chronically-ghosted · 9 months
You know I've gotta know what's going on with my beloved Dieter... So "stay gold, baby boy"??
when i say this whole thing got away from me, i mean it's bitten my hand, broken out of containment and is now raging near the Empire State building . . .
but it's all @sp00kymulderr 's (and this picture's) fault:
“I won’t make you wait, Dieter,” you say, eyes tripping up from where your hand sits, up to the flash of exposed tummy where his pants have ridden down and his shirt slid up, into his almost surprised gaze. “You’ve been very good, wearing this for me, but I want you to learn why it’s important to wear pants with buttons.”  “I-I t-t-thought,” he tries, voice abruptly cutting off when you nuzzle the constrained bulge in his pants. He tries again, eyes slamming shut as if to stifle the sensation of your warm breath so near to where he needs you the most. “I thought i-it was so I d-din’t – didn’t – look bad.”  Your face still pressed into his crotch, you briefly massage his calves, then the backs of his thighs. You cup the curve of his ass through the starchy back pockets, which is remarkably prominent now that he’s in something else than baggy sweatpants. You shake your head, nose dragging along his hot length, against the space between his hip bone and his cock, smiling.  “Baby, you know I like how you look. I always want you to be comfortable.” You look up and meet his eyes. The remaining brown not yet wholly consumed by a blurry, heated darkness softens. Somewhere beneath the hazy, disarming feelings of lust currently filling his head like a bike tire, he’s still your Dieter. Or, well, the Dieter you know. The Dieter you have impossibly fun times with. The Dieter who makes you laugh like no one else. The Dieter that can make you fall apart until you’re a gooey, dripping mess and he still manages to stitch you back together. The Dieter that keeps you up at night thinking he might possibly want something more. “But this is so much more fun.”
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sunrisevideos · 24 days
Watch the Best Skeet Shooting Videos to Improve Your Accuracy
Enhance your shooting skills with top-rated skeet shooting videos designed for all experience levels. These videos provide expert techniques, tips, and strategies to boost your accuracy and confidence on the range. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced shooter, learn the art of skeet shooting through detailed, step-by-step instructions. Watch these videos to refine your technique and enjoy better results in your shooting practice. Contact us now :   
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beingsanket · 1 year
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bluecookiesabi · 1 year
Nothing like accidentally reminding your european friends how aggresively american you are by going "Oh, what's in here? Ah, just a shotgun shell" while on call with them
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pawneecityschool · 1 year
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Cracking Clay
By Anna Meints
Photos provided by Mary Moser
The Pawnee City trap team travels to Nebraska City on March 25. The Pawnee City students who attended the meet include Gavin McHenry, William Vlcek, Isaac Seitz, Hayden Binder, and Norman McHenry on the senior team, and Kolbrin Farwell on the junior team. The team also has students from Lewiston and HTRS, which is coached by Mary Moser.
When asked how the meet went, Coach Mary replied, “On March 25, Levi Koch from HTRS placed 2nd from the 18/19 handicap yardage. At each competition, the competitors shoot 50 targets from 16 yards, then you take their score (the number of targets broken) and divide by 2 to determine where they shoot their handicaps from.  If that number is less than 18 the shooter would shoot from the 18 yard.  They shoot 50 targets from their determined handicap.  So the seniors shoot 100 rounds at each competition and the juniors only shoot 50 from 16 yards.  Seniors are youth in grades 9-12 and juniors are youth in grades 6-8.”
Their next meet is on April 15 in Nebraska City. Good luck!
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smytherines · 6 months
Fuck it, here's an Agent Mega dissertation
Alright since I have such elaborate headcanon for my beloved precious Owen Carvour, I guess I should do it for Agent Curt Mega too. Sigh.
So, going off of the last big one, if Owen is born in 1928, then I'm gonna say Curt was born in 1930. I'm forever won to the Texan agent mega headcanon, but I think it's safe to say that Mrs. Mega is not from Texas, probably more like New York or I've seen people say New Jersey.
We know nothing about Agent Mega's dad, but I imagine he was kind of a loser and low level con artist and moved his pregnant wife down to Texas to do scams around the bustling oil industry, and then soon after Curt was born a scam collapsed and he ran off. It's either that or an Aladdin 3 situation where he was secretly a spy the whole time and had to go into hiding.
So we've got mama Mega, raising a VERY hyperactive (read: ADHD) little boy on her own, in a place where she doesn't have any support, and he just becomes her entire world. But she has to work a lot, so Curt becomes used to taking care of himself, and most importantly- keeping himself busy so he doesn't lose it.
In this headcanon Curt would only be 15 when WWII ends- not old enough to fight, but definitely old enough to have personally known a lot of kids from his hometown who come home in caskets. I just truly think of WWII as a formative experience for both these guys. For Curt it just feeds into that inferiority complex.
Now anybody who has ADHD knows that you already spend a lot of your life feeling inadequate, feeling self-conscious about not being able to be the person other people want you to be (*especially* if you're queer). You get defensive, especially when criticized. You also get restless.
I headcanon Curt as growing up in Abilene, Texas, mostly because I have a friend who grew up there and I've visited and the vibe is right.
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I don't know if anybody has ever seen The Last Picture Show, but its a film set in small town Texas in 1951-1952 (so a little late for our timeline but still) and it's (more or less) about two high school seniors essentially trying to escape this suffocatingly small, dying town before they become doomed to spend their lives trapped there.
That's definitely what I think about Agent Mega too- this gay, ADHD teenage boy climbing the walls of this little town, never being able to fully be himself. But he's got a lot of energy (and more than a little anger) to burn off, so he does sports. It's Texas, so football for sure. Maybe wrestling too. Perhaps wrestling is even where he has his gay come to jesus moment.
And when he isn't doing sports, he's home, alone (mama Mega is working so hard), out back drinking a beer (or two, or three) and teaching himself how to shoot. I think he becomes hyperfixated on becoming an expert marksman, because with all of this shit he cannot control, all the stuff he is supposed to be but isn't, this is one area where it feels like he has the power here.
What starts off as "kid drinking beer to feel cool and rebellious" starts to morph into a lifetime dependence on alcohol. Substance use is a big issue for a lot of ADHDers for the same reason I think it would be for Curt- it calms him down. It eases that constant restlessness in his bones. It softens the edges of other people's criticisms of him. It makes him care a bit less what others think about him.
In a vicious cycle, he drinks to avoid feeling those big feelings (especially as a man, especially as a gay man, especially as a gay man in Texas), but the drinking leads to more criticism, which leads to more drinking to numb the emotional response to that criticism.
But his hyperfixation on learning to shoot pays off. Let's say he becomes a junior state champion trapshooter (did I look up trapshooting competitions from the 1940s? yes I did). He's good, especially when he hits the sweet spot of drinking just enough to calm his ass down but not so much that he's useless. Maybe this is how he comes to the attention of the A.S.S.
And he fully believes that these skills he cultivated, the ability to hit hard and run fast and shoot accurately, his ability to escape when it doesn't feel remotely possible, is why many years later he just kinda rolls his eyes at Owen for insisting that they do things carefully and methodically. Careful didn't get him out of small town Texas. Careful didn't get him the exciting non-stop life he has now, a life where he *almost* gets to be himself a lot of the time.
When Owen "dies," and its Curt's fault, he naturally turns to drinking to numb that pain. But its a lot of pain, so it takes a lot of alcohol to kill it.
I'm sure I could go on, but as always I have rambled a lot here so I'm just gonna leave it.
