blkdaddie · 3 months
What to Expect When You're A Trad Husband Expecting: Third Trimester
The third trimester is when the baby's, and therefore your, growth will really accelerate.
You may need to adjust your wardrobe but this is no excuse to be slovenly. Soft draped shirts and linen slacks that mold to your expanding hips will serve you well.
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Athletic clothing is to be worn for athletics only and in the very rarest of instances, for a brief errand. Use your HoH's working hours to attend to all self-care tasks so you can freshen up and give him your full attention when you get home.
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Your HoH may wish for you to wear less clothing when he is home. This will certainly be more comfortable but keep a shirt or soft sweater near the front door in the case of visitors and deliveries, lest you give the neighbors an eyeful.
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As you grow larger, especially if carrying multiples, a belly band will be your best friend. It will provide support to take weight off of your back and also help prevent stretch marks.
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Of course your hubby will always be your preferred body pillow, but as the baby gets bigger and stronger, the pokes and kicks might interrupt your sleep. Invest in a good body pillow, which will not only help with future pregnancies but can double as a breastfeeding pillow in between.
At this point, your baby can see and hear! Play music to support brain development, and encourage your hubby to talk to your belly so baby/ies will recognize his voice.
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This is the time to write out your birth plan, take childbirth classes, and if applicable, pack your birth bag. Make sure to order a matching robe and swaddle blanket for you and your new baby for your first photos. We recommend you watch some birth videos to explore what kind of labor and delivery you want. Will you deliver at home, in a center, or in a hospital? Will you have a water birth, use a birthing chair, or a bed with stirrups? Familiarize yourself with different positions and techniques that will help the baby descend and manage your pain levels.
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Any labor and delivery that is safe and healthy for you and baby is good and valid. Do your best to stay active, eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water, and most of all, enjoy the little pokes and flutters as your baby grows bigger and stronger.
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blkdaddie · 3 months
What to Expect When You're a Trad Husband Expecting: Active Labor and Delivery
It's showtime! As your baby gets ready to enter the world your contractions will get closer and stronger, and you will be forced to turn your full attention to the process. Most of you have likely chosen to deliver at home. If you will be going to the hospital or a birthing center by choice or a doctor's recommendation, grab your bag and get rolling.
Your strong, handsome husband will be by your side. Take this time to enjoy your last few moments as a couple before expending your family. Try putting on your favorite song and "belly dancing" as the baby settles low in our hips.
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Breathe, and visualize yourself opening up these last few centimeters. Move into whatever positions feel comfortable for your body - squatting, kneeling, doing pelvic tilts., etc.
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Your husbands arms are your comfort, his strength is your strength. This is the moment you were both made for. You may find that you become erect from prolonged pressure on your prostate (or from scent of your HoH skin to skin with you). It is also common to vocalize with moans, grunts, and cries. These may not sound unlike the sounds of your passion. If you feel your man growing hard take comfort in knowing that his lust for your knows no bounds.
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Your body will tell you when you're ready to push. The urge will be undeniable. Bear down; the ring of fire as your baby's head crowns is the flame of your old life burning away. This is your life now, dedicated to your husband and children.
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Engage your pelvic muscles and push. The more children you have, the easier this will be, but the first will require some effort as your body learns to open up.
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Before you know it you will be holding your baby, the both of you secure in your husband's arms. Start kegel exercises within 12 hours of delivery; both you and your hubby will feel better knowing you will be tight for your mutual pleasure and continued breeding. Congratulations, you are officially a Daddie!
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blkdaddie · 3 months
What to Expect When You're a Trad Husband Expecting: Early Labor
It is not uncommon to have nesting urges just before and during early labor. Use this burst of energy to your advantage! Prep some freezer meals, deep clean the living spaces, and iron your husband's suits. Of course with a home birth you'll be available to run the household as usual shortly after delivery. However, If you are planning a hospital birth and need to stay a few days, your darling husband may be confused about how to manage in your absence. You don't want him eating pizza delivery morning, noon, and night, do you?
