#anyways thanks for this trash message i had to go and find these messages from 2018 and they gave me a good cry
6ix9inewiturmom · 2 months
The Scare- Chris Sturniolo
Summary: you end up having one of the biggest pregnancy scares of your life while chris is in boston
Warnings: Cursing, Crying, use of Y/N, talks of sex, taking a pregnancy test
A/n: may be tmi but lowkey relate to this so this was easy to write LMFAOO, ENJOY
Chris has been in Boston for the last 2 weeks, and he's finally coming home. I decided to shower and shave before he came home because that man is the most sexually active 20-year-old I've ever met, the Facetime sex at 3 am for him isn't nearly enough to satisfy both of our needs.
After my hour-long shower, I'm digging through my shared bathroom with Chris in an attempt to find my body lotion to prevent my dry ass skin in this heat when I find my box of tampons, which got me thinking I haven't had a period in a while and Chris and I aren't the safest people when it comes to sex because neither of us can even remember to put a condom on, it always fucks up my mood.
“Shit,” I say to my self.
Chris and I are only 20 and with his career there's no fucking way in HELL we can have a kid or even raise a kid, I am nowhere near ready to raise an actual child.
I open my Flo app and see the little circle that's normally red is grey ‘1 week late’
“Shit shit shit,” I say out loud again, panicking.
I can't keep it from him, he's gonna see the pregnancy test in the trash. Would he be mad if I kept it from him? Should I just tell him? Should I go to Tara?
After about 30 minutes of standing in the bathroom looking at the message in my phone, panicking about what to do, I just decided I was gonna tell Chris, he loves me, and we've talked about having kids way later in life anyway, he couldn't be mad.
I finally built up the courage and got dressed in a pair of tight ripped jeans and a baby tee, with some Converse, and sat on the couch waiting for Chris to come home going through Tiktok and whatever else was on my phone.
“BABY IM HOME” Chris yells from the stairs
I squeal in excitement as I spot Chris and run towards him. Jumping into his arms, he effortlessly lifts me, allowing me to wrap my legs around his waist.
“Umm Y/N there are other people here too you know? Also, Chris get out of the fucking way so we can fucking put our shit down” Nick says in annoyance.
“Well hello to you too Nick,” I say jumping out of Chris’ arms moving out of the doorway, and letting Matt and Nick come inside the house.
“Sorry babes, we've all been up since about 6 am Boston time trying to catch our flight we almost missed because your fucking boyfriend wouldn't get the hell out of bed” Nick replies sending me a soft smile and giving me a soft hug.
“To be fair none of us went to bed at a decent time, mom was making sure we had everything packed so we didn't leave anything behind” matt defends.
“Thank you, Matt, now Y/N do you wanna take a nap? I know we were gonna go out to dinner but I'm very fucking jet lagged and kinda just want to order dinner and watch movies with you” Chris wraps his arms around my waist nuzzling his head between my neck as my hands rest on his shoulders.
“Thats fine with me i don't mind” i pull away from his embrace and smile at him.
Chris grabs his luggage and my hand and guides me to our shared bedroom. As we enter the room he seats his luggage down and plops on the bed letting out a groan of frustration.
“I have missed this damn bed, don't ask me how I slept in that bed at my mom's house for god knows how long because this one is so much more comfortable,” Chris says adjusting the way he's laying to rest his head down on the pillows. “Now after 2 weeks of no sex and just my right hand, I'm gonna need to fuck the ever-loving shit out of you” he smirks at me patting his lap and signaling me to sit on it.
“Yeah so about that” give him an awkward smile “So I didn't know how to approach this to you, 'cause you know we're not the most responsible sexually active humans” I start babbling getting nervous of his reaction based on the puzzled look on his face.
“Y/N what the hell are you getting at? cause if you don’t wanna have sex with me right now that’s fine just say that, but considering our last facetime call the constant ‘oh chris i need your cock’ was really misleading to me” he says with a puzzled faced.
“Chris i’m late” i breathe out.
“late for what? did we have reservations for dinner? did you have something for work?” he says with frustration in his voice.
“No Chris my period, I'm late, my period is LATE, I'm 1 week late today,” I say aggressively from his lack of acknowledgement.
“wait we haven’t had sex in 2 weeks? i’m confused” he sits up moving to the edge of the bed.
“last time we had sex i was ovulating, remember when i told you like a while ago that if im ovulating means im FERTILE?” i say in frustration.
“Fuck” he runs his fingers through his hair “Did you take a test? Do you know for sure that you are pregnant?” he questions
“No, and no, I didn't wanna take a test without you, and I for SURE didn't wanna hide it from you,” I say softly sitting next to him on the bed.
“So why the hell are you freaking out now? You don't know for sure that you are” he asks placing his head in his hands.
“Because you and I are nowhere near ready for a fucking kid Chris, your career, and my inability to even fucking care for myself some days, yeah there's no fucking way I can care for a child who can't even speak on its emotions, Chris” I stand up out of frustration and start pacing.
I can tell Chris obviously got upset with my statement about our ability to care for a child but i was stressed and honestly wasn't thinking.
"I want you to know that I care about you deeply, Y/N. If you are indeed pregnant, please know that I will do everything in my power to support you and our child. Even if it means giving up my career, I will do it willingly. Let's go get a pregnancy test and we can talk about everything else later, okay? I am here for you, and I will always be." he says, his voice filled with empathy and understanding as he gently cups my cheeks in his hands, rubbing them softly up and down and warm smile spreads across his face.
As our eyes meet, a warm smile spreads across his face and I can't help but return it. He takes my hand in his and gently guides me towards the living room, his grip firm yet gentle. The coolness of his skin against mine sends shivers down my spine.
“Girl, were you guys arguing? Normally after we come home from Boston it's all ‘Oh Chris more, more’ typically a traumatic event” Nick says mocking me with a smile plastered across his face.
“Y/N and I are running to CVS so well be back in a little,” Chris says walking him and me down the stairs and to my car.
The drive to CVS was filled with a bunch of conversations and laughter, talking about if I was pregnant how we would raise our child, and Chris talking about the dad jokes he's gonna have, and considering he's a triplet he carries the genetic that I'm probably gonna twins or triplets.
“How many of these things do we need? What brand is best? why are there so many options?” Chris says holding 3 boxes of pregnancy tests and struggling to figure out which one to pick “fuck it why don't we buy all of them and use one pack tonight then we'll have the extra on hand in case our irresponsibility gets the best of us” he continues.
Chris and I walked up to the front counter and dropped the boxes of tests. The worker behind the counter took a look at the tests and then looked back at us, giving us a fake smile. After ringing up the purchase, we made our way to my car.
“So do you think you are pregnant?” Chris says breaking the silence.
“I mean normally my cycles are normal and a week late is not normal at all but it could be my hormones changing or something, but I do wanna make sure,” I say glancing at Chris nervously biting his nails.
“You were right about how irresponsible we are with our sex lives but when we first started fucking we knew the risk of everything and I mean our kids would be pretty cute,” he says placing his hand on my leg and rubbing a small circle with his thumb.
Chris and I pulled up into the driveway. As we got out of the car, he held my hand tightly and carried the CVS bag in the other hand as we made our way into the house and up the staircase.
“did you get any snacks?” Nick says eating a bowl of popcorn on the couch with Matt watching the most random movie on Netflix.
“Uhm no I just got a couple of personal things” I say nervously holding up the bag and sending a warm smile to Nick.
Chris and I pretty much B lined to the bathroom, anxiously “So which one do we use?” Chris says looking down at the boxes.
“Just give me the one that says Clearblue” i say softly laughing as Chris opens the box for me and inspects it before handing me the little stick.
“Do you want me to hold the stick while you piss? I'm sorry I have no idea how these things work” he says laughing allowing his back to slide down the wall and sit with his back against the shower door.
“Chris it's fine i know how to use these, believe me my friends in highschool weren't the most responsible either” I say laughing beginning to pee on the little white and blue stick.
“So how long do we wait?” Chris says helping me take a seat on the floor next to him.
“5 minutes” I breathe out setting a 5-minute timer on my phone and leaning my head against the shower door.
As we sat in the bathroom, waiting for the pregnancy test to show its result, the silence felt palpable. It wasn't an awkward silence, but rather a deafening one that seemed to fill the entire room. With just the two of us present, we anxiously waited for the five minutes to pass.
“Would it be a bad thing if I wanted it to be positive?” Chris chuckles.
“I wouldn't necessarily say a bad thing, there's a part of me that kind of wants it to be positive too” i smile back at Chris.
The alarm on my phone quickly broke the once-loving moment sending us into a panic. Chris and I stand up walking to the counter.
“Wait should we film it in case you are then we could always have it if you could be pregnant?” Chris’ gaze softens as he looks at me.
“Chris not the time” I softly laugh out.
“Right,” he nods smiling back at me. “WAIT” he grabs my hand “Whatever happens, I love you,” he says in a serious tone.
With a warm smile, I gaze lovingly at him and reciprocate his affectionate words, "I love you too Christopher." However, my attention is quickly drawn towards the counter where the pregnancy test lays face down, taunting my nerves. With trembling hands, I muster up the courage to pick it up and slowly turn it around to face me, my heart pounding in anticipation of the result.
‘Not Pregnant’
“YES, MORE CREAMPIES” Chris shrieks wrapping his arms around my waist and picking me up, and spinning me around as I giggle out of excitement.
He carefully seats me down back flat on my feet. Our moment was quickly interrupted by both Nick and Matt barging through the door.
“ARE YOU GUYS- wait is that a pregnancy test? Y/N ARE YOU PREGNANT?” Nick yelled as Matt's eyes widened at the little blue stick in my hands.
“Please for the love of god, I don't want a little Chris running around, or two, or even three” Matt places his hand on his forehead.
“No she is not” Chris chuckles at the boys’ comment.
“THANK YOU,” matt and nick say in unison.
“Wrap it before you tap it next time Chris,” Nick says walking away and back to the living room.
“Now I'll say it again, after 2 weeks of Facetime sex I would like to absolutely fuck your brains out” Chris says smirking down at me.
“Please do” I smile as he picks me up gripping the backs of my thighs as my legs wrap around his waist leading me to the bedroom.
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queens-of-spirits · 1 year
Sometimes I get really sad and think about Shen Yuan’s family and how they reacted to his death.
He lived alone, so I wonder how long it took for someone to find him. I don’t think it took very long. Here’s why.
From my understanding, he didn’t get to post his final review of the PIDW ending. He died before he could.
The internet is the internet so people notice that Peerless Cucumber is missing. People get concerned because no way this fucker is not commenting on this if he still has the ability to type and they track him down and get in contact with his family
At first they think the “hey maybe check on this guy, he’s been radio silent online and that’s a not like him” message is a joke, but they send his sister anyway.
Of course, she finds him dead.
And a few weeks later, Peerless Cucumber posts the review with the following note included:
So for those of you itching to know what Peerless Cucumber thought of the update, here you are. I want to thank everyone who reached out out of concern. You were right. My brother died before he could post this. We only found him so fast because of all of you.
I will say, being made aware of this account is the best gift I could be given. I get to read through all his old reviews and really get a sense of everything he hid from us. He was a sickly guy and reading novels like this one were his escape, you know? He used to rant to me about whatever trash he picked out when it was too hard to talk about everything else, so this was like getting to talk to my brother one last time. I could practically hear his voice again.
I’m posting this, his final review, because I know my brother and he would not want the last chapter to go unroasted, even if he had to do it from beyond the grave, so I believe I can help put him to rest with this.
So this is Peerless Cucumber, signing off for the last time
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upon-a-starry-night · 3 months
Number Neighbors Pt.25
Natasha Romanoff x Fem! Reader
Natasha Masterlist Series Masterlist
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary:  When you catch sight of the newest trend going around you know you’re all but bound to at least try it, it was harmless anyway. What could possibly stem from something so little?
Nat doesn’t respond to any of your texts, she doesn’t explain why she was sorry, nor does she show up on Friday. You waited at the cafe for 3 hours before you finally accepted that she wasn’t coming. You had been too anxious to order coffee so you ordered a tea but it had long gotten cold. The barista would glance at you every so often with pity and embarrassment burned your cheeks. 
You threw the cold tea in the trash and left the cafe vowing to avoid this part of town for a while. You were hurt and angry but more than anything you were confused. She had seemed thrilled to meet you and it was her idea in the end so why was she bailing on you? The thought that she wasn’t who she claimed to be quietly crept up on you throughout the day but you’d heard her voice, at the very least she wasn’t a 60-year-old man. At least she didn’t sound like one.
You’re looping through the five stages of grief throughout the week and by the end of it, you're a sobbing mess in your friend's arms. There’s copious amounts of ice cream in your freezer and a bottle of wine has already been emptied as the two of you find yourself back on your couch but this time the circumstances are less enjoyable.
“I don't understand what I did wrong” Your friend gently caresses your hair as you stain her shirt with salty tears. She’d known the second she saw you that something was wrong and you’d nearly broken down on your lunch break in front of her when she asked if you were alright. 
Even your mother seemed to notice something was off just by the sound of your voice. She’d threatened to come down and maim the person that hurt you and you didn’t have the heart to tell her that neither of you would know where to find her.
“Maybe she’s just scared?” Your friend tried to reason. You don’t know how long she’s been comforting you but it’s the only thing keeping you from texting Nat again. You’ve ranged from screaming at her through texts to sending her sob-ridden voicemails and you hoped to keep at least a small part of your dignity intact.
“But it was her idea!” You argue “and she knows I wouldn’t be mad if she wasn’t ready. I just don’t understand why she won’t respond” A fresh wave of anger washes over you as you get up from the couch, your hands waving wildly as you make your way to the fridge “And what was with that cryptic text?! Why couldn’t she just say why she was sorry? What’s an apology without an explanation?”
You angrily grab a carton of ice cream and two spoons, huffing as you plop down on the couch and handing the spare spoon to your companion. You instinctively reach out for your phone, checking to see if Nat’s at least read your messages. She hasn’t.
You go to text her again, fueled by frustration despite your thread of unanswered messages. They stare tauntingly at you as the blue light assaults your tired teary eyes.
Are you okay? We don’t have to meet but I’m getting worried about you
Nat? I’m going to call.
I never realized you don’t have a voicemail tone
I was hoping I’d get to hear your voice one last time
You know what? Screw you, I don't deserve this!
I didn’t mean it. I miss you.
I’m calling again.
You make a move to text her again but your friend slips the phone from your hands before you get the chance. She deletes whatever jumbled mess you had started typing and sets your phone behind her so you can’t reach it. You simultaneously want to scream at her and thank her. 
“Maybe we should give her some time?” You pick up on what she’s saying immediately. Realizing she might not be talking about Nat. You only manage a small nod as you slump further into the couch and start eating your ice cream.
“Can we put something on?” Your friend nods and turns the TV on and you’re grateful for the temporary distraction but you know the second she leaves you’ll probably send Nat another voicemail.