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ratislatis · 10 months
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guys just a side note as a trapshooter of 4 years trust NONE of the shotgun references on pinterest it is INSULTING the amount of bullshit they pull on there
anyway I used a “top 10 trap guns” yt video as reference (because im not dusting off my 12 gauge at 1 am). live laugh love
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flickerfankids · 5 months
The kids! Here’s a list of them and their parents by row
Maria Ribeiro - Dashawn and Thiago
Shea Cruz - Alab and Jamila
Irene Vasiliev - Rosalie and Nikolai
Melati Tujang - Indah and Alicia
October Zhao - Liling and Quinn
Wren Briggs - Marley and Eduardo
Owen Liam - Fayola and Adanna
Jamie Soto - Seungho and Mateo
Sylvie Garcia - John and Bailey
Halley Raymond - Albert and Ally
Castor Raymond - Albert and Ally
Naomi Cecil - Ezra and William
Ethan Hayashi - Kiryomi and Melodie
Anika Sharma - Amethyst and Prasiddhi 
Ana Calimeris - Elizabeth and Veronica  
Leo Rahimi - Miguel and Reza
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below is a brief description of each character: (to be added)
Maria (She/Her) is a very ambitious and passionate artist. Her chosen media is painting, whether in liquid or spray form. She aspires to paint murals all over her city someday. Maria also has a pet praying mantis she named Rocket. She’s also bisexual.
Shea (He/Him) is more quiet. He’s very by the rules at some points and tries to be polite. He enjoyed doing Scouts and often tries to apply those skills to conversation. Shea also loves to help his mom bake. He has a rat named Strudel (which his parents adopted.) He is asexual but heteroromantic
Irene (She/They) is a very loud and brass person at times. She and Maria’s personalities just amplify each other. The two had been best friends since elementary. They are the kind of person who’d immediately yell at and fight anyone that you say was mean, even with not knowing them. She enjoys dancing. Irene is a demisexual demigirl.
Melati (she/her) is a kind girl with strange interests. She adores the dark and mysterious and writes stories about it. Once you ask her about it, she’ll never stop. Melati hopes to write popular best sellers of her ideas someday. She always is practicing her knowing smile to prepare for that photo. Melati is a lesbian.
October (he/him) is very introverted. He doesn’t really talk to a lot of people but he’s respectful. A lot of people are put off by his very distant attitude but if you warm up to him, you find he’s really caring. He is generally aroace. October enjoys walking around more by hiking and going trapshooting with the school’s team.
Wren (They/Them) is a wildcard. Generally impulsively doing things that are either a threat to themself or to others (like trying to pet a raccoon.) hence the various bandages. They love to do track and took up a hobby of woodworking. They have a cat named Misa and love her so much. Wren is nonbinary and pansexual.
Owen (He/Him) is the calmest out of his friend group between him, Wren, Sylvia, and Jamie, which is sort of like being the tallest dwarf. Usually being the empathetic one to listen and to tell everyone to shut up so Sylvia can speak. Owen enjoys 2000s movies and drafting up designs of all sorts. He’s also a connoisseur of gum. Owen is gay.
Sylvia (She/Her) is very.. non-talkative. She really can. Everyone’s heard her a few times. It’s just that she has moments of not wanting to talk. Her parents had issues growing up and didn’t want her to feel like her wants didn’t matter, so they told her she didn’t ever have to talk if she didn’t want to. Sylvia took this to heart. She spends more time writing poetry and ice skating than talking. Her parents are also friends with Maria and Irene’s parents so sometimes they’ll have her come with. She is bi-curious. (Fun fact: Owen designed her hat)
Jamie (He/Him) is the last member of the friend group. He is fired up most of the time. Jamie has an affinity about baseball. When he’s not playing ball, he’s usually hanging out with the three of them, probably at a restaurant. Probably staring across the table for too long and- Anyway. Jamie is a raging bisexual but has a fem pref.
Halley (She/Her) is sarcastic. Always having to have the last word, she often finds herself fighting with Irene, though they just play it up for entertainment but nobody knows. She and her twin brother are actually new to town so they are trying to settle in. Halley loves astrology partially because it bothers her dad to no end, but she also actually loves learning about astronomy and physics. Halley has a ferret named Dynamite. Halley is unlabeled as of now, so she just tells people she’s straight when they ask.
Castor (He/They) is very much opposite to his sister’s flaming personality. When she’s riling up a crowd, they often just standing by to walk her away and back to class before a teacher gets involved. He loves inventing and experimenting, having a bunch of machinery in his room from his mom’s job. Castor often finds themself a nervous wreck, even more so after realizing he has a crush on their neighbor in the apartment complex he lives in. Castor is bisexual with a masc pref.
Naomi (She/Her) is an upbeat and optimistic ray of sunshine. She enjoys playing her drums and decorating her prosthetic leg with stickers. With one of her parents’ streaming careers helping fund pay for it, she was ecstatic about it. Naomi is part of a band with two other people, Ana and Leo. They’re called Absent July Delta. Naomi is pansexual.
Ethan (He/Him) focuses more about the other people around him than himself. He is often afraid to share his interests, but he’s a huge fan of filmmaking and programming. Ethan is working on a series that he, Melati, and Shea are all in. He’d love to invite Wren to work on it too, he just can’t muster up to ask though. Ethan is demisexual.
Anika (She/He) is a gentle and listening person. She tries his best to help everyone and be there for people. After all, he’s trying to be a therapist in the future. Psychology is one of her biggest interests, alongside dying his hair different colors) Often, he will be sitting in a chair listening to people’s problems while finishing up crocheting. She finds it’s easier to listen while her hands are busy. He is aroace and transfem.
Ana (She/Her) is a “go with the flow” type person. She really finds that anything was meant to happen for a reason. She is the one usually bringing snacks for Leo and Naomi. She’s a guitarist fanatic. Always. Naomi’s family friend even offered to give her lessons. Ana has posters all over her room and was the first one to suggest starting a band. Ana is also Castor and Halley’s cousin, has a border collie named Ruthie, and wears bright green contacts for fun. She is asexual.
Leo (He/Him) finds it interesting to debate people. Doing good is something he’s always an advocate for. Leo cares about the environment and often signs up for roadside cleaning. He also does a lot of performing activities, like singing in the band, which Ana caught him doing once and dragged him into the idea, and doing competitive speech. After a lot of this, he often just curls up on his bed and takes a nap. He is straight as far as he knows.
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rue-the-witch · 2 months
Jesus Christ you cannot read this
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Okay let's go through this together. Killjoy by Killjoy.
