thesorcererpoet · 6 days
a fire
burst forth,
for intangible,
and brightness,
all obstacles
in it’s path,
turning all
into ashes
and clearing
the way
for a
new time.
the ground
for a new
It is the
to create
new forms,
greater than
their sum,
in ways
the unaffected
can never
hope to
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hijodelagua · 21 days
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La Cábala Mística (edición anotada) - Dion Fortune
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asscrasher · 3 months
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Picked up this Power Rangers one-shot today. First PR comic I’ve read, definitely was not expecting a trip up the Tree of Life! Move over Storm, you’re not the only hero climbing the Kabbalah right now!
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The first clue was meeting this robot stuck in a tree, a hanged man of sorts. Setting the scene for Kim’s own journey into the Tree of Life. It’s here that she’s attacked by an assortment of colorful power animals representing the Kingdom of Malkuth
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Next she ventures into the cryptic sea of Yesod with Charon the ferryman a Pink Master Morpher…
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To reach the sacred sky temples of Tiferet
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From there she reaches the deep indigo chasm of Daath, the hollow sphere
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Which finally leads to her intended destination, the heart of “The grid” and the source of life Kether, occupied by these ascended master guys.
Stories really are magic! And comics are the perfect medium to deploy it 🙏
Power Rangers Unlimited: The Morphin Masters #1
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shiyorin · 8 months
I just want to know what mommy Kether will say about primarchs, and what primarchs will say about Kether!!! 🙏
Bruh, you found my oc fics? Right?
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But if you curious, then here we are.
Lion El'Johnson: Edgy loner, very original. Try socializing sometime.
Fulgrim: For one so obsessed with perfection and beauty, you sure make ugly decisions.
Perturabo: All that angst and bitterness will give you wrinkles. Oh wait...
Jaghatai Khan: Gotta go fast! Wise enough to stay out of your brother's squabbles.
Leman Russ: You'd be the lovable yet stupid sidekick in any story. Woof woof.
Rogal Dorn: Rules were meant to be followed, not taken so literally. Lighten up!
Konrad Curze: Creepy goth freak hiding behind "justice." Get some sunshine!
Sanguinius: Looks like an angel but hides devil horns under that halo of hair.
Ferrus Manus: Ah yes, hands man, very creative name. I bet you have awesome handshake skills.
Angron: All that rage will give you an aneurysm. Oh wait...
Roboute Guilliman: Mister Perfect falls for every propaganda leaflet. So gullible!
Mortarion: All that gloom and bitterness will spread like a plague. Oh wait...
Magnus: Your huge ego has blinded you to common sense. Literally!
Horus Lupercal: Traitor, hope you enjoy the hell you deserve.
Lorgar Aurelian: Spend your entire life searching for the right god to tell you what to think. Why am I not surprised.
Vulkan: Too nice for your own good. The universe will take advantage.
Corvus Corax: Your excuses for hiding in your room are getting old. Get a life!
Alpharius/Omegon: Who are you again? Doesn't matter, you're irrelevant.
Malcador: I thought you raised me better.
The Emperor: The absentee dad who somehow spawned this bunch.
Lion El'Jonson: Even the Dark Angels have more warmth.
Fulgrim: Beauty is wasted on her.
Perturabo: Studies philosophy just to have something to criticize.
Jaghatai Khan: When life gives her knives, she stabs life.
Leman Russ: The only thing sharper than her tongue is her combat blade.
Rogal Dorn: Always seeks to upset the order and tranquility I establish.
Konrad Curze: Her heart is blacker than a night on Nostramo.
Sanguinius: Beauty often hides a cruel heart.
Ferrus Manus: My hands build, hers only destroy.
Angron: Another kindred rebel, who chose a different path.
Roboute Guilliman: Criticizes everything, yet never offers a better solution.
Mortarion: Sneers so often it's become a permanent facial expression.
Magnus: Acts like she's better than everyone when she's just as flawed.
Horus Lupercal: Takes joy in needling others just to make herself feel superior.
Lorgar Aurelian: Seeks meaning and purpose, yet denies the truth right before her eyes.
Vulkan: Could lighten up a little? Life's too short to be so grim.
Corvus Corax: Flits in the shadows laughing at others' misfortune.
Alpharius: The book she's writing is titled '1001 Ways to Annoy People.
