flairfiend · 11 months
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Emissary to the Red Dwarf
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hyenaa-euphoria · 6 months
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xenonb · 7 months
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The battle of TRAPPIST-1
Spitzer and JW end up on different planets but they both have a common enemy.
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ant1quarian · 7 months
My Siren AU
Exists on Trappist 1-E, but there's always the possibility in the AU of humanity yoinking a couple sirens and taking them back to earth.
Alien Species - Sirens
Quick overview:
Sirens are elusive, curious, and dangerous. While not inherently aggressive, they also won’t hesitate to attack if threatened.
They are aquatic creatures and quite generally far larger than any human– with the exception of guppies.
Sirens possess a strange, alluring quality to them that tends to draw in Humans and Monsters alike. They have webbed hands (that are quite commonly bioluminescent), a long tail, a sail that goes up their back, fin-like ears, scaly upper-bodies, and sharp claws. Their teeth are also very sharp, as the vast majority are very high on the food chain and are carnivorous.
Sirens are highly intelligent, sentient and sapient creatures; they’re quick to learn and capable of complex thoughts and emotions. Though they may have a little difficulty understanding most human languages, they’re quite good at knowing what direction the conversation may be going in.
They are modelled similarly to the aquatic creatures back on earth such as; Sharks, Whales, Squid, Jellyfish, Stingrays, etc. Though there’s plenty of Human and Monster scientists wanting to give a name to them, they are incapable of doing so, and instead they compare them to this “danger level” that has 7 different levels.
The different Kinships can be confusing at times to be able to tell apart, but if you pay enough attention to the specific trinkets they have in their hair– or the patterns on their skin/tail– you’ll be able to tell where they came from.
Notable Features/Appearance Description
Adult sirens are very rarely smaller than 18 ft long, and have a humanoid upper body. While their entire body is scaled– save for their hair– it can change feeling and colour.
Depending on how deep the siren’s kinship lives, their scales will be a certain colour.
A Siren’s bioluminescent patterns can change depending on which Kinship they come from, and the kind of decorative accessories they wear will also change depending on what level of the ocean they come from.
Gills — Sirens have gills that move when they breathe.
Reflective Eyes — Sirens eyes are reflective, similar to the way a cat’s eyes are reflective.
Bioluminescent/Luminous Markings — Sirens typically spend a lot of time in deeper water, and along with being underwater, they’ve adapted to communicate using bioluminescent or luminous markings on their tails, arms, and torso.
Nictitating Membrane — Similar to crocodiles, Sirens have a nictitating membrane, a transparent third eyelid which protects and moistens their eyes whilst underwater.
Aquatic Habitation — Sirens can survive and adapt to underwater environments such as high water pressure and extreme water temperatures.
Speed Swimming — A Siren's powerful and streamlined tail and huge flukes can propel them through the roughest waters with incredible speed, grace and agility with minimal restrictions to water resistance. Like a dolphin, their fins can propel them high out of the water.
Extraordinary Strength and Speed - Sirens are naturally stronger and faster than humans.
Enhanced Senses — Sirens have better hearing, sight, and smell than humans. They’re also particularly sensitive to changes in pressure, weather, and their environment.
Siren Song — Sirens are able to emit a captivating singing voice that lures anyone who hears it toward the singer. Apparently those who are exposed to it have lingering side effects; the exact nature of these symptoms are as of yet not clearly defined. It’s been compared to a drug, describing it as something one needs. Eventually, the Siren Song leads the person that hears it to hallucinate seeing that Siren everywhere and hearing their Siren Song out in the ocean. The person will then be driven into the water to find that Siren and eventually drown. The song can be effective on anything or anyone, including men, women, and even animals.
Voice Mimicry — Sirens are able to mimic the voices of others or imitate sounds such as animal noises and explosions. Any sound a Siren hears, they can replicate with perfect clarity along with any manner the sound was made.
Echolocation — Sirens can emit sound waves and use the echoes that return from various objects to locate and identify the objects. Alternatively, they can use ambient sounds to do the same. Sirens can perceive one's surroundings by making a noise and listening for the reverberating sound waves. They can determine the location of objects or other individuals in the environment by use of reflected sound or sound waves. Echolocating animals emit calls out to the environment and listen to the echoes of those calls that return from various objects near them. They use these echoes to locate and identify the objects. Echolocation is used for navigation and for foraging or hunting in various environments.
