gottssymbols · 6 years
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The Trans-Saturnian 3 (Part 1) ■ The symbol above symbolizes Uranus, the 7th planet from the sun, which was officially discovered and designated as a planet in 1781 by William Herschel. □ The planet is named after the Greek god Uranus (a name which means "sky" or "heaven") who is married to Gaia (a name meaning "Earth"). ■ The first 3 variations of this symbol contain the 3 ingredients for a planetary symbol: a cross: a circle: a crescent. □ The H that is formed from the combination of these 3 ingredients is also said to symbolize the H from William Herschel's last name. ■ The 4th variation of this symbol is a combination of the sun and mars symbols. This symbol was chosen by J. G. Köhler and refined by Johann Bode. □ Within the field of symbolism that relates to qabalah, astrology and alchemy, it is widely debated on the practicality of incorporating the trans-Saturnian planets. ■ However it should be noted that Uranus can be associated with the "11th" sphereless sphere on the tree of life named Da'ath, according to Crowleys Book 4 □ Like this post if you learned something new or knew it already ■ Follow and Share to keep this project going! □ Sources Wikipedia Book 4 ■
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gottssymbols · 6 years
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The Trans-Saturnian 3 (Part 3) ■ The two symbols presented here represent the planet Pluto which was discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh. □ The planet is named after a Greek god named Pluto, who was the ruler of the underworld. ■ Again, notice the three ingredients for a planetary symbol: the elemental cross: the lunar crescent: and the solar circle. □ The second symbol for Pluto is simply the first two letters of Pluto (PL) merged into one. ■ Again, the trans-Saturnian 3 are new discoveries that don't fit perfectly into astrology, alchemy or Kabbalah. Though some attribute pluto to Kether, the highest sphere on the tree of life synonymous with god and the beginning of the universe. □ It's interesting that Pluto, a god of the underworld, was the name given to the last "planet" in our solar system as it sits on the edge between the light of the sun and the black abyss of space. ■ I was tempted to delve into the mythologies of the trans-Saturnian gods, however that is out of the scope of decoding symbols and would require an entire book! □ Thanks for reading. Obliterate that ♡ Eviscerate that Follow and Annihilate that Share ■ Sources Wikipedia Book 4 □
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