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If the carriers in your family tend to have long labors, you can even fit in another grocery run.
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During early labor, gravity is your friend. Staying on your feet will help the baby/ies settle into your pelvis. Press your husband's suits, dust the baseboards, and Your Head of Household has likely forbidden you to have an epidural, so having a task to distract you from any discomfort will be essential. Idle hands are the devil's playground!
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blkdaddie · 4 months
A Trad Husband's Handbook: Don't Wake Papa!
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As a good TradHusband, it is your responsibility to manage the health of your family, including making sure your darling hubby gets enough rest. Make sure the bed has fresh linens and plump pillows. Keep the room cool and dark, without televisions or tech device screens.
Sometimes your Head of Household will be worked up after a sports game or a big day at work. If he has difficulty falling asleep, help him relax with a cup of tea, a massage, or a blowjob. The protein is good for you skin and hair so make sure to swallow! You must be quiet and careful not to disturb when you slip out of bed for late night feedings and diaper changes. Get your newborns on a feeding schedule as soon as possible. Put a daybed in the nursery for cuddling fussy toddlers. You and your man will be grateful when he comes down for breakfast well rested and ready to take on the day.
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blkdaddie · 3 months
A Trad Husband's Handbook: Cultivating Traditional Skills and Hobbies
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Traditional husbands should cultivate and take joy in gentle skills and hobbies. Sewing, gardening, and hospitality are fun and benefit the whole family. What greater joy is there than swaddling a baby in a blanket knit by your own hands!
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Show your pride in your home with custom décor, including tiling and murals. Kids change interests quickly, show that you're listening to their wants and needs with a full bedroom and playroom redecoration every year or so.
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Cultivate a bountiful garden so your family can eat fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs daily. Throughout the spring and summer, cut fresh flowers daily to adorn countertops and nightstands.
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Make every day special! It goes without saying that meals should be cooked from scratch and with food from your garden whenever possible. Birthdays and accomplishments should be celebrated with special treats and hand-made favors and decorations. Pro tip: Baking is a great way to teach fractions for homeschoolers.
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Speaking of baking, if you do choose to send your kids to school, keep tabs on their activities and how the school is being run by being the head of the PTA. Bake sales, tricky trays, chaperoning field trips, etc. What a great way to get some extra time with your kiddos.
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Part of being a good homemaker is ensuring the household is both tidy and functional. It is your responsibility to keep the home organized and running smoothly. A good calendar system will help you with meal prepping, scheduling prenatal and beauty appointments, and ensuring you have sex with your HoH (Head of Household) at least 9 times a week.
Remember, there are 24 useable hours in every day! When you're doing what you love for the people you love, it never feels like work.
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blkdaddie · 4 months
A Trad Husband's Handbook: Supporting Your Husband's Career
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As a TradHusband, you are your HoH (Head of Household)'s silent business partner. When he is closing a big deal, use your best silver and china to lay a proper dinner party for his clients and bosses. You should take care in writing the menu and cooking the 10 courses yourself, but please hire servers for the event so you may give your guests your full attention. After dinner, take the wives and other TradHusbands to tour the nursery while the men retire to the den for cigars and scotch. You may even find some new friends amongst the spouses as you trade birth stories and recommendations for private schools.
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When hubby is working those long hard hours he may lose track of time. Be discreet when you slip into his home office to refill coffee and deliver lunch so you don't break his concentration.
If you do a very good job, you may be rewarded with an extra long, extra deep fucking of your manpussy.
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A Warning : We know your hubby looks extra yummy when he's being the big boss, but best to save the Boss & Secretary roleplay for after business hours!
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blkdaddie · 4 months
A Trad Husband's Handbook: Health And Wellness
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The way you look is a representation of your husband. You are responsible for appearing in the best light. Keep your body fit and healthy by engaging in regular exercise. Light weightlifting and aerobics will ensure you have the strength and stamina for long lovemaking sessions with your darling husband after a day chasing toddlers. Yoga and Pilates keep the joints loose and flexible. After your first few pregnancies you will have a proper set of breeding hips. Regular stretching will allow you to have natural childbirths and fast recoveries.