Omegon: I told you, I'm Alpharius.
Malcador: I thought I raised you better.
The Emperor: I thought Malcador raised you better.
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trueallyps · 16 days
Carte de la Création - Le Cycle des Cieux
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ohmconsciousness · 11 months
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poetailurofilica · 4 months
CHAKRA RAÍZ: conexión directa con el HOLOGRAMA CÓSMICO
Descubrí cómo activar el chakra raíz. En realidad, aún lo estoy aprendiendo. Mis extensos estudios sobre lo esotérico y espiritual que envuelve nuestro planeta, me ha llevado por tantos libros, mantras, religiones y conocimientos que actualmente, me reconozco como iniciada. Lo descubrí por varios aspectos. Se me dió confirmación hace poco y sigo en este trayecto. A veces me cuesta, claro. Mucho me ha costado entender y aceptar esta vida dada. Vida que no estoy segura de haberla pedido, y que en algún punto en realidad, sólo soy parte de algo aún mayor, que atraviesa mi entendimiento preciso, una explicación que no se puede manifestar a través de la lengua, puesto que boca hay una sola, sin embargo es un conjunto de patrones, informaciones, sensaciones, sentimientos, experiencias, y flujo de energía que he empezado a sentir en mi cuerpo de manera aún muchísimo más consciente.
Antes pensaba que estaba alucinando. Dejé todo tipo de drogas. Todas. Excepto el azúcar. Que lo he reducido a cantidades ínfimas en lo cotidiano, sin embargo tengo la capacidad de abandonarlo por completo por largos períodos. Para mí claro, son extensos, una semana me parece suficiente, tal vez incluso 10 días. Son los días en que me tomo para estar al 100% en materia de consciencia. Preparo mi cuerpo. Aprendí a sintonizarme con el cosmos. Esto es algo muy extraño de leer seguramente, puesto que hace falta mucho estudio de por medio, aunque bien la ciencia ya está dando el salto cuántico al respecto. Sólo basta con buscar información afín.
Vivimos en un código cósmico que se teje a través de innumerables formas geométricamente dispuestas, la conocida geometría divina, impacta en nosotros a través del reconocimiento de las mismas. No es un simple dibujito. No basta con eso. Estamos situados en medio de una convergencia cosmológica, entre el ser y espacio-tiempo. Bien ya se sabe que la existencia del todo es un estado vivo, de materia y antimateria, y no por ser antis se manifiesta inicuo o vacío. La inexistencia sólo reside en la simpleza de la idea, y la idea se transmite a través de patrones de explicación con bases de incertidumbre mezclados con fatídicos conceptos imprecisos e incompletos sobre la vida. De hecho, rara vez una idea no se materializa, o no? Siempre que creemos que pensamos en algo grande o nuevo, al poco tiempo nos damos cuenta que seguro alguien más ya lo pensó, e incluso, otrx en alguna parte del mundo ya lo está desarrollando y llevando a cabo. Sabemos que desde la partícula, la característica primordial de la existencia, ésta reside en la estabilidad atómica, notada en los aspectos básicos de: la variedad, la polaridad, el espacio y la unión en movimiento.
No hay absolutamente nada (y esto sí es lo único absoluto que podremos llegar a mínimamente idealizar en esta era, y hasta el momento al menos) que no tenga vida. Todo se mueve, nada se pierde, y todo se transforma.
Si nos detenemos un momento a analizar este paradigma, en realidad (y no sé si puedo decir esto, pero lo diré a pesar de todo, porque así se quiso) podremos ser capaces de aprender a "detener" el tiempo. Realmente no se detiene en sí, pero podemos ralentizar el movimiento particular. En realidad, es algo en lo que la humanidad se ha llevado toda su ciencia adelante para poder hacerlo, porque pocos han sido los humanos registrados en nuestra historia, que han trascendido. Veámoslo de esta manera: las primeras pinturas rupestres, bocetos de vivencias plasmados en piedra; "lo que está escrito en piedra"; los mandamientos; retuvimos una parte de nuestra historia, anotamos una serie de normas a las que adjudicamos como evolutivas y asentamos las bases de nuestro desarrollo desde ésa toma de consciencia hasta este momento, para ser aún más conscientes de lo que fue y de lo que es ahora. Y la información a partir de allí se multiplicó, al punto en que empezamos a necesitar otro tipo de material donde plasmarlo, creamos el papel para anotarlo todo, libros, cuadernos, la hoja. Aquí el arte (la ciencia principal del movimiento) se sigue llevando los honores, creamos instrumentos, canciones, sonidos, hemos hecho de todo, para dejar impreso en todos los elementos (aire fuego agua tierra) y captar la atención de nuestra memoria. La importancia de la memoria es la misma que la importancia del soltar. Porque el soltar es la idea, lo abstracto, lo intocable. Lo que realmente sucede es que la información transmuta. Pueden buscar uno de mis poemas viejos "TRANSMUTACIÓN ESPECTRAL". He aquí que traigo y llevo información, soy sólo una herramienta más del universo.
