#translations for the phrases are in the image desc!
stanharu · 3 years
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Legosi Lines stickers, Part 1 (Part 2 / Part 3)
Art by Paru Itagaki
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elenyafinwe · 2 years
Dear commenters out there,
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[image desc.: a screenshot of a part of a comment, white text on dark backrgound, reading: “ Hm, an issue I've noticed: when someone's speaking for multiple paragraphs, there SHOULD be a quotation mark at the start of each paragraph. To make it clear there's someone speaking here, you know? Because without it, it feels like it's still part of the narration, not the dialogue; at least to me, because I'm used to English punctuation rules. (It always weirded me out whenever I'd read a story in French, because they have DIFFERENT punctuation rules for dialogue, ones I wasn't used to.” /id]
don’t. Just don’t. I already wrote that text in my free time, then wrote it a SECOND time when I translated it into a foreign language so that you can read it FOR FREE. We can all live with different punctuation conventions, can’t we? This is just petty.
I got another comment from another person pointing out that a phrase did indeed work as I wanted it therefore could keep a good joke, because I wasn’t sure about it (idioms are the hardest with a foreign language). That was actually helpful and I was very grateful for that. Some missing quotation marks won’t break your neck. So just don’t. Thank you very much.
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stanharu · 3 years
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Legosi Line Stickers, Part 3 (Part 1 / Part 2)
Art by Paru Itagaki
423 notes · View notes
stanharu · 3 years
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Legosi Line Stickers, Part 2 (Part 1 / Part 3)
Art by Paru Itagaki
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