#travis leich
neopuff · 4 months
so i just rewatched Hunters (2020) on amazon over the weekend - little did i know that amazon had chopped up and reorganized the first season to make it over an hour shorter than it was originally
wish i'd realized it sooner cuz a lot of good scenes were removed, maybe not plot important but they emphasized the point of a show where the discussion is Nazis Are Still Alive and Well. but anyway. for anyone who wants to know what all was cut here's an incomplete list of everything i noticed as i skimmed through the original version of the show today:
ep 1:
jonah thinking about college letters/looking at carol across the street before ruth gets shot
travis introduction scene
nasa nazi lady choking on her food, stripping in the bathroom
jonah & friends looking at girls on the beach
meyer talking about chava and the human chessboard scene
jonah eating the soup and yelling that its not his safta's soup
some dialogue removed from meyers speech to jonah at the end
ep 2:
the whole team introduction scene??? with all the comic book-y styles
"im tired im hungry im in fucking florida" millie scene
holstedder holocaust flashbacks were completely removed?
lonny saying he'd fuck ruth if she was younger and that everyone scares him, jonah mentioning cheeks and bootyhole to him
movie opening changed to mix with team introduction scene
scene with holstedder at the piano felt very different
meyer picking up the phone
how many nazis were killed in nuremberg
maria introduction scene
biff and tobias phone call
schidler corp nazi writing July 13 on a map
ep 3:
ruth first night in the camps flashback was shortened significantly
lonny pissing his name on the ground
millie and maria scene w/ travis watching them (that acknowledges sommers)
eva talking to nazi employees, "darwin's offspring"
Know This Now: How To Find A Nazi
"no one wants to be robin" "robin's got it made" conversation. "there's nothing wrong with wanting to stay alive"
stayin alive boardwalk scene where jonah sees young ruth
bootyhole and jonah couch conversation
joe and roxy hand scene and conversation extended
some travis stalking millie scenes were removed
"homegirl is a jew"
eva talking about biff's weapon, then travis and eva phone call where he reports heinz' death. a bunch of lines were cut. including "we've got friends in the FBI"
"ruth chose the darkness" mindy @ jonah
lonny and harriet scene in the restaurant
ep 4:
travis looking at photos in jonahs bed
wolf/ruth conversation lines cut
a bit of harriet & contact man's scene cut
lines from murray and bank nazi were cut, criticism of meyer's character
"compensation from maryanne's family is prepared" money scene with tobias
lonny harassing the bank cops
millie/maria i love you scene
meyer gives jonah the ring
ep 5:
"i don't look that jewish" "you? jew." lonny and jonah scene
tilda sauer presentation and information
jonah being terrible to carol
lonny on the phone with his agent
some dialogue between biff and juanita
ep 6:
some of harriet's flashbacks were cut, small scenes
some dialogue between biff and juanita
ep 7:
some of joe's traumatic share time story was cut
the slinky on una's stairs
music box cipher with the lullaby to get the code
joe: "hi. you're little." @ roxy's daughter, lingering looks between joe and roxy
lonny on the ground bleeding
ep 8:
travis arguing back at eva
jonah apologizing to mindy
Game Show Sequence - Why Does Everyone Hate the Jews?
ep 9:
US tribunal was reshot as a serious flashback rather than an old timey TV screening, also many lines were cut. "yup, that shit really happened!"
carol finding jonah's college acceptance letters
lonny and harriet talking about lonny's dad
jonah's friends seeing him drive away with the hunters and discuss talking to the cops
biff and millie talking
travis drinking eva's blood milk
big soundtrack change while lonny's sneaking into the electrical part of the factory
lonny explaining his fake bomb
ep 10:
harriet fishing meyer out of the water
millie talking to travis in jail and he talks about orange and a bunch of other lines were cut
meyer and ruth flashbacks were shortened i think
travis' parents coming to see him in prison and then he asks for a jew lawyer
some of travis' conversation with the lawyer was cut
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neverscreens · 2 years
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Like or reblog  the post of it was useful. Your interaction  shows me that I should  keep making screencaps. And if you want me to  post some in separate  posts, tell me! ♡
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Crossover n°65: Hans Landa (Inglourious Basterds) & Travis Leich (Hunters)
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Imagine those two N*zi psychopaths having a meeting in a federal prison.
Hans Landa: Listen there, boy: you need to get out of here before the Latinos skin you alive, and I need someone to look after those “Hunters” and the remaining members of Lieutenant Raine’s commando. Will you be able to do that for me?
Travis Leich: Y...Yes. I will, Standartenführer. You won’t get disappointed!
Hans Landa: Wünderbar. Then, I shall see you on Saturday for your liberation. Get some rest until then, we have a lot of things to do.