The silence allows you ample time to give in to your anxiety, realizing you don’t know as much as you probably should about Nat. You don’t know her last name, if she has any siblings, what she does for a living. For all you know, she could be a contract assassin, it would make sense why she disappeared all the time. 
 You had no idea who you’d been talking to and now that you’d grown an attachment to her she ghosted you. Had that been her plan the whole time? Was this some kind of game to her? Did she even really care about you? Your thoughts swirl and grow into a ball of anxiety and paranoia and you stare blankly at the TV as the cold of the metal spoon presses into your tongue.
Nat lays on the cold pullout couch of her trailer and stares at the ceiling for what feels like days. It’s all she can bring herself to do when she’s not busying herself with other distractions. When she doesn’t distract herself her mind wanders to you. 
She promised she’d never make you cry. Her heart squeezes at the thoughts that must be running through your head. She’d had to leave her phone behind at the tower but she’d gotten a glimpse of your worried messages while she was packing. She felt horrible to leave you without an explanation but how would you believe her if she told you over text? 
She planned to tell you everything when you met but now she wouldn’t get the chance. And all because of the stupid government treaty Stark wanted them to sign. It made her impossibly angry just thinking about Thursday evening.
*The Avengers had all gathered in the meeting room, except Peter who was taking tests at school that he didn’t want to miss. The room was tense as Tony flipped through pictures and videos of the destruction their fights often led to, only stopping when Steve told him to. Nat could understand where Tony was coming from, she understood that the wreck that became the city was distressing but if it meant lives were saved wasn’t it worth it? 
She refused to be under anyone’s control ever again now that she had her freedom. She wasn’t going to be put on a leash. They already complied with all of the publicity stunts and interviews the government made them do but now they wanted to control their lives? What were they going to do next tell her how to breathe? 
Not to mention she didn’t want them getting involved in her relationships. She couldn’t have them knowing about you- controlling you. She wouldn’t let them take you from her. She smiled at the thought of you, glancing at her phone to see your good luck message.
“Well you can tell them your opinions face to face” Natasha’s head snaps up at Tony’s words and Bucky fixes him with a suspicious glare
“You better not be saying what I think you are Stark” He seeths out and Tony just shrugs, checking his watch
“They’ll be here in a few hours, I already agreed to sign it” The room erupts in a flurry of outrage. Wanda is the first to leave, scoffing as she pushes out of her chair and makes her way to the meeting room door. Vision follows after her, worry evident on his features.
Steve is still arguing with Tony trying to reason with him but it seems like it’s falling on deaf ears and Nat watches as her family begins crumbling in front of her eyes. She stays stoically silent, unsure of what to say to stop the fighting that's only getting worse. Bucky looks half ready to sock Tony in the face and she wouldn’t fault him for it but she doesn’t want violence to break out nonetheless.
“They backed me into a corner! We don’t have any other options! We don’t know what they’ll do to us if we don’t agree!” She can hear the desperation in Stark’s voice; the fear. A man who was always trying to prevent what could happen so much that he became oblivious to what was happening.
“We don’t know what they’ll do to us if we do!” It’s the last thing Bucky says before he storms out of the room, Steve following not soon after. Tony looks to Bruce but he only solemnly shakes his head, sitting quietly in his chair as he tries to think of another solution. 
Stark tries to reason with Nat but she just sighs. She doesn’t know how to solve this yet but she’ll figure out a solution. For now, she needs to do what she assumes the rest of her family is doing: Pack and find a place to hide out for a while. She’d seen what the government does to powerful people they don’t trust- she’d been part of some of those missions. She knows it’s in their best interest not to stick around unless they want to be thrown onto The Raft until they agree to sign their lives away.*
That’s how she ended up here, in the middle of nowhere, cold and alone. She’d had to leave her phone behind so that she couldn’t be tracked and that meant she couldn’t text you. She briefly considered texting you from a burner phone, she had your number memorized but she didn’t want to freak you out and she was worried about how you’d react. 
She didn’t want to have to tell you the truth over the phone, and what were the chances of you believing it was her? Most of all she was terrified that you’d be angry, that you’d tell her you never wanted to hear from her again. You would be justified in that response but she wasn’t ready to face that just yet. So she busied herself with concocting any possible ways to get her family safe and back together again. 
A/n: Sorry for the late chapters I've been rewriting them until they feel good enough to put out. (Also yes this is based on Civil War but it doesn't follow the same outcome)~ Starry
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ladykailitha · 7 months
Not All That Glitters Is Gold Part 2
Hello! Welcome to part two of my omegaverse. Just a heads up. This chapter is a bit dark. Trigger warning for sex trafficking. Not Steve. This was a way for me to show how well tuned Steve is too his clients.
Part 1
Steve packed his bag and stood up to see Robin waiting for him.
“You ready to go?” she asked, holding out her hand for his bag.
He handed it to her. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”
They walked out to the waiting car. Once inside Robin asked, “Here’s your phone. The word for you being in danger is kitten. The word for spontaneous heat is catnip. And the word for bonding talk and contract buying is tower.”
Steve took the small flip phone. He had his own smart phone, but those weren’t allowed anywhere near clients. The last thing a Starcourt omega needed were crazed alphas stalking them. He handed her his. She slipped it into her purse.
“Just go a message from Dillon’s PA,” she said, looking at her phone, “he has just gone into pre-rut. Fever, irritability, and mood swings.”
Steve sighed. He liked to get there before that happened. “Did he start early?”
Robin sent off a message and moments later she growled at the response. “Apparently not. Apparently, he didn’t want you there for pre-rut and lied.”
He growled too. “Put him on the black list and tell his PA if he so much as twitches wrong during this, I’m leaving.”
She nodded. “I’ll also let management know. There’s a reason for omegas to be there during the pre-rut and that’s the safety of the omega. If he can’t follow a simple rule like that, what other rules is he going to break?”
He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “You think I should pull out?”
Robin thought about it a moment. “It’s up to you. One lie isn’t a deal breaker per se. Lots of alphas do stupid shit the first time because they think they’re impressing you.”
Steve nodded. “There is something about this lie that makes me itch, though.”
“So pull out,” she said. “If you’re getting the skin crawlies, don’t go into something you can’t get out of.”
He thought about it all the rest of the trip, until they pulled up in front of the building.
“I think I’m going to go in anyway,” he murmured. “It could be as you said before about it just being fragile alpha ego or it could be a clusterfuck. But the only way to find out for sure is if I meet the client.”
Robin patted him on the shoulder. “You’ve got good instincts, Steve. I’ll back you up in whatever way you need.”
“Right,” Steve said, tapping his lip. “Stay with the car until I text you.”
She nodded again. “Roger that!”
Steve smiled at her and gave her hand a squeeze of reassurance. “Alphas are stupid. I’m glad I never have to deal with them outside of work.”
Robin laughed. “I know, right? But we’re here now. Go show that loggerhead who’s boss.”
Steve grabbed his bag and kissed her cheek. When he got out onto the pavement he looked up at the high rise penthouse. Dillon’s wasn’t the top suite, but he wasn’t near the bottom either.
The doorman stopped him at the door with a critical eye on what he was wearing. All of Steve’s clothes were designer, but comfortable and something he didn’t care about being ripped off him. The Victoria’s Secret PINK sweatshirt he’d cut into a croptop was paired with baggy sweatpants that fuck on the ass and power on one leg and bottom on the other.
Steve just cocked his head to the side. “Dillon Forrest is waiting for me, doll.”
The doorman was about bluster something about not letting in the trash when Dillon’s PA came bursting through the door.
“Oh thank god you’re here!” she said. “His pre-rut is progressing faster than usual!”
Steve rolled his eyes. “That’s why the omega needs to be there before any of that shit goes down.”
She sighed. “I know, I tried to tell him, but he said it was fine. He had a meeting this morning that he didn’t want to put off.”
Steve sighed. Ego. Especially alpha ego was the worst.
He looked back over at the doorman who was opening and closing his mouth like a guppy fish.
When Steve raised an eyebrow suddenly he was spewing apologies and stuttering excuses.
“Take me in,” Steve told the PA, completely ignoring the doorman.
She nodded and led him to penthouse. It was bright and sunny. And that was a problem. His client was on the sofa practically shaking from the pre-rut symptoms.
He found the remote to the shades and closed them, casting the room into dim light. Immediately the twitchy actor breathed out a sigh of relief.
The PA’s eyes narrowed at the drastic change in behavior.
“You act like this is your first rut,” Steve snapped, pulling out a bottle of water from his bag.
Dillon and his PA exchanged a glance and Steve’s eyes went wide.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Steve growled. “How long were you on suppressants?”
Dillon blushed, looking away then back up at the PA. “Since I presented when I was sixteen.”
“And you’re twenty-two now?”
Dillon nodded. Again he avoided looking at Steve and kept looking at the PA like she was in charge, not him.
Steve looked around and put his hands on his hips as he pursed his lips.
“This is a completely different situation then the one that was presented to the company,” Steve bit out. “I have to call my handler.”
He pulled out the phone and called Robin. He explained everything to her as he eyed Dillon and his PA. There was something off about the whole situation. The PA kept her eyes on Dillon, her fingers drumming on her arm, both arms crossed in front of her chest.
Steve listened to Robin, tilting his head further and further as he watched the two them.
“Kitten,” he said. “I think I left something in the car, I’ll be down to grab it okay?”
The PA frowned and stepped forward. “What did you forget?”
“It won’t take long,” Steve murmured, not bothering to answer her. There was a knock on the door and he went to answer it.
“Oh good you’re here,” he said with relief and then quickly closed the door behind them.
“Run!” he whispered to Robin.
She grabbed his hand and opened both elevators and got in one and told Steve to get in the other and go to the first floor and then down the stairs.
Steve nodded. Once in the elevator he called her.
“What’s going on?” Robin asked, panic rising her voice.
“I think Dillon was raised in sex trafficking ring,” he explained, “and you need to send someone to get him out of there now.”
Each omega had their own driver. Big, burly fellows for fending off large crowds of fans or very persistent alphas. And like extreme cases like this where they needed two pairs of hands, the handler and driver would work together to keep their omega safe.
Steve driver was a man named Xander Poulson and had been with Steve since the beginning. Robin had hand picked him and they relied on him for everything when Steve was on the job.
Robin opened her mouth to ask for particulars but closed it, messaging the driver to get Dillon out that suite instead. “All right, Xander will meet us at the car in five minutes.”
After that everything just happened so fast. Dillon sat listlessly between Robin and Steve as Xander sped away.
“How did you know he was in danger?” Robin asked as she rapid fire texted Starcourt management.
Steve ran his fingers through Dillon’s hair softly and the alpha sighed. “He was about to experience his first rut with an escort after having been on suppressants for six years.”
Robin looked down at the now almost delirious actor. “Shit. The only reason for an alpha to be on suppressants was if they were a danger to omegas.”
“Or if they being forced to have sex with other alphas,” Steve muttered darkly.
Dillon whimpered.
“Your flat is being set up for a first rut,” Robin said. “Management is okay with him being there because he’s too out of it to know where he is.”
Steve nodded. He wasn’t sure he could trust anything in the dossier considering most of what they now knew was a lie. “Shit Robin, I can’t even scent him! He smells duller than a beta.”
Robin frowned. “I’ll have a doctor sent over as well.”
They arrived back at Steve’s building and were quickly ushered in. The doctor saw to him first and administered medicine and tranquilizer to put him to sleep for a couple of hours to try and equalize the rut.
Dr Sam Owens, Robin, and manager, Jim Hopper were standing with Steve in his living room.
“Do you think you would have been harmed?” Hopper asked gruffly.
Steve shook his head. “I think they forced the rut because of what happened with his scent. I think they were hoping to jump start it so that he could be pimped out to omegas. But they couldn’t have it be any omega, they had to have someone who could gently see him through it.”
Dr Owens shook his head. “It wouldn’t have worked. He was too far gone. If you hadn’t acted as quickly as you did, there’s a good chance he would have destroyed his secondary gender when he came out the rut.”
Steve just shook his head.
“I just want to know how long they’ve been controlling him,” Robin hissed.
Hopper shook his head. “Dillon was a child actor, there is no telling how long they’ve had their claws in him.”
“Do we know anything about the ring he was being trafficked in?” Dr Owens asked Hopper.
“I’ve spoken to the FBI and INTERPOL, they have a pretty good idea which one it is,” Hopper growled. “The Upside Down, run by Henry Creel. And if Dillon willing to give them information they can probably take it down for good.”
“That’s a relief,” Robin said.
Hopper turned to Steve. “How did you know he was being trafficked?”
Steve blushed and rocked back on his heels. “No hot shot alpha actor was going to defer to their PA not unless it was a relation. Plus there was the fact she never introduced herself. Add to that all the lying about what it was and how little they both knew about ruts, it just really couldn’t be anything else.”
“You did good, Steve,” Hopper said. “You saved that man’s life and may have just taken down one of the biggest sex rings on the North American continent.”
“I was just doing what I do best,” Steve said, “take care of alphas in need. That’s what rut servicing is at it’s core, after all.”
“Well, I’m going to want to keep this hush hush,” Hopper said. “At least as far as the company is concerned. I don’t want to paint a target on your back.”
“I’ve already begun the scrubbing process regarding their files and contract with us,” Robin said. “The process should be done in two hours.”
“How long until he wakes up?” Steve asked Dr Owens.
Dr Owens looked at his watch. “In about an hour.”
Steve nodded. “That should give me plenty of time to get ready.”
He excused himself and went into the bedroom.
“That was not how wanted to spend my morning,” Hopper growled.
“I feel you, boss,” Robin agreed. “I wanted to pull out of the job when we were in the car, but Steve sensed something else was going on right away.”
Hopper nodded. “He isn’t our highest paid omega by a long shot, but he is the best.”
“I’ll drink to that,” Dr Owens said.
“Well, gentlemen,” Robin said, stowing away her laptop. “You really don’t want to be here when the fucking starts.”
Dr Owens and Hopper made faces and allowed themselves to be ushered out of Steve’s apartment.
Robin went through and made sure that the fridge was stocked to her specifications and then locked the door behind her.
Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @lexirosewrites @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @littlewildflowerkitten @vecnuthy @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @yikes-a-bee @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @irregular-child @nburkhardt @apomaro-mellow @yellowdevilkitten @lingeringmirth @rememberthatiloveyou @demolvr @ellietheasexylibrarian @slowandsteddie @mangoinacan13
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heartbrkr · 6 months
Hi! Can I please request a haechan one where reader’s sick and he has to take care of them? it can be f2l or established relationship, any is fine :))) thank you!
REQUEST You're sick and you forget to tell Haechan. He has his ways of finding out.
