ciao-bye · 1 year
No one touch me, I'm absolutely enraged with how Banana Fish ended
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it's so funny that people find buying gifts for me so hard
if everyone in my life bought me a steam voucher of any amount for my birthday, i would be thrilled
if you went into an odds and ends shop and got me the weirdest thing you could find i'd be thrilled
if you bought me anything with frogs or snakes or crabs or insects or weird little guys i'd be thrilled
if you got me any form of candy, any chocolate, any snacks, anything edible i'd be PUMPED
if you got me a ticket to the zoo or the aquarium or the wildlife sanctuary or the butterfly place or anything with creatures i'd be thrilled
if you got me anything generally useful like a frying pan or a couple of forks or some plastic storage containers or a cup or anything i'd be THRILLED, i'm a young adult, i need to gather that shit
if you got me flowers i'd be CHARMED
it's so funny that people are like ugh i dunno...what do women like? beauty products! clothing voucher! i appreciate it but i'm telling you, just go weird or edible firstly, secondly books or video games, lastly experience or useful and you've nailed my interests
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catgirlexplosion · 8 months
gyros rule because when you get one you're like "yeah i can take this no problem" and then a minute in everything is falling apart and messy and there's tzatziki sauce and grease dribbling down your chin while you struggle to fit it completely into your mouth now that you're halfway through it
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animeshotsh · 8 months
Chains P2 | Yandere!Alastor x Overlord!Reader x Brother!Husk
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Notes: I havent seen the season finale so this may have OOC characters/events/ canon divergence in terms of time.
Warnings: Yandere!Alastor | mentions of blood, fight, violence, cursing | Mentions of Alastor eating habits | grammar mistakes |
Tags: @lorkai
Staying at the hotel has proved to be both, good and bad. Good, because you got to be with your brother everyday, feeling his soul so close made your mood improve a lot. When in the past you would be more cruel, angry and always hissing now you found a part of yourself you thought you had lost. Smiling and purring (the last only with Husk), its was a good Change. You also could see the good the Hotel was making in your Brother. Now sober and less grumpy towards others. Showing sings of trust and affection.
Now the bad, or terrible was that Alastor was always around.
His shadows could not mix with yours thanks to your power, but they would follow you and then tell Alastor where you were. And Alastor knowing how much you hated him would appear, calling you "sweet" nicknames that made you give him the death stare.
On Alastor part he was trhilled to have you so close and without having to do something for it. He never undertood why you cared for Husk so much but he took it for his advantage, he knew you would not try to pick up a fight with him because of your brother. And seeing you, your eyes showing just how much you wanted nothing more to destory him but could not made him feel things he was not sure what they were but the feeling was not an unpleasent one.
Husk prepared himself an early drink only for it to be snached form his hands. A glass of milk now replacing it.
He shoot an annoyed look but still decided to drink the milk, he took notice of the fish sandwich you have made for him too.
Oh, you could be so sweet.
"You need Real food" you simply stated, crossing your arms "I can just smell how bad you have been taking care of yourself"
"Im fine, you dont have to worry" Husk dismissed. He did not want you to find out how truly fucked he had been.
"Oh~ I would not say that!! As your owner I had to stand your smell and poor hehaviour. Its nice to have a sweet sister to be around right?" Alastor spook towering over Husk them appearing besides you. "A sister who's soul its tainted but has such a good smell and so powerfull" Alastor was salivating by now "I wonder if you teast such as good as you look my Dear! No other overlord could compare to-" Alastor was stopped when a very pissed Husk trow the rest of the milk towards his face.
"Stop talking about my sister"
"And what did you just do" The voice of Alastor changed, its shadow getting bigger. His eyes now a deep black with no emotion with his clawns being out and ready to attack Husk.
"I say, dont, talk, about, my, sister," Husk responded his love for you overcoming his fear of Alastor's power. He could crush his soul if he wanted.
In response Alasto's shadow started to grow, his teet got sharper, horns bigger as well as his claws and body. His eyes now a deep black with pupils like radio ones. A green chain appear, showing how Alastor owned Husk's soul.
