#trans bear c!tubbo the WORLD
transbeeduo · 10 months
Ctubbo is a fat hairy bear and he is so hot (canon fact)
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echonvoid · 2 years
Holy Shit!!! Thank you guys so much for 50 followers!!! Have a celebratory screenshot redraw of the best bois!!
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I started with just wanting to draw them with face masks (a strange benefit from quarantine; I never knew how much I loved wearing masks); which led to wanting to draw them wearing merch outfits. I spiraled from there. Raph’s was the hardest cuz I wanted it to be like corpse husband or the dude from Tokyo ghoul; an eyepatch face mask combo. But neither fit. So a teddy bear would do (although now I’ve totally decided it’s a knock off glam rock freddy)
Other headcanon shit:
They all definitely had a Minecraft phase that they will sometimes re-hyperfixate on (Pbbfffttt I’m not projecting I dunno what you’re talking about/s)
Techno’s death hit them all hard. He was definitely a MC CC that they all enjoyed; the potato war was much quoted in their household. He probably passed shortly after the movie, so it was salt in already massive tender wounds.
Dinosaurs was a thing they love because of splinter and the Jurassic Park series; he hyperfixated on them when Jurassic World came out. And they all loved getting to share it with him. It was one of his healthier mental and physical health times when they were growing up. Only Mikey actually ended up hyperfixating on dinosaurs, to the point he’s the only one that can name the more obscure dinosaur species
MCC is sacred. They, splinter, April and all their other friends join. It’s essentially the Super Bowl for them. They all pick/vote on who perspective they’ll watch from (Philza being the most often picked) eventually Draxum is roped in as well (Mikey definitely bonds with him by playing Minecraft with him)
Individual Headcannons:
Still has his can, it’s just pretty hidden. He’s a huge Ranboo fan: I mean Gender and Gay? Sign him up. (Also the fact that they can both teleport in some fashion or another is just an added bonus)
It took him a long time to accept his transness; he never felt like he should consider himself that since he’s amab and a demiboy. Finally April and Donnie helped him accept that he’s still trans, transitioning or no.
He still struggles with it, not wanting to take away from “actual” trans people, but he’s working on it. And the fucking comfy ass pj pants really help.
The cape/cloak is supposed to be JoJo’s Bizarre adventure merch (a cloak I saw on their store) but all the cloaks had ridiculous patterns and character art on the back, and I had no fucking idea how I’d even go about doing that. So you get a mosaic esque one instead
The only other merch he’s wearing (except for maybe slippers idk) is a Philza beanie, which of course says Dadza on it; it was given to him as a gift by Mikey in honor of all his robotic children
The non-Bi-nosaur is my pride and joy, it’s based off of this I found while looking for ideas and inspiration (I added the Bi part, god I love puns)
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God I want the pants I drew for him. Oh and he’s definitely wearing arthritis gloves to help with pressure sensitivity and joint pain
EDIT: I totally forgot to mention that Donnie’s mask is based on Corpse Husband
Made his own mask based off of some of my own versions of c!Ranboo. He’s a huge fan of beeduo and the whole arc where they adopted Michael. Fell in love with Minecraft bees. They spent weeks drawing the Minecraft family. (Fell out of the fandom cuz of the craziness of the kraang, and all the ccs doing different things)
The jacket is definitely not the same matching pair Tubbo and Ranboo bought; not at all /s
And yes her shirt has a Minecraft EnBee on it.
At this point it’s safe to assume they’re all wearing arthritis gloves to help with all kinds of pain and sensitivities. Mikey’s help with a cooling salve he puts on whenever his scars start feeling like they’re lighting on fire. The glove pressure is just a nice soothing bonus
I need to give Poot Raph some more love, he’s definitely how I feel as an eldest sibling and someone with very nasty anxiety disorder. Apparently my love of twins is too powerful
Like Donnie, he has a burning blistering rash along his skin where the kraang infection had been. It healed after a couple weeks but the scarring and irritation remained.
The siblings all compare him to Glamrock Freddy, which to him is the highest honor they could bestow upon him; it really works well since both Freddy and Raph were mind controlled at some point (a fact that they don’t bring up too often)
Raph’s shirt says “Dinosaurs are cool; Transphobia is not” (from the great Jammidodger) and his Jacket is a Techno Memorial hoodie
His right eye can only see in Ultraviolet after the Kraang invasion. The eyepatch is incredibly important so he doesn’t get a sensory overload or blow a breaker in his brain from such different spectrum inputs
This is what he sees:
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