#trial summary
sillywolffoxwrites · 7 months
29th of Nightal, 1368 - Day 161, Hour 20
TRIAL SUMMARY ACCUSER: Duke Silvershield DEFENDANT: Aurelia, "Hero of Baldur's Gate" CRIME: The murder of Skie Silvershield RULING: On account of possessing the murder weapon, being at the scene of the crime, and furthermore being a bhaalspawn, we find the defendant GUILTY
SENTENCE: Imprisonment until permanent decision.
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demigod-shenanigans · 2 months
The fact that there’s a handful of “Jason Grace ends up in Hotel Valhalla”-fics is extremely entertaining to me purely based on how possible it is? You don’t have to have any connection to Norse mythology to go to HV after you die. Mortals can end up there. That’s an established thing. Nothing states that you can’t end up there just because you’re the kid of a god from a different pantheon.
The only requirements for ending up in Hotel Valhalla are dying bravely and with a weapon in your hand, both of which apply to Jason. Maybe one of the valkyries saw his lightning powers and assumed he was a Thor kid.
Jason has no idea how he keeps ending up on pantheon crossover of the week, but he’d really like to get off that show, please and thank you.
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sid-sn · 3 months
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My Darling Irene
my Irene headcanons below cuz someone asked <3
all interpretations of characters are my own and it’s not historical or canonical accurate, will change based on the future canon updates
contains certain explicit content so please see the tags, outlast itself is a warning tbh
According to the voicelines she’s drugged and hypnotized by her husband and most of the time is just a very obedient trad wife. But they also mentioned she would argue with Easterman and wants to leave him after discovering he’s been drugging her. So in my headcanon her mental state is very unstable, she’s drifting in and out of the drugs effects, she’s not entirely lost and is constantly fighting against the manipulation of her husband.
But as the time settings is in the 1960s so the general environment is pretty misogynistic. She’s confused about the social role of a woman that she often questions wether this abusive marriage is expected to be normal or she’s going insane. (That’s when Avellanos comes in and change her entire worldview with lesbians sex)
As for the self harm wounds that’s solely because Easterman loves to have power over ppl so he makes her harm herself under drugs or hypnosis. (according to his conversation with Wernicke I assume he’s repulsed at hetero sex, probably because of his own gender dysphoria. So yes that misogynistic freak gets off to her pain is hardly a surprise) Irene usually doesn’t remember the process, so she mistaken those are because of her own alcoholism and depression. She hates herself and those wounds, would use bandages to hide them.
I headcanon she comes from a decent wealthy family, provided her with enough sense of self and knowledge but not enough to let her see beyond the social gender discipline. She met Easterman and his brother Stanley in high school, their relationship is kind of like the langermanns and Jessica situation in O2. Stanley secretly had a crush on her but unfortunately Irene only views him as a friend back then, too blinded by the feigned maturity of Hendrick and her family probably favors Hendrick over Stanley’s soft and pessimistic personality anyway. Both of the brothers are not mentally stable as they both grow up in an abusive household, unlike Hendrick who is good at hiding his fucked up mentality Stanley is very aware of his inability to provide her with a healthy relationship, but still he cares for Irene deeply. She later developed some feelings for Stanley after she’s stuck in the terrible marriage.
But then again we know too little about the brothers, the whole Easterman family is a giant mess. To elaborate on my headcanons on Easterman’s family will take another wall of text so I will skip that here, but I’m also very interested in that topic.
Anyway we know what happened to Stanley next(actually we don’t) Irene is absolutely devastated, would often see him in her dreams and drugs induced hallucinations. Sometimes Stanley appears to her in an unspeakable way(my explanation for the uniform kink, that police line is irrelevant to me idc), she’s terrified of her own infidelity but it’s a comfort to her nonetheless. She’d see him appearing as a corpse sometimes but he’d never been scary to her. Everything about Stanley is a comfort compared to her reality.
