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Skipping ahead a bit because we’re a bit unfinished with the c-di fam, so anyways~
The smallest feral menace, why anyone ages him up to be the wise one is Beyond me.
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apoemaday · 1 year
A Prayer That Will Be Answered
by Anna Kamieńska
Lord let me suffer much and then die
Let me walk through silence and leave nothing behind not even fear
Make the world continue let the ocean kiss the sand just as before
Let the grass stay green so that frogs can hide in it
so that someone can bury his face in it and sob out his love
Make the day rise brightly as if there were no more pain
And let my poem stand clear as a windowpane bumped by a bumblebee's head
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stankworth · 1 year
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I had a stressful week and my new coping mechanism is drawing moments from my fanfic that I haven't written yet... the theme for these doodles is Simon Experiences Bisexuality
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usaac-official · 1 year
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Men of the 118th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron astride one of their P-39Ns at Aiken Army Airfield, South Carolina, summer 1943
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dicapriho · 2 years
someone said it on twitter but i can’t find it - but it’s astonishing how people found it more believable that a woman in her 20s concocted a scheme over multiple years to frame her millionaire, worldwide-famous actor husband of domestic abuse, as opposed to the possibility that this famous actor (who is almost 20 years her senior and has publicly-known problems with alcohol and drugs since the 90s) was so angry that his moment in hollywood had passed, he wasn’t as popular as he used to be, but that his wife was doing better at the box-office than he was, she wanted to leave him and he just couldn’t stand the idea of her being happy or financially stable without him. misogyny is a fabulous thing isn’t it.
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landgraabbed · 11 months
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spaciebabie · 10 months
You groan loudly, grabbing at your stomach; you can’t even force your arms into it though, the pain crippling. You wince and let out a few strained breaths.
Springtrap stops as you do, tilting his head a bit to try to see your face. Twists and locks sound as his head moves into place and he leans over a little further, his eyes searching.
You shift your body to face him a little more with a strained smile. “I think it’s just- agh- what I ate earlier.” Another spike of pain and you turn away from him, trying to grab at your stomach again. It takes a moment before you can a manage a quick, “Just a cramp,” through your teeth.
His lids droop, almost in pain as well, and he looks away from you. There’s a mechanical shift as his gaze combs the room. You try to look back at him, but each shot of pain makes you lower your head. You can’t help but let out a loud, sharp breath with every movement.
He then turns back to you, seemingly not finding what he was searching for, and an arm suddenly wraps around your torso. You’re moved towards him, your legs no longer holding you. There’s an automatic whirring and you’re pulled down with him to the floor, knees bending without resistance. His legs cross, and his arm around your stomach shifts from grabbing you to holding you, now only pressing into your arms instead of binding them.
You sit quietly in his lap for a moment.
You clench your teeth as the ache starts again. His other hand moves up, settling on the back of your head, pulling you close against him while he leans over you slightly.
His hands were the same furred, hard-case-covered endo as the rest of his body, but the individual digits could almost ‘unlock,’ letting them move more naturally when brushing along a surface.
His hand softly cups your head, slowly trailing down to your back and then up again, his fingers able to gently trace your form.
“Don’t hurt,” his crackled voice mutters. He lightly sets his chin onto you. “I hate to see you troubled.”
The pain wasn’t gone, but the chill that suddenly shot through you felt clearing. You couldn’t focus on the aching anymore as he warmed you.
- heartbeat anon
what the fuck.
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Mikey & South's Parallels
@chaoticdelinqueerwithglitter, get your bingo card ready ;p
- They both had ill mother who couldn't raise/take care of them
-Absent father. We don't know where South's is and Mikey's dad is dead
- bc of that, raised by someone else
- Mikey has a Japanese mother and a not-completely Japanese dad | Not sure about South's parents but his mother has light hair so it is likely that she's Brazilian, at least partially and his father is Japanese (+ South's family name is Japanese so it's likely it is his father's)
-> (South was born in Japan it seems ("Minami was a foreign child", chapter 227), so perhaps he did know Japanese as a child (perhaps lost it with time tho) and we can only speculate about how and why he came to Brazil with his mom and why they ended up in a favela)
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- Mikey is called that: Mikey. And Manjiro by only very few people - South is called South, and Minami by no one in canon -> both being English name
- After losing both of their parents (& Dino in South's case), they go live with their grandparent(s)
- can bond over and understand each other's dark impulse in a way nobody else can
- childish (they deserve to be)
- Mikey kept his old blanket from his childhood - South has dinosaur plushies (metaphorically having Dino keep an eye on him) (I promise they're dinosaurs. They must be. That's how I see them.)
