#tralaia darkheart
tralaia · 6 years
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“For the Alliance!”
(( https://calltoarms.worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/ ))
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brandstonethings · 5 years
“I miss Tralaia a lot... She’s been a great friend to me, even like a sister. I feel like I could always go to talk to her ‘bout stuff. Actually, the three of ‘em all felt like sisters in a way. Sometimes they’d drive me crazy but I care a lot about ‘em.”
He sighed, “I miss Darkheart the most... but she’s in a better place now. I-I just wished I could’ve been there...”
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serayashadowharper · 7 years
Hi! It feels like it's been a long time since we've talked so I just want to thank you for being my friend and for the rp we've had. I think the trio of Tralaias have really helped to improve Joe. Especially Darkheart. He has really learned to be even more patient than he already is because of her. And to become a better listener. I really love the relationship that all three of them have for each other too. They're like sisters who constantly butt heads. Looking forward to rping with you again!
My favorite thing is how happy Joe is when he sees any of the Tralaias. It takes guts to walk up and hug a death knight, yet he does it without hesitation.I’m also glad for Joe helping Darkheart’s story advance. He’s still the only person that’s regularly kind and understanding with her, and he means a lot to her.
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tralaia · 6 years
Embracing a Final Death
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A letter arrives for Yonishu, and several others in the weeks following the burning of Teldrassil and the siege of Undercity, written in a slow, graceful hand.
"Dearest Yonishu,
I regret this letter does not bear better news.
Tralaia Darkheart, twice borne and redeemed death knight, has embraced her final death while acting heroically in the tragedy on Teldrassil. She spent her last able moments aiding civilians from escaping this catastrophe, and will be remembered for her sacrifice.
War calls us all, but we will hold a remembrance for her on Silvermyst Isle soon.
I know you were close, and I am so very sorry for your loss.
Elune give you strength my friend, and be your light in these trying times.
Love, -Tralaia Heartreaver"
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tralaia · 6 years
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Tralaia Darkheart stared up at Yonishu in the grass near the gates of Darnassus, the draenei’s trident deep in her arm after stabbing her. She felt the pain dully, and she knew somewhere in the fog that always surrounded her thoughts that this would be her final death.
Yonishu was furious, and she ripped her trident out to slam it into the death knight’s other arm. Another dull rush of pain. Tralaia knew vaguely how injured she was after the fight in Stormwind, cutting down that draenei the illidari was fond of and the battle she had afterword. Her cold body didn’t obey the way it normally did, so she made a tactical retreat… but this, this vision of beauty and vengeance and fury had chased her, found her, and would now end her.
There was another voice, an older woman’s voice. Tralaia didn’t really hear or understand it, still focused on the paladin standing over her, at her mercy. She could see that need to take her life in the draenei’s eyes… and she could see it turn to pain, regret, self loathing… and Tralaia was taken prisoner. Back to Stormwind, to the Stockades to be held for her crimes, Tralaia stared at the walls as her body didn’t get better, and the fog became worse…
When her soul was returned to her, Tralaia could not fully comprehend how different she felt. She was still undead, and what emotions, what senses she had seemed muted compared to memories of before she had been betrayed and killed on Outland… she was eternally grateful to that half-elf that had restored some semblance of intelligence and a second chance to live, relatively, to her.
When she met Yonishu again, the draenei regretted her actions. Tralaia did not blame her. She had attacked the draenei’s friend and ally, harmed her in ways they would be dealing with for months, years.
Yonishu was not satisfied. She threw down her trident, the same she had injured Tralaia with and asked the death knight to end her. Make her pay for the pain and suffering she had inflicted on a defeated opponent.
Tralaia declined.
“You really have changed,” Yonishu murmured.
Their relationship changed, not rivals but now friends, blood sisters. Tralaia respected Yonishu’s strength, after having been at the receiving end of it. She felt, somewhere in her unbeating heart, a fondness for the beacon of light that had nearly burned her out.