Empathic Voice — Sirens can manipulate the emotions of other sentient beings through their voice. The effects depend on the Siren’s tone and intention: a joyful or mournful tone instils the same feelings in their listeners, etc. Evolved Sirens have been known to be able to enter someone’s mind and alter what they see, hear, and feel to their will, either as a defence mechanism or a way to protect whoever’s mind they’ve entered.
Fearful Scream — Sirens can utilise a scream attack that causes a shocking and paralysing fear in others.
Concussive Scream — Sirens can channel the force of a Banshee-like scream to create concussive bursts of air, almost like telekinetic force capable of breaking through solid steel doors, throwing grown men many metres away, and shattering glass, ear drums, and even skulls at their highest level.
Regeneration — Sirens possess greater regenerative capabilities than those of humans. They heal quickly from non-fatal injuries within a short period.
Rhythm Detection — Sirens have intuitive knowledge of the rhythm of soundwaves, enabling them to easily understand what kind of sound is being projected, where it comes from, where it is going, decipher the sound for any sort of code, etc.
Aquatic Zoopathy — Sirens can control aquatic creatures, along with the ability to create a deep bond with them.
Water Dependency — Sirens are at their strongest and healthiest in seawater, they need ocean water to survive. Sirens can substitute sea water when above land with lake/river/rain/bath/shower water, although they become significantly weaker, more prone to illnesses and the substitution effects will eventually begin to fade – usually after 2 years – and the Siren will begin to die. Sirens can only last around 2-3 months from complete water deprivation(example; being held hostage without any access to any form of water).
Harpoons & Spears — Due to their regenerative properties, most weapons do not harm Sirens, harpoons and spears, things that stay embedded, are harmful to Sirens, as they have to be removed in order for the Siren to heal.
Bronze Dagger Coated in the Blood of Victim — A Siren can be killed by a bronze dagger coated in the blood of one of its victims.
Magic — Sirens are susceptible to the powers of magic.
Sensitive Necks — Due to having gills in both forms, Sirens have quite sensitive necks, specifically where their gills are situated. Siren’s gills are quite delicate and take longer to heal than other injuries. Sirens cannot transform to their natural form if their gills are injured in human form.
Light Sensitivity — Sirens are sensitive to sudden flashes or bursts of light. And most take a while to adapt to lighter environments, especially if said Siren is from a more colder ocean or from much deeper water than another.
Vulnerability to Love — Believe it or not, sirens are also vulnerable to love. Although they may be powerful and seductive, they are not immune to falling in love. Also, if a siren falls in love with a mortal or a non-siren creature, they can lose their powers and become mortal themselves.
Vulnerability to Reason — Lastly, sirens are vulnerable to reason. Their enchanting songs can cloud the judgement of their victims, but if someone is able to think clearly and logically, they can resist the sirens’ calls.
The leader of a Kinship will always be the most experienced and strongest. As soon as the leader is not strong enough to lead once more, they become the advisor, and a new leader steps up to take their place.
Siren Laws
Attack Only When Threatened - Sirens have a very genocidal backstory, so the Ancients came up with this law that all abide by.
Don’t Harm The Young – Sirens have a moral code, and no one dares to break this rule. All Young– whether Guppies, Cubs, Or Babies– from any species will not be harmed.
Respect Territory - To make sure no all-out wars break out once more, this law has been erected.
Siren “Families”
Sirens don’t have the concept of last names, though they do have family. Siren families can be deciphered by the colour, kinship songs, and the scale quality of their tails. As every different family has their own way of scale care.
An unbreakable connection between two Sirens of any gender or Kinship. Siren Weddings vary depending on where they’re from.
As customary, when courting another Siren, you give each other gifts. The type of gift you give them describes the strength of the relationship.
Pearls — Pearls are typically given at the start of a relationship. The pearls signify that you hold affection for your partner. And depending on the quality of the pearl, it shows how much affection you hold and how you hope the relationship will progress.
Sea Shells — Sea shells are usually given to your partner on important dates, like birthdays, new tide cycles, and full moon celebrations, or just, dates. Though they can also be gifted at any time throughout the relationship. They’re like little presents.