"My, my, looks like I have left you be too free in here" Alastor sinister voice said pulling Husk towards him who tried to remain emotionless.
"Maybe I should show you what happens when you missbehave" Two claws went for Husk's left eyes ready to pull it out. "Maybe I should pull this thing out and eat it. Let you see how truly bad I can be" he half joked.
Before anything could happen Alastor was pushed hard away from Husk by you. Your own true Demon form now on display. You got bigger, your wings now with a sharp end as well as your tail, your eyes just like Alastor deep black with no pupil. You got two pointed horns as well. And your hands were now with black furr, red claws out.
"Dont fucking dare to hurt my brother" you roared sending off your poker cards to cut off the black tentacles Alastor had called.
He smirked, pulling out his shadows to try and get you down only for them to be vanish when a sudden fire erupet from your hands.
"My dear! This is New, I never know you could control fire!" Alastor said pretty much now into the battle with you forgetting Husk.
A wall was crashed as you two rolled outside the hotel, getting everybody's attention.
Alastor ended on top of you a tentacle firm around your neck, however one of your poker cards was against his neck. Just one move from any of you and both of you would be dead.
"WHAT IS THIS" A very Angry Charlie called, besides her Vaggie came looking just as angry.
Alastor smirked letting you got, going back to his usual form as you did as well.
"Ah Charlie! This was just a small fight between old Friends" Alastor said moving his hand to repair the wall.
"SMALL? You two broke a wall" Vaggie called getting just a smirk from Alastor and a blush from you.
"Im sorry, this wont happen again" you promised seeing Alastor from the corner of your eyes.
"It better not, or you are out" Vaggie finally called. In reality she would prefer for you to stay and Alastor to leave but she knew that saddly they needed the radio Demon in the hotel.
As night fell you went to Alastor's room, knocking with Force the door opened revealing himself with a fake suprised look.
"(Y/N) I was not expecting you"
"Lets get to the Point. What can I give an no. Not my soul so you wont hurt my brother"
"Well, you need to know it was his fault" he started getting a hiss from you. "Can you blame me? He trow milk at me, my suit was ruined"
"We both know you were looking for a reaction out of him. Just tell me what you want"
Alastor seemed to think, you were proud and firm. Too proud to negotiate your soul. Even if you loved your brother you knew it would not change much. Sure, Husk would be free but how free? He could very much try and give his soul back to get yours out of Alastor's hand.
"Well, what I was saying was true. I wish to know if you teast as good as you look" he smirked taking your chin in his hand " you might have something to give me"
Alastor stood in his room. Carefully drinking from a tea cup with a black liquid inside. Besides it a full bottle with the same liquid was.
He closed his eyes, feeling the flavor of your blood. If your blood was like this what would your flesh be like? Could he ever dream on getting a bite from you?
And why did he find the small fight against you so....he had no words. He felt alive full of something he could not understand.
Oh, he had to get your soul somehow. No matter how.
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fluffyotters · 2 months
People often Misunderstand Dabi's hatred for his dad. It's not because he's abusive
The thing a lot of people confuse is that while Dabi/Touya hated Endeavor, he didn't hate him because he was (physically) abusive to others! Touya does hate Endeavor not because dad was abusive but because he stopped paying attention to him at all and thought he was replaced! Touya hates him because of how much he loves and loved him. He wanted to be like him and to be admired by his dad forever and when he took that away clumsily trying to stop Touya from hurting himself by ignoring him that was even worse. Dabi himself would encourage people to hate on Endeavor for any reason because he wants to make his dad suffer but he does not care about abuse which is what a lot of Dabi apologia and people who fan him (inaccurately) has that he hates his abusive father because he was abuisve. DABI/TOUYA DOES NOT for that reason. Enji was a terrible parent in the past as is known with Shouto and treating his wife Rei and ignoring his non quirk kids Fuyumi and Natsuo, but he was not a terrible parent to Touya until he started ignoring him. In fact while one can assume his training methods can be difficult and Shouto hated them for sure (he was a young kid what the heck) and it's possible that they got harder, but Touya is the kid who will set himself ablaze of his own choice in training so that pain would be nothing to him.