Party Poison/Gerard Way
Dance major - choral music minor
Does aoftball, choir, dance, show choir, and drama
Practices (dance) three hours a day, two and a half of which are at practice
Jet Star/Ray Toro
Primary education major
Does trapshooting, photography, and yearbook
Jet helps out in the kid's section at the library three times a week and does all his homework dedicatedly
Kobra Kid/Mikey Way
Entomology major
Does Music Appreciation Club (founder), and band (for the school, does NOT march)
Goes to the library a half hour a day, no promises he actually does work
Fun Ghoul/Frank Iero
Culinary arts major, specifically pastry
Community service (willingly!), hiking, lacrosse
Hardly does any paper homework, but goes to the dorm's kitchen twice a week to make something
Dorm Situation
Shared living room, with two rooms
Jet and Poison
Kobra and Ghoul
Uhhh ppl who like said stuff on the last post sry about the wait? Depending on when you saw it? (And also Lemon, bcus you'll love Kobra's stuff)
@lem0n-a1d @caramel-storiesss @saturnplaza @demolitionghosts
Sorry if u don't wanna be tagged >w<
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can you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills?
rating: T (this is the tamest thing I’ve written in years)
pairing: dieter bravo x f!reader
word count: 8K
summary: a year into secretly dating, you are overwhelmed by your feelings for Dieter Bravo, confident and resigned to the fact that he doesn’t feel the same way. But on Oscar’s night, drunk on sparkling wine and a terrific win, Dieter gives you a reason to doubt your fears. 
warnings/tags: age gap, self-aggrandizing rumination on our public vs private personas, a stupid amount of kissing, angst but soft angst, angst that is resolved, this is very different from anything i’ve done recently, and there’s no smut? just kisses? What have you become Taylor? one very very very soft Dieter, waxing shamelessly poetic about being in love and being loved by Dieter Bravo 
a/n: this comes from the same request by two of my LOVELY followers ( @tvversionperson and @bitchwitch1981) from my 100 followers event: “I’m not drunk. Can a drunk person do this?” “You’re not doing anything.” “But… I sent you my love. Did you… did you not get it?” with Dieter Bravo. this is so wildly different from anything i've done before, i'm flinging this into the internet like a goddamn trapshooter of emotional angst
shout out to @iamdesibell for the visuals of Dieter at the party. She spoils me with all of her incredible Dieter artwork.
Every artist knows it's about the looks. The aesthetics of it all, the internet’s new favorite buzzword. Increasingly too often, the merit of the artwork is equated to the moral merit of the artist; it’s not so much about selling the image you create, it’s about selling the image of yourself. Does the artist fit into the image of what the masses imagine when they hear what the artist offers? Can the artist balance both the expectations and provide something new? When is the right time to break the mold, and be different, or when is it best to follow the crowd? Keep your head down and make more content than art. When does the aesthetics of a thing matter more than the thing itself?
For Oscar’s night, often there is nothing more important than the look of things. The elegance. The allure but approachability of the stars. Beautiful but obtainable. Handsome but effortless. But beneath all the veneer, all the lights, and gold and glitz, there is a yearning, an animalistic hunger, for a quite literal shiny object waved in their faces to clamor and push and shove for. The beauty is a mask that covers fragility and fear and anticipation – and that mask must remain firmly in place, no matter the outcome. Remember, they’re watching, always watching, and you cannot want a thing too much, lest you become conceited or conniving. You cannot love in a way that scares them.
And sometimes, you think you love him in a way that scares yourself.
His warm palm grips yours over your knee. He, along with the other nominees, wait patiently as the names are read allowed from the gilded stage. His face, a mask – of curiosity, of wonder – but only you, perhaps because you are so close to him, can see the fraught want in his eyes. You know how much he wants this, how much you want this for him. He wants it so much he’s trembling. Microscopically. Barely at all, barely a flinch of genuine human emotion, it makes you sick. Because Dieter, the Dieter you’ve come to know in the past year, is so wonderfully unpolished, such a sterling testament to the beauty in the raw, it makes a spot behind your sternum ache to watch him hold himself back. 
You want to give him a smile of encouragement, to kiss his knuckles and soothe his hammering pulse with your thumb, but you can’t. You can’t even look at him, any movement immediately flagged by the cameras. Always watching.
But behind the rows of seats, they can’t see your clasped hands. Can’t see his tapping foot. They can’t see how much he wants, how much he loves. As the names are read aloud for the category of Best Actor, you lift your thumbnail to the meat of his palm, between his own thumb and index finger. Gently, softly, quietly, so as not to startle the molecules of air around you, you draw a heart in his skin. 
But by his rigid posture, you’re not sure he registers it. You can’t tell if he knows you’re there at all. 
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It began a year ago. 
After a truly spectacular break up that left you bereft and aimless, you decided to quit. Quit it all. Quit and start over doing the one thing you actually had passion for: screenwriting. Was it risky and dumb as hell at your age? Absolutely. But it didn’t matter if you never ended up writing for a big Hollywood film, you told yourself, as long as you were writing, that’s all that mattered. 
So you quit writing articles about car insurance, packed up everything, and moved to the City of Angels. 
Two years later, you were still earning your dues. Still working from the bottom of the barrel up, climbing through muck and verbal abuse and emotional exploitation and the very dredges of the industry. 
You tried to focus on your craft, on getting more than just getting coffee for the actual writers, but after multiple days spending nineteen hours on your feet, the capacity to be creative so rarely comes, your brain often sizzled and fried like the back end of a janky, unreliable toaster. The production company you worked for had just purchased the rights to a popular novelist’s book for a film adaptation. The party you were at was more of a “pat yourself on the back” sort of thing for the director and novelist to rub elbows while surrounded by beautiful people. Attending mind-numbing parties for the sake of building connections was one thing. You could actually have fun when you wanted, but this? This self-indulgent, ego-driven, flattery bullshit, when all you wanted to do was sleep?
You watch as Eliot Baker, friend of the director and whose house is currently being trashed by a bunch of dangerously drunk and high animals, steps up onto his kitchen table. His pupils nearly dilated to the size of quarters, he holds up a baggy of white powder.
“Anyone interested in Colombia’s finest, please join me in the bedroom. Beautiful women, please stay.” 
The three shots you had done earlier had done nothing to dull your irritation, now amplified by the grating cheer that goes up from the crowd. Coke rarely puts you in a better mood, but at least it’s better than sulking by the stairs. Eliot leaps off the table and leads a gaggle of giggling women, and men with their hands all over their sparkly asses, down the hall and you try not to roll your eyes, your feet all but dragging beneath you. 
Then someone catches you by the elbow.
And you wonder how a homeless man got past security. 
A comically large green beanie on his head, a blindly yellow hood zipped up over what perhaps had been a white t-shirt – you are immediately arrested by his dark, soft eyes. Thick, furrowed brow. He hasn’t let go of your elbow. 
“That guy is a fucker,” he tells you with vehemence. 
“What?” He could have asked you your name and you would have said the exact same thing.
“Baker,” he sneers over your shoulder at the small crowd tumbling through the open door, Eliot’s too blue eyes watching like a farmer counts cattle to the slaughterhouse. “He laces his shit. Makes you too fucked up. He’s the kind of evil fucker who roofies drinks.”
The stranger looks at you, the twist of rage around his mouth fading, eyes softening again, as if he is worried about you.
“Don’t go in there,” he says. 
His warm hand is still around your elbow. 
“Okay,” you say because you haven’t come across anyone this earnest, maybe in your entire life, and certainly not since moving to LA. 
He blinks, as if surprised, and slowly withdraws his hand. You stare at each other for perhaps too long before he jerks his thumb over his shoulder.
“Wanna smoke some weed?”
The cool night air of LA always surprises you. It’s never cold, no, but the chill is noticeable, tangible, always right at the back of your neck when you least expect it. You stifle the urge to shiver as the man slides the glass door behind him, immediately deafening the party inside. You hadn’t realized it had been so loud until there is blissful silence, the sound of blood rushing in your ears replacing the trance music and the dull hum of overlapping voices. 
The man straight off the set of The Big Lebowski unhurriedly digs around in the pocket of that obnoxious hoodie for a bit, as if he could lose an item in that small pouch. 
He finds what he’s looking for with a grin on his face, and when he brings both the lighter and blunt to his lips, you realize his left arm is in a cast. 
He sees you eye it, managing to light and hit the blunt with one hand before pocketing the lighter and offering the smoke to you. The browns in his eyes are overcome by the darkness surrounding you on the back porch overlooking the valley below, the skyline of Los Angeles winking in the far distance. 