PAIRING lee haechan x gender neutral!reader
GENRE established relationship, sick fic, fluff, very slight angst if you look closer
AUTHOR’S NOTE sorry this took me a while! i was supposed to write.. like.. only 800 words, but i clearly got carried away. enjoy! (not proofread)
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You’ve given up trying to balance the mucus in your nose by shifting from right to left over and over again. Lying on your back, you guess it’ll be better to clog your throat with snot instead of fishing around for a stray tissue used an hour ago. You’ll build a glob of slime at the back of your throat until you can spit it out in one go; blowing your nose every other minute has made your columella sensitive and red with irritation.
The sickness has reached the extent that checking your phone for a split second could burn a rectangular hole through your head. You had no idea it was even a flu and a fever before Seoyeon had stuck a thermometer under your tongue the other morning.
Two rapid knocks echo throughout your still, dim room. Speak— well, think— of the devil. “Y/N! It’s three. You haven’t left your room yet!” You let out a groan, followed by a cough, in response, knowing she won't hear. You still get annoyed that she doesn’t. With how stagnant your room is, you could vaguely hear your flatmate sigh on the other side, followed by a suit yourself and fading footsteps.
Barely thirty minutes pass before someone knocks on your door again; it’s gentler than the one from earlier. But they all sound the same to you and your throbbing head.
“Seoyeon, go away.” You croak through your rusty throat, mean-intent still evident. You roll over to unceremoniously spit into the strategically put trash can by your bedside and wipe any excess saliva with the closest napkin.
You assume the recipient of your words has gotten the message, but they invite themself inside anyway. “Oh, she wasn’t kidding when she said your room is stuffy.” A voice that belonged to a man spoke. Fear almost washed over you before you realized it was your boyfriend… that you accidentally ignored when your illness got worse. Shit. You feel yourself getting worse than a few minutes ago.
Haechan’s outline strides over to draw your curtains open and you hide under the duvet before a streak of sun can meet your body. The creaking of the windows opening is muted. With your temporarily weakened physique, you’re no match against Haechan’s sudden tug at the blanket you clung onto to cover yourself. “No! Haechan, give it back!”
He pauses for a moment, and you take the chance to pull it back up. Your victory is short lived, however. “I would, but you ghosted me, so no blanket for you!” 
Now bare (you’re exaggerating; you still have your slightly sweaty pajamas on) to your partner’s sight, you pathetically put a pillow on your face so you don’t have to see his reaction. You mumble a halfhearted apology under it.
“I can’t hear you, babe. Let me see your pretty face please.”
“It isn’t when it’s covered in snot and sweat.” He can kind of hear the essence of what you said and frowns to himself.
“C’mon. I won’t make fun of you.” 
It takes you some seconds to contemplate it, but you groggily try to sit up, one arm still holding the cushion to your face while the other supports your weight and balance. You’re startled when another pair of hands help you up and you hear Haechan chuckle. You whine. “You said you won’t laugh!”
He intentionally ignores your remark, going back to the topic at hand. “Why did I have to find out through your roommate that you were sick?”
The tension adds to the already stuffy environment you’ve built up the past few days. It’s suffocating, so you lower the pillow down to your lap. Your head hangs immediately and you catch Haechan through your peripheral vision standing on the right side of your bed, his arms crossed against his chest.
“It’s… I don't know. I’m also sensitive-er. Doesn’t taking care of your partner of barely six months sound too intimate?” You utter while looking down at the simple floral patterned pillowcase.
“Not necessarily. Though I do think that should be the last thing on your mind when you look like you’re dying.”
At that, you finally turn to look at him for the first time this week, and your boyfriend really doesn’t mind your unruly head of hair or fully flushed features. His face melts in fondness and worriedness. “There you are,” he looks a little sullen before continuing. You can tell he’s trying his best to lessen it. “Y’know, I was worried I did something wrong. Thought you were planning to peter out of this relationship or whatever.”
This revelation alarms you, your head starts to spin with how abruptly you shook your head. You lift a hand up to cover your eyes. In your best attempt, you respond weakly. “I would never! I really like you… I guess. If anything, I think you’d try to peter out on purpose first.” He takes a seat in front of you and puts a comforting hand on your thigh. “Hey, don’t be like that. We’re working on our problems together, remember?” You solemnly nod.
“Also, what do you mean, you guess you like me?! Say it like you mean it!”
You laugh at him heartily until it transitions to a fit of thick coughs, immediately looking the other way to avoid giving Haechan whatever sickness you have. He looks like he’s about to start tearing up with the way he’s snickering back. You push him and clear your throat before speaking again. “Thanks for coming. But you should leave.”
Immune to your straightforward wording, he ignores you and points at the new paper bags you failed to notice on your bedside. He stands to rummage through them to show you his haul. “Let's eat! I got us takeout. And more meds. I also refilled your water before coming in here.”
You shield your face away from the world once more to hide any hint of flusteredness caused by Haechan. He’s not having it, prying away your palms to give you a playful grin.
“Thank you, Haechan.”
“I love you, Y/N.” You hit yourself with a pillow again.
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lilacmingi · 6 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works
Pairing: Cheer elf!Yeosang x fem reader
Word count: 4,360
Note: This one is another favorite of mine from Christmas 2021 on Wattpad. I loveeeed the plot for this one! I love the concept of elf Yeosang 😭 Reminder: This imagine is from Wattpad so there will be no continuations or extra parts
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You sighed as you stared at the steaming cup of hot cocoa sitting in front of you. Even a festive drink like that couldn't seem to cheer you up.
"So, what's the deal?" Your friend, Jisung, asked.
"I don't know." You sighed. "I'm just not feeling very festive this year. Things haven't exactly been going well and I can't seem to find it in me to celebrate the holidays."
"Maybe it's seasonal depression."
"I don't know, maybe. I guess I feel like I've lost my Christmas spirit, that spark, you know? Things aren't as wonderful as they used to be and life has really kicked me in the butt."
"Maybe it's just that you're getting older. Things are different when you grow up. Christmas doesn't feel much like Christmas."
"It sucks." You sighed. "I'm usually so into the holidays, but not this year."
"You should write a letter to Santa." He suggested.
You let out a dry chuckle. "Yeah, right."
"I'm serious."
"Thanks, Hannie, but I'm good. I'm not gonna write a letter to a fictional being."
"Well, it was worth a shot." He shrugged.
Later that night, you were sitting in your living room, a Christmas special on TV. A sigh left you as you stared blankly at the screen, your chest feeling hollow and empty.
"It's just not the same." You muttered, clicking off the television and shuffling out of the room, your feet dragging along the floor.
You stepped into your room, your gaze landing on your table that sat in front of the bedroom window.
Next thing you know, you found yourself sitting at the desk in your room, a pen and a piece of paper sitting in front of you. You weren't sure why you were about to do what you were about to do. Perhaps it was a last-ditch effort. Maybe you had hit rock bottom with no more options.
You picked up the pen and began to write.
Dear Santa,
I haven't been feeling too festive this year. I'm not really sure why. So many things have been happening lately and I just feel like the holidays aren't even worth celebrating. I've always loved Christmas, but this year has been so... bland. I don't know what to do about it. My friend suggested I write a letter to you, which I think is absurd, but here I am.
You let out a dry chuckle, feeling sorry for yourself.
This is so stupid. I don't even know why I'm doing this. I guess I'm out of options. The only thing I want for Christmas is to get my Christmas spirit back.
You folded the letter and placed it into an envelope, momentarily considering throwing it in the trash, but you didn't. For whatever reason, something in you wanted to get that letter sent out—so you did.
The next day, you set out on your brief journey to the mall. You didn't need or want anything, you only went there to get your letter sent.
You clutched the envelope in your hand as you neared the middle of the mall where the Santa meet and greet was set up. Just outside the area was a red mailbox with huge, cursive letters printed on it that read: North Pole. You didn't put an address on the envelope, you just wrote North Pole, not that it mattered, Santa wouldn't be receiving the letter anyway. Actually, you didn't know who would get it. Part of you didn't care.
You pulled open the flap glancing at the envelope in your hand. You shook your head, letting out a mocking laugh as you dropped the letter into the box.
A large pile of letters was spread across Mr. Claus' desk. Despite his busy schedule, he always found time to go through the letters that made their way to the North Pole. He grabbed the next envelope, ripping it open and pulling the letter out to look at it. Upon reading the written message, he felt a somberness in his heart, placing his hand over his chest.
"Oh no." He frowned.
He placed the letter on his desk, grabbing the intercom mic that sat nearby.
"Attention everyone. We have a code Blue Christmas, level 7. I repeat, code Blue Christmas, level 7. Kang Yeosang, please report to my office immediately."
Said elf popped his head up upon hearing his name over the intercom. He jumped from his seat in the cafeteria and hurried as quickly as he could across the snowy village, kicking up the icy substance as he did so.
He pushed open the doors of the workshop, scurrying up the stairs that led to the big man's office. The doors swung open and Yeosang stumbled in, panting breathlessly.
"You called?" He huffed out, his hands resting on his knees.
"Yes. I've just received a letter from a girl who's lost her Christmas spirit. I need you to go to her immediately."
"Yes, sir." Yeosang stood upright, saluting. "I'll start getting ready."
Yeosang is the North Pole's number one cheer elf. It's easy for people to lose their Christmas spirit around the holidays and Yeosang is around to help bring it back. He's gone all around the world on many different missions, helping people remember how magical and merry Christmas can be.
Santa met with Yeosang to see him off and wish him luck on his journey.
"Before you go, I want to give you some of my magic to use... just in case." He told the elf.
"Thank you." He took the small, maroon velvet bag, slipping it into his jacket pocket.
Santa reached over, straightening the beanie on Yeosang's head.
"Make sure you stay covered." He told the elf.
"Of course." Yeosang nodded. "I should be off now."
"Right. Good luck.”
Equipped with some of Santa's magic and a special pocket watch to contact the big man, Yeosang set off to your town.
It had been a few days since you sent your letter to the "North Pole." You weren't sure why you even sent the stupid thing in the first place. The immense regret you were feeling was palpable and almost overwhelming.
"It's already sent. You can't do anything about it." You told yourself.
Why were you worried about the letter being sent? It would probably get tossed anyway.
You needed something to distract yourself and take your mind off things. Maybe a walk would help you clear your head.
You slipped on some warm clothes along with a thick coat and headed outside. As soon as you stepped onto the sidewalk, the frigid air hit you, causing your face to twist in discomfort. Giving the collar of your jacket a quick tug, you began to walk down the sidewalk.
You walked and walked, not paying much attention to where you were going. Getting out of the house didn't help much at all, considering all you could think about was how much you wish you hadn't sent that letter. There was no point in it. It was stupid. You were just feeling desperate and needed a way to vent and let your feeli—
You let out a grunt as you bumped into someone.
"Sorry." You apologized, glancing over to see who you'd clumsily walked into.
You were immediately taken aback by the man's insanely good looks. You'd never seen anyone like him in your life. He looked like he was sculpted by gods. His eyes were large and seemed to have a sparkle to them, his nose was dainty and perfect, as were his lips, and he had a natural glow to his face. His hair, despite being covered by a hat, was beautiful as well. It was a light blonde color and appeared to be long, as the hair peeking from underneath his beanie curled just beneath his ear.
"I'm the one who should apologize." He stated, his voice deep and melodic, with a gentleness to it. "I wasn't watching where I was going."
"I wasn't either." You spoke up.
"It seems we're both distracted." He chuckled.
"Maybe we won't bump into anyone else." You told him with a smile before bidding him goodbye.
Yeosang mentally cursed himself for letting you slip away so easily. The short interaction the two of you had didn't exactly give him a good opportunity to try and stick around. He had to think of a way to get back to you, and quick.
He took a step forward, hearing something scuff along the concrete. Glancing at his feet, he spotted a small wallet. His eyes widened as a smile broke out on his features.
An opportunity! He thought excitedly.
You kept your gaze ahead, determined to pay attention where you were going. As you headed down the street, thoughts of that guy lingered in your mind. It's not every day you bump into someone so attractive. He was stunning, and his laugh was the prettiest sound you'd heard.
I won't forget you pretty street guy. You thought to yourself.
You came to a stop, considering going back home. All the walking you had done did you absolutely no good. Remembering that there was a coffee shop just down the street, you decided against going home and had one thing in mind, and that was a warm beverage. With a new destination, you moved forward, headed straight for the shop.
Upon your arrival, you ordered a medium peppermint mocha. (or your favorite drink) Despite your current lack of Christmas spirit, you still wanted to try and indulge in the holiday's delicious treats.
The cashier gave you the total and you began rummaging around in your jacket pocket, your heart dropping when you didn't feel your wallet.
"I'm so sorry. I... I think I dropped my wallet somewhere." You told the cashier, trying not to panic too much and cause a scene.
"I'll take care of it." A familiar voice spoke from behind you.
A hand reached past you, handing a wad of money to the cashier. You turned your head, seeing that your savior was none other than the guy you ran into just a few minutes prior.
"Hello again." He smiled.
"Thank you for for that."
"Thank yourself. I used your money."
"I'm kidding. I came to return this to you." He said, pulling your wallet from his coat pocket.
"You're a lifesaver." You sighed. "Thank you."
"It's not a problem. I was just doing what's right."
"Can I get you something? I kinda owe you one."
"Well, there is one thing you can do."
"And what's that?" You inquired.
"Just sit and talk."
"That's all?"
"Mhm." He nodded. "At least until we finish our drinks. I'm not gonna keep you here for hours and hours."
"Okay. I can do that. Are you sure you don't want me to buy you a drink, though?"
"I got it covered." He smiled.
You were handed your beverage and stepped aside to let your new acquaintance order his. Once he had his hot chocolate with extra whipped cream on top, the two of you went to find a place to sit down.
"So, I never got your name." You spoke up.
"Oh, right. I'm Yeosang."
"I'm Y/n."
"It's nice to meet you." He gave you a friendly (and very adorable) closed-mouth smile.
"I know you're the one who suggested we sit and hang out, but I hope I'm not keeping you from anything." You told him.
"Not at all. I was only out for a walk anyway."
"I was too. I needed to distract myself."
"Ah." He nodded. "If you don't mind me asking, what's troubling you?"
"Well, truthfully, I'm just not feeling very Christmassy this year and I don't know why."
"That's understandable." He nodded. "As you get older, sometimes the holidays don't feel like the holidays. It's not uncommon."
"My friend said something similar. You know," You paused, letting out a chuckle. "He actually suggested I write a letter to Santa."
"Did you?" Yeosang asked, his eyes wide with anticipation.
"Well, yes, but I was desperate and feeling sad. I honestly regret it. It was dumb."
"Because Santa doesn't exist. Who knows where that letter ended up."
Yeosang had to stop himself from gasping in horror at your blatant response. Of course Santa exists. How could you not know that?
"That letter may have ended up exactly where it needed to be." He responded.
"You sound so sure."
"I'm just looking on the positive side." He responded.
Yeosang said you only had to stay and talk with him until your drinks were gone, however the two of you sat and chatted long after your cups had been emptied.