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- Both lost paternal figure at 12 y/o bc of the dark impulses (Dino died by South's own hands, I agree that the presence of the dark impulse here is debatable - Shinchiro died bc of the curse influencing Kazutora)
- Mikey was supposed to inherit BD - South took over Dino's gang
- Mikey got Shinichiro's bike & bedroom after his death - South took Dino's jewelry and got a tattoo similar to Dino's
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- HYPNOTIC EYES. Mikey's abyssal eyes suck your soul in and South's are just... Well first, too many with his tattoos, and second they look like he has eyes inside of his eyes (and circles inside circles inside circles inside circles... are the most basic form of hypnotic image)
- Have their hair tied up in past-present time/the first time we meet them
- Mikey is the second smallest man character in TR (so close to first place!) - South is the tallest man character in TR (and just the tallest period)
- Their image color (red & green) are complementary colors
Dino and Shinichiro:
- The one taking on the responsibility to take care of the ill mother (the hospital calls Shinichiro and not grandpa Sano when Mama Sano's condition got worse)
- Showed the delinquent way to them (different way tho: Mikey has witnessed the funny & entertaining, playful and 'relaxed' side of it - South had the right to experience violence from the start)
+ Shinichiro showed it to Mikey because he had a great experience with it and wanted his baby brother to be as happy as he was - We can only speculate why Dino wanted South by his side
- Shinichiro is Mikey's brother but we don't know why Dino started to take care of South and his mom
- Death was karmic: literally for Shin since he died by the curse he himself created the same way he killed to get time leaper powers, and for Dino it's more bc he asked for it with how he raised South
- Shinichiro is the only one (from what we know) who keeps calling Mikey Manjiro no matter the years vs Dino was the one to change Minami's name to South
- Ruined Mikey's life by traumatizing him with the curse and its consequences (of course, didn't mean to) - Ruined South's life by traumatizing him with.. making him kill people and all
- Both wear a chain around their neck
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feivelynart · 2 years
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Fav ESO bean
I came for Manni, I stayed for this guy.
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sergle · 1 year
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text in the image just in case tumblr also dislikes links and certain keywords that start with a p! but! hi i'm making a painting
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aqua-phoric · 3 months
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lostryu · 1 year
some of you are getting awfully comfortable with using hateful terminology that originated on Nazi website 4chan against other members of the LGBT+ community.
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rrrick · 1 year
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kbaji · 2 years
bonten house husband series…… how do we feel about that..?
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anotheroceanid · 1 month
I’m not a US citizen but the elections are all over my TikTok fyp and here in tumblr too, so I’m giving my opinion about it since it’s all I’m seeing recently.
My country just recently managed to get rid of one of the worst presidents we ever had (and we were once a dictatorship lol), and we only did that because EVERYONE voted. And I mean everyone. Here (I don’t know how it works in us) you can start voting once you turn sixteen, and then at eighteen the law demands you to vote. Teens pretty much saved my country from another dictatorship, so…
Don’t wait for the perfect candidate to vote, don’t wait for a messiah who will align with every political opinion you have, you don’t need a candidate you cannot criticise. In fact, criticising your leaders is also part of democracy. Sometimes, changes are slow paced. But better a one step forward than five step backs
You better vote while you still have the right to do so, because if you’re not a cis white rich male, this right (all your rights, in fact) is always in danger and the only way you have to protect yourself is VOTING.
Don’t fall for the “all sides are bad”, that’s propaganda to get you not to vote.
Don’t fall for “people under (arbitrary age) aren’t old enough to vote”. This is pseudoscience propaganda used to target young voters because they’re less conservative.
Don’t fall for “vote doesn’t change anything”. Yes it does, your participation in democracy is what keep democracy standing.
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llycaons · 29 days
there's like three wwx ships that are semi-popular (way below the massive popularity of wx) and I don't like any of them but the reasons they don't work are self-explanatory enough (wwx is clearly just not as into them as they are into him, if they ARE into him) that I tend to not feel the need to write long paragraphs explaining why they don't make any sense. except for that one time I had to write out why JIANG CHENG would be a bad partner outside of the fucking obvious because I saw a post and it annoyed me
for lwj tho any other ships are just. laughable. like you don't even need an argument
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