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charlottenorthup · 7 months
Overview/plot of the pilot episode 
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The 2020 television series, Hunters, follows a group of Nazi hunters in 1977 New York. This group of people have discovered that Nazi’s who had fled to the United States following WWII have infiltrated different parts of New York and other parts of the U.S. in hopes of establishing a Fourth Reich in which they continue the mass genocide of the Jewish population. In the opening scene of the first episode, the viewer sees Biff Simpson hosting a barbecue at his home. When one of the guests begins to panic upon recognizing him as a Nazi, he kills everyone in attendance, including his own family. When speaking to neo-Nazi, Travis Leich, he explains that he had to do this to protect their plan. Meanwhile, we are introduced to Jonah Heidelbaum, a young-adult codebreaker residing in Brooklyn. In the first episode, he witnesses his grandmother shot to death in their home by someone who criticizes her for “thinking she could escape.” Following this, he meets Meyer Offerman at her funeral, who claims to have been in Auschwitz with her. In an attempt to avenge her death, Jonah is almost killed by the former Auschwitz guard that murdered his grandmother, only to be saved at the last minute by Offerman. It is then that he discovers and is introduced to “the hunters,” a group of people with whom his grandmother had been working with prior to her death. 
While all of this is happening, Millie Morris is an FBI agent who is investigating the death of a NASA chemist, Gretel Fischer, who was gassed in her shower. She later uncovers a photo of Fischer shaking Hitler’s hand, and it is revealed that she was a Nazi chemist who was killed by one of the hunters. At the end of the episode, Travis Leich meets with a woman known to be “The Colonel.” They both salute Hitler and declare the beginning of the Fourth Reich.  
What is the koinos kosmos (common world) and mutually assumed knowledge the series shares with viewers?
The koinos kosmos (common world) depicted in the series is largely seen through the depiction of the Nazi regime through flashbacks to concentration camps and the brutal destruction and murder that was carried out during the war. These scenes are based on real events and adhere to the historical accuracy of the camps and the Third Reich in Germany. The Nazi’s that we see in the first episode continue to spread their values, making disparaging references and comments to the common person. One example of this is when Travis Leich explains to a Black girl doing laundry that she needs to separate the colors from the whites with a smirk after he sees her gaze linger on the swastika tattoo on his back. This alludes to the Nazi’s idea of cleansing in order to maintain their view of a “perfect race,” which they called the Aryan race. Similarly, the frequent anti-semitic ideology displayed post war in the series is also not a part of the alternative history, as these ideas continued to be very prevalent and remain that way today. A frequent issue in the show is the inability to involve the police, as Offerman affirms multiple times that they would not care enough about the escaped Nazi’s to help the group.
How does the series depict cultural hybridity through the altered history’s role in reflecting and reshaping cultural assumptions? 
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The main way that the series depicts cultural hybridity through the altered history’s role is by giving the Jewish population a voice and large scale representation. There are many historical movies, books, and television shows based on the Holocaust, such as The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, but there are very few that alter history to allow them to form a group such as the hunters. This gives them the ability to fight back in a post war society, in an attempt to fully rid the world of the Nazis that still infiltrate it. The show creates a plotline in which there are two sides in their own war, as the hunters seek out the escaped Nazis. Once the Nazis learn that people are onto them, they begin to do the same. In the first episode, Meyor Offerman gives Jonah and the rest of the group a speech that sheds light on their stance and ultimate goal. This monologue is empowering and truly solidifies the group as the heroes of the story.     
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How does the series depict the power of understanding world-creation?
The series depicts the power of understanding world-creation primarily through the character of Jonah and themes of “found family.” Initially, we see his life filled with emptiness, as he sells drugs for money in an attempt to feed himself and his grandmother before her death. Following her death, he uncovers a box in her drawer, which has letters and pieces of the life she led after being kept in concentration camps. Through flashbacks, the viewer is able to see her bond with Offerman form and the foundation of the group that she created post-war. This brings Jonah to his sort of destiny in a way, allowing him to continue the work that she was doing to rid the United States of the escaped Nazis, which in itself is the alternate history that the series establishes.  
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In what ways do formulations of the past, present, and future engage with prospective realities of what might have been and what might be in the series’ alerted history? 
The series uses flashbacks to formulate a historically accurate image of the past, aside from Jonah’s grandmother’s storyline with fellow prisoners and guards of Auschwitz. The flashbacks range from when Nazis first invaded, tearing individuals from their homes, in which Ruth Heidelbaum affirms that “they wanted to kill us for just being ourselves,” in a narration over the flashback. Throughout the first season, there are many of these brutal flashbacks of each group member’s life during the war, including the intense trauma and loss. The Nazis maintain their brutality and show of no mercy, treating the Jewish population, as well as all minorities, as anything other than human.
