#trans kevins no good very bad transition LOL but as you expect hes conflicted about it in the end
dayurno · 10 months
any trans kevin thoughts and feelings to indulge on ur royal subjects currently cause i’m brainrotting abt him rn
YEAH ABSOLUTELY for my royal advisors who whisper in my ear (send me asks) during court. sorry these are a little sad but it's just me trying to logic it into the canon timeline :-) kevin will experience trans joy i promise
i think a few months back someone sent me an ask about trans kevin and how funny it'd be if tetsuji just drew the line at transphobia but i'm always of the opinion that the only reason tetsuji would agree with it is because it's easier to be a man in sports, so in that sense a lot of kevin's transition would be almost entirely beyond him. i don't think he'd have a say in even something as small as the dosage of his hormones, because the goal is always to make him pass as a cisgender man beyond the shadow of a doubt, his already limited bodily autonomy growing less and less as the years go by
which is why i think palmetto would be crazy for him. can you imagine? i think he'd be swallowing down that secret even looking straight into the barrel of a gun, so can you imagine how scary it'd be to suddenly have abby know? the doctors back in the nest were always threatened by tetsuji to keep their mouths shut, but she wasnt. i think in that sense kevin would need a lot of time to adjust, especially because abby would ask him details about his transition and kevin would realize he doesn't know them. what hormones do you take? did you take puberty blockers? who did your top surgery? and he'd have no idea. so it's eh. a rough few weeks and a LOT of unwanted medical attention
also re: kevin's insane intimacy issues, i think these would be exacerbated in this situation because tetsuji would be So Strict about the no sex rule. he couldn't trust anyone he's ever slept with to not out him as soon as possible, so it was easier for tetsuji to create terrible associations with sex since he was young than to actually control kevin's sex life down the line. eventually this task would be passed down to riko, and at that point i'm not sure how it'd go, but i think we'd meet a very repressed and aggressively chaste kevin in that situation. fascinates me. i love him
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