The one person Dabi truly loves and hates is Enji. He wanted his love and attention and if he can't have that he will destroy his father as well as everything he loves including his family until there is nothing left to distract him from him. Using Enji's abuse was only ammo for him! He fully admits Endeavor abused his family because it means nothing to Dabi/Touya. He confesses to kiling more than 30 people (probably because he doesn't know the exact number and lost count after that because it probably is more than 30) because it means nothing to him. This was solely a film to bring down his father Endeavor's reputation at the worst possible time with a double whammy one-two punch of not only ruining his dad's reputation but everyone's view of heroes at the same time with Hawks killing Twice (edited to seem in cold blood). Being a hero is what his dad loved so much, more than him that Dabi made sure to completely destroy the trust people had in all heroes and to make the people dad saved turn against and hate him. See if Touya actually cared about the "abuse" he could have ended Endeavor's reputation and career at any moment. And secretly holding that over his head without him knowing was a trhill for a little while. But all he had to do was well, make such a video before and show a dna test and he could have made everyone very aware that he Endeavor's dead son was alive and that his dad was contrary to his saving the public, horrible to his family. And with it being multiple figures and the clear evidence of him and Shouto being damaged, his wife having been hospitalized, and his children having difficutly with him it would have had actual ramifications. He could have pulled Shouto out. He could have reconected with Natsuo. But he doesn't. Because he doesn't care about that or them except as ammo to hurt his dad. Had things gone differently he would have never said a thing. He worshipped the ground his dad walked on. And as he makes clear with Shouto he doesn't care about Natsuo almost dying when the villain he sent almost killed him despite them having had a past good relationship. All Dabi thought was imagine what Endeavor would think if he died. And Touya had wanted to be back in Shouto's place. Not anymore now, but how dare Shouto have everything he wanted and not appreciate it. Shouto wanted to save hsi brother, Touya wanted nothing more than to destroy him, dad, or both whether to kill Shouto and/or die with him to hurt his dad, or kill his dad directly. And nothing justifies what Dabi does. One could at least understand him wanting to kill his dad, even if that is extreme, Shouto did too and S1-3 it would have been understandable. However, killing lots of random people villains and civillains that have absolutely nothing to do with them is not at all proportional or understandable. And he has zero guilt or remorse and he burns them with fire, an extremely painful excruciating death. They probably don't live long witb how hot his fire is if they don't have a heat resistant skin or quirk (and such people actually gave him trouble fighting) but otherwise it's still a very horrible way to die. He views them all as mere practice kindling and trash to be taken care of and entertainment. People were nothing more than tools in his quest to hurt Endeavor. He loves these random people more than him being their hero? Then let them burn. He doesn't genuinely care whether hero society is corrupt or not. After all, he has no problem with killing solely to spite his dad. He doesn't care about the villains and downtrodden and they were only ever a vehicle to help him enact his eventual revenge in the meanwhile. And readily willing and acting to kill his own family. There was no reason to go after Natsuo and Rei, or Shouto but even allowing extreme leniency understanding that trying to kill his dad and the brother who replaced him is understandable, there is no reason to go after Natsuo and Fuyumi and Rei. Other than that is solely to hurt his dad which is not remotely justifiable.
He got Twice killed and while he says he didn't want Twice to die, if only because he would have helped with his revenge, he very readily had the video made which is extremely convenient. Stupidly reckless of Dabi to let Hawks that close if he actually wanted Twice to survive but on the other hand, he very well could have been saying what Hawks and the others expected to hear. Dabi somehow obtains Twice's blood for Toga later and it just raises even more questions of how and when did he get that? Did he ask for it and just store it for later? (Which weird if he wasn't actually planning this beforehand). I don't see how he would have got enough to be actually in a container for Toga to use that would still be viable if it hadn't been planned for. And he just sat on it until she was emotionally vulnerable and sad and goes here use this. This wasn't about helping her grieve this was getting her even more murder serious and to stop messing about with the heroes. But there is only a small amount of time where they knew that Toga could further copy powers before Twice died so Dabi having it on hand is extremely suspicious since Toga had no idea he had it. And after him helping her and seeming a friend (which he truthfully denies and says only is for his own benefit) h gives her a way to have Twice back and honor him.