You notice something, not writing or words on his cast, more like a dark blot, but you don’t ask him about it. Most people in this business you’ve found are only on for the cameras and when it comes to personal, quiet moments, the less personable they have to be the better. You feel like you’re already pressing your luck by getting a few free hits off this guy so you wait your turn, ready to be as silent as he wants it to be.
Which apparently isn’t very much at all.
“How’d you end up here?” He asks with genuine interest and just a touch of weariness. 
You shrug as you take the blunt from him again. “My boss is here to schmooze his new writer. As his assistant, I think I’m contractually obligated to be around him more than his own shadow.”
“You’re a PA?” He asks, voice strained and full of smoke, before he puffs out the side of his mouth. A considerate smoker, then. 
“No,” you shake your head. “I’m whatever is lower than a PA. I think an actual bottom-feeder in a fish tank has more power than me.” 
“So you’re new to the scene?” 
You scowl, one arm tucked around your waist, the other tapping on your thigh. “Yeah, if two years is still new.” 
He frowns. “What are you trying to break into?” 
His fingertips brush yours over the next exchange and maybe it’s the earnest look in his eyes, or the bizarre fact that he actually smells good despite looking like he’d raided a garbage can, or maybe it’s the weed finally hitting, but you are honest with this complete stranger.
“I wanna be a screenwriter.” 
Maybe it’s the drugs finally hitting him too, but the glossy shine to his eyes doesn’t seem to be from boredom as you explain to him the past few years of your life, starting from the breakup in Boston to getting a very specific brand of q-tips from a drugstore on the other side of town for your boss at midnight. 
“I know I have to pay my dues, and I don’t mind that, but I just want to do something that matters, you know?” The unexpected chill of the night air curls around your neck as he listens intently to your uninterrupted ramble for ten minutes. “I don’t even care about big movies, or the awards, I want to write something that touches just one person. Give them something to think about for years to come. Comforts or encourages them to do the thing they’re scared of doing.” You feel heat climb up your ears as he watches as though you’re the most fascinating thing in the world. “It’s silly. It’s just a job, and I know I should treat it like that . . .”
You trail off, waiting for him to admonish you, but instead he grins. A smile that widens his whole face. On someone else it might look condescending, but he’s grinning wildly as he slides the joint back into his mouth with two fingers and leans back on his heels.
“So you’re a little dreamer, huh?” That faint blush now beats a harsh red. Fuck, you knew you sounded like an idiot – always opening up too soon and too fast to strangers who don’t really give a fuck. You were just supposed to have a conversation with this nice, albeit weird guy and go on your way and – 
He cocks his head as he looks at you, takes in your beet-red ears and cheeks and that smile falters.
“You know that’s not a bad thing, right? The world needs more dreamers. People, who despite all the bullshit, continue to believe they can be happy.”
“You could also call that being delusional,” you mutter as you take the halfway-spent joint from him when he offers. 
One of those thick eyebrows jerks as though thinking of a funny joke. He shrugs, his mouth twisting down in a disbelieving smirk. “Personally, I like to call it whimsy.” 
Whimsy? Who talks like that?
You fight a giggle and find him looking at you again, that smile smoothed out and warm again. One glance and you snort loudly, then bust out laughing. 
Those magnanimous eyes glitter as he watches you laugh yourself silly. 
“Child-like, wondrous whimsy,” he teases and you laugh harder as though he tickled you. Another snort explodes out of you and you clap your hand over your mouth, finally hearing the noises you’re making and mortified beyond reason. You glance over your shoulder, worried someone else might have heard your donkey laugh. In fact, you wish anyone other than the gorgeous man standing next to you had heard it. 
But if he finds it unpolished or annoying, he doesn’t show it. He just rolls on his heels, grinning and looking overly pleased with himself. When the giggles subside, you bite your lip at him.
“Can I ask you something?” 
“Fire away, Pistol Pete.” 
“How’d you break your arm?” 
He looks down at it as he forgot it was there.
“Uh, it’s a long story.”
He finally pulls it out of the sleeve of his jacket. Your mouth drops.
You can’t even tell what medium had been used, either paint or sharpie or something else entirely, but the cast is a mosaic of some of the most gorgeous artwork you’d ever seen. Birds in gold and blue hues, flowers and leaves in stunningly rendered detail, the curves of anonymous noses and lips and teeth and earlobes – all wound together in collage by someone with an eye for detail and a precious reverence for the mundane. 
But for all the artwork, designs you fully believe should be in a museum, you realize no one has signed it. Maybe only twelve year olds sign each other’s casts, you think harshly to yourself. Grow up.
But still, the sight makes you a little sad. 
“Did you do these?” You ask quietly.
He nods, turning his arm to give you a better look, as if eager for your approval. You think you see the horns of Goya’s El Gran Cabrón before he pulls his arm back. 
The man hasn’t answered your original question, watching your face for every microexpression. Finally, you do glance up and he has his bottom lip in teeth, as though preparing to be scolded. 
At that moment, you want nothing more than to kiss those plush lips. You swallow, feeling rather lighted-headed and capable of making terrible decisions, so you take a clear step back. 
“I got daydrunk and fell in my pool wrong.”
You frown at him. “That’s not a very long story.”
He drops your gaze, suddenly bashful, and shakes his sleeve back over his cast. “Yeah, well, I couldn’t come up with a better story that makes me look really cool, or makes you laugh, so I went with the lame truth.”
You don’t remark that it sounds like he wanted to impress you so you go for the easy alternative.
“Why would I laugh at you?” 
He flops his arms in half-shrug. “I don’t want you to laugh at me. I just want you to laugh. I like your laugh.” 
How does someone who wears their heart so openly on their sleeve survive in a place like this? You want him to swallow you down so you can count the rings in his stomach, learn his history like oak trees. 
“Who are you?” You blurt out, your mouth full of cotton and brain somewhat disconnected from your brain stem. 
At that, he laughs. “Gimme your number and you’ll find out.” 
His smile elongates the longer you stare at him. “It’s not a line. I mean, it is, but not like that, if you don’t want it to be. This fucking industry is built on who you know and I know a couple of people to know. You can call me if you have any questions or need a reference.” 
The whiplash between flirty tease and professional contact is jarring. Your fingers shaking from shock, you take your phone out of your pocket and hand it to him. 
He taps away, bobbing his head to some tune only he can hear, before lifting it up to his face and snapping a selfie – tongue out and eye squinting into the flash. 
He tosses your phone back and you learn his name for the first time. 
The shock wears off immediately and you roll your eyes.
“Okay, my turn.” 
He digs into his back pocket and slides a bright pink 2007 motorola flip-phone into your outstretched hand. 
Full – chock full, in fact – of surprises. 
“I’m not gonna get tracked,” he says seriously, eyes narrowed. “You really should think about giving up your iPhone. All kinds of bad vibes.”
You eagerly look forward to him explaining the Big Foot Conspiracy and his theories about the magic silver bullet. 
It takes you a second to type out your name with the multiple buttons, some old sense memory from seventh grade coming back like a grumpy, displeased ghost, but finally, you snap the phone together and toss it back to him.
With the nub of the smoking joint poking out of his mouth, he frowns when he looks at the phone screen. 
“Dolly Parton?”
You pluck the joint out of his mouth, a surge of playful confidence keeping your eyes locked on his. You nod. “Since we’re doing the whole fake name thing . . .”
You want to wink, with your hand on your hip, so clever to have figured out his little game, but when he continues to frown, that rush of bravery fizzles out.
“But the name I put in your phone is actually my name?”
You chuckle, surprised and confused he’s still committing to the bit, a little frustrated at this point because you are actually starting to like this guy and . . .
Unless . . .