"We've been here for a while, haven't we?" You spoke, looking at your phone.
"We have. I didn't even realize."
Before the two of you parted ways, Yeosang asked for you number, which you more than happily gave him.
When you left the coffee shop, you couldn't help but feel happy that you chose to leave the house. Had you stayed home, you might not have met Yeosang.
A few days after your first meeting with Yeosang, he texted you asking if you wanted to hang out. You said yes and gave him your address so he could meet up.
It wasn't long until you heard a knock at your front door. You got up to answer it, smiling when you saw Yeosang.
"Come on in." You stepped aside, allowing him to enter your home.
He shrugged off his jacket, hanging it on your coat hanger. He looked adorable dressed in a large, dark green sweater and a red beanie.
"You look like an elf." You giggled.
Yeosang's eyes widened at your comment, momentarily worried that you were onto him.
"Your outfit is very festive." You continued. "It reminds me of something an elf would wear. It looks good."
"Ah." He laughed nervously, tugging his hat down, reassuring himself that it was positioned correctly. "Thank you."
You then led him further into your apartment.
Yeosang took a quick look at your home, noticing how barren it was.
"You haven't decorated for Christmas?" He asked.
"No. I haven't really felt like it."
"I could help you if you'd like. Christmas decorations are supposed to bring cheer, anyway—and you seem like you need it."
You let out a short chuckle. "Yeah. I do."
"So what do you say? Want me to help you decorate?"
"Yeah." You nodded. "I think I would like that."
You showed him to your storage closet where you kept seasonal holiday decorations. He assisted you in pulling out your artificial Christmas tree and setting it up.
"You don't get a real tree?" He asked.
"No. I've always used an artificial one. Even when I was younger, we always had an artificial one."
"You prefer artificial trees?" He asked, straightening out the branches.
"I do. In my opinion, it's much better than a real one. Yes, you have to straighten the branches out, but it's not nearly as messy as a real tree. It's also not as much of a fire hazard, you don't have to water it, and unlike real trees, you pay for a fake one once and that's that."
"Ah." Nodded Yeosang. "That makes sense."
Once the branches were all straightened out and in place, you hauled a box of decorations into the living room.
"Do you have a certain place where you hang these?" Yeosang asked as you opened up the box.
"Nah. Just grab one and hang it wherever."
You both reached into the box, pulling out a random ornament.
"This one is cute." Yeosang giggled, holding up an ornament depicting a melted snowman.
"Thanks. I think it's unique."
"It is. It makes me laugh too. I like it." He commented, hanging it over a branch. "Hey, do you think we could crank up some Christmas music? It would really help get us in the Christmas spirit."
You grabbed your phone and connected it to your Bluetooth speaker before finding a Christmas playlist to play aloud.
Yeosang immediately began to dance a little when the first song was played. His hips wiggled as he placed ornaments on the tree, seeming to be in his own little world.
Watching Yeosang made you wish you could get more into the holiday spirit. He really looked like he was in his element as he placed more ornaments on the tree, a soft smile on his lips. His face seemed to glow as he continued to work, dancing and humming to the Christmas music being played.
You couldn't help but smile yourself. Just being around him made it feel more like the holidays.
You had just watched the weather forecast and the weatherman had called for snow, which you were looking forward to. You thought of Yeosang since he loved all things Christmas, so you sent him a text.
Are you ready to see the snow? The weatherman said it would snow later this evening.
You know I'm ready! Let's meet up and watch it together.
Sounds like fun!
Meeting Yeosang was one of the greatest things that's happened to you. After spending so much time with him, you felt that you were slowly starting to get your Christmas spirit back.
You waited for the snow to fall, but nothing happened. You thought maybe it was just slow  with its arrival, so you waited... and waited. It wasn't until you heard a knock at your door that you stepped away from the window. Standing outside was Yeosang dressed in his usual beanie (a gray one this time) and large coat. You gave him a frown.
"It didn't snow."
"It's okay. It's probably just a little slow. Go put on a coat and come on out." He beckoned.
You grabbed your jacket and slipped it on along with a head warmer to keep your ears and forehead toasty before joining Yeosang outside in the chilly winter air.
"Come on." He linked his arm with yours, leading you down the street.
A gasp left you as you saw a tiny white snowflake drift down past your line of sight. Moments passed as the flakes began descending faster from above, accumulating on the sidewalk.
"Yeosang, look!" You beamed. "It's snowing."
The elf smiled at your overjoyed reaction, his heart thumping rapidly as a warm feeling spread in his chest.
Thank you, Santa. He thought.
You stared up at the sky, watching the large, fluffy flakes fall from the sky.
"It's so beautiful." You commented.
You were far too busy admiring the snow to even notice that it was only snowing on your street and nowhere else.
It was Christmas Eve and you and Yeosang were spending it at your house. He showed up wearing a Christmas sweater and brought a matching one with him, handing it to you as soon as he stepped inside.
"You got me a Christmas sweater?"
He nodded with a smile. "You should go put it on."
You scurried off to your bedroom to change out of your sweatshirt and into the Christmas sweater. You glanced at your reflection with a bright smile, your fingertips running over the knit pattern. It wasn't an in your face kind of Christmas sweater, but a more toned down one with warm hues and cream-colored reindeer on it. Just the thought of Yeosang getting the two of you matching sweaters made your cheeks warm.
You returned to the living room, showing off the festive sweater. Yeosang's heart skipped a beat when he saw you. The sweater was just a little big on you and partially covered your hands. It was perfect and you looked absolutely adorable in it.
Over the past few weeks, Yeosang found himself falling for you. Never in his life had he fallen for a human, let alone one that he was sent to help out.
"I love it. Thank you." You told him. "You want some hot chocolate?"
"Yes, please. With-"
"Extra whipped cream?" You finished.
Yeosang grinned, nodding his head.
You made your way to the kitchen and started preparing hot cocoa for you and Yeosang. You'd been spending a lot of time with him and because of that, you started feeling like you got your Christmas spirit back. It was a wonderful feeling, one you didn't think you'd ever feel.
Maybe writing that letter wasn't pointless after all.
You returned to the living room with two large mugs of hot chocolate, Yeosang's topped with extra whipped cream per his request. He took a sip, giving you a thumbs up.
He nodded, licking whipped cream from his top lip.
You drank some of yours before placing the mug onto the coffee table. There was something that had been weighing on your mind lately that you wanted to get off your chest.
"Yeosang. There's something I want to tell you."
"Yes?" Yeosang set his mug down, giving you his full attention.
"I just wanted to say thank you. Ever since you came along, you've brightened up the holiday season and helped me get my Christmas spirit back. I know it's cheesy, but if I hadn't met you, I don't think I would be where I am now."
A gleaming and happy smile spread across Yeosang's features.
"I'm so happy to hear that."
"Will you spend Christmas with me?" You asked.
"Of course."
"There's something else I want to tell you." You took in a deep breath, preparing yourself.
"What is it?" Yeosang asked, his heart pounding.
"Along with getting my Christmas spirit back, I've also developed feelings for you. You're not like any guy I've ever met and we've had so much fun together."
"I feel the same way." He responded with a grin.
"You do?"
"Yeah." He smiled, nodding his head.
"That's great." You beamed.
"But, there's something I have to tell you first."
"Okay." You sat up straighter.
You couldn't help but think of the worst.
"I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to say this, but here it goes." He took in a deep breath before continuing. "I'm an elf. A cheer elf to be more specific. I came from the North Pole to help you get your Christmas spirit back."
You blinked a few times before an unamused chuckle escaped your mouth.
"I see what's going on here. You're teasing me, right?"
"No. I'm telling the truth."
You gave him a skeptical look.
"I'll prove it." He grabbed the top of his hat, pulling it off his head and revealing a pair of pointy ears.
"Those are fake." You responded.
"Pull on them." He told you, leaning closer.
"What? No. I'm not gonna do that."
"If they're fake, it won't hurt me, so you shouldn't have a problem with it."
You pressed your lips together, reaching over and grabbing hold, quickly tugging on his ear.
"Ouch!" He exclaimed, bringing his hand up to rub over the spot.
Your eyes widened. If they were truly fake, the pointed ends would have come right off.
"Oh my gosh." You gasped. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."
You were too busy being worried about hurting his ear that you didn't even realize they were real. You froze as reality hit you like a truck. He really is an elf.
Oh my gosh. I told him Santa wasn't real... to his face. You thought.
"Believe me now?" He asked, raising a brow.
Your eyes drifted to his (adorable) pointy ears that stuck out from his long, fluffy, blonde locks. It was an unfamiliar sight, and one you'd have to get used to.
"Hopefully this doesn't change the way you feel about me." Yeosang spoke up.
"It doesn't. Actually, it makes me like you even more."
He let out a chuckle, glancing down shyly.
"So, you said you're a cheer elf. What is that?"
"I go around the world every Christmas to brighten up someone's holiday and help them find their Christmas cheer. You were my mission this year."
"Ah." You glanced down at your lap. "You weren't lying when you said my letter ended up right where it needed to be."
"No I wasn't." He chuckled.
"Are there more cheer elves or just you?"
"There's more. Not a lot, but enough to help multiple people out every Christmas. I'm number one, though." He grinned with a wink.
You smiled only for it to falter when a question popped into your head.
"How will we see each other?"
"One thing they don't tell you about cheer elves is that we get vacation days."
Your face brightened up.
"I can come visit pretty often. You might even be able to come to the North Pole sometime."
"Are you serious?" You asked.
"I am."
"You won't tell Santa I said he didn't exist, will you? Because I most certainly don't feel that way anymore."
"Hmm. I don't know. I was pretty offended when you said that."
You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth worriedly.
"If you give me a kiss I won't say anything." He smirked.
You had to hold back a smile as you answered him.
"I think I can arrange that."
You scooted closer to him as he did the same, his hand gently holding your cheek. Without wasting another moment, you closed the space between you and Yeosang, placing your lips on his. Your hand moved to cup the back of his neck, pulling him closer as your fingers played with the long strands of hair. Yeosang tilted his head, deepening the kiss and sending a wave of heat through your body in the process.
The kiss was sweet, but intense and left you wanting more. You glanced at Yeosang with half-lidded eyes.
"I don't want you to leave." You murmured, still in a daze from the kiss.
"I won't. I promised to spend Christmas with you, remember?"
You smiled. "And after that?"
"I'll see if the boss man will let me stay a few extra days."
In the beginning, you just wanted your Christmas spirit back, but in the end, you got so much more than that.
Hongjoong ❄︎ Seonghwa ❄︎ Yunho ❄︎ San ❄︎ Mingi ❄︎ Wooyoung ❄︎ Jongho
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Masterlist ᝰ — enjoyed this imagine? reblogs & comments are very much appreciated!
Do not steal, plagiarize, copy, repost, alter, or translate my works in any way
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nurse-sainz · 10 days
Request: Danny x reader who’s also a driver and she’s sick but doesn’t want anyone to know because she doesn’t want to sit out. Danny finds out and doesn’t want her to race but she pushes through and races anyway. Maybe something like the Quatar GP where the heat makes her sick? Thank you!!
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x Reader
Warnings: mentions of throwing up, sickness, car crash, minor hospital mention.
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The sun was fucking hot, like hell level burning and sweating hot. The sun beat down on the track and you wondered how the hell you were all going to compete if the warm weather kept up throughout the weekend. You walked into the paddock hand in hand with Danny, waving at the photographers and journalists that were there to capture all the drivers arriving for Qualifying. Despite your appearance and demeanor, you felt awful. You’d felt sick the last few days but pushed it to the side and managed to get through the first few free practices, thinking it was either something you’d eaten or jet lag.
Danny had noticed despite your best efforts to hide it. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine Danny,” you insisted as you made your way to your motor home for the weekend. “I’m just tired, this jet lag is killer.”
He glanced at you for a moment longer as he studied you, “all I’m saying is, maybe just consider sitting out for the rest of the weekend if you still feel like this tomorrow, yeah?”
You gave him a small smack for even thinking that, “yeah, yeah. I’ll be fine. Besides, the teams counting on me,” you replied as you went about unpacking your things.
Despite you pushing him off, Danny still made the effort to check on between the last of his team meetings and media duties, unable to shake off his concern. He found you curled up on the sofa of your driver's room, a thin sheen of sweat glistening on your forehead despite the cool air conditioning blowing in the room, completely drained from qualifying. He knelt by your side and brushed a strand of hair from your forehead, “sweetheart?”
You stirred from your sleep, your eyes fluttering open as you saw Danny leaning over you, “what are you doing here?”
“Checking in on you and I’m glad I did, you look awful,” he replied, concern evident in his voice.
You tried to push him off once more, moving to sit up but as soon as you moved a wave of nausea came over you and had you running to the trash can in the corner of the room. You just about made it there before you were violently throwing up and retching.
Danny was close behind you, holding your hair out of your face and rubbing soothing circles on your back. “Sweetheart, you need to rest. The team will understand.”
Tears of frustration welled in your eyes as you leaned back against Danny, utterly exhausted, “but…they’re counting on me,” you gasped between sobs. Usually you weren’t so emotional. You blamed the illness.
Danny looked down at you in his arms, his eyes filled with concern. “Your health comes first. Not your team. I can talk to them, but you’re not driving in this condition. This is why we have reserve drivers.”
You knew there was no point in arguing with him and truth be told, you knew he was right. Danny left you on the sofa as he went to speak to your team manager and came straight back to your room to get you back to the hotel to rest. You were frustrated, but you knew he was right and who knew, maybe you’d feel better after a good night's sleep.
As it turned out, after a cool shower, some food and a good night sleep you felt a million times better. Your nausea was almost gone and you were determined to prove yourself on the track. After a message with your team manager informing them you’d be racing. Danny, although still apprehensive about you competing in the race was relieved to at least see you looking more like yourself.
“Promise me you won’t overdo it today,” he warns with a kiss to your cheek as you both got ready to go your separate ways and get ready for the day.
You nod, a small smile playing on your lips, “promise” you hold your pinky out for him to shake, something you’d always done when you promised each other something.
At the track you both separated and went about your duties for the day, you met up again for the track walk and for the national anthem, standing next to him as the music played.
As the race began, you quickly found yourself falling into the familiar rhythm of the track. You focussed on the beeps and voices of your engineer in your ear and the track ahead. That, along with the adrenaline from the race pushed all feelings of discomfort or illness out of your mind. You were in your element, wanting nothing more than to push yourself and be on that podium.
As the laps wore on, the adrenaline seemed to fade. The heat was unbareable. The familiar fatigue and nausea came creeping back in and your vision blurred slightly at the edges, but you shook it off.
“Y/N, how’re you holding up?” Your engineers voice came through your earpieces.
“Uh, fine for now,” you lied.
“Seargent is out. Heatstroke. Albon and Tsunoda are struggling too.”
“Yeah, it’s fucking hot out here. How can we race like this?” you complained.