Her feelings regarding her husband is mixed. Deep down she hates his guts but the environment around her is making it impossible for her to leave, so her mind would probably develop a self protect mechanism that’s build around the fond memories with him before marriage, which leads to her thinking she still loves her husband. Also the drugs and hypnosis aren’t helping.
In conclusion she’s not a blank trad wife character to me, and I don’t think that’s what red barrels wanted her to be either.
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noisytenant · 1 month
around mid to late 2021 i felt really down on myself because my drawing coherence deteriorated. my lines were shaky and jagged, my handwriting illegible. i felt ashamed, like i lost something important, and i worried if it would ever come back.
without really realizing that the reasons i was having a hard time drawing were:
Covid Happening
Going to art school in 2020 for a semester during Covid Soft Reopening and having no social contacts and taking 5 studio classes when you shouldn't take more than 3. while still having undiagnosed hypersomnia so i was sleeping through most of my free time. And most of the rest of it was spent jacking off to be quite frank
Spending spring 2021 semester in a two-house Covid Pod with like 9 people total and 2 dogs, one of whom was acquired early covid and had bitten the face of another one of my housemates in the fall. and i was dating one of my housemates. we were not dating by the end of the semester
My classmate/friend killing himself
My grandmother dying (like less than 2 weeks before i was gonna move out anyways)
Struggling to get a summer job and then cancelling it because I realized I was going to have a mental breakdown and spending the summer at home with my mom, where I had a different kind of mental breakdown
Realizing I had complex post-traumatic stress disorder
Realizing I wanted to write about evilsex while being in online spaces hostile to that
Starting to return to the idea that I was a system
Entering my senior year of college
I mean really when you put it that way, is it really any wonder i couldn't get my hands to move how i wanted them to. I think it's funny how I could recognize some of those factors but I still felt really down on myself. When you're deep In It you don't always realize the bigger picture.
Nowadays I can draw again. I will say that my output isn't really what it used to be, but a lot of that is the stress and responsibility of my independent life. Trying to trust that it will level out too.
i hope if anyone reading this is struggling with feeling like they've lost something valuable, that they will find the perspective to realize why they are where they're at and to trust that it will return
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goldiipond · 9 months
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tpn is definitely one of the longest fixations i've had in a very long time, these kids mean soo much to me and have helped me branch out with my art in really fun ways. i'm really happy with where my style is now, and heres to another year of drawing the same damn anime characters <3
2022 | 2021 | 2020
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beauzos · 4 months
i like doing research and reading books for novel research but sometimes i'm just like UGH. it was easier for me to start SOBR without knowing every detail because i was already familiar with the American West in this era but i don't know shit about Gilded Age New York for SOBR 2 so i have to do more background research to start it.
i have a cool coffee table book about the history of the NY Gilded Age so i'm gonna check that out though. i also have a huge tome of NYC history called Gotham but i'll probably just read the bits that are relevant to me.
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cuplague · 9 months
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no way i finish another piece (or like it as much as this one) for december so happy Art Wrapped ^_^
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A Summary of my vampire!AU WIP:
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(Link to the specific remix I’m listening to.)
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mimi-croissant · 2 years
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hella1975 · 1 year
bagged a trial shift at a new pub just for my manager to immediately put on facebook if anyone wants an extra shift on wednesday. he knows what im doing
#he said GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE RN#lmfaoooo the notif came through literally as i put the phone down i was like 😳😳😳#like that 'CONNOR' tiktok audio like no king im not doing anythinggg haha wdym#anyway im a bit annoyed that the first place to get back to me from my applications was this one#bc im pretty sure their pay is still minimum wage and also my cousin worked a trial shift there once#and not only did they not pay him but they also never called him back or even emailed to politely turn him down#literally just used him for free labour and that was that#word of warning from a very tired waitress if ur thinking about starting: always take trial shifts with a pinch of salt#if the trial shift is longer than 2 hours they really really should be paying you and if they dont the odds are you got mugged off#also the woman on the phone after i said i worked at the place i currently work at was like 'and do you still work there?' SHE KNOWS#and when i said yes she was like 'would you be willing to leave?' HOW CAN I BE TWO-TIMING BOTH OF YOU RN#LYING TO ONE JOB ABOUT SEEKING ANOTHER JOB LYING TO THE NEW JOB ABOUT LEAVING THE OLD ONE COME ON NOW#IM NOT BUILT FOR THESE LAYERS#but yeah summary here is i have a shift at my actual place on wednesday (thank god i havent had work in over a fucking WEEK)#and i have a trial shift at a new place where i'll most likely be offered a job. life is picking up#ALSO i have enough money to change my america flights bc basically something came up with that and i need to change my return flight#and i was originally rlly worried bc the change cost was £161 and that piled onto my current no-shifts stress was Not Fun#but ive been working a lot for my mum and i got paid for the shifts i HAVE done and it all kinda fell together anyway#the way everything is sorting itself today within the same HOUR yet ive been stressing about these things for days now#hella goes home#hella slaves to capitalism
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oh god whoops it's 1am
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nero-neptune · 2 years
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i think this year’s art vs artist ended up pretty alright!