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Likewise, swimming is good for the joints and will keep you lithe. While the buoyancy is a blessing in the last months of pregnancy, resist the urge to lounge for hours on end. Swim a few good laps daily for strong legs and arms, perfect for picking up squirming toddlers.
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blkdaddie · 4 months
A Trad Husband's Handbook: Family Planning
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Your hardworking husband has vowed to protect and provide for your family, so it is your responsibility to provide him with as many children as able. Ideally, you should be pregnant and/or breastfeeding for at least the first 15 years of your marriage. As a loving and loyal Trad Husband, you excel at keeping your body prepared and willing to accept your husband. However there may be times when he is busy or distracted. Or, heaven forbid, he may start to hint that you have enough children. In these times, you must step into your role as the manager of the household and take charge. Be clear that you need to be bred, and that his participation is required to fulfill your role as a traditional husband and and your destiny as a carrier
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Plan a mini getaway in a local 5 star hotel.
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Use part of your allowance to buy lingere in his favorite color and surprise him at the office.
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Send the kids to your parents house for the night and christen new rooms in the house.
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With luck, you will experience the joy of having at least one set of multiples. Some old carrier tales recommend eating yams , tapioca, and pineapple cores to increase odds of twins+. While unproven, every bit helps. Hyperfertility will show that your Head of Household did well in choosing a good carrier (you), and will boost his social and professional standing.
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blkdaddie · 4 months
A Trad Husband's Handbook: Grooming and Fashion
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TradHusbands should be well groomed at all times, including biweekly haircuts and barbershop shaves. The barbershop can be a good place for bonding, especially meeting older TradHusbands who are on their 9th or 10th pregnancies and can share tips for a long and happy marriage.
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Barbershops are places of community, so feel free to bring your little ones. There is never a shortage of other customers willing to hold and play with your precious babies. But as you know, only you can provide nourishment, so the barber will fully understand your need to breastfeed during your service.
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When pregnant, keep your skin smooth and stretchmark free with regular moisturizing. While most grooming and exercise should be discreet and away from your husband's view, you and he may enjoy incorporating lotions and massage into your nightly routine.
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When it comes to fashion, a well trained TradHusband can cultivate a capsule wardrobe that is modest, elegant, and practical. Slacks, slip-on loafers, oxford shirts, and soft knits will serve you well. An apron will keep your outfit clean in the event of company. Choose flattering silhouettes and hand tailor your clothes as needed.
Do not give in to temptation to stock your closet with "athleisure" separates! Your Head of Household's love is conditional; appearing slovenly is the fast track to your husband finding another man up to his standards.
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blkdaddie · 3 months
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Coming Soon!
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blkdaddie · 2 months
What to Expect When You're A Trad Husband Expecting: Postpartum
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The postpartum period is often called the "Fourth Trimester". Hormones are still flooding your body. Oxytocin
Begin breastfeeding immediately after delivery and enjoy some skin to skin time with your newborn. Breastfeeding burns a lot of calories and will help slim your body to the pre-pregnancy state that first caught your husband's eye. If this is your first child, hubby may become jealous at your newly divided attention. Reassure him by granting him unfettered access to your body. Inviting him to suckle can keep up your milk supply and be comforting for you both. The warmth of your body and your milk is a balm to his soul.
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This is the life you've been working for, waiting for, and praying for. Enjoy every moment, and revel in it. There is nothing sexier than seeing your strong, manly husband being so gentle with the child you made together. Try your best to wait until your doctor gives you the all-clear to make love again. Don't worry, it won't be long until you're reading this book from the beginning again.
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blkdaddie · 3 months
What to Expect when You're a Trad Husband Expecting: First Trimester
Congratulations, you're pregnant! If you're excited and reading this before you've had a positive test, please go back and read our guide to Family Planning.