It was true, it was excruciatingly hot outside, let alone in the cockpit with the heat of the engine. The final few laps were agony, you could feel the sweat dripping in your helmet as your condition deteriorated further. Your breathing was laboured and you could just about make out your engineers voice through the haze. The dark spots at the edge of your vision encroached further. The grip on your steering wheel weakened but you knew you had to push on, just a few more laps and you’d be in that ice bath.
As you rounded a tight corner of the track, your car skidded and you failed to keep control of the vehicle as the tires screeched and you careened into the wall. It felt as though the world was in slow motion as your car slammed into the barriers and came to a jarring halt.
“Y/N, are you okay?” your engineers voice crackled through the radio.
But you just couldn’t gather the strength to reply.
Meanwhile, Danny had been having a good race. He was struggling in the heat along with the other drivers but being Australian and suffering through many heatwaves and summers, for once it was playing in his favor.
“Red flag, Daniel. Red flag,” came his race engineer's voice.
“Who?” He responded, already feeling a pit in his stomach, instinctively knowing it was you.
“Y/N…” came his engineers response.
He wanted nothing more than to speed around the track to find you, but pulled into the pit lane to join the other divers. Danny scrambled out of his car and ran towards your team's garage to watch on the screens and get any news he could about your condition.
The medical team had already pulled up at your side, the lead medic climbing on top of your car to check you were still alive. You just about managed to give him a thumbs up before the last of your energy was sapped and you drifted into unconsciousness.
Moments later the team had you extricated from the wreckage and you were rushed towards the medical center. Danny pushed through the crowd, his heart pounding in his chest as he raced to be by your side.
Once you’d been finally cleared by the medics, Danny was allowed back to see you. He sighed, his eyes brimming with tears as he saw you attached to monitors and drips, you looked so small and fragile lying in that bed.
‘Severe heat exhaustion,’ the doctor had informed him.
You were lucky. Lucky you weren’t worse off from the heat stroke and lucky the crash wasn’t any worse. He took the seat by your side and took your hand, squeezing your hand, “I’m here sweetheart.”
The first thing you registered through the haze was a warm hand in yours. Slowly, you blinked your eyes open, squinting against the harsh and bright lights of the room. Your eyes met Danny’s, god he looked utterly exhausted.
“I’m sorry…” you choked out, a single tear rolled down your cheek as you looked at him.
“Don’t be,” came his reply, his voice filled with emotion, “you’re okay and that’s all that matters.”
“What happened?” you asked, unclear of the events. You didn’t remember much after the first few laps and the extreme heat of the cockpit.
“The conditions out there were brutal. We shouldn’t have been racing, it wasn’t safe for any of us.
“I thought it was because I was sick?”
“The heat was the main issue, the doctor said you have heatstroke. Any longer and it could have been a lot worse. Besides, you’re not the only one, Logan’s being treated for severe dehydration, Pierre threw up in his helmet and a few of the others look like shit after that race.”
You grimaced a little, “well at least I didn’t do that.”
That caused him to let out a chuckle. ”You tried your best and that is all anyone could have asked of you. The main thing is, you’re safe.”
You nodded weakly, “thank you, for being here and putting up with me and my stubborn ass.”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way, sweetheart.”
With him by your side you could rest easy, you’d make that podium next time.
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miaroseindreamland · 2 months
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Pairing: Changbin x femReader
Word Count: 1,689
Summary: A group of friends attending Chaeryeong's birthday party, with a particular focus on the friendship and relationship between Changbin, Chaeryeong, and you!
Warnings/Tags: Suggestive, alcohol, not consensual, aggression, violence, harassment, abuse.
A/N: I love Chaeryeong and Changbin's friendship. I love Itzy too so if you are a Midzy please follow <3
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"I don't care," Changbin said, glancing at Chaeryeong.
"Are you sure?" She smirked. "His name is Lee Dohyun. And he will be at my party."
"Damn! I don't care!" Changbin crossed his arms, clearly uninterested.
"Well, he is kinda handsome. Y/N seems interested," she teased.
"I bet. She's always had a thing for dumpsters," Changbin remarked, prompting a chuckle from Chaeryeong.
"Just as yourself? You're calling yourself a dumpster." she quickly retorted, catching Changbin off guard.
"What did you say?"
"I..I said you're right!" Chaeryeong panicked. "Oh, I hear the manager calling me," she said, attempting to escape, but Changbin grabbed her arm.
"No! Y/N likes me?"
"No! I did not say that. I didn't!" She denied.
"Chaeryeong-nim, photograph time!" Chaeryeong's manager appeared, and Changbin released her.
"Hey! This isn't over!"
Chaeryeong left a frustrated Changbin behind who picks his phone to search for your number. When he finds it he starts to write a message:
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Frustrated, you left your office to call Chaeryeong.
"It was an accident!" she exclaimed the moment she answered the phone.
"That's what I'll be saying after I KILL YOU!" you retorted.
"Y/N, calm down, please. I'm sorry. We were talking about Dohyun, and he mentioned something about you liking dumpsters and trash, so I called him that."
"He said I liked dumpsters?!"
"Oh god, I'm done! I'm not talking to you two again. Let's just deal with this tomorrow at my party." she said, and then abruptly hung up.
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Next day, arriving at the club that night, you greeted Chaeryeong with a hug and presented her with a birthday gift.
"I should have come empty-handed," you said, as she chuckled.
"Oh, don't be silly. He's not coming tonight. Said he had some music to work on," she explained.
"As usual. Anyway, you look stunning!" you complimented her as she spun around to show off her outfit.
"Thank you!" she replied with a smile, and you watched as she greeted other arriving guests.
"You look beautiful," a voice interrupted. You turned to see Dohyun, a dancer who occasionally worked with Chaeryeong.
"Thank you. I didn't know you'd be here tonight," you smiled.
"Chaeryeong invited the dancing team who worked with their last tour."
"I see. I noticed your team is working with Stray Kids?"
"I'm not directly, but yes. Well, are you still up for a date?" he asked.
"Maybe," you said playfully. "You should show me today why I should go on a date with you," you teased, and he nodded with a smirk.
As the night wears on, the party's energy continues to escalate. To your surprise you notice Changbin seated on one of the couches, engaged in conversation with Chaeyeong, Chaeryeong's sister.
In the middle of the lively atmosphere, Dohyun's voice breaks through, whispering in your ear as he offers you a drink. Without hesitation, you accept, the liquid warming your senses.
You found yourself drawn to Changbin, but despite your feelings growing, you couldn't shake the disappointment that came with his consistent excuses whenever you tried to get closer to him.
"He doesn't want me? He doesn't likes me? I will show him" you whispered to yourself.
Your attention drifts back to Changbin who glace at you for a second, however his expression frowned when he sees you closer to Dohyun. As the drinks flow, inhibitions fade, and before you know it, Dohyun's hands were on your waist and in a fleeting moment he almost kiss you. Lucky you turned around, and once again your eyes search for Changbin but you couldn't find him.
Maybe he left. You thought and concentrated in dancing.
As the night goes on, the world seems to spin around you, and you feel increasingly lightheaded and disoriented.
"I'm going to the bathroom" you told Dohyun and walked away.
"You're drunk," his voice cut through the noise, dark and deeper. You turned around and gazed at Changbin.
"And?! What's it to you?" you slurred in response, clearly intoxicated.
"Do you want my attention that badly?" he chuckled, his tone tinged with amusement, as you rolled your eyes at him.
"Cocky as ever," you retorted.
"I'm just stating the facts. No matter where you look, you won't find me in Dohyun or whatever his name is."
"Jealous much? Maybe he'll actually pay attention to me tonight, unlike you ever did," you shot back, fueled by alcohol you drank.
"Drunk? If he does that, then he truly is trash."
"Like you?"
"I'm not trash. I would never take advantage of you. But you can choose what you want. Have a good night," he said firmly, before turning away.
Once inside the bathroom, you lean against the sink, trying to steady yourself as waves of dizziness wash over you. The warmth of the room does little to alleviate your discomfort, and you find it difficult to focus as you try to collect your thoughts.
You're taken aback as you remember Changbin's words, a mix of surprise and frustration washing over you
"Cocky" you said. "Why I'm so dizzy?" You asked looking at yourself in the mirror.
After leaving the bathroom, you find yourself seated beside Dohyun, your jacket now in his hands. Your eyes open as you take in the scene, the pulsating rhythm and vibrant atmosphere surround you, a whirlwind of emotions and sensations. Despite the chaos of the party, you find yourself alone with Dohyun in the couch. His lips touch your cheek.
"Do you want to go home?" He asked while his hands pulled you closer to him.
You started to feel Dohyun's hands on you, your voice trembles with fear and confusion. His touch is unwelcome, and you instinctively recoil, trying to push him away. Despite your efforts, you feel powerless against his advances, your heart pounding with a mix of panic and desperation.
"I will take care of you, I promise beautiful." He chanted while kissing your neck. Your eyes close as you fall almost unconsciously.
On the other side of the club, Yuna spotted the scene and quickly grabbed Ryujin, who was engaged in conversation with other guests.
"Unnie?" Yuna pointed, directing Ryujin's attention towards you lay down in the couch with Dohyun over you.
Changbin, on their side, glanced over and saw you attempting to push him away as he forcefully grabbed your wrists. His expression darkened as Ryujin hurried over to you.
"Hey! What are you doing?! "
Your eyes opened as you see Ryujin rushing to your aid, attempting to pry Dohyun away from you. Before Dohyun can react, he's forcefully shoved back by someone much stronger.
Dohyun, now on the defensive, finds himself receiving a punch that sends him crashing into a nearby table. Through the haze of confusion and fear, you catch sight of Changbin, who steps in to protect you and Ryujin from further harm.
"You sick bastard! You drugged her, didn't you?!" Changbin's accusation is met with denial from Dohyun, but the tension between them remains as they're separated by others at the party.
As the confrontation reaches its peak, Chaeryeong arrives by your side, taking charge of the situation and swiftly calling for security to intervene. With their help, Dohyun is taken away.
Chaeryeong tends to you, gently splashing water on your face in an effort to help calm your dizziness. Changbin's expression softens as he looks at you.
"She needs to go to the hospital." Ryujin said.
"No...I want to go home." You said weakly.
"I will take her to home." Changbin assured.
With a sense of assurance, Changbin carefully lifts you into his arms, a protective gesture that doesn't go unnoticed by Chaeryeong who trusting him nods.
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Changbin pulls up to your building and parked his car close. Carefully he retrieves your keys from your purse and with gentle hands, he unbuckles your seatbelt and cradles you against him, allowing your head to rest on the crook of his neck.
With his coat draped around you to shield you from the chill of the night air, Changbin carries you inside your home, laying you gently on the bed before setting about making tea. When he finished, he placed the cup of tea on your nightstand and covered you, letting you sleep while he returned to your living room and lay on the couch.
During the night he wakes up with your voice and movement in your bed. He sees you moving on the bed as you try to take your clothes off. He helps you as you stay in your underwear. He quickly picks pajamas from your wardrobe and dresses you with it, he then covers you. Your hands lazily searched for his as he lay down next to you.
"take my bra..."you asked drizzly as he removed your bra at your request, you murmured his name softly. His gaze softened as he watched you, concern evident in his eyes.
"Why aren't you doing anything?" you slurred, his hands brushing against your abdomen. "Am I not pretty?" you questioned, your voice tinged with insecurity.
He reached out, gently brushing a stray strand of hair from your face. "You're beautiful," he reassured you softly. "But you're not in the right state of mind. I'll take care of you in other time, okay? Just rest now."
His hands intercepted yours as you searched inside his shirt, halting your movements.
"I said no, Y/N. Rest," he spoke firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument. You nodded and pout.
"Can you stay with me?" you asked, a hint of longing in your voice, but he sighed in exasperation. He was only a man, after all.
"It's better if I don't," he replied, and you sighed sadly in response.
"I want to kiss you," you confessed, your eyes fixed on his lips as your hand reached out to touch them. Changbin leaned closer, his lips brushing against yours briefly, but before you could deepen the kiss in frustration, he pulled away from your grasp.
"Rest. I beg you. Don't make me do something I will surely regret." He pleaded as you nodded. "Your sister is almost here." He said and covered you again as he stared at you while your eyes closed.
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Should I continue?
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play-rough · 1 month
Hello there!
I’m not really sure how to start this, but I’ve been in a bit of a sad mood. A few days ago, some drunk scumbags cursed me out in the street because I’m a practicing Muslim. So, I’ve just been sad; so to cheer myself up I’ve been thinking about the baby Otter. And, if it’s okay, I wanted to share some of my thoughts.
So, this one is a little sad, but I hope this is okay.
I can imagine Dazai forcibly regressing while he’s in hiding, because he’s just so sad and going through withdrawal of his suppressants. He’s curled up into a ball on a cheap motel mattress, hugging his knees to avoid having more body parts than necessary touch the scratchy sheets. His nose is red, fresh tears paint his face, and there’s dried snot everywhere. He’s hugging a bunched up towel, and trying to pretend it’s Fishie giving him a hug.
He needs Chuuya so badly; but Dazai is bad. He left without saying Bye-bye, and that wasn’t kind. He knew Chibi hated when he just left without a word. He’s a bad baby.
He doesn’t deserve to be Chibi’s baby.
Without thinking, he subconsciously dials Chibi’s number off of his most recent burner phone. He just listens to the phone ringing, and starts to drift off; but, then he hears it.
“Hello,” the sound of his Chibi’s voice wakes him from his trance. He rises up, and shouts out a greeting.
“This is Nakahara Chuuya, I’m unable to take your call, but leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.” With that, Dazai breaks down into sobs. Chibi always answered his calls, but Dazai should’ve known better. He’s not Chibi’s baby anymore. He left, and Chuuya hates him.
He sobs out apology after apology, begging Chuuya to understand why he left, and to please forgive him. Eventually, he reaches a limit to how long of a message he can leave, and Dazai drifts off into a painful slumber. When he wakes up, he doesn’t remember much of the night before. He bleaches the motel room, leaves through a window, and chucks his burner phone into a random trash can.
Unbeknownst to him, as he sits on the subway taking him away from Kobe. A very hungover Chuuya wakes up, who stayed out way to late drinking with a new recruit named Tachihara. As he slowly wakes up, and absently drinks a coffee, he checks his phone. Nothing really stands out, except for a voicemail from an unknown number. Chuuya usually just deletes those without listening, but he felt a tug to listen to it anyway.
“Ch-ib-i, it’s me,” even though it had been a year, and the voice is sob filled, Chuuya would always recognize his Baby’s voice.
Chuuya’s heart shatters as he listens to Dazai self deprecate, as he says sorry for not saying Bye-bye to Chibi and Fishie. Calling himself a bad baby, but he was trying to be good. Saying he promised Oda he would be good, and that’s why he had to leave. He sobbed and sobbed, and said how much he missed Chuu and Fishie.