Dabi is a very manipulative and cruel And the third most evil in the series after AFO and Overhaul just ahead of Muscular because Touya is smarter, didn't get caught repeatedly and while Muscular is cruel and sadistic and takes great delight in it, Touya is readily willing to hurt and kill his own family and the people he supposedly cares about for the sole singular focused purpose of punishing Endeavor. Dabi is living purely off the extreme rage and focused obsession to make his dad pay that even as his body wounds should have killed him he's still living just to make it happen. Even AFO backed off from even remotely trying to use him as a replacement from the sheer passionate singular depths of Dabi's rage made him unable to be controlled unlike Shigaraki generic molded hatred which passionate but focused on nothing but destroying making it easier for him to take over. And Dabi chose to be like this to deliberately murder and kill people and use them as mere tools. He chooses to continue it over and over living solely out of hatred and spite. This was not created by Endeavor, this is on Touya. People try to blame Enji for creating Dabi which is not true. Did he mess Touya up? Absolutely. Emotional neglect hurts. He would be obsessed with his dad in any form naturally and he would be guilty of that. But Enji is not responsible for Dabi murdering people and becoming a genuine villain. He is not responsbile for Touya going if he won't see me I'll destroy everything he loves. And not responsible for Touya trying to murder his family. He played a role by giving anf taking away love and not getting his clearly agitated unstable son help and absolutely could have done better and is seeking atonment but it is on Toyua all the deeds he had done. And before people say the abuse messed him up, most people do not become serial killers and mass murderers from abuse. (It can contribute but also many were never mistreated or abused at all that do). All it points is that tragedy happens to everyone and that then the personal choice and how to react comes in. Especially since this was emotional neglect not physical abuse. There is a big difference and yes emotional can hurt just as much it wouldn't have turned him into full blown evil like that if he hadn't chosen to be. There were so many ways he could have done a screw you dad look at me without going I'm going to burn you and everything you love to the ground and kill a lot of people along the way. Like I saw a hilarious post about Dabi instead of going okay murder, becoming an All Might Fan and buying all the All Might merchandise such that its everywhere and Endeavor absolutely could not have missed it. And that is the type of petty energy that unironically would have probably worked at getting his dad back to get him to look at him and interact again. (or he could have ignored it as Enji could be disciplined but it would definitely be drving him bonkers so win-win). But even from a young age Touya was obsessive about his dad that he tries to kill Shouto as a baby from the thought of being replaced.
I love Dabi as a villain but it is difficult to see so many blame Enji and abuse for Dabi's choices as if he had no agency in it. And while Dabi would definitely for the public blame Endeavor too, he wanted nothing more for than him to notice and once to always see him and now to make him the only thing Endeavor has by hurting him destroying everything he loves including ultimately himself. Because Dabi love/loved him. And could really care less if he or Enji hurt them as long as it's only him and his dad.
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featuring: what is love?
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quinloki · 1 year
Quin! Say there was a contest to raise money for charity in the op universe & the way they go about raising said money is through tasteful pinup pictures. In your opinion, which op guy do you think would have the best pics or who do you think would pull in the most cash?
Tasteful, Quin, TASTEFUL.
I mean, tasteful or not Kid is made for this sort of thing. He's going to be such a fucking ham about it too. I think some surprising runner ups would be...
Law - he would;d not be trhilled but! he's got a great build for it, and the tattoos aren't taking away anything.