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The present day world in the series is 1977 New York, in which WWII itself has ended, and many have taken a very relaxed, pro-American stance. Many individuals throughout the series are shocked to learn that there are thousands of Nazis living under aliases in the U.S., and many (mostly members of the government) have grown comfortable with this fact, describing it as almost inevitable. I feel that the show as a whole serves as a reminder that hatred, as well as discriminative and stereotypical ideology is upheld by those that believe in it. This evil is found everywhere in the series, even when character’s least expect it. I think this alludes to our modern day society and that often, those that we look up to and those that hold positions of power, are corrupt and power driven.  
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How do multiple realities or contemplations of multiple realities merge with questions of authenticity?
It is very much necessary to note that the show was criticized, including for one scene at Auschwitz in particular, in which the series showed a murderous, human game of chess take place. Chess is a recurring motif in the show, and this scene was completely fiction and established for the sake of the plot. However, its creation did not land, and it put the show under fire by the Auschwitz museum itself and many other viewers that found it unnecessary and extremely uncomfortable and offensive. This is one example of the ways that the multiple realities depicted in the show, those that are meant to be altered and those that are meant to be historically accurate were not able to mix properly, questioning authenticity.  
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dan6085 · 1 year
"Hunters" is a television series that premiered on Amazon Prime Video in 2020. The show is set in 1970s New York City and follows a diverse group of Nazi hunters who are tracking down former high-ranking Nazi officials who have secretly moved to the United States and are working to establish a Fourth Reich.
At the end of Season 1, the hunters successfully capture the head of the Fourth Reich movement, a man named Travis Leich. However, they discover that his ultimate goal was not to establish a Fourth Reich in America, but rather to create a new world order in which the Nazis would rule alongside a chosen few. Leich had been working on a secret project called "The Stormy Night," which involved creating a virus that would selectively kill people based on their genetic makeup.
The hunters realize that they must stop Leich's plan, and they launch a daring raid on his compound to destroy the virus and stop him once and for all. However, they are ambushed by a group of Nazis, and several of the hunters are killed in the ensuing battle. In the end, it is revealed that one of the hunters, Millie Morris, is actually a former Nazi who had been working undercover for the FBI. She had been tasked with infiltrating the hunters' group and gathering information on their activities.
The season ends with the remaining hunters mourning their fallen comrades and vowing to continue their mission to bring justice to the victims of the Holocaust and prevent the rise of a new Nazi regime. However, they are left wondering who they can trust and what other secrets may be lurking among their ranks. The final scene shows Millie Morris watching a video of her daughter, who she had thought was dead, and realizing that her former Nazi colleagues had been keeping her alive. The season ends on a cliffhanger, leaving viewers eager to see what happens next.
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simpingforthehunt · 4 years
There's a lack of Hunters (Amazon Prime) fanfiction and I really love this show, so I thought I'd create a blog completely dedicated to it.
Guidelines for sending in fic requests are pinned on my profile, so please check it out if you want to send something in!
I'm Jewish myself so I may post my personal thoughts on the show some point soon?
We'll see!
Currently working on a Jonah x OC fic that follows the end of season 1 (with a few changes within canon because yikes) but it's still in the early stages, so I don't know how long it'll be.
Once again, we'll see! I'm in the process of finishing film school applications and I'm working on a fic for my other blog @theartofimaginaryfriends so I've gotten myself quite busy XD
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Im not defending Travis in any way, but him saying in the most superior, serious voice to the man he’s currently killing: “Hitler was 5’9. I’m 5’9 and a half” is unfortunately one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard
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shalommotherfucker · 4 years
I don't wanna sound aggressive or anything but, if you write/ have written any jonah x travis fic, I'll eat your kneecaps🥰
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sarcasmcloud · 4 years
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“Bullets on Mars, right? Underrated flick.” - Hunters s01e07
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klausbens · 4 years
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captmarble · 4 years
everytime i see travis onscreen all i see is bill skarsgard with massive fucking sideburns and that scares me a lot
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mytvjunk · 4 years
Take a drink every time someone says circle jerk
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anatanotegami · 4 years
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Travis Leich from Hunters
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morsabalt0 · 4 years
The fact that some people...... actually...... ship Jonah and Travis.............. are y'all ok???
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kaszz-216 · 4 years
Honestly that bowling alley scene was so epic. Travis was just ominous and I LOVED it. Logically I knew this was about Nazis, but I was still disappointed when I got confirmation.
Just let me have an unbiased villain please. I just want evil for the sake of evil.
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