“You’re actually Dieter Bravo? The actor? Three-time Emmy nominated actor Dieter Bravo?” 
He loops his finger through one of the free-roaming curls from under the beanie and twists it. “That’s what it says on my underwear . . . when I remember to wear it.” 
The blush on your face now scalding, you dart across the space between you and him and snatch his phone back. You can literally feel the shameful heat in your spine, your lower back, as you delete Dolly’s name and frantically type in your own. 
“I’m so, so, sorry. I was just trying to be funny. I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you but it’s dark and, um, you don’t look like I thought you would and I-I had no idea – I’m so sorry –,”
“Girlie, take a breath,” he chuckles and strokes your fingers as they tremble over the keypad. “I’ve never seen someone so stressed out after smoking half a joint before.” 
You’ve gone stock still as he bleeds the panic out of you with just his touch. You watch as his warm hand, dwarfing yours in size, slowly moves up to your wrist, your pulse point. His thumb presses into the vein and gently rubs. You can’t help the sigh that eases out of your throat as all the tension in your arm collapses into that one focal point, that one place he presses against you. You inhale, not realizing you had stopped breathing for a second and he releases gently, the ache in your body left over from the rigidity gone. 
A brief dark haze passes over his eyes when you sigh, but gives you space easy enough when you settle. 
He takes the phone out of your limp hands and reads what you’ve typed out.
“Cute name. But I think I’m still gonna call you Dolly.”
Humor is your gut instinct. Defuse a situation or calm your nerves, sometimes the best you can do is crack a (often poorly timed) joke. You feel all fluttery inside, partially because you’d been talking to Dieter “I know people who know people” Bravo all night and partially because you’re about 86% sure he’d been flirting with you. And so, without thinking, you say:
“Because of my massive tits, right?”
His eyes flit up from his phone screen to, presumably, your tits. Which are very much not Dolly-Parton-comparable. 
But he grins. He actually giggles, pressing the back of the hand holding his phone against his lips as if trying to hide his smirk.
“Yeah, that’s definitely it.” 
It is the kind of laugh that you know he’s laughing with you and not at you and he’s still staring when his laughter subsides. 
He is still staring at your tits.
Just as your face flushes what feels like the hundredth time tonight, he glances up at you. He offers you the last puff, you shake your head, so he sucks in down before flicking the nub over the railing of the patio. His hands sit heavy in his front pocket, the frown on his face contemplative, eyes searching the horizon.
“I think you’re going to text me . . . on a Tuesday,” he says, like he’s divining portents from the shapes of the clouds. 
You swallow, trying to purge yourself of this whiplash embarrassment, but you can’t quite decide what exactly to make of this man or this conversation. “What makes you say that?”
His smile is so genuine it rattles something inside you. “It’s my favorite day of the week.” 
This feels too good, too real, too intense, too fast. It was a quiet, but familiar story passed around in writer’s rooms or on the back lots of sets: an older man seduces a young girl, promising the world, and then offering nothing once he had gotten what he wanted. 
You beg your heartbeat to slow down. 
But Dieter Bravo doesn’t seem capable of that, not with his honesty, his open heart, but then again none of them ever do. 
That’s the whole point. 
“So, um, I should go. My boss is probably out back, breaking things, pissed off because I’m not behind him with a fresh macchiato.” Your phone feels absurd in your hands, as if it now carries something vital inside of it. “But, uh, thank you – for everything. The smoke, the advice, listening to me ramble endlessly –,”
“You weren’t rambling,” he says, arms crossed and finger tugging at an errant curl again. “You were talking about what makes you happy and I was listening. I like listening to you.”
You wanted to believe him. You really did. 
“I’ll call you sometime, okay?”
He nods, raising a hand in a wave, but as you turn away, something final, the last piece of the puzzle, pops into your brain.
“Why me?”
Dieter looks at you, big brown eyes confused like a puppy whom you scolded for chewing on your shoe. 
“What do you mean?”
“There’s gotta be at least fifty people here. Why did you stop me from going into Eliot’s room? 
Dieter shrugs, that easy smile returning. “You looked like the only other person who didn’t want to be here. And you’re really pretty,” he adds casually and your heart launches itself into your throat. “I’ve got a thing for really pretty girls. Gets me into a lot of trouble.”
There comes that heat, that flare in his gaze that makes you wonder how someone like him fucks, all proof necessary that he has a working cock, and he’s not some mystical, Willy-Wonka-esque Ken doll. 
It’s a look that makes you wonder if he wants his cock in you. 
“Good night, Dieter.”
“Night, Dolly.” 
Weeks passed and immediately you were so drowned in work, Dieter Bravo occasionally slipped your mind, falling back on your list of things to do when a deadline was approaching.
But when a contract for a position in a new writer’s room passes over your desk, you pause, and immediately think of him. The offer is unbelievable. More money than you thought possible working as an underling. The channel set to produce was the real deal, likely to order more seasons if the first went well. 
“Saw your writing,” your boss told you by way of explaining your dreams falling directly into your lap. “Good work. I sent some of it off, and the studio came back with this. Don’t take too long signing the dotted line, okay?” 
You nod, dumb-founded as he walks off, and you glance back at the contract.
And, despite your almost desperate elation, something felt off. But you didn’t know enough about the industry to confidently say if this is a bad deal or not. 
So, with a glance down the hall, you call the only person you know who would.
He is immediately livid. Not that you haven’t called, of course, but that someone has clearly tried to take advantage of you. 
“Do not take that deal. That corporate bullshit means they’ll own your IP for years to come. I can’t believe they’d do that to you. Stay right there and whatever you do, do not sign that. I’m calling someone at the studios.”
“Yeah. Uh, okay, Dieter, I won’t,” you murmur, half-expecting your hand to burn if you picked the contract up again. “But, um, thank you, for being honest with me. It felt weird, but I didn’t want to pass up an opportunity and I was freaking out that this was the only one I was gonna get but I didn’t want to be rash,so I, um, . . .”
You trail off, the sudden silence on the other line only making your panic and shame more pronounced. You cringe inwardly – Dieter Bravo had better fucking things to do than console a baby screenwriter out of her first mistake – and Jesus, if there was ever a chance he was going to sleep with you, it’s long gone now – it must be, no one willingly sleeps with someone so goddamn gullible.
“Dolly?” His voice is quiet, but with a certain edge that makes you picture that implish little smirk. “Do you know what day it is?” 
“It’s Tuesday.” 
That phone call turned into a new job with a female-led production team, thank yous over drinks, late-night dinners at obscure and dark Chinese food restaurants, movie nights at your shamefully small apartment, and then . . . a kiss.
Which led to all the rest. 
A year later and you’re so in love with Dieter Bravo, you crank up Beyonce’s Countdown and belt it from the top of your lungs every time you hear it on the radio. 
There’s a new irritant, a new agitation that can only be soothed by him. He’s remade you, changed you, reformed your very being to be missing a piece when he’s not around. He’s made space for him inside you, there was no life – not a real one, not a happy one – not before him and there won’t be anyone or anything after him. No one else fits with you anymore. Ever again. 
Your blood runs hot over the ridges of his fingerprints, stamped deep on your soul and your bones.
Trouble is, he’ll never know.
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“And the award for Best Actor goes to . . .”
His grip is almost painful and you return it with everything you can, your jaw drawn tight.
The pause feels like it lasts forever.
You hear his name and you think for a second you’ve blacked out, that you’ve somehow missed the moment, or you’ve somehow slipped into a pungently real dream. 
And the crowd erupts.
The spotlight finds him in the crowd and you’re being pulled into his chest. 