Heavy footsteps came up behind Yonishu. It had been months, and Tralaia was pleased to see her again. Their previous recent encounters had been… strange. Yonishu showed a great deal more affection to the undead woman, and worried she had been taking advantage of Tralaia, how the twiceborne didn’t feel want or desire in the same way anymore.
That wasn’t exactly true.
It was more that those feelings took more time. Tralaia in her undead state was slower to act, slower to move than she had ever been in life, and feeling emotion was similarly delayed.
Seeing Yonishu again, she could feel it. That fondness. That desire to be near her, despite how Tralaia knew she surely seemed. Cold, hard body, dull icy eyes, purple hair long faded to an unhealthy pink.
And yet…
“Hello Yonishu, it’s good to see you again.” Tralaia smiled softly, and when Yonishu turned to smile back at her, the death knight greeted her in what had become her new custom with her rival turned blood sister: she pressed her lips to the draenei’s forehead and kissed her gently.
This time though, the draenei’s hands grasped at her head and Yonishu pulled Tralaia into a kiss, a real kiss. Soft, warm living lips against cool surprised ones.
Still… it was nice…
More heavy footfalls stopped as they approached.
“Howdy Tralaia!” The draenei woman startled back, blushing and quickly trying to excuse herself, then pulled away and trotted further down the road along the canal.
Tralaia looked after her, brows furrowed, then looked to the new voice. She smiled lightly in recognition. “Hello Joe.”
Joe scratched his whiskers, watching Yonishu go then to his friend. “Uh, sorry if I interrupted somethin’..”
Tralaia looked back to see the draenei’s tail disappear around a corner. “No… I don’t think you interrupted anything. Just delayed it…”
( @brandstonethings )
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brandstonethings · 5 years
😴 😨 (I fully anticipate Darkheart or Felheart to be the nightmare but feel free to surprise me)
Good Dream...
He was floating, at least, that’s what it felt like. He felt as light as a feather, so light that it almost seemed like the breeze passed right through him. The land was familiar although everything was drained of color. From the lush green leaves of towering trees to the rich brown earth. Even the sky was surreal, swirling with streaks of piercing white light across an endless field of grey with blotches of black here and there. It was neither day or night.
Joe wandered for a while on a road he knew well. He recognized this place as Elwynn, despite it being sucked of all its vibrancy. He continued to walk for miles, taking him to places less known in hopes of finding something more real, though he was disappointed to find the same no matter where he looked.
Then finally, he stopped before a lone wisp in the middle of the road. He approached and soon recognized the voice belonging to Tralaia Darkheart, a dear friend who had perished far too soon. They talked and talked, breaking the eerie silence of the world around them, laughing over fond memories and shedding some tears of nostalgia. The time they spent talking seemed all too short when Joe had finally woke to the sight of the boring old ceiling above him. It was good while it lasted but left him feeling sad nonetheless.
Bad Dream...
Chaos! Get me out of this room, was all Joe thought. Pots, pans, urns, and whatever else was lying around the small, perfectly square room with no door or window, was thrown. Flying projectiles smashed and shattered on all four walls of the hellish box as the screeching and screaming wanted to make Joe rip his ears off.
It was a free for all between the three Kal’dorei women, Tralaia Heartreaver and the two very nearly identical to the first, Tralaia Darkheart and Tralaia Felheart. They clawed and spat and yelled insults at each other rapid fire! All the while, shooting questions at Joe, who tried to escape to one corner of the room. The questions all consisted of the same... Who he thought was right and doesn’t he agree with this or that. Who’s side did he take? Didn’t he think that what she or she said was stupid? Joe couldn’t even answer one in time before it was shot down by the next one.
On and on and on it went...
Until at last he finally woke to the sight of that beautiful old ceiling above him.
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tralaia · 7 years
Entry dated just before Sentinel's 7th Anniversary, the writing is neat but hasty as if Tralaia were writing quickly; it also covers several pages of her journal
I must write down my thoughts on my mirrors, before the timeways change and I forget them.