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azirafag · 1 year
yaaay hemlock knowledge for all! iirc those purple spots on poison hemlock specifically are sometimes called socrates’ blood, since he was executed with an infusion of it
very sexy to have that as part of what he’s remembered for. one can only dream of leaving behind such a rich legacy of ingesting poison and being very annoying
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starcloud-nova · 1 year
i picked up jodi picoult's the pact again and the book just Wasn't Clicking for me and i looked up the wikipedia summary and i was like wow okay. glad i did not read this book.
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jessica-writes22 · 2 years
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Heyy guys I saw @bardic-tales do a similar post to this and thought it was a fantastic idea, and way to wrap up 2022! Thank you everyone for taking the time to read my writing, and sharing theirs with me. I love reading other people s work and seeing the vast amount of talent and creativity in this community! I'm looking forward to seeing what 2023 brings!
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Before I joined Tumbler I had a really rough idea for Trials of Avaidia. I didn't really have anything planned out just rough ideas of characters and how I wanted it to include magic and my favourite components from my favourite books! Once I joined tumbler tho, I was able to connect with so many people and I expanded my idea to what it is now.
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Throughout this year I was able to develop the sins more especially Lyssa and Kian and all of their relationships. I also added a gay Pirate named Carlos, an evil pirate guy and Lyssas assassin boss (both of which i need to finish working on figuring out). I was able to create and develop the Avaidian Fates, and work out the plot holes in Fear! And I created some of the Dukes and Duchesses of Hell!!!
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One of the biggest developments this year was in my worldbuilding! Thanks to all of you, through your asks, ideas, and overall just creativity in your own WIPS! I was able to create a banking/currency system, I finally figured out the 14 kingdoms in my wip, and I created traditions and customs for some of those kingdoms along with food.
Additionally, the Magic system was fully re-constructed. I have 6 classes of magic; Fighting, Healing, Everyday Uses, Teaching, Ancient, and Fear. Along with the sins and virtues' specific abilities. Each of these types of magic was further broken down into different uses, spells, consequences and who specializes in it.
I was also able to work on the different politics, creatures, objects, holidays, and education system (which is divided into 6 academies)
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Throughout this year I met so many wonderful people like @bloodlessheirbyjacques, @the-void-writes, @catharticallysarcastic, @bardic-tales, @verba-writing, @sculpture-in-a-period-drama, @writerfae, @from-midnight-with-love and so so many more!
I am so glad I am able to read your works and interact with you all. Your creativity continues to inspire me! And I look forward to what 2023 brings for you all!
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To wrap this all up my plans for 2023 are to continue working on Trials of Avaidia and hopefully finish it up (I'm a little over halfway done!) Then get it edited and hopefully published someday! Also, I plan to draw a map for Avaidia, I have a rough sketch but maps aren't my strong suit lol
You guys can expect more worldbuilding posts, characters development, tag games, and small snippets
Thank you all for an amazing first year of Tumbler! Happy New Year!
And with that, the 2022 season comes to an end. Good night!
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