Marco too - that fineapple's fruit gives him an unfair advanetage - but he's got flawless skin for starters, and you know he's got like, some sort of ballet build and he's mad flexible (fuck me asIasdasdlkadnjflas I'd go so broke). just lemme lick those abs... please
Usopp would do solidly too - he's not my blorsobs - but he's enough of a ham and he likes the attention, so he'd give a good go of it
The suirpsing upset htough, would be from Doflamingo.
Cause he'd come in and like actually put in effort in his appearance and poses and, I'm so sorry boys, but he's got the body and the Charisma.
(Oh maybe Coby's the real unexpected upset >.> that glow up, and that innocent vibe he's got <.< )
Sir Crocodile wouldn't rank cause he wouldn't volunteer.
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swooshywoo · 2 years
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what a trhill….
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oscarparadela · 2 years
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Trhills Series: Submission by Oscar Paradela
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drkoestersmithrpg · 2 years
I had a Starker dream.
And, beause it was a DREAM, it was awful.
But it was so EPIC I think I’ll have to post about it on Tumblr
(But I ALWAYS wake up thinking ALL my dreams are epic, so I am telling you first.  Later I might read it and decide it’s not so awesome.)
So - I was Peter Parker.  all the adventures were over and everybody had settled down.  Tony and Pepper were off living their lives.  I happened to be at ONE of their houses, not one they were nessessarily at right that second.  I was invited to go work out in the newest, fanciest gym, which is why I was in his house.
And that’s when I found out that Tony knew about my Epic Starker Fanfic.
Because I had written an Epic Starker Fanfic.  Multi-chapters, with other characters and plot and twists and a trhilling conclusion.  Something like The Thing That Lives Under The Bed, but not an AU.  It was about our real life adventurs.  There was a LOT of sex in it, because of course there was, as well as a long emotional arc.  I had used actual things that we had actually been through, and added a lot of analysis on how Tony’s expieriences affected the decisions he made (you know, romantically, like when he pushed people away)and how that informed his emotional journey.  To the epic conclusion where we wound up together.
It was a novel.  What can I say?  Everyone else settled down and got on with th their lives.  I wrote a Starker Novel.
Now my brain was on fire.  Had Tony really READ the whole thing?  (Probably, he reads very fast.)  What did he THINK?  Did he feel like it was an invasion of privacy?  (Hard to say, he was Tony Stark AND Ironman.  Ficiton had been written about him for decades now.)  More importantly, DID HE RECOGNIZE THE PARTS that only I could have known about?  Was he focused on the intamacy (this novel was MORE like “The Perils of Dating Tony Stark” than “Thing.”  Lots and lots and lots of casual sex, then epic sex, right up until the conclusion where they decide to be together.)  Or was he reading the analysis of his emotional state and his behavior?  What would he think about that?  How would he react now that he knew (or at least, now that he could confirm) how I felt about him?
I couldn’t have these thoughts while riding a Very Lame Stationary Bycicle, so I retreated into a dark room.
Tony’s bedroom.
I REALLY needed to think about the part where Tony had read all the hawt!Starker scenes that I had slaved over for so long.  Even if we nevre wound up together, even if our friendship was never anything but platonic, it was still HUGE that he had read those scenes.  It was a type of intimacy, in it’s own way.  
I REALLY wanted to stay in that dark room, in Tony’s bedroom, to think about it.
Problem was, it was dark in this narrow bedroom because it was dark outside.  But now it was daytime and I realized that the walls were ALL GLASS (because of course they were) and people could see inside.  The room was on the second floor of The House That Was Famously Tony Starks House and not only COULD people walking by look up to look into the room, they DID ON A REGULAR BASIS to see who had been staying at the Tony Stark house.  Who was the guest?  Was it someone famous?  I fled.
Many stilly unrealted dream-like things happened, all getting inbetween my quest to find out WHAT Tony knew, if he even knew I had written the fic at all, and if he had even really read it or had already dismissed the whole thing and forgotten about it.
Then two younger people we both knew came up to me, teasing me about the romance I had written about me and Tony.  Stonefaced, I denied I had ever written such a thing.