Dazai’s voice his cut off as the voicemail limit has been reached. Chuuya immediately tries calling Dazai back, but the lines been disconnected. Anger fills him, as he chucks his coffee against the wall using tainted. Arahabaki is screaming in his head, that Chuuya must kill those who made their Baby cry.
Chuuya had failed. His Baby had needed him, and Chuuya didn’t pick up the call. He had spent a year thinking that Dazai didn’t want him anymore, and he felt like such an idiot for believing that. Well, no more. Chuuya was going to find his Baby no matter what. He wouldn’t fail again.
Um, I didn’t mean to basically write a whole one shot, and I’m sorry if I’m being a bother. You’re series just brings me so much joy.
I hope you’re having a wonderful day,
-Rosie 🌹
Rosie I am so sorry that happened to you 🩷 thank you so much for sharing this, it was delightful and deliciously angsty 🥺 i hope your day gets better, you’re beautiful and kind and important and people care about you 🩷🩷 fuck those drunk losers
Again this is so beautiful and I really appreciate you sending it my way 🩷
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katsu28 · 2 years
can you please write a drunk love confession (kinda like the Rachel/ross one from friends?) but super angsty (with a happy ending ofc) thank ya!! xx
i just reread your request after writing this and i think this was kinda what you were asking for, but i haven’t seen Friends in years so…i could be wrong. i hope you enjoy this even if i got it completely wrong <3 thank you for requesting, i had too much fun writing this!!
the one with the drunk love confession
pairing: JJ Maybank x reader 
summary: see request! 
warnings: swearing, kinda angsty, also way longer than i originally planned but oh well 
a/n: there wasn't a character specified for this, so i just picked my boy jj bc i missed writing for him! hope that's okay :)
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(gif from @jensensfanfic!)
You knew that calling JJ wasn’t the best idea. But you were slightly past tipsy (okay maybe a bit more than just slightly) and higher than a fucking kite, so that little voice in the back of your head telling you to put down your goddamn phone wasn’t a main priority at the moment. 
As the dial tone rang, you took another swig of beer, sighing in satisfaction at the cool bitterness of it sliding down your throat. Beer wasn’t usually your drink of choice, but it was all you had in the fridge right now—courtesy of the blond boy you were currently calling. 
“Yo, it’s JJ! I’m probably out doing some shit I’m not supposed to, but leave a message and maybe I’ll hit you back. Or maybe I won’t, I dunno. Peace!” God, that stupid voicemail always used to annoy the shit out of you, but right now, in your drunken haze, it kinda made your heart ache a little bit more. 
“Pick up your damn phone, J, I need to tell you something.” You mumbled, words slurred by one too many cans of beer. After a few seconds of waiting for him to answer before you remembered this was his voicemail, you chuckled drunkenly to yourself. “Hey. It’s me, your best friend. I just wanted to tell you that everything—everything is fine. Everything is totally fine. I’m happy for you. Happy that you—you found someone who makes you happy.” 
You hiccuped, letting out another airy laugh. “Anyways, the reason why I called was to let you know that I am over you. I’m over you, and—shit, I need to pee. Fuck. Uh, I’m—I’m not in love with you anymore. I’m totally over you. Yeah. That’s it. ‘Mkay, I’m gonna go. Love you, bye.” 
With that, you hung up, tossing your phone aside in favor of downing the rest of the remaining beer in the can before heaving yourself up from the couch and stumbling towards the bathroom. After you were done, you returned to your previous position, now fighting the sleep threatening to overtake you and very quickly losing. The last thing you remembered was thinking about the message you’d left JJ, and how you were proud of yourself for finally getting some closure regarding the feelings you had for him. 
You were woken up in the morning by a pillow being thrown at your face, blinking awake slowly to see none other than JJ Maybank hovering over you, squinting at you curiously. JJ tended to show up at your place randomly, and after the time you almost smacked him upside the head with a baseball bat as he crawled through an open window instead of knocking, now used the key you’d given him to come and go as he pleased. 
“You look like shit.” He snickered, deftly dodging the palm you shoved up towards him. “What did you even do last night?” 
“Drank the beer you left in the fridge.” 
JJ’s eyebrows flew sky high. “All of it? Y/N, that was like, a whole pack.” 
“Mmhm. Smoked those joints I snagged from your stash too.” You mumbled, rubbing your eye furiously. 
“Damn.” JJ let out an impressed whistle. “Who pissed you off?” 
“I don’t even remember, man,” You pulled yourself off the couch, picking up all the empty beer cans littering the coffee table and tossing them into the trash on your way to the bathroom to find some painkillers. Vague memories of last night bounced through your mind in flashes, some more clear, but most of them just a blur. You remembered hearing JJ’s voice over the phone, but not really anything after that. “J, did you call me last night?” 
“Call you? Nah, I stayed over at Brianna’s last night. Haven’t even touched my phone since yesterday morning.” 
Right. Brianna, JJ’s perfect new girlfriend. Of course he was with her last night. Lately, that was where he’d been spending most of his time when he wasn’t working. But you weren’t bitter. Not even a little bit. 
“Huh, that’s weird. I swear I remember talking to you, but I was super wasted last night, so,” You sighed from the bathroom, dry swallowing two painkillers, then padding back out to the kitchen. “I probably dreamt it, or something.” 
“Sounds like you had a blast.” He chuckled, flopping onto the couch with a satisfied huff. You flipped him off behind your back, busying yourself with rifling through the fridge for something to eat and heaving out a sigh when you saw that the shelves were pretty much barren. You made a mental note to swing by the store after your shift at The Wreck tonight. “Yo, you called me last night. There’s a message right here.” 
“Really? It’s probably nothing, you can just—” 
Shit, shit, shit. 
Everything came flooding back in one go—calling JJ late last night, spilling your guts about being both in love and over him, leaving him that fucking voicemail. 
“Dude, you sound absolutely zooted. How much kush was in those joints?” JJ snorted. 
You slammed the fridge shut, all but sprinting towards him, even vaulting over the coffee table like some sort of freaking ninja. “Gimme the phone! Give me your fucking phone, JJ, I swear to god—” 
He sprung up from the couch with a surprised cry, sidestepping your attempts at grabbing his phone. “The fuck is your problem, Y/N? Stop it!” 
You took a chance, throwing yourself onto his back to try and snatch it out of his hand before he had a chance to hear the whole voicemail. But when he froze in place, you knew you were too late. He’d heard the whole thing. 
“Oh my god. Oh my god, this isn’t happening,” You whispered, squeezing your eyes shut as you slid off his back and faceplanted back onto the couch. He didn’t say anything for the longest time, and you were glad for it. Maybe he’d suddenly gone deaf and didn’t actually hear the message. Maybe he’d sprouted a sudden bout of amnesia and forgot everything that happened in the last ten minutes. Maybe—
“You’re over me?” He asked softly. You felt the couch dip down opposite from where you were buried in it. “You’re over me. When were you—when were you…under me?” 
“Oh my god,” You repeated, voice muffled by the couch cushion. 
JJ poked your leg once, twice, then a third time. “Hey. Y/N, look at me. What’s happening? Why are you—what are you doing?” 
“I can’t,” You groaned, finally sitting up. You still refused to look at him though, so he did the only thing he could think of. He kept poking you until you met his gaze, which only took about thirty seconds. “Fine. Lately, I’ve kinda, sorta, maybe…had feelings for you.” 
“Oh. That’s—oh.” His brow creased in thought. “You have feelings for me.” 
“Yeah, well, you had them first.” You didn’t know why you were suddenly so defensive, but you couldn’t take it back now. 
“Whoa, whoa, how did you know that? Who told you? Was it Kie? John B? I can’t tell anyone anything anymore, jesus fuck!” 
“It was Pope. You know how bad he is at keeping secrets.” 
JJ nodded. “That makes more sense. Uh, when?” 
“The night you went on your first date with Brianna.” 
“Brianna. Oh fuck. Bri—I need to go.” JJ spluttered, stumbling to his feet. His hands lodged into his hair as he made his way to the front door, then turned around to face you again. “No, I’ll stay. I don’t know.” 
You started to approach him, then decided against it, keeping both arms wrapped around yourself like you’d be able to shield yourself from the clusterfuck of awkwardness you’d unleashed into the atmosphere. “I’m sorry, J, I didn’t mean to make things weird. I was really drunk last night, and I—” 
“You…you were in love with me. But you’re over me now.” He interrupted, letting his hands slap against his sides. “You are over me now, right? We can just forget this ever happened?” 
You wanted to tell him you were really over him, but you were honestly tired of keeping this huge secret for so long. And as daunting as it seemed, it was time to own up to your feelings and lay it all out there in the open. 
“No…as in, you’re not over me?” 
“I’m still in love with you, JJ.” You mumbled, lifting your gaze from your socked feet to meet his very conflicted one. 
“I can’t do this right now, Y/N, I should—I should leave. Yeah. I’m gonna,” He retreated towards the front door yet again, fumbling for the doorknob blindly, “I’m gonna go. I’m sorry.” With that, he left, the roaring of his bike engine fading into the distance being the only thing that jerked you back to reality. The reality where you might’ve just lost your best friend because of a stupid, drunken voicemail. 
You were wiping down the rest of the tables at The Wreck after closing when you heard the door open behind you. Plastering a polite smile on your face, you turned around to tell whoever had just come in that you were closed. 
“Sorry, we’re closed, but we open for breakfast at 9 tomorrow morning if you wanna—” You stopped short when you saw it was JJ standing there, eyes widening. “JJ. Hi. What are you doing here?” 
“I need to talk to you.” 
“Look, if it’s about what happened this morning, I already feel awful, and I’m sorry, but I couldn’t lie to you anymore.” You sighed, spraying down another table to wipe. 
“You had no right to tell me you’re in love with me, Y/N. I’m with Brianna now, okay? And I like her, and I think she’s good for me!” JJ’s outburst cleaved through the terse silence like the sharpest of knives, cutting deep into your already guilty conscience like butter. He dragged his hands through his already messy hair, brows furrowing heavily. “Everything’s been going great with her until I found out about you.” 
“I was doing great before I found out about you too, asshole! You think I wanted this to happen? You think I wanted to be the one to mess up your relationship? I know you’re happy, JJ, and I’m happy for you.” You weren’t kidding about the last part. Seeing JJ happy was all you’d ever wanted. But seeing him happy with someone that wasn’t you, that was what hurt. “But this is—you think this is easy for me? Seeing you with her all the time? Because I’m telling you right now, it’s not.” 
“Well then, you should’ve said something before I met her instead of leaving that bullshit voicemail last night!” 
“I didn’t know then, and I was fucking drunk yesterday! I didn’t do it on purpose!” You exclaimed, throwing the towel down on the table rather forcefully. “And how come you didn’t say anything either, huh? If you were in love with me too, why didn’t you just tell me?” 
“I couldn’t! You’re one of my best friends, and me telling you I was in love with you would’ve fucked everything up!” 
“Fucked what up?” 
“The friend group, our friendship—fucking everything!!!” His hands were linked behind his neck now as he paced back and forth between the tables, head tilted up towards the wooden beamed ceiling to avoid looking at you. “You guys are all I have, okay? I can’t lose you. Any of you. And you and me…it would’ve driven a wedge between everyone. No Pogue on Pogue macking, remember?” 
“You’re gonna let a stupid rule we made when we were kids get in the way of things?” You scoffed, crossing your arms. “God, I thought you were braver than that, JJ.” 
A muscle in his jaw flexed as he turned his glare on you. “Guess I’m just a coward for thinking of the group then.” 
“Don’t fucking do that, don’t hide behind our friends. I know you, and I know that you’d never let a stupid rule stop you from doing something you wanted to do, so stop blaming this on it. This is on you.” 
“This is on me? What about you?” 
“Yeah, you! How come you didn’t say anything?” JJ shot back, jabbing a finger in your direction. “You go around flirting with everyone, hooking up with Tourons, and then you say you’ve been in love with me the whole time? The hell am I supposed to think about that?” 
You knew JJ was just lashing out because he was angry, but there was something in his accusation that struck a nerve. Even he could tell that he’d hit it by the way you shrunk back the slightest bit. 
“Fuck you, JJ. Stop making it seem like I’m throwing myself around at every single fucking guy who comes around!” You snarled, eyes flashing dangerously. 
He faltered, squeezing his eyes shut momentarily, and when he opened them again, they were that soft blue that always made your heart skip a beat. “No, I didn’t—I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just…you have really shitty timing, you know that? Bri and I are just getting good, and I can’t do this with you right now, Y/N!” 
“Then don’t! Just ignore me like you’ve ignored your feelings for god knows how long!” 
“I can’t.” JJ muttered, shaking his head. “It was one thing when I thought I was crazy for being in love with someone I could never have, but now that I know how you feel…it’s different.” 
“Do you still feel the same way about me?” 
“I don’t know.” 
“Yes, you do. Gut answer. Go.” 
“Yes. Fuck, I’m still in love with you, Y/N.” JJ groaned, digging the heels of his palms against his eyes furiously. 
“Then what are you gonna do about it?” 
“Probably something I shouldn’t.” He breathed, not even taking a second to think before he was crossing the restaurant floor and pulling you into his arms to kiss you fiercely. Although taken completely by surprise, you managed to steady yourself and kiss him back. 
Kissing JJ was better than you could’ve ever imagined, but you couldn’t stop the little voice in the back of your head from screaming ‘he has a girlfriend, for fuck’s sake’, and that was had you pulling away from him. 
“We can’t—we can’t do this.” You spluttered, pushing him away a few steps. JJ’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Dude, you have a girlfriend. You can’t be kissing me like…like that! We shouldn’t even be kissing at all!”
“Crap. Yeah, I know. I know, I’ll break up with her tomorrow.” JJ ran his hand through his hair frustratedly, nodding furiously when you shot him a pointed look. “Look, I’ll be nice about it, and I won’t bring you up. I’ll just say that…I don’t feel the same way about her anymore.”
“I feel horrible.” 
“Whoa, kissing me was that bad?” 
“No, because I’m basically a homewrecker!” 
JJ was quick to approach you again, sliding his fingers under your chin and tilting your head up to meet his stern gaze. “Y/N, you’re not a homewrecker. I love you. I want to be with you. I don’t care what anyone else thinks.” 
“But you said you and Bri were just getting good. That she was good for you.” You frowned, to which JJ smiled guiltily with a shake of his head. 
“I was lying. Kinda just wanted to make you feel bad for springing this on me.” He snickered. “Did I go too far?” 
“You’re an asshole, Maybank.” You shoved him away from you with a huff, but he came right back, trapping your wrists in one hand while the other came to cup your cheek as he pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. “Stop kissing me.” 
“Oh, please, you don’t really want me to stop kissing you, do you?” He snorted. “I mean, you are in love with me, after all.” 
All you could do was glare at him playfully, but you couldn’t deny that what he was saying wasn’t true. 