Conch Shells — Conch shells are gifted on anniversaries. They’re meant to signify the strength of the relationship and how deep the bond has become. They also symbolise how your affection for your partner has deepend.
Serpentines — Serpentines are lovely gifts for full moon celebrations. It symbolises connection, exploration, and rebirth.
Ocean Jaspers — Ocean jaspers are engagement gifts, they’re given to your partner when you want to propose Union.
Live Sea Creatures — Live sea creatures are gifted the night of the Union, depending on the environment, the creature gifted can be a whale, manatee or orca calf, any kind of juvenile shark, stingray, manta ray, or turtle.
Scales — The most intimate gift a Siren can give their partner. It signifies the absolute deepest and most affectionate connection one can have.
Sayings and Phrases
 “I have sea foam in my veins, I understand the language of waves.” — SAYING
“The sea is full of lost souls this night.” — SAYING
“I have found much beauty in the Dark as I have found a lot of horror in light.” — SAYING
 “There is an unspoken rule amongst Sirens, one we all follow, like a natural instinct. Preservation.” — SAYING
“We are bound to the sea as much as you are bound to oxygen.” — SAYING
Danger Catagories
Similar to Sea Levels, there are Siren Danger Catagories.
Sunzone Sirens are your “Reef Sirens” who are very generally passive– though will get violent if threatened. They’re the least dangerous and are the most willing to show the Landborn their ways.
These have reef-fish like patterns.
Those who are defined as “Shadowzone Siren” likely exist within the Shadowzone area. They’re not particularly dangerous– more of a Neutral area– and they’re willing to communicate with Landborn. However, they do tend to prefer to stay away from their crafts.
They have warm colours– such as orange, yellow, pinks and warm blues.
Twilightzone Siren are considered to be fully neutral. They will accept mild and small intrusions into their territory, but will immediately get territorial if too many Landborn get close to it.
These have varying autumn-like colours. Any “Warm” colours will be muted and usually have a bit of a colder aspect to them.
Midnightzone Siren are territorial and don’t appreciate others pushing their boundaries. Any Landborn crafts that enter their territories are usually damaged or forcefully shoved back into another’s waters.
They have very dark colouring, but vibrant bioluminescent patterns.
Voidzone Siren are, for want of no better words, dangerous. Though they do not usually travel in Kinships, they are highly dangerous just by themselves. Most of the time they take the shape of Jellyfish or Squids, but the rarest and most deceptive form they can take is that of a Shark’s. Deceptive because they can pass as a Twilightzone– sometimes even a Shadowzone– Siren, while being incredibly dangerous.
The colours down here can vary from vibrant to really dark colours, considering it’s already so deep that nothing can see anything.
Trappist 1
This Deity is that of the Sun, which shines light upon the Solar System. It is seen as the Mother, who embraces all of it’s children. Those in Trappist 1-G believe that The Mother once had another parent, The Pa. Mother and Parent had 7 children:
Trappist 1-b
Trappist 1-c
Trappist 1-d
Trappist 1-e
Trappist 1-f
Trappist 1-g
Trappist 1-h
And you can tell how old they are by how far away from The Mother they are.
The Mother is warm-hearted now and loves all of her children very much, but she was once narcassistic, pessimistic, and very angry. 1-H recieved the brunt of this, as The Mother was wracked with grief after The Parent died which turned her into what she was.
She regrets everything she did to 1-H and 1-G, but knows she cannot take it back, so she will offer as much warmth as she can until they either fully break away or come back to her.
Trappist 1-b
The youngest of them all. Trappist 1-b is considered to be clingy towards The Mother and had the closest relationship to it. Trappist 1-b has a firey temper and always has its eyes turned towards The Mother.
Trappist 1-b feels as if all but C have abandoned The Mother and don’t see her enough, causing a vengeful spirit to rise up within it.
Trappist 1-c
Trappist 1-c is the second youngest and craves attention from The Mother. They have a good relationship with The Mother, and is slowly being prepared to be sent out into the world. Trappist 1-c is anxious, nervous, but also optimistic. It’s also know for having a bit of a temper.
Its eye is always fixed upon The Mother.
Trappist 1-d
Trappist 1-d, the third youngest, is known for it’s resilience. Although it can be very stubborn, it’s caring, and depicted as a hard-working Deity. Its relationship with The Mother is good.
Its eye is always fixed upon The Mother.