It was easy to deny.  They were holding a published book.  With professional art on the cover.  *I* hadn’t written a book.  I had written a fanfic novel on Ao3.  Under my Ao3 name.
Their faces fell.  They mentioned a woman’s name... something like Ashleighiy or Brayidenn or something like that.  “Ashleighiy/Brayidenn told us YOU had written it,” they confessed.  
That’s when it hit me.
I HAD told Ashleighiy/Braidenn about my story.  And she had stollen it.  Stollen it, and written it up as her own, putting her name in it, and published it.  Now it was selling as a I Slept With Tony Stark tell-all book.  Because of course she did.
Now I was REALLY confused.  There were things in that story that ONLY TONY AND I WOULD KNOW and I couldn’t guess how much of that translated into her tell-all book.  I went searching Tony’s other-house for answers.
Inside, I naturally realized that OF COURSE Tony and Pepper’s house didn’t consist of a gym and a narrow bedroom.  OF COURSE their house was huge and opulant.  I passed through a kitchen where 12 dogs and one cat slept.  (That made me rethink ANY idea of Tony and I ever getting together.  Tony and Pepper were an established couple.  Still, I really wanted to have a conversation with him about the novel I had written about the two of us.)
Then I found it.
Tony had (because of course Tony had a lot of money) bought the EXPENSIVE set of Ashleighiy/Brayidenn’s book.  Which included PICTURES.
In plain brown wrappers.  Each chapter included glossy pictures in a plain brown wrapper.
Because Ashleighly/Braidenn was a playboy model.  Because of course she was.  And she had millions of professional photos of herself to chose from.  When you bought the super expensive set of her book, you got the glossy photos of her from her playboy centerfold days as well.
This is when the dream turned sour.
I opened one envelope only to find all the moodboards for my Ao3 epic novel.
Because I had printed out the entire book.  Along with the moodboards (that I had made?  I guess Peter Parker could probably figure out how to make good moodboards.)  
I realized, right then and there, I was going to have to burn the whole thing.  Pictures and all.  Deleate it from Ao3.  It was terrible to see all that work dissapear, but that was what I had to do.
That’s it.  Then end.  I see AT LEAST two Starker fics that could be written from this - Peter getting jealous when Tony talks to a former playboy model that he famously banged - Tony finding Peter’s fanfic and confessing that Peter had him dead to rights - he WAS emotionally closed off beause of all the things Peter write about... but I don’t have much writing time in my future.
UNLESS I publish what I just wrote.
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mozukumi · 5 years
klavier gavin lookbook
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lebrookestore · 3 years
brooke ... i'm seriously considering going off anon just so you can read my live reaction (although i don't know if that's okay with you) ... although i think i blew it up already??? 💀
- 🍊
NO BESTIE YOU CAN GO OFF ANON I WOULD BE SO HAPPY TO SEE YOUR LIVE REACTION???? and uh- you overestimate my thinking skills i still dont know who you are JKSDFJKJKDF but omg only if you're comfortable with it okay?
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disccover · 6 years
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Ssaliva — Sync Thrills ( 2012 ) 
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berrychanx · 2 years
People must have the idea I hate the original, I don't, but I can see it's a work with flaws and the remake is filling in those flaws (at least in my point of view)
One example:
I loved how Minto in a way didn't care much if Zakuro didn't join, she was still gonna try and protect her And that's what made zakuro changer her mind.
Even the hug scene in the remake felt like they were more close
Purin is glomping zakuro, even minto is hugging zakuro, she’s so happy, trhilled, she acted without thinking, while in the original she’s like oh she joined us <3 gotta respect her personal space
So far the only thing i miss from the original is Ishino direction and the watercolors
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There will be times where I think the original did better, like for example them side by side with their RDA. But for to happen will have to wait for this season to end
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moonniu · 3 years
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andydona-chan · 3 years
28. - Insects
Jazz, look what I found!!! Because of course Danny and Elle would do this. I bet Jazz is not too fond of insectos or worms, but being the first time she found so many, maybe Elle would be trhilled to show her, and probably Danny is laughing right behind Jazz.
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