“C’mon, I’ll help you finish cleaning so you can close up and we can get the fuck out of here.” He chuckled, giving your hip one last squeeze before you grabbed the wet towel off the table and flung it at him. “You little shit! Get over here!” 
Safe to say, it took you a lot longer than usual to close up when JJ was with you, but you didn’t really care. 
All you cared about was that you were in love with JJ Maybank and he was in love with you, and it only took one pack of beer, two joints, and a drunk voicemail for you to admit it to each other. 
@scenesofobx @milkiane @purple-flamingo @tenaciousperfectionunknown @strawberryforks @vesperluvsbillie @fearthewalkingbitch @like-gabriel-and-castiel @eichenhouseproperty @dpaccione @directioner5lifw @liltimmyst @lilygreennn @sunkissedsteve
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gentaro-kinniecom · 4 months
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It all started with a cup of coffee
Characters: Fareeha Amari (Pharah)/fem!reader
C/w: modern au!, you work as a barista with lena (tracer), fluff-ish, suggestive, romantic scenes, Fareeha flirts w you <3, first person pov! [Not proofread]
A/n: I love lesbians. Muah; Im still working on those love and deepspace fics..im just so busy with college stuff pls :,( anyways enjoy 😋
The coffee shop was unusually busier today, I groaned as the sight of the huge line outside grew with each minute that passed. Why did my shift had to be during lunch hour? I passed by the line of impatient customers, some angry at me (since they thought I was a cutting customer), and opened the door, my co-worker sighed in relief as she glanced my way. It seemed we’re understaffed today..
“What took you so long?” She asked, handing me my apron adorned with cute buttons, one of them being a lesbian flag, which people stared at it rather than me most times. Lena was regularly energetic, but today’s demand was so exhausting to the point where her usual smile faded in the back while preparing orders.
“Traffic. Go and take a break, you’ve more than enough have earned it.” She tried to complain about it, saying how I needed help taking and doing orders, but I insisted, giving her a slight push towards the break room while flashing me a smile.
Hours passed after taking customer’s orders alongside Lena that I didn’t notice it was already 5:30pm, we usually close at 7 but since tomorrow was a free day due to a small holiday event in town, the shop owner was nice enough to change the hour until 6pm for today. I began sweeping the floor and cleaning some tables when the small bell of the shop rang suddenly
“Would you mind taking their order? I have to take out the trash and finish up in the back” Lena asked as I looked up nodding and smiling her way before standing behind the register, not noticing who was in front of me.
“I’ll take a small cappuccino and the last vanilla cupcake” The voice sounded so familiar..I finally looked up to see my crush and classmate, Fareeha Amari. Her hair was messy in an attractive way and adorned with golden accessories. She smiled while meeting my gaze, knowing I had recognized her
“Fareeha? From Calculus class? It’s been a while” I said, writing her name on the cup and starting the coffee steamer.
“I’m glad you remembered, although almost no one in college now days don’t even take the time to know their professor’s names.”-there was a pause, she fetched her phone after it rang twice, apologizing before continuing-“I’ve been meaning to talk with you for a while now” Fareeha thanked me before taking small sips in between our current conversation. While I finished up on cleaning, Fareeha sat down, scrolling through some videos or social media in general.
When it came the time to close, she wished me a goodnight and left, then I noticed. She had left behind a note, her phone number was neatly written in her lovely handwriting. I quickly dialed the number, keeping the small paper in my pocket. Lena’s girlfriend, Emily, came to pick her up, they offered me a ride home but I decided to walk, thanking them while heading towards the subway.
In the morning, I decided to finally reach out to her after a long night of debating it. It’s all fun and games until Fareeha finds out the name her contact on my phone is. Nothing fancy, just ‘Pharah’, with a heart emoji on the side. Sitting down on the countertop, I reached for my phone, sighing while typing..
“Good morning! It’s Y/n, how are you?” As I awaited a reply from her, I began to prepare breakfast while trying not to think much about the text. To my surprise, my phone pinged, ‘1 message from Pharah♡’. I unlocked my phone, my heart accelerating within the second.
“Hey~! I’m doing good, better now that you texted me..by any chance are you going to tonight’s festival?” Oh? The question caught me off guard for a moment as I finished eating. Yes, I was planning to go alone however, if she’s inviting me, I wouldn’t mind.
“I have nothing better to do honestly, I’d love to go, why? You’re inviting~?” I asked, placing my phone on the counter of the vanity while going to take a shower. As I finished, my phone began to ring; Fareeha was calling me. I sighed upon seeing it was just a normal call and not facetime
“Hey, I thought you weren’t going to pick up. And to answer your question, yes, I’m inviting you out.” I grabbed my clothes, leaving the bathroom as I replied.
“Oh~? So like a date then?” There was a small paused before Fareeha chuckled,
“You’re cute, if you want it to be a date, I wouldn’t be opposed to it” Setting down my phone on my bed now, I started to dress myself before replying to her
“Sure~! Does 5pm sound good for you?”
“It’s perfect, I’ll pick you up too, just send me your address, see you” With that, she hung up. I then texted her my location; going on about my day until the time came for her to pick me up. A sudden knock on my door made me realize it was already 4:50pm, she even arrived 10 minutes early..I got up, reaching for the door and opening it
“Hi beautiful, you ready to go?” Fareeha asked, leaning against the doorframe with one arm as I smiled, taking in how good she looked
“I’ll go grab my purse, be right back!” While gathering my stuff, the realization dawned upon me, she was flirting with me, like we’ve been doing even before yesterday. I guess I was too distracted or oblivious to notice
“Thanks for waiting~” Our hands intertwined, walking out of the apartment complex, and toward her blue McLaren, the sides had a streak of gold, it looked beautiful. Fareeha opened the door for me, though the ride wasn’t that long, in 10 to 15 minutes we had already arrived to the event. It was late enough to go back for my jacket, I would’ve never thought it would be cold tonight. Fareeha seemed to notice as she quickly handed over her own
“If you were cold, you should’ve asked for my jacket, sweetheart” I nearly melted at her words, holding her hand while grabbing her jacket as we walked. I couldn’t help but stare at her now glossy lips as she applied some lipstick while letting go of my hand, only to quickly grab it as she smiled, eyes wandering from my eyes to my lips.
“I didn’t want to bother you” My voice was but a mere whisper, still, it made Fareeha laugh softly. We soon entered one of the restaurants around the block.
“Never, in fact, I’d love for you to ask for my things. My jacket suits you well” I nod, ordering a beverage along with something to eat together as Fareeha continued to stare at me, almost lovingly. After eating with her, we walked around town. She wouldn’t let me pay for anything, even with us getting matching key chains for our phones.
“You didn’t have to..don’t tell me you have a thing for spoiling people?” I inquired half jokingly, returning home with her. Fareeha’s hand gripped the steering wheel while the other rested on my thigh
“Only to people I really like..have you gotten the hint yet, or do I have to be more..direct with my feelings?” She teasingly spoke, parking nearby my apartment as I took off my seatbelt, looking over as she tried leaving the car. I grabbed her hand, leaning towards her
“What is it that you truly desire then? Go on, I’m all ears” A cocky smile appeared on her face, making me falter my grip when suddenly, Fareeha took hold of my hands, pushing me slowly against my seat.
“You hate it when I tease you yet..you’re out here playing games with me, honey”
“Okay and~? What’re you gonna do about it? Her lips crashed onto mine like a dream. It was as if tonight everything came to light. My hands caressed her face softly, leaning more into the kiss while Fareeha grabbed my hair, gently tugging it after parting away
“What~? Don’t tell me you’re speechless now?” I chuckled, my hand in hers; soon we left her car, upon arriving to my apartment, I kissed her goodnight. I couldn’t help but think of Fareeha throughout the entire night.
Months passed by, and I can proudly sat that my relationship with her has grown. To the point of moving in together a few months after she asked me to be her girlfriend. I was currently making breakfast, looking out the window to see the sky during the early afternoon. Hands suddenly wrapped around my waist as I smiled
“Good afternoon my love, sleep well?” Fareeha nodded gently, kissing my cheek while grabbing some orange juice from the fridge.
“Mhm, I never thought my dreams of having a life with you would become real, not that I’m complaining” She smiled, taking two glasses of orange-printed cups and pouring juice. At good timing too since I was done with breakfast. We sat together in the dinning table; Fareeha read the newspaper as I scrolled through some social media
“Hey, didn’t you say you wanted to visit the botanical garden last week?” She said, breaking the comfortable silence while taking our dishes back to the kitchen
“Yes, but, don’t you have to call and reserve beforehand? It’s not like we can show up without anything” Fareeha chuckled, after washing our plates, she went towards our shared bedroom and took out an envelope. Inside were two tickets for the garden
“You didn’t think I already planned ahead, right~?” I smiled, wrapping my arms around her as a small ‘thank you’. I couldn’t help but admire her eyes, the way her hair fell down onto her face…
“You’re staring..do I have something?” She looked concerned but I just laughed, kissing her softly, almost catching her off guard. Her hands quickly traveled towards my waist
“I just like staring at you, my beautiful girlfriend”
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Thank you!
I actually wanted to add another part to it, but it already long and I liked how I ended it.
Anyway, what I was going to put was:
What if that wasn’t the first time he used his abilities like that? What if Vinyl first used it a long time ago?
That, when he was a kid, he left the house when the extermination was about to happen.
Alastor and Vox were both freaking out! They never told the kids what happens on extermination day. Well, not really. They just told them that something bad happens this day and can’t go outside for awhile; made sure they couldn’t see or heard what was going on out there.
But they forgot how both curious and mischievous Vinyl can be at times.
After a bit of talking, it was decided that Vox would go and get Vinyl while Alastor stayed home to look after Charlie.
But by the time he found him, kid knows how to duck his dad’s cameras, the extermination had started.
He tried to get them out of there but an exorcist locked in on them and started to chase them down. They ended up in an alleyway with the exorcist right behind them.
Vox didn’t know what to do. They were trapped in the alley in hell that didn’t have cameras around and he couldn’t spot any other way to escape.
Vox knew was going to die, he just knew it. But Vinyl? Looking down at his shivering boy in his arms, clinging to him for dear life. He could feel his shirt get soaked from Vinyl’s tears. He hugged his son tighter.
He didn’t know and he didn’t want to know.
Just before the exorcist rounded the corner, Vox went to some trash cans and hid Vinyl there, telling him to stay there and stay quiet. That he’ll come get him when it was over.
Vinyl could only nod.
With one last smile, Vox turned back to the exorcist, letting the electricity coarse through his body. If he was going to die, he was going to die swinging.
Hearing the sound of electricity roaring through the air, Vinyl curled in on himself. He didn’t mean for any of this to happen! He just wanted to go outside to play. He never understood why he wasn’t allowed leave the house during this day. He just thought they were being silly. That, nothing would happen if he left for a bit.
But when dad found him, probably about to yell at him for leaving without telling, a loud bell rang in the air and a golden light filled part of the sky.
He was going to ask what that was, when his dad grabbed his hand and told him they had to leave.
But he didn’t move. He wanted to know what it was.
Then they showed up.
Vinyl didn’t have a moment to process what just happened. One second was looking up at the golden light, next these…things came out of it and started killing sinners!
Now, Vinyl has seen sinners be killed before. He’d seen his papa kill sinners before, his dad, other sinners. Even he killed a few sinners before!
But what these things were doing? It felt different.
He doesn’t remember when his dad picked him up or when he started running, but he does remember when he locked eyes with one of them and it started to follow.
Now here he was! Hiding behind so trash cans, listening to his dad fight one of them! He knows his dad is strong, he’s an Overlord, but he doesn’t want him to get hurt!
Ugh! Why didn’t he listen!? He could have stayed home with his family, and none of this would be happening!
Hearing his dad scream, he grabbed his head, wishing this all was a bad dream. That he’ll open his eyes and it’ll be all gone!
He just wants it all to go away, GO AWAY, GO AWAY!!
With a large gash on his side, Vox knew this was the end. He just wished he could have seen Charlie and Vinyl grow up or told Alastor he loved him one last time.
And just as the exorcist was about to land the finish blow, Vox was about to send a message to Alastor saying he was sorry and where he could find Vinyl, soft music began to play.
The holy weapon was just an inch from his face when it stopped. Looking back at it, he saw that it flinching and twitching a lot; like it was trying to fight back whatever was taken a hold of it. Before it all stops, it turned around, and left.
Well that was weird, but Vox wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
More importantly, he need to check on Vinyl. Hopefully he wasn’t too scared by that.
Making his way over to where Vinyl was hidden, he found him in a shocking state.
Knees to his chest, hands grabbing at his hair, symbols floating around him, antennas blinking, and his face contorted into a silent scream with tears not stopping.
Immediately Vox figured out what was going on, he gently placed the hand not covering his wound on his son’s shoulder.
Vinyl was snapped out of it and the music stopped playing.
The boy was able give his dad one sorrow filled look before passing out.
Vox quickly picked him up, found the nearest camera, and went home.
When he got there, he called for his husband with their shared signal and told him not to bring Charlie with him.
Alastor was horrified by what he saw when he arrived, his husband covered in his own blood, barely able to hold himself up, one arm wrapped around clutching on to his side, while the other was holding their son.
He immediately took Vinyl out of Vox’s arm, brought the boy to his bed, before going back to his husband to patch him up. As he did so, Vox told him what happened.
At first they were happy. With how powerful he was at such a young age, he would be able to raise above the ranks of hell in no time! They couldn’t be prouder!
But then the horror of the situation kicked in.
If hell found out about this, they would try and use him as a weapon against heaven, despite his age.
If heaven found out about this, they would kill him, hellborn be damned, without a second thought.
Either way, their son would be a target because of his power.
And they just had a close call today,
They don’t need another.
It was then and there that they both decided to keep secret full potential of Vinyl’s abilities.
It seems though that fortune was on their side, because when Vinyl woke up, he had no memory of what happened that day.
And so, life went back to normal for our little demonic family. With Vinyl’s secret under lock and key, even from himself.
Until years later, where it was unfortunately brought it back to light.
I was not expecting to be this overwhelmed with emotion when Vinyl was first introduced, this is so insanely well written and I love every bit of it
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lovesick-feelings · 2 years
yan bonbon and bonnet? maybe freddy too but mainly the little buns! 🐰
Thank you for being my first request! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
You weren't really clear on whether you wanted a drawing or headcanons so I decided to do both! Please note that future requests like this will only receive headcanons if not specific.
Anyways please enjoy!! (꒡ꆚ꒡)
Yandere Bon Bon, Bonnet, Funtime Freddy x Reader
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Yandere Bon Bon 
Prepare to be praised and coddled to the max. You are just so sweet to everyone Bon Bon honestly can't help but reward every single thing you do. 
Completed a hard task? Head pats for you! Made sure to eat well? So proud of you! Pick up trash? He could just cry! 
He’s surprisingly not as physical when it comes to showing affection at first. He prefers to give words of affirmation and spend quality time, but if you like it he’ll show more physical affection. 
