#tpoh translation
tpoh-in-ukrainian · 2 years
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modmad · 1 month
Good morning. modmad, I have been watching TPoH for many years, it is so glad to talk to you.
I am a translator from China, and something terrible happened recently. A man deleted all the TPoH translations from the account with copyright. I tried to persuade him not to be so impulsive, but he refused me and blocked me. So I have no other way but to beg you. Can I have your permission so that I can publish the translation of TPoH on another account in Lofter?
what!? that's crazy! you absolutely have my permission: all translations are 100% voluntary, and so long as they are not making profit I am delighted and grateful for anyone to share TPoH with the world. That guy is a jackass and I will put it on record that anyone who does anything like that WITHOUT CONSULTING ME is also a jackass and does not represent me.
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autumn-leaves-here · 1 month
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Reading together
I drew this painting to celebrate my experience of watching TPoH for many years. At the beginning of this month, I contacted a translator for TPoH on Chinese software, but unfortunately it has been two years since the update was made, and he has deleted all the translations this month.
So I came to Tumblr hoping to contact the original author, @Modmad. I request a recognition from you than I will share TPoH in China free of charge, so that more people can see good works.
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medacry · 2 months
Superhero AU TPOH where RGB AS superhero who has powers(Flight,Super strength,Super speed) and Hero wants to be a sidekick
What do you mean? So the Hero from TPOH together with the RGB were forces?(sorry if I don't understand, but I'm Russian and sometimes I write with a translator and sometimes without).
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lonelydragoness · 6 years
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Followers’ count on my translation of TPoH comic hit 1500. I got so emotional I drew three candies in one night.
*chanting* Spread the virus! Spread the virus!
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beetroot-merchant · 2 years
u watch as i lose my shit over a sentient tv
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tpohfr · 2 years
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Nous publions depuis un petit moment maintenant, il est donc temps de nous présenter !
Ce blog est tenu par Critical Team, une équipe composée de deux membres Yellowish et Anatheo. Nous nous occupons de traduire les textes et de les intégrer aux pages vides qui nous sont envoyées, puis de les publier en temps et en heure sur ce blog.
Je suis fan de TPoH depuis des années et je suis vraiment content de pouvoir y contribuer à ma façon, c'est une série qui me tient à cœur et j'adore ce que fait modmad donc ça fait plaiz !
J'ai découvert TPoH en février grâce à Yellowish ! Évidemment j'ai absolument adoré et je peux parler pendant des heures de mes headcanons autistiques. La plupart du temps je me tiens sage ceci dit…
Notre travail est rendu infiniment plus simple grâce à Izu/Potentialforart qui nous envoie les pages de TPoH sans les dialogues. Allez voir son site, ça vaut le détour : https://objectheadzine.tumblr.com/ Et sa boutique aussi, il y a beaucoup de choses très mignonnes à un prix tout doux : https://izuma.storenvy.com/
L'équipe voudrait aussi mentionner la précédente personne qui a travaillé sur la traduction française de TPoH. Merci de nous avoir partagé tout ce que tu as déjà fait sans aucune hésitation. Ta traduction nous a donné l'inspiration dont nous avions besoin lorsque nous nous retrouvions coincé⋅es.
Merci également à mika-meowz pour nous avoir autorisé à utiliser son adorable animation pour illustrer notre page de crédits ! Allez lui envoyer de l'amour sur le post original https://mika-meowz.tumblr.com/post/682174561320681472/hi-tpoh-famdom-i-spent-too-much-time-on-this et sur sa chaîne YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNP4Qe422LJ6TREoMHvir4A !
N'oublions pas de remercier Sarah Jolley/modmad ! Merci infiniment de nous donner une histoire qui nous inspire tant et merci encore de nous avoir fait confiance pour la traduire.
Et un dernier remerciement mais pas des moindres : merci à vous ! Merci de lire et d'aimer notre traduction, de la reblog et de nous envoyer de gentils messages. C'est un plaisir de pouvoir partager notre amour pour TPoH, de rendre cette histoire accessible à celleux qui ne parlent pas anglais ou de permettre à des gens de découvrir le français.
À très vite pour la prochaine page !
Critical Team
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robin-the-robo · 3 years
re: italian that was one that was on smackjeeves so it's broken forever sob (and I thought I had removed the link! maybe refresh the page?)
Oh okay, it’s gone now.
That’s a shame though, my little brothers love your webcomic too and they don’t know a word of English, I’ve had to translate it on the spot for them and it’s very difficult to do so!
Kudos to all the people who translate your comic because with all those puns and idiomatic expressions it’s not easy at all!
