#tragically even queer people fall into the traps of cisnormativity which is why theres a whole group of nbs who would fight tooth and nail
non-binharry · 3 years
But is it not telling that he didnt know pronuons in 2018?How does a person who has been questioning their gender not know pronuons?Also Ive seen receipts where harry assumed fans' genders and sexualities while louis has been more educated on that matter then why dont you assume that louis is nonbinary?Im just confused...
you know this message wouldn't have pissed me off so bad if you didn't clearly write it in such bad faith
that's not telling anything at all. gender is personal
it is a personal journey that is brought upon by inward reflection on how you feel you experience your life. you don't have to know all the vocabulary or different types of identities there are to look at yourself and go "hmm i feel different from people around me" or "i enjoy certain things or ideas more than people of the same sex typically would"
you wanna see what the first time i verbalized how i was feeling about my own gender identity looks like?
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i chalked up the way that i was feeling to my bisexuality, which was the only definitive queerness i knew about myself at the time. i knew vaguely about various gender identities because i am a child of tumblr after all, but there were no specifics when i first began realizing how i really felt. i just knew it's what i was feeling and that's all i needed to know because it's something i was coming to accept about myself.
i get messages all the time saying "i didn't know i could feel non-binary while still feeling xyz" and it's because we tend to put so much emphasis on trying to fit ourselves into this universal experience instead of realizing that the only person we're trying to learn about is ourselves
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