explosyd · 4 years
 Okay, so it makes sense that there are gonna be other people living here, but that honestly hadn’t occurred to Sydney. She figured her being put in such a big place had been an oversight... she wasn’t exactly expecting to be living with total strangers.   She hadn’t met her roommate, so she assumed no one else was going to be living here. As such, she had no problem sulking around all day in her dirty laundry or eating peanut butter out of the jar in the middle of the night. Which is what she was doing right now! It was her typical sleepless routine at home, so it was a little comforting to do here.    The house was kind of scary, honestly. She’d been spending most of her time in the first bedroom upstairs that she’d claimed for herself, because she was too nervous to explore the whole place. It was because of this that she hadn’t yet realized someone else was in the house, so when she came out of the kitchen with the aforementioned jar of peanut butter in hand and spotted a green haired man in a tweed suit in the living room... she was a bit shocked!
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 “...Uhm. Wh... who are you?”
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divine-crossroads · 3 years
@tragiccxmedy // starter !
Sasara Nurude.
Yotsutsuji recognized the man as soon as he entered his field of view. The comedian looked different than what he remembered, certainly, but that seemed to be a trend here with people from his world, and he wasn’t quite sure why. Someone was bound to tell him eventually, or maybe they had all been in this world for longer than he realized. 
He had never spoken to Sasara before - he had planned on it once, but was quickly sidetracked - but he did his research on Mad Comic Dialogue...both before and after they teamed up with the Naughty Busters. 
Mad Comic Dialogue was Samatoki’s - and Ichiro’s, technically speaking - former group before joining with the Dirty Dawg. He was familiar with both of them - and Samatoki’s sister, Nemu, who often hung out with the former members of Mad Comic Dialogue - but he had never gotten to know Sasara and Kuko.
Things...happened. Suddenly, and without an explanation. Sasara went back to his comedy career and Kuko...well, he thinks Kuko went back to Nagoya, but he wasn’t sure. He had never had the kind of information on Kuko that he had on Sasara. It was strange that it happened so specifically after Ramuda ( or, another Ramuda ) had took out the people they were supposed to battle.
Maybe he’d have an opportunity to ask why Mad Comic Dialogue split up now.
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“Pardon me, but...you’re Nurude-san yes? The comedian?” 
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bigdippertalent · 4 years
Stage Name: Tragic Comedy Full Name: Sasara Nurude Age: 26 Talents: Comedy! Prior Experience/History: I’m a famous comedian where I’m from- my name’s known all across Japan! I also do a lot of variety shows and make guest appearances in various things. I also rap, but that’s more of a side job~ Why You Wish to Join Big Dipper Talent: I want to make people smile and laugh!
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“A comedian, eh? To bring humor to the masses is a noble endeavor… therefore, allow me to welcome you to Big Dipper Talent with open arms, Sasara! I’m quite fond of jokes myself, so I’m looking forward to what you’ve got! Heh heh heh!”
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isolaradiale · 4 years
I'd like to apply for Sasara Nurude from Hypnosis Mic! My application is under the fifth star, or /app
Welcome to lovely Isola Radiale, Sasara!
You’ll be staying in HOUSE 160!
You will retain your microphone which will allow you to inflict minor damage up to five times per day.
Enjoy your stay!
– ⋆ canopus.
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middlebrxther · 4 years
Adults, adults, adults. This goddamned place was crawling with them.
Jiro would have been fine if it was like Ikebukuro-- those people were always rooting for him and his bros, and supporting them how they could. Those guys he was cool with, but this place? Infested with weirdos he hadn’t ever thought he’d meet in person? 
Nope. Nah. Hell no.
Everywhere Jiro went, trying to get away from these people, he would end up smacking right into another one. This was souring his mood something bad, and he was two seconds away from throwing a rock through someone’s window just to balance out the pure teenage rage.
He finally had found a quiet spot to rip out grass and hurl rocks at not windows, and was trying and failing to make a grass whistle (c’mon, man, you can remember that, can’t you? Saburo got on your ass about it for days on that one camping trip) when he heard movement not too far away from him.
One look over his shoulder at ugly orange houndstooth was all it took to bring all that anger back. Of all the fucking people it had to be...
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isolaradiale · 4 years
I'd like to reserve Sasara from Hypmic please!!! I'm @steeldragxn on Twitter
Reserved for you as well!
– ⋆ canopus.
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