The cologne he wears costs more than your car payment but the instant you’re crushed up into his silken shirt, it’s him. Beneath all the layers, beneath the veneer, the man with the green beanie and fervent yellow jacket is still there. Somewhere. You love them both.
“You did it, darling, you did it,” you whisper into his ear and that’s all you can say before you know you have to tear yourself back, because every second you linger on him, the harder it becomes to quell this rising tide inside you that increasingly tastes like salt water whenever he’s around. It’s become so obvious his name resides in the cup of your mouth. 
But when you do pull out of his embrace, in the ringing shout of the crowd, the sparkle of the spotlight, his hand lingers on your elbow, and in a space of a heartbeat that lasts impossibly longer in your memory, you’re met with such a look of profound regret you feel it take up room in your chest. 
And in an instant, it’s gone. Grinning broadly, he drops your elbow and moves on down the line, cheered on by his peers, the white light from above illuminating his broad back, the bits of gray becoming ever more present in his beard. You cheer and you cheer and you cheer and you hope it’s from all the cheering that your voice grows hoarse and the tears start to trickle out of the corner of your eyes. 
You’re trembling visibly as he accepts his award, showing just the right amount of awe, and appreciation, and excitement. He glances up into the spotlight and there’s the real Dieter for just a split second before he humbly gawks at the golden statue in his hand.
The clock begins.
Make your speech thoughtful and poignant – relevant to what is close to people’s hearts right now.
Be profusive with your thanks. Better start with that, actually. Lower yourself at the height of your glory.
Mention family, friends, names and faces that the masses don’t know because it makes you appear connected to a reality those watching on the television can only speculate about. Say something kindly about how this means so much to you.
Cry a bit, but not too much. Keep your voice steady but with tears in your eyes. Cut yourself off, the emotion too much, and say thank you again. 
And anything more than three minutes, they start to play you off. 
You’re mentally going through the notes on a potential acceptance speech his PR manager gave him on the drive over, but in the end, it’s clear he doesn’t need it. 
Dieter’s speech is excellent. 
Really good. Really, really, really good. It has a flare of genuinity, but not the bite of vulnerability that makes people uncomfortable. 
He’s been practicing for weeks now, editing as he talks, in the mirror, while driving home from the grocery store, before he goes to sleep. Tonight’s speech, a compilation of all that you’ve listened to time and time again, is the best version of all of them. 
He’s soft when he needs to be and excited when he can. He’s onto the gratitude bit, going through the director, the writers, the cast and crew, even his costar, whose beautiful face is shown on the twenty foot screen above the stage, joyful tears in her eyes. And as the applause dies down, his big hand dwarfing the tiny metal statue, his fingers flexing, Dieter’s back goes ridgid, his eyes downcast. A smile slips out infinitesimally. 
Dieter clears his throat and looks up.
“And there’s someone else I’d like to thank. This, uh, this one goes to all the little dreamers out there. Working nine to five, to make your dreams happen. We did it, baby, couldn’t have done it without you.”
He stares into the camera and you swear, you fucking swear, he’s looking right at you. 
It’s a drowning sort of wave, this focal point that draws you down into him. It’s all consuming and it’s tender and it touches places you didn’t know could go this warm and what else could describe this but love? You resent the Academy, this place, these people for keeping him away from you. You think you’ll claw out the eyes of anyone who tries to separate you again.
You are crying – for your industry friend, his guest at the Oscars, so sees the cameras and the glitz and the glamor. 
You’re crying because you’re in too deep. 
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The rest of the night is dipped into a champagne glass and swirled fast, catching like lighting in a bottle.
Gold dust falling fast, dizzily. 
Bubbles, glinting green and pink in the light, rising and winking out of existence.
Golden bubbles in your drink, in your mouth. Your throat. Your stomach. 
You feel lighter than air. 
With him, you feel as bright and as strong as diamonds. As timeless and luminescent as pearl.
As beautiful as gold. 
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When the door finally shuts behind you in a darkened apartment, you’ve entered a secret, separate realm of domesticity: mismatched shoes, coffee creamer flavors you don’t like, and shampoo bottles that take up too much space in your shower.
It’s quiet here, blue and shadowed. The girl who left here hours ago to get ready in a hotel halfway across town forgot to leave on a light, rushing out in her haste. 
Behind you, you hear him snicker, his tongue behind his teeth, champagne bubbles still in his nose, as he hangs his silk jacket on your coat rack, right next to your muddy raincoat and baseball caps faded with sweat. 
“We gotta be quiet,” he hums, wobbling a bit as he toes out of his expensive loafers, pushing them near your off-brand birkenstocks. “Nala’s gonna hate me forever if we wake her up now.”
He is, of course, referring to your tabby cat, who hates everyone who isn’t you, and has a distinct requirement for twelve hour naps with no interruptions. Dieter swears he’s going to wake up one morning with that cat flexing her claws against his throat.
It takes you a moment to recognize and comprehend how your lives have melted together, how extracting you from him and him from you would be akin to destructive alchemy, the process of deconstructing two things causing both of them to oxidize and reduce to flaky rust. You’re drunk and you’re a little dizzy and you’re swaying slightly because your feet hurt but you are too consumed by introspection on your own feelings, what it means to love something other than yourself, to do anything about it. 
You’re so far gone from your own body you float, untethered and lost in thought, right up until the moment his arms come around your waist and he pulls you into his chest, like slipping on a beloved coat. 
“I think I can buy you for a quarter at Coney Island,” he murmurs into the nape of your neck like he is reciting Neruda’s poetry. You stifle a smile, your hands gripping around his elbows, as he sways with you. He does this a lot; thinks one thing, then two, then three, and by the time it comes out of his mouth, it’s nonsensical to anyone not strapped into his train of thought. 
“Try again, darling.” You stroke his cheek with your thumb, his chin tucked over your shoulder, ear pressed to yours. “I think you missed a couple of steps.” 
Your voice is gummy even to your own ears, the endless drinks at the afterparty stitching your syllables and consonants together into some freakish creature. He’s slightly blurry in your eyes, his presence overwhelming all of your senses as they try to keep you upright. 
He chuckles and presses his face into your neck in what you believe is an attempted kiss. 
“I mean, you glow,” he admits quietly to your skin. The grin falls from your face when your heart constricts. “You fucking shined tonight and I couldn’t stop thinking how beautiful and sweet you looked. Sweetness I wanna lick up.” He chuckles again, this time through his nose, laughing at his own absurdity. “And then I remembered cotton candy is sweet too and you can buy cotton candy at Coney Island for a quarter and. . . I think I can buy you for a quarter at Coney Island.” 
He scrapes the back of your neck with his teeth as he nudges you forward down the hall, not sparing an inch between your bodies. Which makes for a disastrous time, both of you drunk, his socked feet slipping on the wood, and your heels and dress tangling up together. 
“Baby, wait–,” 
“We’re almost to the bedroom, we can make it–,”
“Not if we break our necks first. Gimme a second, I’ll just–,”
You slide out of his grasp, inching down the wall and tucking up the truly insane amount of tulle they managed to stitch into your dress. You feel like you’ve been digging for five minutes before you find what you're looking for.
You stick your heel in the air and fiddle with the clasp around your ankle, drunk and working in near total darkness.
Dieter huffs and slides to the floor next to you. He watches you struggle for a minute, nearly swallowed up by the layers and layers of tulle, before he squeezes the air with his open hand.
“Gimme. We’ll be here all night.”
You pout visibly and awkwardly rotate until your foot is in his lap. His fingers are warm as he plucks at the clasp.