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pestiwit · 4 years
hc that negative is nonbinary, no gender only flowers
Hell yeah! A very good headcanon, why have gender when you can STAB.
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sysig · 4 years
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I always forget how much fun silhouettes are
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therealraewest · 7 years
Chapters: 8/12 Fandom: The Property of Hate Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: To Hero, swimming has always come more naturally than walking. According to father, the local lighthouse keeper, their family is cursed and the ocean is only a source of danger. A chance encounter with a mermaid turns both of their worlds upside down, and sends each on their own quest where they must ask themselves what exactly they’re willing to trade to get what they want
Time for Chapter 8! I can post Tinker translations if anyone wants those later. Hope you enjoy and the next chapter will be up on Friday!
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tpoh-in-ukrainian · 2 years
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modmad · 10 months
Have you ever thought of turning tpoh into an animated series ?
lemme finish the damn thing first then we'll talk
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hetbezitvanhaat · 7 years
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Pagina 259
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ramul-monitor · 3 years
Big News!!!!
After several conversations over the past few days with Sarah Jolley, the author of The Property of Hate, I have decided that I will be able to produce a Japanese translation of TPoH!!!! I'm so happy!!!
I'll do my best!!!!!
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Thank you so so sooo much
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everysongineverykey · 4 years
alright motherfuckers! time for me to exert all my effort in order to overcome my ✨✨✨crippling dislike of talking about my more obscure interests✨✨✨ and tell you all about one of two SUBLIME webcomics i read this year that i am completely in love with! i’ll make a post about the other one later but for now, let me tell you about the beautiful, beautiful story that is author sarah jolley’s the property of hate and why everyone needs to read it! let me explain:
the property of hate is a delightful, whimsical, fantasy-type webcomic that you can read for free online or buy in book form for 25 bucks! i'll admit, i'm a teensy bit confused about the plot, but the basic gist is that a little girl is offered the chance to become a hero by a mysterious, cheerful monster that shows up in her room one night- she accepts, and the monster- a british, suited humanoid creature named RGB with a tv for a head- takes her away to a confusing, somewhat magical land of characters that have yet to find their stories, among other things. but there are as many if not more enemies as friends- fears, doubts, nightmares, given form- and the girl soon finds out that her television-headed guide's intentions may not be as simple as they first seemed. that's a shitty synopsis, but there's world-saving and gorgeous art, as well as these significant perks:
art and storylines that play beautifully with film and art techniques such as chiaroscuro (art technique concerning light and shadow), dolly zooms (type of cinematic shot intended to disorient the viewer), and many other niche words- and it does it so that it's interesting and suspenseful!!!
PAIR OF MARRIED LESBIAN MONSTER WIVES!! "but liberty," you cry, "if they're monsters, that's questionable gay rep, isn't it?" i remove you from the premises immediately. that is not a valid argument because there is exactly one (1) human in this story. stan julienne the candy monster and her music wife or perish💙
genderfluid side character!! it's only a small detail, but it's there plain as day! ("and what are we today?" "female, darling.")
precocious small poc girl protagonist who takes NO shit from anyone. she's still adorable and likable, though, and she has short hair!! that's not important to the story but we stan young female protags with short hair💙
rgb!!! rgb the tv man who initiates the journey and guides the hero on her way so that she may save this world between worlds of sorts. dapper, british, infuriating at times, and- i kid you not- CANONICALLY PANSEXUAL, he is absolutely wonderful to read, and his character development is just *chef's kiss*. i love him a lot
an absolutely showstopping found family story. rgb and the hero are the single best father-daughter duo in fiction, contemporary or classic. they get off on the wrong foot, and they get on each other's nerves a fair bit, but they're family by the end (keep in mind that to my knowledge, the comic is currently ongoing and unfinished) and there are these amazingly heartwarming scenes between them that just make my sad scared heart go dhfssgjjfhjhiggjdhfxhd
genius worldbuilding.... imaginative and ingenuitive characters and worlds and concepts... honestly everything's practically perfect from a storytelling standpoint and just plain fun to read
a wonderful cast of side characters,
exquisite art,
meaningful and true morals about emotional health and good versus evil (among other things),
and so! many! other! incredible! things!!
i could go on and on about this comic but the whole reason i made this post was to persuade other people to read it, so go do that! the link to the first page is here:
and you can also follow the author on tumblr if you want! she's @modmad .
THANK you for reading this post. it is MUCH more structured than my normal posts and has a ton of information in it, uncommon for me and my pea brain, but i love this webcomic and hyperfixation go brrr💙 happy reading!!
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