My time on Draenor was a challenge. I am used to watching over myself or a small group, but I was in charge of an entire garrison of Alliance members and allies. I used my strength in the field as often as I could, but it seemed to cause more and more to pile up on my desk in the town hall.
Finally, with the campaign complete, I designated a new commander, Lieutenant Thorn and returned to Azeroth. Home.
It was… empty. An old letter from Arelliya, and little else of value.
I shouldn’t have expected her to stay, after I made her wait so long. Especially after denying her over and over asking, then pleading to join me on Draenor. Still… to not have her in my life anymore was more painful than any wound I’ve received in battle.
It was there in Halfhill when I first met my mirror. She looked like me in so many ways I was briefly wondering if she WAS me. But no, this was… someone who had been through the darkest times possible.
She was a death knight. Tralaia Darkheart, we now refer to her as.
She threatened me in short, slow sentences. That if I were gone, she could have her old life back.
I briefly considered allowing it.
I then had her at my mercy, but I couldn’t... knowing now the pain and suffering she would yet cause, I still question if I had made the right decision.
After she had departed, I found I couldn’t stay. Andi, Goddess bless him, agreed to keep maintaining my home while I was gone. He is far too young to be tied to one place like this, but it seems to make him happy.
The Broken Shore… The Broken Isles… Argus… I do not want to write of these too early. They are not yet history.
When I return from Argus after weeks, or months, I find that only days have passed on Azeroth. I often take my leave in Stormwind, a place I am able to relax more, not keep up a good front of being a proper commander, a proper kaldorei.
However… I have also been visiting Darnassus more often. My people have been beaten back over and over.
I was not a good Sentinel before. I am trying to be a better one now, but they are so young, so strong…
Before I continue I must write of Lady Arctica.
She is a visitor from another world, not unlike the draenei. I met her in Stormwind, in the guise of a kaldorei. She is fearless, confident, and strong.
We have become close friends. She feels I worry too much, that I try to bear too much on my shoulders alone. Perhaps, but I would rather break than fail someone I care about again.
I also love her. She does not feel the same way. It is fine, I will continue to do anything I can for her, after what she’s offered to do for me.
Darkheart is not my only mirror in Stormwind. I’ve also met an Illidari, Tralaia Felheart, who looks very much like me, though she acts as I did a long time ago. Brash, hot headed, flirting heavily with anyone that catches her eye.
She is terrified of me, certain that I will erase her.
I have no intention of that, but I can’t seem to convince her, either of them of that.
We recently all crossed paths when Darkheart attacked several members of Stormwind’s Emergency Response Unit. Darkheart and Felheart fought at least twice as well, and wounds were grievous, but no lives ended, Goddess be praised.
Darkheart is now under the watch of a former human guardsman, Joe Brandstone. She seems to listen to him, and if anyone can get through to her, that may give her a path forward to recover from all the terrible things done to her and terrible things she’s done.
There are three Tralaias in Stormwind, all me and all here, in this timeway. I have spoken to Chromie about it, and she suggested that my timeline was.. Fractured. Shattered. Darkheart and Felheart are from places that may no longer exist, but perhaps they can be safe here, as long as we all come to some agreement.
Arctica gave me the final piece of the puzzle. She’s been learning as much as she can about Azeroth and its peoples, and suggested that the reason my timeline is shattered is because it’s a deliberate act. The Infinite Dragonflight.
This.. this terrifies me. I have aided Chromie and Nozdormu, was this enough to cause me to become a target?
It weighs heavily on my every waking moment, now. That at any time, I could be erased.
Arctica, Elune bless her, has offered to go back in the timeways, find a young Sentinel Heartreaver, and protect her from the Infinite Dragonflight.
I cannot go with her, not without risking harming myself further. But I cannot bear to see her go.
I cannot forget her.
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tralaia · 6 years
Valeera: Name one of the most unlikely friendships you’ve ever had.
“Darkheart, without a doubt. Both because she is a death knight, and she is a version of myself. We also did not have the best introductions, with her threatening to kill me and those I loved. Thank Elune we’ve moved past that, and have a mutual respect for each other.”
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