“I am perfectly capable of getting dressed on my own.” You toss your hair indignantly. 
“Yeah, but you’re always going to need my help to get undressed, right?” He smirks, eyes bleary, as he slides the heel off your foot and takes up the other one when you don’t move. 
Always, he said. 
He’s being so soft, so gentle.
He sees the red marks left behind by the straps of your heels and frowns, displeased. Slumped over in the hallway of your tiny, pathetic apartment, his top few buttons of his pressed dress shirt hopelessly gone, tonight’s bow tie slung around his neck like a tipsy snake, Dieter gives you a foot rub by way of kneading out your pain. 
He kisses your ankle with such reverence, adoration, the liquid in your mouth vanishes and ends up in the crotch of your tights. 
You’re both too drunk for an actual fuck (“don’t make fun of my whisky dick, baby, it makes it sad,”) but you don’t want to be anywhere else but in your bed with him when you do sober up. So, you let the tulle drop, Dieter giggling as he gets hit with an avalanche of dress and you both clamor over each other to stand up. 
Towering over you and smelling like rich, warm, leather and splash of something spicy, he raises an eyebrow at you. You scrunch up your face, your twisted-up mouth betraying the stern look in your eyes, and put your knuckles to your hips. He matches your stance, this town ain’t big enough for the two of us . . .
“You’re in my way,” he grumbles, his mouth twitching. 
“Maybe you’re in mine.”
“Well, then it looks like we’ve got on our hands a good ol’ Mexican standoff.” 
“By all means, pardner, stick ‘em up.”
You eye him like PopEye, cheek full of nothing but air, your one eye all squinty. At that, he completely breaks, going red as he laughs. You hold the pose for a second longer before you collapse against him, laughing until tears run out of the corners of your eyes. You press your forehead into his chest, his heartbeat like a homing beacon, as he nuzzles the back of your head, giggles escaping occasionally on puffs of air. 
“That’s it!” He says after a moment of silence and tosses his hands into the air. “I’ve had enough! I can’t do this anymore!”
Without warning, he bends down and hauls you over his shoulder. He continues his tirade over your brief gasp of surprise – “Dieter!” – his finger indignantly in the air as he marches off towards the bedroom.  
“I can no longer date a girl who is funnier than me and so goddamn, fucking pretty. Who let you do that, huh? Who taught you how to be so fucking adorable? Answer me, you sexy, little weirdo.”
He tickles you enough just to make you squirm before dramatically tossing you onto the bed. You assume your best heart-broken divorcé pose, hand draped over your forehead, one leg tucked under the other. 
“Think of the children, honey! Nala needs a father’s influence, a lonely girl trying to survive in a man’s world! You can’t shoulder me with the responsibility of single motherhood!” You sit up, eyes fluttering up at him. “Everything I learned, I learned it all from you!”
Smirking, he kneels onto the mattress, your body folding back as he hovers forward, his nose inches from yours. You fight the shiver that arches up your body every time he gets that look on his face. He’s got your sanity between his teeth. “That child loathes me, darling,” he purrs. “She’s better off with you. She looks far too much like the milkman to be mine anyway.”
Your fake gasp is buried beneath the lunge of his mouth over yours. His hand cups your cheek as his mouth seeks out all its favorite places against your lips, your skin, your jaw. Your fingers dig into his wrinkled, once-starched shirt, the heat of his skin pricking your fingertips.
It’s right there, that knife edge between starting something there’s no going back from, no alternative path that ends in anything other than him buried deep inside you, filth that still makes you blush pouring from his mouth into your ear. A part of you, the part of you that’s been stalking behind every smile and touch he sends your way all night, the part of you that every nerve sing for him, is begging you to continue. To touch him in the right places that make his eyelids drop, mouth wrench open, to take on the animal that’s gnawing at you both. 
But you don’t. You can’t.
The simple fact of the matter is – you’re exhausted. You know he is too. The Oscar statue sitting on your entryway is a culmination of dozens of exhausted nights that finally paid off. 
He sighs when you pull back, there is no anger on his face, no disappointment that you’re ending things here. There’s only . . .
“You looked really, really pretty tonight,” he confesses to your nose with a smile. “Thanks . . . for coming with me tonight. You make everything better.”
You tuck his hair over his ear, feeling whole and small beneath the gentle search of his gaze. His hair is getting long and you love it, but you don’t want to nag him about it. The universe has finally balanced itself with him in between your legs, the foundations that make up the galaxy all settled in right here. 
He takes it one step further, reaching back behind him to the comforter you keep on the end of the bed that inevitably gets kicked to the floor every time he stays over. You’d pick it up and put it back every day of your life without complaint if it meant him in your bed until the end of time. 
Dieter tosses the blanket over both of your heads and crawls back in between your legs, elbows tucked by your ribs. All the champagne in the world couldn’t give you this same warm, bubbly feeling in your chest as his weight sinks into you.
He’s submerged you both in another realm, a deeper one than the one before, and in this one you have to whisper, even though the only other person in all of existence is inches from your nose. 
“You’re drunk,” you murmur, hushed. You can barely find the outline of his chin, his lips, his nose. The steady drum in your chest misses a beat as you consider where he might be looking on you. 
He awkwardly tugs your knuckles from both hands beneath his head, kissing them gently before allowing them to quietly slide into his hair. He’s so warm, nearly completely invisible to you in the blackness, the weight of his broad chest threatens to choke the air right out of you. But this exactly is how you want it to be. You want to be overwhelmed by Dieter Bravo.  
“I’m not drunk,” he tuts, a soft slur still tucking his words together. 
You reach down just inches to his temple, following the lines of his body that swear all lead to you, to find the arch of his cheek. He closes his eyes, lashes fluttering like butterfly wings against your thumbs. 
“Could a drunk person do this?” He asks quietly, as close as he could come to indignant in this special, dark little world. 
You wait, for a sloppy kiss, for something hard to tap against your thigh, but nothing comes. In fact, he doesn’t move. 
You inhale as best you can, grinning, ready to start another proverbial sparring match with him.
“You’re not doing anything, Dieter.”
His eyelashes stroke your thumbs again, a kitten lick, as he opens his eyes. 
“I sent you my love. Did you not get it?”
All in the air in your lungs is purged in a heavy gasp as his words impact your chest the way comets collide with meteors. 
He says your name, concerned by the wounded noise you just made, and when you don’t answer, he leans back, tugging the blanket as he goes.
It’s not until you’re looking up at him in your bedroom, his face blurry and your cheeks cold, that you realize you’re crying. 
“Dolly, what did I do?” He sounds so concerned, so visibly shaken, you can’t help but cry harder. He only touches your wrist, as if he’d been banished from your body. 
If you hadn’t had so much to drink, this wouldn’t be happening or at least you’d be able to get it to stop, reign in those explosive feelings that you had kept for so long deep and buried until he came along with a match in the dark. 
You take a deep breath, eyes locked onto the ceiling, hands clenched in fists. You know he can feel the tension in your forearm beneath his thumb making circles inches below your pulsepoint. You thought you never, ever wanted to have this conversation, but now you understand this has been the only thing that’s been on your mind for months.
“You don’t mean that,” you croak into the darkness. You feel small and foolish, embarrassed for having a body that produces emotions. 
“Don’t mean what, darling?” He’s still talking quietly, but firmer, providing a hook onto which you can grasp and fight the current in your mind. He knows this feeling, anxiety, and he hates how it looks on you.
“That you love me.”
Your words ring in the air, like the distinctive pitch of singing glass. You swallow that choking knot further down your throat and, wrenching your gaze down from the ceiling, finally look him in the eyes.
