What fandom do I participate in and how?
Out of all the things that I am interested in, the fandom I’d say I enjoy the most is traveling. Although I am only a “beginning” fan, having only been to a few travel destinations, those moments of new discoveries are definitely my favorite thing ever. There is something about the newness of a place I haven’t explored yet that makes me want to try out everything there is to offer there. We get so used to our everyday routine of going to school, eating our American cheese burgers and wearing our skinny jeans that we don’t take a step back to put ourselves in other people’s shoes. This, in fact, is why traveling is so close to my heart. It pushes me outside my comfort zone and allows me to try out the religious practices of other countries, eat a meal with wild ingredients, wear a new “trendy” outfit and observe how others interact with one another. 
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There are many ways in which you can participate in the fandom of traveling, even on a low budget. As I mentioned, I’m only beginning my traveling journey so there are many things I am still learning. One thing I do to keep up with my traveling passion, even without leaving my bed, is online browsing. There are so many opportunities to save money on flights and hotels just by signing up for airline emails/rewards and downloading apps that compare prices for you. My favorite right now is the Skyscanner App, which tells you exactly when prices will drop and what weekends have the best deals for a variety of destinations. Fortunately, I also have a father who travels for work often through United which allows my family to earn points for free flights. I’d like to make my own account sometime soon to start earning points too. When all else fails and I don’t feel like putting in the effort that week to research the lowest prices, I still participate in the traveling fandom by following bloggers and youtubers who live the lifestyle I strive to have. They post tons of pictures,videos, and stories about their numerous adventures and sometimes give tips for traveling cheap as well. This not only motivates me to keep working for what I love but it also gives me different perspectives of how unique every place is without physically visiting it myself. 
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Blessed ✨🙏🏻✨to have hostels so I can travel for a longer period of time to cover the places i need and want to explore, travel, teach & heal. - Ancient Healings Around the World (you tube) Www.ancienthealingsmmxii.com Sessions done via phone (what’s app) and in-person along my travels. All videos are up on you tube. Stay tuned... #melbourne #australia #hostelliving #hosteltraveling #travle #hostel #travelingcheap #afforabletraveling #empatichealer #spiritualintuitive #sherrymethling #ancienthealingsaroundtheworld
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