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Growing a baby is hard work! But it's also the most magical journey. This is a very important job that your Head of Household has entrusted you with, and you don't want to let him down.
You will start to experience some physical changes, including puffy nipples, morning sickness, and fatigue. Some minor adjustments can help you manage these without abandoning your responsibilities to your dear husband. Morning sickness is unavoidable, but keeping mints and ginger candy on the nightstand will make sure you don't offend with barf breath (ew!). Since you'll be awake anyway, you might as well start on hubby's breakfast so he can start his day. If the smell of eggs and coffee makes you sick, change the menu. A light breakfast of a steak with hash browns, oatmeal, and a fruit salad with mint will be a reasonable substitute. Nibbling on dry toast while you cook will help keep the nausea at bay and your energy up.
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You may be tempted to sneak in a short nap during the day. Understandable, but an alarm is your best friend; freshen up and start dinner before hubby's car pulls into the drive.
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There will also be emotional changes, for both you and your HOH. The hormone surge might make you feel a bit clingy, and your man will get very protective. He has already vowed to protect you, and now you are carrying his most delicate precious gift. Try not to let him see you talking to other seeders during this time, so as not to raise his ire. Beyond that, this should be a blissful time to get in tons of cuddles before the belly gets in the way.
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Take your prenatal vitamins, drink plenty of water, and get ready for the ride of your life!
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blkdaddie · 4 months
A Trad Husband's Handbook Ch 1: Creating a Warm and Welcoming Home
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Your darling husband works long, hard hours to provide for your growing family. Show him how much you've missed him all day by greeting him with a perfectly balanced cocktail to enjoy while you finish preparing dinner. A good TradHusband will always have his Head of Household's favorite spirits on hand and ice on the bar cart. No more than two drinks a night though, please! You don't want "whiskey dick" to interrupt your lovemaking schedule. Fail to abide by this rule and you'll only have yourself to blame when your man is sleeping soundly and you're staring at the ceiling, pouting that you didn't get your nightly pounding. Rule of Thumb: Keep his belly full and his balls empty!
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blkdaddie · 4 months
A Trad Husband's Handbook: Becoming A Traditional Husband
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Today you become more than a BabyDaddie, you become a proper Trad Husband. You have vowed to love, honor, and obey your man, to respect him as the head of the household, and to submit to his will for the good of the family. While Trad Wives are expected to remain chaste before marriage, as a TradHusband, your HoH (Head Of Household) owns your body from the time of proposal. He will not marry you until mere weeks before your delivery so all of your family and friends can see what a good and loyal boi you are, capable of growing and nurturing his seed.
While your wedding attire should be appropriately modest and tailored, your trousseau should ignite your new husband's passions. Thought you may be shy at first, remember that your body is perfectly and exquisitely made for his pleasure. The firm roundness of your first baby bump is a symbol that you are forever yoked to him, and a manifestation of your vow to bear him many heirs.
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blkdaddie · 4 months
Posting Schedule and Story List!
Current Series: As Natural As Breathing
Most Popular Short Stories
Family Album (Images, based on text by @thepoppedbb ) Samuel's Home Birth Becoming a Girl Dad A Quiet Night At Home (explicit) Four Births A Day with Dr. Marcus Clay's Childbirth Loving Miles The Doctor's House Calls MpregPapa Collabs Space Station Active Service, Active Labor
Series: As Natural As Breathing (Domestic fluff, one explicit chapter) see tag #NaturalAsBreathing The Doctor's Visit and sequels. Quiet, unexpected love, and the joy of a growing family.
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Series: Empregnas University (Explicit warning for full series) see tag #EmpregnasU An all-male Historically Black College & University (HBCU) outlaws contraception on campus. Many shenanigans and pregnancies ensue.
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Series: Trad Daddies (Fluff with occasional references to sexual activities) see tag #TradBlkDaddies Learn how to be the perfect submissive Traditional Husband with our TradDaddie guide. We will make you into the consummate fertile birther and happy homemaker.
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