Trappist 1-e
Trappist 1-e, the fourth youngest, is known for its kindness and peacefulness. It has a stubbornness about it and a sense of power, but it prefers to relax and chat with The Mother and its siblings, rather than being furious at the world.
Its eye is always fixed upon The Mother.
Trappist 1-f
Trappist 1-f, the Fifth youngest, is known for its exhaustion. 1-f is depicted as tired and numb, choosing not to talk much to its other siblings. This is due to their Moons crashing together in anger at each other before dissipating and creating a small ring around 1-F. Pieces of its friends, never to fully recover.
Its eye is always fixed upon The Mother.
Trappist 1-g
The saddest sibling, Trappist 1-g is the sixth youngest and perhaps the one with the most terrible tale. It had one moon, and they loved each other very much, but one day they got too close when the Moon attempted to hide from The Mother’s disapproving gaze and smashed into 1-G. Tears broke through the walls 1-G had created as it cried and cried now that it had lost its loved one. Moon’s remnants carried enough intent to create children, and the salty tears 1-G cried created a vast ocean covering its entirety for them to grow in. It’s melancholy and wistful, symbolising Lost Love and Sadness.
1-G does not have a very good relationship with The Mother, which is why their eye will face away from The Mother for the entirety of a Sol.
Trappist 1-h
Trappist 1-H, the oldest sibling, is cold-hearted and angry. It strongly dislikes The Mother, which is why it is the furthest away from Her light. The Mother was still learning how to parent when 1-H was born, which means many very wrong methods were used to teach 1-H lessons.
1-H is steadily looking away from The Mother constantly, while The Mother pines for the child she ruined. She regrets very much of it, and she was going through the grief of losing The Parent at the time of 1-H’s existence, but that is no excuse and 1-H continues to hate her.
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mindblowingscience · 1 year
For years, scientists have been debating the odds of life existing on seven fascinating planets orbiting the Trappist-1 star, the most famous planetary system outside our own. The reason? Although several of these planets orbit in their star's habitable zone, the region around a stellar body where liquid water can exist because temperatures are just right, these worlds weren't always so comfortable.  In the past, Trappist-1 exoplanets were subject to much harsher conditions because their parent star used to be much hotter. During those hundreds of millions of scorching years, any water which may have been trapped in the rocks of these planets would have evaporated and dissipated into space, scientists previously thought. That would, of course, ruin the chance of the Trappist-1 planets to develop life as we know it. But a new study, based on a novel modeling technique of the evolution of planetary atmospheres, suggests all may not be lost for life on Trappist-1 exoplanets.
Continue Reading.
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star-tourney · 1 year
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Sun vs. Rasalhague
Wolf 359 vs. Fomalhaut
Arcturus vs. Kepler's Supernova
TRAPPIST-1 vs. Pistol Star
NOTE: Each of the polls also has a Wikipedia page linked through the title of the star, so please read at your leisure if you want to learn more about them! Or not!
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froggyrights · 1 year
Has anyone else ever seen those space exploration posters nasa made. I was so obsessed with them for years like they're the coolest shit ever and they're FREE for download
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utilitycaster · 1 year
the thing about the Noise Boys Game Changers/Make Some Noise episodes is that it's a very clearly calibrated situation. Josh gets prompts for obscure and bizarre impressions. Zac gets opportunities for incredible physical comedy work and absurdity. Brennan gets accent challenges and opportunities to just go off on the most unhinged lore you have ever heard in your life. It's a beautiful game because it's absolutely trying to get every single person to win.
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sunlaire · 1 year
I love the Astronomy tag because it ranges from people posting their pictures of the moon and stars to people infodumping about the latest TRAPPIST-1 exoplanet studies, 5k words, no editing
The passion and wonder experienced and shown differently from person to person makes me emotional actually. Its really cute
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spaceadvances · 1 year
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TRAPPIST-1 c, the second of seven known planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system, orbiting an ultracool red dwarf star (M dwarf) at a distance of about 1.5 million miles and 40 light-years away from Earth. TRAPPIST-1 c is an interesting exoplanet because it’s basically a Venus twin: It’s about the same size as Venus and receives a similar amount of radiation from its host star as Venus gets from the Sun. With a dayside temperature of roughly 380 kelvins (about 225 degrees Fahrenheit), TRAPPIST-1 c is now the coolest rocky exoplanet ever characterized based on thermal emission, Webb data suggests.