It’s the same look he blinked at you from the seats, there and gone so fast you partially convinced yourself you’d imagined it: profound, deep regret.
“You think I don’t love you?”
His tone makes you instantly feel guilty. Did you miss something? What if he texted it to you and you didn’t see it? Or wrote it in a note . . .
“You’ve never said it. At least not to me.” 
And his face crumbles.
He slides off his haunches, feet dangling over the edge of the bed, his big shoulders curved. 
Slowly, as if believing he has no right to, he touches your ankle, where he had rubbed away those painful marks in the hallway. He shakes his head, smirking darkly at himself.
“At the risk of sounding like a dramatic fucking actor, I didn’t want to put you in harm’s way.”
You sit up, unable to help yourself from curling up next to him, his grip adjusting to your thigh, instantly finding the heat of it beneath all the tulle. Cutting right to the core of you. 
He gets this furtive glance when he’s thinking about something unpleasant, his eyes darting rapidly back and forth, as though unable to choose the right course of action. How much does he say, how much does he give away?
He rubs your dress material between his fingers.
“I’m older than you,” is how he starts. When your mouth twists open, ready with a litany of reasons why you don’t care, why no one should – reasons you’ve already said to him a dozen times – he meets your gaze and silences everything in your head. “And it’s not me they’re going to come for.” 
The weight, the finality to his voice shoves that knot right back up your throat, your eyes hot and tight.
“I . . . I didn’t say it, outloud, because then we’d have to do something about it. I don’t want to keep us in the dark, but . . .” he swallows as if choking too. “But after the dox two years ago and then the incident in Austin, I feel like I’ll be putting you in physical harm when they find out we’re together. And I would literally rather die than have anything happen to you.”
He kisses your temple, the touch a consolation. 
You don’t want to turn away, you want every kiss he gives you, but all you can feel are the studio’s words, the words of your managers, pressing down on you:
You know how some fans get. For your safety, let’s give it two years. 
We’re happy for you, we really are, but you can’t be seen together too much. Minimal instagram, rare public appearances. We’re just trying to keep up appearances until the fans settle. 
You’d happily kill anyone who tried to take him from you. 
But you know he’s right.
“It has nothing to do with how I feel about you, what I feel for you,” he promises, voice warm, dipped in honey. “I just . . . I can’t lose you.”
“Then can you say it just this once? Just to me?” You try to smile but the tightening of your skin only spills the tears. “Please, Dieter, I won’t ask again. I have to hear it once from you. After that, I promise I–,”
His great warm palm covets the back of your neck, rolling you into him like melting chocolate drips onto the floor. He stops, inches from your mouth, so close you can feel your neutrons mix with his.
“I love you.” 
Earnest, genuine, real. 
A green beanie and a yellow jacket.
Chinese food and dreams of a better life. Of a happy life.
You steady yourself, your spinning world, against his hand around your cheek, clutching onto his wrist like it’s the last great lighthouse at the end of the world.
You open your eyes and, yes, yes, there is adoration in his smile, in the way he watches his words soothe some ache inside of you with joy.
“I love you too,” you tell him, in case it wasn’t obvious. If somehow he couldn’t smell your obsession for him. “I love you,” you say again, firmly. 
It’s an inevitable sort of fall, his mouth into yours.
Like neutron stars collapsing together, alone and quiet in the far reaches of space.
Like the stone bones of an ancient church cracking and tipping into the sea as time and erosion eats away at a once great monument.
Like the spinning metal within a compass, never failing to find north, to find home.
When you awake next to him the next morning, warm in a way that goes behind physical body heat, he kisses your nose.
I love you, he tells you, with his words, with his body. With the dozens of ways he’s been mulling over in his mind to keep you safe and make you his for everyone to see.
I love you, he tells you that morning. 
And every morning after that.
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sunrisevideos · 24 days
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beingsanket · 1 year
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croziers-compass · 9 months
*Coming into your inbox wrapped in a blanket for the sleepover ask game*
Tell me a story about your day!! Also any loose terror hcs you got rattling around over there perhaps :3c
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I'll get the kettle on and put the soup on the stove and break out the little wee biscuits! A few candles here and there and a small pot of incense with shanties off the record player. A story about my day. Well, it finally snowed right and proper here. I could see the lake from my house and the water coated in such whiteness. When it snows the way it does up here, it muffles everything. The pressed silence blankets you like a sheet; an eerie presence trickling softly down around you with the whispers of a breeze that never seems to go further than your feet. I do love that dearly. I also have placed a white tailed deer skull into a large container full of borax solution last evening past. I intend for it to by crystallised. We will see how many crystals grew on it or if this experiment was successful in a bit.
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As for Terror Headcannons... I am trying to think of ones that perhaps I have not spoken about.
However, I imagine Francis Crozier possessing a small Saint Brendan token. But keeping it well hidden.
Nedward, dear dear Nedward, is not a virgin but had a weird back alleyway tryst with one of the Barrow Boys that left him very unsure what to do with himself. All because James said something about it.
Graham Gore is the best shot between any of the ships. He is so incredible at trapshoot that it would make the marines blush.
Hoar is actually from a wealthy family.
Dundy enjoys writing romantic poetry but dropped it aboard the Erebus.
James Fitzjames flirted his way through Türkiye when he made a try at an Overlands Expedition.
James also liked to practice ballroom dancing with Hodgson (since the two of them were friends) because of Hodgson's size and weight.
James, Hodgson, Edward, Dundy, and John all got together very regularly to hang out and goof off, get drunk, or simply lark abouts and they were very flirtatious with one another. But such things had to be kept rather under wraps aboard the Expedition.
Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you enjoyed!
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hawthornsword · 1 year
Get To Know Me
Thanks for the tag @lizardberries
1. Are you named after anyone? No, but I was almost named after a great grandma. They decided against something so old fashioned.
2. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday when I went to see Little Mermaid. I cry easy.
3. Do you have kids? No, I don't have that urge. Although for some reason my brother thinks I should take his if he dies, which, thanks for the trust, but also that's terrifying?!
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? So much.
5. What sports do you play/have you played? Gymnastics as a 5 year old but I wasn't able to continue when we moved. Tried basketball, soccer, and volleyball at different points, hated all of them. Does marching band count? Archery in college which I loved and need to start again, and hubby and I started trapshooting like 2 weeks ago.
6. What's the first thing you notice about other people? Uhh, facial expression?
7. What's your eye color? I say green, but I think it's technically hazel.
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Not scary. I like suspense and intrigue and gothic and spooky-weird and thinky, but not "scary". I prefer happy endings, but if the ending isn't happy it has to be worth it somehow.
9. Any special talents? Baking and organization
10. Where were you born? Texas
11. What are your hobbies? Reading, writing, drawing/painting, travel, fiber crafts (mostly knitting).
12. Do you have any pets? One cat.
13. How tall are you? 5'3"
14. Favorite subject in school? That's tough because I love learning, so all of them. But also school sucked and I was smarter than my teachers, so none of them. But if forced to pick only one - English, because writing.
15. Dream job? Run my own publishing company and publish all my and my friends' original work. (Aka actually finish writing my novels).
Tagging whoever else wants to play!
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gothedrals · 1 year
girlboss (gn) of the century. you have the most insane list of hobbies (kickline and trapshooting????) which is insanely badass. I love reading your liveblogs when you listen to a new queen album, and although I only have secondary knowledge of transformers through my brothers, seeing your tf stuff feeds my nostalgia and makes the dash feel like home 🩷
mutuals, send me a 🍓 for a compliment :)
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onlineantiques · 2 years
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