#trese sona
the-lazyyy-artist · 3 years
*screams to the void*
After 3 Kambal x Reader drafts and research, I have made a ✨ trese sona ✨
actually i was inspired by @thepurplediwata 's persona, it was really cute! and I hope u like it...?
Here she is! I call her Elena, the Capizeña Aswang fighter, the one who is next in line. She was trained by her father, who was also trained by his father. Their bloodline's mission is to protect the whole province from the Aswangs who still wreak havoc in the mountains and far barangays.
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Her main weapon? A bolo knife that was passed down from generation to generation. It was made with the same coins that was collected by the townspeople to create the Dakung Lingganay or Big Bell in Sta. Monica Church in Panay, Capiz, and blessed by Father Jose Beloso. On the handle of the bolo knife, the word "Panay" is engraved in baybayin.
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The other weapons/tools she keeps close to her during a mission are the following:
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1. Bow and Arrow that was created especially for her. A wooden cross is attached on the top of the bow. His father gifted her this when she was 18 years old and she only uses this weapon when there's Wak-wak or Manananggal around the area.
2. A book of Spells. Her family has passed down this book from generation to generation, so expect it to be super old. They learned to perform spells to further kill or imprison an aswang.
3. Bawang. Yeah, her family is very, very old fashioned.
4. A bag of salt.
5. Holy water.
She's in her early 20's and is patrolling the whole province with the help of her sigbin friends. Also, she is aware of Alexandra's existence, since that his father (maybe) got acquainted with Carlos Trese. She also wanted to know Alexandra personally and ask her for new alternatives to just keep the monsters at bay and not kill them.
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manananggal · 3 years
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Name: Beata Cayadong Nickname: Atang/Bea/Bibi Race: manananggal Abilities: flight, stealth & agility; a keener sense of hearing and scent Quirks: currently works as one of The Diabolical’s staff; wants to be human; tries hard to either be vegetarian (ie - not eat humans) or to eat “ethically-sourced” meat; has the worst luck of falling for her boss’ eldest brother - carlos trese - a famous aswang hunter - after her saved her from getting kidnapped by a group of aswang; she's kikay personified! but don't let her catch you trying to take advantage of someone who's had too much to drink. the pink smoothie she's fond of isn't always strawberry.
She was found as a toddler and raised by a former mananabang (midwife) from Leyte named Eustiquia. The midwife is a middle-aged widow who didn’t have her own children, and her only companion is her dog named ‘Paghot’ (Bark - because he’s noisy!), and the villagers who would come to her for help. But Ekiang was then shunned by the community for raising a monster. The healer reasoned that Beata was nothing but a child - she was even christened by a priest from the next town - but the villager’s fears weren’t unfounded. Creatures of midnight are feared for a reason.
An opportunity to go to Manila came up, so Ekiang and Beata went to Manila and stayed with Ekiang’s sister. Ekiang was a hired help at an eatery ran by her sister's friend, while Bea - as she asked to be called since Atang sounds sooo probinsyana - attended the nearby public school and helped at the small restaurant during the weekends.
The story of how she met Alexandra Trese is honestly a ripoff of Promising Young Woman - only, unlike Cassie, Bea was able to get her revenge.
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gebo4482 · 3 years
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Trese by Borg Sinaban / Sona Sargsyan
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the-lazyyy-artist · 3 years
there's this persona? trese persona? that i made while i was still planning abt a Kambal x reader fanfic where this persona was a Aswang fighter? killer? from *Capiz and that she was once trained by Carlos Trese.
(idk how this even works but meh another idea dumped on my drafts..)
maybe not as ferocious as Carlos but she can fight. lol. He taught her everything he could bc her province needed a protector due to the endless aswang incidents in many parts of the province.
this is the reason why i want to read the komiks bc i want to know more abt Carlos Trese. i know that this is really vague? maybe? but it's a nice idea. jok parang di ren.
*Capiz bc man I'm a Capizeña and this place is "known" to have a lot of aswangs lol and the time i stay for a year in MNL, they would always be surprised im from Capiz and would ask if there really are aswangs like??? yes and it's me. lol.
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the-lazyyy-artist · 3 years
After asking everyone, I decided to create an rp twitter acct for my Trese Sona, Elena.
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would u like to interact with me? kahit medjo kumakapa pa ako kung paano ba 'to HAHAHA omg it's really crazy because of all the fandoms that I was in sa buong buhay ko, dito lang ako nakakagawa ng OC at RP acct. 🥺
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