📷: NASA, ESA, CSA, Joseph Olmsted (STScI)
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redmyeyes · 8 months
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Dear Hawk, (chapter 4, on ao3)
                                   Jan 21, 1969
What did you write me? What does Lucy know, and how long has she known it? At least tell me that, before I humiliate myself confronting her.
Are you blackmailing me into honesty? I’ve never lied to you. Omitted maybe, but never lied. Not about anything important.
Here’s a truth. I turn 50 this year. The last time we saw each other (before the last), I was the same age as you are now, which is unsettling to think about. It feels like an eon has passed, and yet I'm frozen in place.
I keep waiting… for things to start making sense. My life. The choices I’ve made and what they’ve led to. Always in pursuit of that “goal”, and now… not only do I not know what the goal is anymore, but it feels like every single day is a step in the wrong direction. I am treading water. Barely. Seeing you again made that painfully clear.
You asked me once if I liked my life this way, and I thought I had it all figured out. The goal, the plan, the path to freedom. How is it that I'm eleven years ahead of you and still running to catch up?
Skippy. This is the fifth letter I've started. The others were full of misdirection, innuendo and half-truths. Let this be honest enough. You already have me stripped to the bone.
You do know me. I wonder if I ever knew you, or just the person I wanted to see. So much about you surprised me, when we saw each other in November. My memory of you has stayed frozen in my mind. Instead, you’ve changed, you’ve lived, and I’ve found myself cursing those lost years. We've missed so much. We don't have to keep missing it.
Tell me about — anything. Your mentor. How you met. Your time in Seminary. Your life now. What you eat for breakfast and what time you sleep and what you’re reading. I don’t have faith in the prison library, so name something and I’ll send it. I want to know you. Everything about you. I miss you telling me about your family, even if I was too distracted sometimes to listen.
p.s. I’m sending this along with the book you “loaned” me ages ago. Consider this a loan in return. Keep it safe, I expect it back.
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James Webb Telescope to Reveal Secrets of Potentially Habitable Exoplanet Trappist-1e
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Artist's conception of TRAPPIST-1 e, a potentially habitable exoplanet that orbits a nearby star. Credit: NASA
Trappist-1e is one of the seven exoplanets that orbit the ultra-cool dwarf star Trappist-1, which is located approximately 39.6 light-years away in the constellation Aquarius. Trappist-1e has been the subject of much interest among astronomers since it was discovered in 2017, as it is located within the habitable zone of its host star, making it a potentially habitable world. In this article, we will explore what we currently know about Trappist-1e and what the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope observations may reveal about this promising exoplanet. Read full article here
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Life on any of these mysterious planets??? Rocky planets!
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xenonb · 8 months
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Next week (2/2) is my birthday! I have prepared art for that day too! Here's last year's art I drew for my birthday with a full view of one of my newer ocs, Earendel!
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ant1quarian · 10 months
A Sans Trio x Alien Reader
A silly little story Idea I'm gonna write. (Yes, I know, another story. Someone hold me back /j)
After the world begun to push for space travel, the Ebott Aeronautics and Space Administration (EASA) broke the laws of physics and created a particular space craft that could travel at the speed of light.
After a couple years of careful consideration, they decided that a select 100 people- humans and monsters alike- would be travelling on said spacecraft to the "Trappist System" 39 light years away. They're placed in these stasis pods, and then sent to the main planet they believe will be hospitable.
Trappist 1e.
However, once they get there, they realise that Humans and Monsters aren't the only intelligent life out there- and certainly not the largest, or strongest.
Featuring: Underfell Sans (Red), Horrortale Sans (Axe), and Undertale Sans.
( The Alien Species I created will be shown under the cut )
Trappistarian live on Trappist 1e, and change in appearance depending on which side they live on.
(Trappist 1e is tidally locked, meaning one side is constantly facing the sun, and the other is constantly facing the dark.)
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Goldilocks live on the small, "middle" area between the dark and the light- a very temperate area that would be perfect for human life.
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They live on the "Day" side of Trappist 1e.
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And these guys live on the dark side.
All Trappistarian are capable of being in the other's territory for varying times.
Their average heights are 10'3" and above.
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