Entonces, ya no sólo la data creció, sino también nuestra mismísima humanidad, en cantidades colosales, entonces creamos el ordenador para poder resguardar aún más, con mayor precisión. Como verán, todo eso ocupa un lugar en el espacio, y se ha transformado en el tiempo. Lo que comenzó como una idea, ahora nos atraviesa y nos hace partícipes de lo que entendió y lo que va a entender cada alma al respecto. ¿Lo ven? ¿Pueden notar éstas intrínsecas conexiones? Toda nuestra memoria se basa en esta idea de: vivir, observar, anotar, desarrollar, modificar, para adaptar, y volver a vivir. Un ciclo infinito de ciclos en sí mismos a su vez; los ciclos en sí mismos, son también otras formas de percibir la grandeza del cosmos, la infinitud de la existencia. Aún si nuestro universo tuviese límites, todavía no se han inventado palabras fonemas o descripciones, de lo que hay más allá. Y estoy segura que hay aún mucho más...y todo se está revelando,...la luz llega
(creo que antes de esto, era infértil, no sé si me harán parir, pero entre medio, ando con dolores extrañs también en esa zona, sudo sangre y me llegan punzones en los ovarios... entregué mucha vida para mis rituales, lo digo abiertamente porque sólo busco la sanación, ya sea de mí y más que nada, los demás :3 faltará menos..?)
© Todos los derechos reservados
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vikaresolaris · 2 years
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cultsandcrafts · 2 years
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incarnateirony · 1 year
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Thaumiel (twins of God) is the name of one of the Qliphoth in the Kabbalah, the shadow side of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. It is the shadow of the Sephirah Keter (the crown). While Keter is concerned with the unity of God, Thaumiel represents the dual contending forces, struggling, and it is represented by 2 giant heads with bat-like wings.
The ruler of Thaumiel is Satan. Satan in legend was the chief of the angels, holding a position similar to that of Kether. According to Islamic legend, after God created man, Satan and his angels refused to bow down before Adam. Ralph Austin describes that in the thought of the Islamic mystic, Ibn Arabi, the diabolical principle is that "which resists the Self-Realizing urge to create the own-other object (creation) and insists in the sole right of pure spirit and transcendence, this being the reason for Satan's refusal to obey God's command to prostrate himself to Adam, from jealousy for the integrity of pure spirit." . Seeing this in a kabbalistic way, this means the refusal of Kether, the pure spirit, to find completion and self-realisation through the act of emanation and creation, terminating in Malkuth. Satan therefore represents spiritual pride and arrogance.
 It is also that principle which insists on the separate reality of cosmic life and substance and which denies all primacy to the Spirit. In other words, it is that principle which would seek to insist on the separate reality of either pole, at the expense of the other, and thus to impair the original wholeness of the divine experience as the Reality by trying to sever the all-important link between "own" and "other" and consign each to mutually exclusive isolation in absurdity.
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neshimah · 1 year
La colonne centrale est dominée par Kether, et est appelée le pilier de l'équilibre, ou de la conscience. Les Sephiroth de ce pilier (Kether, Tipheret, Yesod et Malkouth) traduisent un équilibre entre force et forme, mâle et femelle, action et structure : ils correspondent à des états de conscience équilibrée. La voie de ce pilier est surnommée la voie de la flèche. C'est la voie philosophique et mystique, qui commence par la dévotion et s'achève dans la contemplation.