He’ll often ask you to lift him so he can give you head pats or cuddle into your hand. Any initiated by you gives him such a boost. He can't help but giggle to himself when he thinks back to the moments you spent together.
One of his favorite moments with you is to be held by you. You are so gentle and the way you pet him immediately soothes him from all the stresses he deals with. 
As lovable as he is, Bon Bon's use of manipulation tactics can turn endless if he believes you are doing something wrong. He doesn't mean to harm you it's only to steer you away from the “dangers” around you. 
Seeing you around others makes him so nervous. It's one thing to have you around one of the animatronics but a whole group of them not to mention the people you interact with gets him so overwhelmed.
He starts believing that you must feel the same way as well. The only reason you talk to others is that you have to right?
Wouldn't you prefer to live a carefree life with him and his friends instead? You don't need any of those problems and negativity in your life. With Bon Bon, you'll never have to worry about being alone again!
He strongly believes that It is for the best that you stay with him underground. He may not be the strongest but Funtime Freddy could always help with that. Now you'll be protected and cared for properly!
Yandere Bonnet
Bonnet is extremely shy at first. As much as she adores being in the company of others, she can't help but become flustered around anyone who isn't Funtime Freddy or BonBon. So imagine how she would be around someone she admires so much. 
With enough encouragement, you can get her to come out of her shell, but be prepared when she clings onto you like dear life
Bonnet is the equivalent of Bon Bon when it comes to showing an overwhelming amount of affection. However, Bonnet prefers to show it through actions instead of words. 
She’ll have her arms wrapped around you in no time. You’re just so soft and cuddly to her! She loves being held and carried around with you wherever you go. 
Every time you're gone for more than a second, she feels like she's going to burst into tears. She immediately seeks you out and you can tell from the pouting, red face how upset she is.
The company had to set up metal detectors because of the number of times she's tried to escape to find you again Baby could take some notes.
Compared to the others, Bonnet is the most lenient and understanding to you. The thought of you being hurt and unhappy makes her feel terrible, so she doesn't mind you being around others. As long as you have her by your side.
In the case where you do ignore her, she will become more possessive. She could never kill anyone and the thought of locking you away makes her sick. Damaging others’ reputations will have to do. 
Of course, she’d never ruin your image but the same can't be said for friends, family, and co-workers. Spreading fake messages/ rumors and stealing items isn't hard when you have friends to help. By the time they try to explain themselves, it’d been too late. you'll be too disgusted to even look at them. 
Luckily you’d have to purposely ignore Bonnet for her to act up like this. A simple explanation and a kiss on the forehead would make her fall for you all over again.
Bonus: Yandere Funtime Freddy 
It's not hard for Freddy to catch on to how much Bon Bon cares for you. I mean this is the fifth time he's brought you up in a conversation this week and it's only Tuesday! The same goes for Bonnet, who is always clinging by your side. She’d always come to Freddy for hugs, so what gives?!
At first, he is pretty jealous and it's obvious he dislikes you from the constant eye rolling and subtle, sarcastic insults. He gets so defensive when anyone brings it up. That quickly disappears once he sees the way you are towards his puppets. 
It's scary how his mood went from sour to loving at the flip of a switch when he saw you that day. 
You thought he was out for blood when you saw him run towards you at full speed, but instead got greeted by a bone-crushing hug. 
Freddy is more friendly and open to you now that you two are best friends! Expect to be held and touched, with the occasional teasing, because he ain't letting you go. He can't help it with how tiny you are compared to him. He just wants to smother you in love!!
Every time you leave, it feels like you've taken a part of him with you. He can't help but feel sick and paranoid whenever you leave him. Not to mention, the sight of his Bon Bon and Bonnet being sad over their missing friend just breaks his heart.
Once Bon Bon gives him the idea of having a new friend and member of a family to have you can wish your freedom goodbye.
Don't be surprised the next time you see Funtime Freddy giggling to himself, with a sinister look on his face. Before you even turn to walk out, he immediately snatches you into his stomach hatch
Now his sweetheart won't ever leave the little family they made for themselves~ ♡
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necronoia · 10 months
I don’t think of you often, and I imagine you never think of me. Though, I thought of you yesterday, while in a store with a friend. They tried on sunglasses you once had or wanted. Sometimes I consider “what if-“ and think about what it would be like to know you now.
That’s where this comes from: I hope you found a better place. I hope you and Bart found better lives. I hope you grew from that person that you were. I hope you flourished and that WA treats you well and the boy better than it treats you.
I don’t care to find your answer to this, and I don’t care to dredge up the past. I just wanted to see your artwork and reminisce on the friend I lost. There are so many things I sometimes think I’d tell you- and so many things I can no longer watch or listen to.
I wish we were still friends, and I hate the way things ended. I hope your support system is no longer your shitty ass mother and her shitty ass common law husband. I am so glad I didn’t know them during Covid and quarantine.
I am thankful you left. Things were bad in that apartment- totally not the worst thing ever, and certainly not abusive like your letter stated- we only had like two disagreements ever.
I wish you had been honest with me. I regret that you didn’t feel like you could just talk to me. I don’t regret throwing your things over your mothers wall. I regret not knowing for certain if your mother pissed in my closet- though I suspect she did.
I’ve gotten off track. It doesn’t matter. I was going to do this with less specifics, because I don’t care if you knew it was me. It’s not like you ever think about me or reached out. You didn’t and you’ll probably have anxiety attacks over this stupid message, anyway.
Long story short, sometimes I think about you, sometimes I don’t. I hope your life got better and I hope beanboy is happy.
i wasn't going to respond, but i just keep getting angrier and angrier at this message. i figure that's what you want out of me, to get upset. i've had one hell of a last couple days, so maybe had you hit me any other time i'd have just ignored you like i reasonably should. because this is what you want right? a reaction? whether you're willing to admit it to yourself or not. you can say "i don't care" as many times as you want. why else would you have gone through all the trouble of finding me, scrolling through my blog for at least 9 pages (bc i haven't mentioned where i'm living anywhere else except in a post 9 pages deep), and then typing this out?
even if you didn't send this with that intent, because you don't want to "dredge up the past", you're showing me you haven't fucking grown at all.
i left the way i did because i was scared of you. you treated me like fucking garbage every single day. you constantly called me stupid despite me asking you not to, repeatedly, and told me it was fine because you were "just joking". i'm "ridiculous" as you'd often say.
i did practically everything in that apartment, i cooked i cleaned i took care of the cats, etc, and i would've been okay with that to a reasonable extent if you could've just been fucking NICE to me! or grateful in any way! instead of constantly fucking lashing out at me, often times literally for doing exactly what you told me to (because you constantly ordered me around). i couldn't say no to anything you asked because you'd passive aggressively huff and get frustrated and say "it's fine, whatever" in a way that made it clear it was NOT fine, in a way that was meant to make me feel like shit and feel scared until i complied. because i was easy as hell to manipulate like that.
i picked up your gross ass dirty laundry that you'd leave strewn about the house. i cleaned up the trash you'd stuff into random nooks and crannies in the living room. when you couldn't be assed to dig through the laundry pile that was your bedroom for work clothes, you'd "ask" me to do it for you. and i would, despite my disgust, because the alternative was you being passive aggressive and making me feel like fucking garbage for having any kind of boundaries. i remember distinctly, how upset you were that you had to do your own laundry because my mom wouldn't let me bring your clothes to her house to wash when i did mine (which, is fucking reasonable! i am not your goddamn maid!), and i refused to do it for you at the apartment laundromat too.
do you remember yelling at me for not cutting your food how you wanted? and making me go back to the kitchen to do it again? despite the fact you're a GROWN FUCKING ADULT and could've cut your own fucking food? (or at least just ASKED NICELY????) do you remember screaming at me because i didn't want to go to a fucking birthday party? because literally all i said was "do we have to?" huh? i sure do! i sure do have recurring stress dreams about it and every other time you lashed out at me! about pretending to be asleep when you got home so you wouldn't start ordering me around! of being terrified every time something went wrong! i still panic now, with the people in my life who don't behave that way, when something goes wrong like a car issue or an item going missing! because living with you meant getting lashed out at every time something like that happened! it has done lasting fucking damage to my psyche, on top of the damage that was already there!
you say you wish i could've been honest with you. but the thing is, I WAS. MULTIPLE TIMES. multiple times i told you the way you treated me made me feel like shit, one time i even broke down crying and we had a whole talk about it. you told me you'd work on it. BUT NOTHING CHANGED. except, you decided that the way I felt made YOU feel like a monster, that you had to walk on eggshells around me - because i was SCARED OF YOU and the fact you were CONSTANTLY LASHING OUT AT ME while simultaneously ordering me around like some sort of maid/bulter/punching bag/emotional support animal.
you would WAKE ME UP FROM SLEEP to find items you lost, and then fucking lash out at me when i didn't APPEAR to be looking hard enough, or looked somewhere you already did (which i couldn't possibly have fucking known, and if i'd asked you'd ALSO snap at me). like, i get that that's a specific trigger for you, but that's NO EXCUSE for how you treated me. every time you lost something i would shut down, my heart would be pounding in fear as i desperately tried to make it look like i was searching "hard enough" or made myself look busy enough that you wouldn't yell at me. it didn't matter though. you'd find some way to take out your anxieties on me anyway.
i'm an amicable person, i try to be helpful. i would've been fine with having to help you do things, with taking care of the majority of housework (within reason), i could've dealt with it just fine if you had literally just treated me nicely.
and no, my mom didn't piss in your closet, i can tell you that for sure. that's a pretty wild conclusion to come to. it was probably the cats, because their litter box didn't get cleaned enough because i was so overwhelmed all the fucking time that i didn't clean it enough, and you never did. no idea if that changed when i left.
"it's not like you ever think about me or reached out" lol grow up with this passive aggressive bullshit. last thing i heard from you was you throwing a box of shit over the wall of my parents' place, most of which wasn't even mine, and included a poster you literally tore off the wall and an angry note about wasting the last 7 years.
so read everything i've written above again start to finish and tell me why i should've kept someone who treated me like that in my life. someone who took me for granted and took their emotions out on me and ignored my requests for better treatment SO HARD that they think i didn't even try to communicate them.
never contact me again.
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azzurra-astra · 11 months
For the first part go here. The rest of that practice trash is under this cut. I hope this sates you demons until I come back with a highly improved mini comic, until then, endure the horrible cringe-fest.
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Pep: “Much-a better without-a that tower looming, you know?”
Pal: “Oh yeah, I heard ‘bout that… Always saw it, never been. What was that about anyway?”
Pep: “Not-a important… So, Palmira was it? Where from?”
Pal: (-don’t be annoying… don’t be annoying!-) “Ahh, gee Willy, born and raised here, family’s a bag of mixed nuts. A little bit of family from everywhere… Anyway! I’s not gonna bore ya with the details, but I think that’s where the pasta talent came from.”
Pep: “Ah, a pasta-chef eh? Gustavo mentioned your clothes-a were too fancy for a waitress.”
Pal: *wheeze* “Ha, ha! Yep! He guessed right! I’m more than a noodle nut, though!”
Pep: “So fig, portobello, and mozza… I think-a maybe pancetta…”
Pal: (excited) “Ohhh good idea! What about something with Asiago?”
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Pal: “I’ll be happy ta—“
Noise: “AHEM!”
Pal: (startled) “YeeeSHIT!”
Noise: “You two making plans for coffee or something? The lady’s order is gonna be cold...”
Pal: “Golly! SO sorry sir!”
Pal: (-Dumbshit. There you go yapping…-)
Pal: ??? “Nnnghhh…?” — GAAASP
Pal: (affectionate) HEY BIG BABY!
Pal: (quiet) “I just met ya and I already love ya… What a fabulous softy-soft!”
Gus: “That’s Brick! Glad you aren’t afraid!”
I didn’t want for things to get too hammy, but still The Noise briefly being an irritating ass pimple to Peppino had to happen.
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This is where she introduces herself and there’s hinting to a slight improvement for Peppino after the Tower ate shit, but it’s not astronomical or something. Yes he’s still who he is, but I didn’t see reason to have any nonsense take place since she came in with no intent to cause trouble. Also, I can’t find any spec info (height, weight, etc) on canon characters for ref, but she is in between Gustavo and Peppino height-wise yet still a bit taller than Noise. I originally had her set for 5’4” (still really undecided), but she fit the role of a semi-petite comedic sugar-glazed Glumbby™️.
That last bit took quite a bit of coaxing (terrorizing) by a dear friend for me to include— a best friend whom I regret informing about a comment I received because my friend is a complete troll in favor of it. I was just gonna have her walk out and have her little mini-depression attack and not include Gustavo (clearly) being a little shit for the sake of it. It’s a subtle acknowledgment to satisfy the person who messaged wanting to see something (I truly still don’t get why, don’t even know what to think, but that was hilarious to see) between the characters. I also want to thank this game for getting me back into practicing the style of Preston J. Blair again, it brightens the regular dim day. Granted, I really need to work on the Squash & Stretch method more when it comes to expressions, they’re still too… idk, refined(?) for my liking. Not enough rubberiness and that pisses me off something unholy.
Other than that, hope it does the job, ‘cuz that’s all folks!
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appleatcha · 1 year
A random nightly note to you.
To remember to breathe.
Things happen for reasons.
Everything will turn out how it turns out.
But you will always find purpose from it in the end.
And you will be okay.
Rollercoaster of life.
Death rebirth.
Larva, pupa, butterfly your shit a million times over.
General, I know. But I'm always just a wavelength away if you ever need.
P.s. happy mothers day! 🌿🌻
P.p.s. your thrifted shell bowl is on point. 🤌
Thanks friend. It's been a rough one for sure. I haven't had a depressive episode like this since the winter of 2018, and its the first one I've been through since I became self harm sober (lol). So its been extra difficult to figure out.
And on top of that my husband and I had a pretty big miscommunication a few weeks ago which made me spiral even more. And even though we got past that a couple weeks ago, it drained me enough that I feel like I'm still catching up.
And THEN I made the decision to stop talking to a mutual on here after they made a comment to me that made me uncomfortable. Which is filling me up with guilt. And unsure how to just go on with posting on here like nothing happened.
But I felt a lot better than I have been feeling yesterday. I introspected a lot. Made some potato soup with my love. Which was really staring in awe as my husband threw a bunch of stuff into a pot and it turned into potato soup. That fucker doesn't even look at recipes. Blows my mind.
Anyway. It's been a time. Mercury retrograde was here to remind me that once you have mental illness, you never really don't have it anymore.
Anyway, I'm gunna make some tea and snuggle up and watch some trash TV and maybe one of my cats will wanna cuddle.
Thank you for the kind message ❤
Oh ! And thank you for the mothers day message. And yesssss I love my shell. When I find really good vintage stuff like that I usually give it to my parents who are renovating an old grand house, but I couldn't bring myself to part with that one haha
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