and durable pickup truck has proven its mettle in some of the toughest off-road races, building a legacy of dominance that continues to inspire off-road enthusiasts and racers worldwide.
Visit Viva Toyota Car Showroom in Bangalore Today!!!
Get in Touch with Us!!!
Book Your Favorite Toyota Hilux Today at Viva Toyota Car Showroom in Bangalore.
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The Beginnings of the Toyota Hilux
The Toyota Hilux, also known as the Toyota Pickup in some markets, first rolled off the production line in 1968. 
Originally designed as a robust workhorse, it quickly gained a reputation for its reliability and durability. This reputation caught the eye of off-road racing enthusiasts who saw the potential in the Hilux's rugged design.
Legacy in Off-Road Racing
The Toyota Hilux's legacy in off-road racing began to take shape in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Its first significant success came in the legendary Paris-Dakar Rally, a grueling race that spans thousands of kilometers through some of the harshest terrain on Earth. 
In 1981, a Toyota Hilux driven by the French team of René Metge and Bernard Giroux claimed victory in the Paris-Dakar Rally, marking the beginning of a storied off-road racing career for the Hilux.
The Hilux went on to secure multiple victories in various editions of the Paris-Dakar Rally and other international off-road races. Its reliability, robustness, and adaptability made it a favorite among racers and a formidable contender in the world of off-road racing.
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The Hilux in the Australian Off-Road Championship
Australia has long been a hotbed of off-road racing, and the Toyota Hilux has made a significant impact on the Australian Off-Road Championship (AORC). Known for its extreme conditions and challenging tracks, the AORC provides the perfect testing ground for off-road vehicles.
Throughout the years, the Hilux has consistently performed well in the AORC, securing numerous titles and podium finishes. 
Its success in the championship is a testament to its ability to tackle the demanding Australian terrain, which includes everything from dense forests to arid deserts.
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The Evolution of the Toyota Hilux in Motorsport
To maintain its competitive edge in the world of off-road racing, the Toyota Hilux has undergone continuous evolution. 
From engine upgrades to suspension improvements and aerodynamic enhancements, Toyota has consistently invested in research and development to keep the Hilux at the forefront of off-road racing technology.
Notable Models
Several notable models of the Toyota Hilux have left their mark on off-road racing. 
The Hilux V8, equipped with a powerful V8 engine, was a game-changer in the world of off-road racing. 
Its immense power and torque made it a force to be reckoned with, and it achieved numerous victories in various competitions.
The Toyota Gazoo Racing Hilux, introduced in recent years, is another remarkable model that has continued the Hilux's legacy in off-road racing. 
With its advanced technology and engineering, this vehicle has proven itself in the Dakar Rally and other prestigious events.
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Conclusion -
The Toyota Hilux's legacy in motorsport, particularly in off-road racing, is a testament to its enduring strength, adaptability, and reliability. 
From the challenging terrains of the Paris-Dakar Rally to the demanding tracks of the Australian Off-Road Championship, the Hilux has consistently delivered outstanding performance and claimed victories that have solidified its status as an off-road racing icon.
As the world of motorsport continues to evolve, the Toyota Hilux remains a symbol of endurance and a vehicle that has conquered some of the most unforgiving landscapes on Earth. 
Its legacy in off-road racing continues to inspire off-road enthusiasts and racers, serving as a reminder of what can be achieved with determination, innovation, and a reliable companion like the Toyota Hilux.
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