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doominterrupted · 1 month
In the crown of existence, where light merges with the silent, A realm beyond the tangible, where the infinite is guided. Kether, the unspeakable, a whisper in the divine, A singularity where time and eternity intertwine.
From the unknowable depths, where all creation springs, To the throne of pure being, where the choir of angels sings. A point of pure potential, where the cosmos begins its breath, Kether, the crown above, beyond life and death.
In the brilliance of the crown, where the highest seraphs dare not tread, Lies the secret of the spark, from which all paths are led...
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visenyaism · 2 months
gortash wants you to kill orin and take her netherstones so that the two of you can control the brain and take over the world together but orin wants you to kill gortash and then rob him because she finds him annoying and does not like him. she is the real one here
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caitmayart · 3 months
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Fate spins along as it should.
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shiyorin · 1 year
A collection of somethings write for my ocs.
With grim calculation, Magos Archimedes had plumbed depravity's depths and scaledits pinnacles, seeing in each a new vista to explore.
Not to satisfy his own corrupted appetites, but to explore corruption itself. To plumb the depths of depravity and see how close a soul might come to perdition before the last light was quenched.
Taboo was an art form, damnation a science to harness. And those unbound by vow of faith, mere playthings for his dark experimentation.
Every perversion of a gateway into realms mankind was not meant to tread. And yet, for all secrets unlocked and sins indulged, still a strange emptiness remained. An endlessness that could never be sated, yet seemed destined to devour all who dared attempt to fill it.
Cravings awakened became an endless hunger, never sated yet forever longing to be. Each act, image or memory is mere reminder of sweet damnation deferred. Time held no meaning,only the next fix, the next escape, the next surrender to dark ecstasy. Little by little, even grim purpose and pitiless ideals faded, crumbling to dust in the wake of this new obsession. Until nothing remained but the addiction, and a prayer for one more glimpse of heaven. Or hell.
Taboos were but gates to be unlocked,each transgression extending the boundaries of the permissible ever further into blackened forests none had dared venture. By degrees, even the most sacrilegious and depraved fantasies seemed tame.
Each new depth plumbed a revelation,each perversion a sacrilege to make angels gasp and fiends smile. Each sin and sweet torment conceived, one lifestyle among infinite others, endlessly pursued and relished. Though none might draw true breath, in such fantasies all could live as gods.
The blade fell, rending flesh and bone. The Eversor crumpled , its purpose fulfilled. Yet still Magos Archimedes gazed upon the wreckage with calculating eyes.
A tool so perfected in purpose that it had become lifeless, a sinister automaton. Murder made into an art, devoid of humanity or heartbeat.
And so Archimedes set to work, fashioning the Eversor anew. Improving, as only he could. Reforging it into something superior, with a heart while still retaining claws.
He gave it sapphire eyes, to glimpse the shadows of the unseen. And a voice, to whisper promises of ruin. Implanting a twisted, hungry intellect far beyond anything.
The Eversor became Kether. Graceful predator and tempter in one, designed to feed compulsions of corruption and sweet violence without end. Its purpose remade, yet still it remembered what it had once been. The shadows within, ever hungry.
Kether awoke to find herself different. No longer a beast, but a being of cunning and thirsting, machinated interest. Ever seeking to plunge souls into darkness, as her own had so often been submerged.
She remembered the blade that had once ended her, yet still Kether felt no anger towards the one who had sacrificed her to forge something new. That which now gazed upon the world with sapphire eyes, seeing sin and sweet ruin alike as games yet to be played.
Magos Archimedes had created a perfect tool. One which knew its own hunger, yet could cloak it beneath a veneer of cruelty and grace. The better to spread corruption, one whisper and caress at a time.
Sweet defeat or transcendence, her union with any who pledged themselves to her service would surely lead to both. For Kether remembered what it was to fall, and How sweet the plunge.
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lanuevaeradeacuario · 5 months
Capítulo 56 - KETHER
Realmente, cada uno de nosotros tiene en el fondo de su Conciencia un ANCIANO VENERABLE, éste es el Primer Logos. Los kabalistas lo denominan Kether. El Anciano de los Días es andrógino, es decir, hombre y mujer al mismo tiempo. La primera y última síntesis de NUESTRO SER. EL ANCIANO DE LOS DÍAS es la primera emanación terriblemente Divina del Espacio Abstracto Absoluto. El Anciano de los Días…
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